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!!dvxVDLLRZyd 02/18/12(Sat)23:12 No.18007262 File: 1329624749.jpg-(92 KB, 1440x810, 1325514148871.jpg)
 "Shush up kid, she's sleeping," you say immediately.
"Bb-bbubub-huuuhh," Sanya says, bursting into treats.
You blink and shake your head violently. Tears. Tears. She's weeping.
Fucking morphine. Fucks you up reeeal good.
You roll on over to Sanya and put a hand on her shoulder. "Everything's fine. Everybody's safe. It's over, Sanya. It's over, okay?"
"I shot Minna," she says, gasping. "I... I shot YOU...." she begins sobbing again, inconsolably, huge HIC HIC HICs racking her tiny frame as every ounce of breath goes into weeping.
You flick your finger against her forehead, hard, and grab her head, forcing her to look at you. "MINNA. IS. FINE," you say sternly. "Have you ever, ever, EVER tried to convince a German to change their opinion?"
She keeps on HIC'ing, but she manages to nod.
"Trust me, they've got the thickest skulls in the fucking animal kingdom. And you shot at her with a god-damned .32 caliber popgun. Would've done better to punch her, Christ."
"Bounced right off her thick skull. She's safe. I'm safe. YOU are safe, okay?"
Her lips trembling, tears pouring down her face, she shakes her head and begins to lose it again. You wrap your arms around her and hug her. Scooting out of your wheelchair, you sit with her on the little cot and you hug her for a good while. |