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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/22/12(Thu)20:35 No.18422014 File: 1332462943.jpg-(55 KB, 496x490, 1331698319948.jpg)
Inches - millimeters - away from an actual breakthrough and now this shit?
No. No. No, no, NO.
"ME!" you roar, poking Minna in the chest. "ME! What's it to ya!?"
"What's it-" Minna's hand blurs as she slaps you across the chops hard enough to make your head swim a little. "You've made my life a living HELL, you fucking bastard! Stirring the pot as we try to get some acceptance with regular forces - no, hell, KICKING the pot, you fucking Yankee cowboy!" She slaps you again, even harder this time, and through your daze you suspect she's using magic. "You land here, you turn everything upside-down, you set Barkhorn barking fucking mad, you get my girls worked up over men when they need to focus on fighting and *survival* and you spurn my authority at EVERY FUCKING TURN!" Minna's swelling with rage now, shaking you by your shirt lapels. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COMMAND RESPECT WHEN YOU FLAUNT MY AUTHORITY AT EVERY TURN, YOU FUCKING ANIMAL?"
"SHUT UP, FUCKER!' she screams and hurls you into the stone wall hard enough to make your back pop. "I've held together a unit full of girls and young women with more trauma then whole squadrons put together and I was doing fine until YOU came along! And now it's all going to shit! I hate you! I HATE YOU!"
Minna's hand flies towards your face again, but this time you block it - and automatically counterattack with a right cross. |