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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/22/12(Thu)22:52 No.18424146 File: 1332471127.jpg-(28 KB, 445x412, buzz aldrin opressing natives.jpg)
 You stumble and stutter shortly after you get out of the office, and soon you're running at full-tilt for your room in the dormitory wing as tears pour down your face. You shoulder your way through the door, fling it shut behind you hard enough to make it rattle in the frame, and collapse on the bed. You want to bury your face in the pillow, but there is none - the room is as stripped and as empty as you feel right now.
Right, because Minna is hell-bent on getting rid of you.
That last thought is one too many, and in the privacy of this empty room, in a cold, miserable castle thousands of miles from home, you let yourself cry. And cry, and cry.
Your little sister is going into the crucible of combat. All the trauma and fear and stress you've seen all these Witches in the 501st suffer - and now your little sister has to go through that hell.
What was the point of signing up, if they're going to take your sister, too? They try not to draft the youngest male of a family, lest they wipe out an entire family line, but oh no, she's a WITCH, she's too valuable. Men have to be eighteen to sign up, but Witches? They rob the fucking cradle, the fucking bastards, they rob her, they rob Robin, your sister, YOUR LITTLE SISTER and now they're going to fling her into hell. That was your job, to suffer, to fight the good fight to shield your family and your beloved sister from hell and they took it from you they TOOK her-
You scream into your folded arms, scream out your rage and your hate and fear and loathing and misery and weary terror, and at long last, sometime in the evening, you fall asleep. |