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02/20/10(Sat)02:22 No.8182988 File1266650528.png-(289 KB, 832x576, warlock quest scene two.png)
 FRUITY MCGAYGAY / DARKNIGHT TERROREVIL is now official FUCKING HUGE. Such is the blessing of KHURN. You are also filled with INEXPLICABLE THIRST for BLOOD.
Outside of your LAIR, the kingdom of GENERICA awaits. It is a verdant and green land with a prosperous agricultural economy. It is ruled by the just KING LEON, who has subdivided it into several fiefdoms ruled by various BARONS. Your LAIR is located on the fiefdom of BARON MALEFICO, a relatively sparsely populated fiefdom with only two villages of note, LOWER NETHER WALLOP and UPPER NETHER WALLOP. UNW is just outside your LAIR, while LNW is a day to the south. MALEFICO'S CASTLE is near LNW.
Your resources: HALF A ROBE. SAFE LAIR. FISTS OF FURY. Your spells: BLOOD STRIKE What do you do. |