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/tg/ - Traditional Games

I'm Elena Camellia di Marconetti, and I'm eight years old!

After a bunch of scary stuff happened, Papa decided to send me and my brother Emilio and my big sister Luciana to stay in Granache... Uncle Gregory and Reinhold and the others killed all of the bad guys who attacked us, but Papa said that they still don't know who sent them so it'd be safer down here.

And then Papa made Andreas stay back in Marconetti... Rana and Reya are nice and all, but I still miss Andreas.

Reinhold's here and Nicolette's girlfriend is here they're gonna watch me and Guillaume's duel!

This is gonna be fun!

Thread archive:

Character list + descriptions (in progress):

List and descriptions of the spells shown thus far:


Uncle Gregory's heading outside to get stuff ready (I guess he's gonna act as the ref?) and Aunt Ariane and Luciana are going back to the kitchen to finish cooking... Reya and Valerie are gonna keep on playing with Inaba until we get started I guess, and Reinhold's talking to Nicolette and her girlfriend.

"So are you looking forward to it?" Racquel asks me.
"Hm?" I turn to her. "Looking forward to what?"
"Your first time with Guillaume," she shrugs. "I know Valerie's super jealous that you actually g-OW!!"

Rana just hit her, but I dunno why.

"W- why'd you do that!?" Racquel yells at her.
"You know why, you little pervert," Rana replies, her arms crossed the way Mama does when she gets mad.
"I didn't mean anything bad by that, you stupid jerk! I meant that this is Guillaume's first DUEL and that Valerie's probably jealous that Elena gets to fight him since she doesn't know how to do sword stuff at all!"

And then she punches Rana in her leg and runs off to where Reya is.

"...dammit..." Rana sighs. "Don't go outside until I get back, okay?" she says, patting me on the head. "I gotta go apologize to her, I keep forgetting that she's still just a little kid."

Huh. Racquel usually has a weird smile on her face when Rana hits her, but I guess her feelings were actually hurt that time?

>follow Rana
>go bug Reinhold and Nicolette
>try and guilt Luciana into watching me fight
>Elena thread

Oh baby.


>try and guilt Luciana into watching me fight
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WOOOOOOOOOOO just finished the archive today and get to finally participate. I always saw PGQ whenever I went on /tg/ but never got around to reading it until a week or two ago.
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>>try and guilt Luciana into watching me fight

Oh man oh man oh man it's here it's here it's here!
>go bug Reinhold and Nicolette
>>try and guilt Luciana into watching me fight
>go bug Reinhold and Nicolette

>try and guilt Luciana into watching me fight
if we manage to get Luciana to watch and we lose, we're rushing into her arms
>try and guilt Luciana into watching me fight
Good on ya mate
No shit anon.
>try and guilt Luciana into watching me fight
>Ggo bug Reinhold and Nicolette
>Elena loses
>Inaba gains a purpose in life: shit all over Guillaume's room
>implying she won't just duel him and fuck him up
>try and guilt Luciana into watching me fight
>>go bug Reinhold and Nicolette
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Elena, I just want to say: Aim for the balls.
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I kind of wanna go follow Rana, but that stuff with Racquel isn't really any of my business. And Luciana's always yelling at me about being nosy, so I sho-

Wait a minute, she's not gonna be there to watch me fight!

That's not right, she's always going on and on about how I'm just gonna end up hurting myself with my practice sword and now she's not even gonna be there when there's an actual chance of me getting hurt (not really, but still) in my first duel!?

And for what, just so that she can cook for her BOYFRIEND? Reinhold's nice and all, but I'm her sister and Papa's always saying that family's the most important thing!

Nope nope nope I'm gonna MAKE her watch me! And then when I win, I'll rub it in her stupid face and make her regret ever doubting me!

Wow, what a cunt.

Don't forget that she'll have forever and ever to cook for Reinhold and only one chance to watch your first duel!
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"Lucianaaaaa!" I call out as I walk into the kitchen. All the food smells really yummy but I hafta keep my mind on the battle!

What's that thing that Andreas told me? Empty my mind of all friv... fivo... whatever, I know what he meant.

"Elena, why are you in here!?" Luciana yells as she turns away from the stove to face me. "I'm busy right now, so go away!"
"C'mon now," aunt Atiane says. "Maybe she has something important to tell you!"
"Yeah!" I say, puffing out my chest. "That's right!"

Auntie's so smart!

"So what is it that's so important that you had to barge in here?" Luiciana asks.

>umm, how should I convince her to watch me fight?
...I hid your sexy panties, watch me beat up this boy and you'll get them back!
Reinhold will be watching!
Going with this>>33260858
If that don't work, this>>33261052


We can guilt trip the hell out of her with this.
That, and say all that stuff Elena was thinking, like
>That's not right, she's always going on and on about how I'm just gonna end up hurting myself with my practice sword and now she's not even gonna be there when there's an actual chance of me getting hurt (not really, but still) in my first duel!?
>That image
Luci a cute.
well I stopped disliking luci
of course she is best not dragon girl
Seconding this combo.
If all else fails, simply say we really really want her to be there because we love her lots.
This works
I'm particularly happy with how that one came out.
Apologize for the cinnamon roll thing. It was mean.
Now if you would only make one of yourself you little cute turtle you.
>Racquel usually has a weird smile on her face when Rana hits her
That budding masochist
If she weren't a loli I'd be so fucking hard for her.
>not being hard for loli
>If she weren't a loli I'd be so fucking hard for her.
>If she weren't

Does not compute
I can't not imagine Racquel with short black hair and I have no idea why. I'm certain this is not her actual hair.
She got her hair color from her mom.
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"Luciana?" I say, putting on my best cute face, "Could you maybe come and watch me fight Guillaume?"
"What?" Luciana looks at me like she thinks I'm stupid. "You can see that I'm helping Aunt Ariane cook, I can't just drop everything on account of your little sword games."
"But Reinhold's gonna be there!"
"And Reinhold's ALSO going to want something to eat," she says, pointing a spoon at me. "Considering that that's the actual reason why he was invited over here in the first place..."

Darn it. I don't want to admit it, but she -is- right... but still, I'm not gonna give up!

"But you're gonna have like, you whole life to cook for Reinhold!" I say, putting my hands on my hips. "But this is the only first duel that I'm EVER gonna have, and I want the only big sister I have who actually loves me to watch it!"
"Gh..." Luciana stares at me with a SUPER guilty look on her face. I actually feel kind of bad for bringing it up, but it's still the truth- I have four big sisters, but Luciana's the only one who isn't a giant jerk.
"Go on ahead, Luciana," Aunt Ariane says, patting her on the shoulder. "I can take care of things here in the kitchen until you get back."
"Ugh..." Luciana sigha. "Alright, just give me a few minutes to finish up with this pot."
"Okay!" I say, putting on my HAPPIEST SMILE. "Don't take too long, though!"

With my mission accomplished, I run out of the kitchen.

I guess Reinhold and Nicolette followed UNcle Gregory outside, but Rana's still here along with Reya and Valerie and Inaba... hm.

>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch
>nope, Inaba has to go inside until the fight's over
>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch

Inaba's our greatest ally.

>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch

She's gonna shit on -everything- if we ignore her.
>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch
Killer rabbit scene?
>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch
Remember to tell Inaba not to worry because its a pretend fight, and not a real big fight. She might get upset otherwise
>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch

>Implying we're not setting up a rabbit assassination plot
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>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch

How could we possibly duel without our constant companion watching on?

And this >>33261714

We don't want Inaba freaking out, or seeking revenge against Guillaume.
>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch
>but they have to hold her REALLY well so she doesn't run off
>>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch
>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch
If we leave her in the pen, she will be a distraction
Why is everyone voting for Inaba to watch?

You do realize Inaba is going to bite Guillaume as soon as the duel starts. Or is that why you're voting for it.
>tell them that they can take Inaba outside so she can watch
Elena will tell Inaba not to and Inaba won't until after the duel is over because Inaba is a good rabbit.

That is exactly why they are voting for it. Because that will be hilarious.
I can't tell if you're joking.
If Inaba can manage to break out of Reya's hold, it damn well deserves to bite him.
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Yeah... I got Luciana to come watch so it wouldn't be right if I made Inaba stay behind. Not to mention that she'll probably get mad at me and poop all over the place if I do.

"Hey," I say as I walk over to where Valerie and Reya are playing with Inaba. "You two're gonna watch me fight, right?"
"That's the plan," Reya replies. "Just tell me when you're starting and I'll be right there."
"It's the entire reason why I came over in the first place," Valerie says.
"'kay," I nod. "You can bring Inaba too if you want."
"Really?" Reya asks. "I thought you'd have wanted her to stay inside..."
"Nah," I say, shaking my head. "It's okay."

And then I take Inaba from him and hold her up to face-level.

"You're gonna be a good bunny, right?" I ask.

>Feed me souls child
That doesn't look bad. Reinhold is still cuter.
>do something else before going outside
Maybe ask Reinhold for some last minute advice?
This, then BTFO of Guillaume
>do something else before going outside
Talk to Gregory, ask what he thinks about all of this.
I assume that's supposed to Rana and Raquel, since Valerie is right here.
>Dhurr keep smacking till you break his sword
>asking Reinhold advice for winning a duel
This. Let's see him brag about his son.
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"I'm gonna be fighting Guillaume, but it's just PRETEND, okay?" I say. "So don't do anything dumb like try and bite him when we're in the middle of the duel. 'Cuz I know you do stuff like that sometimes."

Inaba doesn't answer me (because bunnies can't talk), but she wiggles her nose at me and looks right into my eyes so I'm pretty sure she understood what I just told her.

She better, I don't want Uncle Gregory getting mad because she just bit his son.

"I don't know if she can really..." Valerie says, laughing kind of nervously.
"Nope, it's okay," I say as I hand Inaba over to her. "Inaba's a smart bunny and she listens when I really need her to."
"Umm, if you say so..."

Okiedokie, so that's one more thing out of the way.

>go see what Rana and Racquel are up to
>do something else before going outside
>go outside
He's only ever lost one duel his entire life, as far as we know
Reinhold didn't lose, Monique cheated with his god-sword.
Which is how he lost.
>Let Rana know that Luci only has a few minutes to watch our duel, so we need her to take the conversation to the staging area.
>go see what Rana and Racquel are up to

It's not cheating if the rules allow it. Still poor sportsmanship, but not cheating.
He totally cheated with the holding his body together thing.
Guys, lets say triple 20's happen during the fight, what would happen?
Gil raises his arms to the sky, cries out VIVA TORTURE! and explodes
Elena's practice sword would reveal itself as a Sealed King.
Disarm, nut shot, throat stab.
Why Elena why?
Archelon runs his PG: Magical High School spin off one shot/mini series.
Rabbits fall everyone dies
I'm more interested in what happens if we get triple 1's.
She slips, hurts herself, starts crying, wets herself, storms off to her room and never swords again
>>go see what Rana and Racquel are up to
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I've got my dice ready, it'll be dance practice all over again baby.
Elena slips and falls backward, dragging Guillaume with her, FIRST KISS! She likes it and they go official couple. Recquel goes full lewd.

I can't get it out of my head.
She is blond? I always assumed she was an expy of Tomoko Kuroki
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Alright, time to go!

"Hey Rana!" I call out. "I'm going outside now!"
"Okay!" Rana yells back as she makes her way over to me.

And Racquel's with her.

"Umm, shouldn't you be with your sister?" I ask. "I thought you were still mad at Rana."
"She apologized so I decided to forgive her," Racquel replies. "As long as she learns the difference between love taps and child abuse."
"Quit making those creepy jokes and I won't have any reason to hit you at all," Rana says as she smacks her on the back of the head.
"A sadist like you would do so anyways..." she giggles.

I really don't get her. At all.

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Racquel keeps saying weird stuff and Rana keeps on hitting for it, I think she's doing it on purpose at this point. But it's none of my business and I do my best to try and ignore BOTH of them as we make our way outside. It looks like Guillaume's getting prepped by Uncle Gregory, and Reinhold and Nicolette are talking to Bernard...

>talk to uncle gregory first
>talk to reinhold first
>talk to reinhold first
>talk to uncle gregory first
>talk to reinhold first
>talk to reinhold first
>>talk to reinhold first
>talk to uncle gregory first

His prep is telling his son to go easy on us. Flip out at him.
>talk to uncle gregory first
>>talk to uncle gregory first
>talk to reinhold first
Save the best for last
>>talk to reinhold first
>Those errors

This won't last long
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"I dunno, maybe you can convince her not to do it?" Bernard asks.
"C'mon," Nicolette sighs, "we both know that she's every bit as stubborn as he is."
"I know, but still..."
"Umm, maybe you could convince him?" Nicolette's girlfriend asks. "You two were always really close so I'm sure that he'd listen to you..."
"No, his pride's on the line," Bernard slumps over. "And Valerie and Racquel are here so there's no way he'd quit now... he's too afraid that they'll go home and tell Sylvie that he's a wuss and then she'd hate him forever or whatever."
"Sounds like someone I know, eh?" Reinhold laughs as he nudges Nicolette with his elbow.
"S- shut up, dumbass!" she shouts, her face all red.

I guess they're in the middle of a conversation, but I have business to attend to!

>"Sounds like someone I know, eh?" Reinhold laughs as he nudges Nicolette with his elbow.
>"S- shut up, dumbass!" she shouts, her face all red.

No we didn't.
But I don't see what that quote has to do with Rana.
Nor Marianne
Nor Racquel
all the more reason to fund Archelon's kickstarter so he can make his VN so we all can get our best girl.
But i'll never get the real best grill Monique
How much is it gonna be?
Rolled 5

I'm still hoping niklaus will be seduceable.
It's a shame arch can't into /y/
Made me think of genderbent PGQ for some reason.

>Dat Reinhilda
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"Hi!" I call out.
"Elena?" Reinhold turns to me. "I see that you're excited for your little duel..."
"Yup!" I say, hopping up as high as I can.
"But someone here doesn't want you to fight..." Nicolette says as she slaps Bernard on the back so hard that he almost falls over.

Why wouldn't he want me to fight?

"Umm..." Bernard mumbles, "Guillaume's really strong and you said that you only train in secret so I don't know if you're really on his level?"
"I- I'm not trying to insult you or anything!" he stammers. "I'm just not sure that this is the best idea, that's all!"
"Showing such concern for another girl..." Racquel mutters under her breath, "...you're lucky that I'm not the jealous type."

>what should I say to him?
>Used goods
"I am confident in my ability."
"Not now, Racquel"
"Either I win, showing all of you how awesome a swordie I am, or I lose, and I train with Reinhold until I can beat him.

But if I give up without fighting then I'll never win."
>Not a strong woman who doesn't need emotional support from her loving, possibly romancible friends
>Like Nicole, the charming Royal Guard Captain.
>Or Sylvester, the quiet bookworm
Who is best PGQ genderswap boy?
It's still Rana
What about the princes, Lucian and Marion?
Or Princess Emilia's bodyguard who is secretly a male posing as a girl, Karla?
>At first, Rana looks exactly the same
>Except for one addition that you only find out about much later in her route.
>Monique is still Monique but instead he's a sassy black woman
Were you trying to make Nicolette into a male name? Because Nicole is strictly a female name where I come from.
This sounds good to me. Seconding.
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Yeah right, I'm not gonna let him scare me out of this!

"Either I win," I say, crossing my arms, "and show everyone how awesome a swordie I am, or I lose and then I train with Reinhold until I -can- beat him."
"Uh..." Reinhold looks at me with a nervous look on his face.
"But if I give up now without a fight at all, then I'll NEVER win."

There, I said it. No giving up for me!

"I guess I have to give up on trying to stop this, then..." Bernard says, drooping over.
"That's right," I nod.
"At least you tried, Bernard," Nicolette's girlfriend says, ruffling his hair. "I know how it is to be surrounded by people who only seem to want to hurt themselves..."
"Quit making it sound like I have a death wish," Nicolette grumbles.
"Yeah, we're not -that- bad," Reinhold joins in.
"I didn't say it was a death wish or anything, but Nicolette likes to train herself nearly to the point of exhaustion every single day," she sighs. "A few days before we left for Marconetti, I even had to carry her back to her room in the castle, and-"
"DAMMIT MELANIE YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THAT!" Nicolette yells as she blushes like crazy.

Huh, so that's her name. I oughtta remember that.

Rolled 20

yes Elena, you should remember meloney's name.
Holy shit that picture is kawaii as fuck.
These avatar pics are so awesome. In the VN soon?
It's always Soon™.
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Yet these hands will never hold anything.
That what clones are for.
The makings of a super villian: part 1.
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"Anyways..." Reinhold says as he walks up to me, "I'm rooting for you, Elena."
"Thanks, Reinhold!" I say as I give him a big hug. "Umm, Luciana said that she's coming out soon, so you can like hold hands and stuff while you watch!"

I'm SO thoughtful!

"Eheh..." Reinhold looks away from me, "...thanks, Elena."
"It'll be a handholding festival!" Rana laughs. "You and Luciana, Melanie and Nico..."
"Me and Rana..." Racquel laughs.
"Cut it out, you weirdo. Your sister's gonna think that I converted you and I REALLY don't want to be on a Princess's bad side."
"But what if you have?"

Converted her to what?

>hang out with Reinhold and the others some more
>go over to Uncle Gregory now
Nice coat.

>hang out with Reinhold and the others some more
"Converted her to what?"
>go over to Uncle Gregory now
we Red Haze now
>Ask Reinhold for tips before going over to Gregory
So, as I pray, Unlimited Maid Works
>go over to Best Uncle now
>>go over to Uncle Gregory now
>go over to Uncle Gregory now
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While it's fun to hang around Reinhold and Nicolette, I do want to see Uncle Gregory before he duel starts.

"'Kay, I'm gonna go and bug UNcle Gregory now," I say, waving goodbye to everyone.
"Alright," Reinhold replies. "Good luck."
"Oh-" I snap my fingers, "but before I go, do you have any advice for me so I can do better?"
"Uh, advice?"
"Yeah!" I nod. "Like a super secret power move or something!"
"I don't really have anything like that," he laughs. "But I guess I'll tell you what Arnaud's always telling me- watch your footing."
"Huh? Uncle Guillaume told you that?"
"Aaaaaall the time," he sighs. "'That poor footing'll cost you your life,' and then he hit me on the shins with a practice sword. So, uh, keep that in mind."
"And be careful about how you hold your sword, you don't want to get disarmed," he says. "I doubt Guillaume'll give you a chance to retrieve your sword if it leaves your hands, after all."

Oh yeah, that would be kind of bad...

"Alright, I'll remember that!" I say. "Thanks!"

And then I wave goodbye and head over to where Uncle Gregory and Guillaume are inspecting the practice swords, I guess to make sure they won't break in the middle of our match.

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Wow, guillaume is beautiful.
>Reinhold's Bizarre Adventure
I'd do him.
But he's just a miniature Gregory.
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We're easily outmatched, going after an opponent who should by all right kick our ass in front of everyone.

Time to reveal our Sealed King.

"So won't Racquel get a confession too?"
I'll fucking kill myself if this happens. There's literally no need for it.
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"You know how to carry yourself during this thing, right?" Uncle Gregory asks.
"Yeah, I know," Guillaume replies. "First to three and don't try to bash her skull in. I wouldn't do that anyways."
"You'd better not. I don't want Celestino trying to murder me for letting his daughter get a concussion."
"What's a concussion?" I ask.

I dunno if that was the best question to ask, now Rana's laughing at me.

"It's what happens when you get hit in the head really hard," Uncle Gregory says as he ruffles my hair. "And that's exactly what we DON'T want to happen to either of you, so try and be careful about that."
"'kay," I nod.

>talk to him about a thing?
Ask him about any cool duels he's fought. And assure him that we won't give Guillaume a concussion either.

Also, inspect the practice swords, pick one up and get used to its balance, that sort of thing.

With quads like these you got to keep your word.

Would it be okay if we do this again no matter what happens? Karel said I gotta fight other people to get good.
Uncle Gregory should know all the weak points of Guillaume. This is a great opportunity.
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What have I done...
You should make this an unlockable game mode in the VN
Yeah, that seems consistent with the story so far.
Hey, Wrenloft. Where you there when Adjutant's Ghost quest ended? It was my first quest, but I can't bear to read the archives to see how it ended since everything I've heard tells me it's awful and I feel sick to stomach even reading the opening posts.
This is too stupid. You should feel bad for suggesting it. She just spelled concussion right, why the fuck would she spell it wrong now? And she should by all rights already know what confession means.
Why would anyone want this.
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Well fuck you too, friend.
I passed out during the finale.

It was tense. I felt Adjutant's writing was good.

Storywise, I made poor choices. I think it's still worth having a look.
Wren, why are you using a trip now? there are supposed to be many of house Wrenloft, the chosen champions of the dice gods. Or are you the appointed Wrenloft for PGQ?

House Wrenloft turned on him one too many time, it seems.
I don't get it
"But, umm..." I look behind me, "...won't this mean that Racquel'll get a concussion too?"
"Huh?" Uncle Gregory just kind of stares at me.
"Rana keeps hitting her on the head and you said that's how you get a concussion so-"
"Hey, I don't hit her -that- hard," Rana says with a nervous laugh. "I learned how to control my own strength a long time ago."
"I certainly hope so," Uncle Gregory says. "Angelique would murder you if you gave her youngest daughter brain damage.

Huh? Shouldn't she be more scared of Uncle Vincent?

"But that's enough about that," Uncle Gregory says. "Here you go, Elena."

Uncle Gregory tosses me a practice sword, and I catch it right out of the air 'cuz I'm awesome like that.

"Make sure you get a feel for the weight and all of that beforehand," Uncle Gregory says as he gives Guillaume the other sword.
"'Kay," I reply.

swing swing swing

spin thrust block

Okay, I think I got this.

"Huh, not bad," Uncle Gregory says, clapping his hands. "Maybe this won't be a total blowout for Guillaume after all..."
"Of course it won't be!" I say, pointing my sword at him. "I'm gonna do my best and maybe I'll even beat him!"
"Maybe you will..." he laughs.

>Huh? Shouldn't she be more scared of Uncle Vincent?

And just think, she's the one who is mad at Reinhold.

Reinhold better laugh at this...

He sounds like he was an asshole.
>replacing the weapons that he's destroy

deletion in 3...2...
No anon, Volker is destroy.
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>super oool

"Hey, Uncle Gregory?" I call out.
"Did you ever have any super cool duels back when you did stuff like that?"
"I don't know if you'd call it 'super cool,' but there was one friend of mine who I always HATED to face in sword duels."
"Why?" I ask. "You didn't like fighting your friends?"
"It wasn't that," he shakes his head, "but every time I fought him, my sword would end up broken. If I swing and he countered, there goes my sword. If he swings and I parry the blow perfectly, my sword shatters on the next hit. And I'd always use the highest-quality stuff I could get my hands on, so that just made it even worse... I can't tell you how much money I blew on replacing the weapons that he'd destroy."

Wow. That sounds like it'd suck to fight him.


"Why was he your friend if he kept doing that?"
laugh, or cry uncontrollably?

Reinhold only cry when you badtouch him.

"Why'd he keep doing that if he was your friend?" I ask.
"Eh, he broke his own stuff as often as he'd break mine," UNcle Gregory shrugs. "The guy couldn't help it."
"Still, though..."
"Think of it like, I dunno... Racquel."
"Me?" she points to herself.
"Yeah, you," he glares at her. "You saying perverted crap is just a hazard of having you around, just like how broken swords was a hazard of fighting my friend."
"Oh," I nod.
"But even though Racquel might not be able to help herself, that's no reason for you to try and copy her, you got that?" he says, patting on my head.
"Um, okay?"

>anything else to do before it's sword fighting time?

>Reinhold you hypocritical scoundrel
No more delaying! it's time for some hot loli-on-shota action.
Nope, let's rek Guillaume already

"What happened to him?"
It's time.
Nope, time for swordie stuff
get to fighting
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Archelon, I can't hold it anymore, gib me that child fighting rink.

Would you an archelon, /pgq/?
>Racquel is perverted not because of the book, but due to finding a tear in reality leading to 4chan

Silly Anon, the book was a Gardener Book and gave her the Branch True Lewd.

Which make me think - would a FDQ magic giving book lose its power in PGQ world?
No, his taste in idols is questionable.
Yours is the questionable taste.

Thank you Gregory. Protecting the innocent smiles
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You bastard.
Rolled 18

Rolling to trash nat 1's.
Way to waste an 18, you fucking chode.

>implying you can 'save' an 18 from a time-driven RNG
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>this faggot doesn't even know how dice work
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We poke around for a little while longer until Reya and Luciana and Valerie and Takamaru come outside.

Oh, and Inaba too. Reya's holding her.

I start to get all nervous and stuff as everyone forms a circle around where we'll be fighting... I might be a princess and all, but I'm really not used to being the center of attention like this. Nobody really pays me THIS much attention outside my birthday.

"Alright, you two!" Uncle Gregory shouts as he leads us to the center of the "dueling field." "This is a first-to-three contest, or until one of you surrenders, you got that?"
"Yeah," Guillaume replies."
"Uh-huh," I nod.
"Common sense rules apply, I don't THINK I need to explain them. You're family so try not to murder each other, you got it?"

Both of us nod.

"And everyone here aside from Nico and Guillaume know medical spells, so you don't need to freak out about the slight chance of getting a boo-boo."

Then he backs away from us...

"Ready... GO!"

>rush in and attack!
>hold back and read his movements!
>hold back and read his movements!
Rolled 12

>>rush in and attack!
>hold back and read his movements!

Play on our strength!
>hold back and read his movements!
>hold back and read his movements!

Try to find a pattern to exploit.

And remember what Valerie said about him, he'll try to find a weak point and keep attacking it. So all we have to do is fake having a weak point, lure him in, predict how he's going to attack, and then counter.
>hold back and read his movements!
>hold back and read his movements!
>hold back and read his movements!

Very smart.

Given the difference in level it's likely that any mistake will cost us the duel so let's try to take any chance we can to outsmart him.
I want to caress takamaru's hair
>>hold back and read his movements!
That is what Elena is good at.
We're gonna lose, right?
Project Eternal Victory Princess is go
What are our odds?
Takamaru said that I should stick to my strength and that's to do like Andreas does and read the opponent's-

"Whoa!" I shout as I jump to the side just as Guillaume charges with his sword right at where I was just standing. Valerie was right, he's not trying to give me any time to do anything other than get hit by his sword.

I scramble to regain my footing and take a deep breath... c'mon, me! I can do this!

One foot forward.

The other steady.

Hold up my sword to parry, just in case.

>[roll d20]
We don't know

Never tell me the odds!
Rolled 12

Rolled 7


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Rolled 6

Rolled 20

Rolled 4


Damnit, I actually roll a 20, and it doesn't count.

Fuck my life.
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Right here!
I hope you step on a lego.
Why can't we roll this well as Reinhold?
Rolled 19

Better question is why can't we roll that well as Elena
Zoom! Guillaume charges at me with the same scary look in his eyes that Reinhold had back when... never mind.

I hop to the side as he thrusts his sword at where I was standing, just like before... but this time, he spins on his foot that's closest to me and oh crap his sword's gonna


At the last possible second, I manage to hold my own sword in the way before he can hit me, but his swing's so strong that I'm forced back-


oh no reinhold said that I need to watch out for my footing and-


The next thing I know, my butt's on the grass and the back of my right leg really stings.

"First point goes to Guillaume!" Uncle Gregory shouts.


He wasted all of his fate points trying to escape from Spinelle.
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I am angry. Angry about the dice.

Th... this is just one hit, it's not over yet!

I use my sword to push myself up and regain my footing... but now my stupid leg hurts. Crap.

But I'm a big girl so I ignore it and get back into the stance that Andreas taught me. Don't mess up again, Luciana and Reinhold and Nicolette and everyone else is watching.

Even though half of them are rooting for Guillaume.

>[roll 1d20]
Rolled 9


Give me victory, or spare me please god.
Rolled 18

Rolled 15

Rolled 8

Rolled 20

Rolled 14

Rolled 10

hope I'm not late this time.
Rolled 11

Rolled 7

Rolled 6

Only two off this time.
Rolled 20


get recked
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Are you shitting me
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The bunnies hate you.

stop rolling for the bunnies.
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all these useless 20's !
Rolled 6

They're glorious.
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They are foreshadowing on how much of a rape machine Elena will be once she gits gud and swole
My first ever roll is a 20 but it doesn't count

I shall never! The bunnies will come to our help when it is most needed.
My driving lesson is in 10 minutes and I won't be able to roll anymore.

T'is a tragedy.
Rolled 16

Rolling to see if you crash.
Rolled 19

Rolling to see how bad your crash will be
Rolled 5


Everything better than expected
It's all over for you Anon. RIP in pieces.
Once Uncle Gregory gives the signal, Guillaume zooms right at me just like he did the first two times.

Watch for his pattern, Elena.

Just like before, I hop out of the way of his first thrust, then I parry the second swing. He's a lot stronger than I am, so I try and knock his sword to the side instead of blocking it head-on. I can't let myself get thrown off-balance again.

He tries to spin around from my counter with a slash at my back, but that's exactly what I was expecting him to do. Remembering all that stuff that Karel told me about momentum and lightweight swordies and stuff, I hold my sword behind me

and jump


Just like I was expecting, Guillaume's sword hits mine right when I'm at the top of my jump, sending me spinning upside down and giving me a clear view of his exposed back.

Exactly like I was hoping.


I land funny thanks to my hurt leg and dizziness from spinning around like that, but Guillaume's lying face-first in the grass and that means that I DID IT!

I know that feel...
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Stop it.
Rolled 11

Whats in it for me?

Not coming across as a complete faggot, duh.
Rolled 12

Rolling to see if it stops.
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Those seem like highly improbably acrobatics

They are probable enough in an anime world.
Hold me Anon

"Point for Elena!" Uncle Gregory shouts as Guillaume pushes himself back up.
"Alright, way to go!" Reinhold shouts. "Keep it up, Elena!"
"Yeah, you can do it!" Luciana yells.

Use my light weight to my advantage... I guess Karel was right after all. Then again, he -is- the best in the kingdom.

With my confidence boosted, I get back into my stance...

>[roll 1d20]
Rolled 11

Rolled 3

Rolled 1

Rolled 6

Rolled 14

Rolled 12

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Rolled 10

You shit.
Consecutive posts, each worse than the one before it. Goodbye Elena.
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Rolled 9

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Rolled 18

We're gonna fucking lose...
Rolled 18

Rolled 9

Let's never have a duel in this quest again
It's first to three, anon. we still have a chance.
There it is!
It's 1-1, this'll make it 1-2. Not the end of the world.
Rolled 8


He breaks our arm, but we can't give up.....because reinhold didn't give up when he was beaten up by iceman
Elena just got an injury. We'll probably need 16-17+ rolls if we want to win this now.
Unless that critical failure gets us knocked out, you mean.
Rolled 10


With critfail? Nah, she's gonna get knocked out cold and Guillaime will be so traumatized that he casts away the sword for good. Furthermore Celestino, upon hearing what happened, will orchestrate putting him into position where he would be raped by Raquel and forced to take responsibility for her child or incur wrath of her parents, on top of creating a blood feud between Gregory and Vincent.
I am now imaging Guillaume bitch slapping Elena with his sword so badly that we are knocked out.

As we are sent soaring through the air slowly spinning to end up face first in the dirt, Inaba rushes to our side and gently nudges our cheek while tears fall down our rabbits face
Rolled 6

Except the rabbit turns into a swole bunny man that knows shit tons of rabbit martial arts and could decimate a small kingdom.
Guillaume takes a deeeep breath and stares me down. I don't know what he's up to, but I can counter anything that he d- WHOA!

Almost faster than I can even react, Guillaume dashes right at me... but he sidesteps to the right and oh crap it really hurts to put weight on this leg.

I can feel the wind from Guillaume's sword as I pull my leg out of the way just in the nick of time, but then he twists his arm around so that his sword's gonna-


I manage to block it, but the impact throws me back and ow ow ow I'm blaancing on my right-


He hit me on the same place he did last time, my right leg. It hurts really bad and I want to cry, but crying means that I lost and this still isn't over yet.

>I am now imaging Guillaume bitch slapping Elena with his sword so badly that we are knocked out.
>As we are sent soaring through the air slowly spinning to end up face first in the dirt, Inaba rushes
to the field and slams her front legs to Guillames face stunning him, then she bites the sword away from his hand and slams her whole wait to his nuts before Gregory interrupts and restrains the enraged bunny.

there it is good now
weight. How the fuck one could mix those two.
Homophones, son.
Rolled 1

Ok, we're not gonna win this by points, we gotta knock this little nigga out.

Took me a while to read through that.

"Two for Guillaume!" Uncle Gregory shouts. "Elena, are you alright?"
"Y... yeah," I say as I force myself back to my feet. I can't put much weight on my right leg anymore so my mobility's all messed up, but I can still stand and that's good enough.

Reinhold fought that jerk back home with his arm all broken, I can push through something like this. So I ignore the pain and try and stand as straight as I can and hold my sword back up.

>[roll 1d20]
Rolled 10

Rolled 5

Rolled 1

Man, I hate pretty much every servant in that series, they warped a lot of actually good characters into twisted anime shit representations of what they're supposed to be like, and as a history/literature nerd I did not appreciate it.

Why as King Arthur female? Because lel, anime needz more waifu.

I would have enjoyed it if they didn't shit on preexisting characters though.
Rolled 13

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rekt hard.
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Fucking hell
Rolled 18

Rolled 4


Rolled 12

Well fuck.
Rolled 18

too late FOR BUNNIES
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It begins.
I guess Elena really took Reinhold as inspiration.

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Rolled 9

Fuck this, I'm out.

go all out

break the swords
Blame the dice. They fucked over both Reinhold and Elena.
God damn it, where's Wrenloft and his dramatically appropriate dice?
Well, we can say that we wanted a real fight
Rolled 16

Rolled 16

This, watch, I bet it'll rape me.
Rolled 14

let's see
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Elena is officially a worse roller than Reinhold. She has a long way to go until she catches up to Andreas "The Triple Twenty Trouble"
Looks like Elena is in need of an 80's inspired training montage.

This is the part where Elena goes on a spiritual journey with Inaba and finds her own sealed king, most likely a fire or light element

We Monique now
Rolled 19

Where were those rolls earlier, dice?
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Shhh, everything is going to be alright.
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Rolled 3

Shut the fuck up, no it's not.
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"You sure you don't want to give up?" Guillaume asks.
"I'm not giving up," I reply as I try my best to push the pain in my leg to the back of my mind as best I can.
"Alright then..."

Guillaume rushes in... but not in a straight line this time. He's moving on an arc to my right, just like he knows that-

This is exactly what Valerie said would happen. He made a weak point and now he's taking advantage of it. But I'm not gonna let him, I have two legs and-


M... my right leg. It's like it's mead of lead, I can't pick it up.


I try not to, but I can't help screaming at the top of my lungs as Guillaume's sword hits me in the leg a THIRD time, knocking it under me and sending me falling to the gr-

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>Guillaume hits her in the leg twice, despite her having an injury
Wow what a cunt.
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Elena ;_;

>Guillaume hits her in the leg twice, despite her having an injury
>despite her having an injury
That's the point
Rolled 12

Welp, this is how Elena becomes a cripple, all because the dice gods are faggoty cunts that should toss some luck over to the LEGIT campaign that isn't full of magical girls and edge.

Ruthless, as befits the son of the Red Mist.

He will get shit for it though, for taking a fight against an inexperienced grill as a serious duel and not going easy on her.
It's not his fault, he did the right thing.

It's combat, not a play date, he shouldn't have to pull his punches.
Awaiting bunny justice.

They'll just cut off her leg and conjure a new one.
Rolled 19

NIGGER his father said that it was a fucking pretend duel, that's why they have the practice swords, which I don't understand why they hurt so fucking much because I thought they were padded or something.
They hurt because we got shit rolls
>Implying her dad won't have something to say about this
They are wooden swords. Not plush dolls.
They don't cut but they can fucking hurt.
Also wooden sticks to the leg would still hurt like a bitch after taking 3 solid hits

[Spoiler]Racquel will now lust after Guillame seeing how it takes 3 strokes of his wooden stick to bring a girl to her knees[/spoiler]
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I don't think there is anything particularly wrong in hitting a woman, though I don't recommend you do it the same way that you hit a man.

"You okay?" Uncle Gregory says as he holds me up- huh? I'm not on the ground?

Oh, wait. Uncle Gregory's on the ground and he's holding me so that means that he dove in to catch me before I fell?

"M... my leg," I mumble as I feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "my leg hurts and I don't think I can stand up and I lost LUCIANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

While I cry and cry and cry, Uncle Gregory casts some kind of spell to lift us in the air without bumping me around or something and then he hands me over to Luciana.

"I lost!" I say, sobbing. "I lost and my leg hurts and I looked stupid in front of Uncle Gregory and Inaba and Reinhold and everyone and now-"
"There, there..." Luciana says, kissing me on the forehead. "You did great. It was your first time fighting anyone with swords, and I know that -I- couldn't have managed that flip move you pulled off there..."
"Yeah," Reinhold nods. "That was pretty great."

But I don't want to hear their compliments, I lost because I suck and now my leg feels like it's gonna fall off.

>I want Inaba
>I want my leg to stop hurting so much
You know for a fact that if we were playing as Guillaume you wouldn't have given a shit if Elena exploited a weakness (Like you're supposed to do in a fight), you're just assmad because Elena got hurt, which is understandable, but you don't have to sperg out like a moron.
I'm going to put a hole in my wall unless I get a 20 on my next roll. Shit's fucking retarded.
>I want my leg to stop hurting so much
>I want Inaba
Rabbit is best medicine
>I want my leg to stop hurting so much

Let Inaba plan her revenge and take the opportunity this confusion presents.
>I want Inaba
>I want Inaba

Lets take comfort in our murderbunny
>I want Inaba
We must report our failure to the Overlord. She will not be pleased.
I'd think Elena was a cunt if she continued to hit Guillaume's leg despite him struggling to stand on it.
>I want my leg to stop hurting so much
>I want my leg to stop hurting so much
Luci can heal it and we don't want bunny to kill anyone
>>I want my leg to stop hurting so much
>I want Inaba
Used to work for me...
>>I want my leg to stop hurting so much
Shhhh! Let the bunny do its work.
Then you are an idiot bringing you idiotic ethical rules to a fantasy word that has no place for them.
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>Gibme dat bunny wabbit
What the fuck is it gonna do exactly?
>Rabbit pls

whoa there, easy on that edge bro, you might cut yourself.

Guillaime, as the undisputably stronger party, being a boy and experienced, was supposed to go all chivalrous and go easy on her, not ruthlessly like a vulture.

Then again, he's a kid, and he'll no doubt get stern treatment from Arariane for fucking Elena up.
>I want Inaba
Bunny rabits can heat
Ok, fine, it's not a sexist thing, but it sounds to me like you're incredibly sheltered. I seriously don't know how I can explain to you that going easy on your opponents isn't some kind of honorable thing, it just shows you don't respect them, and expecting someone to give you quarter when you don't deserve it makes you a wimp.

Learn 2 way of the warrior, if you are willing to engage someone in melee combat you have no right to complain "They didn't beat me fairly enough ='("

That said, they are kids, so it -is- a gray area, but it's definitely not wrong, maybe not classy, but it doesn't make him an asshole.
Which ever choice makes this loss suck less.
Also, we never fight outside of life and death situations EVER again, because the dice gods like to ironically say "Do you think this is a motherfucking game!" to us every time.
>hurr hurr muh bushido
That's not true. When it comes to Reinhold, our practice duels were quite great.
Man, let them alone. You obviously can not convince them and there is no point in arguing over it anyways.
Alright, that's it for the night.
Tonight's thread was fun... up until the parade of critfails, anyways. Seriously, this is why I hate dice and avoid using them whenever I can.

Next thread will be Tuesday night, and will be a return to the Reinhold. We might be able to get through the end of this in-game day, but it'll probably take another thread after this next one.

And now, a (very short) Q&A time while I do some last-minute dishes.
Pfft, I'm talking where something was on the line, we just got our ass decimated in front of friends, family, and acquaintances. Just like Reinhold got turned into a fucking glorified pin cushion by captain dickwad.
Literally the only reason he won was because of the sword. His fucking ribs collapsed on him and the sword god was holding them.

>way of the warrior
they are like 6 year old ya dingus.

And it wasn't about elena expecting a special treatment, because she clearly wasn't.
Going full out on a girl without any practice in swordery definitely makes him look like an asshole.
Do you have a damn manuscript of what's supposed to happen if we don't suck humongous whale cocks in hell because of our rolls? If so, I'd like to see it when we end this quest in 2 years.

Cheers for the thread, OP!
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Someone actually gets it!?
>we never fight outside of death fights. we always roll terrible when things are not serious
>we won quite a bit leisurely practice duels
>i am saying we roll terrible when it is a serious situation.
You are quite inconsistent.
>I don't want a fair fight because I'm a bitch.

They knew what they were getting into though, being young doesn't... gah, whatever.

You're right, and I'm done now.
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>fair fight
>they knew
>being young doesn't matter
Thanks Arch
>Do you have a damn manuscript of what's supposed to happen if we don't suck humongous whale cocks in hell because of our rolls?
No manuscripts, no...

And now I sleep. Thanks for playing!

For further questioning:
This was a legit question.
and there was a legit answer for it.
>Shitposting on some guy that's done arguing
Pretty ironic
Not nearly as Ironic as our getting fucked over every time I participate...

>applying the same standards and concepts to children and adults
>not autism
Yeah, that was way too fair a fight. Time to get Elena a proper teacher, I'm voting for Arnaud.
Agnes would be waaay better for her.

Celestino says he doens't want you taught? Well fuck off Celestino, I'm Agnes and I do what I want.
Arnaud could say the same to him.
He's busy with Reinhold, not a grill, and doesn't live in the same country.
I'd too rather she is taught by Agnes though.
Actually he does for now and for foreseeable feature. Agnes is the one who live away on another country.

I don't think Arnaud would take little Elena as a student anyways.

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