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Jail Quest: a text adventure occasionally illustrated.

A night of drinking and a failed attempt to cheat on cards had landed you the strangest job slash community service sentence you've ever had: ensuring Gongalla Gaol survives the reality storm called Singularity.

Now you travel around with your employer and a handpicked crew to survey the four Reality Anchors. Hey, beats being tarred and feathered, right?

Previous thread:


You are Rosa Montagni, and you've just liberated your cousin, Craig, from the accidental clutches of Pinewatch's brothel (who are trying to become a legitimate theater). Then it's back to business - you're investigating some Singularity cult-related incidents at the local lumberyard with Millie and Clyde, in order to get directions to the North side's Reality Anchor. After some time futilely trying to find the lumberyard's ledgers in this book pile that masquerades as a records room, you instead found clues within several tomes of fanfics that were hidden inside. Whoo boy, you've had your fill of amateur literature for an entire year, at least!
So, with the entire team helping out, you've finally found the entire collection of fanfics - and boy do they tell you more things than a ledger would (after paring down the saccharine romance plots and purple prose, that is).

That being said, you've gotten a rough timeline of the incidents:
- Soon after Chainsaw Inc. made its own lumberyard in Pinewatch, the accidents and suspected sabotage incidents started happening
- Then, Stuart Co.'s previous overseer disappeared
- Afterwards, Leon gets promoted as overseer
- Incidents stop for some time
- Until the two clown kids went missing

"The incidents also happened closer to town, and nowhere near the cave marked on that cult map from the hidden room. I don't think it's coincidence."

Millie brought up a good point - seems like checking out the cave's a good idea, only we had to wait until Millie's reinforcement comes. You hope it's sooner than later.

"Hmm, yeah. Strange that once Leon became overseer, the incidents stopped..."

You muse to yourself, since the aforementioned scruffy lion himself is right outside the room right now. If he's affiliated or connected to the cult in some way, you don't want him to eavesdrop... but then again, he might be suspicious, but he might not be cult-related. So, what better way to verify than to con some info out of him?

And said conning opportunity comes right when you exited the records room.

"So yea, found what you're looking for?"

Leon asks, in a laid-back stance.

"Well, more or less... by the way, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead, eh."


>□ Leon's on the side of the cult
>□ Leon's loyal to Stuart Co.
>□ Leon's loyalty is only to himself
>□ Keep an open mind, but also be wary


>□ Ask him about the cave
>□ Ask him about the incidents, and maybe his involvement in them
>□ Ask him if he knows the missing kids
>□ Ask him what he thinks of Pinewatch and the lumber companies
>□ Other (fill in)
I have uh...absolutely no idea and will wait for the judgement of someone else. Really no idea.
>□ Leon's loyalty is only to himself
Leon wanted to take over so he had the cult help him. He seems the prideful enough type. Now that he's the boss of the lumber business he has no further need for being allied to the cult. He's content resting on his laurels so to speak, but the lumber business is also going to shit because even though he plotted to be at the top and won, he really doesn't care enough about the company and the surrounding lumber trade unlike how Stuart Co. gave more shits than he does. The kids being missing might have been the cult's doing trying to set Leon up with a copycat incident.
Does this make sense with the facts? I fucking forgot because it's been awhile since last thread ran.
>□ Ask him about the incidents, and maybe his involvement in them
If the cult is setting him up, then he has no reason not to chainsaw bite back at them
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>□ Leon's loyalty is only to himself
>□ Ask him about the incidents, and maybe his involvement in them

The guy doesn't strike me as someone who has a lot to hide in regards to a cult or something like that. Else he probably would have been a bit more nervous when we came in
Rolled 20 (1d20)

We are so goddamn back
>□ Leon's loyalty is only to himself
>□ Ask him about the incidents, and maybe his involvement in them
aw hell yis
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>□ Leon's loyalty is only to himself

>□ Ask him what he thinks of Pinewatch and the lumber companies
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>□ Leon's loyal to Stuart Co.
>□ Ask him about the incidents, and maybe his involvement in them
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>□ Leon's on the side of the cult
>□ Ask him if he knows the missing kids
>>□ Leon's loyal to Stuart Co.
>□ Ask him about the cave
>□ Leon's loyalty is only to himself
>□ Ask him about the incidents, and maybe his involvement in them
You have a feeling that Leon here isn't that loyal to Stuart Co., nor is he that involved with the cult, if at all - he was a vagrant for some time. Safe to assume you can ask him about the incidents and pick up any disrepancies, see if there's any lies or new info he could let slip.

"Tell me more about the incidents. What do you do when one happens? What's your role?"

He starts looking left and right, checking if the guild hall is empty - which it currently is.

"Well... can you be discreet, eh? I know Jed hired you, but you can keep your secrets, eh?"

Well now that's kinda skeezy, but let's go along.

"Yeah, sure?"

"Okay then... these incidents, they started happening back when I was still an employee, when Chainsaw Inc. opened up shop."

Yeah, that fits what you found out before.

"Go on?"

"Jed told me to investigate, turns out there's some kinda cult using that cave as some kind of base. Turns out Walter, the previous overseer, was in cahoots with the cult, somehow, along with some folks in the Funny Wood Products."

Now this is juicy stuff! What else-

"So Walter went missing, and I got chosen as overseer, and then I was sent to negotiate with the cult. Stuart Co. had to pay the cult some money off the books and in return, the cult wouldn't instigate more accidents. Which did keep the peace, that is until the two clown kids went missing. Which is why Jed hired you, to find out if it's the cult or not that's behind the recent string of incidents and missing people."

Woooah that's a ton of stuff.

"So, basically, you've been playing the middleman between Stuart Co. and the cult?"

"Not just Stuart Co., I've also set up backdoor connections with Funny Wood Products and Chainsaw Inc. I think Jed thinks the cult's been a thorn in the three companies' side for too long."

"Uh, thanks for the info! I'm sure we'll find something out real soon."

This whole situation is getting complicated very fast. You're itching to go to the cave and investigate, but Millie's reinforcements are still on their way. What do you want to do next, in the meantime?


>□ Get Leon to get you to talk to the other companies' spokesmen, check if their story also adds up
>□ Ask Millie when her reinforcements will come - and who are they, exactly?
>□ Maybe go to that burlesque theater's auditions? You got nothing else to do.
>□ Maybe you could survey the cave yourself... without reinforcements
>□ Just take some time off resting, maybe play with Craig and Millie
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Ask Millie when her reinforcements will come - and who are they, exactly?
>□ Ask Millie when her reinforcements will come - and who are they, exactly?
>□ Ask Millie when her reinforcements will come - and who are they, exactly?
>□ Ask Millie when her reinforcements will come - and who are they, exactly?

>□ Maybe go to that burlesque theater's auditions? You got nothing else to do.
Eh, they were *normal* theater auditions, not prostitute auditions.

So Leon is a lot more altruistic than I expected. He's still shit at being a lumber company overseer, but I wonder if that's on purpose now

Don't think of it as an audition, think of it as 'training our bluff skill'.
>□ Ask Millie when her reinforcements will come - and who are they, exactly?
Leaving the guild hall to the hotel across the street, your mind shifts back to that cave - and how you had to wait for Millie's reinforcements. Just who are they, really?

"Hey, Millie? You mind telling me who these reinforcements of yours are?"

Millie looks at you for a moment.

"Oh right, I haven't told you yet! Seems like I forgot, sorry."

Her apology is sincere enough, at least.

"You might've met one of them before, you know the leader of the Ravens? Her name's Black Maria, and she's already in town. The other's on his way here - he's one of the best lawman I've known. Well, in a previous life, maybe. Now McDowd's a freelance, does the odd jobs around the place."

Wait, did she just say the leader of the Ravens - was that the oily-haired bandit girl that tried to waylay you near Goblinton?

"So does this mean you're allied with the Ravens?"

Millie tilts her head a bit. "Kinda, Black Maria got major beef with the Singularity Cult, and owes us a favor. She's pretty well liked by her gang, so for the moment, we both have the same goal."

Huh, no small feat, getting the favor of a bandit gang. Then again, the Ravens are known for their oaths, since most of them are Tmavy Les.

"So, what's your plan with them?"

"Well, I have my ideas, but since this is a joint operation, I'd like to hear your opinions!"

Well, a bandit gang and a lawman-turned-freelancer. How would you utilize their services?


>□ Have the Ravens storm the cave before your entry
>□ Have the Ravens create a cordon north of the cave - between Pinewatch and Dolmen, to catch any escaping cultists
>□ Have the Ravens create a distraction so the cultists' attentions are elsewhere
>□ Have the Ravens tasked to keep the town safe
>□ Other (fill in)


>□ Have McDowd accompany you in investigating the cave
>□ Have McDowd clear the cave beforehand
>□ Have McDowd supervise the Ravens, making their chosen task more efficient
>□ Have McDowd identify any cultists that may be hiding in town
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Have the Ravens create a distraction so the cultists' attentions are elsewhere
As a gang, the cultists won't question it if they start raising trouble. They have no reason to believe she's working with us.
>□ Have McDowd identify any cultists that may be hiding in town
Draw them in, then flush them out. As a lawman, he should be good at this.
>□ Have the Ravens create a distraction so the cultists' attentions are elsewhere
>□ Have McDowd accompany you in investigating the cave
Gives me Scruff McGruff vibes. Should be a good guy to have with us, sniffing out trouble.
>□ Have the Ravens create a distraction so the cultists' attentions are elsewhere
>□ Have McDowd accompany you in investigating the cave
>□ Have the Ravens create a distraction so the cultists' attentions are elsewhere

>□ Have McDowd accompany you in investigating the cave
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Oh boy, a tie! Let us let the winds of fate decide.
>1: identify cultists
>2: accompany investigation
Well, it's obvious, isn't it?

"If it was up to me... I'd have the Ravens cause a ruckus out of town as a distraction, preferably somewhere near the cave but not directly on it. Then, while we investigate the cave, McDowd can identify any cultists that are hiding in the town. The disruption should make it kinda easy to spot concerned cultists."

Millie smiles and claps.

"Excellent! I had a similar idea, but didn't even think of checking the town for cultists. This plan should work, let's go with it!"

Suddenly, two knocks on the door alerted you.

"Expecting someone, Millie?"

She turns towards the door, expectant.

"Kinda, Black Maria already arrived a while ago, so I'm just waiting for McDowd now."

And indeed, the door opens, and in strode Clyde with a dog that's full of smiles. Is this that ex-lawman?

"Just arrived."

Clyde states, matter-of-factly.

"McDowd! Good to see you again! How's the freelance world going?"

McDowd seems to regard Millie like an old comrade, with a fondness steeped in nostalgia. But only for a brief glint.

"Hey Millie! Well, it has its ups and downs, but I manage. So!"

He glances at my direction, gaze inquisitive.

"Is that one of our partners in this shindig? Gotta say, I've heard of you, Rosa."

He smiles, but his eyes still hold that investigative look. Uhh, how should you approach this?


>□ Reply with caution, he was a lawman after all
>□ Reply casually, you're working with Nemo after all
>□ Reply confidently, since you would like to know more about him
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Reply confidently, since you would like to know more about him
Wait..my reply disappeared. Why?
>□ Reply with caution, he was a lawman after all
Hope it works now.
>>□ Reply confidently, since you would like to know more about him
I want that stinky narrow-eyed outlaw look
>□ Reply with caution, he was a lawman after all
>□ Reply with caution, he was a lawman after all
A former lawman, eh? From experience, there's no such thing as a former lawman. That kind of lingering sense of justice means you have to be cautious around him.

"Whatever you've heard of me... I assure you, only half is true."

You reach for a handshake, and he replies as he reaches his.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I can figure out which half is true."

He winks, but you know all too well the suspicion brewing behind his gaze. You stare intensely into his eyes, and he yours. Both of you put strength into your grips, and shake slowly - a testing of resolve. One evenly matched. It seems like both of you dragged it for a bit too long, since Craig's starting to worry about you, and Millie's starting to frown.

"Uhh, Rosa...?"

"Come on, you two... we're working together, can we not?"

With that, you break off the handshake. She's right, this is no time to feud - but still, you'll be keeping an eye open for McDowd.

"Now that you're here, let's all meet our third friend that will be helping us. I think Black Maria went to camp just outside of town."

Hmm, you might have an idea.


>□ Go visit Black Maria's camp with Millie's group
>□ Go visit Black Maria's camp with your crew, while Millie and McDowd start surveiling for cultists in town
>□ Get Millie's crew to visit Black Maria's camp, while you make good on that promise to audition
>□ Black Maria can wait - it's not like we'll immediately check the cave right now, we'll visit her when we do
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Go visit Black Maria's camp with your crew, while Millie and McDowd start surveiling for cultists in town
>□ Go visit Black Maria's camp with your crew, while Millie and McDowd start surveiling for cultists in town
"You know, wouldn't it be better if you guys started looking for cultists now? Me and my team will meet up with Black Maria in your stead."

Millie nods, then smiles.

"Sounds good! Her camp should be northwest of the road mark, you know, stacked stones?"

"Huh, I think I might've seen them before."

"Anyways, when you do meet them, the challenge phrase would be 'Black art a raven's shadow', and the passphrase would be 'Blacker still a sinner's heart'. Remember this!"

Huh, that's quite poetic.

"Huh, what's this about looking for cultists?"

McDowd's interest gets piqued. As Millie briefs him on their job, you motion for your team to head out, and wave goodbye to Millie.

Not long afterwards, you've reached the road marker. You first smell, then see a smoke towards the northwest - a little bit deeper into the pines.

"Right, I hope that's where Black Maria's camping."

Your guess is confirmed, as your team stumbles upon Black Maria herself... and several members of the Ravens.

"Hhh... Black art a raven's shadow."

Black Maria's voice rolls deep in gravel and tar, going into the intimidating part of hoarseness. Right, passphrase.

"Blacker still a sinner's heart."

She nods, tension relaxing a bit.

"Yeah, that's correct. Jonah, you can come out in the open now."

To your surprise, a tall goblin you didn't detect before stepped forth from behind you, sheathing his guns. You've got a vague feeling you've seen him somewhere before - which is highly likely, as half-goblins are uncommon in Goblinton. Could he be related?

"So, you're with Millie, huh? You look familiar..."

Black Maria studies your face carefully.

"Anyways, what is it she wanted with us? Can't wait to wreck a cult."

"We need you to cause a distraction, so we can catch the cultists unawares."

"Hrr, 'distraction' is a pretty wide word. You gotta narrow it down, girl."


>□ By making loud noises somewhere north of the cave
>□ By making a lot of smoke somewhere west of the cave
>□ By blocking the road to the north of Pinewatch
>□ By starting a bar brawl in town
>□ Other (fill in)


>□ Ask her about her crew
>□ Ask her about Jonah
>□ Ask her about how she met Millie
>□ Ask her if she knows where the Northern reality anchor is
>□ Ask her about our encounter with her near Gongalla
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Other
It's the 'make a lot of noise', idea, but specifically, the noise would be gun noises. You know, as though you were having a firefight.
>□ Ask her about how she met Millie
>□ By blocking the road to the north of Pinewatch
Take the fight to them direct-like.

>□ Ask her about how she met Millie
Seconding this
Changing vote?
Drawing, writing.
The thought of them faking a gunfight crossed your mind, but then you remember the high price of bullets outside the West. They won't be happy be using up their precious ammunition just for a distraction - that is, if they don't set a price tag on their 'help'. So you thought of another plan.

"Alright then... how about blocking the roads that lead north? At least, until we hit that cave. Just don't let anyone through."

You know full well the Ravens will also rob anyone that tries to pass, but that's not really your problem. Black Maria seems to have understood this additional source of 'income'.

"Hrrh, very well! I assume it's so those cultists can't escape, then? Good plan. I'll also set some of my people in the pines as well."

Huh, she seemed to really has it out for those cultists. Which makes you wonder...

"I think that's that from us. Before I go, I gotta ask you something: how'd you end up meeting Millie?"

Black Maria lets out a throaty laugh.

"Curious girl, ain't you? Hrr... basically, we tried to rob them, and ended up getting beaten up single-handedly by that horse of hers, Clyde. Seriously, the most fun we've had in months! That guy definitely has some kinda bulletproof skin, hhh. So, anyways, afterwards we got to talking. It's like she knew I had beef with the Singulo bastards, so she said she'll call on us if she needs help fighting them."

Woah, as far as abilities go, bulletproof skin seems like a good thing to have.

"Interesting... thanks for the story."

"No, thank you and Millie - get those cultist bastards, yea? If need be, we also deal with 'disposals', if you want..."

"Well, we'll see what happens then. We'll be going to the cave soon enough."

"Hrr, will you look at that - Jonah's connecting with your kid."

"Kid? Oh, that's my cousin! Come on, Craig, don't bother him."

With that, the Ravens disperse - presumably to set up their blockades. You also take your leave - although the question of 'where to' raises its head. Sure, you can regroup with Millie and head to the cave, but you're close to the lumber yards you're supposed to inspect. Then again, the cave itself isn't that far off...


>□ Head back to the hotel and prepare to head to the cave
>□ Check out the lumber yards a bit, especially the incident sites
>□ Check out the area near the cave, just for a wee bit
>□ Maybe you can try out that theatrical audition, should be quick enough to do before news of the blockade gets in town
>□ Other (fill in)
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>□ Head back to the hotel and prepare to head to the cave
Let's go, we've been in this hunt for far too long.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>□ Head back to the hotel and prepare to head to the cave
Rest is important, and the audition can wait until after the action.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>□ Head back to the hotel and prepare to head to the cave
Let's rock
I won"t touch anything to not mess with the good rolls.
Still a (You) for author.
The sooner you get this done, the better. You swiftly return to the hotel and told Millie about the Ravens' diversion.

"Excellent! Then we must get going too - time is of the essence."

"Then I'll be staying here and sniff out any cultists not at the cave, then? Be safe out there, Millie!"

McDowd waves goodbye, with only the slightest hint of that look of seeing an old friend go on his eyes. A brief moment, but you caught it.

"Will do!"

"Yeah, we'll be there too."

You reply, to which McDowd nods in that 'I trust you, but I'm also kinda reluctant' manner.

Then it's settled. You and your team prepared lightly - Valencio refilling his mana-lamp and Craig getting a snack, mostly. Millie packs her electric lantern up, while Clyde does some stretching and cracking of joints. With determination in mind, all of you - that is, Nemo, Valencio, Craig, Clyde, Millie, and of course yourself, Rosa - heads towards that cave, where cultists supposedly dwell.

Some time later, you find yourself deep in the deep pines, the narrow and dwindling trail branched off from the road marker quite some time ago. You almost thought you might have been misled by the map when the mouth of the cave opens up in a clearing in front of you. It seems like there's a Hiver standing guard with a rifle in front of the cave, are they affiliated with the cult? Seems like you've seen him in town before.

"We're here - wait, what's going on?"

Curiously, you spot another figure - a clown wielding a truncheon or a club, skulking silently behind the boulder over there. Slowly, he makes his way closer to the guard.

Both haven't seen your party yet. What's the plan?


>□ Walk out in full force, making clear your numerical superiority
>□ Charge in yelling, to intimidate
>□ Walk in alone and try to bamboozle the guard, while the rest of the team wait and see
>□ Walk in alone to distract the guard, and have the rest of the team sneak in
>□ Throw a rock to cause a distraction, and sneak in the cave
>□ Watch and see what the clown is up to first
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Watch and see what the clown is up to first
>□ Watch and see what the clown is up to first
If he's going in on the cult in revenge, we can team up
>>□ Watch and see what the clown is up to first
>□ Watch and see what the clown is up to first
>□ Watch and see what the clown is up to first
Quickly, you order the rest of the team to stand still and stay silent with a single gesture, and to watch the clown with another. An interesting scene is about to unfold.

Indeed, the clown sneaks ever closer to the bugman, undetected. Which means he might have some kind of ability, since hivers have compound eyes that can even see behind them. Nearer, nearer, the clown took utmost care to keep his silence - until the hiver is finally at arm's reach. Then, with a movement so smooth you almost thought it was done in slow motion, the clownish truncheon impacts the bugman from behind. Only a soft thwack can be heard, yet the sentry crumbles like a heap of sticks.

He reminds you of a story you've heard your mentor told you, of an elite clown special forces that took part in the endless wars of the West. These Mimes would enter a vow of silence in their missions - they would not utter a single word, nor any voice whatsoever, until they finish their mission or perish. Could he be one of those mimes? A veteran of the wargames of the West?

In any case, that same clown is now scanning the surroundings after that soft, smooth takedown. And he's noticed you! Your team too, most likely. What do you do?


>□ Step out alone and talk to him
>□ Step out together with the team and talk to him
>□ Wait, maybe sign that you're friendly instead of talking
>□ Rush into the cave, ignoring him
>□ Get out there and tie up the hiver first of all
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Wait, maybe sign that you're friendly instead of talking
>□ Wait, maybe sign that you're friendly instead of talking
>>□ Wait, maybe sign that you're friendly instead of talking
>□ Wait, maybe sign that you're friendly instead of talking
>□ Wait, maybe sign that you're friendly instead of talking
If he's truly a mime, then it's best not to break their sacred silence. You come out with both hands up, signifying you mean no harm. The next part's a bit tricky - there's a half dozen sign languages in Gongalla, and you only know one (Goblin Standard) due to Auntie Echo being deaf. Here's hoping he understood the signs of 'friend', 'cave', 'fight', 'helper'.

Surprisingly, he nods, then replies in a different sign language. You were about to sign 'no speak', but then Valencio signs you 'west', 'military'. Ah, must be a military lingo, then? Through Valencio's translation, the clown was signing 'come', 'watch/look out for', 'hostage', 'file formation', 'go here'. Hmm, your theory that he's looking for the kidnapped clown kids might hold water after all.

Following his lead, your team proceed silently in single-file behind the clown, careful to not make too much noise. The cave's entrance engulfs you all in darkness - but your goblin ancestry negated that. You spend some time walking down the rough-hewn tunnel until a flickering light can be seen. The tunnel opens up to a chamber with a very conspicuous floor carving that lets you know that it's definitely the Singularity cult that owns this place. There's a couple of passages that lead further into the cavern - one has a bit of descending muddy floor that shows a lot of foorsteps headed that way, while from the other, some faint sound can be heard. Like someone talking, perhaps a sermon? A prayer? Or was it a voice strained through hunger? Then again, secretive cults love their hidden passages - could there be one here?

Other than those two passages, there are two crates in this chamber, filled with duplicated bone relics as evidenced from the one with its top open.

The clown seem unsure as to where he should proceed next.


>□ Take the downwards path with many footsteps
>□ Follow that sound, could be a voice
>□ Look for secret passages
>□ Check the floor carving
>□ Let the clown decide, reassure him
>□ Other (fill in)
Would it be stupid to split apart? I feel like Millie and Clyde can handle themselves pretty well.
I'd be in favor of that.
Clyde, Millie and Craig on the downward path. Clown with us and Valencio to the voice;
>>□ Let the clown decide, reassure him
Two passages, huh? Then you'd have to split your team to two. You sign 'split', then point at Clyde, Millie, Craig, and Nemo, before pointing to the left tunnel with the footsteps. Then you point at yourself, Valencio, and the clown before pointing at the right tunnel, where you can hear voices. Millie nods - she must've read your mind - and holds Craig's hand before motioning for Clyde to follow. Nemo offered to lead the way, and off they go in their side of the cave, before you go into yours.


At the moment, you are Craig Snorlison, and you're holding hands with Millie. Admittedly, that helps a bit with your nervousness - and the fact that Nemo and Clyde's taking the front and back of your formation does ease your worry-wart of a mind. Then again, this downwards-spiraling chamber doesn't exactly fill your heart with courage.

"Interesting mana signatures... built into a spiraling pattern?"

It was Magos who spoke in your mind, one of the four spirits that were bound to you.

"Indeed. Hazarding a guess that this might be the cult's ritual chamber of some kind."

Scholar weighs in. You'd expect Trickster to pop in unannounced, but he's kind of silent - as is Watchdog, but that's because the latter is keeping an eye on the four figures surrounding an altar below. You can't see them clearly though...


You are Rosa Montagni again, silently following the clown into the right tunnel. The voices sound clearer now, as the clown stops well outside the perimeter of the chamber before you. Two cultists are arguing in front of a locked door.

"Hmm, what took them so long?"

One of them, a human with a holster visible, checks his wrist-watch.

"I tells ya, we gotta spring em now, while we got the time!"

A stout Tmavy Les seems to have gotten cold feet.

"Is this about that 'incoming threat' our man in town warned about? Mime or not, he's just a single clown..."

The boogieman grows more agitated.

"I'm telling ya, I don't wanna tangle with one of the Honkmother's faithful! I've seen their works out West, and it ain't pretty!"

The human still seem unconcerned, though. Should you do something to shake them up, then?



>□ Approach the altar cautiously
>□ See if Nemo can see who or what those four figures are
>□ Check the mana signature of the chamber carefully
>□ Get Clyde to ambush the four figures
>□ Walk down pretending to deliver Craig and Millie as sacrifices
>□ Other (fill in)


>□ Let the clown knock both of them out
>□ Let Valencio knock both of them out
>□ Rush in alone, saying the clown's in the cave, while the clown shadows you
>□ Have Valencio and the clown take out the cultists together
>□ Maybe have the human with the gun knocked out and interrogate the boogeyman
>□ Other (fill in)
Rolled 20 (1d100)

>□ Check the mana signature of the chamber carefully
It's spooky. Better be careful.
>□ Have Valencio and the clown take out the cultists together
Seems like the better idea, no? Each one takes out one. We can interrogate them later.
Rolled 15, 9 = 24 (2d20)

>>□ Other (Valencio's Tremorsense could help figure out fine details while Craig checks the mana signature...)

>>□ Rush in alone, saying the clown's in the cave, while the clown shadows you
Con-woman time.
Anon, yot me all excited, just to discover you rolled wrong! 2d20, friend.
Rolled 10, 19 = 29 (2d20)

I don't wanna miss this opportunity to con for Rosa
Too bad Valencio's with Rosa and not Craig tho...
Rolled 20, 16 = 36 (2d20)

Here's the roll.

Oh yeah..
Damn, that's luckeh. Feel free to get excited, anon.
You are Craig - and these mana signatures, you feel as if Magos knows a thing or two about it.

"Correct! These conduits channel and amplify the ambient mana into the altar... or perhaps away from it. But that's not all!"

In an instant, Magos made your eyes see some rather recently inscribed mana patterns.

"These are detection runes, set to alert whoever inscribed them to any souls who cross the treshold. Good thing this one's inert and inactive."

Looking down below, you can see one of the figures has similarly-colored mana as the signatures on the walls. Maybe they're the designated magical security of the ritual?

In any case, it seems like Millie read your mind, because she whispered in your ear.

"How do we bypass these runes?"

Well, you have some ideas how...


You are now Rosa Montagni, and a devilish plan had formulated in your mind. Through some gestures (and Valencio translating where needed), you tell the clown the plan, which earned you a smile and a nod. The plan is a go.

From the darkness, you run towards the two cultists.

"Clown's coming!!"

You half shout, the kind where it's interspersed by heavy breathing - as if you've been running for some time.

"Whoa, slow down! What do you mean?"

The human's starting to get worried, as the boogieman is showing signs of distress.

"They got everyone, man! He's just... didn't say anything as he bashed us one by one!"

"Wait what?! What is Gruber doing?"

The human is now fully concerned.

"The lookout - he beat him up to a pulp with a baton thing man! Saw it myself! Not a damn sound!"

"Aw naaah! We gotta let those kids out! I don't wanna die in this crummy cave!"

The boogieman is now panicking. You've got them where you want them... now what?


>□ Try to alter the runes so they won't activate, ever
>□ Try to take out the magic security guy below
>□ They detect souls, huh? Send Nemo and Clyde ahead
>□ Jump from above, held by Clyde
>□ Other (fill in)


>□ Have the clown knock out the human, then interrogate the boogieman
>□ Pressure them to release the kidnapped kids
>□ Suggest the three of you hide in the room with the kids
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Jump from above, held by Clyde
Drop on his head.
>□ Suggest the three of you hide in the room with the kids
This way, we'll know where he might be coming from and we can wait besides the doorway to bonk him when he walks in. Or something like that.
+1, seems sensible.

Let's do that.
That plan sounds sensible
Back again as Craig, you whisper your very straightforward idea to Millie, who smiles conspiratorially and relays said idea to Clyde, who nods. Millie then points to Clyde's back, while she sits on his shoulder.

"Hold on tight, Craig..."

You grip Clyde's jacket hard. Then, from two or three stories high, Clyde leaps straight down, literally bypassing the detection runes and knocking out the magic user responsible for them as he lands. From behind, Nemo followed suit, landing softly in contrast to Clyde's meteoric landing.

Of course, even without the detection runes, the other three hooded figures had definitely noticed your arrival.

"Grr, intruders! I'll zap them in a jiffy..."

One tries amassing mana into their hands, an attempt at offensive magic, perhaps?

"Wait, look! They have kids! Aim to capture!"

The other one spotted you and Millie, it seems.

"Careful where you point that thing! With Greg down, the mana balance's offset!"

The third cultist seem fearful of a mana conflagration - or the risk of wild magic reactions. How would your team handle this?


Somewhere not far above, you are Rosa again.

"We got no time! Quick, hide in there!"

You yell, pointing to the door they were guarding.

"With the kids? Good idea! C'mon Tom, get the key!"

The boogieman is thoroughly deceived, as the human hurriedly brings out a key ring from his inventory. To Tom's credit, he didn't fumble the keys and quickly opened the door.

Quickly, the three- well, actually four of you rush in, and Tom quickly shuts the door and return the keychain into his inventory. Inside, you see some sort of detaining chamber, separated by glass. Inside are two clown kids, obviously kidnapped by the looks of it.

"There, that mime won't get in now!"

Tom exclaims, a hint of triumph in his voice that you're about to crush.

"I won't be that sure, why don't we set up an ambush for him?"

Your suggestion is readily taken by the Tmavy Les.

"Okay, that sure sounds smart!"

"Right, Tom, take the right, and you... er..."

"Vadim, ma'am!"

"Vadim, you take the left. He was chasing me, so I'll take the center, better distraction that way."

Tom nods, and the two cultists take their position - not knowing that the clown they were hoping to ambush is already in the same room with them. They're too focused on the door to realize anything else...


>□ Have Craig use his regular goblin magic on the cultists
>□ Have Craig use one of his special magic, Sledgehammer, on the cultists
>□ Have Clyde jump into melee, he's bulletproof
>□ Have Clyde grab a cultist to toss them onto another cultist
>□ See how Millie handles combat situations
>□ See how Nemo fights
>□ Other (fill in)


>□ Time to knock both cultists out with the clown
>□ Have the clown handle the cultists while you figure out how to get the kids out
>□ Wait until Valencio punches the door down from outside
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Have Clyde grab a cultist to toss them onto another cultist
>□ Time to knock both cultists out with the clown
Clyde's strong and bulletproof, right?
>□ Have Clyde grab a cultist to toss them onto another cultist
>□ Wait until Valencio punches the door down from outside

Maximum shenanigan. They both focus on the knocked-on door, double take down, take the keys.
Seconding this
>□ Have Craig use one of his special magic, Sledgehammer, on the cultists

>□ Time to knock both cultists out with the clown
Folks, just a bit of delay notice, heat-induced headache's been kicking my ass these past few days, but hopefully the next update'll be out in the next couple of days. Apologies!
Thanks for looping us in, QM!
Feel better, king!
Clyde reacts before you can even try to pool your mana into a spell. In an instant, he stepped behind the cultist opposite of the aggressive one, and in one fell swoop he turned that cultist into a torpedo. One that squarely hits the opposing cultist, resulting in both getting knocked out.

That was SO COOL.

"Yep, that's my Clyde alright!"

Millie looks so proud.

The third cultist only snapped out of their surprise when both Clyde and Nemo approached them.

"Will you also resist?"

Nemo says, with that unnerving stare of his, as Clyde lets loose a grunt that signals he's up for more roughhousing.

"Alright, alright! I surrender!"

The cultist raises both hands meekly, but it seems like Millie would like to do something to this cultist... ask questions, maybe?


The other chamber also initiates its own burst of violence. With a nod to the clown, you reach for your ammo-less revolver - but grip it so that the handle faces the front. The clown swiftly and silently stepped out of your shadow, baton in hand. Your pistol whip is a bit louder than the clown's takedown, but thankfully you aimed at the correct spot on the boogieman's head - no second or third whipping necessary. In any case, you return to your silent mode, and rummaged the unconscious Tom's inventory. Ta-da! His keys are now yours. Now, to free those kids! Wait, if this key is for that door... which one's the key for the glass chamber?


>□ Ask the cultist about this chamber
>□ Ask the cultist about the kids
>□ Ask the cultist about their leader
>□ Clyde? Knock 'em out!
>□ Other (fill in)


>□ Try the two-pronged key
>□ Try the one-pronged key
>□ Wait, could be a trick, all three keys aren't for this, look for clues
>□ Unlock the secure door behind you and get Valencio to use his fist
>□ Or use Valencio's tremorsense to check for traps
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Other (fill in) Ask him their plan.
>□ Or use Valencio's tremorsense to check for traps
Does the glass door use a glass key?
>□ Ask the cultist about this chamber
Read his mind for guaranteed truthfulness, ideally.

>□ Or use Valencio's tremorsense to check for traps
Let's not Auschwitz the kids, k?

Based on the what was drawn in >>6120808, the 3 prong key has already been used for the door to the room, and I doubt they would use the same one for the cage. Maybe the kids know which key is used?
+1 to this! What's the plannnn
As Craig, you watch as Millie orders Clyde to pull down the only conscious cultist's hood and reveals a boogieman you've never seen before. A rather nervous one, by his stuttering fits. In a bold move, Millie jumps on his chest and gets real face-to-face, gripping the cultist's collar.

"Now tell me the plan of your cult... or else!"

Millie's smiling all the while, while Clyde glowers behind her. Combined with her secret mind-reading powers, you realize this is a pretty effective interrogation technique.

"I-I don't know! I'm o-only supposed to g-get the s-suhpiral chamber r-ready! The b-boss would k-know!"

Huh, so these are not the cult's leaders, then. Wordlessly, Clyde and Nemo ties down the unconscious cultists with their own hoodies, and then escort the boogieman back up - nothing else seem to be in this partially prepared mana chamber.


Back as Rosa, you quickly check the keys you lifted from that Tom cultist - hey, apart from the three-pronged one, they're all decoys! And judging by the keyhole and the lack of any visible door to the clown kids' holding chamber, you doubt the same key is used for this chamber. You'd need someone with a more delicate touch... or tremorsense.

"Hey, Valencio, come here real quick."

The reply comes after a punch broke down the locked security door.

"You rang?"

Valencio! Just the man you needed.

"Yeah, can you check the chamber for traps and open it?"

"Sure thing!"

Short story even shorter, the tremorsense did pick up some weird mechanism to the side of the chamber, but it can't do anything when Valencio tactically pulverizes its moving parts. Which is quite impressive when he bypasses the surrounding rock wall to do it. Another punch to the very thick glass and a safe passage out appears for the kids. The clown still keeps his silence, though - seems like he thinks the mission's not over yet. Well, better get these cultists tied up and the kids out of the cave.


Back at the initial chamber, you see that Millie's team had done their task, even bringing back a prisoner to boot. Hey, isn't that the chatterbug croc's friend from town?

"Hey Rosa! I see you found the kids?"

Millie smiles.

"Yep. And you've got a prisoner!"

"Yep! Find anyone that seem important over there?"

"Nah. What did that cultist say?"

"There's supposed to be a boss somewhere in this cave..."

Hm, but isn't there only two passages here? Unless... there's a secret one.

"...and it seems there is a secret passage right here in this chamber!"

Millie discreetly points to the middle wall candleholder. Of course! But you don't open those willy-nilly, right?


>□ Get the clown to escort the kids out, tell him to go to McDowd
>□ Get Valencio to use tremorsense to check for traps
>□ Get Craig to check for magical traps
>□ Just pull that disguised lever and prepare for anything!
>□ Maybe the boss isn't even in the cave... but back in Pinewatch! Let's get back there
>□ Other (fill in)
□ Get Craig to check for magical traps
>>□ Get Valencio to use tremorsense to check for traps
Is there a reason we can't do both, desu? But if I must choose...

>□ Get Craig to check for magical traps
They were prepping for a magical ritual.
do both if possible, do Craig's if not
>>□ Get Valencio to use tremorsense to check for traps
>>□ Get Craig to check for magical traps
"Craig, check that sconce for anything magical. Valencio, use your tremorsense - I don't want to get caught in a trap."

Quickly, they run their checks - Craig spreads both palms towards the supposed hidden door, while Valencio presses his on the ground.

"Rosa, seems like it's clear of any magic!"

Craig spoke softly, but Valencio's mask is still trained on the wall.

"No traps... but there's someone coming from the other side!"

Indeed, just as he finished that sentence, the wall rumbled open. Valencio, Clyde, and the clown stiffens up into alert mode, ready for a confrontation. The passage ahead is as dark as the others - but nobody seems to be there, contrary to Valencio's report.

But then, a dangerous glint. Clyde moves faster than reflex, putting himself between Valencio and Craig, just as a knife slashes a tear on his sleeve. The wielder of the knife steps forth, seemingly coming from the darkness itself.

Millie gasped as the figure is now seen in the candlelight of the cave. A glasses-wearing rabbit-looking person, with a furrowed brow that might just be permanent.

"Yet anozzer horse back from ze dead... zis place is full of surprises."

If it wasn't for the fact that he's holding a knife, and Millie's cautious look towards him, you'd have mistook him for an average townie. But just what of him that makes Millie be guarded like that?

Definitely reading your mind, Millie whispered to you, voice trembling.

"I've seen him back in my universe. He's a serial killer... and he's killed James Baxter twice."

Wait, who's James Baxter??




Thanks for running.
>James Baxter
heh, i get that one.
The only one I'm aware of is the animator (?) who got a shout-out episode on Adventure Time as an wspexially entertaining horse. Seems related, maybe...?

Thanks for running, and see you soon!
Thank you for running!
Apocrypha, spoiler warning:

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