/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2015
41269539King of Men Quest 0An introduction to the kingdom management Quest revolving around the new King, Valorian Vastov.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-17 15 
41286961King of Men Quest 1The Battle of Baskor came and went. With decisive military force and skill King Valerion united his Kingdom and began solidifying his rule.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-18 11 
41325172King of Men Quest 2We hunt down the intruders from last thread, build our bonds with the Khazidites, and grab a meeting and start relations with the Mavens. War is coming.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-20 8 
41417042King of Men Quest 3We take the Oaths of Allegiance from our counts, learn about the story of Eleisha's sordid past. And, of course, we march to war.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-24 8 
41483065King of Men Quest 4We butt heads with the Order, reclaim Vastov Minor, get a new buddy, and start this war for real.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-27 6 
41493314King of Men Quest 4-Part 2We duel the dread Bjorn, King of the Zestreid. Things go nicely.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-27 6 
41548206King of Men Quest 5We go to the party in La Faresse and it is quite the event.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-30 5 
41554855King of Men Quest 5 part 2We gain some new talent, get some new vassals, and make decisions!Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2015-07-30 6 
August 2015
41610228Spectre: A Mass Effect QuestIn which, despite her chargen nearly ruining everything, Lieutenant Commander Sonali Vasusena is born.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-08-02 22 
41735266Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 2)In which we finish up the briefing, prep our gear and begin Operation Nightbane.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-08-08 15 
41919519Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 3)Sonali tears through a security post in her quest to save her squadmates.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-08-17 13 
41941038Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 3.5)Operation Nightsbane is completed, but at a great cost.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-08-18 13 
42014553Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 4)Sonali accepts the offer and deals with fallout.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-08-22 12 
42202727Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 5)Sonali does some thinking, levitates and beats up her CO.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-08-31 13 
September 2015
42338864Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 6)Sonali meets the Council.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-09-07 14 
42483372Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 6)In which Sonali meets a big gal.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-09-14 13 
42725853Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 8)In which we get a ship and name it the Chinese Zodiac.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-09-26 12 
42747447Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 9)HA HA TIME FOR LOGISTICS.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-09-27 12 
October 2015
42873909Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 10)Shopping, Recruiting and Unwanted Solicitation.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-10-04 12 
42982490Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 11)In which the crew learns not to play poker with Sonali.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-10-11 12 
43263795Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 12)In which there are Lions and Tigers and Wolves and Smart Birds. No Bears, sadly.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-10-25 12 
November 2015
43397334Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 13)Huh, Thread 13 on Halloween. SPOOKY.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-11-01 12 
43630327Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 14)New Day, New Crew.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-11-14 12 
43745406Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 15)In which Sonali swears Vengeance.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2015-11-21 12 
January 2016
45096145Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 16)In which Valor returns, provides a recap, then plans stuff.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2016-01-30 11 
February 2016
45239204Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest (Part 17)Tactical Espionage Action.Spectre: A Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Valor2016-02-06 12 
45643060King of Men Quest 6The Quest returns. We stop the conspiracy that was brewing and start paying a visit to our new acquisitions.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2016-02-26 6 
March 2016
45746104King of Men Quest 7We investigate our new territory in Hoogstrad and deal with the slippery Vella. Quest nearly dies, doesn't quite yet.Collective Game, King of Men Quest, Valorian, Management2016-03-02 5 
June 2016
274051Pokemon Civ Evolution 8Valornia expands its industry a little more, gets more bureaucratic and talks to the mainland and gets a map bigger than anything before.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-06-22 1 
298705Pokemon Civ. Evolution 9Valornia prepares for war and the QM has his doubts about everything.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-06-28 1 
July 2016
313915Pokemon Civ Evolution XValornia destroys a fleet and fights demons rather poorly.collective game, ArticQM, Pokemon civ evo, civilization evolution, Valornia2016-07-02 1 
339452Pokemon Civ Evolution XIDemons are fought, things are found underwater and the Valornian army splits to be more badass in more than one place.collective game, ArticQM, Pokemon civ evo, civilization evolution, Valornia2016-07-09 1 
354006Pokemon Civ Evolution XIIThe Pokemon fight a rousing battle and slaughter their enemies and cause an avalanche as well.collective game, ArticQM, Pokemon civ evo, civilization evolution, Valornia2016-07-14 1 
369079Pokemon Civilization Evo. XIIIA battle takes place and religion becomes important again.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-07-21 1 
397154Pokemon Civilization Evo. XIV Part 1The part where a rebellion in Haven happens, talks about royal marriage and an envoy is sent to find Kyogre.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-07-30 1 
August 2016
435155Pokemon Civilization Evo. XIV Part 2Valornia starts to tear down a wall, a pair of soldiers find something that may or may not be souls and immigration ramps up.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-08-08 2 
455605Pokemon Civilization Evo. XVValornia enters the Steam Age and a situation crops up in a peninsula not unlike a real world one.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-08-18 2 
492786Pokemon Civilization Evo. XVISome diplomacy is done and a war is almost over.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-08-29 2 
September 2016
519089Pokemon Civilization Evo. XVIIA wall gets torn downArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-09-11 2 
562896Pokemon Civ Evolution XVIIIWars stalemate and political talks open with nations in the Balk- Halzae Peninsula. No balkanization included.collective game, ArticQM, Pokemon civ evo, civilization evolution, Valornia2016-09-21 1 
October 2016
606733Pokemon Civilization 19Large amounts of diplomacy is done and the war is coming to a close.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-10-01 1 
658914Pokemon Civilization 20Things are coming to an endArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-10-17 1 
717673Pokemon Civilization 21 - Konec je blízkoA god reveals itself and its time to go demon hunting.ArticQM, Collective Game, Pokemon Civ Evo, civilization game, Valornia2016-10-29 1 
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