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  • File : 1305209597.jpg-(81 KB, 598x653, Binder Quest.jpg)
    81 KB Binder Quest VI Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)10:13 No.14901515  
    Your sleep is troubled. It's not that you are in nightmare. Or any dream at all. It's more as though you're in nothingness. It's not an uncomfortable feeling, as there are no words that you know of that you could use to describe it, but it's certainly unsettling. You hear a faint echo from the memories of your childhood. In your mind's eye you see the five glowing symbols of your toils before you. But now, in whatever void exists within yourself, you understand. They aren't gods at all. They are a story.
    You wake to a sound of a loud knock. You sit up quickly from beneath the covers, nearly falling out of your bed. The room is awash in light and you have no idea of the time, but it seems as though in your exhaustion you have slept through the morning bell. You look about you but everything seems to be in order, aside from your discarded ripped clothing from the night before upon the floor. You feel a dull pain upon your face and reach up, touching the blood moistened bandage there. All of last night rushes back to your memory with a stunning clarity.
    But something else returns to you that you had forgotten, a rushed promise by someone to speak with you tomorrow. And with horror you realize who is at the door.
    The knock comes again, harder and with a quiet voice, "Greg, are you in there? It's me, Arnold."
    To participate roll a d100 and post a course of action. A roll is not required for every suggestion, but the highest roll(s) will be given the most consideration in disagreements.
    Previous thread is here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14881826/
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)10:28 No.14901597
         File1305210501.jpg-(756 KB, 1280x1024, World_Serpent_by_LoganGFX.jpg)
    756 KB
    [[Bumping for any interested or anyone that wants to catch up in the archive.]]
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)10:56 No.14901735
         File1305212162.jpg-(603 KB, 830x1067, 1304710041223.jpg)
    603 KB
    [[Bumping again.]]
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)11:29 No.14901969
    One last bump. Seems to be a slow morning.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:30 No.14901984
    fffffffffuck I've got to leave for work in five minutes. Good luck with the quest, I'll catch up on it in the archives.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:32 No.14902004
    I say we should open the door and let him in. If he asks about the bandages lets say we fell down the stairs face first into a table corner
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)11:33 No.14902009
    [[Yeah, my quests always seem to take place at the most inconvenient times for the usuals. But such is the way of things when you work nights and attend university by day.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:35 No.14902032
    rolled 45 = 45


    Forgot roll
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)11:39 No.14902063
    rolled 45 = 45

    I think we need to spin a story about being attacked by a drunk with a broken bottle, since last night was a big festival. It's believable.
    Call out "Just a moment" as we make sure we're wearing decent clothing (not tattered and not flashing anyone), then open the door.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)11:46 No.14902116
    You leap from your bed, throwing on some clothing quickly. You respond, "Just a second, I'm getting dressed." You quickly stow the tattered clothes from the previous night away.
    "Just waking up? Sounds like you really let yourself go last night. I always pegged you as one not so fond of drink." Arnold says through the door.
    Having made yourself decent you turn to the door, "Well, I decided to make an exception. Come on in."
    The door opens and Arnold steps in, dressed in his good clothes. "Look, we need to talk about... Damn Greg! What happened to your face? You look like you were attacked!"
    "It was nothing, just a drunk with a broken bottle making trouble. It's not too bad."
    "Maybe you would do better to stay away from the wine then... You should have someone look at that. But, anyways, we need to talk in private. Come with me for a walk in town. We'll find somewhere away from prying ears."
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)11:49 No.14902139
    rolled 39 = 39

    "Certainly. Please, give me a moment to straighten up. Pray tell, what time is it?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:52 No.14902170
    rolled 82 = 82

    Don't forget.

    We made pact with the Sisters which must be fulfilled today AT NOON (right? was it at noon?)

    Ask him if he can do this in your room, this place is private after all.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:55 No.14902191
    rolled 47 = 47


    >"For our services, you will swear an oath. Under the light of tomorrow's noonday sun, you will seek out a fruit tree. Before the day is through you will plant a seed from the tree in the fertile earth exactly as far as you can throw a stone from it's base. Where that seed is planted you will stand until a small animal comes to stand before you. If you perform the ritual properly, it offer itself to your open hand. You will take the animal in hand and you will thank it for playing it's part. Then you will kill the animal and you will bury it with the seed."

    So look at the time and see if you can do what Ahnold asks
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)11:58 No.14902222
    "Sure," you say, very conscious that you cannot see the sun in the sky and don't know the time. "Do you have the time, by chance?"
    "It's a little before noon. You've already missed breakfast if that's what you're after."
    "Alright, just give me a few moments to straighten up. Couldn't we just talk here? After all, it's private enough."
    "Not for what we have to discuss. Nowhere within the monastery is." Arnold's normally stern face softens to a smile. "So, how about that walk?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:59 No.14902234
    rolled 78 = 78


    Goddammit, we absolutely need to get that ritual done. Tell him we have urgent business in the town and the walk will HAVE to wait until later.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)12:03 No.14902267
    rolled 76 = 76

    "Noon? BLAST! I said I would meet someone! And i'm already late! Our talk will have to wait! Meet me at sundown in the garden, we can find a private place to speak then!" Rush out the door.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)12:11 No.14902349
    Realizing how close you are to missing your deadline on your promise you hurriedly say, "I really don't know if I can spare the time right now, Arnold. I've got something I have to do first. Someone I need to meet." You rush out the door past him, "I hate to keep doing this but can we put this off for a little while again?"
    He walks out into the hallway after you, speaking angrily, "Damn it Greg, what could be so important that...'
    "Really sorry," you interject, "Meet me in the garden after dark." And with the last of your words you round the corner and are in the courtyard crossing quickly to the entrance hall. You need to find a fruit tree to fulfill the terms of your pact. There are a quite a few in the garden but someone might see your strange actions. There might be a few in the forests but you don't know exactly where they could be found and it could take a while to find one. On the hills beyond the town, there are some growing naturally but it's quite a considerable walk and you might draw attention with your face in it's current state. You wonder if there is anything you need to do before you leave the castle.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:13 No.14902363

    The hills beyond town seem like our best bet, but we'll have to hurry. Put up our hood and try to not attract attention to ourselves, we have an alibi for our injury, so it's not that big of a deal. As far as the other townspeople know, we're just another monk.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)12:16 No.14902389
    rolled 72 = 72

    We make for fruit trees outside town. If anyone questions us, just say that we had a bad experience last night and would like to be alone with our thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:17 No.14902396
    rolled 2 = 2


    Herp, forgot my roll.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:22 No.14902445
    rolled 89 = 89

    >On the hills beyond the town, there are some growing naturally but it's quite a considerable walk and you might draw attention with your face in it's current state.

    Who cares?
    Go there.
    Doing so in the monastery is dangerous, going to the forest we might lose the deadline. I don't want to know what will happen if we do.

    Run, FOOL, RUN
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)12:24 No.14902462
    You decide that the best course of action would be to make for the hills beyond the town. As you reach the great entryway of the castle you pull your cloak up about your head, trying to hide your covered injury. You quickly descend to the city streets below with your eyes on the hills rising across the twisting roadways. The sky is a dull grey above you, and the afternoon rain seems imminent. Many have cloaks upon their shoulders and you do not seem out of place despite wearing a night cloak in the day. As you traverse the streets you round a corner leading to the avenue up to the hills but stop and dart back. Standing down the road is Ranta, the day watch captain, speaking to a merchant at his cart on his way out of town. You know that if he spots you he will have questions about your appearance. Not to mention he may delay your progress and might even question why you are about town when you told him you were busy with your studies the day before. You could try to sneak by with your cloak about you but you risk detection. Or you could circle about and take another street, but it will take precious time and even more people will see you on your way.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:28 No.14902498
    rolled 24 = 24


    We can use our appearance to our advantage here. Say we know of a good doctor that lives on the outskirts of town and we're headed out to meet him to attend to the injury we recieved last night.

    He is, of course a very busy man and we need to be punctual to our meeting.

    Why would a monk lie to the captain of the watch?
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)12:28 No.14902503
    rolled 87 = 87

    circle around. The last thing we need is him distracting us for an hour with conversation.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)12:37 No.14902559
    You curse under your breath but you cannot risk bing caught now. You'll lose time circling around to another town exit but you would lose even more time if you were detained by Ranta. You head quickly down to another gate to the south and fall in with the crowd of merchants leaving through the passage way.
    After passing unnoticed through the gate you make quickly back towards the hills. After mounting the first hill and leaving the view of the town you break into a run towards the fruit trees beyond the next rise. You feel a coiled presence in your heart, driving you forward to your objective.
    There are numerous apples above but the tall trees are just out of reach. You look about with hopes of spotting a ladder, perhaps left behind by the orchard workers, and consider attempting to climb the tree. But then your foot touches a rotting apple and it rolls through the grass. You reach down and pluck it up, pulling a seed from it's core and looking about. Where should you plant it? The sisters were very specific in their request...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:39 No.14902574
    rolled 61 = 61


    Throw a stone while standing right next to the tree. Where the stone lands is where we plant it.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)12:40 No.14902585
    rolled 17 = 17

    A stone's throw, right? We pick up a pebble and throw it, following the path it takes. I say we thrw deeper into the orchard.

    >nagarjuna lloyar
    No, captcha, we don't want to bind Nagarjuna, the Lawyer of Ages. He's a dick.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)12:45 No.14902621
    You pick up a small stone from the ground and toss it back away from the town. You watch it fall about halfway up the next hill. Working quickly you rush to the spot and plant the seed, feeling the coiling presence in your heart loosening it's grasp.
    You stand on the spot recalling what you were told, and wait. How long must you wait for something to happen? After waiting for several minutes you feel a cold drop upon your face. You look up to the sky and see the clouds have grown thicker and a light rain has begun to fall. You can hear thunder in the distance. Your impatience mounting at the foolishness of this task, you sit down in the grass of the hill. When your gaze returns to the ground you see a small rabbit in the grass beside you. It is nibbling quietly and does not seem to notice you. This must be the sign you have been waiting for. But what will you do now?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:48 No.14902655

    Well if we did it right, we can just open up our hand to it and it will offer itself up for us to sacrifice.

    When that happens, kill it like we were told, then bury it with the seed.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)12:48 No.14902659
    rolled 60 = 60

    First, look around to see if we see or hear anyone nearby.
    "it will offer itself to your open hand" So, lean down, and extend our open hand, waiting for it to climb in. If it does, solemnly tell it 'thank you for playing your part', then snap its neck in a quick, clean kill (no need to be cruel) and bury it alongside the seed.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:49 No.14902668

    Yep, exactly this.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:50 No.14902674
    rolled 30 = 30


    Fuck, captcha ate my roll
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:53 No.14902700
    rolled 43 = 43

    >plant a seed from the tree in the fertile earth exactly as far as you can throw a stone from it's base

    Take stone, throw it. Plant it there.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)12:55 No.14902713
    You offer your open palm to the small animal. It turns and hops over, nuzzling it's head gently into your hand. You pick it up, and speak gently, "Thank you little one, for playing your part. And I am sorry."
    Taking the hare firmly between your hands you twist the neck in a quick and clean snap and it ceases it's movement.
    You quickly dig a hole astride where you planted the seed and drop the body into the hole, covering it with the dirt as a small mound. As you stand up and wipe off your hands, you see a small sprout where you had planted the seed a moment ago. You step back, admiring the simple beauty of your work and turn away, walking back towards the town.
    The rain is beginning to pick up now and you pull your cloak tightly around you.
    "I saw what you did there, boy," says a low and rough voice. "You're Tarrant's boy, ain't ye?"
    Hearing your father's name you turn about but don't see where the voice came from.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)12:58 No.14902739
    rolled 69 = 69

    "how dare you speak his name. Show yourself."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:58 No.14902744
    rolled 46 = 46


    Who's there?

    Hell, we took this place since it was safer... damn. But we couldn't have gone to forest though.

    Anyway, look about and then keep walking till you hear the voice again.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:58 No.14902745

    The fuck? Why can't anything go smoothly for us?

    "Who are you? Show yourself!"
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)13:07 No.14902828
    dude, you need to roll for your posts. Higher rolls get more consideration when incorporated into our actions. put "noko+dice+1d100" in the email field, but leave out the quotation marks. You could put just "dice+1d100", but the "noko" part will automatically bring you back to the thread instead of the front page of /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:09 No.14902849
    rolled 84 = 84


    Whoops. Thanks for the heads-up. Rolling for >>14902745
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)13:12 No.14902873
    "Who's there?" You say, cursing your luck. You took every precaution not to be seen. "Show yourself."
    A thin figure leaps down from the very tree from which you found the fruit. He's garbed in rich clothes of sapphire and has a small well kept black beard through which grey is beginning to show. One of his eyes is a golden brown while the other is a milky white.
    "How dare you speak my father's name. Show some respect from the dead."
    "Show some respect for your elders, my boy. And I've known your father far longer than you so I'll speak of him if I please."
    He walks slowly towards you with a limp, a silver cane at his side. "Show me the back of your hand boy. Go on, let's see it."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)13:14 No.14902909
    [[I hope all of my typos aren't as annoying to you guys as they are to me. All I can see every time I read back over it is all the damned mistakes I make from rushing to post. But, these things happen when write a lot of text and try to keep quests moving at a good pace.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:15 No.14902911
    rolled 92 = 92


    "I think you'd better explain who you are, why you were spying on us, and what exactly you want before I agree to anything."

    Fuuuuuuuuck well if this guy wanted to hurt us, he's had ample opportunity to do so by now. I still don't like him and don't think his intentions are very benevolent though.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:16 No.14902927
    rolled 19 = 19

    Whoa are you and how do you know my father?
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)13:21 No.14902964
    "I think you'd better explain who you are and how you know my father before I agree to anything. And why were you following me? What do you want?"
    "Slow down boy, too questions for an aging man like me to keep up with." He ceases his hobbling and leans against a nearby tree to catch his breath. "It's too much exercise chasing after you youths as it is. I just saw you in the market place trying to keep your secrecy and decided to follow you, on a hunch. Turns out my hunches are pretty good. I seen that ritual once or twice afore. When your father performed it. Now let's see the serpent's mark, what color is she?"
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)13:24 No.14902993
    rolled 39 = 39

    Knew our father, can hide in a tree and not be noticed despite wearing outlandishly expensive clothes? I think I can see where this is going. Hold up our right hand, palm toward us. We're not currently bound to Seno/Eno so there should be no trace of the mark.

    "There. Now you will tell me who you are, as if I don't have my suspicions, and why I shouldn't have the guards out here to hunt you down like a dog."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:25 No.14902998
    rolled 58 = 58

    do we even have a serpent mark?
    If performed the contract, it should be gone already.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:26 No.14903000
         File1305221164.jpg-(47 KB, 320x261, wat.jpg)
    47 KB
    rolled 77 = 77


    Our dad was involved with this too? Why did no one tell us..oh wait never mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:27 No.14903008
    rolled 64 = 64

    >why I shouldn't have the guards out here to hunt you down like a dog."

    Don't be too hostile.
    But still demand to know who he is and how he knows your father.
    His is probably his friend, I guess...
    >> Diarca 05/12/11(Thu)13:30 No.14903033
    rolled 2 = 2

    Nothing to lose. We don't bear Seno and Eno's mark any more. This guy does seem like someone we could learn from, though, and a friend of our fathers may be someone we could use as an ally.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)13:30 No.14903036
    You hold up your hand with your palm towards your face. You know he must be referring to the mark of the serpent but it's mark has not been upon you since late last night. "There, that's what you wanted to see. Now I think you owe me a few explanations in turn. Who are you?"
    He looks at your hand, disappointed. "Leonard's the name. Just a simple merchant living out the rest of his years on his hard earned wealth. At least that's what I tell everyone. I thought for sure that you had... Ah, tis a shame But yes, I knew ye father. . I suppose you want to know something about him then?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:32 No.14903060
    rolled 94 = 94


    "You said that you saw him perform this ritual too? How did you know him, know that he was involved in... this? And how can I be sure that you're telling me the truth?"
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)13:35 No.14903080
    rolled 98 = 98

    our dad was killed as a race-traitor when we were a kid, on account of him knocking up an elf chick (we live in a human-supremacist theocracy, remember)

    "Tell me, how often did he perform this, ceremony, and for what purpose?"
    Can we get a clear look at the side of man's face and head? I have a sneaking suspicion.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:39 No.14903103
    rolled 55 = 55

    >"You said that you saw him perform this ritual too?
    Don't acknowledge that what you have just done was a ritual.

    Ask him what he can tell you about your father. Just general things for now, some stuff that we would not know.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:42 No.14903118
    rolled 53 = 53

    >"I seen that ritual once or twice afore. When your father performed it."

    Dude, he already knows what it is and caught us red-handed doing it.

    But I do agree to not give too much away without determining his trustworthiness first. After everything that's happened in the past few days, we're pretty justified in our paranoia.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)13:46 No.14903153
    You feel a distinct air of danger around this man. He is certainly more than he appears. He plays the cripple and yet he pursued you at your quick pace through town and gained his way into a high tree unaided. "You said that my father did this too. How did you know him? And how can I be sure that you're telling me the truth?"
    "At some point, boy, you'll realize that the truth is whatever you choose to believe. So if you choose to believe me than there's your answer." The man looks up at the sun through the light rain and then pulls a small contraption from his waist and flips it open. You recognize it a a pocket clock that only the wealthy of the southern cities could afford. "I'm already late for my afternoon luncheon and this rain is going to soil my clothes. Walk with me while I talk." Closing the watch, he returns it to his belt and begins to walk towards the closest city gate where you saw Ranta earlier. You try to get a better look at the man's full features but he has a cloak drawn up about his head.
    "I met your father when he was a boy of about your age in the capital city of Solaria. We both had something to offer each other. I needed someone to test my theories and he needed a way out. And so we came here. Of course, he went and got himself killed after a time and left me in bloody rut, unable to go back to my old life. But that's the short version."
    He turns his milky eye upon you, "Now give me a straight answer. Did ye call the serpent?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)13:50 No.14903202
    rolled 40 = 40

    I'm not sure I am comfortable answering that question ...
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)13:53 No.14903226
    rolled 70 = 70

    Play coy.
    "Which serpent? You'll have to be more specific"
    If there's one thing we've learned from the last few days, it's to be a rules-lawyering dick and a stickler for semantics.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)13:54 No.14903234
    [[Going away for about an hour. Feel free to debate amongst yourselves whether or not to trust the man.]]
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)14:00 No.14903287
    I, also, have to step out for a bit, but I'll leave this one speculation: I think this guy's an Elf. At least a half-elf. He knew our father, but he's not nearly old enough looking by human measure. There's a good chance he's related to our half-brother's mother, hell, he could be our half-step-grandfather, for all we know. We need to play coy, draw out as much info from him as we can. We don't necessarily need to throw him under the train or treat hi as a major threat, but we do need to be wary and milk him for as much info as we can get.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)14:29 No.14903551
    rolled 97 = 97

    he said he was crippled, right?

    I think I can see where this is going. He wants us to transfer his injury to someone doesn't he?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:10 No.14903930
    rolled 100 = 100


    ...Eh, as much as I don't really trust the guy, I don't think we can really lie to him about this. If he really IS trying to help us, then we need to be willing to talk to him first.


    Yeah, I was thinking he's an elf/half elf of some kind too.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)15:18 No.14904006
    Bumping for more participants
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)15:34 No.14904155
    [[Okay, back. Catching up real quick.]]
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)15:35 No.14904169
    He PLAYS the cripple, but he can climb a tree/leap out of one and land smoothly without injury or looking clumsy. I think the 'cripple' look is an act.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)15:51 No.14904299
    "You seem to know more than you let on. If I did call forth the serpent of what interest is it to you?" You put forth the question carefully, not wanting to lie but not wanting to give too much information. This man seems to know a great deal that you do not and your desire to understand is burning inside.
    Without slowing or turning he says evenly, "If you did call the serpent it might be of a special interest to me. My research was far from complete when your father, bless his poor heart, bit the dust and I am in need of a new subject. You seem to possess the potential too, as your father feared, and perhaps I can persuade you take his place. Take up his mantle where he left off." His words remain cryptic and guarded, hinting at half truths and underlying secrets. You are now upon the path walking back into the western gate past a now dwindling stream of merchants.
    "Afraid I can't be seen associating with the likes of you in public. If ye wish to know the man your father really was, you can call up me at the Belrime Manor in uptown." He beckons with his cane to the vaulted archway of the town gate. "Now go on boy, be on your way."
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)15:56 No.14904349
    rolled 61 = 61

    A bit too haughty for my taste.
    "Very well. If you won't respect me enough to even address me by name, then I see no reason to aid your research, Old Man. Enjoy spending the rest of your life wondering what I could have done for you."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)16:04 No.14904406
    Not liking the man's arrogant demeanor you spit angrily, "From what I see I have no reason to associate with you any further either. Good day, sir."
    You stride off through the gate and into town, barely even noticing where you are. After a few minutes of calming yourself from the unnerving encounter you figure you had best decide what to do now that you have some free time. There are several leads to follow up on in your research and so much you don't know still. You are a tad famished, having missed breakfast, but dinner won't be held for another few hours yet. There is plenty to do still before your meeting with Arnold at nightfall. But what first?
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)16:07 No.14904463
    rolled 41 = 41

    Grab a quick bite from a merchant in town, probably some jerky or a piece of fruit, then off to our little study, where we were the night this mess all started. We are supposed to keep working as if all is normal, and we've neglected our duties for, what, two days now? We need to catch up.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:10 No.14904485

    Agreed. Let's take another crack at the books and try to keep some semblance of normalcy.

    Oh yeah, and meet with Arthur tonight as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:10 No.14904492
    rolled 44 = 44


    Crap. Keep forgetting my roll.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)16:22 No.14904627
    Deciding that you've gotten yourself into enough trouble in the past couple of days you plan to make today a return to normality. As you pass by one of the few local shops you buy a half of a fresh loaf of bread, assuring the baker that your head injury is nothing serious, and snack upon it as you head back to the castle and out of the rain.
    You make your way, unperturbed, to the southern tower after fetching some ink and parchment from the store room below it. You draw a few glances from passersby on the way but no one stops to question your wound. Sitting down for the first time in what seems like forever you get to work noting required alterations within the heretical texts.
    As the hours pass by you find yourself secretly hoping to find more important (and more interesting) blasphemies than meager mentions of other gods or coexistence with savage species. But nothing of the sort ever makes itself apparent, and the hours drag on, your mind barely even on the task at hand. After you see the sun finally set beneath the mountain range and ignite the sky in a fiery red through the window you rise from your seat and replace your sorted books upon the shelf to be returned. You carry your notes with you and walk to return them to the depository in the side room of the library so that other scribes can use the notes to rewrite a new edition of the texts you have finished examining.
    You turn to leave and return to your room, passing by a maid coming to tend the room. Seeing your face, she questions if you are alright, but you repeat the same story as you did to Arnold and she seems to accept it. You arrive in your room and look about, wondering if you should bring anything with you or do anything still. The hour of your meeting with Arnold is almost upon you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:24 No.14904647
    rolled 48 = 48


    We need some way of guarding ourselves in case we're walking into a trap with Arthur.

    Also make sure everything is securely locked and hidden away in our room when we go, in case someone might use this as a distraction to break in.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)16:31 No.14904726
    You look about your room for anything you might need to hide, but the majority of your valuables are locked away in the Eastern tower. The only thing left hidden is the Elven flute beneath your bed and the sprinkled powder marking it is still undisturbed.
    You feel as though you might want some way to defend yourself in the event that things with Arnold go badly or that he leads you into a trap. You look about but there is nothing of the sort in the room that you might even consider as a weapon. The only place you can think to find a true weapon nearby might be to steal a knife from the kitchen, but that would be locked at this hour.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:34 No.14904762
    rolled 47 = 47


    Hmm, it would look very suspicious if we were to break into the kitchen to steal a knife. We'll have to look into buying one for ourselves the next time we're in town.

    Go to the meeting then, but be alert for anything amiss.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)16:39 No.14904822
    rolled 8 = 8

    agreed. Arnold didn't seem too well armed or dangerous when he approached us this morning. I don't think he's completely sure of how much we know or don't know. If we still have some of the those nails I suggested for the spike strips, then see if we can find some burlap or thin leather we can form into a strip and wrap around our hand like Brass Knuckles. Press the nails into and through the fabric/leather for a crude cestus.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)16:41 No.14904841
    Deciding that there is nothing more to be done, you head out to the Garden along the Northern wall. There are few about at this hour and you arrive at the garden without incident. Descending down the winding path you see the rounded form of Arnold standing with his back to the river. He take note of you shortly but does not say a word until you reach the level ground beside him.
    "I almost thought you weren't going to come," he says, pulling his night cloak tighter about him in the cold mist of the river. "But it looks like I've finally nailed you down in one place. Listen..." He looks about to ensure that you are both alone in the darkness, his voice almost eclipsed by the river's sound. "You need to stop what you're doing. It's dangerous stuff you're meddling in."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:44 No.14904871
    rolled 6 = 6


    "Studying the tome the Chaplain gave me? What makes you say that?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)16:46 No.14904891
    [[Chaplain didn't give you a tome. He gave you the steel disk artifact and the letter. The tome was discovered on your own and, to your knowledge, no one else knows about it (or at least that you have it).]]
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)16:51 No.14904943
    rolled 66 = 66


    FUCK. Sorry. Replace "tome" with "artifact".
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)16:59 No.14905039
    rolled 75 = 75

    "Really? And what AM I meddling in? Speak plainly, Arnold. Let's not mince words."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)17:05 No.14905093
    Sensing the ambiguous nature of his speech you reply, "You'll have to be a little clearer, Arnold. You mean studying the artifact the chaplain gave me?" you say with some reservation. You aren't sure how much Arnold knows but it would be best to play ignorant just in case. "What makes you say that?"
    Arnold sighs heavily before continuing, "Look, that thing is obviously not just some relic of a lost people. It's a weapon, and the King and the Chaplain know this and they want you to figure it out for them. You've known the pain of war. You were here during the fall of Nordrime castle to the Zarians. Do you really want to put something like that into the hands of these people? Can anyone really be trusted with that kind of power? What do you think happened to the civilization that made that thing?"
    He stops, staring off into the distance.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:08 No.14905125
    rolled 61 = 61


    "Wait, a weapon? You speak as if you have experience with this thing already..."
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)17:12 No.14905172
    rolled 15 = 15

    Stare in the same direction he is, see what's he's looking at.
    "I think you think too highly of half-myths and the fairy tales of savages. Humans cannot work magic. We never have and never will. I will putter around for a few months, then tell the Chaplain to tell the king that there is nothing to be found. No lost magic, no hidden weapon. Just old fairy tales, told by degenerate tribesmen to scare their children. nothing more."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:16 No.14905219
    rolled 90 = 90

    "Arnold, how do you know all of this? Even after spending entire days toiling to find out what it is, I've made only little progress... which is not even enough.
    Clearly, you are telling me something I do not know."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)17:21 No.14905264
    "What, a weapon?" you say with feigned trepidation. "How do you know it's a weapon?"
    "You read the damned letter. If you're half as bright as the chaplain seems to think you should have pieced it together. This thing is obviously some kind of human made magic and the king wants to know how it works, what it can do, and how he can make more. Why else would he ask that?"
    "Arnold, I think you're giving too much credit to these fairy tales of old. Human magic is just a myth, and from what I've seen so far, so is everything else about this relic. In all likelihood that's what I'll end up having to tell the king myself."
    Arnold turns from the river and you sternly in the eye. "You'd be wise to do that, regardless of what you find, Greg. You understand?"
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)17:24 No.14905309
    rolled 10 = 10

    "No more hiding, Arnold. What do you know? What aren't you telling me?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:25 No.14905316
    rolled 88 = 88

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:29 No.14905354
    rolled 68 = 68


    Wow, you know, I pegged Arthur as the kind of person to want to use this for his own gain, so either he's a terrific actor, or he genuinely wants to see it destroyed.

    Not trusting him either way though. Just nod and say "Fine then, if it makes you feel better, I'll try to keep whatever I find away from the King's ears. Although I sincerely doubt I'm going to be able to find anything of value in the first place."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)17:30 No.14905374
    "Arnold, how do you know all this? I've spent days now trying to understand half of what you seem to already know. No more of these games. What are you hiding from me?"
    Arnold turns and walks away again, closer to the river. He looks at the small river crossing in contemplation. "I didn't want it to have to come to this. But you have left me with little choice." Glancing over his shoulder he looks at you with a look you have only seen in his eye once, in a kitchen on a dark night. "Follow me into the forest. There's something you need to see."
    He walks steadily across the river and vanishes through the thick mists.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:32 No.14905393
    rolled 2 = 2

    Alright, lets see how he's going to come clean.

    (I still don't trust him. Like... at all)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:33 No.14905399
    rolled 8 = 8


    Uh...I'm still paranoid about this, but follow him. Keep wary of anything tricky though, and make sure we can find our way back out of the woods if we need to make a run for it.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)17:36 No.14905428
    rolled 21 = 21

    Show only confusion on our face. Follow, cautiously, and be alert for any sign of ambush or danger.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:37 No.14905442
    rolled 20 = 20

    follow him into the forest, but slowly, acting as if our wound is affecting our movement speed an balance
    (always better to make someone underestimate you)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:40 No.14905478
    rolled 8 = 8

    If he tries to summon something, stop him.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)17:44 No.14905515
    rolled 55 = 55

    good call. Completely agreed
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)17:44 No.14905530
    You are very skeptical of Arnold's intentions and still fear a trap, but you decide to follow him. Crossing the river you see him already striding into the forest line. You walk slowly up the hill towards him, hoping to delude him into thinking your injury leaves you weakened, but he slows down and waits until you walk beside him. You see a light some distance off through the tree line in front of you to which you seem to be heading.
    "What if I told you," Arnold begins in a very serious tone. "That there is indeed a magic humans can make use of." He says in a theatrical manor. You suspect you know where this will lead but let him continue. "And not only a magic that humans can use, but one that only pure-blooded humans can use? And what if I told you that this art has been known since the dawn of man and it's knowledge was never lost?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:47 No.14905560
    rolled 34 = 34

    "If it was never lost, then how come i've never heard of it?"
    freemasons here we come
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:48 No.14905569
    rolled 24 = 24


    "Then I would be highly skeptical of your claims and have some serious doubts in regards to your sanity."
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)17:48 No.14905574
    rolled 23 = 23

    "So, you're saying that there are hidden cabals of human wizards, practicing and teaching power, and actively hiding it from Kings, Priests, the common man, and every learned sage of history? I'd say that you had read or watched one to many of those tawdry plays we keep finding in the library."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)17:51 No.14905598
    rolled 22 = 22

    "I don't know Arnold .... seems unlikely.
    I would think that the King would know of such things, no?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)17:59 No.14905674
    "I would say you're either drunk or delusional. How could something still exist today when no one has ever heard of it, not even the King?"
    "Because they don't want anyone to know about it, especially the King. Because they have kept it secret for centuries, passing the arts down to preserve their knowledge and using them only to ensure its own security. They have infiltrated every level of society and they are always watching, making sure no one stumbles upon something that doesn't exist. But there are always dissidents, even within their ranks, that seek to use the forbidden art for their own personal power. That would undo all that they have worked for. And such is the case here. A member of their order has broken his vow." He casts a glance your way, his face now illuminated in the light of the lantern. You stand in a small clearing with a the leaves cleared away where a circle of wet earth surrounds what appears to be the body of a small dog with a knife sticking from it's side.
    "A member of OUR order," states Arnold theatrically as he strides past you and reaches into his pocket.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)18:04 No.14905717
    rolled 46 = 46

    Wait and watch. See what he conjures up.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:05 No.14905724
    rolled 33 = 33


    (FUCK I bet he's about to summon something)

    "Arthur...what are you doing here?"

    Start backing away slowly, something's going to happen soon and I don't know if we want to be around for it..
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:10 No.14905768
    rolled 71 = 71

    "Wait... you are member of that order?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)18:14 No.14905797
    Arnold steps into the center of the circle as he draws a crest of bone, identical to the one you shattered just a few nights prior.
    You speak quickly, "Arnold, you're not implying that you're a..."
    But he silences you as he throws his head back and speaks in Samoyan, "Gourmander, the Hungering One, purveyor of blood and blight. Come feast and gorge on fat and flesh and dance within my sight. Come hither and stand before me!"
    You step back, unsure of if you should flee or remain as a mass of being begins to erupt from the side of the corpse. It rises and twists, a mess of hands and eyes and teeth, as it takes on a familiar form.
    You shiver at the rough texture of the voice as it speaks from dozens of mouths, "I am Gourmander, the Essence of Hedonism. Who calls upon me?"
    Arnold turns to you and looks at you. "Now you see with your own eyes. What say you of your legends now?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:17 No.14905838

    "But...but how did you do that? What IS that thing?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:18 No.14905844
    rolled 43 = 43

    go get our book and do the exact same thing we did last time, knock out/remove memories
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:19 No.14905853
    rolled 93 = 93


    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)18:23 No.14905904
    rolled 87 = 87

    "I say I was wondering when you'd reveal your secret. Twice now I have spied on you in the buttery, performing this same ritual. I knew what you were doing, but not the how or why of it. And now that i've finally teased a confession out of you, I say I want to know more. I want to know everything. I would join your order, if it will have me. But first: You must know the danger you are in. It would be easy for an inquisitor to mistake your summonings and declare you a heretic. Tell me, what would make a member of your order so careless as to practice his arts here, of all places."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:25 No.14905929
    rolled 83 = 83


    Maybe we shouldn't reveal ourself?
    I oppose to this, ar least for now.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:27 No.14905945
    rolled 76 = 76


    Actually, this sounds pretty good too. We ARE after the truth, and we can't play dumb forever.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:28 No.14905962
    rolled 78 = 78


    We're not telling him EVERYTHING. We still haven't let on to the fact that we've summoned shit ourselves, just that we've seen him doing it and we're interested in learning more.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)18:37 No.14906050
         File1305239832.jpg-(139 KB, 380x400, IM-SO-FUCKING-SMUG-EVEN-ATHEIS(...).jpg)
    139 KB
    rolled 75 = 75

    As an addendum, look smug. Really smug. more smug than pic related. This should knock him off balance a little, since he didn't know that we already knew. But he doesn't know how much we know, or what we can do.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)18:42 No.14906099
    Deciding now is the time to show your hand, or at least part of it, you calmly respond with a smile of smugness on your face, "I wondered when you would come clean. To be honest I've already seen you perform this ritual once. I spied upon you in the buttery." Arnold seems to be a bit shocked, not expecting this turn of events.
    The horrid ball of flesh speaks, it's eyes darting between the two of you, "Pact maker, I am waiting."
    "Not now Gourmander, please wait. Greg, why did you..."
    "You have to understand, I couldn't be sure exactly what your intentions were. At first I thought you had made some kind of deal with the devil. But don't worry, I didn't tell anyone. But now that I know, I want to know everything. I want to be a part of this order."
    Still off kilter, Arnold stands with a stunned look on his face. The ball of flesh, seeming to be bored, inspects the body of the dog curiously. Arnold regains his composure. "Right, well, you know, we can't just let anyone join... Um, well, there are tests and stuff and..."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)18:52 No.14906207
    rolled 32 = 32

    "Sorry about that, Arnold.

    But why did you decide to go against the kingdom? What is it that made you do it?"

    We need to know his motivation. Is he truly so valiant as he seems to be?
    >> Binder Quest !!t3xUcVPnKTK 05/12/11(Thu)18:58 No.14906253
    "Sorry about all that Arnold, I didn't mean to ruin your little presentation."
    "Yeah, well, you did. It took me all day to think of how to do it to scare ya best."
    Gourmander is now flitting about the circle, his eyes all focusing on Arnold.
    Deciding to continue your questions you press on, "So what made you decide to turn against the crown?"
    "But we didn't turn against the crown at all! It was the crown what turned against us." Seeming to regain a bit of his composure, he straightens up again, "Anyways, how can I know you'll keep this stuff secret, huh? You were already planning to tell the king all about this stuff. But now you see why you can't, right? You see what it would mean?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:01 No.14906279
    rolled 57 = 57

    "The fact that I haven't run and screamed HERETIC the very moment I found out should be more than enough of the evidence. And I was kind of suspecting that you would reveal this the morning you said you had something important to tell....

    But what do you mean, the crown turned against you?
    Is the whole order you were talking about in on this?"
    >> Binder Quest !!t3xUcVPnKTK 05/12/11(Thu)19:14 No.14906398
    "I would think the fact that I haven't ratted you out already should be proof enough. And I kinda suspected some of this already anyways," you say sardonically. "And what do you mean the crown turned against you? You mean your order?"
    The fleshy vestige floats down between you and the Arnold, "Summoner, I still await your..."
    "Gourmander, will you just wait your turn?" Arnold swats at him but his hand passes right through. Getting the idea, Gourmander hovers over to a corner and sits, sulking.
    "Anyways, it's like I said, the crown is the one that betrayed us. One of our own members decided he wanted a piece of power for himself. The order tried to put a stop to it but we botched that one pretty bad and the traitor used his power as a bargaining chip to make his way into House Sol... Of course, they made use of it to climb their way into the throne and boom, the House of Sol begins its reign. Of course the order eventually culled out all the members of the plot but not before the damage was done. It's part of the whole reason for the Zarian Empire's new pro-humanity stance and persecution of those with impure blood. They want to make more people with 'the potential'."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)19:16 No.14906414
    [[Going to take a break for a little while. Leave any questions you still want to ask and I'll try to make a long response when I return.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:23 No.14906462
    rolled 21 = 21

    "I... see. So this ... summoning works only for pure-blooded humans then?
    And when did that happen? From what you tell, the even seems to have been occurred decades ago.
    Also, is does chaplain know any of this?
    And what do you know about the device that King sent to us?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:25 No.14906493
    rolled 35 = 35

    So .... is the Order you are from being hunted down as traitors?

    Did you get the information about the thing that King sent me from .... umm Gourganmder, was it?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:38 No.14906610
    rolled 65 = 65

    "By the way, what are you going to do with him?" *point at gourmander*

    Also ask him what to do now, how to proceed.
    Tell him that you are not exactly sure you trust him but are willing to listen further.
    Can we meet with their order?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)19:58 No.14906842
    rolled 78 = 78

    Anyway, hitting the sack.

    Don't forget to archive
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)21:20 No.14907747
    [[Sorry for the long wait. Typing developments now.]]
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)21:34 No.14907905
    You think about what Arnold has told you. The reign of the house of Sol began only 50 years ago, and the world has changed drastically in very little time. The inquisition, the reinstitution of Zarus as the sole god of the kingdom, and the expansionary policy of the regime among them.
    "So is your order persecuted and hunted down then? And what of the Chaplain, does he know of you?"
    "No, as far as I know the king, the church, and the inquisition all know nothing of the workings of the order. Anyone that does find out is either inducted into the order and sworn to secrecy or else removed as a liability in one way or another."
    You look to the quivering mass of organs opposite the two of you. It's hands have all paired off and are twiddling their thumbs. "And what of him? What will you do with him?"
    "Oh! I almost forgot. Gourmander, these are my terms."
    "I was almost beginning to miss the void, at least there's no one to ignore you there."
    "Stop complaining. Anyways, here's the deal. You give me your mark and you can inhabit me for the rest of the night. In exchange, I want minor powers of flesh and blood." He waves towards the dog, "And just to seal the deal, I'll let you have this snack too."
    "Good, because it's starting to get cold and I didn't want it to go to waste. I accept."
    The ball of spare parts spins about and plunges into Arnold's chest, seeming to melt away into him.
    He begins unfastening his cloak."Alright, now don't be alarmed by this, okay? Promise you won't freak out?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)21:53 No.14908162
    Arnold reveals his chest to show, upon his torso and stomach protrudes a large set toothy of jaws. The image is horrifying but it looks like a seamless union of human and inhuman beings. Arnold then steps forward and kneels down before the dog upon the ground. After removing the knife and pocketing it, he picks it up and cradles it in his arms. It would be a touching image were it not for what were about to take place. The jaws upon his chest gnash the meat into a bloody pulp and devour them into a vacuous void behind them. After only a few seconds there is nothing left.
    You stand firmly and watch the whole procession without a single show of surprise, but inside you are sickened.
    "Alright, now that that's out of the way," Arnold says, dusting his hands off, "Time to show you some real magic. You may not be impressed so easily but take a look at this! Let me give you a little demonstration. It's pretty gross though so you may want to look away for a second." He pulls the knife out of his robe again and slits his wrist open. What drops out of it is not blood. Or at least not for long. The thing curls up as a small mass of flesh and quickly turns into a small dog, like a miniature version of the one that was just lying there. It runs around for a moment before turning back and sitting obediently before it's creator. "Pretty neat huh? And look, no wound." He holds his hand up, the cut vanished from his arm. "Thats the power of Gourmander. 'You are what you eat'. He's my vestige, a bound spirit of sorts. I borrow his power in exchange for giving him a body. Like a partnership. You shut up, that ain't funny." His last comment seems to not be directed towards you but you can guess why.
    "So now you seen the whole deal, you still up for it? Joining the order?"
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)21:57 No.14908247
    rolled 69 = 69

    "I'm in. Are there... other .... things? What did you call them? Vestiges? Or is Gourmander there the only source of your power?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)22:11 No.14908436
    "I'm in," you say assuredly. You feel a great sense of exhilaration, knowing now that you'll finally get some concrete answers. "So, are there other spirits besides that Gourmander thing? Or do all of you run around looking like... that?"
    "Oh no, there are dozens of different spirits. Hell, the order don't even know about all of 'em for sure. Most people just find they have a certain affinity for one over all others. Gourmander happened to choose me."
    He looks you up and down. "Unlucky for you, or lucky if you prefer, you probably won't be able to summon nothing anyways. Like I said, you gotta be a pure-blooded human. And I mean PURE. Like only humans in your family for 50 generations. Believe it or not that's pretty rare to find. About the only lines that are pure for sure are the great house lines, so most of our stock of binders come from there. You'll probably end up just another eye. Course, you won't be an official member 'til I get you in contact with a lorekeeper. But we probably won't get one here for a while what with the cold coming and all."
    He looks around and buttons up his shirt again. "Anyways,we should probably get back before someone notices we're missing. But you'll stop looking into this research business for the King, right?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:12 No.14908449
    rolled 1 = 1


    You know, for being a big mass of teeth and blood, Gourmander's at least got a sense of humor.

    Although if there's anything we've learned from the past few days, it's to never underestimate the vestiges we make pacts with. I don't think we'll be making THAT mistake again anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:15 No.14908491
    rolled 95 = 95


    "Well, I don't know, if I suddenly just stop researching it only a few days in, it'd look suspicious. Give me a week or something to come up with an excuse."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:19 No.14908537
    rolled 2 = 2

    He thinks that the artifact has information on vestiges right? So why should we stop? Just tell the king that we can't seem to find anything of value. Surely the order would be interested in anything we might come across.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)22:23 No.14908580
    "Well I can't just stop altogether. They'll either think I gave up on it and didn't do my duty or think I'm keeping the secret for myself and call me a traitor. I'll just make a report in a couple of weeks or so that I haven't learned anything or just give a bunch of useless garbage that I have researched about the artifact. Anything that I really do find I can give to you to pass on to the order."
    "Good man, Greg. Sounds like you've thought this out better than I." His shirt re-buttoned, Arnold looks normal once again, if a slight bit fatter. You wonder how many times he's walked about like this without you noticing. "Now let's get back. I'm going to need to find something more to eat. Oh yeah," he says, turning to the tiny dog. "You're free to go. Get out of here." The dog runs off into the woodlands, and does not look back.
    "So tell me, what have you found out so far? I recognized some of the symbols on that piece of junk but not much else. Is it really anything?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:26 No.14908620
    rolled 6 = 6


    Well there's really no reason to lie to him, we HAVEN'T found out anything useful about this. We've spent most of the past few days just bumbling into this whole deal and then cleaning up the mess we made from the aforementioned-bumbling.

    Of course, don't tell thim that part, just say something like "Well, I honestly don't know yet. It's been difficult to research it."
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/12/11(Thu)22:27 No.14908624
    rolled 2 = 2

    "I knew there was something here, but I had already decided to send back a negative report. The king will get a long report on ancient myths with no connection to your order. But you haven't told me what has brought you so close to discovery here."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)22:37 No.14908721
    You sigh, feeling relieved to talk to someone about this, even only in half truths, but you give as much of the truth as you can allow. "Honestly? Absolutely nothing. It's just been one dead lead after another. I can't tell you anymore than what I read in the King's letter."
    Arnold nods, contented. "I figured as much. At first I thought it was some kind of a seal, a thing you use to make a pact with, but it doesn't look like any seal I ever heard of. Hell, it might just be a shiny decoration pulled from some tomb over there in the east lands. But the Kings sure did think it was something awfully important."
    Deciding to try to find out a little more about your new companion in crime, you ask a little bit about him, "So why have you come here, out to Nordrime? Are you the only order member here?"
    "Well, yeah, for now I'm the only one. At least I think. Agents don't really talk to each other much, you know? And as for why I'm out here, well, the order wants to keep an eye out for this artifact that we were guarding. A book that was really important. See, we kind of lost it and... well, it's a really long story. Anyways, what with the way the inquisition is working we really have our work cut out for us. We have someone posted in each confiscatory to look for it. And that's my job. Course I get other assignments from time to time. But mostly we just operate alone on our own instincts."
    You cross the misty river back into the garden, still empty aside from the two of you. "We'll discuss more another time. But for now just pretend like everything normal, okay? Just go off to study or sleep or whatever you usually do. Like I said, I'm going to find something to eat. Any last questions?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:39 No.14908742

    "A seal used for making pacts? Is that how it normally works? Are there specific ones for each summoned creature?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:40 No.14908752
    rolled 87 = 87


    Arrrrgh one of these days I swear I'll remember to roll with my posts.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)22:45 No.14908790
    "So, you use seals to make pacts. Is that how it normally works? Are there different seals for calling different creatures?"
    "Yeah, each vestige has it's own unique ritual, chant, and seal you need to call it. I know of some of the members of the order that don't need to do the ritual at all and only need the seal and the chant to do it, but I can't. By the way, you said you were spying on me before..." He briefly flashes his talisman from his pocket, "You didn't happen to find another seal like this one did you?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)22:53 No.14908879
    rolled 66 = 66


    Heh, I bet he's referring to the one that we broke the first time we took Tenebrotep out for a test drive.

    "No, the one I recieved to study was the only one I've seen before tonight."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)22:58 No.14908934
    You think back to the night when you destroyed the crest. "No, the only thing I've ever seen like that was the metal disk."
    "Ah, damn shame. I lost one somehow a couple of days ago and I really need to get it back. Not that it'd hurt if someone found it. It's useless to normal people. Just want to figure out what happened to it. Anyways, I'm off. Night, Greg."
    "Night Arnold," you reply with a slight wave. He heads off up the path and into the castle. You walk slowly behind, taking your time to process and think about all that you've learned. The night is still young and the moon floats freshly in the east. What should you do with the rest of the night and with all that you've learned?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:04 No.14909016
    rolled 9 = 9


    We could do some research into the metal seal we have, see if we can pair it up to a vestige we have in our book.

    We also know now that our father had some dealings with Bindings, specifically with the snakes. We could possibly summon them up again and get some information on what kind of services they provided him.

    I'm personally for researching the seal though. I don't really want to owe the snakes another favor so soon after the last one we completed today.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)23:13 No.14909139
    You consider devoting some more time to researching the strange metal disk. You may not be planning to give over your findings to the crown and Arnold may think it's junk but it's still supposedly something valuable. As you make your way back to your room you recall that the disk itself is locked away in the eastern tower, along with all the books you have gathered on the subject matter. You could try pouring over the texts again, or you could examine the object more closely, or you could just seek out a new subject in the library.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:15 No.14909172
    rolled 47 = 47


    We can compare the figures on the seal to ones in our books, see if any of them match up. That'd give us a clue.

    And am I the only one in here now?
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)23:19 No.14909224
    [[You have already compared the figures and found several of them in common. In fact, over the course of the book, all of them appear, though not consecutively as a single word or group or words.

    And yeah, you probably are the only one left. I know at least one guy left but some others might have left without saying anything too. Either way, I can always pick up the pace to make things move a little faster. Just try not to do anything stupid that the other players will be pissed about later.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:22 No.14909254
    rolled 35 = 35


    Nah, I've got to get to sleep now anyways. We can call it a night and start up another day. This seems a good stopping point.

    Just wanted to say I've really been enjoying this quest so far, especially now that we've got more plot developments going on. I'll be looking forward to more sessions of Binder Quest.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)23:25 No.14909279
    [[Alright, well, I'll be up for another 4 hours or so, so I'll keep the game running in case anyone else wants to join up. I'll be sure to archive it before I hit the hay though.

    And thank you for your compliments. I'd worried that my quest was too bland since so few people seem to have taken an interest in it but this gives me hope.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:25 No.14909280
    Not that I'm really here, but we should make a mental note to check the book again, now that we've clearly seen a full summoning for Gourmander and heard more details about him.
    Unless I missed us already finding that out when we saw the second summoning of him I guess (missed out on what happened during/after the market).
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:27 No.14909311
    addendum: a mental note, because checking the book after this may not be a great idea, so something to do later.
    Also, I'd say it's timing: the quest itself is perfectly enjoyable and I'm curious to find out more.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:34 No.14909396
    rolled 3 = 3

    I suppose if you are still running the quest we could look for a new spirit to bind. Or a way to increase our bargaining power over the spirits we know.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:40 No.14909453
    rolled 36 = 36

    we cold try summoning gourmander our self. that would be neat.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:42 No.14909475
    Can we have the list of available spirits to summon?
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)23:42 No.14909476
    You decide to make for the tower and examine your gathered materials again. You enter the room and lock the door again behind you. A quick sweep of the room shows that everything is exactly as you left it from your summoning of the previous night. Unlocking the cabinet you reset all of your resources on the table before you.
    You have the strange metal disk with the cryptic inscriptions upon it. You have the Veritalignicon, which holds the secrets to summoning beings both known and yet unknown to you. And you have the books you have gathered with which you could research more about anything you might need to know pertaining to them.
    You have also considered taking etchings of the summoning seals within the book and storing them with you so that you would have them present without needing the book itself.
    Another thing you recall, you still have your goods from yesterday's market in your pocket, prepared for trapping the room to keep it secure. The dusty powder to determine if an object has been disturbed and the blackened nails to hid upon the window sill to discourage intruders.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)23:44 No.14909504
    You open the book and look upon your options once again, becoming more familiar with the names within. Again the titles are:
    -Xepoc, the Harbinger of Eternity’s Repose
    -Seno and Eno, the Dichotomous Serpent
    -Tenebrotep, the Lurker in the Night
    -Asam’Ano Mora, the Architect of Misery
    -Kuzo, the Storm Warder
    -Gourmander, the Hungering One
    You have called upon the shadowy Tenebrotep and the serpentine Seno and Eno so far and have seen the bestial Gourmander in action. But the other three names remain a mystery to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:46 No.14909518
    rolled 90 = 90

    Compare the inscription on the strange metal disk to the Veritalignicon.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)23:50 No.14909556
    Comparing the disk to the Veritalignicon you do not see anything new. You have already compared the figures and found several of them in common. In fact, over the course of the book, all of them appear, though not consecutively as a single word or group or words. The language is indeed the same, as all of the characters are identical, but you can determine no more.
    You recall now that there is one other script that you have referring to the strange and cryptic language of the void: a list of five gods from the people of the far east. You have made a note of them on a folded piece of parchment within your pocket.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:53 No.14909581
    rolled 79 = 79

    Investigate the parchment
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)23:56 No.14909630
    rolled 48 = 48


    Yeah, do this. It's not like we have any other better leads.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/12/11(Thu)23:58 No.14909653
    Pulling the parchment from your pocket you unfold it and look at the symbols. But something within you clicks and you see not just the symbols but through the symbols. They are not what you had originally thought them to be. The symbols read as follows:
    From Nothing, One
    From One, Another
    From One, Many
    From Many, One
    From One, Nothing
    You don't know what they mean or how you understand them, but you do. And they certainly are not gods, though you do feel like the hold some religious meaning. It seems the leaders of the first expedition were mistaken. Perhaps it is a creation myth? Or a prophecy? Or maybe just a story...
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:03 No.14909713
    rolled 69 = 69

    Hrmm cryptic perhaps it is a prophecy or a summoning ritual. In any case maybe we can get more information on it from a Vestige. Xepoc, the Harbinger of Eternity’s Repose sounds like a promising candidate let's summon him.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:14 No.14909823
    What's the worst that could happen?
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)00:14 No.14909830
    You figure you may as well try another binding. You still have three vestiges of which you know nothing about. Turning back to the open book you flip to the page of Xenoc and prepare to summon him.
    "Xenoc, Harbinger of Eternity's Repose. Halt times's toils and cease day woes. Come hither and stand before me."
    As soon as you finish the last word you hear a loud clank. The sound certainly came from the book. A large metal rod shoots out from the page and you drop the book upon the floor in your surprise. Another shaft rises out. And another. And another. The shafts continue to rise out and as they do the split in two, exposing gears and cogs, and plant themselves in a circle about the ground. Soon enough there are twelve legs spread about you, like a mechanical spider with too many legs. Looking back to the book a large angular block rises from the book. And when it emerges completely there is the skeleton of a man attached to it, but made of metal and coils and gears as a clock. He seems to be attached to the mechanical beast above him, hanging suspended by a coil around his shoulders. He looks up at you. "Oh, hello there. I'm Xepoc, the wanderer. Nice to meet you, whoever you are."
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:17 No.14909863
    >Yeah, each vestige has it's own unique ritual, chant, and seal you need to call it. I know of some of the members of the order that don't need to do the ritual at all and only need the seal and the chant to do it, but I can't.

    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:19 No.14909892
    HI BRO
    Xepoc is either a total bro or we should watch out for him.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:20 No.14909904
    rolled 64 = 64

    I am Brother Gregory. I have summoned you here in order to enter a pact. I have an object of unique origins perhaps in your wandering you have some knowledge of this.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)00:26 No.14909993
    Not sure how to react to such an informal greeting by a vestige you react the only way you can think of, "Hi, I'm Gregory."
    "Gregory, you seemed like a nice fellow. Do you mind that I called you Greg?"
    "Sure, everybody does anyways," you say noting his strange use of tense.
    "Great, great. I feel like we've been good friends Greg."
    Turning back to the matter at hand you decided to push the conversation along. "So, look, I have this strange book here that I used to call you, do you think you can tell me anything about it?"
    "Oh that thing? Not really. I was just trying to get home and all I knew was that it was my ride back. A nice little man helped me out. So Greg, do you happen to know when I am?"
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:30 No.14910044
    rolled 57 = 57

    " You are unlike the other vestiges i have encountered,"
    Give him the correct date
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)00:34 No.14910093
    rolled 31 = 31

    this. Also, show him the metal symbol the Chaplain gave us. "Do you know anything about this?"
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:35 No.14910111
    I wonder what would happen if we tried to summon more than one Vestige at the same time.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)00:36 No.14910121
    "You're very... different from the other vestiges I've encountered."
    "Oh really? I'm sorry. I really did try my best. I hope I was still helpful."
    "Right... Anyways, it's the beginning of the cold month of the year 730 of the Zarian empire."
    "The Zarian empire? God, I wish I'd paid more attention in history class. That's just before... Oh, right, right, can't say anything about that. Well, anyways, what did I do for you?"
    You pick up the metal symbol disk. "Do you know what this is?"
    "Oh yes, I think I did. But sadly I couldn't tell you. Them's the rules, you know? Can't tell anything that might change the flow of time. Anything else you wanted to know? Or did we need to make a contract now?"
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:40 No.14910167
    "Perhaps we already have did you not make a request of me that I completed?"

    "Or do your contracts require more but before that what do you offer in return?"
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:41 No.14910177
    rolled 94 = 94

    Forgot roll
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)00:46 No.14910243
    rolled 99 = 99

    "Not if You didn't want. But I am in a bit of a bind myself, I need information, and I'd rather deal with reasonable vestiges. I've had some negative experiences with one, and I was hoping for a bit more clarity. You've been amazingly helpful so far, and very polite. I'd like to know more about you. What do you usually do for those who call you? And is there anything I could help you with at this point in time? Is there anything you would be allowed to tell me about it? If I'm supposed to perform a specific action with it, you might want to warn me against not doing it. wouldn't want to not do something I'm supposed to do. I'm a monk, i know the importance of history."

    No reason to be a dick, he's been pleasant and helpful so far, in so far as he seems capable of.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)00:47 No.14910253
    "Did you not already ask me a question and me provide an answer?"
    "Oh, sorry, you did do that didn't you? Well, I did answer your question too, even if it wasn't the answer you wanted, so it's fair trade. And as for the pact, no I can give you my power with only the normal cost. You can spend your time how ever you want as long as you save some time for me too. The same amount to be precise. Although I did want something in return. Did you know any good books to read? I really would have liked one."
    You sense that something is very much not right with this vestige. He speaks in a backwards way and many of his words seem to make sense only to him. You must be very careful to try to understand what you are agreeing to before you do so.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)00:53 No.14910327
    rolled 32 = 32

    "Hrm How bout this i shall give you a book of equal quality to the answers you give me, what is your power and how do you intend to spend the time i owe to you?"
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)00:54 No.14910334
    rolled 94 = 94

    "I may be able to set you up with some books. Now, when you say that I can 'spend my time' as I like, what do you mean? And how would i 'save some of my time for you'? What is the 'usual cost'? I'm a bit new at this."
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)00:56 No.14910345
    You decide to try to get as much information as you can before you rush into a decision. "Alright, hold on. I need information and I'd rather get it in as clear a way as possible. You've been amazingly helpful so far but I need to know a few things before we agree to anything. Can you tell me a bit about yourself? What do you usually do when you're called?"
    "Oh certainly. When I will be just a little boy I will want nothing more than to be a great explorer. I'll wander all over every known world and then still I'll want to see more. So I'll go back to see how it all began. But the beginning doesn't really like company. In fact, time doesn't really like anybody getting out of line. So when I got back to the beginning the beginning told me I couldn't be there or I'd ruin the whole time line. So he told me to wait and he put me in this book, see? He told me to wait here until I got back to my time and then I could be on my way like none of this ever happened. So I sit outside of time and space, waiting. Usually I read books when I have them but sometimes I practice the violin too. At least until I lost my violin. I don't know when I left it. As for what I do, I give people the chance to kill some time. Of course, if you're going to do that you have to make some too. Time's really particular like that. There are other things too but I don't know exactly how they work."
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)01:03 No.14910413
    rolled 55 = 55

    "I would... like to experiment with your abilities some time. Perhaps a limited contract. Time seems a bit relative to you, so why not have our first contract last until I say the word 'Rutabaga'? Would that be amenable to you?"
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)01:04 No.14910422
    rolled 84 = 84

    "Hrm so what you saying is that if i give you an hour of my time i will move forward in time an hour?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)01:08 No.14910464
    Xepoc seems like a nice enough fellow but you're have trouble with his ambiguous phrasing. Thinking this may be more difficult than you expected you try to sort things out, "I may be able to get you some books. All kinds of them in fact. But what exactly do you mean by 'spend time and 'kill time'? And how would I 'save time' or 'make time'? And what's the normal cost?"
    "Well, it's actually quite simple really. You can save up as much time you want and then spend it however you please later. Or you could kill it first, but you have to make it again immediately after. And that IS the normal cost. It's built right in, clear as the day."
    Thinking you'll have better luck understanding through experimentation you formulate a very cautious and limited contract. "Alright, let's say you give me you power until I say the word 'Rutabaga'. After that, the contract is over. Sound good?"
    "That sounded perfectly fair to me. Oh, but can you give me something to read? I promise I gave it back the next time."
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)01:12 No.14910491
    rolled 93 = 93

    Give him a random text from the monestary.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)01:13 No.14910501
    rolled 8 = 8

    "I don't have anything to spare at the moment. Just some old linguistics texts full of stuff you probably already know. How about we cancel our experiment now, and the next time I call you, I'll have some nice history books, and a few books full of fairy tales to lend you. That sound fair? And I'll see what I can do about getting you a new violin, or some other music instruments. Deal?"
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)01:14 No.14910513
    rolled 69 = 69

    "Oh, one other thing, what does your 'mark' look like on those whom you make a pact with?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)01:22 No.14910572
    You consider backing out now, but you recall from your previous encounters that the summoning can only end with a deal. You figure your current deal can always be terminated immediately if things go badly. What's the worst that could happen?
    "I've got a few boring texts from the monastery here. Nothing too interesting but I'll have something better for you next time. And maybe a musical instrument too."
    "Oh, that would have been lovely. But really, I'm not picky on subject matter. It's just a great way to pass the not-time. I would have taken anything you could offer."
    You pick up one of the books you gathered on myths and legends last night that you never even looked at. "Would this work?"
    "Of course it would. Looks fairly interesting too."
    "Alright then. By the way, before we seal the deal, what is your mark?"
    "My mark? Oh yes. It's nothing major. Just a timepiece on your arm like mine." He holds up his arm of metal and you can clearly see a series of four watches that seems to function by some strange system. All the ones on his arm point to zero. "So were we all settled then?"
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)01:33 No.14910707
    rolled 77 = 77

    Yes, then experiment with our new found powers.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)01:41 No.14910782
    "We're all done. It's settled."
    "Good, I'll be seeing you."
    Xepoc and his infernal contraption both wink out existence with a tiny whimper, leaving not trace that they were ever here. You look down at your left arm and pull up the sleeve of your cloak to see not just a wrist watch but a full gauntlet of metal strapped on from your wrist to your elbow. On it are four displays, the first two of which are traditional clocks that both show the current time, and two that are meters with numbers from one to twelve both currently fixed on zero. The gauntlet is comfortably padded on the interior and whatever it is made of is both durable and lightweight. You pick up the tome from the floor and return it to the desk closed.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)01:42 No.14910793
    rolled 99 = 99

    Best sign ever? I think so. Now to figure out what we can do. Can we pick up a book, drop it and try to catch it quickly before it hits the ground?
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)01:44 No.14910813
    rolled 21 = 21

    Well, let's... make some time, I suppose.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)01:44 No.14910817
    On the gauntlet there is a switch below the two clocks and a button beneath each of the meters. The switch is set in the middle but it looks like it can be flipped to either side.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)01:49 No.14910851
    You pick up a book and drop it from a height, catching it just before it hits the ground. Nothing unusual seems to happen. The book falls at a normal rate and your reaction speed was typical.
    You decide to try to "make time" but nothing seems to happen. You try saying it, thinking, and even emptying your mind to the void, but nothing seems to work.
    Perhaps you need to interact with and activate the mechanism somehow to cause an effect?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)01:52 No.14910884
    rolled 26 = 26

    Idea let's see if we can't use this power with Seno and Eno's. Say if we use Xepoc power to help something grow if we couldn't get a more substantial return.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)01:56 No.14910927
    You could try to summon another vestige and test your theories on having multiple contracts at once. But for now you already have one who's price and power you do not yet understand. Perhaps it would be prudent to learn a little more about what Xepoc's power can and cannot do before deciding upon how to apply it... Or you could throw caution to the wind and start stacking your debts.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)01:58 No.14910940
    rolled 6 = 6

    I say we stick with this one for now and try to figure out what the switches and buttons and such do.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)01:58 No.14910941
    rolled 78 = 78

    Well then let's throw caution to the wind literally let's flip a switch and summon Kuzo, the Storm Warder.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)02:00 No.14910964
    The switch flips in two directions, both of which have a clock showing the current time above them. Which direction would you prefer? To the left, or to the right? There are also two buttons beneath meters that read the number zero. Or would you prefer to summon Kuzo first?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:01 No.14910977
    rolled 83 = 83

    Let us flip the switch to the left first then begin the summoning.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:05 No.14911010
    rolled 75 = 75

    Grabbing someone else seems like a really bad idea. We just started doing this the other day, multiple spirits seems like trouble.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)02:06 No.14911019
    You flip the switch to the left and the second hand of the clock on the left stops moving. But the right clock continues to move as normal. Now that you look closer you see a faint etching in the meta above each of the dials, but it appears to be in the accursed language of the void. You look around the room before discovering everything is very quiet. Wasn't it raining just a moment ago? You turn to the book and open it to the pages of Kuzo, the Storm Warder. Would you like to attempt a summon or investigate what your power does further?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:09 No.14911042
    rolled 15 = 15

    Let's take a look out of the window before we begin summoning.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)02:11 No.14911059
    rolled 53 = 53

    Investigate with mundane means first. no sense mixing what we don't understand. Look out the window. Drop a book from chest-height to the floor and watch what happens.

    Most importantly, think to ourself, into that empty spot from which we heard Tenebrotep's voice that first night "what did I just do?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)02:15 No.14911101
    You open the window to take a look out but it is dark outside, the moon high above you. You lean forward to get a better look and feel water splash upon your face. Odd, you think, it feels like rain but there is no sound of it. You fetch your hooded lantern and hold it out yo get a better view and gasp. It's not raining but the certainly is rain. The droplets are frozen, sitting in the air as though waiting. You glance down at the water of the river below, still as though it were frozen.
    Rushing back into the room you close the window again and leap to your desk. You pick the book back up and drop it again. But drop would be a poor way of describing it. More of, you place the book in the air and it hangs there, unmoving. You feel an exhilarating panic inside you as you realize what's going on. Something amazing and yet also horrifying.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:16 No.14911111
    rolled 22 = 22

    Flip the switch to the right.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)02:21 No.14911156
    You focus your attention inward to the place where you recall Tenebrotep resided within you a short time ago. Think to yourself you say, "What did I just do? What is this madness?"
    But there is not reply. You are profoundly alone and very much yourself.
    Looking back at the gauntlet, you turn the switch back past the middle and to the right. Immediately the left clock begins moving again, but at a very fast pace. You jump as the book floating in the air slams into the ground with incredible force. Looking back the left clock's hand spins around until it matches the right clock and then continues to spin around while the right clock remains stopped. There is a very loud roar coming from the roof top now.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:24 No.14911174
    rolled 85 = 85

    As confusing as this turn of events is the true test of this device must come to bear. Summon Kuzo, the Storm Warder and when he appears turn the switch to the left.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)02:25 No.14911178
    rolled 57 = 57

    So, Right slows us down in relation to everything else, and left accelerates us so fast that time appears frozen. Fairly obvious. Flip it back to the middle and let it rest there while we take a moment to process that, really wrap our mind around the implications of time control.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:26 No.14911191
    Has time sped up, or have we merely slowed down? How can we tell from our subjective view? Shit.

    Try to get our time leveled out. We want all the dials back in the starting position.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:27 No.14911196
    rolled 44 = 44

    What about the gauges?
    >> Obsidian 05/13/11(Fri)02:27 No.14911199
    So we kill time to the right, and make time to the left.

    So, we've got a bit stored up now?
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)02:28 No.14911203
    You flip the switch back to the center and the roar of the rain returns to normal. Looking at the clocks it seems like the left clock is now 10 minutes ahead of the right clock, which barely moved. The first meter now reads one. The second meter still reads zero.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)02:29 No.14911213
    [[If no one is opposed to the idea of summoning Kuzo I shall proceed with that. though you may want to consider if you want to dispel your first pact or not before you do so.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:32 No.14911240
    I realize we're like an ubermensch or something when it comes to binding, but we're new. Multiple spirits at once seems pants on head retarded at this stage.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:33 No.14911245
    rolled 85 = 85

    Well the purpose is experment with the interaction between vestiges will Xepoc's powers work on the vestige of Kuzo. Does one vestige's powers trump another. Also to see the penalties of multiple simultaneous pacts. Xepoc's was relaitively easy to dispel so if things go bad this we have a better opportunity to stop things.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)02:35 No.14911267
    [[Waiting to see if anyone shoots this down. You DO have the failsafe word.]]
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)02:42 No.14911317
    If we're going to do another summon, let's make it one we already know and are on decent terms with. I say we conjure seno/eno. standard pact until we dispel it. That way we're not dealing with 2 unknowns at the same time.

    Someone just derped pretty hard.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)02:43 No.14911327
    rolled 58 = 58

    rolling, derped myself when I forgot my roll.
    >> Obsidian 05/13/11(Fri)02:47 No.14911382
    rolled 48 = 48


    Ask if they know a vestige which does hold power over languages. Not knowing void-speak is butt-fucking us
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)02:49 No.14911390
    You decide that at some point you will need to test out the effects of binding multiple vestiges at once and now is as good a time as any. You flip open the pages of the tome again and rest your gaze upon Kuzo, one of the only two summons you have yet to form a compact with. You step back a bit, readying yourself for whatever may occur and read the passage.
    "Fly forth on black wings, Kuzo the Storm Warder. Ride in silent fury, and shatter tranquil order. Come hither and stand before me."
    Something changes imperceptibly in the room but you cannot place the feeling. But then you hear a growl and turn to face your conjured summon.
    Turning your gaze, you see a large bear behind you with fierce eyes fixed upon you. You stumble back out of impulse, but regain yourself when you see the shadowy figure sitting upon it's back. It dismounts the bear and steps forth. It is a man with the head of a raven and a cloak of feathers about his shoulders and upper body. From his head juts forth two large antler as of a stag. under his arm he carries a long spear from which dangles several charms and a bag tied by a string. From this bag, the creature pulls forth a handful of what looks like crumpled herbs and lays them in a circle in front of you. Then he sits down upon the floor within the circle with his legs crossed and beckons with a hand for you to do the same. His spear rests upon the ground and his cloak completely covers his body except for his hands which sit folded in his lap. The bear sits just beyond the circle.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)02:57 No.14911466
    rolled 97 = 97

    Hrm let's hold on testing the gauntlet on this one for a bit. Move as guided by the vestige and introduce ourselves.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)03:02 No.14911503
    You sit down in the circle, imitating the style of the Storm Warder. He tilts his head and looks at the glint of metal upon your arm for a moment but then turns back. He extends a hand and points to you, then with an open hand moves his palm towards himself and repeats a small rolling his hand. You interpret this as an indication for you to speak.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:06 No.14911532
    rolled 55 = 55

    I am Brother Gregory, I have summoned you here in order to learn more about you and powers. I wish to under go a pact in order to achieve this.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)03:14 No.14911598
    "I am Brother Gregory," you speak with what has become practiced ease. "I have summoned you here in order to learn more about you and your powers. I wish to under go a pact in order to achieve this."
    Hearing these words, Kuzo nods slightly. He reaches under his cloak and pulls out a headdress made of feathers as black as his own. He places it down upon his spear and holds up an open palm. He then points to the sky, where you imagine the moon probably is, and balls his hand into a fist. He then moves his hand in a quarter circle until the fist comes behind his open hand.
    He lets his hands fall before drawing them both to his chest in closed fists, the putting his finger tips together in unison and pointing at your chest. But not just at your chest, into your chest. His fingers pass into you as though they did not exist.
    He then lets his hands fall again and looks at you silently, awaiting a response.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:23 No.14911666
    rolled 39 = 39

    Do you wish to borrow something from me until the moon becomes new?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:27 No.14911698
    That's a really, really long time to have to hide a mark, especially if it turns out to be a head full of feathers. I'm hoping he just means until the moon sets.
    "What powers do you grant?"
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)03:27 No.14911699
    "Do you ask something of me until the new moon? To borrow something?"
    The bird-man shakes his head and repeats the gesture. He points to the sky above, then arcs his hand towards the west until it reaches the floor. He makes a grabbing motion at his own chest then places his closed fist into your chest where your heart would be. He looks at you, impassive, a waiting your response again.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:32 No.14911744
    rolled 1 = 1

    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:34 No.14911756
    rolled 37 = 37

    I agree
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)03:34 No.14911757
    "Ah, until the moon sets. And you wish to inhabit me?"
    Kuzo nods, his gaze never leaving your eyes.
    "And is this your mark?" you say, indicating the headdress.
    Again, a nod in reply.
    "What powers do you grant?"
    Kuzo points to the bear, then imitates holding the reigns of a horse. Next he points to the spear, then draws his hand up towards the sky and plunges two pointed fingers into the palm of his other hand. Finally, he indicates the headdress and throws his arms wide. You see that is his cloak is truly a pair of great powerful wings wrapped around him. Seeing this, he returns to his folded position. And holds a hand out palm up.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:40 No.14911781
    rolled 61 = 61

    Agree to the task, but flip the switch on the gauntlet to the right at the last minute
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:40 No.14911783
    rolled 84 = 84

    (this is a long shot, but we've been asking every vestige)
    From where do you hail? How did you come to be a vestige?
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)03:44 No.14911801
    You decide to try one more question, one you've been making a habit of. "Where do you come from? How is it that you came to be?"
    But Kuzo shakes his head from side to side. He touches his hand to himself then beckons with an open hand in a great circle. He continues to hold his stare and his hand returns to being outstretched and open. He is waiting for you to agree to the terms.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:47 No.14911815
    >Bear cavalry? Wings? Jumping to the moon?

    I dunno, I like this guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)03:54 No.14911853
    rolled 51 = 51

    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)04:05 No.14911911
    You decide to agree to the terms, but plan to flip the switch on the gauntlet at the last second. "I agree." You clasp the hand of Kuzo who then bursts into feathers. They attach to your shoulders and quickly form a cloak similar to the one Kuzo wore about you shoulders. The headdress is somehow already upon your head and the spear rests in your lap. Reacting quickly you throw the switch on the gauntlet to the right. And suddenly time blurs past you. You watch the clock as the leftmost timepiece spins faster and faster. You walk to the western window and open it, watching the moon drop from the sky like a ball. As the moon finally falls behind the mountains you stop the clock, moving the switch back to the middle position. As the morning light shines from behind the tower, the cloak about your shoulders crumbles and fades and the headdress slips away into nothingness. The spear vanishes as though it were never there. It seems the gamble of time turning has shown to be fruitful. The gauntlet now shows you to have skipped a full six hours of time. The left gauge read zero and the right gauge reads one.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)04:06 No.14911921
    [[Going to stop here for the night. May have another short session tomorrow or Saturday but Sunday is most likely. Good night everyone.]]
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)10:03 No.14913792
    [[Bumping from death. Is anyone still around that want's to play?

    If so, we can continue for about 6 more hours.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)10:32 No.14914018
    That gauntlet is going to be a bitch to hide during the day. We'll need to use up our stored time and get rid of the vestige before encountering others, preferably.

    I suppose we could use it to get some sleep, but I'd be nervous about sleeping too far... probably better to just spend some time reading through our tomes at super-speed and catch a nap while pretending to do our job tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)10:39 No.14914073
    I might go along with this if we get another player or two in here. I don't really want to start a new thread because it will be pathetically short and this one is still a ways from autosage.

    Also, oversight on my part. The second meter reads 6, not 1.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)10:39 No.14914082
    Forgot my trip.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)11:02 No.14914260
    [[Last call for any interested. Otherwise I'll let it die and resume another day.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)11:22 No.14914361
    OP still here?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)11:26 No.14914387
    Binder Quest?

    I am in!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)11:30 No.14914421
    You'd better start a new thread though.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)11:31 No.14914428
    [[Yes, I'm still here.

    The current suggestion is to get some sleep first and try to figure out how to spend the time saved in the gauntlet later. But it is already morning and the sun is rising. The other suggestion was to go about the usual daily course to maintain the appearance of normalcy still.]]
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)11:38 No.14914490
    >The other suggestion was to go about the usual daily course to maintain the appearance of normalcy still.

    Normalcy with huge as fuck gauntlet?
    How are we going to manage that?

    Also, this has come to my attention:
    First half of the Binder session: cautious and level headed players who prefer safe approach
    second half: people jumping on contracts and doing shit without a care in the world.

    It seems like we get to types of people while playing this.
    I don't understand why no one though to make a contract where we set the term that the Vestige thoroughly explains its power to us. This kind of contract would have been better with Xeloc, rather than trying to experiment with shit we do not understand.
    I am afraid to end the contract now. How much time do we owe him? Will we need to pay for skipping of time by 9 hours or only the time which has passed by our perspective?
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)11:39 No.14914496
    rolled 95 = 95

    We've got most of the night saved up. I say we stop time, catch a nap, then banish the vestige while we still have an hour or so 'in the bank'.

    Also, while time is stopped, test out our powers from... wait, the moon is setting. That means Kuzo's powers are gone. Well, one less thing to hide. So, we get some sleep, then get on with out day.
    >> Binder Quest !!TspZLFyUc0M 05/13/11(Fri)11:43 No.14914521
    New thread is live.
    >> Magus O'Grady 05/13/11(Fri)11:45 No.14914545
    rolled 78 = 78

    We're a monk. We wear robes. It'll be easy to hide. And as near as I can tell, he's in debt to us for a few hours.

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