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  • File : 1303934419.jpg-(40 KB, 480x480, 25.jpg)
    40 KB Harlem Quest XIII Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)16:00 No.14738127  
    It's 1927.

    You're an enforcer called Duke, you're a midlevel guy in one of the three black gangs trying to control the illicit side of things in Harlem, the Outfit, though recently the Dutch and the Jews have been trying to muscle in on the action. You've got two underlings and a whole bunch of people above you.

    As well as being a black man, you're a black magician, which just means you've got a certain understanding with the Other Side and don't hesitate to use certain kinds of energy to help yourself and your people, always in that order. Necromancer is a dirty word used by white folks to try to keep down you down and maintain their power base. Anyone uses the N word around you finds themselves dead and their ghost enslaved.

    It's the height of the roaring twenties, money is flowing, deals are being made, position and power are gained and lost every day, and all that life and all that energy means that magic is abundant.

    Welcome to Harlem.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:01 No.14738129
    Posting is better today. We should go fine.

    Also, FUCK YEAH!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:01 No.14738141
    You're in my world now, not your world....
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:02 No.14738144
    After this Troy business, assuming we survive, you should update that opening text, my man.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)16:02 No.14738150
         File1303934564.jpg-(699 KB, 1667x1287, HQ Summary.jpg)
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    Most recent 2 threads:

    Posting seems to be just fine today. I'll wait about 15 minutes for people to turn up.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:05 No.14738162
    aw man, really enjoyed it

    Only read like first three threads though

    heres a bump for you
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)16:07 No.14738163
    Yeah, it occurred to me a few weeks ago that that was way out of date. If only I wasn't so lazy. I'll get around to it soon!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:13 No.14738188
    Reporting for duty Ellington!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:13 No.14738189

    Just going to catch up with the last thread real fast so I can remember just how utterly screwed we are.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:17 No.14738224
    Well, shit is fucked against Troy. Him and his buds are magicked the fuck up. They've got bitchin' armor and swords. We're fucked.

    I figure, we use grenades against them. I don't think it will kill them, but if it stuns them, and knocks them down, causing them to take time to heal, we go in, shooting. Filling their heads and hearts with bullets.

    I figure it will have the same effect as before, but it might slow them down as we make our approach, moving closer to them as we fire. The shooting is just a delaying action, keeping them pinned down as we move closer.

    And once we're up close, we start ripping into bitches with our wolf claw. It's a magical weapon, bound with the soul of a fucking werewolf. Shit has to be more effective against an Elf than bullets.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)16:18 No.14738228
    You make your grand speech, wait for your moment and then shot Troy right in the forehead. There was no way that was ever going to miss with your luck and your skill combined.Your two allies in the room get the message and begin firing, which Chandler notices immediately and makes him zoom down to ground level and appear on the material plane to Zombigo so the main assault can begin.

    Your bullets fly across the across room and tear massive holes into Troy and his bodyguards. Their legs, torsos and arms are destroyed in a mash of blood and guts. And still they remain standing, which is hugely odd. When you cease firing for a second to reload, Troy's toothy grin is still apparent and it says to you "So is that the choice you've made?"

    Somehow the skeletal arm remaining on Troy reaches inside the body somehow and removes a black pebble. He grips the pebble and crushes it, turning it into black sand that falls to the ground. Suddenly the nullification field is gone, your magic is back and you feel a boost of confidence.

    Until you notice that in front of you stand an Elf Lord and two of his sworn Knights, clad in medieval armour and wielding swords. Troy appears taller than he was before, his ears pointy and his face suddenly more cruel and alien than you've ever seen it before. His eyes seem to glow blue and his silver hair floats - charged by some fey energy you can't detected.

    The Elf Lord you've pitted yourself against smiles, taking the moment to enjoy the look on your face.

    >You've got the initiative. What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:19 No.14738231
    I kept trying to post but it wouldn't let me.

    Summary: Toss grenades. Move in closer to them while shooting to keep them down. When close, hit them with wolf claws.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:22 No.14738273
    Let's try this again. Hope it goes better than yesterday.

    Have your guys focus on the guards first. Always start with the grunts. Load up angel rounds, and use them on Troy. We lack cold iron or holy ground, so sacred objects are our best bet.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:26 No.14738300

    I second this, the knights are bound to be less impossible to kill then Troy himself, bloody fey, and the less swords are coming our way the better.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:33 No.14738352
    No fucking way. Is posting getting fucked again? Submitting this at 16:31.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)16:33 No.14738356
    While you load up the angel bullets, your guys know exactly what to do.

    Reggie and Secundus open fire on the Knights, shooting their semi-automatics at the lesser Elves.

    Except this time the bullets seem to fly very slowly through the air and seem to gather in front of Troy's raised hand.

    "Ah, the glamour."

    "Do you know how wonderful it is to have illusions so strong you trick reality into thinking it's real?"

    Troy sends the bullets back at the shooters with a pump of his hand and the bullets hurtle towards your underlings. The MPPAs they're wearing take the brunt of the damage but the physical force of all those bullets send them staggering backwards a step or two.

    You realise it's a good thing you didn't waste your angel bullets yet, they're still in the chamber.

    Meanwhile you hear World War 2 starting outside and in the lobby as your forces and Troy's begin their battle.

    >What next? And seriously, grenade in an enclosed area that you're within as well? Please rethink that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:34 No.14738360
    >the BBEG is really an elf

    Just a heads up there Ellington, if we survive this and he has a daughter, it's rape time. That's just how it goes on /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:36 No.14738385
    Fuck. Grab our boys and run. We need to summon Khalazar.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:44 No.14738412
    He shouldn't be able to "glamour" if he is attacked from ALL sides seeing how he needed to raise his hand in protective manner and all that.

    We need to get him into open space somehow.

    Tell your snipers to start shooting him (would he be able to redirect the bullets from such distance?)
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:45 No.14738423
    Oh fuck. Okay, his glamour may be powerful, but we may be able to counter it with a weak one of our own. Remember the "lucky gun+luck charm" trick we used? Let's try that again, but this time, add the distraction charm as well. It's a minor enchantment, but it MIGHT make it a bit harder for Troy to focus on the bullet. That, plus the turbocharged luck, might get us a hit.

    On the plus side, he had to redirect the bullets, so that probably means they can be hurt with conventional bullets.

    You realize we don't have the time to summon him, right? Even if we did, our chess isn't good enough yet.

    Wrong elves. These guys are seelie, not sylvan.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:46 No.14738437
    It's pretty fucking clear that if he just Neo'd our salvo out of the air, we're not winning this fight.

    Have our cohort unload into them while we get the fuck out of here with Amigo Secundus.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:49 No.14738482
    So what, super-luck revolvers against his glamor defence?
    Do we dare to try?

    We have a bunch of magicians from our Boss. We need to relay the information who we are fighting against and his defenses.

    and FUCK YOU 4chan. Why the hell are you still derping?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:56 No.14738501

    You think he'll let us go that easily? No, we've gathered everyone here and pooled all are resources with the express purpose of bringing him down, and now we've revealed our hand and our intentions. He ain't gonna let that shit slide.

    We end this here. I'm just...not sure how yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:56 No.14738507
    Well, at least we didn't build ourself as a combat magician. I don't even want to picture a spell battle with this guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:56 No.14738511
    If we're going to kill this guy, it's going to require Duke and all of his muscle unloading into this guy out in the open while he's hit from other directions by sniper fire and our elementalists.

    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:57 No.14738520
    either we take him out now or we die fighting and the Harlem Quest ends here.
    There is no running away from this fight (maybe luring him out. That I can endorse)

    I doubt we are fighting at impossible odds. I don't think Ellington is that cruel.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)16:57 No.14738521
    You decide to shoot as much as you can while you retreat.

    You shout a code word which Chandler, who's now hanging around you as a point of communication, understands immediately and relays to the snipers who you order to aim all their fire at the three elves in front of you.

    Meanwhile the Luck in your guns starts finally to work in your favour. When you shoot your bullets this time, when Troy tries to stop them instead of completely stopping them he ends up deflecting them on to his own knights. One knight somehow manages to block the bullets with his sword but the other one is struck by three of them and seems seriously wounded.

    Troy looks at him in disgust and moments later a green globe envelops the Knight and transports him back to whatever realm they come from to heal.

    You wisely take advantage of this distraction and manage to order the elevator to take you and your men to the ground floor.

    Except you feel a heavy thud which jars you coming from above. Either Troy or the Knight just jumped down the shaft to land on the roof of the elevator.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:58 No.14738529
    I think they're unseelie actually, and that's even worse - as they're supposed to put runway models to absolute shame.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:59 No.14738538
    Fucking posting is fucked again.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:14 No.14738581
    Well, good to have some confirmation that they can actually be hurt. Seems like our snipers are the best bet, if we survive the elevator ride down. He may not be able to block the shot he doesn't anticipate.

    Actually, what were old 20s elevators made of? Can we shoot through the ceiling?

    Fair point, but I was just referring to the "kind" of elf. Rules for seelie and unseelie are the same, but different from Tolkien or Norse elves.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:15 No.14738590
    did we use up Angel bullets or regular ones?
    If those were Angel, then we have none left D:

    If they are on the roof of the lift that means they will either try to open slice open the roof and enter OR (more likely) they will cut the cables so that we crash.

    Then go to the staircase.
    Oh, put on your distraction charm like one anon said.
    While retreating, keep shooting from your lucky revolver (try not to use Angel bullets if we have any left)

    If they decide to get into close quarters in the lift, make sure to have initiative and catch them unguarded. As soon as you see their ugly mucks, hit them with your wolf-claws.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)17:24 No.14738661
    You've got two revolvers, one of which has 2 Angel Bullets left and the other which is all regular bullets.

    When you feel the sudden shift in weight in the elevator you make eye contact with Secundus and Reggie and it's clear what you'll do before you've even said a word.

    You press a button which immediately stops the elevator on the nearest floor (the 4th) and when the doors open Reggie and Secundus step out silently and

    "Boss," Secundus whispers back to you after they've scanned the floor quickly, "I can see our guys at the end of the hall, they're being held down by a bunch of goat legged guys with spears and revolvers."

    Two elves on top of you and four unidentified assholes ahead.

    What's the plan?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:27 No.14738687
    Unload with regular bullets into the goat men.

    I think posting is back to normal.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:32 No.14738705
    Satyrs, huh? What, is everybody in here unseelie? Fuck it. Save your angel bullets for now. Have your guys take out the satyrs, free our guys. Backup is good, and we've already seen that Troy has limits, so more bullets flying around might do the trick.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:33 No.14738716

    Shoot regular bullets while running towards them, aim for their wicked heads.

    When you've dealt with them join up your forces.
    Look at the elevator to see if the fucking Elf Knight and his knight is following you.

    Oh, OH!

    Contact Chandler. Tell him to order someone to cut the telephone lines. Wouldn't want the Elf bastard calling the cops on us.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)17:38 No.14738761
    You nod sharply at Secundus, and then the three of you silently stride forward and open fire at the four men covering the end of the hallway.

    Three of them go down almost instantly but the fourth has a moment to turn and shout something in his alien language before casting a spear at you. It flies through the air and penetrates through Reggie's MPPA.

    Reggie is now on fire. He's running around the hallway trying to knock himself out by bashing his head against the walls and the doors.

    You still haven't seen the elves that were on your heels but they can't be too far behind.

    At the end of the hallway you see some of your own men who were trading shots with the enemies looking at Reggie's immolated form in shock.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:39 No.14738764
    When we see that Troy fucker, we wrap the luck charm about the luck gun with angels and we SHOOT the fucker.

    Also, can we touch the luck charm and hope that Roy is not headless?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:41 No.14738797

    Pick up the spear and crack it over our knee. We're badass, and need to look tough in front of these men.

    THEN, IF WE'VE GOT TIME HERE, try and summon Khalazar.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:42 No.14738805
    "Focus! We'll mourn Reggie later, but right now we've got an elf lord and his bodyguard on our asses! The instant you see them, I want a fucking WALL of lead between us and them! Is that goddamn well clear?"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:44 No.14738819
    Is Reggie dead?

    Shit man, can we perform impromptu summoning ritual and WILLINGLY bind him to his body so that he becomes a zombie?
    Tell him that after this is over, we will let him chose his fate.

    If he is still alive, can we put some life-force in him? .. .Eh, maybe not the best idea.

    Anyway, take a piece of his hair and order secundus to carry him (he has the strength charm, right? if not, order the other men)

    >You still haven't seen the elves that were on your heels but they can't be too far behind.

    The fuckers are planning something ... but I seriously can't tell.

    Keep retreating.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:45 No.14738832
    >The instant you see them, I want a fucking WALL of lead between us and them! Is that goddamn well clear?"


    Shooting him from one direction can only lead to tragedy. We need to shoot from all sides to penetrate his defenses.

    We need to get out in the open .......... but would Troy follow us? That is the question.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:45 No.14738835
    Well his body is a piece of charcoal now. So I don't know how effective he'd be.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:46 No.14738841
    Where's is Zombrigo?

    Give him the life-leech knuckles. If we ever get into melee , we will need him.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/27/11(Wed)17:56 No.14738891

    Although you've been studying the process of summoning someone, or specifically him, from that realm you haven't mastered it and doing it under these conditions would be impossible considering it would take a good 10 minutes if done in the centre of your own sanctum.

    Reggie knocks himself out and falls to the ground and Secundus puts out his fire covered body with his trench coat but by the time that's done it's too late. Reggie is dead and his corpse is an unnatural kind of black, the red of his flash cracking through with bits of skeleton sticking out.

    The idea of another zombie occurs to you and without wasting a moment you run over to the corpse and punch through the layer of crust on his skin to get at his flesh. With it, it takes you less than two seconds to summon his ghost.

    "Do you trust me, Reggie?"

    "Without question," his ghostly shape replies.

    "Then I need your service one final time." you say and begin to bind him to his charred corpse.

    The corpse sits up and then looks at its fists as they open and close a couple of times. It then stands, blacker than black and eyes shining in exactly the same shade.

    Zombeggie has risen.

    >You have a few moments to make a plan. Come back to me when you have something. I'm going to make myself a sandwich.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:57 No.14738900
    Oh yes, while we're killing people, just slice off cheek flesh or whatever. Small collection of ghosts are needed.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:57 No.14738903
    Just a quick heads up, since a lot of you were suggesting it the last thread -

    Do not get into melee range with these guys. We don't have any real melee training, while these elves clearly do. They use swords as their primary weapons; you don't do that unless you're trained, especially in the 1920s.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)18:09 No.14738952
    Does anyone have steel? Like, steel shot or something? As these are old elves, Steel should fuck them up.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)18:10 No.14738973
    Agreed. Maybe give Zombeggie one of the knuckledusters, but that would be it, and he probably won't last too long.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)18:15 No.14739018
    Anything iron would seriously fuck them up. Just touching it to their skin would be like holy water to a vampire.

    A wrought iron decoration, a piece of railing, a large nail or railroad spike, anything made primarily of iron is anathema to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)18:15 No.14739022
    We only have one set of magic knuckledusters.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)01:47 No.14739395
    What are cars in 1927 primarily made of?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:56 No.14740027



    just during the most intense part
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:23 No.14740185
    we're cursed
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 04/28/11(Thu)04:26 No.14740210
    By the power vested in me, I summon forth Ellington to return to this thread! ZMMM ZMMM ZMMM ZMMM
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:38 No.14740296
    i like the ZMMM ZMMM ZMMM ZMMM. that should definitely help with the summoning
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:51 No.14740379
    Okay, guys, everybody help out

    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:11 No.14740466
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:33 No.14740568

    did it work?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:35 No.14740573
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:44 No.14740624


    >Oh, might as well archive this thread ..... for historic purposes
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/28/11(Thu)07:03 No.14741029
    By the Power of Zmmm, you have summoned me.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:09 No.14741052
    Well hello there, Mr. Man. Come to get your vengeance against 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:09 No.14741055
    Why did we not cast some iron bullets? Put that on the to-do list.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/28/11(Thu)07:14 No.14741071
    If only. I'm at work right now so the best I can do is grumble under my breath.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:15 No.14741080
    Pfft, work. It's 4-7 in the morning depending on your time zone . . .

    Oh god, you're a Britfag.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/28/11(Thu)07:17 No.14741086
    Surely that's not news? I write colour and honour and specialise rather than specialize, etc, etc.

    Long live the Queen's corgis.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:21 No.14741110
         File1303989715.jpg-(56 KB, 555x441, Casual as fuck.jpg)
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    Big whoop
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:27 No.14741146
    so do Canadians
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/28/11(Thu)07:38 No.14741205
    Fair enough.

    Now there's a guy who knows how to relax.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:43 No.14741221

    Anyway, Ellongton, do you know the Queen? Do you drink tea?
    just joking

    will you continiue the quest today? We cannot surrender to the tyranny of 4chan! We need to fight on!

    Also, tomorrow is a day-off foe you, right? Sweet, huh?
    Will you do another session then?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:43 No.14741222
    He is casual as fuck, after all.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:45 No.14741229
    So are you gonna get all dressed up in your hoighty toighty church clothes, and go all akimbo to that street in London and watch your prince get married, then with all your other peers, go around for tea and crumpets while exploiting natives in your colonies and drinking tea you got by selling opium and saying, "Pip pip, cheerio!"
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:56 No.14741290
    Qhoo, Ellington!

    Its been a while since we've both been on at the same time. You still cool with that Magic infused item we discussed earlier? okay for me to post the idea?
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/28/11(Thu)07:57 No.14741298
    No HQ today, I'm working and then I've got some drinking to do in the evening, pubs are offering all sorts of royal wedding discounts.

    I do have a day off tomorrow but I bought this desk from ikea two weeks ago and I still haven't put it together so I expect once the hangover is gone I'll spend the rest of the day trying to figure out how to put it together.

    Next session will probably be in the middle of next week.

    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:02 No.14741326
    I Apologise in advace for the format, I wrote this a while back whilst horribly tired;

    Anyway, here goes (And please forgive my horribad Grammar/Spelling)

    What we need to do is craft an Item. A signature item to be prescise.

    Now, this won't be any shoddy run of the mill magical mucguffin, this *Will* be expensive, but I believe in the long run, worth it. lets say for arguments sake we choose a Cane. First we will need to find and obtain some of the finest quality ebony known to mortal men, and then we shall improve it, Infuse it with demons blood and carve upon it magical runes that even our old master dared not use or Understand. we will find Silver, and then with the help of a master magical smith infuse it with the most rare of magical essences and the most dire of Necromantic rituals from Russia, India, and China. With this we shall craft the head for our cane, a Masterpiece in metalwork, lets say, for example, A skull. A perfect replica of our own, magically prepared to accept and store the drained life essences of those that we leach. Supplying us with a "Battery" if you will of both health and power for our spells and to keep Duke Going. The silver will also be used to create the Cap for our Cane, inlaid with a band of gold for that extra Style, the finished product practically oozing menace, giving our enemies fair warning of our true potential and our Power.

    I'm gonna jump out of narrative mode for a moment and just list a few of the possible perks an Item light this might bestow upon us;

    -Magical focus: Allows us to channel and focus our power through the Cane, increasing the potency of our Leach life, Rip and Bind, not to mention as yet unlearned abilities. i.e. Ice Pick
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:03 No.14741335

    -Life Battery: As written above, if we prepare it correctly we could give ourselves something t tap into and use when the situation looks Dire, this could be used to regenerate ourselves in the heat of battle, our exhausted foes nothing before the mighty and invigorated powers of the Duke.

    -A Weapon unto itself: Now some of you may be thinking "Well, this is all well and good, but what does it actually do?" Shoot souls, that's what. Imagine that, if you will. We find our enemies, we kill our enemies, and then we bind them into our Cane. storing them in prepared ebony haft. Then, when the time is right, we basically "Fire" or "Project" the soul at our enemies, hitting them with what is, for all intents and purposes, hugely powerful magical bullets.

    -Skill bonus's: I believe i mentioned the phrase "Oozing menace" up there in my paragraph, and who's to say that this palpable aura would not give us flat bonus's to our rolls for Intimidation ect... Stupid people, that's who.

    Of course, to give such huge and noticeable bonus's to our character the journey to create such an item would be tedious, It would probably take the length of an entire quest or two, be it in the background or at the forefront, and could easily eat up tens of thousands of dollars, but the awesome factor alone would make it more than worth it, at least in my mind.

    That's all I can up with off the top of my head, and it does not need to be a Cane, it could be a Ring perhaps, a watch, a new gun even (Not having to worry about ammo is always nice) but thats what I have been thinking of, lately.

    Anon out.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:08 No.14741375

    Huh, thats... .alot of thought.

    Its a shame we didn't have something like this earlier. It could of been Reaaal handy.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:13 No.14741404

    wow dude, really like the Idea!

    and Ellington says its feasible? if So I say full steam ahead once this debacle is over. We may more than need it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:16 No.14741429
    Not a bad notion. Like you said, it'll be a colossal timesink, but with luck, the payoff should be well worth it.

    With an eye to our current situation, though, we should also invest in something made of iron next opportunity. Fey aren't the only things with that weakness, it was kind of a catch-all in the old days. Now we've established these things exist, taking some precautions wouldn't go amiss.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:16 No.14741431

    Can we really afford it though? not monetarily, but With all the shot that's going down. Or is it more of a side project once it is set in motion?
    >> Duke-Cane Guy 04/28/11(Thu)08:19 No.14741447

    Good to know people have a faint liking for my Ideas. Thanks for the comments
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:21 No.14741455
    It's not like we have to work on it to the exclusion of all else. Until serious shit goes down, we just have meetings and get reports. Most of the time, we're free. If we spend our downtime with the mystical equivalent of restoring an old bike, who can tell us we're wrong?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:24 No.14741476

    Very good point. I personally am all for going with this fucking awesome Idea, as long as Ellington approves of it.
    >> Ellington !!UwPj376bY/f 04/28/11(Thu)08:28 No.14741504
    I told the Cane guy that this was feasible several weeks ago when he first emailed me with the idea. You're more than welcome to give it a go.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:31 No.14741528

    Is it possible for us to say "Yeah go ahead and Queue it up for the beginning of next session? The general response seems to be overwhelmingly positive.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:41 No.14741585

    I like it, a lot. It might have actually given us a fighting chance to save RO today, instead of losing her to the fucking Elves (Although I am still mildly skeptic about this, the Fey are notorious liars and Schemers)
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:43 No.14741604
    Love the Idea, totally worth it and fits the character like a glove.


    On a side note Ellington, will we ever get a skill-up in Intimidation? its still only listed as basic but in my mind we've done some pretty shit scary stuff. I.e, raise the smoldering dead.

    Any chance of giving us a raise?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:44 No.14741611
    Yeah, if we survive we try and summon her, just to be sure. If she's really dead, we invite her father up to our office to help us torture Troy's soul. That, plus a chance to talk to her one last time, might help calm him down.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)09:27 No.14741814
    I'm pretty sure we will be on no-talking terms with her Grandfather if she is actually dead.

    Man, I hope she's not. Troy must have been lying, I'm sure he can see value in holding Ro as a hostage.... it's not like Chinese wouldn't have gone to war if they got to know that she's kidnapped.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)09:32 No.14741831

    i sure as hell hope so
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)09:33 No.14741837
    Ordinarily I'd agree, but if we help her spirit talk to him, that might help.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)09:44 No.14741871
    I really don't think it is a matter of personal preference.

    Like Randy said, Chinese take Honour REALLY seriously. So her grandfather WILL be bound by honour to go to war, even if he really, really.... REALLY doesn't want to.


    Though with Troys ghost, the fact that he is not even a human but a freaking Elf Lord and Ros ghost we might be able to figure out something. Maybe we will find some loophole, some precedent in Chinese history which will help us resolve this peacefully.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)09:50 No.14741891
    >"These Chinese aren't like us, Boss,"

    >"I've learnt some of their language while I've been with them and they just don't think like we do. They're all about face and how other people see you. Like this one guy was trying to explain to me how you could insult him and all his ancestors and all has family in private as much as you want and he wouldn't get upset, but if you even sneezed in his direction during a formal event or where people could see, he would be honourbound to kill you or see you ruined."

    >"They ain't normal."

    why do i get the feeling that ellington has been setting us up for this fall since the moment we made the peace deal with the chinese 5 or 6 threads ago?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)10:16 No.14742005
    Honestly, when Randy first said that, I was sure that something would happen between us and Chinese.

    But I thought it would come from Randy, as in, he would make an awful faux pas at Chinese territory.
    I never thought Duke would be at the center of all this.

    Fucking Elves.... they are masters of kidnapping.
    If they haven't killed her, then she is in their realm.... How will we get her back then?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)10:25 No.14742050
    >Fucking Elves

    in less than two threads this has become our battle cry. kinda funny
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)10:29 No.14742069
    We torture the way to free her out of him. Ghost whip not strong enough to hurt him yet? Then we work on it until it DOES. Hell, GW is just a shortcut, a way of inflicting pain on a spirit without fuss. I'm sure we can find some creative alternatives if we work at it.

    Wait... Fey operate on the same general summoning principles as demons, right? If something can be bound by a summoning circle, shouldn't GW (or something similar) hurt them? Maybe we try giving Troy or one of his goons a good smack. Might do something since they're extraplanar.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)10:30 No.14742074
    Actually, I'd say our battle cry this past couple threads has been more like "Fucking 4chan! Stop crapping out on us!"
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)11:08 No.14742268
    Considering how much 4chan has been dying since Ro's been threatened, I suggest a do-over in which Ro isn't threatened and we don't have to fight a fucking elf.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)11:43 No.14742457

    that would be cheating
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)11:44 No.14742463
    The Troy showdown and the revelation that he'd killed Ro and sent her head to the Chinese happened before the boards started fucking us over. Nice try though.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)11:54 No.14742527
    is there anyplace i can read the full thing?
    i have a feeling that a lot has happened,given the time ive been seeing these threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)11:59 No.14742548
    Here's the full list.

    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)13:55 No.14743242
    bump for necromancers everywhere
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)15:02 No.14743484

    Joke: what's the difference between a necromancer and a necromonger?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)15:37 No.14743677

    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)15:52 No.14743775
    Anc and Ong.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)18:33 No.14744952
    Nah, I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)20:52 No.14746314
    ZMMM commands we keep this thread alive!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)21:06 No.14746463

    Dead Presidents

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