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!LknYcZ8tP2 12/22/11(Thu)05:43 No.17298511 File1324550605.png-(206 KB, 750x450, N0Ctest12.png)
 Retaining one's state in the session is as easy as remaining active, alive, and of fit mental health. When one enters the Etha, they exist in this shared space as if experiencing a dream. However unlike most dreams, the human mind is fully lucid of their current situation, allowing for a fully coherent and recalled experience.
Logging in and out: Like the Real, one can log out by mentally recalling an exit word which will then spontaneously transform the dreamer into a ping and log the player out. One can also choose to log out by sleeping in the Etha and thus synchronizing the session with your self in the Real. Otherwise one may continue the experience until a resolution is reached.
When faced with death, the player is then forced awake, incapable of sleeping or in this case returning to the dream for an indeterminate amount of time. Death trauma is serious and should be a sign not to play the game for a while. Consult your local Interactive Treatment center about rebooting your session or psychiatric support.
2.3 Aftereffects A player who has experienced their dream in full will register their experience as if it has happened in reality. Sans physical injury , mental repurcussions both positive and negative affect the dreamer. Out of game, and when unsycnronized with the universal session, the dreamer transmogrifies into their PING in the ETHA. [Not the Real] |