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!!A9MSDRJaEJd 11/19/10(Fri)01:33 No.12851170 File1290148427.gif-(17 KB, 800x700, 73.gif)
 "So, what's with the torture chamber? And that... weird room? What did this place use to be? >Myron: "I'll field that one. I've been here longest, so I know the history pretty well. See, back in the day, this place was called Darkhaven, and it was a REAL nasty place. Back then it WAS the kinda dungeon you'd read about in books. Blood-drinkers, black magic, adventurers by the truckload seekin' fame 'n' fortune. Eventually someone strong enough came through 'n' cleared the place out. Then for a long time, it was empty. That's when we showed up." >Godwin: "We renovated the place a bit, but we don't really have the resources to convert all the old rooms. Manny took the ritual room as his, just like Ben took the old torture chamber as his room. All the old badness has left remnants and traces around, here and there. But it's not just a dungeon anymore. It's a home." >Myron: "That's real touchin', Godwin, you're gonna have me bawlin' like a baby."
"Well, while I'm recovering, if anyone comes by, I bet a human face would really help. I could just tell people that come by that I'm staying here, and they'd probably turn away." >Hedda: "That's a great idea! We could really use that, even just for a few days." >Rosie: "What?! You mean she's not saying?" "...sorry, that's... not going to happen. I appreciate the help, but... eh... no." >Godwin: "It's all right. We understand. We've never even put up a human resident until now. I imagine you'll be itching to get out of here as soon as you're well enough to travel on your own." "Do you think that will be soon?" >Godwin: "Could be as early as tomorrow morning, I'll give you a checkup then and see how you're feeling." >Ben: "Godwin's a doctor, you know. You're in good hands. Even if they are two different sizes." >Rosie: "Ben! You know he's sensitive about that!"
I still can't get over how weird this is. |