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  • File : 1258157393.jpg-(145 KB, 600x750, Exalted.jpg)
    145 KB Exalted Quest, part II The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)19:09 No.6692401  
    Alright /tg/ I've got about an hour before a game I'm in. Time to try to finish what was started last night. Original thread is to be found here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/6680207/

    When we'd last left our hero, we were about to make a fighting dash accross a burning town with a motley mix of humans and Exalted allies. You're attempting to reach the trade caravan you'd been leading and making good your flight from the town. You had been a normal human until about ten minutes ago, when you Exalted and became a Sidereal. Between you and sweet escape lies burning streets full of wyld barbarians and their fey masters. You have no clue why they attacked, given that they'd been content to live as simple bandits until tonight. Good luck.
    >I reccommend at least skimming the first thread before posting here, since I'm not going to stop and explain stuff from the first one in here if it comes up.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)19:27 No.6692565
    There are quite a few of you, correct? Make a box. Put your gf and her father, the inn owner, in the center. Have the two guards who aren't exalts closer to them on the sides, but still ready for combat. Injured DB who has already used up some essence today goes in the back. You and the five other Exalted, who are clearly sidereals, form the front of the formation and the sides. Then you run like hell.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)19:36 No.6692661
    You form up. You have a sneaking suspicion that the group who had stopped you as you left from the inn were probably Exalted, just like the girl and her companions were. And you were now, you supposed. The thought would take some getting used to. You figure the best idea would be to make a box, with the most strength you could direct aimed forwards to punch through any foe you encounter on the way. With that in mind, you request that the strangers move to the front. You join them, thinking that you may be unsure of how to use any of your abilities, but are at least uninjured and probably better off than your normal guards. They flank Elia and her father, the only real noncombatants in the group. The injured Dragon Blood girl takes up the rear, in case something tries sneaking up on the group. Once everyone is positioned, you all start running.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)20:50 No.6693410
    >bumpan. I suppose that I might have posted this too early in the evening, when everyone was wrapped up in something. I suppose that if nobody wants to play now I'll just give it another go tomorrow. Which would throw out the other two posts here, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)20:56 No.6693476
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    Unconquered Sun.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)20:58 No.6693498
    >So the French revolution was actually a revolution against the gods? Okay, why not.
    >That is one of the various King Louis', correct?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)21:00 No.6693516

    He also had a hercules-costume.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)21:03 No.6693548
    >fascinating, but of no help to my attempt a a Quest thread. You got a pic of that costume too? That should be lol worthy.
    >> Ted 11/13/09(Fri)21:04 No.6693559
    Hrum. I'm a bit tired, but what's the options here?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)21:05 No.6693573

    Not at hand. You could google the statues though. Unlike the costume, they're still around.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)21:11 No.6693640
    >Holy shit, I just realized I didn't give any suggestions. Thatmight be why nobody bothered to respnd. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-. Anyway, I want to know how you go through the city. Stealthily along back streets, running down main avenues as quick as you can or what have you. Fuck. I am an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)21:22 No.6693740
    Back alleys! avoid the goblins and barbarians. live longer. advicedog.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)21:28 No.6693796
    negative, mad dash, speed over stealth, if you're found in the back alleys they can block off the exit route
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)21:30 No.6693822
    You do your utmost to stick to the shadows and stick to streets that look to be deserted from the raiders, as evidenced by the lack of burning buildings. Afterall, no point getting to the caravan any quicker if you get there all that much more dead.

    Sadly, your efforts failed not even a hundred feet from the snowy field the convoy is situated. You are appoaching on a street paralell to it, and are unaware of its condition, or even survival, due to the buildings blocking your way. However, at the break in the buildings that was going to provide you access to the open field you see a group of barbarians approaching. They are coming from the opposite direction, but might reach the opening, and thus whatever is left of your caravan, before you. Unless of course, you can manage to kill the bastards.

    What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)21:34 No.6693855
    Damn can't catch a break, send guards, waifu, waifu dad, and I guess the wounded DB hoe (why haven't they tried to kill you yet, are they rogue DB?) to the caravan, take db dad, and son, throw knives kill barbarians with ranged attacks, knock over buildings or at least put something disposable in the path of wyld barbs
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)21:36 No.6693880
    Don't just throw knives...fucking backflip triple gainer 3 knife throws man, flipping off Iron's head bro
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)21:37 No.6693891
    >not all DB are born in the Realm. I have backstory for her and her brother. But that will only really be an option after you become a full sidereal anyway. Which might take a long time, given how slow /tg/ can be. A few weeks or something. Or maybe shit will get done. Who knows?
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)21:48 No.6693997
    You realize that you can't risk them attacking your whole group and killing Elia and her father. With a roar of anger, you charge as fast as you can at them, fishing out throwing knives as you go. But then something happens to render all that moot. The five warriors who were with you charge forward with you, but unlike you they seem well equipped to deal with this threat. Blades flash out in complicated patterns, fists strike, and energies flash out. You barely have even thrown a single blade before the entire group lies dead before you. The warriors who did such a feat are glowing slightly with an aura that matches their faintly glowing eyes. Your suspicions are confirmed, these are indeed Exalted. Powerful ones too it would seem.

    Do you stop to interrogate them about this development, or press on to the caravan?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)21:50 No.6694023
    Umm, thanks guys, we're going uh...south ya, and you're more than welcome to come along, in fact I would love if you would ride south, I won't even charge for seats and you KNOW I love to make money. But we're leaving...NOW!
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)21:59 No.6694105
    You round the corner, showing that despite everything, the caravan has survived relatively intact. It might have something to do with the Solar and terrestrial exalt standing between it and the small crowd of hobgoblins and barbarians. Luckily, they kill the last of them as you approach. You turn to make an offer to let the strange warriors come with you along to the south, and to thank the three strangers who had saved your life and protected you assets. What you find is the red glowing woman standing directly behind you.

    "We've helped you protect the lives of these people like you askedm but we need you to come with us now. There are certain duties you must see to now as a Chosen of Destiny. Duties that help ensure things far more important then mere profit. Will you come with us?"
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)22:07 No.6694189
    "Theres only one thing in this world more important to me than my caravans and profit, thats my waifu over there," "Hi Honey, get in the caravan!" Wave at her, "Now, If you can make me a deal, I'll consider it, such a deal must ensure the safety of Elia, her father, and a good some of wealth and a retirement plan. We can talk on the road."
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)22:16 No.6694296
    She looks frustrated. "Look, I know that you don't want to do this, but we don't have a choice in the matter. There aren't many of us, and the whole of reality rests on our shoulders. We need you. I don't know how much it will help, but I can guarantee you that everyone who is in this convoy will make it to the next town alive. And I will personally see to it that any good fortune that we can direct their way is done so. But we need to go, now! And the girl...well I promise you'll see her again, probably as soon as the training is over. When tracking you down, her destiny was almost as fated as yours, and was bound to it very tightly. This isn't the end. Now please, we must hurry. The longer we tarry, the more likely the stronger fae can find us. And then all promises we've made up to now become moot."
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)22:20 No.6694337
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    Cast angry eyes at red sidereal chick, cast floating love kisses at Elia, "OK!". "I'll go with you, and what about my retirement plan!"
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)22:23 No.6694368
    She grins widely at this. "Oh, don't you worry about money. That is one thing I promise will never be an issue again when working for the Bureau of Destiny. Now, look, say your thanks and goodbyes quickly. We need to move."

    Any last words of love to the waifu, before you're gone for about five years? Words of thanks to the three Exalted who've saved your life and your stuff multiple times tonight?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)22:24 No.6694369
    Oh. We have to man up and grudgingly agree. But only if Elia will be okay.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)22:34 No.6694496
    Ermm...i need 90 seconds and a private room, to "talk" things over with the waifu, maybe 80 seconds, "I'm going to be gone 5 years you can give me that right? Or conjugal visits would be nice."

    Talk to the trio, "Thanks Iron, I don't really know whats going on, but keep her and her father safe, take care of your girl there, and I will repay you. But don't you forget you still owe me for that drink!"
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)22:38 No.6694536
    Sorry man, no time for talking. You've got thirty seconds for everyone. Starting with the trio it seems.

    The man nods his head. "I'll keep her in one piece for you. Its the least I can do after you made sure my sister made it back in one piece. And don't worry, I'll pay you back for that later. In fact, I'll do you one better. We can actually get served too!"

    >last words to Elia before departure?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)22:45 No.6694632
    "I wuv you, and don't you forget it, now those glowing people want me to go with them for 5 years, we've been waiting for this day for 7 years. It will hurt like our souls have been set on fire, everyday, but you need to carry on, be strong. Iron here will protect you, cuz he's a bro. Live!" Cue romantic sweep her back over your arm and nearly suffocate her with a kiss, with a full orchestra playing in the background and the sidereals animas providing a delicate backlight. Then toss her onto the caravan driver seat give her a wink and run off the the 5 crazy ninja glowing people.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)22:56 No.6694769
    Yes. You do that.
    "You'd better comeout of this alive, Telan! I'm not going to wait five years to only find out you died in training or some crap like that!"

    The group of sidereals lead you to what appears to be a nondescript bit of open snow. The one who glows the same gold that you do does...something...and suddenly six horses appear dirctly in front of you. What is this sorcery?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)22:59 No.6694811
    "meh...I exploded into gold, got a letter telling me I had to work in some department store in heaven or something, fairfolk invaded a town on my trade route, a group of 5 robot ninja glowing dudes raped them all, a guy owes me a drink, that guy his son and very hot daughter are rogue terrestrial exalted, and I'm a servant of the maiden of journeys against my will, now I have to spend 5 years training away from the first good pussy I would have ever gotten...day can't get much worse, lets go."
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)23:14 No.6694994
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    >oh no, it could have beem far worse. I had ideas...

    Deciding that this is just one more miracle in a series of them, you mount the horse without comment. The group makes its way out of town, heading south, but further inland. You can see in the distance the shapes of the caravan as they move out, following the road along the coast to the next city to the south.
    The group travels for a few hours, and the temperature begins truly wearing at your resistance, even through the heavy travelling clothes you wear. You don't even want to imagine being the horse. Eventually however, yo reach what appears to be just another bit of rock face in the stony hills the path had led you into. The rest of the group entersa small cave entrance. Following them in, you come accross what seems like a wooden gateway built flush with the back wall. There is a sort of shimmering radiance within it, looking almost liquid. The five stare at you expectantly, gesturing towards the glowing mess. They clearly expect you to go first, in case you had any second thoughts about coming along.
    What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)23:23 No.6695071
    "Look, if theres anything I learned at the school of common sense, its "DON'T GO IN THE PORTAL FIRST" one of you can go then I'll follow. Umm if you could excuse me for a minute I have to relieve myself I haven't had a chance to go since I woke up and that was a long ride." Don't worry I'm not going to run off, I'm just civilized and about to explode in my pants.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)23:36 No.6695216
    The woman who has been addressing you this whole time appears to be suppressing a grin. "Fine. All of us ladies will go first, to gove you some privacy and prove it isn't dangerous."

    With that, she and the blue clothed woman enter the portal. After you finish relieving yourself outside the cave entrance, the remaining trio once again motion towards the gateway. The yellow one speaks "Don't worry, it looks much more frightening than it really is. Its just a portal."
    Your actions?
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)23:39 No.6695233
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)23:39 No.6695238
    Poke the portal, withdraw finger? is finger all there if yes, proceed in, if no, SCREAM AHHHHHHH OH GODDDDDSSSSS MY FINGERRRRRRR!!!!!! WHHHHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/13/09(Fri)23:44 No.6695283
    Yes, all your finger remains. The portal feels warm on the other side, like a summer day. Passing your skin through it actually tickles a bit. Actions?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/09(Fri)23:48 No.6695307
    "If yes, proceed in, clutch testicles for radiation protection, if the ladies ask, you're just protecting your future children.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)00:07 No.6695519
    As you progress through the portal, clutching your balls in the hopes of protecting them against possible attack, you come out into what appears to be a small park, in a city. Directly in front of you are the women folk who had passed through a moment ago. And behind them is a structure that look like the gladiatoral colliseums you'd seen built in lands to the south. Cylindrical, broad, lots of columns. The problem here is that the building appears to be hundreds of feet tall and topped with a dome of jade.
    The woman, who you've begun mentally calling Red, spreads her hands out to encompass the sight. "Welcome to the city of Yu-Shan, home of the gods. Behind me you see the Lotus Dome, housing the Loom of Fate, whereon all our myriad destinies are written and recorded by the Pattern Spiders built by the Primordial Autocthon himself!" She seems to be attempting to ham it up for the new kid on the block, but the notices your hands. "Why are you grabbin your crotch?"

    Time to save face /tg/! What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:08 No.6695530
    >Sidereal that wasn't raised from childhood in Yu Shan

    Is... is that even possible?
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)00:09 No.6695543
    > then* grabbing**. Sorry. Typos.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)00:12 No.6695570
    >Yeah. They've been more hard pressed to find them lately with more and more essence use in Creation. Sometimes you even get some they don't find for ages after their Exaltation, if the previous holder of that one was killed by something the Loom of fate doesn't see, like Demons or Fey.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:17 No.6695648
    Sidereals can't predict every single exaltation, they're really behind in their work and suddenly, LOL YOU JUST EXALTED go be a ronin until some sidereal deathsquad hunts you down


    "Well, thats a long story, short story is last time I walked blindly through a portal some girl who thought I groped her while I was drunk when I actually tripped and barely caught myself with her help, and she kicked me in coinbag." Remove hand quickly begin to feign knowledge of heaven, best to make a good impression right, or at least get Red on our side gonna need friend(s) in heaven.
    "So, Red, do you have a name or shall I continue to refer to you as the color of passion and determination?"
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:21 No.6695697
    Sids have a shitty time predicting their own Exaltations, since the Sidereal Exaltation ITSELF is a work of fatecraftian. It'd be like trying to craft a daiklaive that wields smaller daiklaives
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)00:23 No.6695721
    She grins broadly. "Well you can start calling me Sifu. There is a reason it was the circle I'm in charge of that was sent to get you. I was assigned to be your teacher in all the myriad ways of the Chosen of Destiny. Etiquette, history, and most importantly our martial arts. I get to beat you until you learn enough to copy me! Won't that be exciting?"
    She seems inordinately pleased at this prospect. The green man rests his hand on your shoulder in sympathy "I'm sorry for you. She doesn't know the meaning of enough when it comes to training."
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:26 No.6695766
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:28 No.6695784
    this, and ask "Sifu, where will we...by we I mean I be staying?"
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:32 No.6695842
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)00:39 No.6695922
    "Well, you'll be able to get an apartment. It isn't like we don't pay you." She fishes around in the pocket of her combat belt for a moment, extracting three vials of some sort of glowing white liquid. "This here in quintessence, a sort of hyper magical liquid. It is one of the two currencies you get paid in. Well, at your pay grade it is the only one. This is your first month's pay check. An eighth of one of the vials here ought to get you a fairly clean five room apartment in the crap section of town."
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:44 No.6695956
    *looks around, theres a crap section? I guess yall have different standards up here. Shall we get a bite to eat and discuss what the hell I'm supposed to do for the next 5 years, I have to admit I'm kind of curious, also you said paygrade so I presume I have a job lined up? What is it, I hope its not paper work, oh and how do you do that thing where you glow that would make a pretty nifty nightlight."
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)00:45 No.6695972
    >> I hope its not paper work.
    >prepare for disappointment.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)00:50 No.6696045
    She grins. "Well, it isn't like there's nothing beyond paperwork. But until I decide you're done with training, I don't give you my stamp of approval for fieldwork. I don't want my first apprentice to die on me! But yes, lets get to that food. You'll need to eat so you have energy for our first sparring session later tonight."
    And so began your apprenticeship under your Sifu. Now we get to answer questions dealing with what faction you identify with and what convention you want to be posted in at the end of your training!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:51 No.6696053
    Silver faction, furries are awesome
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)00:54 No.6696102
    no u, give us our options bronze, gold, whatever the fuck other color factions there are or are not or might be or may be, god damn sidereals
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)00:58 No.6696144
    Sorry, they're going to fall under independant at the moment. So:
    Gold: You fucking love the Solars, and think the Sidereals should have given them a chance before the usurpation.
    Bronze: The Solars had it coming. neither of the above two seem to be able to get past their fixation on the Solars.
    Independant: More varied. Some think that the sidereals ought to get past the usurpation and just do their jobs. Some think that there are bigger threats out there than the return of 300 demigods with hero complexes. And about 5, of the 100 sidereals alive, think the Lunars should rule the world. What do you side with?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:04 No.6696231
    "So red, whos faction are you in bed with, by in bed i mean, in with, as in, who's faction are you in with?" Also what is the diner we are eating at, I would like to compliment the chef god of this restraunt on the fine triple stacked yak burgers he makes.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:06 No.6696255
    "Truth be told I'm kind of leaning towards the bronze faction, from what I'm presuming I know they did kind of go insane towards the end though I think you guys could have dealt with the problem with a little diplomacy instead of murdering them outright."
    >> SOURCE-REQUESTING PRANA Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:08 No.6696273
    Still catching up on the other thread, but I must know: what exactly is the picture in the OP's demotivator from? And if it's actually from something in particular, where can I find more of it?
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:13 No.6696337
    The god, a miasma of fire and steam in the shape of a man, wearing a poofy hat, nods in acknowledgment.
    Red sighs. "Look, I'm not trying to force my opinions on you. A lot of sifus, my own included do that. They see it as a powerstruggle, which it is. I never enjoyed how much he preached his opinions to me. I'm not telling you until you decide what side to explore at least. It isn't binding, but it helps to know who can aid your career, you know? You're my first student, I'm trying not to make some of the mistakes my own master did." She looks somewhat pensive, apparently remembring some unpleasant memories.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:15 No.6696367
    >just google Exalted demotivators. A wiki out there has a bunch.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:17 No.6696404
    "If he touched you, in your special spots, you can tell me..."
    "But honestly, I'm going to go look up these bronze faction guys, though I'm not sure I'm all the way on board, I think the solars need a second chance, after all they were the ones who beat down the primordials, and they did pretty well until their curse finally got a hold of them. I am curious if there is a middle path between the bronze and gold factions."
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:19 No.6696424
    I have asked myself if theres anything else to this picture, and all I've come up with is that it's a warform tyrantlizard fullmoon lunar with sideral music ninjas and alot of babes wielding solar cannons somehow.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:21 No.6696458
    > Yeah, its called the independants. "Dude, that was millenia ago! Get over. The solars are in a totally different position now than they were then, we should just wait and see. And is everyone forgetting about all those Deathlords out there? Jeeze, I feel like I'm the only one doing my job."
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:25 No.6696514

    Independants sounds like the way to go for now, I have no strong feeling one way or another, really.

    So, what should I expect for the next five years? Any chance we can just montage the whole thing?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:25 No.6696519
    Totally in with the independents, besides we get to go to catgirl orgies in the woods because lunars are our friends
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:26 No.6696520
    go Independant
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:26 No.6696535

    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:29 No.6696571
    Yeah, that's the plan. I intended to just get factional leanings, and where you want to be stationed once the training is done. Then I'm going to whip up a character sheet and some writefaggotry and be ready to continue on sunday.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:35 No.6696668
    can we learn where red/sifu lives?
    keeping in mind Elia is down there on earth still, no harm in just being friends though, like earlier >>6695766
    Not considering banging the teacher, though considering wanting to bang the teacher is perfectly ok, every student does it
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:41 No.6696760
    Okay, so we've decided to be independants. Now, where to be stationed?
    Convention of Air: Is based in the northlands where you'd traded your whole life. You know the area, but there isn't a very strond independant presence there. The odds of Elia still being there are slim. She's probably with Iron and his group, somewhere further south. It is divided by factional conflicts, as both the Immaculate Order (official church of the realm, toys of Bronze) and Gold faction stronholds exist up there.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:44 No.6696801
    Convention of Wood: Set in the East of Creation. Had been a dumping ground for Gold Faction Members when there weren't any solars around. Now it covers for a lot of Solar activity in its domain. Not really any point to being an independant there.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:44 No.6696810
    Interesting, we are familiar with the area, which could be helpful, but are there other options?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:46 No.6696826
    How about the river country? It has Lookshy, so there'll always be shit going down.

    Although if we go to the South, we can visit Gem.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:50 No.6696881
    Convention of Fire: way off to the south. It is the heart of the independant movement, and where your faction's leader is based. It is also a hotbed of intrigue between the Gold and Bronze factions, both having key bases in the are. It is also where the handful of Silver faction members are, in contact with the the Lunar chieftan Tammuz.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:51 No.6696888
    we're going there
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:51 No.6696904

    If those are the only options, I propose we attempt to be stationed in Air. We are more familiar with the area and seems to be the area with a lot of the big players in this game we have been forced into.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:52 No.6696922
    Damnit. I dilly dallied for too long, missed the fire post.
    I change my vote to that. Sorry for being late!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:53 No.6696937

    That, being the Fire Posting, of course.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:53 No.6696939
    mmmm, Convention of Fire definitely
    besides we can get a nice summer home there for Elia and the kids once we're done with this training business. besides we've already got the north capitalized, hire Elia's dad to run the caravan in your stead, expand in the south.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:54 No.6696949
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:57 No.6696984
    Uh, settle down? Hardly. Traveling and trading is something we've done all our life. The home we fashion for Elia will be an eternal road, where each day brings new sights, new experiences, new possibilities.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:57 No.6696991
    Convention of Water: In the west. All sorts of high seas adventure. Headed by a member of the Bronze faction, but ignored by both given the lack of strongholds for either group, it is exceedingly understaffed. And given that the largest cult devoted to the Yozi's in existence, plus two seperate deathlords, are to be found in this area, help is needed. There is also a chance you might catch up to Elia and Iron's group here, since you suspect that he hails from one of the island nations in the area.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)01:58 No.6697018
    Convention of Earth: You don't want it. Seriously. Its on the Blessed Isle, lots of Bronze faction folks around. Not good for anyone of another group.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)01:59 No.6697034
    wait maybe do this instead of the fire one
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:00 No.6697052
    I must have missed, what type of Sidereal are we? I would assume Mercury based on our character's lifestyle.
    >> Christmas Ape 11/14/09(Sat)02:00 No.6697057
    >devoted to the Yozi's in existence
    What object, state, or concept belonging or relating to the Yozis in existence are they devoted to? You missed some words in your sentence.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:01 No.6697065
    hmmm then lets raise luth, strong hold for the silver faction/indepents and a floating traveling flying city, I'm sure leviathan won't mind besides it could come in handy when making some arrangments with bronze and gold factions, let them on board help them take out deathlords ya know, and its mobile, and would make a new trading hub for the west. what could be better?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:03 No.6697080
    The Fire one has Gem, though, the most combustible city in all of Creation.

    Although out of curiosity, OP, which Convention covers the area that Lookshy and Thorns are in?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:03 No.6697087
    o u
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:03 No.6697093
    Putting my vote in for this. Nothing like a tenuous situation for us to prove ourselves. The fact that Elia's in the middle of such a situation has of course nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:05 No.6697118
    Sorry. I'm typing between bits of a game I'm doing over OpenRPG. That is why this whole thread is of lower quality than I would have liked. I'm rushed. They are the biggest cult devoted to a bunch of demon princes pretty much. The imprisoned and bitter creator's of the universe. Again, sorry for the poor quality tonight. I promise it will be better the next time I do this.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:07 No.6697161
    Wood is Lookshy. I don't know about Thorns. I'm inclined to say the same, but am not too sure. Lemme go check the core book.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:15 No.6697303
    Can't find Thorns. I'm going to go with it being under Wood though. So I'm counting 3 votes Fire, 2 Water. Looks like it'll be fire.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:16 No.6697321

    In that case, how many sessions will it take us to destroy Gem!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:17 No.6697333
    Fuck, that should be a question mark at the end. I must be more tired than I thought.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:17 No.6697344
    I say water, screw fire, nothing beats a floating city trade hub/ beach house, besides we can offer positions there and its the easiest place to start killing death lords and only place to make friends with leviathan
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:17 No.6697347
    You'll get ganked by local Exalts, or taken back to Yu Shen for a criminal audit by your superiors.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:19 No.6697375

    Oh, we wouldn't be intentionally trying to destroy it.

    It's more that it's literally impossible to do anything major in Creation without Gem somehow being destroyed as a result.

    Hell, there's probably a God whose specific portfolio is the Destruction and Rebuilding of Gem at this point.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:19 No.6697385
    Fire puts us closer to Autocthon and Alchemical Exalted, though.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:19 No.6697386
    Three Water, Three Fire. I'm good with both myself, but water would be easier to have a reunion with everyone make sense as a writer.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:20 No.6697393
    I originally voted for fire but switched it to water are you taking this into account!?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:20 No.6697398
    and iron and elia are there, hell maybe elia can move in with us if we have some digs on earth down there in the convention of water
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:21 No.6697414
    Yes, I subtracted you from the fire total and added to water.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:22 No.6697425
    we're in heaven, we already have to deal with those creepy pattern spiders why would you want to deal with more of those crazy man machines
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:22 No.6697428
    Start with Fire, we can head to Water after we get blamed for the inevitable fate of Gem.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:23 No.6697448
    Everyone keeps on forgetting Arcane Fate. Are you sure Elia will be able to remember you?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:23 No.6697449

    Because some of them are woman-machines instead, and who wouldn't want to fuck the Major from GitS? Or Samus?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:24 No.6697463
    I would have thought her capable of remembering the mortal we once were.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:24 No.6697473
    Actually, the Major is pretty awesome...If we do fire, that is now one of the characters. I'll make her make sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:25 No.6697481

    So we go to Fire and get something crafted in Autocthon that we can implant into her brain that will make her functionally immune to Arcane Fate. If her memories of us start to go, the device will upload a fresh copy of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:25 No.6697487

    Well, you heard the man. Fire it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:27 No.6697506
    oh...ffffff, we need to bone her everyday once we get a home down in the west, or at least do the 50 first dates thing ya know?
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:27 No.6697508
    That doesn't mean I didn't think of a way around that. I have a great plot development for when she gets reintroduced. I'm just surprised nobody remembered the feature. That and Resplendant Destinies make sidereals pretty much the Anons of Reality.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:28 No.6697517
    Our sifu mentioned that our destiny was tied with Elia's. Consider that we were a merchant before we become a Chosen of Journeys. Whether it's the market or cosmic fate, we know there's no use avoiding the universe's schemes. So, you might as well face it head on.

    Let's go for the Water posting.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:28 No.6697521
    Also, everybody needs to remember that the further away from other Sidereals we stay the less fucked our decision-making gets.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:30 No.6697535

    If our destiny is really tied to hers in samsara, then it doesn't matter where we choose to go. We'll run into her again at some point regardless.

    So we may as well do Fire. When we finish there, if we haven't met Elia again yet, we can head for Water.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:30 No.6697541
    right on, We will constantly be sailing anyways, maiden of journey's can't complain about that amirite? and Red wouldn't mind going for a boat ride either, nothing like insane glowing ninja combat training on the high seas in a F5 hurricane, with deathlords attacking
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:30 No.6697546
    So is that a vote for Water?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:31 No.6697556
    also Red/sifu still hasn't given us her real name yet that should be something we investimagte
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:33 No.6697582

    No, more a vote for "wherever we go, remember that having other Sidereals around will lead to poor decisions".

    Personally, I'm for Fire. We can hit Water later. After we commission some crazy shit for our later use in the smithies of the South.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:43 No.6697735
    8 fire, 5 water. It looks like fire wins. There will be more swashbuckling later on I suppose, but first come forges and steanpunk robots.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:46 No.6697785
         File1258184770.jpg-(52 KB, 898x348, 1254631300351.jpg)
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    Well great people. Enjoy the love of your life not recognizing you the next time you see her.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:47 No.6697815
    Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you goodnight. I apologise once again for the drastically lower quality of this thread, but I promise it will be better next time. Tune in Sunday evening for Exalted Quest Part 3: The Training Montage and Deployment to Your First Field Assignment. Now featuring A CHARACTER SHEET! Whoo!!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:50 No.6697864
    hey op what time quick b4 you go also archive plz
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:52 No.6697883
    We're a Sidereal. That was going to happen no matter what we did.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:53 No.6697903
    Archived it a minute ago. It'll be in the evening. Probably around 8 or so. But I might get bored and do it early. The main problem is making an acceptably bit of writefaggotry to serve as a lead in. Actually, I do have a final question before I head out. In everyone's opinion, priority of Attributes being Mental, Physical, Social is acceptable?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)02:54 No.6697919
    Social, we have to talk those bronze and gold fuckers into joining the real faction, indendents and silver, woohoo for social combat
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:55 No.6697931
    I did say I had a way around it. It'll be interesting too. There'll be a kidnapping and an epic chase through the wilderness. If I do it well, it shoul be a lot of fun. That will be for Exalted Quest 4 or 5 however. Three is going to be all about your new office mates in the Convention and getting a feel of the area before heading out on missions.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)02:57 No.6697964
    So then Mental, Social, Physical? I'm accepting a variety of options. The only one I forbid is mental being last, since you don't get to where he was as a trader without a head for business.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)03:07 No.6698131
    As independent Sidereals who are probably going to be having interesting dealings with Autocthon and the Alchemicals, I say that we start our own faction in the desert: the brotherhood of Steel.

    Social, Mental, Physical. Trading probably required that ordering. Figure that we've got pretty good Resolve or whatever the Mental equivalent of Stamina is, given the way we took our life getting utterly Bel-Aired.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)03:08 No.6698135
    Social,mental,physical, brute strength is a terrible way to solve problems, it saves you money by not having to buy ridicoulsly over the top gear to get stuff done with copious amounts of violence
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)03:10 No.6698164
    Focus on Stamina for our physical stats. We may be only of average Strength or Dexterity, but a Chosen of the Mistress of Journeys had damn well better be up to long-distance travel.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)03:11 No.6698181
    Alright that'll do fine. Agility and essence are more important to sidereal martial arts anyway than pure strking power. Same for thrown stuff. So you'll not be helpless, and still a shrewd bargainer! Anyone know where a fillable online character sheet might be found for this? I don't want to have to type everything up as a word doc and then copy it onto here.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)03:11 No.6698196
    No early death for our hero!
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)03:39 No.6698554
         File1258187974.jpg-(696 KB, 750x600, [rarjpg]JPEG.rar.jpg)
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    RarJpeg for you. Just name it <something>.rar and unrar it.
    >> The OP !.QqkDUCQV2 11/14/09(Sat)03:44 No.6698626
    Explain. I have a pdf of the sidereal character sheet, but it won't let me write on it. If I save it as a rar file, and then unzip it, it'll magically let me?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)03:47 No.6698672
    I think what he did was he put the rar into the jpg he posted here. Rename that file to "whatever".rar and then unzip it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/09(Sat)04:06 No.6698888

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