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!qw2cdBTZAc 03/26/11(Sat)22:48 No.14377955 File1301194112.jpg-(372 KB, 1600x1200, gargoyle_by_crimsonvisions_sto(...).jpg)
You listen to each individual bat's screeching for a while. The noise is different for many of them, just at a very high pitch. You puff up your chest, and screech. You can hear right where the sound impacted the wall, imagining every curve and "seeing" dozens of tiny, swift blurs in the air.
You stand up, screeching again, for longer. The cave becomes a cycle of noise, and you can even see yourself, standing upright amongst the huge swarms of the small flying creatures. You walk steadily, screaming at a higher pitch that you could not hear a few days ago, and the positioning becomes more acute. You can tell exactly where Hugh is sitting, his eyebrows higher on his face in an expression of surprise. The higher pitch seems to reverberate off of the walls less. You laugh in surprise, the sound like throwing a stone into water, giving you the barest indication of your surroundings. You make a deeper, bass tone, and can feel Hugh's body, the walls, even the bats vibrating as you do so, giving you a clear image of them. |