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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 05/01/11(Sun)18:34 No.14779435 File1304289277.jpg-(945 KB, 1518x1492, 1286171470260.jpg)
You glide silently, superior eyesight picking out the holes in the swamp canopy. And, of course, Kataphryxia... receiving her minions to her swampy court. Certainly large enough to tower over them, but hardly impressive. Invisible, you dive until you are swooping just above the canopy, and begin your high-speed approach. You flutter your wings as silently as possible, for a creature your size, and prepare to drop on the black, bowling her over and ideally crippling her with superior weight and momentum.
As you fall, you open up with a blast of searing almost-blue flame, and you revel in the smells of burning scale, flesh, and plant matter as you force a stall and drop thirty feet onto the back of the Kataphryxia below you. She is as expected, most displeased. As youf all, she begins to roll, and her head snaps around as your breath incinerates her congregation, just in time for you crash down upon her. Small though she may be, she is a scaled dragon, and not as soft as you might have wished. You are uninjured, though, and thanks to your magically enhanced speed you manage to snake your neck out of the way as she spews acid at you, staying that way.
You attempt to ignore her posturing, as you struggle to pin her down, but her frantic curses and threats are far too amusing to do so. Mostly in the manner of how she cannot possibly enforce them. You begin to smile as you grapple with her on the ground, resisting laughing at her desperate cries. Her claws scrape off your scales, ineffectual,whereas yours shred her wing her wings accidentally as you attempt to gain sufficient advantage to pin her. Seeing an opportunity, you snake your head forward, reaching for her throat. She manages to surprise you, though, blocking with one of the massive boney horns that guards her skull. You consider attempting to rip it out of her head, or shatter it, but decide against it. You would probably succeed, but it could break some teeth. You wanted her skull intact anyway. |