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You have always wanted to be an emperor. That ambition has burned dimly in the past, tempered by reality. Now the opportunity to realise your ambition has arrived and you are determined not to let it slip. Now is the time to build your empire and become an emperor.

Last Thread: You are the knight, Talon York, and you are an emperor, but not the emperor… yet. Last thread you evacuated Hiien as the Taourans dug in at their borders.

Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Aspiring%20Emperor%20Quest
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AspirationalQM
Master Pastebin (links to all pastebins for AEQ): http://pastebin.com/6Su7M3fh
>province info added, empire bin and general bin updated

>some housekeeping
1. I’ll be running the next two days as well. If I’m going to run extra long it will be this session or the next.
2. Sarah’s FTB is done. http://pastebin.com/ATa6Tjit
3. The map (to be posted shortly) has been significantly changed, including existing territory. The province info bin has been split from the general bin and contains tons of new stuff and detail.
4. I am now using the dice rules discussed last session with dramfails only happening on a 1 with no other successes. I’m trying to use just one system to avoid confusion so I decided against having one system for army battles and another for regular rolls. I may still revert to the old rules in particular situations. After all, who says you’re the only person who can have Nat20s.

Rolls are d20 and the best of the first three posters. Please quote the post you are voting for or rolling against. Note there are hard-to-replace points that can be used to offset failures in rolls. Please see the General Pastebin, linked through the Master Bin above, for more info and detailed dice rules.

>Now, with further ado
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Having sent Aladria’s messenger back to her with a request for a meeting, you convene a meeting of your own with your officers to sum up the situation. You remain sitting at the table, reading and rereading Mal’s sending, trying not to grin too widely at the obvious frustration in his words. General Parras and Lt General’s Moss and Glynn are the last officers in, joining Undine and Gnome who have been considering the letter from Lady Irris’ servant. You gesture to Parras to start.

Clearing his throat, Parras says, “We’ve heard back from our scouts and spies. After General Arail’s effective assaults the Taouran forces in Crece number just more than four thousand. In the capital, we suspect they have closer to six thousand but half of those are currently digging in at the border between here and the city. The feeder provinces surrounding it, Deodain, Forfdain and Carrlouf, appear to be very lightly defended.”

“Seems ridiculously short-sighted of the blood-suckers to leave provinces bordering the Magi League unguarded,” Glynn says, frowning.

You shrug. “From the sounds of it, Taour doesn’t worry about the Magi League as much as the League worries about it. What of Darlesia, General?”

Parras nods. “Word from General Arail is that Darlesia has fallen into chaos. Which is to say, not much has changed except there’s less Taouran soldiers on the streets.”

“Darlesia wasn’t always like that,” Glynn says, giving Parras a cutting look.

Parras replies placidly, “I know that. And it won’t be like that in the future, either, without the vampires.” Parras then turns and directs his next words to you, “Normally I would say we should seize the city immediately, before the League and RSK do so but we received this odd message from General Mercenie, the League’s general on that front. It says:

“‘I’ll dance with Falwick for a fortnight, Talon. If you don’t control Darlesia by then it’s on your own head.’

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“I thought your connections were with the RSK, not the League, Imperator?” Parras finishes, giving you an approving look.

You hide your surprise. Judging from your last meeting, you wouldn’t have thought Mercenie to pay you any favours. Let alone favours that involve her playing a game of chicken with Magister General Falwick, the RSK’s brutal general on the Worremburg front south-west of Darlesia. She lost a lot of soldiers last time she screwed that up, after all. Still, it gives you time to consider your options regarding Darlesia. Perhaps if you take it sooner and save her some trouble, Mercenie will be less of a bitch next time? Or maybe she likes it the other way?

You shake your head and ask Parras to talk more on the Taouran force composition.

“Astoundingly weak, your majesty,” Parras says, almost grinning. “Our spies report that they have less than one thousand mage-knights left, mostly up north in the capital. They lack the materials to make more heavy suits since we cut off their supplies from Vitria. Unfortunately, they have a contact in Shropham who has been supplying them with their medium suits.”

You blink, surprised. “Who the hell in the Magi League is selling the vampires mage-knight plate? That’s ridiculous.”

Your officers shrug, though Glynn looks furious. You ponder the issue for a second before Undine interjects.

“Perhaps, Talon, the League might not know? Maybe you should tell them?” she says gently, and Gnome gives her an odd look.

The only real contact you have in the League is Mercenie, though Mal or Alistair might have some, too. If you told the League, they could ferret out the traitor who may be connected to the faction difficulties within the League. Doing so would weaken Taour but strengthen the League. It would also improve the Archmage’s opinion of you, you suspect.

Do you warn the League about somebody supplying Taour with mage-knight plate?

>1. Yes
>2. No
>3. Custom

Based Mercenie. Need to add her to the harem one day.

>1. Yes

Fuck. I want to say no but early league boost could be useful since we plan on using them later.
>1. Yes
Question: the export ban from the RSK and the League only covers magical equipment right? Looking at our treasury, buying 2 to 3 thousand men at arms equipment to give Airal an advantage on the southern front seems like a good idea to me.
I wouldn't. We are pretty close to getting our own plate factory given last thread then we can just mass produce as much as we need. Though we might want to redesign a bit.

>2 to 3 thousand men at arms

whoops derp. I think we can handle that much equipment pretty damn easy. We did get like a 1000 extra men at arms with little issue with equpment.
Good idea. Look into mercs as well. We've got a lot of economic muscle, lets find a way to beat Taour to death with it
> Look into mercs

Now this is a good idea. Given Talons background I would imagine he would have some merc connections. To know which will fuck us over and which we can bribe to not fuck us over.
take a look at these figues:
>Current Treasury = 600TBY

>Maximum Agricultural Tax = 1364TBY
>Estimated Agricultural Tax = 1079TBY
>Maximum Tradeables Taxes (Property, Duties etc) = 376TBY (excludes preferred merchant license profits)
>Estimated Tradeables Taxes = 292TBY (excludes preferred merchant license profits)
>Trade Licenses = 276TBY (five-year license)

#NEW# Note that military expenses now includes garrisons.

>Military Expenses = 467TBY
>Admin Expenses = 494TBY
>Foundry Expenses = 100TBY

>Projected Net Revenue = 586TBY
>Projected EoY Treasury = 1186TBY

We're running a very large surplus in the middle of a full scale war. We're clearly doing something wrong.
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>Question: the export ban from the RSK and the League only covers magical equipment right?
That's correct. It costs 1 TBY per 100 sets of equipment for normal soldiers. Alternatively, you can produce 2000 sets for 10TBY in about four weeks. The real expense is the soldiers. 3000 MAAs cost 100TBY per year.

Mercs are hard to get ahold of with the huge war nearby. The RSK hires them en masse.


“I’ll see what I can do,” you say to Undine. Mercenie’s your only contact so you might start with her. Failing that, Maloric should be able to help you find somebody.

Moving on from military matters, Undine reads out several updates from within your empire.

Magister Gareth informs you that Bartom has finished construction of the underground area and thanks Undine and Gnome for their help. Gnome stares blankly forward as Undine gleefully reads out Bartom’s request to spend more time with Gnome. The rest of your officers seem confused. Bartom has now moved on to repairing the outside of the keep and the manors barring changes to his orders.

Magister Farrell has received the damaged factory from Darlesia. He’s currently busy for the next fortnight finishing the factory that will produce equipment for your arcane archers but he says he’ll move onto the medium mage-knight plate factory shortly. He estimates repair will take four weeks, though that’s half the time of a new factory with the template. He’ll need to spend 40TBY from the treasury to import the necessary materials and hire the necessary labour.

Finally, Tsucchi, the seven-tailed fox with vampire knowledge, has arrived in Vitria. If you don’t plan on returning there, it might be a good idea to invite her to the front.

>Any changes to make? Anything else to bring up?

I’ll move onto military decisions in a moment (e.g. whether to take Darlesia).

See >>31667241 for financial numbers.
Pretty sure that's just how rich we are. If we buy anything I would go for mercs or something just because I don't think we have any issues with basic equipment.
How are evacuation procedures going for the farm we took?

A tactical retreat and razing this hell hole might be a wise move at this juncture.
Looks good for me. We might want to Meet with Tsucchi soon though.
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Hiien was fully evacuated last session. The next decision includes what to do with Hiien.

Also, for reference, note that you probably match Taour in military strength now. You have more MKs, but they have more veteran soldiers and more men.
Ok, we had to turn away half the volunteers (2000 people) due to being infirm
Is any of it repairable? I am wondering if we could get more recruit if we developed, say, a magitech prosthetic factory which we could use to lure in people who are otherwise disabled to enlist. Or those who are malnourished and atrophied could be given aid in both food and training until they recover enough to rejoin.
As well as magical healing (and of course, if we ever bind a source to talon, we could heal like a mofo inside our domain, probably).
I think that's a peace time prep project. Nice idea, but its not viable for now.
>The next decision includes what to do with Hiien.
it has excellent walls and 4 towers of blood farms. I say we loot then bring down the towers. The walls can be reused to make it a fort (for now, in years to come it can grow into a fort town) to project our strength in this area. We should try to get some knights from the orders that guard the border with taour to advance to this province, and perhaps a few border skirmishes to keep taour entrenching here. With their loss of the MMK factory they no longer have an advantage over us in terms of growth rate.

Yea, I meant this as a long term peace project. just throwing it out for discussing a bit early.
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There are more than enough people for you to recruit normally within your provinces, just not at Hiien. It takes months for people to acclimatise to magitech prosthetics and/or be healed from serious malnourishment or atrophy. It might be something to work on when you have more factory space (you will have filled up your foundry with the MMK factory) to improve order, though.
Every bit of that sounds good. Seconded.
Their surrounding feeder provinces are lightly guarded, a few lightning units to burn bridges and attack slave caravans in said provinces would help exacerbate the starvation in their capital.
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>Military decisions

130 Flying Mage-Knights
140 Heavy Mage-Knights
1020 Medium Mage-Knights
160 Arcane Archers
1420 Archers
550 Heavy Men-at-arms
2400 Men-at-arms
50 Battlemages

185 Flying Mage-Knights
488 Medium Mage-Knights
90 Arcane Archers
625 Archers
605 Men-at-arms
23 Battlemages

Taour is dug in at both Crece and their capital but left their feeder provinces around Taour open. They have more men than you do and more veterans but you’re better equipped. Furthermore, without their blood farm the vampires will begin to incite rebellion by feeding on the populace openly. You could worsen that by cutting off food supplies but you don’t know whether they’ll counterattack you.

You’ll need to take Darlesia within a fortnight or forfeit it to one of the major powers. You also need to determine whether you’ll rush Taour now, while they’re still fortifying, and risk engaging daywalkers unprepared or whether you’ll try to starve them out and recruit more heavily within your own empire in the meanwhile.

Finally, do you refurbish Hiien as a fortress or raze it to the ground? You don’t think you’ll ever truly exorcise the ground of the terrible things that happened here but it is a very strong fortress.

Note that there is a full moon in a week's time when any nightwalkers will become extra dangerous.

>1. Seize Darlesia now
>2. Try to seize Darlesia at the last minute (this may go awry if your forces are tied up elsewhere)
>3. Leave Darlesia
>4. Custom

>1. Attack Taour now.
>2. Try to seize the feeder provinces Deodain, Forfdain and Carrlouf at the risk of being counterattacked.
>3. Dig in at Raupe while you recruit more (including bringing knights from Vitria forward)
>4. Retreat
>5. Custom

>1. Refurbish Hiien as a fortress
>2. Burn Hiien to the ground.
>3. Custom
How long would it take to send some troops to reinforce arail? (raupe to vale to mier to olmm).

I think darlesia should be seized ASAP. they can always just leave the city again if taur starts moving ffrom crece unto olmm.

Also, with the magical aid we have, can we per chance take a portion of our army through marnn mountains (on top, not through tunnels) to reach creece? If we can take the creece wall then this stops being a two front war for us.
that is a good idea! furthermore, we could force them to move forces to their feeder provinces, this splits up their army, divide and conquer. Once they are divided we hit the split off army to kill as many of their soldiers as possible.

4. - send a portion of green troops as peace keepers, lead by a small core of veterans. Recruit a city militia for law and order when they take over, bulking up numbers.

5. They are waiting for something. Why would they sit in their capital if they needed this province so badly? Raid their feeder provinces with fast forces, but don't try to take them.

3. collapse the towers, leave the gates and walls standing.
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>How long would it take to send some troops to reinforce arail? (raupe to vale to mier to olmm).

A week and a half. Maybe a bit less.

>Also, with the magical aid we have, can we per chance take a portion of our army through marnn mountains (on top, not through tunnels) to reach creece?
Not a very large portion and it would be slow going.

That's an alternative to trying to seize the provinces and leaves you less open to counterattack.
>1. Seize Darlesia now

>3. Dig in at Raupe while you recruit more (including bringing knights from Vitria forward)
>5. Custom
Raid Deodain with a portion of our troops to force them to split their troops into both defending deodain and defending taour. Either they will bring their entire army to you and break upton your fortifications, or they will split it up between taour and deodain, at which point you hit the smaller army with everything we have.

>1. Refurbish Hiien as a fortress
No option to outbid them on a small scale or call in favors? Anyway, I think we should purchase some gear. Sure, it will cost a bit and raise manpower costs, but we're going to be continually expanding our military for the foreseeable future anyway
>5. They are waiting for something. Why would they sit in their capital if they needed this province so badly? Raid their feeder provinces with fast forces, but don't try to take them.
Well, they might be waiting for us to make a mistake, they might be thinking that we have to attack their capital eventually and their bigger army will prevail. or they might be waiting 2 weeks for the full moon where nightwalker turn into superwolves (although it is probably not that since they are still killable by mages and enchanted weapons which are really par for the course in modern militaries; also, IIRC they lack proper discipline in that state)
>1. it's a great resource to have, also for rallying former darlesians to our banner
>5 Dig for no we have to know where the vamp we widowed stands she could attack us or spy. At the same time do small raids into feeder lands, one cart of enemy supplies is worth three of our own.
>1 we need the defensibility for now, but pledge to burn it in the future
>Anyway, I think we should purchase some gear.
We would need to find a smuggler with plate for sale to do this
>1. Seize Darlesia now
>3. Dig in at Raupe while you recruit more (including bringing knights from Vitria forward)
>3. Custom; Refurbish into a memorial.
>1 we need the defensibility for now, but pledge to burn it in the future
We could just completely remove the farm towers and rename it.
The Darlesea option is good, though I would recommend Importing mundane equipment from the RSK to speed up the proces. Also they won't be able to intercept the shipment
>1. Seize Darlesia now
>2. Try to seize the feeder provinces Deodain, Forfdain and Carrlouf at the risk of being counterattacked.
>1. Refurbish Hiien as a fortress

I dislike focusing too many men in one place. It's just asking for some nightwalker to do some bullshit and wind up behind us.
Mundane gear
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>No option to outbid them on a small scale or call in favors?
They're the RSK. They'll outbid you. They're maintaining a massive battlefront and are facing sedition by a powerful mage so they'll spare no expense. As for favours, you don't have that many left - you spent a lot of time with the RSK regulars rather than mercs.

>4. - send a portion of green troops as peace keepers, lead by a small core of veterans.
I'll take this as a 1 as you'll need a large force to even consider controlling the city even with a militia being recruited. It's not exactly small.
>Raid deodain
actually, thinking about it... is it close enough to perform a pincer maneuver by sending, say, 1000 soldiers to occupy it.
Then when we see taour troops moving in on us, catch them in a pincer with that that small troop and our main troop?
1, 3, 1. We need to consolidate our fronts.
Finally made a thread, missed the last couple.

>1. Seize Darlesia now

Taour 3/5, raids into the lightly defended lands

Hiien: 2.

I worry about Hiien having secret paths and such that the vamps could breach the place with, plus with all the shit that went on there it must stink and I imagine would sap morale of troops there.
oh, i misunderstood, I thought you wanted to buy MMK

We should bring up the idea of them waiting till the next full moon too.
>plus with all the shit that went on there it must stink
salamander can purge it with fire

>I worry about Hiien having secret paths and such
I do too, I imagine gnome will be able to find them though
That's why you burn the place anon. other then the walls and what you can build. Be hard to build secret paths in the fort walls.
>2. Burn Hiien to the ground.
A question. does this mean actually destroying the walls too

>1. Refurbish Hiien as a fortress
Does this mean destroying the towers and building a fortress in their stead while leaving the walls intact?

because this is how I read those two (and why I voted for refurbish)
did we fully loot the towers in hiien? did we find anything of note?
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>1. & 3/5 (dig in and raid feeder provinces) & 1

“General Parras, make contact with Arail and have him move into Darlesia,” you say, giving orders after some deliberation. “Meanwhile we’ll destroy the towers here and try to refurbish the place for our purposes.”

“The men might not appreciate that, Imperator,” Parras says, frowning slightly.

“I understand, General, but we’re at war and Hiien is heavily fortified. It will be out forward base for the time being because we would otherwise be camping out in the open,” you explain. “We’ll also be launching raids on the feeder provinces around Taour to try to cut off supplies.”

“That will cause a lot of deaths, Imperator,” Parras responds heatedly. “I must object.”

“And if we attack Taour without softening them up first there will be even more dead,” Gnome interjects before you can respond.

“Gnome’s right, General,” you say calmly. “We can’t just bullrush the Taourans, especially when they have vampires in their ranks.”

Parras nods, still notably upset but willing to obey orders. Your other commanders don’t look as troubled but then they’ve fought heavily against Taour before and seen their own nation conquered.

You quickly review everything, including expenses, and also consider putting in an order to Worremburg in the RSK for a large shipment of mundane arms and armour. With news of taking Darlesia you could easily recruit plenty of soldiers.

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Finally, you need to decide whether you’ll join in at one of the fronts or return to Vitria and Harrowmont. Barring a Taouran offensive, Arail and Parras could handle matters easily.

>1. Buy equipment for 3000 men-at-arms from the RSK for 30 TBY (current treasury is 600TBY). Available with recruiting within a fortnight. Additional troop expenses of 100TBY per year (current net income is 586TBY).
>2. Manufacture equipment for 3000 men-at-arms yourself for 15 TBY (current treasury is 600TBY). Available with recruiting in six weeks. Additional troop expenses of 100TBY per year (current net income is 586TBY).
>3. Don’t recruit more soldiers now.
>4. Custom

>1. Stay in Raupe to help Parras.
>2. Head to Darlesia to help Parras control that city.
>3. Return to Vitria to deal with matters of state.
>4. Custom

If you choose to head to a battlefront, Tsucchi will join you at said battlefront.
Considering how difficult upcoming fights are going to be (multiple day-walkers at once and superior enemy army), I propose we ask both mal and fluffy tails to come over to the front with us. That extra concentration of power could be just what we need, he can do research after we conquer taour and take some time to digest and build.

Also, enemy has lots of mages and mal is anti mage. He won't single handedly be able to shut them all down, but he would help
>Personal Deployment
Yay its back!
Recruitment vote: 1

Personal deployment: 2

Recruitment Vote: 1

We have a pretty huge surplus and 4 weeks can make all the difference in the world.

Personal Deployment Vote: 2

Parras can handle garrison duties, we should be at Darlesia to restore peace and order as soon as possible.

1 or 2.
Ah shit changing my vote to
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>2. Head to Darlesia to help Parras control that city.

Should be "Help Arail control that city."

Also, for reference, it's July 26th, 1952PC. You conquered Vitria on June 16th. I need to get into a habit of posting the date with the first post of a thread.
actually, I change my mind about this. Changing my Deployment vote to 2, so,
Really? I thought you had said before that we were in the middle of winter. You made this big thing about how Darlesia had very light winters, so we could still campaign during that time.
>1. Buy equipment for 3000 men-at-arms from the RSK for 30 TBY (current treasury is 600TBY). Available with recruiting within a fortnight. Additional troop expenses of 100TBY per year (current net income is 586TBY).
>1. Stay in Raupe to help Parras.

Also I keep having images of using patterns+those crystals Mal has been researching together to create a painful combo.
2, 2
>Parras can handle garrison duties
parras is fortifying AND raiding feeder provinces.
This means he might get counter attacked by a bunch of daywalkers and their army...
or he might not be and we would be more useful in darlesia
... for one thing darlesia might very well contain vampires who stayed behind when they withdrew
Biggest issue I see is I would rather have 1000 mails then 1000 men at arms. Well either way it should give a surplus later when we get develop some knight armor for HMK or LMK.
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I'm writing 1 & 2 as the result now.

If there's any other matters you guys want to raise (aside from bringing Mal and Tsucchi to the front) raise them now.

You're in the southern hemisphere. It is winter. That's also why things are more mild here - it's mid-winter and the nights are only beginning to drop below zero.
We'll have both Mage-Plate and AA manufacturing up by that time.

Also, minor question: how did Olan afford the mercs he used against us if the RSK is buying everything up?
Aspie, can we tell Parras to keep the raids on the feeder provinces to simply harrying supply lines if we decide to restore order in Darlesia, light raiding and the such? I don't want him getting in over his head if vamps attack.
Actually, yes. the nature of the raids.
He said it would cause a lot of deaths. does he mean in Taour itself, or is he referring to the nature of the raids?
Also, I don't know about the others but I meant for raids as a ruse to make them split their army to garrison some in the capital and some in the feeder provinces, for a divide and conquer approach. rather then trying to actually burn down their supplies and starve their people.

Finally, can we make contact with some of their mage towers? we might be able to subvert some of them prior to our invasion
He is pretty competent and we have the men. He should mainly retreat if he encounters a daywalker. But the odds of that is pretty low and we'll be like right there.

By the way. Arail is a fucking badass to do all this shit with 2000 men.
>Actually, yes. the nature of the raids.
by that i mean, did we just order him to burn down their fields, or to just burn down their bridges and capture their supplies

arail is the best at harrying and raiding... and parras is best at fortifying. so really we put the best person on each job :).
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>Also, minor question: how did Olan afford the mercs he used against us if the RSK is buying everything up?
He didn't. He used Vitrian soldiers.


>He said it would cause a lot of deaths. does he mean in Taour itself, or is he referring to the nature of the raids?
You'll be cutting off supply lines and food. This will cause revolt in Taour combined with the vampire feeding, causing military crackdowns, desertion, rebellion etc.

>mage towers
Got it.

Arail's speciality is lightning raids. To be perfectly truthful, you'd actually be better off switching Parras and Arail now but it would be a risk to switch commanders at such a vital time.
Actually, am I the only one who is considering trying to conquer Crece ASAP?
This will allow us to pincer the enemy capital (thus bringing in our full army to bear) as well the walls of crece providing a solid defense for our flank
How fast can Arail's troops reach us? if we can get them to reach us quickly, we can wait for Arail to get here and then march with Parras to Darlesia. We don't need to worry about others taking Darlesia with the League running interference.
>You'll be cutting off supply lines and food. This will cause revolt in Taour combined with the vampire feeding, causing military crackdowns, desertion, rebellion etc.
Thank you for clarifying, I was worried that we were also going to be killing farmers directly in the feeder provinces
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You can reach Arail quickly because Sala and Lynn can fly you over the mountains. Or just Sala if you're worried about Vad knowing what she is. I suppose you could ferry your generals that way if they don't complain too much.

Note that your FMKs can't make such a long flight by themselves.

Darlesia is a bigger prize though, particularly since we are on a time limit. Crece should be a secondary priority after we secure Darlesia.
>He didn't. He used Vitrian soldiers.
Not to nitpick, but
Thread 2:
>Malaine answers, “A lot of the Vitrians have been taken alive. Our estimates are about 50 mage-knights and 100 of their regular soldiers. The knights are from the noble house of Oaln, but the regulars are actually mercenaries.
Also, the assassin was a merc too.
No, I'm asking about the logistics of a switch. how many days would it take for Arail to uproot and fly to us, and then we march with Parras to Darlesia?
Wait why exactly other than the obvious do Fluffy Tails got Hard one for Dragons?
Better not try to steal my dragon Waifu
Because I would assume that Lynn doesn't want her heritage being spread around as much as possible.
The Founder of the Mage Guard, (the only allies the fluffy tails have besides us) were founded by a person with a massive hateboner for Lynn's dad. Who's still around and really powerful
speaking of flying, i had the idea before of trying to reshape the shield we create to form wings.

Well, the main reason would be if we don't trust vad/fluffy tails in general due to rampant paranoia. (it is worth noting he would probably report whatever he finds about us to his clan)
The second would be promising to keep Lynn's secret.
that and her heritage is almost as bad as us bounding a POP to us.
I miss being able to blame Snapple for comments like this...
Oh yea, fluffies are allied with mage guard...
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That was bound to happen to me eventually. My notes suggest that was supposed to mean they were Vitrian mercs but fair call on my mistake. The assassin was a hired gun, but that's because he's an assassin not a soldier. The RSK is less interested in them as they tend to be ineffective against mages even if they do have anti-magic.

If you really want to push the merc thing, note that they'll be really expensive and it will take time to recruit them.

It takes ten days to march the long way around. You can't fly over the mountains except with Sala or Lynn.
>It takes ten days to march the long way around. You can't fly over the mountains except with Sala or Lynn.
wait, does that mean we would have to split the party?

sala and lynn can fly. gnome and undine can't. we can't.
it might be better to just take the long way around after all.
10 days each way. that's a tolerable amount. I'd suggest sending word to Arail to start the march, then fly ourselves to Darlesia with Sala and scope out the place. Might be a bad idea, but it sets us up for a more personal adventure in a riotous city. lots of fun for a QM, I bet.
Probably dragon nature thing. Like why elementals like being around pure elementals.

That itself happens all the time in a war front. Not as likely with a raid at least though. On the other hand we won't be targeting them because that's retarded when we you want to take over a nation.
tripfag notorious for bad decisions and ideas. He went away and was never missed. There was much rejoicing.
worth looking into. Anyway, I'm against switching commanders. A Darlesean general needs to march into the city anyway.
>10 days to walk around
how long would a flight be?

I agree with that point. also if we switched commanders we will have days of chaos.

That's a terrible idea.

>“‘I’ll dance with Falwick for a fortnight, Talon. If you don’t control Darlesia by then it’s on your own head.’

We have two weeks to control a large, lawless city. You can't send away your occupying army for 10 of those days and expect to control the city.
>Well, the main reason would be if we don't trust vad/fluffy tails in general due to rampant paranoia

Really going to suck there. Because we have to somehow get them to avoid Harrowmont. Because the moment they step foot there there a huge liability. Either of them.

Nah. The POP mainly just tells a lot of powerful people we have one. It's unlikely everyone is just going to show up one day afterwards like /tg/ is paranoid about. Lynn is pretty much a massive kill me sign from anybody who hates dragons.
>2 weeks

FUCK. You're right, I'm retarded. I totally thought a Fortnight was a month.


This is now a terrible idea and should be ignored by everyone.
To be fair, some of his constructive bad ideas had pretty entertaining consequences...he just needed to be in a lolrandumb quest to really shine.

He also liked picking unnecessary fights and generally favored the most suicidal option available, even if he had to create it in the first place.
I noticed that we just walked into hiien through their shields. so, that is normal then?
I am wondering if it is possible to sneak a small elite force into crece forts and do enough damage to their leadership and mages to make conquering them a cinch later on.

Undine can cast illusions after all, and disguises worked for us in the past

I think he means to order arail to march on darlesia and then we and sala join arail in doing so
Just fly the generals for the switch. There are flyers here for Arail to use. They'll have to make due
>Really going to suck there. Because we have to somehow get them to avoid Harrowmont. Because the moment they step foot there there a huge liability. Either of them.
Which is why I repeatedly suggested in prior threads that we relocate our capital (at least on the surface) to vitria as a ruse.
If anyone says we should march down to where Arail is with our army here I"m going to give them the official retard label. Just going to bring that up.

>I agree with that point. also if we switched commanders we will have days of chaos.

Oh yes.

That would make more sense, but I think I would still oppose the idea of swapping generals at this juncture.

Arail and Parras are both known quantities with their armies and both armies are embarking on important, sensitive tasks.

Replacing the high leadership in the middle of these tasks is likely to cause confusion regardless of the general's natural abilities.

If we must swap generals, we should table that until Darlesia has been recaptured at the very least.
>That would make more sense, but I think I would still oppose the idea of swapping generals at this juncture.
no swapping general was involved in that post
That's just asking for chaos. Those guys have been together the entire time. Just switching like that is asking for it.

Even then when we have to head back we'll need a good reason for Vad to stay behind. Hell even Mal said it. "This guy is a straight shooter don't tell him anything you don't want others to know."
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Okay, so things are gettng kind if screwy with the competing ideas. My own fault for mentioning gonig to Darlesia without stating timeframes and then mentioning a general switch.

If you choose to move forces by land they will take ten days to relocate between Taour and Olmm, plus another two days to Darlesia. Note that Taour is only a couple of days march from your front at any time. You only have fourteen days to take Darlesia before the RSK and League start fighting over it.

Moving yourself by air will take about five days for each trip to Darlesia, but only three days to get to Olmm, and Sala can carry two people at a time. If Lynn helps she can carry another two in the same timeframe. Lynn's draconic ancestry isn't known by Vad or either of your generals so if she flies them or with them she'll be found out.

Basically, if you want to do the aerial switch you can't also go down to Darlesia in a decent timeframe as you'll only be able to send Sala on that trip.

The general switch has issues around Arail being Darlesian but Parras being Vitrian, too.
I agree about not swapping generals. for one thing there is an entire command chain under the general that needs to be accounted for.

Why stay behind? why not have him take the long way and join us in darlesia in 10 days?

That gives me a mental image of Talon telling Vad.

"Oh if you mention anything about what you're about to see anything at all I'll have to kill you."
"Hahahha. Real funny."
"I'm not kidding."
Lets just go to the city, no switch.
Let's just not do the switch. Simpler.

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>1. Switch the generals/army by one means or another. (Details will be decided next vote).
>2. Don't switch them.
What if we started off on foot into the mountain with our main group, then took to the air?
That way vad and generals would only be able to guess as how we did it?

also, any chance of the idea of reshapring talon's shield ability into wings working?

No general Swap. Leave Gnome at Raupe to help with fortifications, ask Lynn if she's okay revealing her ancestry to Vad. We should make sure Vad doesn't have any obligations to share that info with people with a bone to pick with dragons.
>2. Don't switch them.
don't switch generals.

Honestly, I think we should just trust arail to take darlesia and instead of wasting many days on trabval have talon actually be ACTIVE around here

also, another problem occurs if we move talon, taour might find out talon is in darlesia and attack it with overwhelming force in hope of killing off talon.
Oh also, are we gonna rename our empire after we take Taour?

We already voted to send Talon and Co. to Darlesia
>ask Lynn if she's okay revealing her ancestry to Vad.
no, vad will report it to his clan, which is allied with the mage guard. bad idea!

we are allowed to change our minds, especially now that we have more info
We really should. We can't just keep calling ourselves Harrowmont, once we've retaken all of Darlesian Territory. We should come up with a proper empire name.

>Inb4 entire thread of nothing but arguing over names
It seemed like there was a very strong consensus towards The York Empire last time this was discussed.
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Okay, no switch. I'll run a short scene about Lynn and Vad plus the Mercenie scene then it's travelling to Darlesia.

Sorry this took so damn long, guys. I confused the hell out of everybody.

>also, any chance of the idea of reshapring talon's shield ability into wings working?
Not on such short notice.

>What if we started off on foot into the mountain with our main group, then took to the air?
I don't understand how this would work.

There'll be a vote for that when there's downtime.
read the other half of that sentence, idjit. We first confirm that he doesn't have any obligations about that kind of info.
One that makes me cry. Because I imagine some little farmer bastard named York claiming the empire was named after him now.
Which gives him hints that info exists. Not only that but he is like the most honest guy ever. Telling him to keep a secret would be like torture.
>>What if we started off on foot into the mountain with our main group, then took to the air?
>I don't understand how this would work.
Talon, Lynn, Undine, Gnome, and Sala split off from the rest of the army.
Talon runs carrying lynn. Sala carries undine and gnome.
2 hours later when out of range, lynn takes to air herself and carries talon. All 5 fly over the mountains to reah darlesia in 5 days. Vad takes the long way around (10 days) along with mal and that other fluffy tails (whats her name?)

Actually why are we bringing all the hero units away? What happens when a daywalker attacks and all paras has is some random mooks to defend?
Does this continent have a name, I wonder? If we named ourselves around that idea, It would really add to our gravitas.
We aren't
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Parras lacks any really heavy hitters despite his closeness to Taour so I'm doing this vote.

May be able to help Parras with fortifications or you with rebuilding.
>1. Take with you
>2. Don't take with you

Effective against mages and a good fighter. Doesn't know Lynn's secret.
>1. Take with you
>2. Don't take with you

CUrrently researching in Vitria.
>1. Leave in Vitria
>2. Bring to Darlesia with you
>3. Send to Raupe to help Parras
Honestly I've always liked the idea of the Golden empire, or the empire of the Griffin or anything. The york empire idea gives me the image of some mass marketplace. "Buy 3 eggs get one free. This advertizement payed by York."
We want concentration of force. mal's research is valuable but we need him in the field while trying to take out taour. he will have plenty of time to do research once we topple them and spend a bunch of time solidifying.

Paras has a pretty large army, not mooks. But you are right that he is ripe for assassination by vampires. Especially if they find out that our strongest troops have left.
Maybe we should leave some to aid him and guard him for now?

Parras has the main army under his command with the majority of our battlemages and heavy mage-knights. He also has a defensible fortress.

I'm fairly certain he could do a decent job of holding the place until reinforcements arrive.
Her assistance in building fortifications is vital
He's better at helping us I figure for now
That research is vital for when we take Taour.

>2. Don't take with you
>2. Don't take with you
>3. Send to Raupe to help Parras

For Mal though I think we should ask if he feels up to it or not. His research in the long term is much more important.
>That research is vital for when we take Taour.
taking taour is vital to do research, he won't be researching stuff in time for this war. only for the next one
Fortifications are important
He will help with detecting vampires.
He needs to research(also helps him get stronger
May be able to help Parras with fortifications or you with rebuilding.
>2. Don't take with you

Effective against mages and a good fighter. Doesn't know Lynn's secret.
>2. Don't take with you

CUrrently researching in Vitria.
>1. Leave in Vitria
If we don't research that as fast as possible, then we'll have a huge angry mob of people who've been beaten and gutted by vampires who want to know why we're quarantining them.
Raupe was just the start. People want OUT. Otherwise they're gonna rebel against us.
2 God knights vs those men who wins?
>He needs to research(also helps him get stronger
does it? I thought main method of gaining strength was combat XP...

what does mal's research of better bows have to do with this?
Or are you saying mal switched towards researching vampires now?
Gnome: 2
Vad: 1
Mal 1
Mal was focusing on the thrall research, was he not?
Mages get stronger through their brains, though combat experience help.(but he is a hero character so that doesn't really matter)
Thrall research at the moment, and he now has a fox that knows alot about vampires with him.
Aspir, can you please clarify.
is mal researching better bows or is he researching thralls?
Pretty sure he mostly works with those crystals that could let us later on power a lot of mages or magitech like a massive battery.
I thought mal has no background in thrall research, should we get a team of mages from the various towers in vitria to do that?

oh right, the crystals!
Bows. He was never in charge of thrall R&D
thralls anon.
Its why we left him in the first place.
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Neither. He's researching the crystals. He's not responsible for thrall research at all (well, except for the fact he's in the charge of the tower that is)

>1 & 2 followed by 2 & 2 & 3

You add to the list of things to do a sending to Cormann. You want to buy enough equipment for 3000 soldiers – you can bolster your southern force with them. You finish up the meeting by letting Parras know he’s in charge here while you head to Darlesia to assist Arail – you’ll be leaving Gnome and Vad behind to help him. Then you go looking for a fox and a dragon.

You find the pair inside Lynn’s tent where Vad appears to be putting up with Lynn combing his huge, fluffy black tails. You say putting up with, but the fox almost appears to be sleeping. You thought he said this was tortuous? Instead he certainly seems to be enjoying it. Thinking on it, he had reacted oddly when you grabbed his tail in the recent fight with that malformed fire elemental.

Lynn looks up as you enter and pauses in her combing which startles Vad out of his stupor. He stares up at you, uncomprehending.

“Lynn, can I speak to you in private for a moment,” you say calmly, keeping your eyes on the fox. He jumps at the sound of your voice and looks very uncomfortable.

Lynn steps outside with you and you ask her in a light whisper, aware that Vad can still hear you, “Vad doesn’t know what you are beyond the fact you’re not human. Do you want him to know?”

Lynn thinks for a bit, then shrugs. “I don’t see why not. He seems trustworthy.”

>Multiple ppl think mal is researching bows
>Multiple ppl think mal is researching thralls
>Multiple ppl think mal is researching crystals
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You give the girl a light kiss, feeling a slight amount of frustration from earlier when she was stroking Vad’s tail, then step inside the tent. The fox looks very uncomfortable and isn’t meeting your eyes.

“So, if your chief asks you to spill secrets about me, what do you tell him?” you ask him, standing over Vad.

“Um, that it’s policy not to share the secrets of our allies,” he answers and you give him a disbelieving look. “No, really, that is our policy. Enforcers operate all over the continent and sometimes come into state secrets. If we were spilling them to our clan and the Mage Guard, we’d be killed on sight rather than welcomed anywhere. It’s the clan chief’s way of dealing with the fact their agreement with the Mage Guard requires them to tell them anything important like that – they simply don’t want to know.”

You think on that for a bit. Mal said he was

>1. Tell Vad about Lynn being a dragon.
>2. Don’t tell Vad.
>3. Ask Vad <Write-in>
>4. Custom
>Mal is not in charge of Thralls
Wait, shit, really?

Well fuck it then, forget the crystals, we need him in the field/working on the thralls
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>Mal said he was
I'm doing really well now.

"Mal said he was a straight shooter and trustworthy but also doubted his ability keep secrets. You wonder where this strange policy falls in that?"
risky and no reward
>1. Tell Vad about Lynn being a dragon.


He's been a trustworthy and stalwart ally, he deserves our trust. At least on this subject matter.

PoP is a different story if he doesn't already know.

Agree with this, impress upon him the importance of keeping this a secret. Since he is trustworthy and has fondness for Lynn, he will be far more careful
Lynn's cool with it, and as long as he understands the implications of what we're telling him, I see no problem with it.
Well, that is good to know. that being said there is no reason to inform him at the moment.
4. Custom
That is a relief actually, you will probably find lynns ancestry soon enough, when you do be advised it is a state secret
If he asks what it is, "I did say it was a secret"
Oh, in that case
honestly, I want to get to darlesia already.
2. Don't hide it from him but we don't have to go out of our way and tell him either.
trusting a fox whose loyalty does not belong to us to us
>Forget the crystals
>Forget the magic batteries

There is somethings that are just to valuable to not just start researching.
I'm honestly not all that worried there. Just more that his ability to keep a secret is in question so if he says something and they ask later.
Thralls are more important. We can't risk them getting into our territory. Batteries can wait.
Agreed. We've been distracted by side issues like 3 times already.
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You sigh. “Well, try to remember that if Lynn tells you. It’s not my place. Just remember it is a state secret and that ‘kill on sight’ thing will be my policy if you break yours.”

Vad nods seriously and you leave the tent. Lynn gives you an odd look as you wave goodbye and head off to your tent where a sending device has been set up. You’d had your aide send an encoded sending to Mercenie to let her know to contact you – you figure that’s the best way to keep your contact discreet. While you wait for the elf to get back to you, you let Mal know what you’re planning and to see if Tsucchi will meet you in Darlesia. After agreeing he then proceeds to vent about that ‘imperious fluffy bitch’. If you’re not wrong, the complaints are largely superficial – and mostly relate to Tsucchi refusing to explain her research to him.

Pretty sure we have the other mages doing the research and the new fox I think is supposed to have some more info on it. Mal only knows how to detect it, hes not an expert on it.
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Then your sending device beeps and you cut him off to take Mercenie’s sending.

“You know, I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon,” comes her voice over the sending, noticeably more cheerful than it was last time despite the interference. “Are you unhappy over me only giving you a fortnight to take Darlesia?”

“I’m happy you’re giving me even a fortnight, really,” you respond, wary of the elf’s pleasant attitude. “No, I’m letting you know that Taour’s being supplied mage-knight armour from Shropham despite the League’s ban on trade with them.”

The line goes silent and when she speaks again her voice is nowhere near as pleasant this time, “Dammit. I know who’s responsible for that, too. I’ll stop the shipments but I can’t do much else about them. Not yet. How soon before you take Taour?”

You quirk an eyebrow, wondering what the link between Shropham and you taking Taour is. “A couple of months at the earliest, I’d guess. Country’s don’t get conquered overnight.”

“Funny. I thought you just did that with Vitria,” she responds, her voice lighter again. “Still, two months is good. Try not to take too long – the world doesn’t wait for one man, even if his ego threatens to eclipse the moon.”

“Cute,” you respond and she laughs before cutting the connection. You wonder if she was drinking? Or maybe she just hadn’t found the time to practice her bad guy demeanor?

>Darlesia next
Most thralls are easy to spot due to being zombies. Those that aren't are day walker thralls and it's not like they can rush into a town and turn the entire thing into thralls without notice. That and thralls have never been solved and even the archmages familiar looked at us like we just went full retard for trying. So I would rather get the shorter research done first while we let the other researchers work with the foxy waifu.
Hm. This is good then. Things seem to be going nicely in our favor now.

Sorry Vad, but I really don't trust you that much. And I take Mal's word over yours.

Best waifu.
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I'm surprised she's even considered a waifu.


The trip to Darlesia isn’t a difficult one as it’s just you, Undine, Sala and Lynn. You would have brought Felix except you didn’t trust revealing Lynn’s ancestry to him so you ordered he and his comrades to keep guard over Parras in case of any daywalker attempts. Felix had grinned at the thought of fighting a daywalker, so you figure it can’t be that bad of a thing to have left him behind.

Of course, the real difficulty with the trip was Lynn and Sala’s jostling over who would carry you. You managed to keep them from slowing things down too much and you meet up with Arail in Darlesia in just five days. You’re getting more used to travelling by air, even if you do worry about the girls dropping you.

Arail has set up shop inside the ruins of the central keep which overlooks the old palace. Large sections of the stonework have been torn apart by what you’d guess to be powerful magical energies and a hole in the entrance hall gives you a good view of the ruins of a once great city. You imagine the Darlesians certainly aren’t in high spirits seeing their former home in this state.

“We’ve cleaned out a lot of the bodies, sir,” Arail greets you sombrely. “The defences will be harder – the Taourans didn’t seem to bother reconstructing any after they took the city. Too busy fighting the mages, I guess.”

“Speaking of mages,” you interject, “have you found any? They were vital members of the rebellion and I suspect many would have went to ground after the towers went down.”

[DC14/19 Mage Search]

Remember we're using the new rules for dramfails, too.
So, bartrom is currently in harrowmont building... what exactly? Last thing we had him build was a hotspring? Sounds like we are almost done with it. I am thinking of asking him to come to darlesia to help rebuilding it (he builds at half gnome's speed)
Rolled 1

Rolled 12


Jesus christ.
>I'm surprised she's even considered a waifu.
I think its just that anon, i am not considering her a waifu
Rolled 17

Rolled 7

if only you rolled 10 seconds faster.

Well, at least we avoided a dramatic failure
You saved us from the critfail. We can still find those mages if we look hard enough thanks to you, anon.
Sadly she's already taken.
>implying she wont be overthrown with her familiar and anyone else she is with dying so she can join our harem
well, i am thinking some anons are thinking that we waifu her master too at the same time.
Honestly I feel our harem is big enough by now.
>I'm surprised she's even considered a waifu.

She just doesn't realize it quite yet.
>>implying she wont be overthrown with her familiar
mercenie is the familiar
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>Magister Gareth informs you that Bartom has finished construction of the underground area and thanks Undine and Gnome for their help. Gnome stares blankly forward as Undine gleefully reads out Bartom’s request to spend more time with Gnome. The rest of your officers seem confused. Bartom has now moved on to repairing the outside of the keep and the manors barring changes to his orders.

Naturally, you could relocate him if you felt it necessary.

>Target not met

Arail shakes his head. “No such luck, sir. I doubt the Taourans really found them all – but that just means it’ll be harder for us to find them. Maybe once we’re set up and they trust us not to kill them they’ll show themselves.”

“I guess,” you say. You talk business for an hour, going over Arail’s plans for claiming the city and making some corrections. He’s been readily recruiting militia and fanning out across the city trying to deal with criminals and mini-empires. The other issue is recovering anything possible from the palace – some scouts determined the protections over the royal vault were still in place and your mages have been attempting to crack it.

[DC11/16 Militia Recruitment]

[DC12 Crime Crackdown; DC 12 Building Networks]

[DC19 Vault-cracking]

Roll 3d20 (for each anon). Rolls that are not for 3d20 will be ignored. I’ll take two sets of d20s for the crime one and only one set for the other two.

I’m trying out new multi-roll rules to speed things up a bit. I’ll take suggestions on how to call them.
Rolled 17, 9, 19 = 45

>implying she'd be happy if we murdered her friends and lovers?
Rolled 1, 4, 12 = 17

here goes.
Rolled 13

this reminds me. when we rolled for arails attempt to contact anyone of authority in darlesia. we got a crit fail did we not? and that meant the rebellion was crushed...
what would a FR point there look like? they get uncrushed?
Rolled 13, 14, 3 = 30

Rolled 8, 1, 18 = 27

wait we passed the DC/
Rolled 15, 11, 8 = 34

If needed.
well, the mannors are not in use at the moment...
is the outside of keep cosmetic or does it have a defense purpose? don't the walls actually self repair (really slowly) thanks to the quality of the enchantments?

I say we either relocate him now, or after he finishes the keep. the manors we can do later, darlesia needs stuff now
I was intending to mean an internal coup
damn I should probably drink less while talking
Rolled 4, 19, 12 = 35

wait we passed the dc Aspirational?
Well, we're a bad recruiter I guess.
Rolled 7


We rolled a natty 1, the 17 prevented us from getting a dramatic failure
So...if we used FR point...would we succeed at all of these? Or just one?
Hahah. Didn't expect people to actually start talking about this. Though in all honesty I am hoping we can at least keep the archmage when we eventually take the league out. It would really suck if we had to kill two valuable assets. But I'm not hoping.
Since it's a 2-tier roll and we hit high-tier, does it go all the way to fail, or does it only drop to low-tier win?
should be just 1
This would be cool.
Rolled 14


My understanding was that the we hit neither.

The 1 would have caused a dramatic failure, but the 17 created a regular failure instead.
I doubt she will be overthrown, i think the magi league AND the RSK are going to fragment REAL SOONISH.

But I don't think they will be powerful enough to outright overthrow her... lord ember on the other hand...
either way I would save them for life-threatening situations
Actually, that would be a pretty cool way to use Aspie's new system. since a 1 and 20 causes high-tier win, high-tier win and 1 would cause a low-tier win. single-tier win and a 1 causes fail, fail and a 1 causes critfail. I like it.
I thought the nat 1 only happened if none of them pass the DC, i didn't hear about it making a single success a regular failure.
Oh, yes I find that unlikely as well. I just know it would be useful if we win to get them on our side. Unless we kill them which is pretty damn likely. Right now though they do the incredibly important job of keeping ember off our ass.
Militia recruitment fail (due to a 1, would have been a high value success)
Crime crackdown success
Vault cracking success

building network fail due to nat1
Aspie changed the Rolling system after we got royally fucked in the ass by a string of nothing but 1's against the daywalker's army.

Higher Success met

>[Crime Crackdown]

>[Building Networks]
Threshold met


Or am I misinterpreting things?
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Note to self – make it clearer when I need six or more rolls, not three.

>Militia Recruitment: Target not met (autofail); 17, 1, 13

>Crime Crackdown, 1st chain: Target met; 9, 4, 14

>Building Networks, 2nd chain: Target met; 8, 15, 4

>Vault-cracking: Target met; 19, 12, 3

In case people can’t tell, I count dice from each set corresponding to which roll it is (e.g. Crime Crackdown was the second roll so it gets the second die from each of the first three rolls). As Building Networks was the only roll that needed a second set it counted the first die from each of the second three rolls.
I'll write up the results in a second but I'm making it clear how I count them.

Rolling a 1 but getting any success causes an autofail. If you don't roll a success on any other dice you get a dramfail.
Honestly I don't know anon. I can't tell what rolls apply to what.
>Roll 3d20 (for each anon). Rolls that are not for 3d20 will be ignored. I’ll take two sets of d20s for the crime one and only one set for the other two.
this is really confusing
why not a 4d20?
Only one failure
Sweet, I can dig it. Shame about losing out on the Militia, but everything else was more important.
That thread was fucking amazing man. Nat 1 everywhere. Then nothing but 20s. Was like the breath of God or Satan laughing at us. Actually enjoyed that one unlike the other time.
>Building Networks
what does this mean? we making an internet now?
The dice gods were feeding on our screams in that thread. I couldn't decide if I wanted to scream or laugh uncontrollably.
I went with laughter, and ended up hoping to roll nat1s.i rolled 3 of them

Be gone you. We don't need your kind here!!
You monster.

I love you. You created so much drama I couldn't even stand it.
Well, mostly he just wasted a bunch of FR points.
we got a huge hint on how to gain FR points.
Really? What was it?
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I'm experimenting with different systems for different events, to be honest. I may just swap to asking for more rolls in a single post even for chained rolls if it proves too confusing.

Again, feedback appreciated. I'm just seeing what sticks.

>Militia Recruitment: Target not met (autofail); 17, 1, 13

“Recruitment is going poorly, sir,” Arail tells you. “I think the mix of Vitrian and Darlesian armour is confusing them. They may think it’s a trick by the Taourans.”

“Well, keep at it, General,” you say. “When they realise we’re serious about helping them, we’ll need as many fighters as possible.”

>Crime Crackdown, 1st chain: Target met; 9, 4, 14
>Building Networks, 2nd chain: Target met; 8, 15, 4

“On the other hand, we’ve been able to deal with most of the crimelords lurking about and build some good networks of informers,” he states. “We still have a lot of the city to clear but if we keep going like this we’ll have effective control over the city shortly. Then we can branch out to the surrounding areas in the province.”

“What’s the purpose of the informers?” Undine asks.

“To let us know if anybody tries to make contact with them or the old crimelords,” Arail explains. “That way we can pick more targets quickly. Or maybe make contact with the old rebellion.”

>Vault-cracking: Target met; 19, 12, 3

“One of the journeymen thought up a good ritual and managed to crack open the vault,” Arail says, grinning a bit. “It looks like the royal family took a lot of it but there’s a fair bit of money in there. An old set of armour, too, with some enchantments. You know where Basette is, sir?”

You give Arail a sharp look. “You should read more history, Malaine. Basette doesn’t exist anymore but when it did it rivalled Ahm in power. Hells, what kind of knight doesn’t know of Basette?”

“I don’t,” Lynn chirps and you glare at her.

I just had a thought... what if FR points are actually representing our sanity? Handling excess power puts a strain on it, performing certain achievements relieve the strain. under that hypothesis, we would be able to spend FR points even at 0 remaining, but at increasing damage to our psyche (maybe that is how ember went nuts)
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“Damned youngsters,” you say and Sala laughs. “So, there’s a suit of armour from Basette in there?”

“Aye, sir. Absurdly huge and heavy. The mages are inspecting it for any nasty curses – they can’t understand why it was left in the vault.”

“Because,” you say, “and take no offense from this, General, there wasn’t a single knight in Darlesia worthy of wearing armour fitting for a Knight of Basette. If it’s enchanted that means it must have belonged to an officer of some sort.”

“You certainly know your history, sir,” Arail replies, smiling in that odd way of his. “One last thing, there’s a seven-tailed fox waiting for you.”

Wait, how the hell did she get here before you? It’s more than ten days travel from Vitria. You…

>1. Go see Tsucchi.
>2. Head out into the city to try to help your men in the city streets and gain the trust of the people.
>3. Inspect the Basette armour.
>4. Custom
around when we fight and kill the day walker.
>1. Go see Tsucchi.

Shouldn't keep her waiting.
>3. Inspect the Basette armour.
We can have Tsucchi meet us htere as we inspect it.

First things first.
Torn between 1 and 3.
lets meet tsucchi first and have her inspect the armor with us.
>3. Inspect the Basette armour.
Rolled 11


>1. Go see Tsucchi.

How many TBYs did we gain from the vault?
>3. Inspect the Basette armour.
Lets get a look at the armor. We can talk to the teloporting fox after we see if it's worth wearing.
If tsucchi meets us as we're looking at it, we can impress her with our brand new armor. gotta up the waifu count, mang.
>3. Inspect the Basette armour.
new gear is always great.
ah... too many waifus already
I still laugh that we have Ren's fucking sister here. There is so much shit we can get ourselves into with this.
You know how /tg/ works, anon. We're gonna waifu every single goddamn woman we come across in this quest.
Nah, there have been a few we aren't into
Nah. Only the ones that seem entertaining. Fluffy tails is an exception. Though we know his old bride is coming back at some point so we already got a fluffy incoming. A pretty annoyed fluffy at that.
TWO Fluffies?
>Talon's face when
We also have Neir's three sisters.
>*SLAP* You didn't marry me and yet you are romancing HER *angerly points at tsucchi with her tails*

also, speaking of women... talon's birth control potion? I wonder if it gets disrupted by his iron body regeneration technique
don't even say that
>regenerating sperm cells
Talon doesn't fap, he can't even keep up with the women he has.
Remember, lynn alone is insatiable and has more stamina than us. and then there is the rest of the entourage with us
>1. Go see Tsucchi.
I'd like to do 1 and 3 at the same time but if we can't then 1 since it would be very rude.
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Oh, right, I forgot to mention that.

>You have gained 200TBY

You never waifued Nate or your aide (even if they were only mentioned in passing).

>1 & 3

You ask one of the nearby soldiers to fetch Tsucchi as you go to inspect the armour. Arail salutes you as you leave and returns to his work, his officers closing in on the planning table now you’re leaving.

You make it to the vault before Tsucchi and feast your eyes on an absolutely glorious set of armour. It’s polished steel but the reflection of light reveals flecks of another metal besides steel. It’s clearly suited for the frame of a very tall and broad man – you probably fit into it quite well though you suspect you’re a touch taller than the original owner. Runes flicker on and off as the mages probe it carefully, though you don’t know their purpose. You know this armour – you remember it from that living dream the false revenant Arl showed you.

The suit of Grandmaster Arquin himself. Or more accurately, the suit he wore when you saw him at Arl’s tower before he became Grandmaster. Gnome suggested he led the Knights of Basette to their deaths on some holy quest and never found so this must be an old set. In fact, Darlesia declared independence some decades after the war with the shadowbeasts? Could the royal line of Darlesia have connections to far-western Basette?

You shake your head, dispelling the irrelevant thoughts and suddenly notice a gray-tailed fox next you. Tsucchi looks sideways at you, her eyes bright and seven tails waving around idly.

“Hmm, so you’re Imperator Talon York?” she asks. “I can see why Vad asked me to come here. I’m Tsucchi and I’ll be your liaison with the Six-Star Alliance.”

You blink, surprised and scramble to think of a response.

>How do you greet the fox?
I dunno, there was that one time when we were alone in Sarah's room.

We don't even know how hot she is!
>You never waifued Nate or your aide (even if they were only mentioned in passing).
don't give them ideas aspir
>"Nice to meet you. You are correct, I am Talon York. You have experience with vampires and their thralls?"
"You're very fast, aren't you? I didn't expect you to be with us for days on."

Be very direct with her.

"I'm glad you where able to make it here so quickly."
>Super sweet badass armor acquired
>talon finally gets hero armor worthy of his hero status

"I am glad you could make it here so fast...but a bit puzzled. How could you move so quickly all the way from Vitria?"
A pleasure. I am glad you were willing to join me here.
what about sarah?
Time to do 1000000 push ups and sit ups erry day
Gotta get that stamina up
>Could the royal line of Darlesia have connections to far-western Basette?
Uh, weren't most of them wiped out anyway? Besides maybe a cousin or two.

Watch the armor reject us after we roll some natty 1s
"I didn't know a fluffy tail connoisseur was something easily spottable."
Best grill. That FTB was best ever.
>Must roll to acquire
>And put on
That would suck.
heh, I was also guessing the armor is picky.
well, tsucchi can take a look at it too for curse checking.
that would be worth a FR point
>Rejects us
"Fuck you. Get on my ass and protect me you son of a bitch!!" Astral overload
>Loves us.
or we can wait until we conquer taour and then try again. hopefully we will be strong enough by then
Shiiiiiit I didn't see that her FTB was done, gonna read that right now.
Arrice, Moln and Farlouf we're all Darlesian until a few months ago. Assuming the RSK didn't kill off that nobility there are probably a cousin or two left.
I noticed that when talon does his "run as fast as a horse thanks to enhancement magic" he stinks real bad and that bothers our entorage. that is not really acceptable. We should get a magic deodorant...
Or maybe learn to use pulse iron body to keep ourselves smelling fresh (it can already regenerate our beard, I see no reason it won't give us fresh breath and fresh armpits)
Or, you know, we can take a fucking shower. Or they can fucking deal with us stinking for a few hours before we shower. Not every problem requires reinventing the wheel.
This guy has said the same thing for like the past 2 dozen threads bro.
A lot of times you don't have a chance to take a shower. And losing points with our waifus is a big fucking deal.
Also, it would be useful magic practice for us.
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>Pleasant and ask her how she got here.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” you say to her. “You certainly made it here quickly – I didn’t expect you for several days.”

She gives you a coquettish smile. “We foxes have our ways. Prove yourself and maybe I’ll show you them.”

“Does Vad know those ways, as well?” you ask pointedly.

“No, he’s a little too young to have picked up on it,” she says.

You cock an eyebrow at that. Vad said he was almost 200 years old and Tsucchi says he’s young – “I’d ask your age but that would be impolite.”

Her smile broadens a bit. “I’m almost four hundred. My brother is a little older – Vad mentioned him?”

“I’m not terribly worried about your brother right now,” you say, then try to steer the conversation back on topic. “You know a lot about thralls and vampires?”

“More than most but then most know nothing. I’d say I’m the foremost expert on vampires excepting the vampires themselves,” she responds, stepping forward and brushing the set of armour with her hand. “And given you’re surrounded by women, I’m not too surprised my brother doesn’t worry you.”

“Vad said the same thing,” you say, and again you are about to steer the conversation back on topic when Tsucchi’s tails swirl in a strange pattern.

[DC18 Magical Senses]
I am pretty sure this is the first time i raise the issue
Rolled 4

Rolled 11

Rolled 5

Rolled 5

Rolled 9

rolling again.
Rolled 1

dice gods pls.
eh. It wasn't a terribly important roll anyway. It was just an understanding roll. We're getting fucked on these Intelligence rolls, though.
Indeed we are. Our Int will never rise at this rate...
>Praying to dice gods
>Getting a 1

That assumes only successes raise scores rather then attempts.
Also, this reminds me, the buff spell we have always on? It raises int and cha too, right?
Good, I like Talon being a bit of a brute.
Int is important for an emperor.
But yes I like him being a bit of a brute
Nothing says we can't be an intelligent brute, though. and how are we going to run an empire if we're not godly smart?
Rolled 13

Delegation and Sarah.
Dat Sarah FTB. Man that was good, you get better and better at each one Aspie.
god powers and our harem
Rolled 20

Talon isn't taxation smart but he is politically smart and military smart.
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>Target not met

As Tsucchi’s tails weave their pattern they draw in energy quickly. The world snaps and your vision blurs. Your ears ring and it feels like somebody just stole the air out of your lungs. Slowly, you come to your senses and shouting resounds through the chamber. You feel gauntleted hands holding you up. Looking up you several Tsucchis with their arms raised as Salamander holds her scimitar at her throat, magic flaring around her.

Damn, that’s a lot of fluffy tails, you think.

Then you realise what’s happening and croak out a response, “Stop.”

The room goes quiet.

“She didn’t do anything,” you say.

“You nearly collapsed,” Undine says shrilly.

“She didn’t actually use her magic on me. At least I don’t think so,” you say, trying to make sense of what happened.

fuck, man, we could have saved that 20. why'd you waste it?
... fucking dice
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Tsucchi smiles and tails, which were standing straight, behind waving a bit again. “That’s correct. I was simply analysing the armour. I’ve met – thought I had met, people like the Imperator before. I apologise for making such an assumption – I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

You shake your head and find a seat, waving Lynn off and telling the soldiers and mages to get back to work. You don’t want them thinking that you collapsed out of nowhere or that Tsucchi tried to kill you. Taking a drink of water as Undine hands you a hastily summoned glass of it, you gesture for Tsucchi to continue. She shrugs before doing so.

“I had thought you were a God from far west. They’ve never reacted like that to our spiritual techniques so I’d say that’s a no,” she says. “I’m really not sure how I did that – I just summoned astral energy like I usually do and somehow I took it from you.”

You wave her off, keen to move away from a topic covering your weakness. “Did you analyse that armour?”

“Hmm? Of course. It’s enchanted to be lighter, more resistant and to shrug off magical attacks. Surprisingly it lacks any strength or healing enchantments,” she explains.

“That’s because it’s intended to be worn by somebody who uses their own. Like me,” you say.

Tsucchi waits patiently for a while as you think and drink some water. Then she says, a touch impatiently, “Aren’t you going to ask me about how I’m your liaison with the Six-Star Alliance?”

>1. Ask her about being a liaison.
>2. Ask her about something else instead. <Write-in>
>3. Custom
Because Talon hates taxes but, ls into politics and military matters It appears.
You guys realize that our int is 3 (and we have an always on +2 buff from a spell we refresh 3 times a day)
A score of 1 is average human, 2 is the best possible score for a human IRL. 3-5 are heroic humans beyond what you can find IRL.
no, actually. 5 is the highest vanilla mortal goes, anything beyond that becomes mythic.

>1. Ask her about being a liaison.
"I suppose? But what is there to discuss?"
>2. Ask her about something else instead. <Write-in>
what she knows about thralls, lets annoy her a bit.
I said IRL. 2 is IRL max. 5 is max for a mortal in setting, because the setting is not IRL and its more cool if they can go above what is possible IRL.
Rolled 1

I think that is pretty accurate. I mean talon with 5 strength can do shit no man can do normally even without enchantment.
I don't think the buff covers int.
Is our current armor magical?

We can always switch our armor for different occasions.
Talon can bench press 2 tons (4000 lbs).
For comparison, your typical fullsized sedan is 1 ton.
you are probably right
>Empower Self II – you use sorcery to increase your physical attributes by two points for six hours.
That is, assuming intelligence isn't a physical attribute though, the brain is a biological organ
hey, wait a minute... she drew astral power the way "foxes normally do"
Vad casting near us disrupted our concentration! I bet he was also drawing astral power from us, but in lesser quantities...
we should train in resisting such an external pull to allow us to work together in the future
Rolled 2

I honestly wonder what would have happened if we burned a FR there.
Well, maybe not us resist it, but train him to draw it from somewhere else.
its not just him though, its him, her, and every other fox.
we must learn to resist it or every time a fox casts in our presence we get drained.
Heck, it might even happen with monks who draw astral energies.
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Empower Self is physical stats only.

That's with empowerment. It may be revised, too. I still need to build a proper chart for stats to feats, I guess.



“Okay. You’re my liaison,” you say then stop. “I honestly don’t know what to ask.”

She pouts a bit. “Really? It doesn’t surprise you at all?”

“Vad told you that he told me?” you suggest and she frowns back at you.

“Vad told you what?”

“About the alliance, foxes and what involved with the foxes means,” you say. “Though he didn’t know much about that. Bit beyond his pay grade to make deals with empires, I guess.”

Tsucchi stares at you. “Wait, you want to ally with the foxes?”

“That was what was implied,” you say.

Tsucchi, for her part, catches on quick and nods. “We can continue this elsewhere. I’m not actually your liaison – I was hoping to rope you into thinking I was so you’d provide a handy excuse to stay. If you’re really serious about things I should probably be just as serious.”

“An excuse to stay?” you ask, confused.

“My brother wouldn’t appreciate it,” she replies, waving her hand. “In any case, come to my room later. We can discuss the matter more openly then.”

The fox woman wanders off and you watch her and her tails as she slips outside the door. She certainly has the looks and the walk, though she might do better in something other than that set of robes. Turning to the armour, you talk briefly with the mages to see what they know. Then spend most of the time talking with Sala who appears to know more about a set of armour she hasn’t investigated.

She shrugs when you bring it up. “The knights of Malataine took after the Knights of Basette quite closely.”

The armour is certainly an upgrade and it doesn’t appear cursed. Do you try it on now or put it away?

>1. Try it on
>2. Leave it be for now
>3. Have somebody else try it on.
although in retrospect, it is POSSIBLE that vad was just distracting us instead of drawing on our power, and that she did something different from him
Hm. You make a point. But in order to do that we'll need to learn how to control Astral energy better.
Our armor is just plain plate, No magic at all.
>1. Try it on
>1. Try it on
feels good to figure things out

>1. Try it on
>Try it on
Rolled 2


>1. Try it on

>1. Try it on
Its time.
Captcha pompous lpscia
as if there is another option
Rolled 1

>1. Try it on

Knew it was bullshit when she said that. No way in hell Ren would let her go here.

What else is on the agenda?
>It’s enchanted to be lighter, more resistant and to shrug off magical attacks
Very nice. But it means it would interfere with our attempts to make identical enchantments (if/when we ever get around to getting those specific enchantments).
Jesus whats is it with all these 1s.
shhh just thank the gods for sending them now
now you're just fucking with us, dude.
Rolled 19

I don't know.
Please turn off your dice man
It hurts my heart.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize my auto-update wasn't on and thought I was still in time to roll.
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Throwing caution to the wind for the sake of wearing the armour you decide to put it on. It takes a few minutes and most of the work in fitting it you is done by Salamander. The clasps, belts and loops are all in odd places and the armour must be put on in a specific order. As it is slowly placed on you, you get a very good sense for why the Knights of Basette were so tough – this armour is almost fully enclosing. This suit is larger than the normal ones, if you recall Arl’s memories, and the enchantments make it feasible to wear but it is still a heavy suit.

Finally, Sala places the helm, just as thick and all-covering as the rest of the armour, over your head. When it comes down Sala steps back and there is a moment of silence. Then you hear a hiss and feel the magic of the suit come to life. Suddenly, the armour, which had felt somewhat loose earlier, snaps inwards to fit snugly over your body. The suit feels that much lighter now and you hear several gasps from the assembled soldiers.

“I, uh, think I see why you talked about Basette so much now,” comes Arail’s voice from behind you. You’d sensed him earlier, the helmet informing you magically where he was. It seems the enchantments on the helmet were different to the rest of the suit. Or perhaps each piece of the full suit has different enchantments?

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You turn to Arail and notice the complete lack of any heavy clunking on the stone floors. The suit is almost completely silent, in fact, despite the sheer amount of metal surely rubbing on metal.

“So,” you start to say before stopping. Your voice is being automatically enhanced by magic and you focus for a second before speaking again.

“So, you’re going to read up on them now,” you say, having deactivated the voice enchantment.

“You could say that,” he says.

You spend a short while testing out the armour, noting that it does still restrict your mobility at least a little. Overall, though, it’s a damn good find. Eventually you remember you have other things to do, though the order you do them in is your choice.

>1. Head out into the city proper to rally support while wearing your new armour.
>2. Head out into the city proper to rally support while wearing your old armour.
>3. Go visit Tsucchi now.
>4. Custom
>2. Head out into the city proper to rally support while wearing your old armour.

Goddamn, we go out there and we're wearing the armor of the Grandmaster of Basette? We're going to be goddamn jesus to these people.
The new armor might be a bit too intimidating. We want to appeal to the people, not intimidate.
>1. Head out into the city proper to rally support while wearing your new armour.
>2. Head out into the city proper to rally support while wearing your old armour.
>1. Head out into the city proper to rally support while wearing your new armour.
Time to be this cities savoir.
It might be intimidating, true, but it's also symbolic of an old, mighty order. if we're wearing their armor, it will be like a sign from the old days that this nigga don't fuck around.
>1. Head out into the city proper to rally support while wearing your new armour.

>just got home from work
>see crazy shit
>god damn new suit of badass armour

My body was not ready.
Hey Aspirational does the armour count as one of your special magic items in the setting?
The enchantments still work after several hundred years, so probably
she is expecting us
Rolled 7


Just want to make a note that we should try to find someone with a combination of legitimacy and competence to run this place for us.
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No. It's not an Item of Power - this is Arquin's suit of armour from before he became grandmaster. His grandmaster suit may be the real deal. This is just a very well enchanted suit of armour.


You stride out of the room, intending to head outside, and order Arail and the other soldiers to get back to work. Wearing your new armour you then head out into the city proper, heading to the main plaza where one of your captains is doing recruitment.

“Talon, where are we going?” Undine asks, jogging a bit to keep up with you.

“To win hearts and minds, Undine,” you say.

[DC15 Winning Hearts and Minds]
Rolled 6

Rolled 8

Rolled 13

Rolled 7

Rolled 7

Rolled 17

Rolled 18

pls dice gods!
Rolled 14

I just rolled two 1's in another quest
Rolled 3

dammit, nobody recognizes us in this new armor.
Quick! Golden light and booming voice of a god!
>All these fails
>I am not actually disappointed, I am just happy they aren't crit fails
yeah. I mean, Aspie plays off fails like these very well. It's like, we're still as competent as we were before, we didn't suddenly get hit with the stupid stick, we just... y'know, actually had bad luck. The soldiers were scaring the troops, or it's magic we don't understand, or something like that. It's nice.
Yeah, I agree. Its something I really like about this quest, nat 1s while suck we had a chance to counter them. Although looking at suptg votes they have really hurt the player base.
what i meant is that I lowered my standards due to so many crit fails to the point where just normal failing is considered a victory in my book
(yes, I am aware we actually had more successes then failures this thread)
You know in reality I can kind of see how Talon not being able to entirely win this city to his side or have Mage's present themselves willing makes sense narratively. He is kind of the ruler of the bits and pieces of a fallen country. And while we have Darlesians within our ranks not all are necessarily on his side, especially when they might consider his coming too "late".
that might just be what happens here. the people are too bitter to let some other dude just come waltzing in and take control.
>especially when they might consider his coming too "late".
I think that is a big issue. we really should have come in early. its hard to explain "well, we were occupied elsewhere"

there is also the fact that we were supposed to defend the town but the queen ordered us to take a detachment of troops and secure harrowmont instead.
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For those wondering, the DC for a standard success was so low you automatically succeeded (I generally don’t roll for DCs lower than 10 and this was a 9). The roll was for the higher DC only.

>Target not met

There’s not that many people in the main plaza when you arrive, aside from your men. That means the first order of business is attracting people. Your soldiers stare at you as you approach, uncertain whether to try to stop you or get the hell out of your way. You remove the helmet, noticing that the armour doesn’t release itself or deactivate its enchantment as it does so and greet them. They relax once they realise it’s you, then stiffen again once they realise it’s you.

“Imperator, I’m surprised to see you here,” the captain says, saluting.

“We have a city to rebuild, captain. I’m not about to sit in an office all day,” you say, standing on the small stage that’s been erected here.

“Men and women of Darlesia,” you boom out, reactivating the enchantment that enhances your voice. “I am Imperator Talon of Harrowmont. I would have you hear my words.”

At first you worry as nobody comes. Then they start to trickle into the plaza in ones and twos. Then whole families begin to arrive and entire groups of the masses. Within an hour, the plaza is filled with people. You hold your hands aloft to ask for silence and it comes in short order.

In that case, we should probably make a speech about how we're going to start making it up to them. Starting with taking Taour.

On a larger more economic scale, I'd also suggest building a snazzy road from Darlessia to Vitria, going through Harrowmont.
I thought so. I noticed we only really 'fail' fail with nat 1s or not rolling above 5.
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“Men and women of Darlesia,” you boom. “Immigrants from Taour, from Passau, from Lyss – all of those of you that stand here before me. Know that I am Imperator Talon York of Harrowmont. I have driven the vampires from this city and I wish for you to know my plans to rebuild Darlesia. This city once gleamed in the morning sun, a jewel of the east. Now it stands in ruin, destroyed by monstrous vampires and petty greed. May you know that I do not stand for this. But if I am to succeed, I will need your help. I can crush every crimelord in the city limits. I can slay every vampire on the continent.

“But,” you continue, the crowd watching you raptly, “if I am to remake this city into something greater than it once was - something so strong and great it will never fall to these depths again – I will need your help. Each and every one of you carries Darlesia in their hearts. No matter your home. Your ethnicity. Your background. You are Darlesia. So I ask of you, will you help me, people of Darlesia?”

Cheers resound throughout the plaza and you breathe a sigh of relief inwardly. Quite a few people had begun to leave towards the end but still so many backed you. The thousands of people here may not be the entire city but they will take this tale to their homes and their friends. They will tell them of your plans and maybe win them over and build momentum.

It is those who left that worried you. Darlesia was never an inclusive city. It was a city of superiority and like Termina to the north, it slowly fell to the greed of its rulers. The fact that the Magi Rebellions rocks Darlesia to the point that Taour could easily conquer it was telling of such weakness. There are assuredly plenty who oppose you and the fact you want a new Darlesia. Not winning them over may be what truly hampers you in this province. Especially as they may have allies elsewhere.

That's a big part of why I like this quest so much, Aspirational. Failures still occur, but they aren't quite so brutal as to kill my enthusiasm for the game.
Rolled 2

taking Raupe was the smarter idea since it made Darlesion easy as hell to take.
Rolled 15

Rolling just because. :)
Plus it forces the vampires into a corner.
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You continue to work the city for hours, removing your helmet and speaking with families and people individually. Many ask you why you took so long to get here and you tell them of Hiien and of the travails of so many others. They understand, so far as they can, but the fact they must ask tells you of the difficulties you’ll face in this city.

Afterwards, you head back to the castle. Sala’s been almost clinging to you since you put this armour on and you ask her about it as you go back.

“I never served Basette but they were really, really cool,” Sala says, sounding a little giddy. “Serving you now almost feels like I’m serving them now.”

When you return to the keep, you remember that Tsucchi still wants to talk to you. She can probably stand to wait longer if necessary. You…

>1. Go to talk to Tsucchi about the foxes
>2. Talk more with Sala about the Knights of Basette and herself
>3. Help Arail with his work
>4. Custom
>2. Talk more with Sala about the Knights of Basette and herself
>3. Help Arail with his work
we need to talk to Tsucchi. Sala can wait.

We made the right choice in terms of military interest.

That might not always be the right choice for the people that you seek to win to your side.

But that's war, this entire conquest of Taour has become a lot of tougher decisions. Including digging into Heien. Really the first time Talon has had to make those wartime grey choices.
And tease Sala about the badass armor while we go.
"So you like it that much? I am glad to hear, it will likely become permanent."
Tell Sala that we'd like to talk with her about that later (and about how exactly she'd like to serve us in an eyebrow waggling way), but Tsucchi needs some talking to.
>1. Go to talk to Tsucchi about the foxes

Hopefully followed by some 3. I have a feeling given his pedigree and being a Darlesian Arail but end up running this place. He needs all the help he can get.

Also I am so happy we finally got some new awesome armour. Fuck you battleaxes try to pierce this bitch. However bit disappointed we never got that somewhat comedy scene with Undine about her always repairing our armour.
>Really the first time Talon has had to make those wartime grey choices.
hasn't talon spent 20 years being a soldier?
And remember the scene with the not-revenent? this is hardly the first time he had to make such choices.

I do think we should have gone after darlesia first because it would have been more profitable. (we would have integrated the mages into our army rather then letting them be destroyed)
we will get it next time, when she tries to fix THIS armor after we get it wrecked
Rolled 16


3 then 1

We need to make sure Arail gets appropriate praise for his successes.

He's also our longest tenured general and he hasn't gotten a lot of opportunities to shine, it would be nice to catch up with him.

As a ruler, with people that look to him for guidence. Before he was just following orders as a Merc general. And I meant on a large term scale. This kind of stuff puts gray hairs on your head.
>Darlesia was not very inclusive
>Corrupt rulers
>People fear you saying you will return it to its glory
understandable of them, we would have to demonstrate with actions rather then words that what we mean is not "the good old days of robber barons and racism" but rather prosperity for all
2 while we do 3.
Rolled 1



I often wonder how Talon dealt with getting his armour blown halfway to pieces before he got Undine. Small wonder he had any personal funds left.
Or just 3 if we have to only do one.
>mfw Talon has a closet full of identical suits of armor.
he probably orders them in bulk
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“Well, Sala, I’d like to hear more about Basette and your later,” you say lightly. “Maybe you can think of how you want to serve me, too.”

Sala grins wickedly and the other two girls give her looks which you pretend not to notice. There is absolutely no reason for you to get involved with that sort of thing. You ask Undine to help Arail if she can and find your way to Tsucchi’s room.

Inside her room, which apparently once belonged to one of the royal princesses, Tsucchi has wasted no time in decorating it to her tastes. Or just filling it with clutter, if your time with Mal is any judge. Lots of books and clothes strewn about. The fox herself is sitting at a small table, reading a book in a language you don’t recognise.

You knock on the open door to let her know you’re here and she gestures you inside.

“I went through my diary from when the alliance relocated to Gauron from Pharos to help me with this and I think I have a good idea of the sorts of things the Mage Guard offered us when we wanted to ally with them,” she explains as you take a seat opposite her.

“And?” you ask, prodding her for more information.

“It’s very straightforward,” she explains, pushing a document to you. You skim-read it as she talks, “Basically, you agree to harbour any foxes that ask for it. You provide us with food, supplies, secrecy and protection for any townships or villages we form. Foxes are allowed freedom of movement so long as they are not working against you.”

“And what do I get in return? Knowing your history in Pharos isn’t exactly worth that sort of thing,” you say, waiting for the sweetener.

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She smiles and offers you some tea. If you’re not wrong it’s that same herbal variety that Arrisa, the fox you nearly married, always served. You drink some of it and are proved right. Tsucchi answers after finishing her own cup and you wait patiently in the meantime.

“Any clan that takes you up on your offer must offer you a number of servants,” she explains. “The Mage Guard uses our enforcers, for one, to keep an eye on things abroad. You could ostensibly ask for something different. For the time being, you can assume that’s what Vad is for. If more foxes arrive, which may happen once I alert the alliance to any agreement by you, you will obviously get more. Furthermore, the nominated leaders of the alliance must tell you any important secrets that may impact on the security of your nation they are aware of. Right now, that’s just me.”

“That’s a more open offer than I expected,” you say, surprised.

She shrugs. “The Mage Guard actually got a sweeter deal, but they’re also bigger. Even so, safe harbour in lands outside of the Mage Guard that doesn’t depend on being an enforcer is very welcome. Just be aware that if you betray us part of my role as liaison will be to kill you for it.”

You reciprocate her serious gaze. That’s a serious statement and you think on how to respond to it.

>How do you respond to Tsucchi’s threat and deal?
>Arrisa, the fox you nearly married
Nigga what?
perfectly understandable
Sounds good, but you mentioned the mage guard got a better deal due to being much bigger. Would you get ... upgraded to their deal tier if you manage to reach their size?

>finally getting that fluffytails name

I mean it's an incredibly good deal, we don't have to use the Enforcers, but added "special" units to our military would be helpful.

However, I am of the notion that we have more POTENTIAL to be a larger and more lucrative nation. We don't have to settle for the slightly less sweet offer.
"I'm afraid that deal is not quite to my liking. I am yet large enough a nation to worry about enormous matters of national security, and my own 'enforcers' (elementals) serve that purpose just fine. However, that does not mean I will never request this deal...unless it is a limited time offer, or you have something more to offer me."
are there times of periodic renegotiation, or is the deal take-it-or-leave-it? and what exactly constitutes a betrayal? simply selling out a fox under your protection, or any fox against you? If we go to war against the Mage Guard, where will the Foxes fall in that conflict?


Yep. Talon nearly married a Fluffy before he decided that was a bad idea. He's still kind of addicted to Fluffy Tails.
>Yep. Talon nearly married a Fluffy before he decided that was a bad idea.
I thought that was him ACCIDENTALLY nearly marrying her. He was just chasing tail without realizing the reprecussions
Talon York's 3 worldly vices: Power, Women and Tails, in no particular order.
Rolled 5


Ask what would happen if a conflict breaks out between you and the Mage Guard.

Would your enforcers be reliable allies? Or would they take a neutral stance?

Ask about the "important secrets" clause and ask for any relevant information up front as a good faith gesture

We've always been given vague details on it. I assume it will all come to light here soon enough.

>chasing tail
I laughed.
>However, that does not mean I will never request this deal...unless it is a limited time offer, or you have something more to offer me."
Anon, we were explicitly told that refusing the deal results in them going to war with us to protect their secret.
Also, you are being kind of a dick about it.

why not just prenegotiate "upgrades" to our deal as we expand. Having several more foxes work for us will be SIGNIFICANT boon to our military based on what we have seen so far.
>mfw a potential fluffytail entourage of warriors

God lord it would be glorious.
Especially if one was a young one that Talon picks up as his squire.

I dig this empire we're building.
>Accept this deal or we fight u
>Not being slightly standoffish
Sorry, I guess it just came out. But seriously, I don't like this 'we told you now we have to kill you' crap.
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>Sounds good, but you mentioned the mage guard got a better deal due to being much bigger. Would you get ... upgraded to their deal tier if you manage to reach their size?

"Ambitious, are we?" Tsucchi asks, a smile tugging at her lips. "If you enlarge your empire then I doubt you'll have that much difficulty doing some renegotiation. Even this deal allows leeway for negotiation on how many foxes will serve your empire.

"If you really want it prewritten it can be provided for. Just realise that we won't exactly allow you to easily rescind permission for us to remain in your territory just because five years have passed. We are fair negotiators, however, and as you grow you'll have more to offer us."

>and what exactly constitutes a betrayal? simply selling out a fox under your protection, or any fox against you? If we go to war against the Mage Guard, where will the Foxes fall in that conflict?

"A betrayal is any action against foxes under your protection or offering our secrets to anybody else without our consent.

"As for the Mage Guard, the ruling my brother applied when issues arose between the League and the Guard, before the League betrayed us, was that we stay out of conflicts except where foxes choose otherwise. Basically, foxes can fight like citizens for you but you cannot force conscription or ask those foxes who regularly serve you to assist you in such a war. I would also advise not warring with the Mage Guard - you do realise they're led by a very old dragon, correct?"

Vad was initially going to be a squire candidate.

>Any last questions or comment about the deal before I call a vote?
Rolled 17

Tempted t ask if she knows Arrisa but that seems like it would be better later.
Thread's about to 404.
Would you happen to know of a fox named Arrisa? I knew her, once. It's nothing important, just pure curiosity on my part.
How am I supposed to treat foxes not affiliated with you, or outright hostile to your organization?

I don't think so.

Other than what she gets out of making this deal with us. I can only assume it would bode well for her position. Mayhaps we give a little more now to make her look better, and in return get more in a longer and quicker term.
Rolled 7


Nah given how he explained it so far he agreed too it then said "fuck this" and left her at the alter.
don't ask about arisa

good point... part 2?
(also, refresh archive

>left her at the alter.
that is just mean
This is also a good question to ask. Are we allowed free reign on any foxes not under our protection, or are there rules that we need to follow regarding them as well?
>Mage Guard
"I do realize. But I am also no fool, and realize that it may be an inevitability."
Maybe just think that.
>Are we allowed free reign
I was thinking more along the line of:
do they expect us to fight them, report them and let the 6SA deal with them, or just ignore them
Rolled 5

Yeah I don't think we should during a busy meeting. Ask after the deal and shit is done.

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I'll start a new thread with the deal vote shortly.

>Ask about the "important secrets" clause and ask for any relevant information up front as a good faith gesture

Whoops, almost missed this.

"If it could potentially provide a threat to your nation we will alert you to it if the leader knows of it," Tsucchi states.

"Vad told me that you openly act to prevent the leader from learning of information they may need to divulge," you respond bluntly.

The fox shrugs, her robe shifting slightly across her shoulders as she does so. "That can and will happen. This sort of deal is offered on good faith and we can't offer anything more, I'm afraid."

"Can you tell me some important secrets up front? In 'good faith'," you say.

She laughs lightly and gives you a mocking smile. "No but I can tell you the sorts of things they will be. Secrets on vampires. Anything I know of the Mage Guard if you war with them. Anything about mages if you fight them. That sort of thing."

"Kill them. Enslave them. Sell their tails for profit. We don't really care - any fox not affiliated with the alliance is an enemy. Depending on their identity, we may reward you handsomely for handing them over alive."

"That goes for all foxes otuside the alliances?" you say, disbelieving.

She smiles cruelly, her eyes hard. "Yes. We don't take betrayal well. We lost our homeland over the treatment of us by our 'brethren'." then she hesitates before continuing. "Well, except for our old alliance chief, but I doubt you'll run into her. She has nine-tails and is the only one with that many tails. You can't miss her and I doubt you'll be able to do much if you meet her."
Agree to deal
>Well, except for our old alliance chief
Was she among those who betrayed you?
>Do whatever you want to them
>we may reward you handsomely for handing them over alive.
see, now that is the kind of info I wanted from that question. Both answers are extremely valuable. Catching for bounty from fluffies FTW
And can we ask what the old alliance chief's name is?
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>Was she among those who betrayed you?
"No, Taira retired from her position a century before her clan betrayed us. Ren should have taken her place, being the only fox with eight tails, but her replacement clan leader, the bastard, got it due to politics."
I remember that name! that was the female fluffy candidate for champion
Do you guys think we should mention that Vad partially set this whole thing up to get her brother to freak out about us as revenge/teasing?
Just in case, is there a peaceful way out of the agreement?
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