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!!857o4GkKJgy 10/16/10(Sat)19:59 No.12468825 File1287273595.png-(220 KB, 768x480, Episode 79 Epilogue.png)
 You rejoin with the White Mobile suit. It's taken no actual damage, except i appears that the left cable for it's arm was severed at one point. It's just sitting in space waiting for you.
"Uh, unidentified friendly, are you okay?" You don't get any response. "Unidentified friendly please respond." There's another moment of silence before you get a reply. "I want to go home please." It sounds like a scared little girl.
"It's fine Nell, it's me Wolf. We can take you home, but first let's go to Pezun first and get a new ship okay." Strauss joins in.
"You know her?" "The Institute usually either tests out their newtype weapons either on Grenada or here, Nell was usually the test pilot they used for testing in Pezun, as she was one of the less tempermental examples they had, and could stand to travel easier than others." "... gone, all gone, so many people all gone..." Nell mumbles to herself listlessly over the intercom. "That's less tempermental?" "She's usually better, it must be the shock of the Bifrost and everyone on it being destroyed. We should probably search for escape pods and survivors." "Right."
In a few minutes you meet back up with Hovis, Calvin and the Musai, all appear essentially undamaged. Hovis reports that he basically tore one of the Chivvays in two, whilst the other one fled out of the battlezone. They didn't want to overextend themselves and pursue however.
The MSN-01 is dragged back to the hangar bay, whilst you pick up escape pods. In the end it looks like about 60 people survived. From a crew of about 300. "Don't beat yourself up about it David, there was nothing more we could have done." "They said you couldn't take out 4 pegasus class ships in 10 minutes, but we did. Then we still lost thanks again, to Gihren. If I ever find him, I'm going to blow his head clean off with a Bazooka." "Get in line."