/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2014
32249069Golem QuestWhere a golem awakens to find itself sentient and its master dead.Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-05-21 15 
32272655Golem Quest #2In this chapter we name ourselves and create a new golem!Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-05-22 10 
32338984Golem Quest #3In this edition, we begin Operation: Clean House, starring Tankred and Lefty.Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-05-25 5 
32361572Golem Quest #4We finish our mission to fend off the bandits, find a research project, and draft a researcher!Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-05-26 7 
32405490Golem Quest #5In which we repair, learn a bit more, and plan to excavate!Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-05-28 6 
June 2014
32620067Golem Quest #6In which we find a quarry, harvest some wood, and find an expert on mining!Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-06-07 5 
32641154Golem Quest #7In which we create a third golem, expand our consciousness and continue Minecra- our quest.Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-06-08 5 
32681188Golem Quest #8In which we flesh out the quarry, go full RTS, and craft a Titan class golem!Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-06-10 5 
32700697Golem Quest #9In essence: QTG. Lesson learned. Cut the thread off before too much damage could be done.Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-06-11 5 
32765604Golem Quest #10In which we plan, fight, and then lose control.Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-06-14 6 
33071998Golem Quest #11In which we attempt to reestablish control, and experiment.Collective Game, Golem, Golem Quest2014-06-29 5 
December 2015
44027999Golem Quest #2Gabriel continues his adventureGolem Quest2015-12-13 1 
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