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!qw2cdBTZAc 03/04/11(Fri)23:41 No.14132090 File1299300087.jpg-(699 KB, 1025x686, 4a093573e72798f4e16d160d2db891(...).jpg)
"I will say that of our kind I am unusually curious. It is why I have learned math, and to read, and some of the ways of your kind. Though we all like to watch movies. The silver screen was the greatest invention for causing my kind to better understand yours."
O'Malley laughs. "Well, if you'd like to get your GED, I could arrange for you to take the tests by mail. I'm glad you've learned the importance of a good education. The next church screening will be on Sunday night. The long goodbye. A bit more violent than the deacon would like, but I grew up with it."
You look off at the dark clouds, remembering a brighter time. "I remember a war. Men, shouting and cannon firing. Not the eighty-eights of more recent wars, but the older ones, spheres of iron, crude things for crude killing. The church I lived atop then was damaged in the fight. For a time everything seemed the same, and then I was here. Prior to the war, I remember being given a wreath by a girl in a leather gown. Not rawhide, but worked leather, more dressing gown than dress. Do these memories clarify my origins at all?"
"Well, it sounds like an American war, maybe even during the Napoleonic era. Though the leather gown seems odd." He ponders it for a bit. "I'll have to check into the church records, though I do know this roof, you and your friends were moved from somewhere nearby here."
He slaps his forehead. "My lord, you probably don't even know where you are, son. This is St. Peter's church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
"Listen, that man the other night." O'Malley says. "Did you... Do him in because he killed your friend, Jerry?" |