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!94Ud9yTfxQ 07/19/09(Sun)04:26 No.5199387 File1247991982.png-(32 KB, 600x400, Xanatos blarkablark.png)
 >Why? You wanted to talk? "Oh yes! Very much so! Well, if it is fine with you, I mean. I would not want to be a bother.
>Uh... how exactly does that head-reversing thing work? Were you like that before you became the god of death? "Before I was...? I have been God of Death since time immemorial, as have Xom and Fate and Yog. We were born like this. Or... some thing to that effect. I am not sure born is that right word. But yes. Akin to Xom's limp and Fate's removable eye, I have two faces."
>You come here often? "Incorrect. I never leave here. I have no reason to do so."
>I was wondering about being able to resurrect Herc... "Oh certainly, I can do it. But I am uncertain he wants to be raised. He made it to Valhalla, you see, and there is hardly a better afterlife than Valhalla."
>I would like to talk to Heracles if it's cool with you. "That can certainly be arranged."
>We're also happy to talk to you about anything that might be on your mind, if other sentients don't talk to you too often. "That would be wondrous." |