The journey so far - Character Sheet - Info - are Thol, son of the Lolua Nomads, and one who has yet to understand his place in this world.It has been just over two weeks since the murder of your entire tribe. Having awoken with the sigil of the Druidic leader, Thaddeul Arethos, in your possession, you set out to the homeland of the Druids, Homme. Along the way, you have met Eames Bennett, amateur spellcaster and aspiring scholar, Siobhan of Thulstry, a Princess on a great mission for the Druidic Order, the Oak Table.Since leaving the Reach, you have passed through the country of Settehem, and now make your way through the expansive kingdom of Vanthania. Along the way, you have been attacked by undead who seek to cause harm to Siobhan. You also crossed swords with Hawne of the Netheros, another nomad from your homeland who seeks his own destiny and revealed much about Siobhan's mission, casting the young Druid's mind into doubt. You also met with 'Silver' Guin Salessanderson, a magic duelist with a penchant for 'liberating' artifacts of magical power and the undergarments of women.(continued)
>>19383339You have since arrived in Vol Itolstein, the metropolitan capital of Vanthania. Soon after your admittance, however, your party was stopped and taken to the Royal Palace. Somehow, the Princess's arrival was known, despite the fact you travel incognito. It was here that you met King Edgreiss Itolstein II, his son and daughter and his High Council. It was also here that you were invited to Princess Tessa's twelfth birthday party. Given the King's high esteem for the nomads of the Equius Reach, you were even given the honour of having the first dance with her.Amidst the fuss of the preparation for the celebration, you mulled over the idea of joining Siobhan in her mission to the cursed, undead kingdom of Rooksland, whereas Eames, besotted with the Druid, intended to ask her to abandon the mission and to join you on your travels as the Balanceseeker. You also reunited with Guin, who has since joined your party.Finally, the night of the celebrations arrived. After greeting Princess Tessa and Prince Regulus, and a quick address by the King and his advisor, Sir Emiel Ystregard, you saw a familiar figure in the distance. It was Xao Dulang, your old weaponscrafting teacher, who turned out to be an ambassdor from Shenlong all along. After catching up with him, and answering some probing questions from the King's Treasurer, Thilbas Hestwell, the dance finally began. However, despite all your hard work and practice, the painfully shy Tessa froze up and was unable to dance with you. In an attempt to comfort her, you ask her to show you around the palace where she lives. However, just as she moves to do so, you see Siobhan flee the court, with Eames shortly following.What do you do?
>>19383482(Let it be known that I love having to type up the same post twice due to screwy internets.)
Since we can't really abandon Princess Tessa to see what's wrong, I guess we'll have to leave the Siobhan situation to Eames, and hope he doesn't screw it up too badly.A vague hope, but what can you do.Go with Tessa and look around the palace.
>>19383522With reasoning as strong as 'hope he doesn't screw it up too badly', what could possibly go wrong? Still, you have an apparent soft spot for kids, or just socially insecure princesses, so for now, you accompany Tessa. She opens the door to a rather beautiful, moonlit courtyard, with a great white fountain in the middle, and rows of brightly coloured flowers and well clipped shrubs. However, before you can take a single step out there, a voice calls from behind you."Excuse me. Nomad Thol?"It is Prince Regulus. A young woman with striking dark hair and porcelain skin stands linked to his shoulder. He seems to be in a good mood, but is clearly confused by the scene."Might I inquire as to where you intend on going with my sister?"
>>19383580Oh fuck"Nothing, your royal highness. The princess was feeling blue over, you know, what happened on the dance floor."
>>19383580"She is just showing the castle, your royal highness. She was feeling a little blue over what happened on the dance floor. "It wasn't supposed to be as 8-9 dude?
>>19383815>>19383844"Ah, I see...." He looks over Tessa with more than a hint of pity to his brow. "That's very kind of you, Nomad. Although, I do not see the need to interrupt your own festivities over this. Perhaps I could take her in your stead?"It's clear he is making the offer to convenience you. His partner doesn't look entirely too happy with the suggestion, but clearly doesn't plan on speaking up about it. Meanwhile, Tessa stands in the doorway, her head lowered, blue eyes occasionally flickering up between you and her brother.
>>19383844(Yes, it was. I decided to start a couple hours later so that I wouldn't entirely miss certain timezones. Sorry, I should have mentioned this. 8-9 will be the regular time from now on, though. As for today, I plan to play for quite some time, so I hope you can forgive me for the late start.)
>>19383877Okhow can we make this sound not creepy or intimidating at all"No need to care about me, your royal highness, I feel like i'm somewhat responsible over the current princess mood.I promise you that she will be back as soon as possible"
>>19383945do this
>>19383945Prince Regulus looks over you, his azure eyes unflinching. He appears to be scrutinizing you. Shamelessly and obviously, at that. Although you have at least three years over him, you can't deny he has a presence that many would find intimidating. Perhaps it is the almost militaristic style of dress, the white, straight jacket he has on, or perhaps it is his unnatural height, taking him up to equal your own. Either way, it seems like he was built for the purpose of being royalty.After a while, he nods, smiling down to his sister. His expression seems more at peace, even amicable."Tessa, do not importune our guest for too long. I believe father would very much like to have you present for your own celebration, too."The twelve year old near-whispers an affirmative before Regulus regards you once more."Once more, I appreciate your kindness, Nomad Thol. Please, enjoy the night's festivities at your own leisure." He smiles, before making his way to the center of the court, where the rest dance. After he is gone, you finally turn to join Tessa as she makes her way out into the courtyard. She stays beneath the shade of the walkways."My apologies, Sir Thol... I should have realised that would be interrupted. My father says my head is often far up in the clouds."You can imagine the king says it with a much less grave tone than she does.
>>19384016"Do not worry, it's your party, just be happy huh?so where we start?"
>>19384053Your words, kind as they are, seem to do little to comfort the Princess. But she seems to brighten a little when you ask her where you are."Well, this is the southern courtyard. This is where I take my painting lessons, my singing lessons and my gardening lessons. This is..."She wanders out from the walkway, across to a small patch of flowers. Red, blue, yellow and whites, all of the same shape, where petals open into more, smaller petals and even more beyond that."This is my rose garden. Shepherd Berram tells me that roses are adored across all the five kingdoms, a symbol of family and fertility amongst the Druids of Homme." She kneels beside them and gestures to one patch, a spread of yellow, the rims of the petals tipped with a bright pink. "I made this kind myself, once I learned how to cultivate. He says he has never seen it before. Once I grow enough, he says that he will take them across the country, so that they can grow in gardens everywhere. I haven't thought of a name for them, though..." In her normally meek tones, you can hear a slight swell of pride. "Do you like them? I can give you one if you come back tomorrow."
>>19384232"They are very pretty yes.I never seen such kinda of flower before.Really impressive work.It would be an honour to get one of them"
>>19384232"Those are gorgeous princess. It would be an honour to receive them"
>>19384254>>19384268She readily nods at your praise before standing straight."Then you shall have as many as you like! Come, I can show you more."She seems to gain a little confidence, or at least seems a little more comfortable, as she leads you to the other side of the courtyard. The sounds of the celebrations inside begin to fade, but you can still hear the crowds of people, as well as the fireworks, from outside the palace. She leads you through unlit hallways, under thick beams of moonlight that shine through the windows. On the other wall, great paintings of regal figures, historical depictions of battles, and a great map of Vanthania's regions hang, obscured by shadows. Ornaments, such as exotic swords, precious gems set in ornate sculptures and ceramic figurines are placed on various counters.She stops infront of one painting. It is illuminated perfectly by the moonlight, most likely because the window opposite from it is taller and wider than most. Unlike the other paintings, it is entirely on its own, in a gold frame and set on an elaborate display. A podium rises from the ground, a stone fitted it, etched with a passage.(continued)
>>19384363"This is my mother, Queen Cattalinde. She passed three years ago. Father said the city mourned for half a month when it happened."The woman in the painting has the same blonde hair as her daughter, hanging down in long, spiralling tresses. Her eyes are closed and her skin, as white as bone, seems to cast a faint light on her surroundings. Speaking of which, she seems to be standing in the shallow waters of a brook, with a waterfall behind her. It seems somewhat unrealistic, especially given that she looks to be wearing a most expensive dress of white, lined and patterned in gold thread. Even more unrealistic are the small, blue birds that perch on her shoulder and her forearm.
>>19384366"I'm sorry to hear that.i can see the similarities between you two"
Tell her how pretty her mother looks and maybe ask what she was like, if she is willing to talk about her.
>>19384422"She was very kind. She used to teach me most things, herself, like gardening. I believe she loved roses as much as I, for she used to grow and cultivate them, too. Cardinal Vellor says that she has most definitely returned to the Dragon and Sir Ystregard said she had a very strong soul. I did not think she was very strong... but I do think she was very good. And my father loved her very much.">>19384402"It is very kind of you to say. Everyone tells me the same." She does not seem to recall this with much pleasure. Perhaps it still troubles her to remember the woman so. After a few moments of silence, she turns to walk further down the hall."There are some places in the palace I am not allowed to go, such as father's war room, or any of the councilmen's rooms. But would you like to see our cathedral? Do you pray, Sir Thol?"
>>19384494"Hum...Sometimes i do ask the gods for help"
Do we pray? Have we ever done that back at home?We could go pray to the Tiger or the Ram if we wanna start.Nonetheless we can still visit the cathedral before heading back. We don't wanna make people too suspicious of us.
>>19384541You've never really prayed. It isn't something done too often in the Reach. On the Reach, they stray from calling them gods, too, and refer to them simply as the Twenty-Four Spirits. Praising certain spirits for certain things is common amongst your people, but you never paid too much attention to it. You do have some knowledge, at least, of most of the spirits. For example, you know that the Dragon is King of Spirits, and represents creation and destruction.>>19384527"That is good." She gives a sharp nod. "Cardinal Vellor, Shepherd Berram, even Regulus tells me that it is important to pray to the Gods. I ask them for help, too. Some times, they even help me." She smiles up at you, before turning the handles of a large pair of double doors. She pulls them open into a grand cathedral. It is almost as large as the court, with rows of long, wooden seats on either way of a red carpet leading to the front and center. Raised by some ivory steps is an altar, bare of anything for now. At the back of the room, a great, golden statue of a dragon, a great reptilian beast with four strong legs, a large body, a head crested with sharp bones and a mighty wingspan, overlook the empty cathedral, reflecting the light of the torches on either side of it. The moon's light does not reach this room as much, but does somewhat illuminate the depictions of the stained glass. You can see many familiar spirits, such as the Crow, the Tiger, the Ram and the Horse.
>>19384606"So princess. Which one is the one you pray more to?"
>>19384662She points to one of the windows. You recognise the animal. You have hunted it across the land and made great use of its heart. It is the spirit of peace, love, fear and laziness."Most often I pray to the Rabbit Goddess. Cardinal Vellor says that I should pray to all of them, mostly to the Dragon. But my brother tells me all the Gods have plenty of people to pray to them, so I choose the Rabbit. Which do you pray to, Sir Thol?"Roll a 1d10 for perception.
rolled 2 = 2>>19384707"I tend to talk more with the Ram.but i've been thinking on start talking with the Crowd goddess.I heard it's the Ram sister"
rolled 1 = 1>>19384707"I've always liked the Tiger. but i nowadays i talk more with the Ram"
rolled 2 = 2>>19384741>>19384735Jesus Christ
rolled 6 = 6>>19384747>>19384741>>19384735
>>19384735"All Gods are brothers and sisters, Sir Thol." She gives a small chuckle, as if you had the same kind of mistake a toddler might. "And the Dragon is father of all.">>19384741"You speak with the Ram, too? Then you are like Princess Siobhan and Shepherd Berram? You do not look like any Druid I have ever met Does he ever speak back? Cardinal Vellor says the Dragon speaks to him, too."There is nothing noteworthy here, as far as you are concerned.
>>19384795>There is nothing noteworthy here, as far as you are concerned.The number of times I've heard my GM say that before I was ambushed...
>>19384795>There is nothing noteworthy here, as far as you are concerned.I hate perception rolls"I'm no druid.he just happens to help me from time to time"
>>19384850"Oh. So you don't have any of the Ram's blessings, then." You can't tell if she's confused or disappointed by the fact. After a moment of her blue eyes lingering over your features, Tessa sighs, and moves to sit on the edge of the nearest seat."I'm truly sorry about earlier, Sir Thol. I get very nervous when I have to appear in front of so many people. But now that I am growing into a woman, father says it is an important duty of mine. And I have never met a nomad, before, so I was unsure about you. But Princess Siobhan was right. You are very kind, and very open."When she stands again, she maintains a calm, even dignified smile, and offers you her hand."I think I will be okay for the next dance. Now I know you. Just... please, do not pass me to any strangers?"
>>19384927"it would be an honour princess"takes her hand
>>19384927Accept her invitation to dance. It's a bit of a shame that nobody else gets to see our sweet dance moves.
>>19384992You got someone more important to dance with than the birthday girl? Hmmmm?>>19384944With some small semblance of confidence, Tessa walks alongside you as you make your way from the Cathedral and out towards the courtyard again. After but a short moment, however, the girl stops in her place. You can soon tell why. It is easy to not notice the changes in the air, and the sound of a crowd can often melt into an easily missed hum. But this is no longer a hum. Outside the castle, you hear rising calls, shouts and screams, breaking into a cacophany of voices that is certainly not in any kind of jubilation. Tessa does not seem like she will be taking a single step from where she is."Sir Thol... w-what is that?" Her voice runs high, shrill in panic as she looks up to you.
>>19385010"I don't know"Let's go meet the king and stuff
"Don't worry you're highness, I'll protect you"Do we we have a horse summoning circle ready? Little girls love horsies. Summon that and head towards the noise or drop her off with the king where she'll have plenty of guards.
>>19385010We need to take her back to the king, last thing we need is to be suspected of kidnapping her if something is going on. "Don't worry Princess, I'll protect you, let's go find your father."
>>19385052>>19385055>>19385102You don't have a circle prepared, nor do you have chalk or ink or anything like that. Perhaps you should have asked Eames to give you a couple circles. When you tell the Princess your intentions, she gives a nod, her lips pursed together in a nervous fashion."We have to make sure they're okay!"You rush through the courtyard, the Princess turning out to be rather spritely, so she doesn't slow you down too much. However, before you make it to the royal court, you are stopped by the appearance of a figure. It drops from one of the roofs over the walkways. It seems to move towards the inside, before turning across to you.It is a tall, lanky figure, clad entirely in black cloth, wearing pants of thick leather, sandals and a black cowl wrapped about its head. The features beneath are also covered in a thin black fabric. Wordlessly, it lowers into a stance you can only assume is hostile, its legs spaced infront and behind as it holds open palms out, one to its side, one facing you. Behind the figure, you hear more cries of distress and the sounds of metal and wood clashing inside. You can also see flickers of green. A voice calls above the rest."Tessa! Tessa! Where is the Princess?!""Regulus!" The girl makes as if to run ahead, but is frozen in fear of the figure facing you both.
>>19385146"Stand back, your highness."I guess it's TIGER WARRIOR time. Good thing we brought our Dao.
"Please stand back princess"Get our Dao"Who are you"
Some birthday party this turned out to be."Stay behind me, I'll take care of this." Ready your dao and shield.
>>19385199You didn't bring the shield, silly.>>19385183>>19385195Good thing, indeed. You are also glad you didn't go for an outfit as restrictive as Cu and Eames's, too.Seeing you pull your weapon, the man-in-black reaches under his cowl. However, rather than any kind of weapon, he pulls off a string of beads, holding a circular pendant. You can't make out the markings of it, but he holds it in the arm closer to his body, as if brandishing a weapon. Despite your question, it does not seem like has any intention of replying. Rather, he stomps his foot hard on the ground. The obscurity of the night makes it hard to initially divine, but spikes of pure black strike up from where he stands, aiming for your legs. You would need a 4 to dodge it and a 6 to block it with your sword. Of course, if you have other suggestions, feel free to give the command.
rolled 10 = 10>>19385265let's try blockingi don't want princess Tessa getting hurt
>>19385292That's a very nice roll.
>>19385292You easily shield yourself from the spikes. As soon as you do, you see them wrap about your blade like tendrils. Your reflexes are much too quick, however, and you throw them away. More grow from beneath your foe, spreading out and undulating like ten black limbs. Your enemy maintains his distance. You can't tell through the fabric he wears, but you imagine he is watching you very closely.
How do we close the distance and protect the princess at the same time? Anyone have any ideas?
>>19385327Time to attack!
>>19385353Need a 1d10 if you intend on rushing him.
rolled 4 = 4>>19385366Not rushing but attacking cautiously
rolled 7 = 7>>19385366Try to circle him with the princess at our back to see if we can find a way to make her run into safety
rolled 4 = 4>>19385366
>>19385381How do you plan to do that? There's about three meters of space between you, and he has those tendrils swirling from beneath his feet.>>19385382You circle, with Tessa close behind you, but he doesn't let up any opening, turning easily to face you regardless. There are a few places you could send Tessa: towards the fountain, behind the bushes, towards the sheltered walkways or back in towards the hallway and the cathedral. You can also see one way that is certainly not safe. Green flames are spreading inside the court, and you see similarly clad figures inside, spewing said flames from their fists. You can't see who they are fighting, who is dead, you can't see anyone you recognise, but the distressed cries and sounds of battle continue.
>>19385439"Tessa, do you know any secret passage to outside?"
rolled 1 = 1>>19385439We have a dagger, right?Lets throw it at him and at the same time rush him.
rolled 5 = 5>>19385439Lets keep on defensive stance for now.We need to protect Tessa, that is the priority
Is there any place we can even send Tessa? She could be ambushed by someone else. We could try rushing him and give him no time to target the princess. Also do we at least have a minor healing potion?
>>19385456THIS WILL BE WONDERFULBut seriously, let's find a way to get out of the castle.The Courtroom is certainly not safe and god knows when the others will come to help our enemy.
>>19385453"Th-there are many secret passages." She leans in close to you, her voice quiet. It trembles and her voice cuts out, silenced by breathless gulps. "There are two in the court, one in the cathedral, one in each councilman's room, one in mine, one in Regulus's... I think that's it...">>19385456>>19385484You brought neither of these. >>19385460It is clear he has no plans to attack you in this current stand-off.
rolled 1 = 1>>19385495HmmmDunno.... shall we attack then?
>>19385509NopeNOPENOOOOPE"Listen Tessa, i want you to go to the cathedral. and use the passage. I'll follow you closely behind"
Hm, how about we retreat towards the cathedral so the princess can take the secret passage and we could hide to the side of the door and try to ambush our enemy.
rolled 2 = 2>>19385495I think we're going to have to attack, this guy isn't just going to let us go.
>>19385529>>19385532>>19385533Amicable discussion time? Roll of the manly fates time? Either way, I'll need a decision.
Getting the princess safe should be our first priorityand the place he is blocking doesn't look like safe at all.Say around us, can we see anything?Like more of them?I vote on going for the Cathedral
voting for going to the cathedral, since the princess is an easy target.
>>19385590The rest of them seem to be inside the court, which is where most of the fuss is coming from now, as the sounds from outside the castle are dying down.>>19385590>>19385609>>19385532Make a break? Slow steps back?
>>19385577I wanted to battle and then help in further in the ballroom but the dice are against it.I suspect we would have found some answers if we go on the offensive. These are the same people who kileld our tribe.
>>19385623Slow steps back.We can't lose eye contact
>>19385623The princess moves first and we follow her slowly to guard against any attacks.
>>19385667You begin to back towards the hallway once again. You keep your gaze on the man-in-black. Tessa backs away with you, keeping a loose hold on one of the corners of your mantle, but not getting in your way. It seems like your aggressor is letting you go, the tendrils slipping back to disappear within his shadow.However, just as you are about to pass the boundary between outside and inside, your foe thrusts his hand forward. From his empty palm, a bright light pierces your vision before great plumes of green flame shoot out. As if thrown, the fire arcs through the air, spreading an filling the distance between you as it does. Clearly, it is headed right for you. It's slow and you're pretty far, meaning it will take a 2 to dodge it and a 4 to block it.
rolled 3 = 3come on block it
rolled 4 = 4>>19385713Let's Block
rolled 5 = 5>>19385749shit try again
(For future reference, when it comes to reactions/actions, I'm going to take the best of the first three rolls.)>>19385788You succesfully shield yourself from the spurt of green fire, barring your dao against it. It explodes in a green blossom of light, before fading in the air to nothingness. By the time you realise your block was succesful, however, you see that your enemy is much closer than previously. Infact, he is right infront of you, his body hunched low in a dash. He has one arm winded back, before it is thrust up, towards your gut. You can see the pendant in said hand. You can face him in battle (will make use of your weapon bonus, which is an 8), block or evade, both of which require a 6.
rolled 10 = 10>>19385830Face him in battle and try to cut his hand if the dao blocking the strike and kick him away
>>19385850Sorry, it's a tiny bit unclear, do you intend to use the dao to cut through the hand he intends to strike you with?
>>19385873That's the idea basically.If we can't cut it then our strike will cancel his strike
>>19385914In that case, your dao hits with superb accuracy, coming down right across the middle of his attempted uppercut, cleaving the pendant in two. As soon as the pendant splits, however, your attack is interrupted by shockwave of incredible force. You fly far back, knocking over the Princess in process and sending your dao flying from your hand. You land five meters back along the hall, rolling and skidding to a stop. As you pick yourself up, you see Tessa do the same, rubbing the back of her head. You also see your assailant, falling to the ground and howling in agony as he clutches the bloody stump where his hand once was. Your dao, luckily, is not too far off.
retrive dao and take the chans to escape with tessa
we could retrieve try our dao and try to restrain our enemy before he has a chance to recover, then again someone else might show up. Either way, the princess should continue towards the secret passage.
rolled 3 = 3>>19385955Sever his head and then abscond into the secret tunnels.
(Sorry folks, router died for a moment there.)>>19386046>>19386012>>19385969Telling Tessa to run ahead to the cathedral, you retrieve your dao and stand over your enemy. Giving that he is writhing in pain, trying to stop the blood that flows freely from his bared veins, it is a rather easy matter for you to sever his head with a single slice of your dao. You do get blood over your nice, new pants, however.Soon after, you follow, only to see the princess standing next to the altar. One of the sides has been removed entirely, leaving an opening just about tall and wide enough for almost any human."Quickly, Sir Thol." She beckons. Looking inside, you see stairs leading down into naught but darkness. You can still hear the sounds of battle from back in the court. You can also see that Tessa is looking back with that same, frightened curve to her lips. Proceed?
Ask her if she'd be okay with going in alone since there's still people that might need our help.
>>19386083I have this feeling that if we leave the princess alone something will happen. I think we should make "escorting the princess to safety" our main goal for now.
>>19386111It takes her a moment to get over the shock of the question, but after a while, she gives a nod."I would get in your way, wouldn't I? It's okay, Sir Thol. I don't know where the tunnel goes, but I can get through by myself. Could you please... just make sure Regulus, my father and the others are okay?"
>>19386141If you decide on this, you can just decide to escort her anyway.
>>19386141I'm kinda getting that feeling too, while at the same time I get the same feeling for the king and our friends and everyone else.
>>19386141Good point, but we might also miss out on some info about the guys that wrecked our home.Oh well, escort the birthday girl to safety.
Another riskier option is to try to get to the king again, so that we don't leave our friends to fend for themselves.
>>19386192>>19386141>>19386151Despite the impressive courage young Tessa shows, you can't help but feel directly responsible for the girl's safety. And so you shake your head and motion to enter the altar with her. Although she, too, realises this means abandoning the others, she makes way for you to lead her inside.The light from the cathedral does not stretch all the way to the bottom of the stairs, and naught but blackness extends before you. At least it seems to be a narrow, straight path. Tessa moves to the side, where a lever rests."I've been told to pull this, if ever I had need to use the tunnel..."She does and, from above, you hear stone heavily slam upon stone, before you are cut off from the light entirely. The altar has collapsed from above. Soon, Tessa is by your side again, her hand clasping to yours."Thol... I'm... I'm very scared. Do you think they're alright...?"
>>19386247Woopsie. Sorry, bud, but I think you were pretty outvoted, anywho.
>>19386261"They're going to be alright i'm sure.Cu is there and dare i say he is an excellent fighter.Don't worry"
No going back now."The people who brought a weapon with them to the party are probably doing fine. But don't worry too much, the king has plenty of guards to deal with the problem."
>>19386305>>19386306With your eyes entirely useless to you, you begin to make your way down the tunnel, leading the Princess by hand. It smells a little musty, but it's dry, the walls and floor are clean cut and it seems to go entirely straight. You keep your hand trailing lightly against the wall, just to make sure you don't inadvertantly walk into it.>>19386305>>19386306"... but what about the people who don't have a weapon?"As you ponder how to answer her question, a sudden gap appears beneath your fingers. Curious, you reach out to this new opening in your left. It seems to be a continuation of the tunnel. But when you reach infront of you, you don't feel a wall there. You feel around until you catch a corner. From here, it seems like your path has split, you can either turn left or keep heading forward.
>>19386370Time to flip a coin.1=Forwards ho!2=Hard to port!"Those that are armed will defend those that are not, I'm sure."
rolled 1 = 1>>19386394Forgot to roll.
>>19386403Forward it is!
(Sorry folks. Phone.))>>19386403You decide to head forward whilst responding to the young princess's question. For a while, you walk in silence. When she finally speaks again, you can tell it is taking her some courage."I don't think they will all survive, Sir Thol. I think we should prepare for some of them to be dead when everything is over."She gives your fingers a reassuring squeeze as you press on. It seems like the darkness, and this tunnel, heads on forever. You can tell by the rasping sound beginning to infect her breath that the little Princess is beginning to tire and you can't blame her. It is then, however, that you see a flicker of light in the distance. Rather than a solid light, an exit to head for, however, it seems to move to and fro, from left to right, bouncing in the distance. It looks like a flame. You think to stop and observe, but before you can, it stops. And then another appears, a blue, steadier ball of light. And then a voice. It echoes through the tunnel, obscuring any chances of recgonizing its owner."Halt and name yourself! If I hear one more step, I will attack until there is nothing left of you!"
>>19386585To the princess. "I am always prepared for the unfortunate."To the entity. "I am Thol, of the Lolua Nomads. I am escorting the Princess Tessa to safety."
>>19386608"Thol...?""Nomad! That's you!?""He said Tessa! Emiel, he has Tessa with him!""Now wait, Your Highness...!"The bobbing flame begins to move towards you hastily. As it does, you can see two figures beneath it, as the blue light remains behind. One of the two is the stocky, wide form you remember well. Cu scoops you up in his arms, lifting you off the ground and accidentally smacking the side of your head with his training sword."Nomad! Bloody hell, Gods be, I can't believe it!"Meanwhile, you soon see the other figure, carrying the torch, is Regulus. Tessa releases your hand, rushing forward to embrace his waist. You can see the glimmer of tears in the youth's blue eyes."Tessa..."He turns back over his shoulder."It's alright, Emiel! It's really them!""Be careful, Your Highness, it may be an illusion!" Calls Gerra from the darkness. At that, the arms squeezing yours together tighten even more."Say something the Nomad would say!" Cu growls.
>>19386675What was something weird and unique we said? Umm... "TIGER WARRIOOOOR!"
>>19386719Damn it! you beat me to it!
"Oh Cu, what beautiful brown eyes you've got."
>>19386675"damn it Cu, I'm no illusion, I'm a tiger warrior"
Apologies to >>19386736 and >>19386772 but there is only one right choice here.>>19386719>>19386733Tessa and Regulus stare. Cu drops you and starts to pat off your shoulders."It's him, alright."The Prince lets out a heavy sigh of relief. The blue light in the distance disappears, but soon, Emiel and Gerra step into the light, both with their swords in one hand."They must have used the passageway in the cathedral. It's the only one that leads this way." Gerra explains as Regulus leans down to closely inspect his sister."You're unharmed... praise the Gods." As he pulls her close in another hug, Emiel offers you an uneasy smile."It is good to see you safe, Balanceseeker. No doubt you are aware it is the Rakshasa that attacked us. Let us make our way out of this tunnel before anything else, however. It should take us to the Knight's District which, I have no doubt, is the safest place in the upper levels right now."He pats Regulus on the shoulder. The blonde stands, his short curls bobbing lightly as he turns to you and offers a wide smile."Thank you, Thol. Honestly, thank you beyond words. I will ensure that you are rewarded for your protection of my sister when this is done."With that, he turns, Tessa's hand in his own as everyone begins to walk again. Cu sticks to your side. Whilst clearly enthused with your presence, his expression is quickly tainted with a worrying realisation."I had thought the Princess and Eames would be with you... I couldn't see them anywhere in the court."
>>19386831"Do not worry, they left the party early and were not caught in the slaughter...however, I do not know what they left for."
>>19386831"I saw them leave before the attack.They must be safe right now"next whisper to Cu so the princess can't hear"what about the King & the others?"
>>19386858He gives a sigh of relief. Until he thinks about it a moment longer."Wait, where did they go?!"His voice echoes throughout the tunnel. >>19386870Unfortunately, so does yours as you attempt to whisper your question to him."There is no need for the attempt at discretion, Thol. Father is safe. He took the other escape from the court, with some of the nobles from the party," Regulus remarks with a smile as he looks back at you. He then looks down to Tessa. "Hestwell, Vellor, Berram and uncle Bentham are all with him.""Yes, and that tunnel leads to Castle Itolstein," adds Gerra. "It is impregnable, I assure you.""Hush, now... look ahead." Emiel points forth. You see a faint light ahead. Handing the torch to you, Regulus scoops his sister from the floor, carrying as your paces naturally increase in speed. The light grows larger and larger, revealing the night sky through an open doorway. Finally, you emerge, pushing through the drape of vined weeds that cover it. You have come out of a wall, near the barracks you passed on your way to the palace.(continued)
>>19387030"Here we are... the Knight's District..." Emiel makes his way out. The streets are empty, the sounds of soldiers once present now absent. He makes his way out, as do the rest, to look up at the palace. However, as you do so, you see the same as them.Nothing out of the ordinary."I don't understand..." Regulus speaks in a low tone. "It was on fire, wasn't it? There was fire outside... fire inside...""It's Maleficium. Or 'Maya'. An ancient way of saying 'the soul's flame'." Emiel replies, a grim expression on his lips. "It's not real fire, it is simply a projection of one's soul, meant to cause harm to one's enemies. But I assure you, Regulus... the people you saw fall to that flame have really fallen."After a moment's silence, Cu shakes his head."I have to go back to the house. I have to see if the Princess and Eames got back safely... Nomad, what do you intend to do?"
>>19387036I say we do the same.First ask if the prince & the princess need any helpif not, let's go find Siobhan and Eameswhat a shitty time to have the couple fight
Let's go with Cu, I'm sure the princess is safe with these guys. Also tell her that we can meet up again tomorrow if she wants.
>>19387117"I don't believe we will..." Regulus shakes his head. "Gerra, Emiel and I can hold our own and certainly reinforcements from the barracks should have arrived by now.""The enemies used stealth to attack us," interrupts Gerra, sheathing her rapier once more. "I can't imagine they would still be attacking. Please, Nomad. Ensure your Princess is safe.""I must agree." Emiel nods. "We have a duty to return to our king, as you have a duty to return to your princess."With that agreed, you give Cu your answer.>>19387159Tessa eases herself down from her brothers arms to curtsey low before you."I am eternally grateful, Sir Thol of the Lolua. I would be most honoured to have you visit upon me." She stands upright with a beaming smile. Regulus and the others look shocked for a moment, before giving a nod and parting ways to make their way back towards the Royal District.(continued)
>>19387185After you watch them move off into the distance, Cu slowly turns to you. It seems he, too, wears a new look of shock."... Nomad... I do not think you know exactly what it means to visit on a highborn lady in the western kingdoms..."
>>19387214Aaaand with that, we end our tale for tonight. Good run, gentlemen, we have FINALLY come to the conclusion of Prom Night. OR HAVE WE?
>>19387228I guess we enter on the AFTERMATHS of the PROM NIGHTso yeahwhen next thread dude?
>>19387228Oh god, she just asked us on a date, didn't she?
>>19387245Friday, 1-2PM GMT, 8:00-9:00 chantime. No lateness this time, for real.>>19387250Hey man, she just replied to your offer to meet up.
>>19387273So she wants to have a no-alcoholic tea party with us? Sounds fun, unless more evildoers show up.Thanks for the quest, it was fun when we got to fight again.
>>19387306Thanks for playing. It's damn fun seeing the choices you guys have made and knowing how they'll affect the plot down the line. Plus, y'all finally got to fight your first Rakshasa. Albiet... not a strong one. Well, all that is to come in future, surely.Until then, /Tg/er nomads! Priest out.
>>19387273Thanks for the quest dudei hope the two lovebirds aren't doing something stupid
>>19387359>Eames and Siobhan>lovebirdsI get it that Eames is madly in love with the princess, but come on, she's friend-zoned him hard.
>>19387447i want that to work outI've been felling our swag is too strong
>>19387475I'm against it, not because I necessarily want Thol and Siobhan to end up riding off into the sunset together, but because Eames is an annoying douche.
>>19387499He really does need some humility lessons