/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2009
4016968Zalgo and the day of ZalgoingZalgo comes to the land of /tg/. Zalgo ensues. ZALGOZalgo, Cthulhu, Dagon, Hydra, Epic2009-03-19 20 
October 2012
20990495Lich's Employee Quest pt 5Daniel join the Paladins of Hydra, old friends return, we set off for Kerm.skeleton quest, Hydra, dance piece, seduction2012-10-05 24 
21015642Lich's Employee Quest pt 5Daniel find the city of Kerm, and makes a dynamic entry.skeleton quest, Hydra, Kerm, battle, demon, undead2012-10-07 17 
21019051Lich's Employee Quest pt 5.5An ending to thread 5.skeleton quest, Hydra, dance piece, seduction, going home2012-10-07 15 
21044136Lich's Employee Quest pt 8Sir Daniel goes south and deals with Salin, the illusionist.skeleton quest, Hydra, Salin, illusions, feels2012-10-09 11 
21110198Lich's Employee Quest pt 12Daniel goes east to an unknown town, and he knows fury.Skeleton quest, Hydra, wrath, dice gods, rage, god's favour2012-10-14 21 
21139046Lich's Employee Quest pt 13Daniel goes out to find his frenemies and deal with a dragon. Fairy tale adventure follows.skeleton quest, Hydra, dragon, witch, battle2012-10-16 11 
21153111Lich's Employee Quest pt 14Daniel goes into the woods, and get stuck in a time loop. Time travel occurs.skeleton quest, Hydra, forest, time travel, training, spiders2012-10-17 11 
21241408Lich's Employee Quest pt 18Daniel does out with SpiderDan to the first church of Hydra, and gets a horse.skeleton quest, hydra, religion, horse, skelecopters2012-10-23 11 
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