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!!0ZviLFh59My 03/04/12(Sun)00:23 No.18196179 File: 1330838634.jpg-(1.91 MB, 3466x2776, 1328383796960.jpg)
The shockwave of the blast doesn't knock you on your ass, but it comes close. You wipe blood off your pilot's goggles to better watch the towering fireball climbing into the sky as bits and pieces of aliums begin to rain down about you. Dirt and rocks begin to rain down as well, prompting you to sprint inside of the barn. Ian comes swinging in through the haymow door, and Sean tromps in, his parachute neatly draped over one arm. Yours is still attached to your harness, and you just drag it with you as you haul ass inside the barn.
"Chuck! Chuck, you beautiful bastard!" you cry. "Oh, that'll show the bastards! Welcome to London, bitches! Haha!"
You slump onto a hay bale. "I am tired," you announce.
"Well, today has been fascinating," Ian says. "Only one dark spot."
"What's that?" you ask, looking up at him wearily.
"You feeding me to Perrine like fucking dog kibble!" he shouts, throwing a handful of loose hay at you.
You stare at him blankly as the hay sprinkles over you, and quite suddenly, you begin laughing. You lean against the wooden wall and laugh and laugh and laugh, and soon after, Ian joins you.
"Hey," Sean says. "Shut up."
You point at him, like the very sight of him is hilarious, and continue to guffaw along with Ian.
"Please be quiet," Sean says intensely, and both you and Ian choke on surprise.
"Did you just say... 'please'?" Ian asks with quiet wonder.
Sean unlimbers his sword with a casual, wide motion, and hefts the blade once to secure his grip. He begins wandering around the floor of the old barn cautiously. There's a single sad-looking milk cow in a single stall to one side, bales of hay stacked around the place, and some broken-looking tackle... and not much else. |