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!!0ZviLFh59My 01/25/12(Wed)00:30 No.17666133 File1327469411.jpg-(46 KB, 500x700, 1326778269128.jpg)
 >>17665869 >>17665866 >>17665850 >>17665849
You chew your prize grimly, staring right back.
"What, you want some of my bratwurst?"
Charlotte doesn't blink.
"Can't have any."
She doesn't *breathe.*
"I deserve a single sammich, god dammit!"
"So I hear you're flying to Christchurch," Charlotte says.
"No you don't."
"Your crew told me."
You say something incredibly unflattering about your crew into your sammich. Charlotte reaches into her bosom and produces a small, folded piece of paper. She slides it across the table to you. "There's some things I could use in Christchurch. I've already given some government pay-slips to Ian - I trust he can keep them safe."
You grunt, and look at the list. Various foodstuffs - only to be expected - tools, and other sundry small items that will be easy to cram into the Widow somewhere. And-
"-a pair of handcuffs? A stethoscope? And a silk robe? What the hell is this? I can't exactly get this at the PX, you know."
"You'll find a way."
"In a few hours? No, I don't think so. Not on my salary, at any rate."
"You will," says a smooth, cold voice from behind you, "-because Charlotte convinced me it was a demanding enough task to apologize for almost ruining my life."
You blink. "Perrine is right behind me, isn't she."
"And she's got a gun!" Charlotte says, beaming at you.