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08/18/11(Thu)01:31 No.15976638 File1313645470.jpg-(46 KB, 763x450, Renekton.jpg)
 >>15976366 You put one fore-leg into the water and watch as it sticks to your skin almost like tar. You pull away, but the water tenses, almost anticipating your doubt.
"Oh, come now Renekton...you want to be a star, don't you?" Set antagonizes you from the darkness. "No pain, no gain...."
You feel fear and, with it, regret, overcome you. Still, you've made your choice. Putting your foreleg back into the water, you let yourself sink into the strong liquid. In an instant, you are completely enveloped, surrounded by absolute darkness.
Your mind flashes back to your mother, berating you for letting your meals escape because of your need to provide "entertainment with their dinner." You recall the school of fish, how they instantly ignored your fearsome display of power, and how you quickly silenced them. You feel your mind go red with images of the fishermen, with their sticks in hand, as they stabbed at you! You! For what?! Trying to entertain them! Well, they'll see... They'll all see!
Your dark baptismal pool begins bubbling. A few gurgles at first, but it quickly escalates into a cacophony of heat and steam. From your dark depths, you angrily strike towards the surface, splashing the liquid around you as you grasp the side of the pool with you...hand?
Set, from the farthest and darkest corner of his temple, watches you with nothing more than his illuminated red eyes. His teeth shining dimly, he ushers you with his scepter. From over your head, you see a curved blade fall from the ceiling.
"Grasp that power...and rise, Renekton. Perform the unnatural dance of death."
(Performance time, gents. Also, last bump.) |