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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After accidentally ascending to a Primal Saiyan during his learning of the Power Ball technique, Karn traveled to confront the Tuffle-controlled Raditz. Using this new power Karn easily dominated the parasite early, defeating it once it took the Golden Oozaru form with Chaya's help. Saving Raditz and Redis from the parasite as well as the Golden Oozaru's rage. Returning home, training his students as well as recruiting a Shokan, Karn finally collapses, exhausted. Only to confront the body snatching demon Majin Ozotto upon waking, freeing his wife from the demon as we rejoin Karn.

“Well, as least he didn't escape.” Caulifla says, gesturing back over her shoulder with a thumb. “Think we should tell them all what happened?”
“That's for the best, I'm sure they're worried.” your wife says, turning to you. “Coming?”
“Of course.” you reply, the three of you taking off back towards your training area, where your students are waiting. As the three of you start flying back, you run into a small group led by Goar. All Super Saiyans, powered up and ready to throw down.

“Karn! Meloka? Wh-What's going on?” he asks, the half dozen of them all flying to a stop. To which you hold out a hand, then say.
“Easy, calm down. Let's go back so we can explain what happened to everyone.” you tell him, to which Goar isn't entirely satisfied. But he doesn't argue, flying along with you all in a ring formation. All of you fly down, you drop down to the damaged roof, landing on it to address your students once more. “I'm sure you all have your questions about what happened. But my wife was attacked by a demon, a monster known as Majin Ozotto. Absorbing her, taking her powers and appearance for his own. But I freed her and she killed that monster.”

“That monster is one we've fought before, but it got the jump on me. So, for today, we're also going to be adding another element to your training! While doing all of your other training, I need each and every single one of you to have your ki sense active. At all times.” your wife adds in then raises her hands, creating a dozen ki orbs, each of which has a faint ki signature as they orbit her. “These orbs will be moving throughout the area as you all train. Attempting to sneak up on you. If any of these orbs hit your backs undetected, you have an additional ten minutes in MY level of gravity. Understood?”
“Yes Ma'am!!” they all shout, and you all get to work. As you go into training, you also keep your ki sense active. Watching for each of your wife's orbs as well, knowing full well she wouldn't hesitate to use you slipping as an example for the others.

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And, sure enough, about five minutes in you sense one making a move at your back as you defend yourself from Goar. Defending against his strikes as he, albeit still sloppily, copies the attack combination of the Djem So you'd been teaching his group. So, with a smirk crouch down, Goar's eyes widening as he sees you drop. But is too focused on you, not paying attention and not seeing your wife's orb until it's far too late.

“Oh shi-!” he exclaims as her attack zooms in, the larger man unable to raise his arms up defensively before the orb smacks him square in the face. Staggering him back a step as the ki bounces off his face. “Gaaaah!”
“You have to pay attention, Goar.” you say, rising back up to your feet with your wife's orb hovering menacingly between you both. Your mountain of a friend wipes his bleeding nose on the back of his left bracer as it bounces back and forth a moment before lifting back into the air, seeking its next target. “That goes for all of you too. Never trust your opponents to fight you one-on-one, always expect their friends, allies, whoever to try and intervene and save them. So always keep your guards up!”

“Yes sir!” they all shout and salute, even Goar as he continues bleeding. The rest of the training goes smoothly, most of your students not able to dodge Meloka's Warding Eyes and keep up their training. Those that can are your eldest students, the ones who survived multiple invasions and warzones over their careers. The younger, less-experienced ones aren't quite as perceptive, having lived more of their lives in a time of peace than you older warriors. But most surprising is that, every time your wife tries the four-armed Shokan woman, she always defends herself. She may not be the most powerful, but she is a rather talented warrior. But as your training winds down, you standing atop the damaged roof of the currently-inoperable gravity chamber, you go to address your students once more.

“Well done everyone. I was watching, and quite a few of you were able to keep your awareness up. As for the rest of you, take the rest of the evening to focus on this, to start thinking of your ki sense not as a skill to activate, but as something to ALWAYS have going. To always be aware of what's around you, at least in your immediate vicinity. But that's all for today, you all are dismissed.”
“Should probably see about getting someone to repair this.” your wife mutters once you've finished, you turning to see her inspecting the damage your battle with her attacker had done. “I'll handle this hun, my fault it happened anyways.”

But before you can reply, suddenly you feel a mind connect to your own, telepathically reaching out to you. But who?
>Captain Ginyu
No write in
Is it time?
What now?
Cooler wins it, roll me a single d100. For reasons.
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Rolled 6 (1d100)

Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

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98/100, very nice. Looks like this meeting will at least start off well. Writing.
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226 huh? Damn. It was crazy enough to see a quest in the triple digits 2 years ago.
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“Alright, I'll-” you reply as a familiar mind connects to your own, speaking directly without hesitation.
“General Karn. I take it you can hear me?” the 'voice' of Cooler, current emperor of the universe after besting his brother Freeza says, causing you to stop mid-sentence. Meloka looks to you as you tap the side of your head, telling her what's happening. “Your presence is required.”
“Required where?” you reply, not bothering with formalities as you ready yourself, raising your right to your forehead. “What's going on?”

“You'll see. Come to my ki signature, at once.” he answers, then doesn't say anything else. No doubt leaving the link open so you may reach his energy directly.
“Cooler called me. Says it's something 'required'.” you say, Meloka raising a brow.
“Want me to come along?” she offers, you shaking your head.
“No, I don't think it's anything too serious. And if something goes down, you'll be able to come after me if we're apart.” you reply practically. To which she nods, you focusing on Cooler's energy and vanishing. Leaving your home behind, appearing beside the smaller form of Cooler. Both he and Freeza are in their fourth forms, while King Cold is in his second. The three sitting at a circular table, Freeza to his father's left while Cooler sits to his right, several other seats empty on the other side facing the king.

“Karn?” Freeza asks, looking from being surprised to you to suspiciously at his brother, eyes narrowing. “What are you playing at, brother?”
“I thought he should be here for this conversation as well.” Cooler says simply, you wondering what in the world you have been brought into. Which is a sentiment the others share, King Cold turning to you.
“Good day, General Karn. Apologies for my son taking you away from your other obligations to be here.” he says, nodding slightly to you. Which you respond to with a proper Saiyan salute, the ancient being's expression softening ever-so slightly. He then turns his gaze back to his oldest, expression hardening a bit. “So, what is the meaning of this, Cooler?”

“Yes, I would very much like to know the same.” Freeza replies, you seeing a hint of worry in his expression.
“What we are deciding here will impact him as well. Only far that he should be here to witness it.” Cooler answers, Freeza lowering his gaze. You wonder what's going on, but before you can say anything the door on the side of the room, opposite King Cold opens. Both doors swing inward, pushed by small mechanical servants only to reveal two more figures you recognize. The one closest to you is the Kai-in-training Kars of all beings, who smirks upon seeing the situation he has walked in on. And to his right, looking as unflustered and cool as ever is the God of Destruction's servant, the impossibly-powerful Whis. What the hell has Cooler gotten you into?

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“Whis, Kars, welcome.” King Cold says, speaking before the others can talk. “Please, take your seats and we can begin.”
“While this is rather short notice, for what you promised it must be important.” Whis says, taking a seat. Kars does the same, just looking smug in his Kai robes. “Shall we be eating before, or after business?”
“After, as Silver is still hard at work preparing everything for the meal.” King Cold says, you wondering how much is going on in your home every day that you're simply unaware of. “So, has Lord Beerus been enjoying the fruits of that wish he made on the Super Dragon Balls?”

“He does seem so, Lord Beerus has gone back to napping for now.” Whis says with a chuckle. Then he turns his gaze to you, a knowing look on his face. “And with your wife having returned to your world, I have found that I rather enjoyed the role of teacher. It has been quite a few centuries since I taught someone.”
“Are you asking if I would ask her to go back?” you ask him, curious if this is why you were brought here. To which the servant laughs, the back of his hand politely covering his mouth as he does.

“Ooh ho ho ho ho hooh, dearest me no. Don't get the wrong idea, your wife is an exceptionally quick learner. But she has no interest in taking up the mantle of Destroyer.” Whis says happily. “No, I am not here for her. But to discuss another.”

Hold on, does he mean... You? Is that why Cooler brought you here, for you to become a Destroyer like Beerus? Or does he mean someone else?

Well? How do you react to this?
>Tell him while you appreciate the offer, you'll have to decline too. Becoming a Destroyer isn't what you want for your life
>Don't say anything or leap to assumptions and listen in, see what's going on and what they all have planned
>Tell him that you'll consider it, but that isn't a decision to make lightly
>Ask who he means, see which one of the Cold Clan are considering becoming a Destroyer
>Other(write in)
>Don't say anything or leap to assumptions and listen in, see what's going on and what they all have planned
>Don't say anything or leap to assumptions and listen in, see what's going on and what they all have planned
We may not know exactly who it is, but it should be pretty obvious that it's somebody in this room at the very least. Besides, Whis is about to address them directly in a moment anyways.
>>Don't say anything or leap to assumptions and listen in, see what's going on and what they all have planned
>Don't say anything or leap to assumptions and listen in, see what's going on and what they all have planned
Don't say anything or leap to assumptions and listen in, see what's going on and what they all have planned wins it. Roll me a 2d100, to see what you catch of these exchanges between high-level political types.

First DC: 65
Second DC: 80
Rolled 39, 79 = 118 (2d100)

Rolled 80, 57 = 137 (2d100)

passing both dc's with ease
Rolled 2, 76 = 78 (2d100)

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80/100, 79/100. Success and narrow failure, you almost get it. Interesting, writing.
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“Another?” you wonder to yourself, but instead of speaking your confusion keep your silence. Now isn't the time to leap to assumptions or make wild guesses, but to listen in. After all, Cooler's probably playing at something bringing you here for this, when it seems that your involvement wasn't exactly necessary.
“Right then, I suppose we should get right to this business first then.” King Cold says, you turning as he gestures to Freeza. “I believe you have something you wish to request of Whis, son?”
“Y-Yes.” Freeza says, uncertainly giving you a sideways glance before taking a deep breath, sighing out and rising to his feet. Placing one hand on his chest, he addresses Whis directly. “Whis, I would be honored if you would consider me for the role of Candidate Destroyer.”

“Wait, Freeza? Really?” you think to yourself, watching this surprising twist play out. Whis raises a single finger to his chin, 'hrmm'ing to himself.
“I'm not so sure. I don't know if you have what it takes.” Whis finally answers after a minute. “I believe that you are too weak to take on the role of Destroyer.”
“As I am now, yes. I am far too weak. Both in body and spirit.” Freeza says without hesitation, ascending to his Golden form in a flash, looking down at his hand. “Even with the strongest power of my race, the might of my grandfather, I continue to fall further behind those whose power came after. My friend, my brother, and now even some of my friend's children have begun surpassing my strength. I had once believed, arrogantly, that I could ascend up this mountain on my own. But the further others climb past me, the more I realize I cannot do so on my own. Which is why I humbly ask you to take up role as my mentor. I have seen what you can do for others, and ask you do the same for me.”

Silence hangs in the room, Freeza's gaze now meeting the attendant's. You had no idea that he was that upset you have surpassed him, that he would actually ask for help like this. You then sense his focus on you, yet his gaze remains unwaveringly focused on Whis.

“Hrmm. Well well, for you to bend that pride of yours enough to ask for help was quite the surprise. But do you truly seek to be a Destroyer? Or are you only attempting to use me to obtain greater power?” Whis asks, his voice turning low and dangerous with the final few words. The air feels icy and leaden, no one daring to make so much noise as to breathe. But Freeza remains resolute, unflinching under the attendant's gaze.

“This is not the only reason I seek to become a Destroyer. Our universe, the seventh, is currently, well... Mismanaged.” Freeza says, Whis raising a brow as Freeza continues to speak. “The current divinity, both your master and that lowlife Shin are inadequate at performing the duties of their office. And I, we, all believe that it is time to begin changing that.”

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“Oh?” Whis asks, seeming playfully but you can sense the razors edge of tension still hanging in the room. “And what makes you say this?”
“Which should we being with? Over the past five centuries, according to Father's records, Lord Beerus has only personally destroyed two worlds himself. Delegating that task to either my brother, Father, or myself.” Freeza states. “His presence is what gives the Supreme Kai's words weight, the threat of the Destroyer backing him up is what should have kept the universe in line. But Lord Beerus was nowhere to be seen when Majin Buu nearly wiped the Kais out entirely, endangering not only the balance of power in the universe, but showing how woefully inadequate his response time to threats is. Has Lord Beerus even been made aware this happened yet?”

“Yes, he is aware the Kais were nearly wiped out. He seemed rather disappointed the last Grand Supreme Kai was killed.” Whis answers levelly, although you get a hint of something. Either amusement or worry at what Freeza is suggesting. But before you can delve in any further he then switches targets.
“Ignoring that universal threat is poor form enough, but the Covenant are another matter. The Supreme Kai had enacted a treaty, and when one faction broke that treaty, launching an invasion force, he didn't act. For MONTHS I personally had the intel that the Covenant were marching on the Saiyan homeworld on a mission of total extermination, tried every official channel to reach the gods but got no response. And, in the end, he only BARELY arrived in time to save Karn here's life from Truth's personal butcher, the Arbiter.”

Your mind goes back to that battlefield as if it were yesterday, you and your wife on the ground, bloody and exhausted as your would-be killer readied his finishing blow only for the Kai to FINALLY arrive, ending the battle with a few spoken words. But to know that that massacre of your people was not only KNOWN by the gods, but ALLOWED to go on because of Shin's incompetence! You feel your rage boiling over, arms trembling with barely-restrained wrath as you struggle to keep your anger in.

Well? How do you react to this?
>Excuse yourself a moment, step out of the room then let your anger flare for a few moments by transforming
>Ask King Cold if this is true, if that bastard Shin KNEW what was coming and still let your people get slaughtered by those monsters, you're going to kill him yourself. You will find his energy right now, and end him
>Telepathically tell Meloka what you just learned, sharing it with her will hopefully lower your own wrath and help you calm down by sharing this burden between you
>Other(write in)
Hm...is Karn aware that Beerus and Shin's lives are linked?
>Telepathically tell Meloka what you just learned, sharing it with her will hopefully lower your own wrath and help you calm down by sharing this burden between you
>Excuse yourself a moment, step out of the room then let your anger flare for a few moments by transforming
>Telepathically tell Meloka what you just learned, sharing it with her will hopefully lower your own wrath and help you calm down by sharing this burden between you

I'd vote for working it out but I don't want to miss the rest of the scene
>>Telepathically tell Meloka what you just learned, sharing it with her will hopefully lower your own wrath and help you calm down by sharing this burden between you
She deserves to know.
Not yet.
Telepathically tell Meloka what you just learned, sharing it with her will hopefully lower your own wrath and help you calm down by sharing this burden between you wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 50
Third DC: 70
Rolled 89, 96, 99 = 284 (3d100)

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Rolled 34, 37, 30 = 101 (3d100)


Rolled 66, 45, 37 = 148 (3d100)

Can I get a crit
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89/100, 96/100, 99/100. Success, success and special success. Looks like you find out about the Destroyer's one weakness, and plenty more besides. Writing.
Plans are in motion, a new order's rise has perhaps begun
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Your wrath is growing by the moment, if you don't do or say something you're going to explode. And instead of letting your wrath out here and now, instead you decide to try and calm down a different method. Telepathically you reach out to your wife, connecting your mind to her own.

“Hun, we need to talk.” you think to her, feeling your wife's immediate worry. “It's about the Covenant.”
“Huh? What about them?” she replies, her worry turning to confusion. But as you tell her everything you just learned from Freeza and Whis' conversation, you can feel her anger as well. “That pompous ignorant divine fuck! I'm going to wring his sorry neck!”
“Next time, we'll make him pay. For every single Saiyan life unnecessarily lost that day.” you reply, feeling yourself cooling off as you and your wife telepathically discuss this. Your emerald aura, which had begun subtly blazing up around you fades, the Destroyer's attendant turning his gaze from you back to Freeza, who continues speaking.

“Not only this, but Shin also failed to stop the demon incursion on New Salda, one of the Demon Realm's strongest called Trigon stepping through-”
“Hold on. You said Trigon got through?” Whis asks, expression shifting and becoming serious. Deadly serious. “You mean that a Demon Lord managed to pierce the veil between worlds, crossing into the mortal realm?”
“Indeed. He bested me, father, several of the Saiyans including their king Vegeta IV. And would have killed us all, but for Karn.” Freeza says, gesturing to you. Whis turns his gaze on you, surprise in his eyes as he reappraises you. “Not only did he venture forth into the Demon Realm itself, saving the Demon King Dabura from capture by the wizard Babidi, but upon his return he bested Trigon, slaying it in one-on-one combat Only for that worthless bastard Shin to arrive well-after the battle, long after the portal was closed.”

“You managed to best that one?” Whis asks you directly, his gaze piercing. Almost as if trying to see the proof in your eyes. “Most impressive. Very well done, I shouldn't be surprised that you of all beings would have been capable of such a feat. But did you seriously invade the demon realm itself?”

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“Yes, I went to hunt down the bastard that opened it, a wizard by the name Babidi.” you tell the attendant, seeing Kars' eyes widen in surprise. He got away, but the Demon King wasn't mind controlled into his service and we killed several of his minions.”
“General Karn here is quite the accomplished warrior, we could talk for the next week sharing tales of his exploits. But for now, back to the topic at hand.” King Cold says, trying to steer the conversation back on topic. But you can tell both Kars and Whis both see you differently now.

“Yes, as an up-and-coming Supreme Kai, I would vouch for Lord Freeza here's readiness to take on the duties of Destroyer.” Kars says, voice smooth and somehow melodic. “Having been studying the history of the Seventh Universe for the past year, atop my other duties, I have noticed a consistent pattern. The Cold clan, especially Lord Freeza here, have already been executing the majority of the Destroyer's tasks in this realm. For the past six centuries, the Cold Clan have destroyed four hundred eighty five planets as well as five hundred eighty seven moons. Whereas Lord Beerus has only personally destroyed four planets and nine moons himself. Of those destroyed by the Cold clan, Lord Freeza has destroyed a hundred eighty three in the past century alone. I know not what other duties the Destroyer has outside their obligations in the mortal realm, but I would say that Lord Freeza more than qualifies.”

“A hundred eighty three?” you mutter, wondering to yourself how many of those worlds contained life? You've taken your fare share of planets, between your time in the PTO as a conqueror and during the wars, but a hundred eighty three is a surprising number. You've only destroyed two permanently, since you wished the one back.
“On the other hand, of those worlds erased, Supreme Kai Shin has only rebuilt thirty seven worlds. Bringing the breath of life to only twelve of them.” Kars continues. “The Seventh Universe is dying. Slowly, but surely, more and more of the universe is becoming uninhabitable. At this rate, in another nine hundred years there won't be a single inhabited world in the Seventh Universe. Something must be done, before there is nothing left to save.”

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“While you are right in your numbers, there is more to managing a universe than simple arithmetic. Things only a current Destroyer can teach their eventual replacement.” Whis says, but you can see that his brows are furrowed. Perhaps he hadn't realized what was happening, or if he already did that having a deadline makes the proclamation more 'real'. He then sighs, and for a single instant as he does the sound reminds you that he is a being older than King Cold, older than the Destroyers, older than ANY being you've met except for Mechikabura and Chronoa. “But the truth cannot be ignored, the Seventh Universe is in decline.”

Hearing these numbers, how your universe won't be liveable for your family in less than a millennia, you feel yourself wanting to do something. To take some sort of action, something to speed this process along. And as you look around, eyes resting on the Kai-in-training Kars, a thought hits you.

“Kars. How long will it take you to be ready to replace Shin?” you ask him, everyone turning to you. “And do you even NEED him anymore? Or should we go ahead and remove him now, take him out of the picture until you're ready? From what I heard, he isn't doing anything anyways.”
“No. We can't take him out, not yet. Lord Freeza still needs him alive.” Kars tells you, a wicked smile coming to his face as he speaks. “After all, if he dies, Lord Beerus dies.”
“What?” you hear several voices shout, all shocked by this news. And from Freeza and King Cold's expressions, how both sit up and forward in their seats as well as Cooler leaning forward even more, seems they all didn't know this either.

Well? What now?
>Ask how that could be, after so many Kai were killed by Majin Buu. Did there used to be more Destroyers going about, one for each Kai?
>Stand quietly and observe, while telepathically telling your wife this key weakness. Should the Destroyer ever show up seeking to end you or your people, you now know how to kill him and save your people
>Ask how this is true, how one being's life could be so tied to another's when they're separate beings
>Listen and try to take in everything you're about to hear, your emotions can wait you need to remember EVERYTHING you're about to hear
>Other(write in)
This smug bastard knows damn well what he is doing
>>Ask how this is true, how one being's life could be so tied to another's when they're separate beings
>Ask how that could be, after so many Kai were killed by Majin Buu. Did there used to be more Destroyers going about, one for each Kai?
>Ask how that could be, after so many Kai were killed by Majin Buu. Did there used to be more Destroyers going about, one for each Kai?
That would make some sense, having Cardinal Destroyers alongside the Cardinal Kai.
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Ask how that could be, after so many Kai were killed by Majin Buu. Did there used to be more Destroyers going about, one for each Kai? wins it. Writing.
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“Hold on. How can that be?” you say, everyone turning to you. “When Buu killed all those other Kai, did he also kill a bunch of other Destroyers? Did our universe have, what, four? Five Destroyers?”
“No no, the Destroyer is connected to the Grand Supreme Kai. A title Shin, while his, he doesn't feel 'adequate' for.” Whis answers you, Kars looking smug as Whis continues. “Before Majin Buu, there were five Supreme Kai. North Supreme Kai, South Supreme Kai, East and West. All ruled over by the Grand Supreme Kai. The Kai in charge of all lesser Kai.”

“And it is the Grand Supreme Kai who is the one whose life is connected to the Destroyer. Not a Kai in charge of more closely interacting with mortals?” King Cold asks Whis, who sighs. You only then realizing that he had used your question to turn the conversation away from the subject of Beerus' weakness. “A being who is supposed to be so far removed from the mortal realm that there is no chance of a mortal ever reaching them.”
“Haah, yes. That is how things are SUPPOSED to work. And still work, in the other universes last I heard.” Whis says with a slightly annoyed sigh. “The Cardinal Supreme Kai are the ones who should be interacting with the mortal world, seeding worlds with life.”

“But with no Cardinal Kai, the duty falls to the Grand Supreme Kai.” Kars adds in seriously, Whis glancing over to him, clearly annoyed. “Yet he cannot even fulfill the obligations of the East Supreme Kai, as he was before Majin Buu's rampage. The people of the Seventh Universe deserve better. And I intend on being better.”
“Tell me, Pillar Man. Is it arrogance or ego?” Whis asks him. And without hesitation, Kars answers boldly.

“Both. I KNOW I could do better for this universe than a man who wasted nearly a thousand years chasing a single sorcerer, allowing the Universe to fall to disrepair in his search for the one who killed his friends.” Kars says, his voice taking on a different tone than usual. “However, in this millennia-long chase, he has forgotten his purpose. Even with Majin Buu's defeat and his destructive body being taken by one with a mind capable of reason and rational thought, Shin still hasn't seeded a single world with life. He is actively failing in his purpose. The universe is wheels within wheels, when one stops the entire system begins to fall apart. And faulty parts must be replaced.”

“Even if that includes yourself?” Whis asks, to which Kars actually stands up. Turning fully to face Whis, kneeling down before the attendant.

“Should the day come where I have fulfilled my duty, the universe thriving with life and another rises better-suited to fulfill the duties of Grand Supreme Kai, I swear upon my immortal life that I will willingly step down from power.” Kars says, his divine aura suddenly flaring up around him. “I will teach them to surpass me in every way, and when the job is done I shall stand aside and retire. This, upon my power I do solemnly swear.”

His aura then condenses, forming a symbol you've never seen before. One that resembles a double crescent, a pair of orbs between the curves and points. But with the lower crescent cracked in two places, oddly. The emblem glows from a fiery red-orange to much cooler blues, the muted colors slowly fading away as Kars rises. Meeting the Destroyer's attendant's surprised expression levelly.

“I may be arrogant, but not without cause. And my ego and pride extend beyond me, now. As a Kai, the state of the universe is a reflection upon myself. And I will not stand for such a sorry state to be reflected upon me, not when I KNOW that better can be done.”
“It would seem that I have underestimated you, Kars.” Whis says, the divine attendant actually giving what seems to be a genuine smile. The two share a moment of mutual understanding, Whis then turning back to the rest of you. Specifically, to Freeza. “However, I still cannot say whether or not Lord Beerus would approve of you. You do have several qualities required, including the most basic level of power required to destroy a world. But whether or not he will accept you is another matter. The Destroyers choose their replacements, in almost all cases.”

Almost all? What could that mean? Do you even want to know?
>Ask Whis what he means by this, by 'almost all'. What happened the other times?
>Keep quiet, you don't want to interrupt and possibly hurt Freeza's chances of getting Whis' training. You saw the difference it made for your wife, you can't imagine how powerful Freeza could become with that tutelage
>Telepathically ask Freeza if becoming a Destroyer is something he really wants, or is a desperate attempt to get stronger faster
>Other(write in)
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And somehow not only double-posted previous link, but dropped image this time. On a roll today.
>Keep quiet, you don't want to interrupt and possibly hurt Freeza's chances of getting Whis' training. You saw the difference it made for your wife, you can't imagine how powerful Freeza could become with that tutelage
I trust Frieza is pursuing what he wants by means that aren't detrimental to himself or his friends and family. He's had plenty of time to reflect after all.
>Keep quiet, you don't want to interrupt and possibly hurt Freeza's chances of getting Whis' training. You saw the difference it made for your wife, you can't imagine how powerful Freeza could become with that tutelage
>>Ask Whis what he means by this, by 'almost all'. What happened the other times?
Huh no Destroyer Karn? I figured Cooler would have brought it up. Also I thought the Destroyers were tied to Every Supreme Kai not just the Grand one.
>>Telepathically ask Freeza if becoming a Destroyer is something he really wants, or is a desperate attempt to get stronger faster
i'd like to hear it from him, his journey of self-actualization has been going for a while now
>Ask Whis what he means by this, by 'almost all'. What happened the other times?
2:2, with the tied vote we're adding another ten minutes to the count.
I'll change my vote to
>keep quiet
>Ask Whis what he means by this, by 'almost all'. What happened the other times?
Color me curious.
>Ask Whis what he means by this, by 'almost all'. What happened the other times?
Changing to this
Ask Whis what he means by this, by 'almost all'. What happened the other times? wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 66
Rolled 90, 100 = 190 (2d100)

First dice of the day
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Well my job here is done.
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Rolled 47, 39 = 86 (2d100)

Damn, Karn's investigation rolls have been kinda nutty today.
Rolled 72, 69 = 141 (2d100)

what the fuck
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Success and CRIT, looks like you're learning far more of the divine hierarchy than you'd ever intended to. Writing.
Oh this prissy bitch wants to fuck up everything doesn't he? The fuck is glamrocks plan letting that info slip?
Oh...he just got the go ahead. Cheeky prick.
Kars is very much so playing his own game. He's chosen his side, and it isn't Shin's.
>Oh this prissy bitch wants to fuck up everything doesn't he? The fuck is glamrocks plan letting that info slip?
He's trying to get Shin killed or fired, that's what.
Either Cold or Karn take things into their own hands, or Whis and Beerus promote Kars so their lives aren't tied to a guy who is about to be brutally murdered.
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“Almost all? What do you mean by almost all? What happened the other times?” you ask, the attendant turning to you. His expression is bemused, smiling slightly.
“Well, if you haven't figured it out, they were killed.” Whis tells you rather bluntly. “Long, long before Beerus, other Destroyers didn't have such a high requirement for personal strength. And more than once, to protect their dying worlds, Destroyers were battled by stronger and stronger mortals, and even with the power of Hakai, a God of Destruction isn't immortal and can be killed. With the death of a Destroyer, the Grand Supreme Kai falls as well. And before my siblings and I were assigned to protect the Destroyers, when the universes were far smaller, the Cardinal Kai were not yet a thing. Resulting in a universe with no cycle of creation and destruction.”

“But if both were killed, how were they replaced?” Cooler asks, sounding genuinely curious.
“Why, Grand Zen-Oh of course. He personally created and appointed their replacements.” Whis says, your eyes widening. Everyone seems shocked by this, even Kars. He clearly wasn't aware of this either, soaking in all of this information with a zeal you've never seen from him before. “But after doing this several times, the illustrious Grand Zen-Oh grew bored of having to remake Destroyers and Kai, and with the Grand Priest's suggestion changed the divine hierarchy. Assigning one of my siblings to each of the eighteen universe's Destroyers, and changing the Kai system to a Cardinal Kai system, with the Grand Supreme Kai over them. As well as assigning each Heavenly Realm their own World Core, where more of the Core People, the race of the Kai, are born. Keeping Grand Zen-Oh from being burdened by a task so far beneath his notice, as well as having Supreme Kai born from the golden fruit ready to be raised into their roles.”

“I see.” you reply, shocked at how much information you were given. You hadn't expected Whis to humor you, but to give you all this information is rather... Surprising. “Thank you.”
“Of course. It is my place to instruct Destroyers.” he says, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he gives you a grin. Leaving you questioning quite a lot as Whis turns his focus from you to Freeza. “But you, you seek this power. The power of a Destroyer, and all the responsibilities that entails. Are you truly ready to embrace such a role?”

And at being asked directly, Freeza doesn't immediately answer. He looks Whis in the eye, and for a moment he seems uncertain. He then glances to you, you seeing several conflicting emotions on his face. So, you decide to act.

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“What are you waiting for? You already decided on this to raise your power, right? So why are you hesitating now?” you telepathically ask. To which Freeza hesitates a second before answering.
“As much as I wish to grow, to further my own power and might, now that I am here...” he starts, voice trailing off. “I do not know if I am truly ready. I desire to grow strong, to once more stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you, no longer relying on you for my own safety. But I do not know if this is truly the correct path. What do I do, Karn?”

Well, that's a big ask. Well? What do you tell him?
>Write in only this time, this is all up to you. What will you tell him?
45 minute extended vote, for longer write in window
*I will take an amalgam of all write ins, unless they're widely and expressly voted *AGAINST*
Well better him than us. I feel like the Berserker Soul would just eat any God ki if we became one.
Its not just a question of what you want Freeza its a question of what your willing to do. We both heard the importance of Destroyer and Grand Kai here. Are you willing to carry that burden? To live tens of thousands of years or longer being judge, jury, and execution of our entire universe? To have the wisdom if not now but in the future to know what planets should be destroyed and which should be spared? To not simply rule it as a moral but shape its destiny as a God? I'm sure Whis can make you stronger then me Freeza, but if your not willing to carry that mantle of responsibility, then your better off asking for training like Meloka got rather then going into this half hearted. Whis might well kill you if you do.
"Being the Destroyer is about supreme willpower, Frieza. Since I've first met you, that has been one of our shared defining traits. What you need to do is take five seconds, think deeply, and then DECIDE. Right choice, wrong choice? Doesn't matter. I'm here to support your strength, whichever way it goes, and I know you'll do the same for me, Destroyer or not."
Should we mention that we're gonna die some day and he'll need SOMETHING to keep him occupied?
Honestly no. Frieza's in a tough enough decision point right now anyway without having to contend with His First Friends mortality.
Anyone got anything else?
>"Frieza...you want to surpass me? Showing these gods what a REAL Destroyer looks like is a fine way of doing it. But whatever you choose, it needs to be YOUR choice. You can't grow as I know you can if you keep waiting on me or anyone else. Your path and mine may not always cross, but you need to walk it all the same if you want to be the strongest."
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Interesting. This could go rather well, writing.
And now for your earlier crit to apply :^)
For a moment you ponder it over, your first thought being 'better you than me'. Besides, you've already seen that your Berserker Soul can devour even the destructive power of the Destroyer's Hakai energy. But you know Freeza, and one thing stands out to you. Him being indecisive isn't like him. And as everyone looks to you, Cooler giving you a knowing look, finally realize why he called you here. Seems that, despite everything, Cooler is actually a good brother to Freeza. Either that or he wants his brother out and away, not a threat to keep contending with him. But as he looks at you, you see that it isn't exactly one or the other. He's not entirely heartless, and wishes for good things for his brother. But he also doesn't want Freeza constantly being around, threatening his rule with possible usurpation. Something you kind of get.


“Lord Freeza. In all the time I've known you, you're not one to hesitate.” you start, everyone looking to you. “Especially when it comes to chasing what you want. Or, rather, what you're willing to do.”
“What do you mean?” he asks you, not understanding.
“We all heard what Whis said, how important the role of Destroyer is to the universe. Are you willing to carry that weight? For as long as your tenure of Destroyer is, are you willing to be judge, jury, and executioner of all worlds in this universe?” you ask him, seeing that hesitation swell in his eyes. “Wanting to surpass me is all well and good, not that I'll ever make it easy for you to be stronger than me. But showing these lazy, worthless gods what a REAL Destroyer could look like sounds like you. But whatever you choose to do here, it has to be YOUR choice. No one else's.”

“My choice...” he says, voice trailing off as he looks to his hand before you continue speaking.
“I'm sure that Whis can make you strong. Stronger than me, stronger than even Lord Beerus with enough time, Freeza. But if you're not willing to carry that mantle of responsibility, then you're better off asking for less. Going in half-hearted will make you the same as Shin.” you say, stunning your friend. He looks shocked that you would compare him to that worthless bastard, Freeza's jaw hanging slightly agape as he gawks at you. Unable to reply. “I know that, if you set your mind to it, you have the willpower to make it. Ever since we first met, you have always been decisive. What you have to do now is decide. Not waiting for me, or your father, or even Whis here to choose for you. You have to choose your own path, decisively and without looking back. Right or wrong, correct or incorrect, even if our paths aren't always parallel or crossing it doesn't matter. I'll always support you, whichever way you choose. As I know you'll do the same for me. So; what'll it be?”

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At this the silence hangs heavy in the room, everyone silent as you finish speaking to your longtime friend. No one says a word, everyone still looking to you with different expressions. Freeza seems thoughtful, pondering over your words as his brows lower. Making his decision. Cooler leans his head back slightly, acknowledging your support of his brother. King Cold is studying you rather intensely, brows furrowed and eyes hard, yet there's something... Warm, friendly in his gaze. Kars is frowning, as if he recognizes something or perhaps someone in you. But Whis... You can't get a read at all. His face is a neutral mask, yet... There's something dangerous in how he's looking at you. As if he's seeing something in you that no one else in the room does.

“I have made up my mind.” Freeza announces, standing tall as he meets your gaze. Gone is the indecision, the doubts and the fears. You see your friend is resolute, giving you a small nod before turning to face Whis. Everyone turns to him, waiting for your friend to declare his intent.
“Oh? Why, yes. It would seem you have. Yes, that's much better. Now you have the correct look about you.” Whis tells him, his expression changing as he looks Freeza over again. “I can work with this.”
“Before we go any further, Silver has just contacted me that they are ready.” King Cold says, everyone turning to him. “Shall we discuss details over our meal?”

“That sounds lovely.” Whis says, his more serious demeanor changing almost instantly. “You've been talking up this dish, I am so excited to try it!”
“Then let us eat.” King Cold says, clapping his hands once as you suddenly sense several other, familiar powerlevels. And as if on cue, you see a familiar portal opening up beside him, directly from Silver's kitchen back home into this room. Realization dawning that THIS must be the reason that two foot-wide section of wall in the kitchen was always kept clear of anything, it was for this express purpose. How often does King Cold have Raven opening her portals to have food brought into his home? “We hadn't planned on you being here, General Karn, but it would be rude not to offer you a plate as well. Will you be joining us?”

>Of course, you missed several meals being down for a day and your body needs to catch back up
>Thank him for the offer but decline, your kids need you and you need to get back to them
>Telepathically ask King Cold if he wants you here for the rest, or if it's better for you to leave. You aren't sure if he's inviting you out of obligation or not, so make it easy for him to decline you without declining you in front of others
>Agree to join in, more because you're curious now for details more so than Silver's food. Things are getting interesting here, and you want to hear all of it now
>Other(write in)
>>Agree to join in, more because you're curious now for details more so than Silver's food. Things are getting interesting here, and you want to hear all of it now
Nah this is Universal Shaking Backrooms here. I wanna see this shit in person.

And I'm very curious about the looks from Kars and Whis.
>Of course, you missed several meals being down for a day and your body needs to catch back up
Now I'm curious as to what we said or did that has Whis on edge.
>>Agree to join in, more because you're curious now for details more so than Silver's food. Things are getting interesting here, and you want to hear all of it now
>>Agree to join in, more because you're curious now for details more so than Silver's food. Things are getting interesting here, and you want to hear all of it now
>>Agree to join in, more because you're curious now for details more so than Silver's food. Things are getting interesting here, and you want to hear all of it now
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Rolled 46, 52, 80, 14, 6 = 198 (5d100)


Agree to join in, more because you're curious now for details more so than Silver's food. Things are getting interesting here, and you want to hear all of it now wins it. Writing.
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“If you'll have me, I'll gladly stay a little longer.” you answer him, reaching out telepathically to your wife. Filling her in, giving her the rundown on what's happening and that you'll be a little longer returning.
“I see. I can handle the kids' training for this evening, but you'll have to make it up to them.” she tells you. “They were excited to train with you today, after sleeping through yesterday.”

“I'll make it up to them, I promise.” you reply, ending the connection with your wife as Silver's disciples bring a meal in. And, to your surprise, it's the same thing you had earlier that day. Each of his assistants comes bringing a platter bearing a spit-roasted beast hindquarter the size of your torso, even bearing one for you as well. Setting them all down, the assistants all deliver utensils to the others, but the redheaded kid sees you and shrugs to himself, slipping the silverware into a breast pocket. They all file out, back into Silver's kitchen as the portal shuts. From beginning to end it took less than forty seconds, leaving you unsurprised that you wouldn't notice it while training your younger children in the gravity chamber.

“Oh my, I've never smelled something this divine.” Whis says eagerly, taking up his knife and fork with eager zeal. “Shall we begin?”
“Of course.” King Cold replies, taking his utensils to his own. Freeza and Cooler do the same as your stomach lets out an audible growl, reminding you that you are still several missed meals behind despite eating only a few hours ago. And while you're tempted to dig in, seeing how the other five beings are eating, decide to try and copy them, to show a bit of restraint. However, without the utensils, you are forced to improvise.

Watching how Freeza cuts, sitting directly across from you, you mirror his technique with a small Ki Blade from your left finger, cutting a thicker slab than he does and taking a bite. And to your surprise, it actually tastes different than before. When you'd first had the dish you'd held it aloft by the spit, devouring it like a ravenous beast with its prey. But cutting the smaller pieces like this allows more of the meat's juices to fill your mouth, washing everything in the taste of the juice and seasonings. And, despite how you usually prefer to dig in voraciously, you have to admit the flavor really explodes in your mouth like this.

“So, what do you think, Whis?” King Cold asks as the angel takes his first bite. “Does this new dish pass muster?”

And as you turn, seeing the expression on his face change, you know immediately how he's going to react.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying the start to this episode? Do you think Freeza is making the right choice, or is this one he'll come to regret? Enjoy learning a bit more lore of the world in-canon, and are you ready to discover more tomorrow? Do you think Whis will like the new meat from last episode, or will his divine palette be too refined to be impressed by a flavor you enjoyed? And are you ready to see what ELSE is going on that you're unaware of? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues, just a bit under 12 hours from now at noon EST!
So far, this entire meeting has been nothing but catharsis. Having the exact metrics of Shin's incompetence spelled out to Whis is one thing, but Frieza taking steps to become the GoD is a long time coming in my opinion.
That said, I'm still very much worried about Kars and Whis's reactions so far. What the fuck are we doing that's setting them off? Being a good friend? Killing shit that fucks with our family? What gives?
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I have been inspired to heights of artistic accomplishment never before thought possible.
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Also saw one of my old ones while scrolling through the folder to upload that.
It has been quite a ride, one rather enjoyable so far.
>What the fuck are we doing that's setting them off?
For Kars that should be obvious. You remind him of someone he knew 50 years ago, another brash youth upstart. As for Whis, well. His reason is far more to do with that crit and how you changed the timeline.
Absolutely brilliant work, love the edits.
Ha, still have this one.
Topkek my friend
>You remind him of someone he knew 50 years ago, another brash youth upstart
Guilty as charged. Protags gonna protag.
So he can either perceive the ripples in the timeline OR he was aware of the natural course of events ahead of time. I'm gonna assume it's symptom of Karn's fatelessness...Whis does know that Karn's fateless, right?
I don't really know how Karn changed the timeline RIGHT NOW. Like Goku and Vegeta were never gonna be destroyer candidates in this one. Vegeta has a real job this time and Kakarot isn't really doing the protag thing. He's a good fighter but without that goody two shoes energy he isn't gonna get himself into ten billion dogshit situations to powerlevel himself.
Our Kakarot still has reasons to pursue further power. After all, he still has a bone to pick with Chaya.
He just ain't got the dumbass sauce to really saute in this time, trust. And even if he did there are better candidates this timeline anyway. You really think anyone is gonna pick Clunky-knot over our boy Jr.? Naw. How about Ginbuu? Dude's ageless. You can pick him and have him forever and he has cheat codes n shit.

Ain't no way. This timeline's destroyer candidates were borked from the start. Couldn't have been just now what did it there.
I think you're having a stroke and should get to a doctor immediately.
Of course I'm having a stroke. I'm always hard for a reason, cuh. You're just not up to date forwards or backwards on the vernacular of an irate gentleman of questionable intellect and morals. Talk like you ain't got no two ways of going and you'll see that down's as much a path as left or right. Elseways you'll never know what anyone has to say.

They're not even rare colloquialisms man, come on.
I was more referring to the very last sentence of your first post...which I have jus reread and realized what YOU were referring to then.
It would appear that I am the retard in this instance for failing to parse your grammar.
Is it really retarded to not understand something written like a guy using predictive text for his sentences? You're gucci, mang.
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The duality of 4chan.
Didn't check this board since last week because I didn't expect GD to have power back up and be willing to run (several dozen thousand folks still out of power in my state), great to have been proven wrong though. Sad I missed such an important session, but I hope we can grill Whis and Kars for some more info.
Yes, he knows.
The reason Cooler invited you here...
Yeah, there are still entire towns isolated and Fema keeping supplies from getting in. But sheriffs are starting to arrest these gov mafia fucks, so things are getting better.
I am willing to bet the FEDs are collecting the names of Sheriffs that take out FEMA goons, the boys in blue are supposed to serve the Jews after all. And far as I know the town they started cloudseeding over is still in the dark with a no fly zone. I've been betting that FEMA has been rounding up anyone over those old Lithium mines and either killing them, or giving them a shit legal deal so they give up their homes. Its already been leaked that the storm was made much worse due to land disagreements by the townsfolks.
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“Mmmm mmmm mmmmmm! This is the most succulent, delicious meat I've ever tasted!” Whis declares, after setting the silverware down, hands to his cheeks as he smiles happily. “The searing, the smokey flavor, the wild seasonings, ahh! It's perfection!”
“I'm sure Silver will be happy to hear you say that.” you say, Freeza looking up towards you in confusion. No doubt curious why you've not immediately begun digging in with your usual zeal. However, as he sees your ki in your left, mid-cut on the next chunk he smirks.
“I must make sure that this is what Silver prepares for next time Lord Beerus stops by. This flavor is absolutely divine.” Whis says, going back in for more. And though his reaction is slight, you do see Kars' eyes widen as well, going in for his second bite with a bit more urgency to his cutting than the first. Seems everyone is quite enjoying the meal.

To your surprise, for the first minute or so the rest of the meal is eaten in silence, everyone attacking the meal. You do the same, probably with a bit less refinement than the others. But still, the silence is surprising. You had expected this group to keep talking, to further discuss things you'd never hear otherwise as they ate. But then a thought comes up, what if they're holding this conversation telepathically? Not wanting someone of 'lower rank' like yourself to hear the more important goings on of the PTO and universe at large? Perhaps you really are just in the way, and were invited to stay only out of obliga-

“I must say, I wasn't expecting the flesh of another to be so... Flavorful.” Kars says, breaking the silence. “It has been awhile since I've eaten, I have forgotten how good food can taste.”
“You don't eat? Then how can you maintain power like yours?” you ask him, curious. “With an output like that, you have to take in a lot of energy somehow.”
“Well, yes. But as a god, eating isn't necessarily the source of energy for a body.” he says, then after a moment's hesitation adds in. “And before I became a deity, my source of power was more... Liquid.”

As he says this, you remember that the former Guardian had called him 'parasite' and 'vampire', realizing that he drank other beings' blood, not consuming their flesh. But how does blood have that much power without the meat? Before you can ask this, however, it seems Cooler wishes to change the subject.

“I heard you were on Planet M-2 the other day, before that world went dark.” Cooler says to you. “Would you enlighten the rest of us what went down? I have read the reports, but they always seem to leave out important, subtle details.”

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“Of course.” you say, quickly chewing your bite and swallowing it before continuing. Telling the tale of the battle, how you'd fought the planet's Guardian and his beam that could turn even your energy into metal. Making a distraction so Towa and Meloka could more easily infiltrate the lab, the one she couldn't peer into through time. Which gets Whis attention, the divine attendant stopping mid raise, food hovering near his slightly agape mouth as you explain best you can what she'd told you about the Time Barrier around the lab the Tuffle King Kudamo was reborn into his metallic form in. How your battle with the metal man called General Rilldo progressed, combining his colleagues into himself before ascending into his final form. Actually surviving several of your attacks and even pushing the first Event Horizon back. Only for you to drop a second one, creating a black hole that devoured the entire planet. “And to think, he even survived that.”

“WHAT?!” Freeza, King Cold and Cooler all exclaim, shocked that you hadn't managed to put such a threat down.
“Right? I didn't know at the time, only found out later, but he managed to get on a ship and escape the blast.” you tell them all, taking another bite. Silence hangs once more, this silence more pensive and worried than before. Even Whis seems taken aback by this news, whether that is by your open admission of throwing an entire world into a black hole you created or that a being managed to ESCAPE that destruction you're unsure.
“Well now, it seems we have something else to track the star path of. Wherever that ship went, we had better track it down. Something that powerful cannot be allowed to roam free.”
“Agreed.” King Cold replies, nodding slightly at this. But Freeza doesn't say anything else, just looking at you.

“So, did the other two, your wife and... Concubine? Mistress? Hetaera? Whatever you call the demon princess Towa. Did they find what they hoped to in this laboratory?” Kars asks, you shaking your head.
“Yes and no. While Towa did get the data, she didn't have time to break the encryption on it all.” you tell him. “So, she downloaded everything to the head scientist's decapitated head and brought it to Arctus. He's working on breaking that thing wide open so we can learn what all was going on in there.”
“Makes sense to call upon him, good call.” King Cold says, then turns his attention to Cooler. “And what of Captain Ginyu's mission?”

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The conversation goes on from there, you learning the Ginyu Force are off subjugating one of the former-Covenant colony worlds untouched by the Great War. How deals between beings whose names you never heard before are going, new planets surrendering and joining the PTO, and how on a distant world, the soldiers sent to scout it out went missing. Their communications were cut the moment they entered the planet's atmosphere, their last message speaking of the blue world with one natural moon, but scores of artificial, metal satellites with solar panels absorbing their star's energy for power orbiting the planet. But what catches you attention about this planet, a small world in sector four zero three two... Whatever, Unclaimed Planet 877, is that there was, for a span of a few years, a being whose power surpassed Freeza's fourth form before he started training! And not by just a little by quite a large margin.

However, before the ones sent to the distant world arrived, the massive energy spiked then vanished. Disappearing without a trace. Leaving you wondering what happened to that powerful being. Could it have learned to hide its energy, or perhaps someone even stronger who could took them out? It would be disappointing if they simply passed away of something boring like natural causes.

“I see you've taken an interest in this story. Perhaps you'd like to be sent with the next team as they're getting close to investigate this world yourself?” King Cold asks you directly. “They are already departing, and should arrive to that world in a year's time.”

Well? How do you reply?
>You'd be interested in checking it out yourself, something about this seems off to you
>This sounds like a good mission for your children, telepathically reach out to Tatsu and Tomi, as well as their younger siblings and see who would be interested in investigating this world
>The story is interesting, but with the powerful being gone, you're not as interested. If someone as strong as Freeza from a decade ago appears again, you'll be far more interested in seeing what they can do
>Decline, say that you appreciate it but that sending you to a planet so far out of the way isn't practical, with so many enemies afoot right now
>Other(write in)
>>You'd be interested in checking it out yourself, something about this seems off to you
>You'd be interested in checking it out yourself, something about this seems off to you
Always pays to bring a planet cracker.
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You'd be interested in checking it out yourself, something about this seems off to you wins it. Interesting, writing.
>>You'd be interested in checking it out yourself, something about this seems off to you
Sure Im curious
>You'd be interested in checking it out yourself, something about this seems off to you
Time to acquire a certain Dr. Gero.
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“A year's time? Yeah, I would be interested in taking this on.” you tell him. “Something about this one's calling to me.”
“Very well. I'll have the information sent to your crew to get in contact with the second invasion force, so you can familiarize yourself with them to allow for Instant Transmission once they are close.” King Cold says to you, turning his attention on his eldest. “So, how goes recruiting?”
“I have several hopeful candidates to rebuild the Cooler Special Squad, including a surviving Cerelean.” he says, you glancing aside in confusion. Wasn't that world conquered by Nappa and his team a few years back? How would any of them have survived, unless they were off the planet at the time? “A young man by the name Granolah, and quite the accomplished warrior.”

“Good to hear. Glad to finally see you moving on, and reassembling a team.” King Cold says, but before he can say anything else suddenly you feel a familiar burning. Looking down, you see Towa's familiar symbol glowing on the back of your right hand.
“King Cold. Trouble. Time invaders.” you telepathically tell him, rising up to your feet. Whis seems completely unconcerned, but Kars' eyes snap to you immediately at the change in your demeanor. “Something's here.”
“I trust you to handle it Karn, use whatever force is required.” King Cold replies aloud, not telepathically. “Whoever is invading us through time, handle them.”
“Through time?” Whis asks as you expand your ki sense, searching for the invader. “Really?”

“This isn't the first time.” King Cold says, speaking about the fake Kars from before as you tune them all out, devoting everything to your ki sense. Whoever it is is hiding their energy, you not detecting anyone outside the room.
“Dammit, they're hiding their ki.” you say suddenly, interrupting King Cold. “Which way is that armory of yours?”
“Armory? Ah, of course. Freeza, would you accompany Karn?” King Cold asks, your friend rising up to his feet as well.

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“Of course. Karn, with me.” Freeza says as you share a nod, following as he dashes from the room. He leads you down the opulent, lavish halls, sprinting behind him as he leads you to a familiar set of massive double doors. His hands to go a control panel, fingers flying over the keys for a couple seconds. The doors then swing open, you following Freeza inside. He then goes to a separate panel, causing the doors to shut behind you. Locking you and Freeza inside the vault with the various treasures of King Cold. Trophies from hundreds upon hundreds of worlds.

“Are you sure the invader is in here?” he asks, you shaking your head.
“No clue, I can't sense a thing. But last time someone invaded here, they were after that crystal Kars took. And your father has the treasures of countless worlds here, if they're not trying to attack us they're here for something.”
“Fair point. So, how should we do this?” he asks you, turning his attention from your face to the massive treasure vault.

Well? What's your plan?
>Split up but keep your senses sharp, if either of you transform the other will move over immediately
>Stick together, you won't cover as much ground but there is far less chance of someone or something sneaking up on both of you
>Use your Multiform to split yourself into four and cover more area while Freeza waits here, if he senses any of your split powers weakening he'll know which one to move to and provide backup
>Other(write in)
>>Use your Multiform to split yourself into four and cover more area while Freeza waits here, if he senses any of your split powers weakening he'll know which one to move to and provide backup
>>Use your Multiform to split yourself into four and cover more area while Freeza waits here, if he senses any of your split powers weakening he'll know which one to move to and provide backup
>Use your Multiform to split yourself into four and cover more area while Freeza waits here, if he senses any of your split powers weakening he'll know which one to move to and provide backup
Use your Multiform to split yourself into four and cover more area while Freeza waits here, if he senses any of your split powers weakening he'll know which one to move to and provide backup wins it. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 70
Second DC: 70
Third DC: 70
Fourth DC: 70
Fifth DC: 45
Rolled 33, 23, 98, 1, 9 = 164 (5d100)

Rolled 92, 39, 85, 91, 29 = 336 (5d100)


>crit fail
Rolled 9, 9, 11, 79, 89 = 197 (5d100)

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92/100, 39/100, 98/100, 91/100, 89/100. Success, failure, success, success, and success. Well done, writing.
Looks like only one Karn failed the instinct check
>Looks like only one Karn failed the instinct check
But that's still a quarter of our Power Level gone if that one bum Karn keeps jobbing
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We will not let that one Karn die.
>Yeah, there are still entire towns isolated and Fema keeping supplies from getting in.
Give some details and explainations for a non burger like me.
As far as I am aware, still a little water, but some roads are a bit messed up and there's still a lot of debris on some of them too so getting around is a problem in some spots. Power is down in places as well as other services and food and drinkable water along with it.

And apparently one of our emergency response organizations is telling people trying to help to fuck off. Allegedly it's gotten heinous enough that some local sheriffs have been arresting FEMA people to tell them to knock it off.
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“Keep watch here, make sure whoever it is doesn't get out. And wait for my signal.” you say, taking a deep breath and crossing your arms in front of your chest. “I'll hunt out invader down.”
“But if you can't sense them, then how are you-?” he starts as your aura begins shining around you, focusing your ki on the esoteric technique begin splitting your body into two. Halving your strength down the middle, you split yourself into two separate beings! But you're not done there, further dividing your might by splitting those two into four. Leaving you as four Karn, each now substantially weaker than the first as you all sigh out in unison. Then, together, all eight fists clench, your bodies all Ascending in a burst of Berserker aura. “I see.”

“We'll hunt down-”
“Our invader and-”
“When we do-”
“You'll know.” your four mouths say one after the other, and then together. “Counting on you.”
“Of course. Good hunting.” Freeza says, you all nodding to him before splitting up. The four yous all take down different parts, no more than twenty yards apart in case the invader jumps you. However, as you make your way deeper into his vault, past the more 'open' displays and into the shelves, losing sight of yourselves, suddenly you wonder: What if there are more than one invader?

But you shake that worry off, if there are more than one you'll cross that bridge when you come to it. Making your way further and further into the massive vault, your left-most self finds one first. Their Demon Seal blazes hotter, and reaching a fork in the aisle and peering around it, see a mysterious figure. It looks like some sort of giant spotted insect, hunched over one of the bins silently rifling through it. Clearly looking for something, its tail that comes to a wicked point flicking back and forth in the air. It then stops, jumping up to its feet and turning to you.

“Hrmm? A Saiyan? Well then, this should be fun.” the bug man says, taking a fighting stance you're sure you've seen before somewhere. “You look like you'll make a delicious meal. SHYAAAAAA!!”

And with that shout the creature explodes off the ground towards you, its suppressed power suddenly blazing. This thing is STRONG, not quite as strong as your one fourth'd Ascended Berserker might, but strong enough to make it a fight. However, as this is happening, your other selves also find other beings here.

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The 'second' you finds a raven-haired man flying in the air, looking between the shelves with seeming disinterest. As if the centuries of rare, exotic items hold no interest or even curiosity for him. But as he senses you approach he turns, eyes narrowing.

“So, you're the big bad Karn, huh? Funny, you're a lot weaker than the database would suggest.” he says, looking down on you. “Well, looks like today's my lucky day. I kill you, I don't have to keep looking for this stupid relic.”
“Oh yeah? And what relic are you looking to steal?” you ask, taking your fighting stance. But the man only smirks in response, leveling both hands at you. His ki that you cannot sense begins lighting up the tips of his fingers, the man's smirk widening as he fires off a barrage of blasts with a shout.
“Flash Bomber!” he calls, firing dozens of attacks down at you.

Your third self, however, isn't fortunate enough to find his opponent first. Distracted by the others' seeing someone, you turn towards them, debating on abandoning your current search. Only for your instincts to flare in warning, hearing some sort of thruster engage. You turn only to see a fist less than an inch from your face, and before you can react it lands flush. Sending you flying back, smashing into one of the treasure racks. Untold riches spill over you, but you don't stay down. Exploding back up out of the ancient treasures your aura blazes emerald, dashing back in towards the blonde-haired woman. Right fists clash, stopping each other's charge in place.

Meanwhile, your fourth self finds another being, confirming who is behind this attack. With a scouter on his face, Mira is scanning the shelves, clearly looking for something. At this time, the other three battles kick off, the android turning his head to his left, looking towards them. Which is when you try and sneak him, firing a Scatter Beam at the android. His scouter beeps, turning towards you then blurring aside, dodging the attacks. However, one of your beams hit his device, piercing it and causing it to detonane in a small explosion. Causing Mira to recoil, you dashing in and swinging a heavy right into his jaw. Knocking Mira back a single step, barely turning his head.

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“Hmph. Is that all?” Mira replies, pushing back against your fist and meeting your gaze with no emotion. “You were stronger before.”
“Before?” you wonder, raising your arms and blocking his counter punch. Sending you flying back, flipping once and landing in a slide back on your feet. “Tch!”
“I see. Multiform.” Mira then says, the android giving you a small, wicked grin. “That was a mistake.”
“Karn, I'm on my way!” Freeza reaches out telepathically. But since he can only sense the one threat, he has no idea what all is going down.

But how do you handle this? What do you do?
>Have all of you ascend into your Berserker God forms at once, fight all these beings at their full, quartered power
>Tell Freeza to hold off, to wait until one of your powers drop to help them, let your yous get the fights first to gauge who is the greatest threat
>Tell Freeza your plan, fight a fighting retreat with the four of you using your Energy Body to draw them all together for the former emperor to hit them all with a sneak attack at the same time
>Call Freeza to the you fighting Mira, you'll need his Golden power to beat him with your strength quartered even at “full” power
>Other(write in)
>Tell Freeza your plan, fight a fighting retreat with the four of you using your Energy Body to draw them all together for the former emperor to hit them all with a sneak attack at the same time
>>Tell Freeza your plan, fight a fighting retreat with the four of you using your Energy Body to draw them all together for the former emperor to hit them all with a sneak attack at the same time
>>Call Freeza to the you fighting Mira, you'll need his Golden power to beat him with your strength quartered even at “full” power
>Tell Freeza your plan, fight a fighting retreat with the four of you using your Energy Body to draw them all together for the former emperor to hit them all with a sneak attack at the same time
>>Tell Freeza your plan, fight a fighting retreat with the four of you using your Energy Body to draw them all together for the former emperor to hit them all with a sneak attack at the same time
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Long story short, spoilered for those only interested in the quest: entire Appalachian towns still don't have power. And the govt mafia Fema are actively PREVENTING relief supplies and volunteers from entering places. So, sheriffs have begun taking action, arresting these unlawful fucks to let people get in to help out.
Thats fucked, GD. I heard about the flooding but not the pig pirates.
Tell Freeza your plan, fight a fighting retreat with the four of you using your Energy Body to draw them all together for the former emperor to hit them all with a sneak attack at the same time wins it. Roll me a 6d100.

First DC: 31
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 58
Fourth DC: 85
Fifth DC: 50
Sixth DC: :^)
Yeah, that was the fleet the nearest town deployed to bring power back to the next three nearby towns to mine. We help each other out down here, something glow in the dark fedboys don't understand.
Rolled 17, 27, 6, 89, 67, 89 = 295 (6d100)

Rolled 43, 83, 71, 59, 3, 66 = 325 (6d100)

Don't like these dice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but these treasure thieves are Imperfect Cell, Super 17, Android 18, and Mira?
Close. You missed a Heroes character, perhaps we'll see soon.
Rolled 38, 36, 92, 2, 98, 7 = 273 (6d100)

Rolled 9, 54, 100, 62, 30, 52 = 307 (6d100)

Behold, a fist.
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43/100, 83/100, 92/100, 89/100, 98/100, 89/100. Success, success, success, success, success and, well... We'll see, writing.

Damn, just too slow. That is unfortunate.
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“Hold on. I'm going to try drawing them to you. Bring all four to you, so you can hit them all at once.” you reply with a thought, all four of you all activating your Energy Body simultaneously. Feeling his surprise, you fill him in on the four invaders you've come face-to-face with as you take your fighting stances, three of the four invaders pressing the attack. The blonde and black-haired warriors both come in with a flying left, your middle bodies crossing your arms and blocking their strikes with 'X' guards. The far left one catches the bug creature's flying right knee with your right hand, catching its tail from under it's outstretched left arm at your neck. Which you duck, leaping back as you shove his knee back.

But Mira is different than the others, his approach is the slowest and most intimidating. He doesn't shout, doesn't charge in, no. He simply starts walking. Step by step he gets closer to you, approaching with all the calm of someone who knows they're facing someone so far beneath them that they have no fear. Which makes your anger flare, but you don't rush in recklessly. He's moving the way you want, you just have to draw him in.

“Tch!” your fourth body says, backing up one step for every two the Mira takes. And as soon as he sees you back up he grins, then flashes forward so quick he appears a blur. You barely get your arms up in time to stop his first attack, a blindingly quick left jab at your face you stop with your right forearm. “Geh!”

The hit forces you sliding back a foot before you stop, Mira not following up immediately. Instead studying you, his brows furrowing.

“Come on, is that all you've got?” you ask, to which he chuckles.
“I see. Trying to buy time so your other selves can best the others, then fight me at full power. I won't let you!” he shouts, aura blazing as he suddenly transforms. Ascending straight to his own Primal Demon form, powerlevel skyrocketing as his strength dwarfs your own. Shit, this can't be good! “I'll crush you first, then the others!”

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As Mira transforms, the blonde and black-haired warriors, who're both dressed similarly and attack in identical patterns. But your weakened selves, with their Ascended Berserker power are enough to keep them at bay. Your fighting retreat keeps them both from causing any damage, but both bodies' instincts suddenly flare up at the same time. Both fighters swing in with their right hands opened in a palm strike, revealing a shining crimson dome-like insert in their palms. Something about those set of your bodies' instincts, leaping back away from them simultaneously.

But your first body, fighting the bug creature is having the easiest time. While you can't pin down its technique, the being is seemingly the weakest of the four. You easily lead it back, holding your ground and trading blows before backing off, keeping pace with the others' retreats. Fighting four battles simultaneously is quite the mental strain, but you manage all four of your bodies well. Then, as one you all reach the end of the rows, leaping back towards each other to recombine.

“Oh no you don't!” Mira shouts, aura blazing as he dashes in.
“Get back here!” the bug-like being bellows, also leaping at you. But the other two don't jump in, instead gathering their energy and firing attacks at the both of you. They both fire dark orbs of energy with lightning crackling around them, the two and the bug man and Mira all closing in on the four of you. You don't have time to recombine before they all reach you, you're going to have to-!

“SHYAAAAAAAAA!!” Freeza roars as his powerlevel skyrockets, golden aura blazing as he fires a powerful wave of energy from your right. Hitting Mira first, who doesn't even have time to raise his guard before the crimson wave washes over him. The two energy blasts are consumed as well, vanishing as if they never were. But this gives the bug man just enough time to realize what's happening, narrowly leaping aside to avoid a lethal strike. But as Freeza's attack ends, your bodies all dropping their Energy Body and crashing into one another. Merging yourselves back into one, your strength soaring back to its usual levels. Mira is smoking, small scrapes on his fur but otherwise seems unharmed. The two mechanical warriors turn in unison, while the bug man is missing his right arm from elbow down, that same leg from mid thigh down, as well as losing most of his tail from the blast. “Tch. Looks like you're stronger than I thought.”

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“Golden Freeza. You are no threat.” Mira says, turning his focus from Freeza back to you. Which angers your friend, who immediately taps into his own glowing Demon Seal. Your eyes widen as his power skyrockets, taking on his own Supervillain form with a wicked grin. “Oh?”
“No threat am I? Then take THIS!!” he roars, firing a powerful Death Beam at Mira as the injured bug crawls away around the corner, trying to escape sight. Mira dodges the beam, only for his attack to be aimed at the two twin warriors instead. Who are both wearing orange scarfs, shirts with exposed shoulders and large, brassy belt buckles as they both see the attack coming. The blonde one, closer to the beam moves into it's path, raising its hand and catching that attack with the small red dome object on its hand. “What?”

Freeza ends the beam, and as it does you see the hand seemingly absorbing the last wisps of energy into it. Seems you were right to avoid those earlier yourself, as they absorb energy.

“Nice job, 'sis'.” the black-haired one says, the blonde who you now see looks identical to the other smirking and lowering her hand.
“Too easy.” the woman replies, and despite having a distinctly feminine voice has the exact same build as the 'brother'. What in the world ARE these two? “Let's leave Freeza to Mira, we can take this one ourselves.”
“So, this is the big bad Karn's true power, huh? I'm not impressed.” the black-haired one says, the two standing side-by-side as they stare you down. “Shouldn't be too difficult.”

“If you really think this'll be easy, then how about I show you what REAL power looks like? HRRRAAAAAAAA!!” you ask, then roaring as you ascend into your final form. You feel your hair grow as your body swells even larger, strength soaring to greater heights as you go even further beyond. Ascending into your strongest current form, Berserker God. “I'll make this quick.”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226 paused-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy the ride so far? Ready to see how this battle goes down, and how much collateral damage King Cold's treasure vault takes before the four of these invaders are defeated? Are there only four, or do you suspect that there are there even more invaders who are yet to be discovered? And what do you think they are here for, and who sent them? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues, next Saturday at noon EST! See you there!
I don't like how we let Cockroach Man out of our sight. He's got snake eyes and its almost always the right call to eviscerate them ASAP
Personally disgusted with his progress. Didn't even reach SS3 at least, and now his brother of all things has Primal. Dude really fell downhill the moment he wasn't sent to Earth. Disgraceful.
Yeah, that could prove dangerous later, but for now you have more dangerous enemies before you. The twins are much more immediately dangerous threats.
Why? He'd absolutely SMOKE his canon counterpart. At this point, canon Goku has only bested Piccolo Jr the year before in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament where he became champion and now has his first son with Chi-Chi, Gohan. Canon Goku at this age hasn't even broken into the four-digit powerlevels, much less Super Saiyan.
wtf isn't the state national guard supposed to do something?

In this sort of situation there's usually one or more guys hiding for the sneak attack. Hopefully Cold doesn't lose too many macguffins lol
He's stuck on SQC scale, not regular DBZ scale, and cant appreciate how far beyond cannon Goku is behind compared to his SQC counterpart in relation to everyone else.
>helping its citizend
Lol. Lmao, even.
Quite possibly. You now know at least four invaders are here, and with Mira knowing YOU personally there are only a few options as to which faction they're a part of.
And we'll see. They're not after ALL his treasures, but one specific one.
You now realize last episode's Majin Ozotto could be the same one from last time you were inside Cold's vault.
True, which is why I like to give reminders as to canon timeline vs SCQ. Canon Raditz wasn't set to land on DB Earth for another 3 years after all, in AGE 761.
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September patron epilogue going live tonight in the next 2 hours, here's just a taste.
Ahhh shit, who pissed off Caulifla this time?
Sorry, I asked her out on a date. I used advice from SpessChan to guide me.
Oh, just wait and see. She's had some old enemies return, while other business was afoot.
So, what're we thinking this week? More of what happened to Chilli? What Raditz does now? Or perhaps another glimpse of SCQ's Dragonball Earth?
I am kinda interested in seeing how Raditz is holding up. You don't just shrug off that sort of thing after all.
Show me Emperor Pilaf for 500 Alex.
Yeah, he ans Redis have a LOT to work through. Speaking of work, wonder how his people he worked with will react to what happened?
>implying he survived Gohan
>implying he survived Demon King Piccolo for YEARS
One way or another, he bit the dust.
>killing the three best characters in dragon ball
You're a cruel man, GD.
-I- didn't kill them. But when faced with stronger foes like Tao hunting them for their dragonballs thanks to the RR Army, DKP, etc, unless they got REALLY lucky they're probably dead.
Rolled 3, 79, 67 = 149 (3d100)

Rolled 35, 34, 95 = 164 (3d100)

Rolling for the funniest trio in early dragonball.
Rolled 36, 26, 12 = 74 (3d100)

throwing in a third roll, as is tradition
Well Pilaf is dead. Mai is dead on any DC of 80 or higher. Shu perhaps ran off and got away; perhaps he is truly a ninja after all...
Nah, Mai got that r 34 treatment. Big oof.
Really shouldn’t be rolling for the fates of characters yet-unseen.
The dice may make their lives or afterlives worse
Just thought of something; have we seen any Time Patrol Gohans? We've seen Goten, of course, but I can't remember Gohan at any point.
You saw plenty in Conton City, especially in that first “visit”. Now, whether or not they were ACTUALLY Gohan or just cosplayers is a different story.
So we have seen some. But has a Gohan ever done anything of note in the quest yet? I don't think we've ever fought any. What about our kids; have any Gohans been amongst the Time Patrol invasion squads at wedding / birthday scuffles, and copped a punch in the head for it?
Son Ghoan is canon I will not be deterred.
Karn vs Mr Can't-be-bothered-to-pick-up-my-little-girl-from-preschool.
Does he really say he doesn't have time for that? If so, that's fucking stupid.
He can fly across the entire planet's surface in under a minute easily.
Ironically enough, way back when, there was a running joke about Karn being mistaken for Gohan given their similar hairstyles and facial features. Anyways, we did encounter at least one Gohan I think, back when we crashed that wedding inside the Time Nest during the raid on Conton City.
Pretty sure we either domed him, tore him apart, or blew him to pieces.
Pray for the Florida anons, their waffle houses are closing because of Hurricane Milton
Only one that you "fought" was at Trunks' wedding. But it was a Future Gohan, and, well. Man's known for two things, and one of them is a puddle.
Oof. As someone whose own father was rarely around when I was young due to work obligations but is now an adult, I see both sides. He sees doing his best for his family as giving love, not realizing kids need attention more than things.
>waffle houses
No wonder my aunt grabbed her whole family and is coming up to us, this is serious.
>He sees doing his best for his family as giving love, not realizing kids need attention more than things
Suddenly Pan acting out as a teenager makes a little more sense.
Oh shit, if Waffelhouse is closed its gonna be, government is doing fuck shit to make the storm worse, kinda bad.
Right? You have an absent father and want attention, so you do WHATEVER to get it. Good or bad, to a kid starved of it any attention is better than no attention. Unless you're a middle child.
Not just one, but lots of them. The Waffle house disaster scale is known to be the most accurate in the world.
If the raving barely functional methheads they hire are too afraid to show up, shit is about to get bad.
Those digits are ominous....
Bit of a short intermission this week, but one that's more grounded. How they're handling things immediately after what all happened, how Raditz and Redis are trying to cope with everything.
>one that's more grounded.

Kayle ate too many sweets before dinner and then talked back to Meloka. Grounded for a week.
(And by 'grounded' we mean scheduled for training sessions in the gravity chamber each day, at 200x gravity, so that she's stuck pressed to the ground unless she can sort out her attitude and get herself up, like a diligent little warrior.)
Ha, but no. More of what a certain exile is up to.
Pinnnk Biiiiiiiitch!
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226 Intermission-


“Oww.....” is the first thing you mutter as your mind rises from unconsciousness, the soft pre-dawn glow coming through the window bathing your home in faint traces of light. As you wake up, for just a few moments you are at peace. But then your mind is flooded with memories. Terrible, dark memories, the things that that... THING did, that it made you and your wife both do and witness. For a moment you just lay there, remembering it all before shaking your head. Those things weren't YOU, they were that bastard. The self-proclaimed King of the Tuffles, Kudamo had been the one in control, moving your body against your will.

But was it ALL against your will?

The thought creeps in, despite your best efforts to ignore it. Unable to fully push it away, you instead try to rise. But as you do, suddenly realize that your body is feeling weak. Far weaker than you'd felt in years, unable to easily sit up.

“The hell?” you mutter, trying harder to push yourself upright. It is a struggle, but you manage to rise, arms trembling before sitting up, slumping a bit forward. “Haaah.”
“Radi? Hun, are you up?” your wife calls, and as she does the most wonderful smell hits your nose. Taking a breath in, the smell of your wife's cooking fills your lungs, stomach audibly growling. “Don't push yourself, just lay back down and relax. You've been down for over a day now, and the meat will be ready in a minute!”

You are Raditz, son of Bardock, husband of Redis and a father-to-be. Having distanced yourself from Chaya, from your people and even from the PTO, you had thought that your time of being a warrior was over. That you would no longer be involved with all the madness. Yet even out here, far away from the wars and battles, gods and demons the monsters still managed to find you. And not only that, but because of YOUR weakness your wife and unborn child, your son, were almost killed. Or worse. Again flashes of what that monster made your wife do flash before your eyes, you feeling that familiar helpless fury rise. The same anger that infected you for weeks before, who else, Karn showed up. The man was like a one man army, and while you respected his power before, seeing him from a foe's eyes was a rather eye-opening experience. That no matter what the monster tried, even with all your power you were helpless before him.
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“Radi? Raaaaadiiiii?” your wife calls, snapping you out of your thoughts to see a rather large spread before you, on the same wooden bed table you'd made for your wife months ago when you discovered she was pregnant. “There you are. Feeling okay?”
“No. Still thinking about...” you say, your voice trailing off. Both for lack of words and the smells of your wife's delicious cooking filling your nostrils. However, you smell something else too. Something you've not smelled from her food before. “What's that?”
“That's the lemon pepper. Something I got from your boss, he came by to check on you while you were out.” she says casually, you wondering what in the world that old bastard was coming here for? Your wife goes on to say how his wife made it, with the onion, garlic, pepper, lemon zest and Ilum salt and that she tried to copy the recipie. “I hope you like it.”

“I'm sure I will.” you reply, going to lift your arms to start eating. But you still have no strength, even with this food before you. And seeing your weakness Redis smiles warmly, using one of the 'dragonglass' as it's called here knives to start slicing, cutting it into bites small enough you don't have to work to eat, feeding you as if you were injured. But, reluctantly, you do enjoy the moment, letting her pamper you. And as you eat you feel your strength returning, by the end of the meal you're able to not only finish feeding yourself, but once done to set the board aside and sweep your wife off her feet, kissing her. “Thank you.”
“Hehe, of course. Glad to see you doing better.” she says genuinely, her love pouring into you. But the moment only lasts a moment, as something from the counter beeps. Her eyes widen, shocked. “Oh no, the second course! I almost forgot!”

Leaping nimbly out of your arms, an impressive feat with her pregnancy and all she lightly skips over to the stove, you watching her go and feeling your love for her bloom. She's your everything, you'll do whatever it takes to protect her. Which means you have to get back up and at it, going over to the dresser which luckily avoided the recent carnage in your home, you quickly putting on a pair of denim pants before going out to her. However, as you exit your bedroom hear a knock on the door, glancing over to see the newly-mounted one. A reminder of everything that happened.

“Hun. Are you expecting anyone?” your wife asks, you immediately hearing the worry in her tone. You aren't, so take a moment to expand your ki sense. Checking who is beyond, only to relax. Once more it's your boss, no doubt coming to see when you'll be back to work.
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“I'll get it. It's Kajic.” you tell her, walking over to the door. Feeling rejuvenated yet still on edge from everything, you cautiously approach the door. Opening it, sure enough your senses didn't lie, the familiar, imposing form of the old man standing there before you. Scarred face clearly surprised to see you up and moving. “Hey boss, everyone okay?”
“Everyone okay, he asks. HA!” the old man says, reaching over and slapping a hand onto your shoulder. “They're fine, everyone's wondering how yer holdin' up, boy. That bastard hated yer kind with a real passion. Religious, some might call it. Mornin', little lady.”

“Good morning Kajic! Just a moment and the second course will be ready, would you like to join us?” your wife asks him, turning to see him standing in the door with you. Her tail flicking back and forth contentedly.
“Heh, naw, but thank ye fer the offer. I gotta get movin'.” he replies to her, then turns back to you. “Listen. We're well ahead of schedule, so don't worry 'bout today. Take the day off.”
“But-!” you start, only for the older man to clamp down on your shoulder with his hand. Not enough to hurt, as if he could harm you anyways, but to emphasize the point as he lowers his voice to a whisper.

“Look, ye two been through hell. Take th' damn day off.” he whispers. “She's puttin' on a brave front, but when you were down the poor girl 'bout fell apart. Be with her today. Don't worry about pay or any o' that today.”
“Right. I understand.” you reply, the two of you sharing a nod before he turns his focus back to your wife.
“He's not ready to come back, he still needs a day domestic t' recover. Keep 'em here today for me, wouldja?”

“Of course.” your wife replies, turning back to you both with a twinkle in her eye. Clearly understanding him as well. “I'll have him right as rain for tomorrow!”
“Heh. Take care you two, see ya tomorrow Raditz.” Kajic says, letting you go and heading over to one of the site vehicles. Getting back in the logging truck, he backs it out expertly, heading back down the mountain on the journey back to the worksite. Leaving you with a whole day to spend with your wife. And after everything that's happened, you can't think of anything you'd rather do.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226 Intermission End-
>The man was like a one man army, and while you respected his power before, seeing him from a foe's eyes was a rather eye-opening experience

And that's with Karn in a weaker, smaller, form. Raditz clearly not ready for the big leagues.

Also, Kajic is sus. I don't trust him; too nice.
Always nice to see how other people outside of the protag's immediate circle view said protag. And Kajic is cool, man.
He doesn't want to be. And it's funny, Baby and Kajic representing possible futures for Raditz. Blinded by rage and vengeance, destroying families in his wake. Or a man who let go, left his war behind and became whole. Kajic is who Raditz could be in thirty, maybe forty years or so.
Yes, being on the receiving end would probably feel terrifying. And yes he is, he sees Raditz as himself, from years ago. A soldier seeking to put that life behind him.
>A soldier seeking to put that life behind him.
That's a commendable goal, but still no reason to distance himself from his people like this.
I'm glad he's been able to build a life for himself, but I wish it could have been on New Salda. If not for his sake, then for the sake of his family.
I'm tempted to send him a care package, maybe a high spec gravity chamber so he can stay in shape and make sure his home will always have somebody ready and able to defend it.
I think you misread me. That's how KAJIC sees Raditz, not Raditz himself. He didn't exactly tell him about what all went down with Chaya, Kajic sees his own past in Raditz and wants to help a fellow wounded, disillusioned soldier out.
My misreading aside, I wish Raditz would reconsider blazing his own trail like this. I just don't want him to feel like he's not in able to do what's important to him in the environment we fought so hard to cultivate.
As long as Chaya's family and by extension Chaya herself is around, he (and more importantly to him his wife) doesn't feel safe. And since King Vegeta is on Karn's side and wouldn't exile any of his children for anything, he judged better they flee instead.
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>As long as Chaya's family and by extension Chaya herself is around, he (and more importantly to him his wife) doesn't feel safe.
While I'm considerably annoyed that he would think that, I do understand why. Still, we fought for the sake of every Saiyan, not just our friends and family. As much as I want to show Raditz that he has nothing to fear at home, I don't think we'll ever get the chance to do so.
Never thought I'd be feeling this much regret for somebody who isn't a member of Karn's family or close friends, but here we are.
>As much as I want to show Raditz that he has nothing to fear at home
Nothing to fear? Just like he didn't before while you were there and Chaya attacked his family TWICE, right? Once in person and once using someone else as the attempted murder weapon, yet she still walks free without facing any serious repercussions? That ship has long since sailed, he's never coming back.
Yeah, wonder why you haven't seen Bardock basically at all since...
i seriously considered putting her on a Dragon Pact but I figured that wouldn't fly with the other anons
Honestly, I don't know why Chaya didn't escape punishment. Not even Karn's protection should've shielded her from the consequences. I'm with Raditz, she should've been exiled or put on house arrest in the dreadzone until she served her time. And the fact she never going to realize it or even Karn disgusts me.

Probably would've been a good compromise and at least kept Raditz on the planet
There was supposed to be no didn't, fucking autocorrect. Anyway, I would've sent this post days ago but the catcha was being a cunt to me.

Can you blame me for not trying to compare Kakarot to Goku at the time? That kind of argument misses the point and only exists to hide how sorry Kakarot is to the rest of the gang. It's one thing for Vegeta to rise as high as he did since this is the best timeline for him. But Nappa and Raditz has Primal, Raditz, and the mad lad only happenstance into it-

>goes to check the latest update to the powerscaling chart
>Kakarot has primal
NANI THE FUCK, how exactly did I miss that shit. This ruined my whole rant. Thought GD was making Kakarot a red shirt just cause he doesn't have his martial arts drive like in canon or his autism-induced training fervor thanks to his brain damage. Bro is still slacking behind the others though. Vegeta and Bardock are one thing, but Nappa is like in his 50s-60s at this point. Turles is probably not that far off, at most Bardock's age.
I dont recall the exact fall out of those events, I do recall finding out she was behind it, and that we took her to Elder P so she wouldn't go full dark vader on us, but I also dont recall if there was ever an option to actually punish her for that.

If there was, Id have voted for it, because as we're held to a higher standard we should also be held to those standards for better and worse. Its unforunate she ghosted any real consequnces and Vegeta wasn't willing to put his foot down.

Though for all my willingness I'm pretty sure trying that would have lead to our ic first big actual argument/fight with Meloka since she'd side with the Yan i think.
Could have happened.
King Vegeta IV didn't want to make what happened public knowledge, as everyone knowing Chaya could do that may have had severe consequences.
Did send Chaya away, until she was 'better', but that wasn't until after Raditz already left. Since nothing happened to her the first time she attacked him and his now-wife, in fact you weren't even told it happened until Karn met with Raditz.
A fair argument, but without Roshi's Turtle School way teaching him far more efficient training methods, we see the difference between canon Vegeta and Goku's training results. For example, Hyperbolic Time Chamber during the Cell saga. Vegeta even goes in TWICE and doesn't catch Goku.
He has in more recent times become more motivated, but it's a long way to the top.
Several write ins were options, but anons chose the option to get her help instead of simple punishments. Trying to fix her.
Infighting amongst the Saiyans, and even deaths in fights aren't uncommon and rarely punished. But her targeted attacks and especially her Mind Crush of Kaper to attack Redis.
Meloka.... Well... While she liked the goal, her 'how' was what she saw as fucked up. Breaking some poor innocent and wielding them like a weapon instead of a simple poisoning or sneak attack with a subtle energy attack if not outright challenge in accordance with the 'traditional' Saiyan rules of Might Makes Right is what she saw wrong with it.
Just realized my reply to >>6120470 and >>6120455 weren't separated. Somehow. Weird.
24 hours to go until this episode continues, are you ready?
Will you give us a bardock POV soon?
GD, you catch the first episode of Daima yet?
Potentially. He's almost to Raditz' planet after all.
It's out?
>It's out?
As of this morning, yeah. Be prepared for a few retcons of varying importance.
Is that some kinda soup?
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You had me going for a second anon.
>His aura then condenses, forming a symbol you've never seen before. One that resembles a double crescent, a pair of orbs between the curves and points. But with the lower crescent cracked in two places, oddly.
Is that meant to be the same symbol as the one in this >>6117370 picture? Symbol of Universe 7?
>How often does King Cold have Raven opening her portals to have food brought into his home?
If Cold trusts Silver to make dish to impress Whis, then this confirms that Silver is the best cook in whole known universe.
> Even Whis seems taken aback by this news, whether that is by your open admission of throwing an entire world into a black hole you created or that a being managed to ESCAPE that destruction you're unsure.
I wish I knew what they are thinking.
Both are very good.
>As for Whis, well. His reason is far more to do with that crit and how you changed the timeline.
Wow that is quite shocking that Karn changed timeline there. Was it supposed to go in some other direction? What was "meant" to happen?
Maybe without Karn's help Freeza would not find the resolve to truly attempt to become the Destroyer. Perhaps after being rejected by Whis Freeza would give up on training entirely.
>And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy the ride so far?
Great episode.
>Ready to see how this battle goes down, and how much collateral damage King Cold's treasure vault takes before the four of these invaders are defeated?
I'm worried that the battle may damage some artifacts that should not be touched. Things like Pandora's box.
>Are there only four, or do you suspect that there are there even more invaders who are yet to be discovered?
I was sure we successfully prevented the theft but after your question now I'm worried that maybe a fifth undiscovered thief is completing the mission unnoticed.
>And what do you think they are here for,
No clue but it's important. If they get it will noticeably affect future episodes.
> and who sent them?
I am unable to figure it out now.
It's very interesting to see Raditz perspective after what happened.
>are you ready?
Can't wait.
Fucking Shin can't even keep his own brother and sister under control.
Come on man, spoiler that shit
Yes. He is swearing upon his power as a divine Kai of the 7th. Basically if he doesn't uphold his end of the deal he will lose that divine power.
One of.
Isn't the mystery tantalizing?
>What was "meant" to happen?
That's... More complicated. Less a what was meant to be or destination to happen and more "the future is entirely up to his actions" sort of way. Been a few hundred million years if not longer since Whis has personally seen a Fateless in action.
Glad you enjoyed.
If it is here, it is empty now.
Perhaps by you. I'll say it now, there is at least one more you're unaware of. But they aren't unnoticed.
Raditz' story is an interesting one. From the heights of luxury and fame to a backwater planet and manual labor to make a living. But yet with both problems chase after him.
>Shin's incompetence
Come on. The SECOND we saw him in a trailer we knew it was his fault somehow.
Shin being retarded is a given, I was more talking about the fact that he had siblings.
Does Chaya listens to this song when she's alone?
>Nothing to fear? Just like he didn't before while you were there and Chaya attacked his family TWICE, right? Once in person and once using someone else as the attempted murder weapon, yet she still walks free without facing any serious repercussions? That ship has long since sailed, he's never coming back.
What does Future Chaya think of Chaya's actions from our timeline?
We've known it was possible since the guidebooks. Though I agree no spoilers.
>Future Chaya
Hoo boy. What a complicated answer.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

Once Majin Ozotto was defeated, Karn had returned to teach his students only for Cooler of all beings to reach out to him after. Calling him to King Cold's world, where he we needed. Arriving, Karn came face-to-face with not only the Cold family but the Kai-in-training Kars and the Destroyer God Beerus' attendant Whis. Learning of a plot to overthrow the gods, for Kars to replace Shin and for Lord Freeza to succeed Lord Beerus as God of Destruction. And after giving Freeza the boost he needed to accept the role, Karn learned of a distant world where a being stronger than Freeza's full power before he'd begun training had appeared. Agreeing to look into the planet with the next wave, in a year's time. Only for the meeting to be interrupted by time invaders, Karn and Freeza mobilizing. Heading into King Cold's treasure vault, only to find several beings there including a Towa's bio-android Mira. And as we rejoin Karn, Freeza has ascended to his Supervillain form thanks to the Demon seal to confront Mira as you ascend to Berserker God to face down the twins.

“Well now, this is a surprise. The earlier calculations were wildly off.” the black-haired one says, taking an fighting stance surprisingly similar to Freeza's own. “But this should still be fun.”
“You still can't beat us.” the woman says, taking an identical pose. Both warriors, showing off their energy absorbers in their palms stare you down, waiting for you to make the first move. However, before you can, suddenly another energy signature appears by you. One whose sudden appearance brings a huge swell of relief in your chest. And before she can say anything else, your wife appears.

“Sorry I'm late, took a minute getting that repair work scheduled for tonight.” your wife says casually, lowering her fingers from her forehead as she turns, looking the same direction you are. “How many?”
“Four. These two, Mira, and a bug man down the aisle across to our left. Watch out for those gems in their hands, they absorb energy.”
“More of these things? What a pain.” your wife replies, sounding more annoyed than anything as she suddenly ascends to Super Saiyan Blue. Immediately your Berserker Soul blazes in response, but you keep it reigned in. Focusing your wrath on the two siblings before you. “Let's make this quick.”

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“I'll take the midget bitch.” the blonde woman says, you almost feeling your wife's sudden annoyance and eyebrow twitch.
“Says the woman who married a midget.” the black-haired one replies. Well, looks like you have your target. And as you hear Freeza and Mira trading blows, you and your wife take your fighting stances, staring down the twin warriors.

But how do you kick this off?
>Rush and attack, overpower him with your power and Djem So technique
>Rush and attack with Su Ma, attacking from all sides so he can't defend
>Energy Body and defend, gesture for him to come at you instead of pressing the attack
>Energy Body and attack, push him onto the defensive and make him use his energy siphons. Then, when he does tear the offending hand(s) off, cutting both his power output and ability to drain your energy
>Keep your distance, but don't use your energy attacks. Instead use the force of your attacks to thrash him from afar
>Eye Beams and Scatter Beams, give him too many attacks to absorb and fill this guy with holes. The sooner you take him down the sooner you can hunt that bug down and keep it from escaping with whatever they were looking for
>Other(write in)
>Energy Body and attack, push him onto the defensive and make him use his energy siphons. Then, when he does tear the offending hand(s) off, cutting both his power output and ability to drain your energy
Almost wrote-in to smash Super 18's head just now.
>Energy Body and attack, push him onto the defensive and make him use his energy siphons. Then, when he does tear the offending hand(s) off, cutting both his power output and ability to drain your energy
>Energy Body and attack, push him onto the defensive and make him use his energy siphons. Then, when he does tear the offending hand(s) off, cutting both his power output and ability to drain your energy
Energy Body and attack, push him onto the defensive and make him use his energy siphons. Then, when he does tear the offending hand(s) off, cutting both his power output and ability to drain your energy wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: 40
Third DC: 65

We're Berserker God once more, so best of 4
Rolled 18, 25, 3 = 46 (3d100)

Rolled 66, 79, 45 = 190 (3d100)

Fucking robots.
Anyone taking the other two rolls? Or are we keeping these?
Rolled 79, 98, 77 = 254 (3d100)

I'll take the third at least
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It's been FORTY MINUTES, ending the roll and moving on. 79/100, 98/100, 77/100. Triple success, impressive. Writing (been writing since 35 after 12, the next posts should be ready at around 1pm EST).
Meant 1:30pm, sorry for the confusion. Post's going live in 3 minutes.
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“HAAAA!” you shout, instantly activating your Energy Body once more before exploding off the ground, charging forward with your right hand drawn back for a powerful opening blow.
“Flash Bomber!” the machine man shouts, raising his hands and firing a barrage of tiny energy shots. Hundreds of tiny attacks slam into your Energy Body, but they don't even slow you down. You barely feel them as you close in, the warrior whose energy you STILL can't sense ends the attack, crossing his arms over his face to block your attack. However, you weren't aiming for his face, feinting high with a right only to twist your body clockwise, firing a short left up into his guts instead. “Kyuuh-!?”

“GRRAAAA!!” you roar as his guard weakens, twisting into a right uppercut into his crossed arms. Shattering his weakened guard, leaving his entire body exposed. You give a fierce grin, twisting counterclockwise into a back left elbow straight to his face. Something crunches on impact, probably his nose as your heavy blow staggers him back. Planting your feet you twist, firing a powerful straight right with the full power of your legs, arm, and back straight into his sternum. Knocking the man clear off his feet, sending him flying backwards. But you're not done yet, chasing after him and firing off a dozen heavy shots. Knees, kicks and punches, ending with a powerful left hook to the jaw that sends him crashing to the ground, landing in a slide. You then leap into the air, dropping down at him with both heels at the man's chest. He recovers, eyes wide with shock and terror before rolling, narrowly dodging your double stomp. Feet smashing into the ground where his head was a second ago.

“Tch! Monster!” the man exclaims, pushing off the ground with all fours, leaping back away from you the way you'd come. Where the sounds of Meloka and his twin's battle is coming from. But you don't give this machine any chance to set his feet, dashing back in again at full tilt and unleashing another attack. Fists fly, the smaller man trying his best to defend himself against your powerful blows. He even manages to get in a few counters, but with your Energy Body tanking his first clean punch to your jaw without you so much as flinching or even moving he freezes. “What the hell?!”
“You're not strong enough to hurt me.” you reply, seeing realization dawn in the man's face. Only for him to suddenly smirk, opening his left fist and grabbing onto your Energy Body over your face.

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“If my power isn't enough, then I'll take yours!” he exclaims, you reaching up with your right and grabbing his wrist. “You can't break free of my grip!”
“Don't need to.” you reply, holding him still as you raise your left hand. The man's eyes widen, realizing what's about to happen but it's too late. He tries to pull away but your grip is unbreakable, swinging your left down in a chop. Slicing clean through his arm just below his wrist, cutting his yellow arm band clean in two. However, it doesn't sound right. You don't get the usual sound of broken bones, instead it sounds more like shearing metal. And as the man staggers back, you see he isn't full of fleshy bits, but instead he is made of metal. “Wha-? Oh, I see. THAT's why I couldn't sense your energy.”

“You WRETCH!!” he shouts, staggering back. And to your surprise, clutching his stump he then twists what's left of his wrist off, disconnecting it to reveal some sort of weapon. “DIIIEEEE!!”

His arm cannon glows, firing a massive blast from it at you. The energy beam slams into your Energy Body, actually carving away some of your shielding defenses. But his attack ends far before your Energy Body would burn out, leaving your ki smoking slightly as the blast ends.

“Wh-What? HOW?! How are you still standing?!” he shouts, staggering back a step in terror. “Why can't I hurt you!?”
“Because you're too weak.” you say, retaking your fighting stance. The machine warrior takes a step back, clearly terrified. Well, there's only one thing left to do.

How do you end this?
>Scatter Beam through the face, end him quick as possible so you can hunt that other one down
>Rush in and rip his head off, smash it between your hands. Make sure it can't recover before going on to find that bugman
>Dash in, fist through the chest and rip him in half. Vertically
>Don't finish him yet, ask how many others he came with and what they're after. See if you can get any more information out of him
>Other(write in)
>Rush in and rip his head off, smash it between your hands. Make sure it can't recover before going on to find that bugman
>Rush in and rip his head off, smash it between your hands. Make sure it can't recover before going on to find that bugman
Always confirm your kills.
>Rush in and rip his head off, smash it between your hands. Make sure it can't recover before going on to find that bugman
Rush in and rip his head off, smash it between your hands. Make sure it can't recover before going on to find that bugman wins unanimously, roll me another 3d100.

First DC: 20
Second DC: 70
Third DC: 65
Rolled 29, 37, 62 = 128 (3d100)

Scrunch this man's head
Rolled 56, 3, 29 = 88 (3d100)

Rolled 77, 22, 82 = 181 (3d100)

Witness true mediocre power
Rolled 85, 56, 42 = 183 (3d100)

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85/100, 56/100, 82/100. Success, failure, and success. Looks like Cell's a little sneakier than you expect, writing.
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“And because of that, it's time to die.” you finish, exploding forward. He tries to raise his right defensively, but you catch his wrist in your hand, throwing it aside. Severing it at the elbow with a left downward chop, keeping him from utilizing perhaps a second arm cannon. Dropping the severed arm as he staggers back, you then blur forward again, firing a backhanded right chop at his neck. Your Energy Body-clad hand decapitating the machine with a single strike. Its body drops, collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut as you catch the head in both hands.
“H-Hold on. W-Wait!” it begs, but you're done. With a grunt of effort squeeze, smashing the machine's head near-flat in a spray of sparks and fluids you don't recognize. Dropping it at your feet, you glance back over your shoulder, where you see the blonde dashing back away, missing a leg as its stump at the knee sparks. Looks like she's got that well under control, you turning your focus back to the one who escaped. That bug man, crippled as it was couldn't have gotten far, but you need to make sure it doesn't escape with whatever these bastards showed up for.

“Now where'd you go?” you mutter to yourself, returning to the junction and taking the now-right-most one, following the trail of spattered blood. However, it stops after only a dozen feet inside the aisle, just far enough back to avoid eyesight from you and the others, where the blood is joined with some other fluid you don't recognize. And from there, the blood trail stops completely. “The hell?”

You ponder this a moment, until after a few seconds' consideration realize that the bug man isn't so unfamiliar. It has the same spotted pattern as 'Perfect' Cell, perhaps this... THING, is the imperfect one? For what you felt of it's energy, it did feel similar enough. Perhaps that is an earlier transformation? But why would it be skulking about in its first form, when its 'perfect' form is so much stronger? However, as you sit there and ponder this, suddenly your instincts scream out at you in warning. But before you can react on them, something stabs into your Energy Body, which you'd kept active. Right at the base of your skull, piercing into your armor and almost stabbing you directly! If that hit had been just a little stronger, it could have paralyzed you, or worse!”

“GAH?!” you exclaim, staggering forward and whirling around only to see the bugman is perfectly fine, no signs of its previous damage as it jerks its tail free of your Energy Body with a snarl.
“Damn!” it exclaims, landing on its feet with a sound similar to Freeza's own. “That technique is bullshit! Your power should be mine!”

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“That's the problem with all you weaklings. Always wanting someone else's power, instead of working hard and building up your own.” you say, taking your fighting stance and squaring up with the insectoid creature. “Why the hell are you here, anyways? What are your masters after?”
“As if I'd tell you!” snarls the creature as it takes a squared defensive posture, hands raising up by its head. Suddenly, however, you get a flash of Foresight. You find yourself dashing at the creature as it suddenly shouts, “Solar Flare”, blinding light exploding from it. Blinding you, rendering you unable to see for several seconds. Then when you can see again the creature is gone, vanished without a trace. And then you're back, watching as it raises its hands to the same posture as with that technique you saw before. But this time, you're ready. “You can't beat me! So-!”

But as it shouts you end your Energy Body, throwing both hands forward and unleashing a double Scatter Beam at the bugman. His eyes widen in shock, abandoning the blinding techique and leaping aside, narrowly avoiding getting ten holes in his head and upper body.

“-GYAH?!” he exclaims, crashing into the shelves to his left. Rattling the valuable treasures there, but the creature keeps it's feet. “Tch!”
“You're not getting away.” you reply, taking your fighting stance. The bugman, seeing this takes his own stance, aura flaring. And as it does, you get your confirmation that this creature is in fact a Cell. His aura feels like no other living being, you sensing hundreds of millions if not billions of different energies all mixing together, as if all the energy he stole with his tail over his life are ALL still a part of this creature and raising its power into you'd estimate the trillions. Surprisingly close to your own current power.
“You can feel it, can't you? How many planets I've slaughtered.” the monster says with a chuckle, his aura itself distorting into screaming skulls, the damned beings he's absorbed all a part of him now. “You're strong, Saiyan. But I've absorbed your ilk before too. You'll become a part of me, something greater than your meaningless existence.”

Well? How do you handle this one?
>Rush in and attack with Djem So, he can't fight back and absorb you if he's too busy blocking
>Attack with the Su Ma technique, he can't absorb what his tail can't pierce
>Energy Boy then rush in and attack. Your armor protected you before, it can do so again
>Energy Body and defend, let him come to you. See what this version of Cell can do
>Stay back and use your lethal ranged attacks like Guided Eye Beams, don't let this creature get anywhere close to you
>Other(write in)
>>Rush in and attack with Djem So, he can't fight back and absorb you if he's too busy blocking
>That technique is bullshit!
Thank you for noticing.
>Rush in and attack with Djem So, he can't fight back and absorb you if he's too busy blocking
If he was smart, he'd be scoring our Energy Body with ki blades or destructo-discs before going for another tail spike.
>>Attack with the Su Ma technique, he can't absorb what his tail can't pierce
nobody expects the gigantic guy to suddenly whip out acrobatics!
Karn is an agile guy, but it's definitely not his specialty. With Cell's power as close as it is to ours, I don't want to hedge our bets on being able to dance around him.
Going in with the Energy Body and whooping his ass feels a lot safer.
>Rush in and attack with Djem So, he can't fight back and absorb you if he's too busy blocking
>Energy Boy then rush in and attack. Your armor protected you before, it can do so again
Rush in and attack with Djem So, he can't fight back and absorb you if he's too busy blocking wins. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: 55
Third DC: ??
Fourth DC: 70
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Rolled 1, 34, 58, 68 = 161 (4d100)

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Rolled 64, 46, 55, 40 = 205 (4d100)

Rolled 1, 10, 54, 24 = 89 (4d100)

would be funny if our cell showed up.
Rolled 44, 83, 6, 13 = 146 (4d100)

Here we go
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oh my FUCKING god
>failed the last two
We're gonna get bodied by the bug
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1/100, 83/100, 58/100, 68/100. Critical failure, success, mystery and failure. Looks like keeping the Energy Body going would have been a good idea, writing.
You're gonna have a bad time
I failed you guys.
Is it still a Nat 1? I thought Nat 1s cancel out passes, so we have 2 passes and 2 Nat 1s, so is it still a Nat 1?
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You only fail when you stop throwing dice. Never forget that.
the pass is overidden by the second nat 1
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
This is... I've been following this quest since young Vegeta killed his father, and this is the first time I've seen two critfails in one diceslot.
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Given that it only happened once Imperfect Cell showed up, I blame Som.
I hope meloka can avenge us
Check the rules up top, this situation, rare as it is, has been in the rules for years. Two nat 1s override even a Crit 100.
It is the very first time it has happened.
You're not dead yet. However, well... Part of you may as well be...
>You're not dead yet. However, well... Part of you may as well be...
That sounds scary.
Our balls are gone for good this time.
He sucked the zerkersoul now we're just a big guy, not even angry. We have found inner peace. We retire to farm cabbages on some planet for the rest of our days. Good end?
or he sucked out our stand?
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I kinda just assume he got one of our arms.
No more battles. Perhaps for Karn this war is truly over.
Nooooooo. Not our cool Stand. If it would happen I would vote for finding Dragon Balls to get our Stand back.
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>“Damn!” it exclaims, landing on its feet with a sound similar to Freeza's own. “That technique is bullshit! Your power should be mine!”
Kek. I knew we made the right choice speccing into Energy Body.
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“Meaningless? You clearly don't know who I am. So, how about I show you?” you ask, aura blazing as you then dash in. Moving at a blur, you close the distance almost instantly, yet he manages to not only react, but BLOCK you! Right as you swing his aura condenses, copying your Energy Body as your fist slams into his hands. Stopping your attack right in place, then suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your arm. “Wha-Geh!!?”

“You foolish apes. Always leaving yourselves wide open.” he replies, you looking down and seeing his tail stabbed into the underside of your right arm, right in the triceps. And, to your horror feel your power draining, watching as your arm seemingly deflates! Turning to nothing more than skin and bones in a second, falling limply to hang by your side you leaping back in shock. The needle-like point of this Cell's tail drips a few drops of your blood, the beaked Cell grinning maliciously as you gingerly reach up to your shoulder. Your shriveled flesh feels almost papery to the touch, as if every ounce of liquid has been drunk from your appendage. “And now what will you do?”
“You think this'll stop me? HRRRRAAAAAA!!” you bellow, unleashing one hundred percent of the Berserker Soul's power. Your vision goes red and narrows down, until all you see is the bugman before you. Your anger, your wrath explodes, body moving on its own as you charge. “DIIYYAAAAAAA!!”

“What?!” the creature shouts in surprise as you move even faster than before, closing the distance before it can react and slamming your left fist up into its guts. Energy shatters as your strike breaks his Energy Body, doubling the bugman over in pain. Despite this he keeps trying to attack, swinging his tail up overhead with a snarl at your head. But now you're faster, reaching up and catching his tail just short of the needle-like tip.

“HRRRAAAAAA!!” you roar, stomping down on his head, smashing his skull into the ground as you tear his tail free. Ripping it from his body in a spray of blood, then swinging it down into him. Over and over you swing his tail down, smashing it into the creature as your heavy rain of blows craters the ground beneath its body. Over and over you swing until the tail in your hand splits, leaving you with only a foot or so in your hand. Throwing it away in disgust you turn back to the green and red splatter at your feet, staring at it as your chest heaves. Yet, through the rage you fight for control, taking a slow, shaky breath in then sigh out, regaining control of yourself. “Haaaaaah.”

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Then, to your shock the splatter moves, you seeing a finger twitch. Focusing your ki sense, discover that despite being crushed into paste, it's still alive! Which you're going to fix.

“Bastard. Die.” you say, leveling your one good hand down, firing a powerful blast down. Obliterating the creature entirely, atomizing it and vaporizing more than a dozen yards of reinforced stone down into the ground. Seems King Cold has taken security seriously, leaving you to wonder just how secure this vault is by the outside? However, your sudden curiosity is interrupted by a shout, you turning to see your wife blown backwards. Sent crashing into the start of the aisle you're in, dropping down to all fours.

“D-Dammit!” she snarls, getting back up to her feet only to see a surprising figure rushing in. You haven't seen the Tuffle Hate Machine Hatchiyack in years, it closing the distance as your wife stands, slamming a fist the same size as your own into her whole body, slamming her into the wall. “Guh!”
“MELOKA!” you shout, control slipping away as your wife coughs up blood onto the technological terror's arm. You see red, and before you know what's happening you've already closed the distance, swinging your left into the machine's jaw. Sending Hatchiyack flying back, flipping backwards once to land on its feet. Sliding to a stop, the monster crosses its arms, energy charging for its powerful energy blast.

“Karn? Oh, oh no.” you hear someone say, turning and recognizing your wife. A look of shock and horror on her face as she stares at what's left of your right arm. “What happened hun?”
“Later.” you get out through gritted teeth, only to have your instincts flare up again. Turning to your left you see the blonde machine dashing in, your anger flaring. So, without hesitation you step in, ducking its swing and driving your left fist up into and THROUGH its sternum. “GRRRAAAA!!”

“Gu-Wh-What?!” the blonde asks, coughing up something that looks like blood onto your arm. Tearing your arm free you then slam your left palm straight into its face, swinging it down into the ground. Splattering the other machine's head beneath your hand, making another crater. Killing it as well.

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“You okay?” you ask, voice coming out as a low growl as you look over at your wife. Who has risen back up to her feet, wiping her mouth with the back of her right hand.
“Yeah, I'm fine. But Freeza's struggling.” she replies, and as if on cue you hear him shout in pain. Watching as a dark violet beam of energy blasts Freeza back from down the aisle he and Mira had been fighting down, sending him past you all and back towards the entrance of the vault. “His power's dropping.”

“Saiyans. Must. Be. Exterminated!” Hatchiyack snarls, the gems in its fingers all glowing, as well as its misshapen head.
“Go, help Freeza! I'll handle this one!” your wife shouts, turning her focus back to the larger machine being.

But what do you do?
>Rush in and attack, the sooner Hatchiyack dies the sooner all three of you can battle Mira together
>Scatter Beam and Eye Beam Hatchiyack, try and damage its gems that you can sense it uses to generate power. If you can cripple its output, your wife will have a much easier time with it
>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, Instant Transmission behind Mira and try to sneak him
>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, activate your Energy Body and rush down Mira
>Instant Transmission to Freeza, check on him and make sure he's okay then confront Mira with a combined front
>Other(write in)
>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, Instant Transmission behind Mira and try to sneak him
fuck fuck fuck
>>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, activate your Energy Body and rush down Mira
>>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, Instant Transmission behind Mira and try to sneak him
Fuck our arm. I hope Towa can fix this
>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, Instant Transmission behind Mira and try to sneak him
>Fuck our arm. I hope Towa can fix this
If Chilli's up for it, we should be able to get it fixed.
>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, Instant Transmission behind Mira and try to sneak him
>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, Instant Transmission behind Mira and try to sneak him
Fuck, now we look like a chronic masturbator.
>Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, Instant Transmission behind Mira and try to sneak him
I'm quite sure it was the right one.
Well it couldn't have been the wrong one!
Trust Meloka and leave Hatchiyack to her, Instant Transmission behind Mira and try to sneak him wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 80
Second DC: 45
Third DC: ??
Fourth DC: 70
Rolled 27, 28, 8, 58 = 121 (4d100)

Rolled 24, 14, 47, 39 = 124 (4d100)

Rolled 30, 70, 84, 46 = 230 (4d100)

Roll good
Rolled 61, 6, 96, 35 = 198 (4d100)

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Rolled 71, 84, 96, 91, 10, 51 = 403 (6d100)

61/100, 70/100, 96/100, 58/100. Failure, success, exceptionally high mystery and failure. Looks like Mira's too tough to take on one-armed, writing.
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70 and 96. That's good enough. I hope.
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“He's yours.” you reply after only a split-second's thought, awkwardly raising your left hand to your forehead. With Mira no longer suppressing his power, his ki is easy enough to focus on. And with a thought you teleport to his energy, opposite the side between him and your friend. You leave Meloka with the monstrous Hatchiyack, instead teleporting behind the bio-android Mira. For a moment you've got him, he isn't aware of you as you swing. But before you can drive your fist into the back of his neck, trying to take him out in a single shot he senses you, somehow. Ducking your left and driving his right elbow back into your guts in one fluid motion, stopping you in your tracks. “Gack-!”

“Hmph. Nice try.” Mira taunts, pulling his arm forward and flipping forward, left heel catching you in the jaw before you could bring your arm back to block. The heavy blow sends you flying away, smashing into the ceiling then crashing down to the ground. “But you're too slow.”
“Bastard!” you cough up, spitting blood as you force yourself back to your feet. As you rise the demonic bio-android turns, eyes widening as he sees the state you're in.
“Well well, looks like Cell managed to slow you down.” Mira says, looking at your arm. “Seems I underestimated him. And overestimated how dangerous you are.”

And to your surprise he simply starts walking forward again, seemingly unconcerned as you try and take your usual fighting stance. However, you realize immediately that without your right, this stance is far more defensive, not able to counterattack effectively. So, you do the only reasonable thing you CAN do, blazing your aura and charging forward. If you try and defend, he'll overwhelm you. So, you have to attack.

“HRRRRAAAAAAA!!” you bellow, charging in and swinging with your left. However, it is also a feint; successfully baiting him into raising his guard to stop the swing. You pull back, flipping backwards and driving your right knee up instead. Slamming your knee straight into his middle, doubling the white-furred Primal Demon over. Launching into an attack, you then fire off a quick left hook, fist slamming into his temple. Staggering him a step to his left, Mira planting a foot to keep himself from collapsing as you continue spinning, firing a back roundhouse into his temple as he tries rising back up to his full height. Your heel catches him true, knocking him down onto all fours. You then charge up ki into your left fist, swinging your Energy Punch down at the downed figure. Who rolls to his left, dodging your strike as your energy-clad fist slams into the ground, detonating in a fiery blast. “Tch!”

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Before you can recover, Mira, having rolled to his feet and hands, explodes off the ground back at you. Striking you with a deliberate heavy left to your jaw, staggering you back. Mira then unloads, you getting your guard up as he tries only firing lefts at you. Which you stop with your own left, wondering why he hasn't thrown a right. Then it hits you. You didn't hurt him physically, you struck his PRIDE. A warrior with such a sizeable advantage was knocked down to his knees? He's furious, wanting to prove he's better with the 'same' limitation you're suffering through. You can use this.

“D-Dammit!” you snarl, giving ground as he presses the assault. Still blocking his strikes, you let them get closer and closer, as if your guard is weakening. As if his assault is truly too much for you to handle, that you're barely holding on. Seeing this Mira redoubles his efforts, doubling down and planting himself more left-forward, becoming less tempted to throw a right in frustration that he can't break your guard. He presses forward, more and more recklessly as he can just taste his vengeance, his pride thirsty for revenge. And then you see it, he draws his left back for a guard-breaking blow. Swinging forward at full power, and that's when you smirk.


“Gotcha.” you say, slipping past his strike with the Su Ma, twisting your body counterclockwise around his strike.
“What?!” he exclaims, shocked but unable to recover as you slip past him seemingly effortlessly. His momentum carries him past you, but as you move behind him swing with everything you've got in your left. Driving your fist up into his left lower ribs, you feeling several crack from the impact. “Ghluck!?”
“HRRRAAAA!!” you roar, immediately going back in on the offensive with a spinning back roundhouse, right heel catching him square in the face as he staggers back, hands clutching to his sides in pain. Nowhere close to blocking, your heel smashing him square in the nose and knocking the Primal Demon right off his feet. “HAAAAAAA!!”

Your heavy kick sends Mira spinning through the air, landing flat on his back with a solid thud. Yet he doesn't stay down, rolling back up to his feet and immediately launching himself back at you.

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This time there's no holding back, the warrior launching into a full combination attack. One that quickly overwhelms your defenses, fists and feet flying far faster than you can stop with one arm. His attack is blindingly fast and relentless, you stopping one of maybe every three, perhaps four attacks, before with a roar kicks you in the chin with a sudden snap side kick, launching you into the air this time. Unable to stop yourself you curl up defensively, waiting for his follow-up attack, but it doesn't come. You crash into the ceiling then back to the ground once more, yet the sounds of battle don't stop. Looking up, you see Freeza attacking Mira once more.

“SHYYYAAAAAAAA!!” the former emperor bellows, attacking Mira with renewed vigor. Yet Mira matches him, the two standing toe-to-toe with neither warrior giving an inch. Yet this balance of power is precarious, able to go either way at a moment's notice.

What do you do?
>Rush in and attack with your Djem So, even without your full offensive capabilities, fighting with Freeza would be more than enough to overwhelm Mira
>Activate your Energy Body then rush in, adding pressure. Telepathically tell Freeza to use the Su Ma to flip around you, while using your Energy Body-clad self as a shield
>Focus your ki and attack with your energy attacks, try and take him down for good
>Dash in while Mira's distracted and go for a one-armed choke, try and take him out while he still has to contend with Freeza's ferocious assault. A one-armed choke would never work normally, but in this circumstance it just might
>Power down and suppress your energy as much as you can, try and sneak up on Mira and get him in the back with a sudden sneak attack
>Other(write in)
>(Write-in) Charge up the strongest Super Energy Javelin of your life, and aim for Mira's center of mass while he's distracted
>>Activate your Energy Body then rush in, adding pressure. Telepathically tell Freeza to use the Su Ma to flip around you, while using your Energy Body-clad self as a shield
We already tried a sneak attack, we might as well go for just TANK and let Freeza finish him off.
>Activate your Energy Body then rush in, adding pressure. Telepathically tell Freeza to use the Su Ma to flip around you, while using your Energy Body-clad self as a shield
>Activate your Energy Body then rush in, adding pressure. Telepathically tell Freeza to use the Su Ma to flip around you, while using your Energy Body-clad self as a shield
Fucking bug bitch. Kinda like how this sort of illustrates how Imperfect Cell is even more dangerous than the Perfect version.
>Activate your Energy Body then rush in, adding pressure. Telepathically tell Freeza to use the Su Ma to flip around you, while using your Energy Body-clad self as a shield
Pretty much. He still has most of Perfect Cell's tools, but he's far more desperate, and thus, way craftier.
Perfect Cell loves to show off how cool he is. Imperfect Cell likes to win.
>Imperfect Cell likes to win
Correction; Imperfect Cell NEEDS to win.
Activate your Energy Body then rush in, adding pressure. Telepathically tell Freeza to use the Su Ma to flip around you, while using your Energy Body-clad self as a shield wins it. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 65
Third DC: 30
Fourth DC: 75
Fifth DC: 90
Rolled 6, 76, 65, 79, 97 = 323 (5d100)

Dang Mira. If only you had friends.
Rolled 63, 22, 98, 29, 57 = 269 (5d100)

I hate these dice. I miss our arm.
Rolled 63, 46, 88, 48, 10 = 255 (5d100)

Rolled 68, 41, 87, 3, 17 = 216 (5d100)

Well Lets go I guess
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Dub 63/100, 76/100, 98/100, 79/100, 97/100. Well, well, well. Seems even Mira, the peak of bio-engineered power cannot stand up against the power of friendship, writing.
>"I'm better than you, Karn!"
>gets bodied twice by a guy with one arm
>gets bodied by a guy with one arm and his autistic best buddy
>"[incoherent cuckshed crying]"
Dude tried to stand and bang with Karn. I could go on and on about why that's a bad idea, but it really comes down to this; Karn's way fucking smarter than anybody seems to give him credit for.
Karn may not be good at logistics or grand battleplan but by the kais if he ain't fucking fantastic at doctrine and small scale combat.
Can't believe we buckbroke Mira twice now
I don't know, maybe if any Mira actually learned how to fight or had allies they could count on, they might not get their shit pushed in by an old man so consistently.
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“Freeza, use the Su Ma! Use me as a wall, let's take him down together!” you shout telepathically to your friend as you power up, activating your Energy Body. Condensing your power around yourself, forming that hardened shell of power around you before leaping forward. As you do, Freeza, switching up and flipping over Mira's head instead of clashing head-on, flies over the android as you charge. Mira turning to see you charging in shoulder-first, bracing himself for the impact.


“Kuh!” he wheezes, your blow sending him sliding back across the ground for a foot before stopping. But you don't stop your charge, planting your right foot and kicking off, firing a powerful heavy left. Which he blocks with his right forearm, stopping your strike only for Freeza, in perfect sync to spin out past you, firing a devastating right elbow up into his exposed ribs just beneath his armpit. Causing the warrior to grunt in pain, eyes flicking from you to Freeza. Mira tries to fire a snappy right front kick at Freeza, but your friend is already on the move, spinning around back behind the relative safety of your Energy Body.

“HRRRAAAAA!!” you roar as Freeza retreats, firing a turning right kick at Mira's left temple, the warrior again forced to block your strike. He retaliates with a right straight to your jaw, but as he does Freeza, flipping up behind your back, lands a flipping right knee square atop Mira's head, rattling him.
“Krrh?!” he exhales in pain, the heavy blow staggering him forward a half-step. But Freeza isn't done, firing a left kick to the back of his head, sending Mira staggering right into your heavy left straight to his jaw. Which you follow up with a leaping left knee to the chin, snapping the artificial warrior's head back. Knocking him back a step, right into Freeza's elbow directly into his spine. “Kyaaah! HRRAAA!!!”

Shouting in pain he then fires a right elbow back, but Freeza effortlessly dodges around it with the Su Ma. Spinning counterclockwise around his strike into a left backfist straight to the nose followed by a tail strike to the face, Freeza ends his combination behind you as you lunge in with a left elbow, but Mira blocks your strike. Stopping your blow, he fires back with a left chop to your exposed ribs. Only for your Energy Body to take the hit, stopping his attack. You barely feel it, drawing your left back and spinning clockwise into a left hook, one that he raises his right and blocks. Once more leaving his side exposed for Freeza. Who, spinning out around you winds up the most powerful left hook you've ever seen, driving his fist up into Mira's ribcage. Shattering several audibly as Mira groans in pain, coughing up blood. NOW!

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“NOW!” you roar, firing a left straight into Mira's face. Blood sprays from his mouth, no doubt from his broken ribs as Freeza, reversing his momentum spins back behind you. Doubling up on the jab you knock the disoriented Mira back a step, Freeza getting time enough to fully spin around you and attack Mira on his left with a right hook to the opposite ribs. Causing the white-furred monster to wince in pain, arms instinctively lowering to protect his lower body. Setting you up for a THIRD consecutive shot to Mira's face, breaking his nose fully in a spray of blood. Snapping his head back, Freeza not giving him a moment's rest.

“You DARE come to MY family's home, and expect to survive?!” Freeza bellows, power surging as he spins around behind Mira, landing another painful, critical elbow to his spine. As he does you fire a right side kick to Mira's face, smashing his hands into it as he'd gone to cover his nose. Your power, combined with Freeza's is far too much for Mira's body to withstand, it giving in with an audible crack. And at this sound, Mira drops. His power plummets, body reverting back to his base form as he loses complete control over his lower body.
“Wh-What? Did you-?!” he shouts, collapsing to the ground. Through gritted teeth he tries to rise, but with only his arms working, he can do nothing more than brace his upper body up. Which Freeza quickly handles, firing a pair of Death Beam. One from each index finger, straight through Mira's biceps. Breaking both arms, causing the bio-engineered monster to drop flat to the ground. “Gyaaaah!”

“And now you die!” Freeza says, lowering his hand and readying to obliterate Mira. However, as he does suddenly your friend stops, Mira stops, everything stops. Realizing what's happening you waste no time, gathering your energy into your left and firing it down. Obliterating Mira just as you had done Cell earlier, leaving nothing behind.
“NO! MY MIRA!!” a familiar voice calls, you turning and seeing a Towa standing with that familiar cloaked figure, both of who are radiating with divine power. The Towa is in a form you've never seen, power far above your own Towa's Demon God form, while the tiny one radiates with hidden menace. But you can feel the anger they have towards you under their concealing robes, the fury, the HATE tainting the very air. Giving you a decently good idea who that might be. “What have you done?!”

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“Taken out the trash.” you reply, turning fully to face the duo. However, as you do there is a flash of light, another familiar energy suddenly appearing beside you.
“That's far enough.” Trunks of all people says, the Time Patroller appearing beside you. Aura blazing with his divine power beyond Super Saiyan Blue, he looks nothing like you remember. You see a confidence on his face you don't recognize, the man looking ready for a fight. “We have you surrounded.”

“We?” Towa asks, only for a familiar dark portal to open up behind the duo. And from it emerges Mechikabura himself, flanked by your daughter Future Chaya and Ace. Both in their most powerful forms, red and silver hair shining in their gold and silver auras. “Oh no.”
“Calm yourself.” the woman, whose voice sounds scratchy and pained, as if every word is painful to her. “You win this time, Karn.”

And just like that the duo is gone. No hint of power, no flashing light or dark portal, nothing. One moment they're here, and the next simply... Gone. As they vanish time returns, Freeza about to fire his power.

“What?!” he exclaims, whirling only to see Trunks as well as Mechikabura, Future Chaya and Ace, powering down the blast in his hand uncertainly. “What is going on?”

Which is something you'd like to know. But for now:

What do you do?
>Go to Meloka's energy signature, make sure your wife is okay before anything else
>Telepathically reach out to your daughter, ask Caulifla is she things she can heal what happened to your arm and if so teleport right to her. You respect your old man, but don't want to have to live with one arm like he did
>Try and summon Divine Dragon Force, if your Stand can appear use your Wish to fix the damage
>Ask Trunks for one of those healing Senzu Beans, see if it'll work on your severely-energy drained arm
>Telepathically reach out to Chilli, then teleport to him if he thinks he can fix it with his Chaos magic
>Ask Mechikabura what happened, how they could just escape like that
>Other(write in)
>Ask Trunks for one of those healing Senzu Beans, see if it'll work on your severely-energy drained arm
Let's not remain a cripple any longer than we have to.
>Ask Trunks for one of those healing Senzu Beans, see if it'll work on your severely-energy drained arm
"Get me one of them cheater beans."
>>Ask Trunks for one of those healing Senzu Beans, see if it'll work on your severely-energy drained arm
If nothing else Chaos Magic is a last resort. But yeah Spin and Seethe Crona.
>Ask Trunks for one of those healing Senzu Beans, see if it'll work on your severely-energy drained arm
>Ask Trunks for one of those healing Senzu Beans, see if it'll work on your severely-energy drained arm
>Ask Trunks for one of those healing Senzu Beans, see if it'll work on your severely-energy drained arm
"Get me one of them cheater beans."

I want to include the write-in of the phrase "cheater beans"
Whoops, quoted the wrong reply, but doesn't matter.
I wanna back this>>6121840
For the funnies
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Rolled 12, 58 = 70 (2d100)

Ask Trunks for one of those healing Senzu Beans, see if it'll work on your severely-energy drained arm wins it. Writing.
I am not confident in the results from those rolls.
Those weren't for you, if they were I'd have had you roll them.
Rolled 86, 21 = 107 (2d100)

oke gib freebies plox
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“Hey, Trunks. You have any of those, what are they called, cheater beans?” you ask, the Time Patroller turning to you with a wry smile as Freeza walks past, approaching Mechikabura.
“Senzu Beans. And I know you know what they are called.” he replies, leaving you unable to suppress your smirk. He opens his coat, sticking his hand inside and drawing one out, holds his hand open to you. “Here.”
“Appreciate it.” you reply, powering down and gingerly taking the tiny green bean, popping it into your mouth. The tiny thing crunches satisfactorily, even though it has no real taste, chewing and swallowing the magical bean. The effect is almost immediate, you feeling power suddenly course throughout your body. But it gathers at your left shoulder, building up pressure like a water hose with someone standing on it. But then the dam breaks, you feeling that power surge into you. The first sensations you've felt in that arm since it was drained of everything by that overgrown cockroach Cell. Looking down, you see that your right arm is fully restored, clenching your fist as if it wasn't little more than leather-wrapped bones a second ago. “Much better, thank you.”

“Of course. Surprised that that monster was as powerful as he was. Stronger than any 'Perfect' version of him I've ever faced, for him to give you so much trouble.” Trunks replies.
“Do you have any idea what they were here for?” you ask him, Trunks' expression darkening. As it does you see your wife turn the corner, and upon seeing Trunks her aura blazes, charging forward with her dual Ki Blades drawn, ready to murder him. And seeing your expression, or perhaps sensing her he turns, drawing his sword in one fluid motion. Blocking her 'X' slash, stopping them with his blade. “Easy hun, easy. It's over.”
“Over? Really?” your wife asks, backing off after a second and powering down as well. “Well, sorry about that.”

“Don't worry about it, I have caused you all no end of trouble back then.” he replies, sheathing his sword without so much as a glance back while powering down as well. A very practiced move.
“What do you mean you have no idea who is behind this attack?” Freeza shouts, you turning to see the former emperor staring down Mechikabura. Eyes ablaze with demonic power as he glares, furiously boring holes through Mechikabura's face with his stare. “If not you, then who? Who ELSE is sending beings through time? Because I know it wasn't the Time Patrol. Their entrances are too flashy.”
“I am looking into it. When I know who is behind this, and when I get my hands on them, their end will not be swift nor painless.” Mechikabura says, a sudden chill blowing through the room causing a shiver to run up your spine. It had nothing to do with the absolute menace, the rage and cold fury you feel bubbling within Mechikabura for just a moment.

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And like a summer rain, it vanishes as soon as it came. His expression returning to his more practiced, neutral expression.

“Now then, one last thing before I go.” Mechikabura says, snapping his fingers. And from him a wave of what looks eerily simillar to Chilli's Chaos magic washes out, repairing the damage to the floor near where he was standing. That wave of magic, when touching something non-organic restores it to the condition it was in before the battle, fixing the holes and damaged treasures within the vault. It even repairs your training suit from where you'd transformed back against Majin Ozotto, the creature who nearly killed your wife. “And there. Good as it was before. Good day Freeza, Meloka. General Karn. Be well.”

And with that a portal appears behind the Demon God, Mechikabura turning and walking through it. Your future daughter waves, then follows, Ace going as well.

“Looks like that's our cue.” Trunks says, walking away from you and to the portal himself. “Until next time.”

And without waiting for a reply steps through, the magical portal shutting behind him. Leaving you, Freeza, and Meloka behind.

“Well, now that that business is settled. Shall we go back?” Freeza asks you, an odd, almost disinterested tone in his voice. But as you turn to him, can see he looks almost lost in thought.

What now?
>Head back with Freeza after thanking your wife, telepathically filling her in on what else happens, if anything
>Let Meloka take your place and finish your meal, head back and finish up the kids' training yourself
>Tell Freeza you're going back and good luck with his training, he'd better be ready for a real showdown when he comes back
>Other(write in)
>>Let Meloka take your place and finish your meal, head back and finish up the kids' training yourself
>>Head back with Freeza after thanking your wife, telepathically filling her in on what else happens, if anything
all's well i guess
>Head back with Freeza after thanking your wife, telepathically filling her in on what else happens, if anything
>>Head back with Freeza after thanking your wife, telepathically filling her in on what else happens, if anything
Is our stand dead?
>>Let Meloka take your place and finish your meal, head back and finish up the kids' training yourself
he's been sleeping since he fought Super Shenron
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Rolled 928 (1d1000)

Yes. DDF warned you it may go inactive after what happened, and hasn't been seen since.
Head back with Freeza after thanking your wife, telepathically filling her in on what else happens, if anything wins it. Writing.
That isn't a typo
...is that our Zenkai? Or is it the amount of compromised artifacts inside of Cold's vault?
Who knows?
Maybe Zachary.
D...did we make the vault go boom?
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“Yeah, let's go.” you say, knowing Freeza has more to tell you. You don't know why he doesn't want to say so here, in front of your wife, but you respect his wishes. You and Meloka share a look, your wife understanding and hugging you a moment. It feels good to hold her with both hands, that you didn't permanently lose one to that imperfect version of Cell, then as one you both separate. Raising her right hand to her forehead, teleporting away. Leaving the Cold treasure vault behind as she returns home, leaving you and Freeza alone. “You ready?”

“Ready.” he replies, taking a deep breath before sighing out. “Thank you, Karn.”
“For what?” you ask, confused. To which he turns to you, expression serious albeit a bit... Sad? Pensive? “You okay?”
“Yes. Well...” he says immediately, then relents a bit. “Once again you have saved my life. That monster, Mira. I... I couldn't stop him. Even with the power of that demonic seal, I couldn't beat him.”
“Don't get too down over it, I couldn't take him either.” you reply, Freeza shaking his head.

“No. I saw you fighting him. Had you both of your arms then, you would have been winning. Your skill, your power, technique, all of it. Even your composure, you have surpassed me in every way, Karn. You've left me behind.” he says, you going quiet and simply listening as he talks. Now with an almost sad smile on his face. “I remember when you were nothing to even my first form, and look at you now. Even with everything I've got, you have surpassed me. Heh. Seems my father was right, about that part at least. From the first time you transformed, he feared you would surpass us. And here you are.”

“Well, once you start training under Whis, you'll catch up to me soon enough. Meloka told me a bit of what he put her through in her time there, if you can survive it too I'm sure you'll come out stronger than ever.” you tell him, Freeza putting a hand to his chin. “I know once you start down this path, you'll catch me soon enough. I can't wait to see just how strong Whis' training makes you. Maybe that's what you need to unlock your next form?”
“It could be. It could be...” Freeza tells you, looking more relieved now as he sighs then smiles. “Now, how about we go back and rejoin the others?”
“Sounds good.” you reply, the two of you making your way back towards the entrance. Leaving the vault and the battle that happened here behind.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy this battle? Enjoy the unluckiest roll we've ever had so far? Are you ready for Freeza to go begin his training under Whis, curious how powerful he'll become? Do you think he'll manage to ascend to the next level, or will he not achieve that under another's tutelage? And what do you think will happen next? All this and more, when Saiyan Conqueror Quest resumes in 12 hours at noon EST!
Dang Frieza, there's more to life than power. Cold really fucked up his kids with getting them obsessed with power. We NEED to get this man a hobby.
Freeza, my man... It's a bittersweet feeling. A big compliment to hear this from him, but also sad because a Freeza should always be foolishly confident. I hope he finds that confidence back.
Yes. There is also rule, domination, inspiring fear and compliance, making an enforcing regulations, and sparring with your friend. The last one King Cold didn't teach him.
You have come so far. So has he, but your own growth has more than eclipsed his own to the point his own training has stalled out completely. He needed something new, something different to push past his current limits.
Fair. But we're lucky it was only against Cell, and not say Mira. If you critfailed against him, well... The Time Patrol'd be the only way you survived. If you survive.
Does he not do anything outside of work and training? Not wine tasting, model ship building, painting, watching movies...anything?
We need to get this brother a paint brush or something.
Now to be fair, Karn isn't one to talk either. What does he do besides train, teach, and eat?
Let's be real, he has a dozen kids. Anyone who has kids knows you don't get free time.
I was also talking about what his FATHER taught him. Not his own acquired delights, aside from Karn teaching him the joys of physical exertion.
Where he's going, he won't have time. Probably. Unless Whis has some more esoteric training he wants Freeza to do, but in that case he can quite literally magic one up. As he did with Goku's Super gi.
Fight interdimensional, cross-timeline threats, nurture his kids with helpful advice and act as a universal deterrent to threats.
True. And that isn't counting the adoptives/acquired ones like Haathe, Raven, etc.
>And that isn't counting the adoptives/acquired ones like Haathe, Raven, etc.
Couldn't fit his family in an industrial lift.
A Freeza that values the, Power of Friendship(tm), is a monster the likes of which reality cannot handel.
We need to go see Ubo again, see how our adoptive brother is doing.
Ngl I know Whis is spooked by us but I’m wondering when we’ll finally get a chance to train with him and how hard that will spike us.
Lets just tell him to stop being a pussy and teach us Ultra Instinct already.
I can't quite remember each instance, but I know we've momentarily tapped into it a few times now.
Karn clearly has a knack for it / has honed reflexes and instincts from his Tuffle-warring childhood and life since, which lend themselves to it. Even if we can't use Ultra Instinct as-is in Berserker state, we could get started on trying to adapt it in a similar way to what Beerus has done with Ultra Ego.

Ultra Ego's gay as shit, but if Karn developed something like 'Ultra Violence' or 'Killer Instinct' - where the body, without conscious thought required, moves itself autonomously to strike at opportunities / points of vulnerability in a foe - could fit the killer nature of the berserker soul.
We actually already have a potential Killers Instinct Mode. Karns tapped into it a few times before in his Berserker Modes, where his body just murders threats before he really thinks about it. It’s been awhile though.
I think the last time was when Hit killed us by accident in the tournament, and we just kept marching forward and scared the piss outta him.
>And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy this battle?
Very good episode.
>Enjoy the unluckiest roll we've ever had so far?
It felt like Karn was close to dying in battle this time.
>“You can feel it, can't you? How many planets I've slaughtered.” the monster says with a chuckle, his aura itself distorting into screaming skulls, the damned beings he's absorbed all a part of him now.
This Cell was an opposite of Karn, because Karn worked hard to get strong, while this Cell stole power that he has from other beings. Could you confirm that not even a single cell survived for the him to regenerate from? I'm a little worried about that blood he left on the floor when he crawled out of sight, but then again Mechikabura's magic should have remove it.
Not yet.
He's, well. Not to spoil, but he's having a bit of fun.
He doesn't necessarily want you around.
That limit-breaking form is incompatible with the Berserker Soul, however the mindset still works. Just leads to something else.
Karn has his own path to go down, slowly but surely.
Thanks in part to the other timeline counterpart, giving you a taste of that form.
Ha. Speaking of...
Glad you enjoyed, and yes. The closest in quite some time.
Whether or not Cell survived, he's no longer here in this timeline. Towa and rhe hooded figure took their allies and what was left of them and scrammed.
Cell isn't a Czarnian, at least this one isn't.
>where the body, without conscious thought required, moves itself autonomously to strike at opportunities / points of vulnerability in a foe
Hm...sounds like a mix of Precognition and Shatterpoints to be quite honest.
>He's, well. Not to spoil, but he's having a bit of fun.
Ah, I see he met Mala.
The difference is rhe body moves on its own.
>He's having a bit of fun
Sooo....is he banging Supergirl silly?
>He doesn't necessarily want you around.
Fair but I imagine as the Destroyer Tournaments ramp up, and when the TOP is finally called, he'll bite the bullet and train us then. No point in worrying about our potential if he and Beerus get erased by Zeno-O.
Well, technically, Whis doesn't get erased, he just goes into a slumber, the rest of us get erased, except maybe Karn.
>The difference is rhe body moves on its own.
I get that, I was just pointing out that Karn's "Killer Instinct" (I actually really like that term for it) had some overlap with other previously mentioned techniques and principles.
The problem with Killer Instinct though, is how do you train something like that? It lends itself to being almost unpredictable on top of extremely lethal, so training with our family is right out.
It would have to be done away from allies and loved ones, in close proximity to a constant supply of deadly threats.
I'd say just go into the woods on New Salda and start fighting Wookies, but they're a bunch of pussies and we'd be spending far too much time tracking them down between each kill.
I guess it wouldn't be impossible to just Instant Transmission to active warzones for a few hours a day and just run around killing shit, but that doesn't feel very feasible given Karn's familial and social obligations.
Ha! Earth wouldn't survive if he was.
HE isn't threatened by the tournament. And by the time it is announced everyone had 48-72 hours to gather a team. Not exactly enough time for a good training camp.
The best person to train agains, for this specifically, would be Ginyu
>Not exactly enough time for a good training camp
Not in this dimension, no.
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In silence you both make your way outside of the vault, Freeza locking it behind you both before leading you back to the room his father is in. You and Freeza return, seeing everyone else still seated.

“I take it everything has been... Resolved?” King Cold asks you both. You turn to Freeza, who answers.
“Yes, Father. The invaders have been taken care of.” Freeza replies, you both moving towards your chairs. As you do, however, notice Kars staring intently at you. As you sit, curious, you reach out to him.
“What is it?” you ask him telepathically, meeting his gaze seriously.
“Someone stopped time.” he replies with a thought. “But not like normal. Even I was unable to move, the only one unaffected was Whis. What the hell happened?”

“Where do we even start?” you reply, adding an audible sigh as you decide what to tell him. But before you can, Cooler speaks up.
“What were they after?” he asks you, eyes meeting your own. “Why here? Why not a less... Well-guarded timeline?”
“I don't know, but whatever it was they didn't find it. Between the three of us, we took them all out, but it got a bit close.” you tell him, then turn back to Kars.

But what do you tell him? How much of what went down do you share?
>Everything, he could prove a valuable ally in the future and you want him on your side
>Describe the hooded figure and the Towa with a new form you've never seen, as either could be behind the time stop. Get his opinion on both, see who he thinks was behind it
>Tell him that whoever it is isn't a threat, since Mechikabura's mere presence scared them off. They won't be back anytime soon
>Other(write in)?
>Everything, he could prove a valuable ally in the future and you want him on your side
Kars has about as much skin in the game as we do now, not much reason to withhold details here.
>Everything, he could prove a valuable ally in the future and you want him on your side
>>Everything, he could prove a valuable ally in the future and you want him on your side
Kars Oath isn't a huge deal, simply because he will just make sure hes always the perfect option to be Grand Supreme Kai, but we're all here eating dinner and plotting a new universal order we might as well put our cards on the table.

Hes acted and been sus before, but we've never had a real beef with the guy, and hes content to just let the Jojos think hes dead
>Everything, he could prove a valuable ally in the future and you want him on your side
>Everything, he could prove a valuable ally in the future and you want him on your side
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Everything, he could prove a valuable ally in the future and you want him on your side wins it. Writing.
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Considering it for but a heartbeat, you decide to tell him everything. He could prove to be a valuable ally in the future, so you want him on your side. Decided, you telepathically tell him everything, from how you'd split yourself with multiform, to the four beings you'd confronted. Showing him the twin machines, the 'imperfect' Cell, and Mira. How strong they were compared to your Multiform bodies, and their power compared to your Berserker God power. How that Cell could drink your body and Mira's overwhelming power, then going into the final duo. That Towa, the power unlike anything you've ever seen from a Towa and the hooded figure who, either one of them stopped time. Freezing everyone except for the Time Patrol who showed up and forced them to retreat.

“...I see...” Kars replies telepathically after you tell him all this, the Kai-in-training raising a hand to his chin. “This is... Troubling. Tell me, did that new Supreme Kai of Time, Aeos, show up?”
“No, she wasn't here. Why?” you reply, wondering what he's getting at. What he's thinking? “You don't think that the hooded figure was...?”
“Aeos? No, not her. And I don't think it would be the former Time Kai Chronoa either.” he replies, resting his chin on his laced fingers, elbows on the table as he looks to you. “She wouldn't be foolish enough to come to your timeline. Not after what you did to her. No, this must be the actions of someone else.”

“Someone else? Well, if there IS another, I have no idea who they are.” you reply to him. “But if it wasn't her, why my timeline again? After I busted into that realm Mechikabura wouldn't venture forth into, you'd think she would avoid my timeline.”
“Perhaps, perhaps...” Kars replies. “I'll think on this, and send a few feelers out. If I find any pertinent information, I shall let you know.”

And with that he ends the telepathic link, Whis suddenly standing.

“Thank you for your hospitality, King Cold. But I must be getting back. I have been away from Lord Beerus' side for too long.” Whis says, then turns his focus to Freeza. “Are you ready?”
“Ready.” Freeza replies, standing up to his full height. Eyes full of determination, expression unwavering.
“Very well. Say your farewells, as I have a feeling getting you into shape will take quite some time.”

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And that's when it really hits you, Freeza may not just be right back like your wife was. He may be gone for quite some time. This realization hits him as well, and for just a second you see his determination waver. But then his resolve hardens once more, Freeza squaring his shoulders. First, he turns to his father, looking up at his rather large frame in his second form.

“Farewell, Father. I know not when I'll return.” he says, you looking to the king to see his expression is... Complicated. You see a mess of emotions in the ancient being's eyes, but King Cold simply nods to him. “But when I do, I hope I will be the man who lives up to your expectations.”
“I know you will.” King Cold manages to choke out, you realizing he's on the brink of tears. He then turns to Cooler, tilting his head back and giving him a bit of a smug look.
“Enjoy ruling this empire I and Karn built. But should you misuse it, I WILL come for you, Brother.” Freeza says, not the heartfelt goodbye but more a threat. To which Cooler simply laughs, raising his glass.
“To your health and fortune. May the angel Whis not break you in two.” Cooler says, leaving you wondering. Angel? Whis? But before you can ponder it further Freeza turns to you.

“And to you, my friend. Be well. Should you ever truly need me, I am but a thought away.” Freeza says, tapping his head before flying over the table, landing right by you and offering you his right. “Thank you. For everything, Karn.”
“Take care of yourself up there.” you reply, shaking hands with the former emperor. “I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.”

The two of you share a nod, releasing each other as you telepathically tell Meloka what's happening. As you are Freeza turns from you, back to Whis.

“I am ready.” your friend says, Whis nodding.
“Very well. Let us go.” Whis says, turning to Kars. “Will you be accompanying us?”
“No, I'll take my own way back.” he replies, nodding to the angel. “King Cold and I still have business to take care of.”
“I see. Very well, until next time gentlemen.” Whis says, and without another word turns and heads towards the door. Freeza follows without looking back, the two exiting the room and heading out. Silence hangs over the room, you wondering what it could be that Kars wants to talk with Cold about.

But what do you do?
>Thank King Cold for his hospitality and return home, you've missed enough time with your family today
>Stick around a bit, see what else Kars has cooking, what else he's up to
>Take Cooler aside and ask if he, now that his brother is gone offer him to spar with you in the mornings. Freeza leaving means you have lost a daily sparring partner and Cooler has the power to offer a challenge
>Instant Transmission to Broly before you head home, see how your son is doing
>Other(write in)
>Take Cooler aside and ask if he, now that his brother is gone offer him to spar with you in the mornings. Freeza leaving means you have lost a daily sparring partner and Cooler has the power to offer a challenge
May as well shape the lad up, even if the DC for him to accept will be 90.
>>Take Cooler aside and ask if he, now that his brother is gone offer him to spar with you in the mornings. Freeza leaving means you have lost a daily sparring partner and Cooler has the power to offer a challenge
>>Thank King Cold for his hospitality and return home, you've missed enough time with your family today
>Take Cooler aside and ask if he, now that his brother is gone offer him to spar with you in the mornings. Freeza leaving means you have lost a daily sparring partner and Cooler has the power to offer a challenge
Take Cooler aside and ask if he, now that his brother is gone offer him to spar with you in the mornings. Freeza leaving means you have lost a daily sparring partner and Cooler has the power to offer a challenge wins it. Very well, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 80
Second DC: 50
Rolled 56, 87 = 143 (2d100)

Rolled 36, 52 = 88 (2d100)

Rolled 34, 86 = 120 (2d100)

>>Thank King Cold for his hospitality and return home, you've missed enough time with your family today
56/100, 87/100. Failure and Success, writing.
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But instead of addressing that, you instead turn back to Cooler, an idea forming. Who, sensing your gaze turns to you, raising a brow curiously as he sees your expression

“What is it, General Karn?” Cooler asks you, a hint of something in his voice. But you ignore that, and address the idea you have.
“So, I've been thinking. Now that Freeza is gone, I'm out a training partner for my morning sparring.” you tell him, Cooler's expression unchanging. “Not many people are in that level of power, that I can really cut loose against and use full power on. But you're still stronger than him, aren't you?”
“You wish to trade blows with me? Daily?” Cooler asks, his expression changing. Less of a 'looking down on' look and a more 'Is he serious?' sort of expression as he meets your gaze. “Why?”

“Because I improve my best when I have someone strong to spar with.” you reply. “It's thanks to your brother I've gotten as good with my Berserker God power as I have. And now that he's going to get much, much stronger I must do the same. And you're a prime candidate to sharpen my power on.”
“Hmph. You really think that I, Emperor Cooler would be interested in such a thing?” he asks you, tone dripping derision. “I knew you Saiyans were simple, but to ask such a thing. Don't make me laugh.”
“A 'no' would have been enough.” you reply, a little put out by how disrespectful Cooler was. For a moment you considered making an issue of it, but remembering you're his father's guest instead turn to King Cold. “Thank you for your hospitality, but I believe it's time for me to go.”

“Very well. Thank you for your continued service, General Karn.” King Cold replies, his tone on your title more one of respect. “I expect you to be even stronger than you are now, when my Freeza returns. He'll no doubt wish to test out his new strength.”
“I'm sure he will.” you reply with a more satisfied nod, raising your right hand to your forehead you focus your ki sense. Through your wedding band you find your wife's ki, teleporting directly to her with Instant Transmission. One moment you're in King Cold's home, and the next find yourself back in your own. In the mess hall of all places, seems their training is already over.

“Dad! You're back!” Karn Jr shouts excitedly, you turning to your son. Seeing him holding half of the same flank you'd eaten with King Cold and his family earlier, every one or two of your kids holding one. Karn Jr and Okira hold one, Maz and Kayle another, while everyone else has one to themselves. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it's fine. Just had some more time invaders over at King Cold's place.” you tell him,telling your children about the battle as they eat. Watching their expressions change, eyes widening as you talk about the fight.

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“Why didn't you dodge the tail?” Okira asks you innocently enough, you able to tell she's asking a genuine question and not teasing you. “If it was so dangerous, why did you let it stab you?”
“Because I got careless. I got sloppy, and it almost cost me my right arm.” you say, stretching it out. And as you turn your arm, Kayle suddenly sets her food down, flying up over the table and poking your tricep with her finger.
“Right there.” she says confidently, poking you again. “You got a new mark on your arm. Did it get you there?”
“It sure did. Right as I punched him, that bug-like man Cell swung his tail around, up into the underside of my arm. Using the blind spot my own arm made to conceal his attack.”

“But how are you already healed? Freeza cannot heal, and Caulifla never left here.” Koruza asks, your youngest half-demon child's brows furrowed. “If Cell drinks your body that's the end, so how did you get your arm back?”
“Well, to get to that, we have to go over what happened next. So, after Cell drank my arm-” you continue, telling them the rest of the story. Of the fights with Cell, you saving Meloka from Hatchiyack then switching targets to Mira. Fighting him with Freeza, and getting up to the point where you blast that other Mira to nothing.

But do you tell them of the other invaders? The ones who could stop time?
>Absolutely. Those two are a threat and your children need to know of them, to know to reach out to you if they ever encounter such beings
>Tell them just what they need to know, not that they can stop ALL of time. Would just make them more worried against something they cannot hope to fight
>Telepathically ask Meloka how much she thinks you should share with the kids about what came next
>Tell them of the figures stopping time, but put emphasis on Future Chaya and Ace coming to save the day. Try to take away from how powerful the duo really were
>Other(write in)
>Absolutely. Those two are a threat and your children need to know of them, to know to reach out to you if they ever encounter such beings
>>Absolutely. Those two are a threat and your children need to know of them, to know to reach out to you if they ever encounter such beings
I'd say they should be smart enough not to target our children but the universe and timelines beyond it have proven to have a shocking lack of survival instinct over and over again.
>>Absolutely. Those two are a threat and your children need to know of them, to know to reach out to you if they ever encounter such beings
>Absolutely. Those two are a threat and your children need to know of them, to know to reach out to you if they ever encounter such beings
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Rolled 7 (1d7)

Absolutely. Those two are a threat and your children need to know of them, to know to reach out to you if they ever encounter such beings unanimously wins it. Writing.
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Is that even a question? You wonder to yourself about your momentary hesitation for a second before continuing your tale.

“As Mira fell, however, time itself stopped. Freeza, everyone froze. And as I turned, I saw them. The ones behind it.” you tell your children, who are all suddenly staring in rapt attention. Realizing that THIS is the real big bad of the story. “The first one I recognized was another Towa!”
“What?!” several voices shout in surprise, a few of the younger ones turning and looking to her in confusion. You then begin to describe this new Towa, the red streaks in her hair, and above her chest, her darker uniform with arm bands with Kai-like Potara ornamentation on her biceps, and how much more powerful she was. As you describe this form you see your Towa raising a hand to her chin, as if trying to remember such a form.

“But she wasn't alone. There was another with her, one much shorter. I'd say she was around... Your height, Okira, give or take. Wearing a dark brown robe, yellow markings on it and with cloth covering their face. I couldn't see who they were, but they seemed to be the same woman I fought in that other realm.”
“If they're bold enough to come into our time, what is Mechikabura going to do about it?” Maza asks you seriously. “This is his, or well Aeos but still his responsibility to handle this. I'm assuming he showed up not long after?”
“He did. After Trunks showed up, along with Chaya and Ace.” you tell them all. “The two women didn't fight, fleeing after he appeared. Dunno how they did it, since one second they were there and the next gone. No portals, flashes of light, anything. Just... Gone.”

“Probably weren't even really there to begin with.” Towa says, you turning to her and raising a brow. “Simply an avatar, energy construct sent into our timeline for a set duration before vanishing. However, to be able to project a full time stop from another timeline... They've got serious power.”
“How serious are we talking?” Meloka asks, Towa pursing her lips as she thinks it over a moment.

“To put it into terms you all can comprehend better, I don't think even Mechikabura could do it from another timeline for a single second longer than a minute.”

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Silence hangs for a moment, you all taking a second or two to process what Towa said. Until that silence is broken by Maza, letting out a low whistle.

“Damn. So, we're talking someone insanely powerful, strong enough to even potentially go toe-to-toe with Mechikabura. Why not confront Karn head-on then?” Maza asks, his question a worryingly good one. “Why would someone that powerful not just show up and take whatever they were here for?”
“My best guess is that this was a probe. A testing jab, to test Karn's response time and power most likely.” Towa says worriedly. “Testing your power and response. Why else would they invade this Cold's vault, while you and Freeza both were there? That you won is all well and good, but I fear whoever is behind this will only escalate from here.”

Silence once more hangs over the table, Towa then rising up to her feet.

“Well then. I suppose I should get back to work. This new threat only increases the urgency of my newest project.” she says, a twinkle in her eye. “They won't know what hit them.”

And without another word Towa turns, striding from the mess hall towards the door. Leaving the rest of you to ponder over her words in the quiet.

But what now? You're finally back, and have a bit of time with no obligations before heading off to bed. So-

What do you do?
>Take your kids outside to do a bit of light sparring, using the same attack with your tail Imperfect Cell used on you. See how the kids try and dodge that same attack that momentarily crippled you
>Ask the kids what they want to do before bed, try and accommodate as many as possible
>Go out and sit on the sand, watching the sunset like your old man used to. Enjoy a bit of calm after a wild day
>Telepathically call King Vegeta and let him know what all happened, including Freeza going off to be an apprentice Destroyer. He should know of all of what happened today
>Other(write in)
>>Go out and sit on the sand, watching the sunset like your old man used to. Enjoy a bit of calm after a wild day
Karn never gets options to just Be that often. I think hes earned a break.
>Take your kids outside to do a bit of light sparring, using the same attack with your tail Imperfect Cell used on you. See how the kids try and dodge that same attack that momentarily crippled you
How could I not? Besides, we have energy to burn after that cheater bean.
>>Go out and sit on the sand, watching the sunset like your old man used to. Enjoy a bit of calm after a wild day
Alright changing to this. Resting is important too.
>Go out and sit on the sand, watching the sunset like your old man used to. Enjoy a bit of calm after a wild day
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Rolled 2 (1d2)

Go out and sit on the sand, watching the sunset like your old man used to. Enjoy a bit of calm after a wild day wins it. Writing.
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-instead of taking your kids training, which you consider a moment, you stand up as well and stretch out. Calling over to Silver.

“Great work today, this stuff was the best. Whis sends his regards.” you tell him, the elderly man nodding in appreciation. You then turn, going towards the door as well only to be stopped by a question.
“Where are you going, Dad?” Caulifla asks, you turning to your daughter. Noticing for the first time the boy sitting to her left isn't one of yours. He's wearing a suit of her magic'd up silver armor, noticing they're holding hands beneath the table. It takes you a second before you recognize him as her longtime friend Lottus.
“Just outside. Going to sit and watch the sun set.” you tell her, then address everyone. “Whoever wants to come is free to join, of course.”

And like opening a floodgate most everyone immediately gets up, Maza most notably not. He seems rather perturbed, no doubt by the information he got from his mother. But Koruza, tapping him on the shoulder gets him to come as well, you all leaving the mess hall behind. Leading your family through the halls and outside, you find the sun already touching the horizon. Letting out a sigh you walk near the water's edge, taking your boots off and sitting down with the waves washing over your feet. Karn Jr, not content to sit with his feet in the waves reaches in with both hands, throwing a wave up onto Maz and Kayle. Who both shoot back up to their feet, running him down and grabbing their younger sibling by his hands and feet, swinging and throwing him out to sea. He laughs as he tumbles through the air, landing with a splash.

Meloka sits beside you, watching your children playing in the dying light as Caulifla and Lottus, who you realized is much smaller than your daughter when both were standing, but sitting down she rests her head on his shoulder. Glancing their way, you see the young man blushing a bit, clearly still nervous in front of you despite how close he is with your daughter. You'll need to take him aside sometime, make sure he treats her right. But that's a problem for another day, you watching the sun start creeping down behind the horizon. This is it, what you've fought so long and hard to achieve. Peace. And you're not going to let some midget and Towa ruin this. Whatever their plans, them and whoever sent that Majin Ozotto after you are scheming, you'll do everything in your power to protect your family and the peace you've built. You have spent a lifetime building this, and won't let anyone take it away.


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226 End-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy the ride? Ready to see what the next dawn brings, what new challenges await you and how your family will progress? Curious what else that Towa has up her sleeves, what other trouble she has in store for you and who this mysterious figure truly is? Do you think Kars is right that it can't be Chronoa, or do you still believe it is her? And are you ready to perhaps get your first glimpse of what else is to come? This and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!

And ten points to whoever can guess which catastrophic event has hit the house this weekend that I've been fighting between posts.
When did Cauli get a boy? Dang man.

Daaawwww, our baby got a knight in shining armor, if he fails, he will pray whatever made him fail kills him before we do.
it was during the last Patreon exclusive. too be honest before that I forgot that Lottus existed.
Was the September patron story, one of my better ones over there if I do say so myself. The day he went from childhood friend in Cauli's eyes to a man.
No, if those start ravaging the mountains then the world is in serious trouble
Yes. And he won't fail. Not when he's fighting for who he's always loved. Just wait until Chaya sees them together...
He's kind of been a background character, not even mentioned a lot of the time as he's the more quiet type.
>Telepathically call King Vegeta and let him know what all happened, including Freeza going off to be an apprentice Destroyer. He should know of all of what happened today

In all seriousness, we should make sure to remember to do this tomorrow morning.
A good idea. Especially after New Salda's first visitor of the day...
Chaya is either going to squee or get squee and get SUPER depressed.
In today's episode of SQUEE or REEEE!!!
>He doesn't necessarily want you around.
That's fine. We don't need him, anyway. We can find some other angel that'd be willing to whip us to shape, or just ask a shinjin/demon to do it instead. Worst comes to worse we just Jiren our way to absolute strength.
Yeah, which will win out? Love for her sister or depression/anger over her own situatuon? Who knows, guess we'll have to wait and see.
Not necessarily. They all would all be exceptionally wary of you. And yes, Karn has his own path to power
is it simply because of the anti divine nature of the berserker, or is it something about Karn specifically that has put Whis off?
Angels I'm not surprised, but if that goes to the Shinjin right down to the demon realm, and demons to then that's disappointing. But ultimately its whatever. We don't need them either. We'll find someone capable of teaching us, be it Perfect Cell or Towa. Hell, we can just self-teach ourselves if need be. Be a self-made master. I just want our blue equilivent already so we can start planning further.
To be fair I don't think there is much distinction between demons and kais. Since some demons are straight up born from their stupid fucking trees. Pretty sure Mechi, Towa and Dabura all were. Or I'm getting Mango-delic affected.
Both? Possibly both.
Well the entire divine hierarchy can sense what you are, and most would be startled at BEST.
>Well the entire divine hierarchy can sense what you are
The Kindled Fused Berserker Soul, the Fatelessness, or the Determination?
>enjoy the ride?
>Both? Possibly both.
This really makes me think.
>Well the entire divine hierarchy can sense what you are, and most would be startled at BEST.
By the way If I remember right Mechikabura and Karn from the past we heard about got both erased along with all timelines when Chronoa destroyed the Time Scroll. However Dumplin kept the Dark Dragon Balls allowing Mechikabura to survive erasure within them. Towa's wish resurrected him. I wonder if after all of this Mechikabura is Fateless too?
Been watching a certain goat in my feed today, this week's epilogue going to be an alternate future special. A what-if, for Karn's potential last battle.

No one from this dimension/reality can perceive Determination. It is a relic of a previous existence, and only Karn, DDF, Dumplin, Chronoa, and Mechikabura have it.
Dumplin, Karn, Chronoa, Ace, Mechikabura and DDF -are- Fateless beings. Karn due to DDF merging what was left of Old Karn with him. Their destinies lie outside this reality and as such can change this one.
>have it that you know of
Had to fix that one. You are unaware if anyone/anything else survived Chronoa's reality erasure, but if something did it could have been from the previous reality and have Determination and be Fateless as well.
>It is a relic of a previous existence, and only Karn, DDF, Dumplin, Chronoa, and Mechikabura have it that you know of
So Chaya didn't inherit it? I guess the green eyes are something different then.
Yes and no. It IS genetic, but taking someone with just a hint of it(remember Old Reality Karn was only a small piece of soul before being absorbed fully into you) and someone who doesn't have it at all only gets just a smidgen of it. Enough to make a difference, certainly, but nowhere NEAR what you or Mechikabura have. For scale, Karn's Determination let's say is 100%. Any of his children would have roughly 5%, 10 max.
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Sounds like we'll need some mad science to harness this power!
I don't know what that thing is and I don't like it. Why does it look like its trying to sell me oregano calling it weed?
that's undertale's beloved meta/canon creepypasta man. He's sorta maybe related to Sans so that's probably why
>tfw he's actually trying to sell you weed by calling it oregano
>he doesn't know undertale
Bless your midwestern heart, GD.
Ah, that explains it.
Who doesn’t know undertale? I don’t know the creepypasta stuff though, was never interesting.
did your eyes glaze over the meta/canon part
I never saw him in the playthroughs I watched years after the craze and avoided all the fan discussions online, so
that's the meta part, you are not supposed to see him normally (or at all). He's more present in Deltarune as the intro to the game and easter eggs. He literally gives you eggs.
What’s Deltarune? A sequel or something?
I thought Jesus was the one who gave us eggs on easter.
like a sidequel. An alternate universe of sorts, new story but similar beats and better gameplay. Comes out in chapters though, there's only two so far.
Didn't know he was the easter bunny
I ain't never seen a bunny lay eggs, man.
Oh, that's too bad.
>he hasn't seen the egg-laying rabbits
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>Do you think Kars is right that it can't be Chronoa, or do you still believe it is her?
I wanted to say "Yes. I agree. It's some unknown enemy." but when I look at the picture you posted >>6121817 I must say she really looks like Chronoa. So now I don't know. Maybe it is some "other" Chronoa. In the similar way as there are many Towas, but honestly I don't know.
>>he hasn't seen the egg-laying rabbits
I did not know about them too, but it's never too late to learn.
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This is what a cow's nest looks like. They are very protective of their eggs.
>Enough to make a difference, certainly, but nowhere NEAR what you or Mechikabura have.
But can determination be cultivated?
No, you know IC that Chronoa culled and absorbed all her counterparts.
Love this meme
Yes and no. Since it's something not of this reality, there aren't really sights/visages that fill you with Determination.
>there aren't really sights/visages that fill you with Determination
I can think of at least one, but I think we'd be loathe to ever see it.
It isn't sites, not necessarily. But emotions. In the other reality, one based on that mechanic, different and even mundane sights could fill one with Determination every few minutes. But here, in a world without it? It takes harsher, more vibrant emotions to pull that out of you and bring it forth.
>He doesn't necessarily want you around.
Actually remembering now. How did the previous universes Karn who also had the Beserker Soul get Whis to train him?
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Now there's a good question. I can't tell you, but I can drop a hint: that process has just been started
>inb4 Kars slaps a chart down in front of Whis that shows a direct correlation between Karn's power level and the predicted Mortal level of Universe 7
hm.........interesting. Mortal Level likely has something to do with it, its one of the few things that Angels like Whis actually care about and Whis is a logical being. Theres plenty of datapoints if its brought together to showcase how Karn either directly via his rivals or by training his students has given the Mortal Level a good kick in the ass upwards.

Part of it is likely gunna be Freeza maybe asking Whis to train Karn to help push him further after Whis turns him Black or atleast catches him up to us.

A third is likely imo just interacting with Karn in none hostile scenarios and showing that Karn, despite the Beserker Souls nature, has very clear cut lines that allows peaceful coexist with him that Whis can easily grasp and understand.
It's pretty hard to justify refusing to let Karn come around the house because he's 'a threat to the destroyer god' when he's actually best friends with the destroyer god, and you and the destroyer god keep going over to Karn's house for lunch.
Divine retard juice man. Not even the totallynotgay angel is immune to its effects.
All I'm saying is that if he actually believed Karn was a threat to Beerus, they wouldn't constantly come over to raid his kitchen or even associate, much less associate with his wife or friend.
For as uncomfortable as the thought of training Karn may be right now, I'm sure he'll think differently in time.
There was a what-if epilogue where Freeza was a destroyer candidate training with Whis. iirc, Karn just kinda showed up one day with no explanation how or why, and that led to training.
Whis doesn't actually care about that, but a universe where everything is working looks better on him.
Whis isn't worried about Karn hurting HIM, as you can't touch him unless he wants you to.
He doesn't trust you around a napping Beerus, not while he's still groggy. Once he's more fully awake Whis won't be as worried about him.
Someone remembered!
Let's just tell Whis that if he doesn't agree to train us we'll have Vox cancel Galaxy's Next Top Model.
You didn't say top chef, clearly you don't know Whis
>implying he doesn't watch sex in the city or whatever
y'ain't slick, rick.
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With the archive still down, the epilogue I wanted to post won't be ready. As I needed to look up a certain other character moment to get this one right. If suptg is online in the morning before I go to work or tomorrow night before I have to sleep, I'll be able to finish this one up. But if not, I can't finish this one. Pic very much related, spoilers ahead for this what-if epilogue.
Supposedly the archives are still accessible if you remember the specific URL for an archived thread. The WayBack Machine MIGHT be able to help.
Unfortunate, as I don't even remember which episode I need.
Archive is back up
I dont think Freeza will get black, maybe his drive to catch up with us and our friendship will make it green instead.
>tfw he decides to make it red or orange because it contrasts green and he thinks it'd look cool standing side by side
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Nah, Namekians already called dibs on orange.
Orange Nail when GD?
I consider TANG-collo and BIG HAIR-Han to both be non canon. And as it is my headcanon and I have the biggest head of anyone here it is therefore objectively correct.
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Oh really?
Yes it is! Epilogue's back on the menu boys!
A good thought. Golden Freeza is gold in canon simply to show up Super Saiyan.
Ha, nice. And who knows? He isn't even as strong as the now-dead Nameless Namekian yet.
Do you think Frieza still busts that form out when he's forced into meetings he doesn't want to be in?
>Ha, nice. And who knows? He isn't even as strong as the now-dead Nameless Namekian yet.
Really? You'd think he'd have gotten his ass in gear after getting a first-hand account of just how strong outsiders can be. Though I guess that also brings up another question;
How strong would the Nameless Namekian have been were he restored in this timeline?
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My hairline makes my skull look infinite.

Really though anon does have a point, when was the last time Frieza used that form? How about his second or first?
Ha, but no. After all he was no longer emperor, ruler of only a single world under his brother's rule so all he had were family meetings or meetings Freeza was on better terms than his brother with the others.
You forget, Nail was 42,000 in the NAMEK SAGA (AGE 762, in December) and it's only AGE 758 now. He's ALREADY had his potential unleashed by Guru, the Nameless Super Namekian was the Freeza of his race. And was strong enough to not only body Freeza's 100%, but also SUPER SAIYAN GOKU. Nail even said had Piccolo returned whole, Freeza wouldn't stand a chance. Now, were the elders to agree and turn Nail into a Super Namekian, however...
Not quite enough to style on Imperfect Cell with several unreactable spins into a back kick, but still required THREE androids working in unison to take him down.
>My hairline makes my skull look infinite.
Maybe so, but 3rd form Freeza got beforehead, forehead, and afterhead.
Addressing open because it doesn't need a spoiler. Years. He only used those forms to restrict his power. But, after your training and teaching him control, enough to regulate his power in Golden Freeza, he no longer needs those lesser forms.
>ruler of only a single world under his brother's rule
Was he STILL going to bat for New Salda politically? Mad respect, but now I'm kinda worried about the implications of him leaving for what might be years.
>Now, were the elders to agree and turn Nail into a Super Namekian, however...
They should do that. They should definitely do that.
So stuff like third form is just an old party trick, huh? Glad he tossed them away though. Aesthetics aside, having to physically nerf yourself to not break everything around you is a pretty big weakness. I think I saw a Dragonball Multiverse timeline where Freeza got boomed by a battalion of Great Apes because it took too long to transform from his first form to his final form.
>Aesthetics aside, having to physically nerf yourself to not break everything around you is a pretty big weakness
Could have been worse. Could have been a subconcious limiter like Superman's.
Speaking of, we still need to go a few rounds with Supes now that he can throw hands.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226 Epilogue-


“Great grandpa, great grandpa Karn! Where are you?” one of your grandkids, or maybe great grandkids shouts as they rush into the room. Causing the two great great grandchildren in your arms to wake up and suddenly start crying. “Aspara an' Karun are going at it too close to the ship!”
“Quiet!” you order, stopping the kid running in shouting, but also the two in your arms. The entire room goes quiet, except for your wife.
“Karn, dear, no need to scare the poor boy.” your wife, currently holding four sleeping great great grandchildren to her as well says in her gentle admonishing tone, you sighing out and relaxing back into your seat at her words. “Now, what is going on?”

“Aspara and Karun got into a fight, and they're not leaving the island like they're supposed to!” the kid, whose eyes are glowing crimson with worry. You realizing that this one has to be one of Chilli's children, but don't recognize the other names offhand. Knowing that your memory has been fading over the past couple years is terrible, but with not even your daughter's divine powers able to stop the onslaught of aging you feel that your time is nearing its end. You are Karn, the former wielder of the Berserker Soul, 'Dragon of New Salda' in your youth, husband of Meloka, and sire of the largest lineage from those of your time. With great-great grandchildren in the dozens now and your world being at peace, you have spent the last few years being at peace. With your body falling apart on you, your time as a fighter has reached its end. But even still, you have-


Suddenly one of the tiny windows in your room is smashed, tearing the wall around it as a body crashes through, interrupting your contemplation. And to your surprise it's a green-haired Saiyan boy, slamming back-first into the ground near you and your wife. And a moment later a red-haired warrior, blazing with divine power dives down after him, the other young man landing a flying kick to the downed warrior's guts.

“KYUUUH!” the younger Berserker cries, spitting up glowing green blood. Then, with a snarl fires a blast from their mouth, slamming into the divine aura'd one. Blasting the warrior back outside, aura blazing then exploding out of the room back after him upon ending his attack. “GET BACK HERE!”
“Haaaaaaah. You. Hold these two.” you tell the wide-eyed kid still standing beside your seat, you lifting the two children up to them. And reflexively the young child takes them into their hands, you pressing your hands to the arms of your recliner, readying yourself to rise.
“Karn, dear, do you really need to do this yourself?” Meloka asks, you stopping halfway up and glancing over to her. “I'll call their parents over to have a word with them, no need to get up for this.”
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“No no no, they damaged MY house. They need to know to respect this place.” you say, forcing yourself all the way up to your feet. Joints groaning in protest you rise, standing at what's left of your full height. Then with a sigh lift off your feet, flying over to the hole in your home. Peering out you see the two still going at it, red and green energies slamming into each other. And as you see them fight, you feel yourself growing more and more annoyed. Not only are they recklessly throwing themselves at each other, but neither is fighting with any real skill. No feints, dodges or counters, just throwing their full power into each other in a power and ego-measuring fight. And you've seen enough, taking in a long, deep breath before shouting out. Calling up the remnants of your days as an general, shouting in your order-giving voice. “WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!”

Both warriors freeze after slamming into each other, turning their wide-eyed looks of shock and worry at hearing your tone. And seeing you standing there in the busted hole of your ship, glaring at them the two both immediately power down, moving a bit away from each other. Silence hangs in the air, neither child speaking up. Clearly worried at seeing you not only UP, but angry at them.

“He started it!” the one who had the divine aura says, pointing at the other accusatorily. Which causes the other to transform back up, snarling at him.
“Bullshit! You mother fucker!” the Berserker snarls, the accuser retaking their divine form as both boys try and swing on each other. Their fists just slide by, avoiding direct contact as they cross counter each other.
“ENOUGH!!” you shout, flying down and grabbing both of the young men by the hair. Trying to separate them, but their power is too great for you to overcome. “BREAK IT UP! RIGHT NOW!”

But you can't pull them apart, the two both going at it. And you aren't sure whose fist does it, but one of them accidentally backhands you as you try and stop the fight. The heavy blow sending you flying back. Smashing back-first into one of your ship's legs, denting the metal as you bounce off of it.

“Gyuuah?!” you cry out as a sharp pain comes from your back, dropping to the ground. It has been years since you last took a punch, much less one you weren't ready for as you feel your consciousness fading. But this time it feels... Different. You suddenly get the feeling that if you lose consciousness now, you're not getting back up. So, you grit your teeth, fighting to remain conscious. Struggling against the darkness you focus, pushing yourself up as you hear voices distantly calling to you. But as you force yourself to rise, see red dots forming in your vision. At first you think you're doing worse than you thought, then realize that not only is that blood, it's dripping from your head. Shit.
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“Like hell I'm going out like this!” you manage to get out, getting a knee beneath you to steady yourself. Several people are shouting, but you can't make sense of all the noise from the ringing in your head. However, suddenly a pair of hands reach out towards you, gentle but firm, opening your mouth and putting something in.
“Karn, listen to me. Chew this, hurry.” a woman's voice says, you complying with the tone. Crunching the small bean, suddenly you realize what it is. Energy coursing through your body as you swallow it, the spinning stopping almost instantly. Your body instantly feels more 'normal', the aches and pain vanishing. Your vision clears as well, revealing a face you certainly weren't expecting to see. “There you go.”

“Towa? Thank you.” you tell her, the demon princess, who still looks nearly the exact same as the day you met, the day she saved your wife from certain death all those years ago. Except her eyes. Back then, her eyes didn't hold the same capacity for love and compassion as she does now.
“You fool man. You could have gotten yourself killed, and for what?” she asks, shaking her head. “Honestly, it's a wonder you ever lived to be this old.”
“I had help.” you reply with a grin, trying and failing to push yourself upright. But she is there immediately, catching you and keeping you from falling. “Though, I gotta say. Seeing you still as young and beautiful as the day we first met, makes me a little jealous. Wish I could still move like that.”

“Dad, are you-?” another voice asks, you turning and seeing your first born son Chilli suddenly appearing by your side. “Auntie Towa.”
“He's fine. Just had a bad fall breaking up a fight.” she says, turning a pointed look at the two youths. Who have stopped their fight after seeing your fall, watching worriedly. But seeing your son's glare turn on them both turn white as a sheet, only for his crystals to spread from the ground at his feet to them, encasing both of the boys' lower bodies within crystals in an instant.
“Oh really?” your son replies, a fire to his voice. Anger burns just under the surface, but its presence is unmistakable. The two flinch at the sound, clearly wishing they could flee. But before he can do more, you call to him.

“Chilli. It's time.” you tell him, your son turning to you with a confused look. But as he meets your eyes, you see the realization dawn. He understands what you mean, his expression losing all fire as he turns somber. With a snap he summons that dusty old book, looking at you but not AT you for a moment. He then sighs, closing the book and sending it back to presumably his home.
“You still have another seventy-eight hours, are you sure?” he asks, you sigh at the confirmation. You are finally dying. Yet, the thought brings a smirk to your face, mirth rising until you're unable to contain your laughter.
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“Heh. Heheh. Hehehaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAA!” you burst into laughter, the sound full of mirth and mocking. Through everything you've been through, all the battles with gods and demons, Destroyers and Angels, avatars of Order and Chaos, all of them failed to kill you. Even the Gods of Time tried their hand, yet in the end it seems old age the only one to best you. “AAAHAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!”

“Karn? Are you-?” Towa asks, your laugh trailing off as you look to her with a smile.
“It's just funny, after everything. Old age what nearly gets me.” you reply to her, the former Demon Princess shaking her head. But you see her smile as well as you turn your attention to your son. “Gather your siblings, if you would. It's time.”
“I understand.” Chilli replies somberly, knowing what is about to happen. And before your children all show up you take back to the air, straining a bit to fly back up to the hole in the ship where your wife is standing. And seeing you, from the look in her eyes you know she knows.

“Karn, don't tell me... Not today.” she says, you sensing her denial and flying right up to her. “You can't go yet.”
“It's okay, hun. I've lived a good life.” you tell her, flying up level with her face, leaning in and giving her one last kiss, holding her in your arms. “Thank you, for everything. For always staying by my side.”
“Don't go Karn. Please.” she says, your heart breaking. Reaching out, you hug her to you, pressing her head to your chest and resting your chin on her head. “I don't know what I'll do without you.”

“When it's your turn, they'll bring you too. I know we won't be apart too long.” you tell her, comforting your wife. “But I have to go first. I'll have a place for us when you come to join me, all ready for us.”
“I know. But I'll miss you.” she responds as you start sensing your children returning home one by one. Leaving the worlds they now call home, several bringing their own families or others with them. All the different races some have married into, while others made families with other Saiyans. And in just a minute, there are now over a hundred beings on your island who weren't there a few minutes ago. “I love you.”
“Love you. Cheer me on, will you?” you ask, getting her to give a smile through her tears.
“Y-Yeah. Always.” your wife says, voice shaking. “Always and forever.”

The two of you share one last look, you knowing the next time you'll see her will be on the other side. So you take her in, every inch of her as you remember everything you two have been through before turning, addressing everyone gathered below.
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“Sorry for the short notice, but the time has come. My time has come.” you say, looking each of your children in the eye. You see the realization dawn in their eyes, your kids knowing what's to come. At least the older ones, the ones who remember your own father's final lesson to you, all those years ago. “Time for my final lesson.”
“Final lesson? What do you mean?” Karn Jr, your last-born son asks. He looks worried, sensing the mood from his older siblings. “What's going on, dad?”

“Today is the day for me to give you all my final lesson. And that is how a proud Saiyan warrior meets their end.” you tell him, speaking not only to your youngest but to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren all looking up to you as well. The younger children, raised not on war as you were but on peace, the peace won through the blood, sweat and tears of your generation, as well as that of their parents. “We Saiyans are a proud warrior race, and warriors don't meet their end asleep in their beds. But for a Saiyan warrior, to achieve the highest honor is to meet their end in battle!”

Silence hangs over your home at your proclamation, everyone absorbing what you said. But as they do, one rises up from the crowd. Unexpectedly, it's Chaya, your eldest, eyes heavy as she meets your gaze and reaches out telepathically.

“Are you sure about this Dad?” she asks you with a thought.
“I'm ready.” you tell her, feeling more at peace than ever. Then, aloud, continue. “Don't hold back. Fight me like your life depends on it, Chaya! Show me that this world will be safe without me, should trouble ever return.”
“Right.” she replies, taking a deep breath in, sighing out as she takes on her strongest form. Having long left behind the power of Blue, your daughter's divine power surging higher and higher. Surpassing even her mother, as the Goddess of Victory personified. As it does, her power reawakens the ember remains of the Berserker Soul within you, causing it to reignite! Power, familiar but long-dormant power surges to life within you, your body transforming for one last time.

“GRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!” you bellow, unleashing everything you've got left. Flesh tearing, muscles ripping apart and reforming, you retake the visage of the Berserker. A form long-unused, being unable to take the form anymore for the disastrous consequences after. But you don't have an 'after' to worry about, not anymore. For one last time, you're going to give it everything you've got! “HRRRAAAAAAAAA!!”

And without hesitation or respect towards the power gap, you charge forward. Right towards your daughter, and your final fight.
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With a roar you close the distance, swinging at your daughter's head with a right. That she blocks with her left forearm, using her arms to block a dozen rapid-fire punches. But on your sixth right she ducks it, twisting her body and firing a devastatingly-powerful left directly into your ribs. Breaking several and sending you flying back as you cry out in pain.

“Gyaaah!” you shout, unable to hold it in as blood sprays from your mouth. However, after a second or three you recover, flipping backwards and reorienting on your daughter, who hasn't followed up on her attack. You seeing the conflict in her eyes. Tch! Did I teach you to stop and admire your work after landing only a single hit?!”

With that you clench your fists, blazing your emerald aura up around you as you draw your right hand to your chest. Gathering your energy for your final, all-out attack.

“Use your full power, and never hold back! Fight every battle as if it were life and death!” you order, your daughter drawing her right back as well. But at your words her expression changes, her resolve hardening as you recall the words your own father spoke to you, at his end.


“In this world, when you fight it is kill or be killed! Your enemies will show you no mercy, so show them none!” you order her, as well as your lineage watching from down below. You remember your youth, how your father taught you to fight, to survive, to WIN. How, even with his final act he was teaching not just you but your own children. And it would be a disservice to do anything less yourself. “The fate of our people now rests with you all, how well you can fight and protect them. You must be strong! Strong enough to fight through any pain, doing whatever it takes to win! Losing means death, not only for you but everyone you wish to protect! So, no matter the cost, you must win!”

Memories flood through you, of all the fighting you did, every challenge you overcame to make the world your family now lives in so peacefully. But you know how easily it can be taken away, how they must fight to keep what you worked so hard to give them.

“I entrust the future of our people to you, now.” you tell them all, then throw your right hand forward, unleashing everything you've got. “FINAL-!”
“SHINE ATTACK!!” you and Chaya shout together, and in a flash, it's over. Everything fades away, as you are no doubt bested. And before the darkness takes you, your last thoughts are of your family, how you're so glad you got to spend the time with them you did.

And so passes the Progenitor of the Super Saiyans, resurgence of their kind among the Saiyan race. His name was Karn; a proud, Saiyan father and warrior.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 226 Epilogue End-
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Bit of a what-if inspired by a certain character's last stand getting animated, got me all in my feels and shit. Spoilers to avoid spoilers, if anyone cares. I had this idea and wanted to get it out there, to give you all a potential end to Karn's story. But what do you guys think, is this the sort of end you would expect for Karn? Would you prefer he break tradition, passing in bed and not in a glorious final stand against impossible odds? I'm rather curious what you all think of how Karn's story(at least in his own timeline) will end.
If you ask me, this is how things SHOULD go. A final lesson and a proper passing of the torch in the middle of a lasting peace. (Also Karn's remains being vaporized so nobody can steal his corpse quite so easily)
That said, I can imagine we'll be quite so lucky to have it go like this. Sometimes shit happens at the worst times, and I can't imagine even Karn will be able to enjoy his well earned rest in peace.
Okay, so whose kids were the little shits that were fighting?

Poor dementia-Karn. He's too far gone to know who exactly needs their arses whooped.
>implying karn wouldn't die, go to hell, immediately break out of hell with his now unaging body and just chill and grill on the beach forever
Who's gonna stop him? Don't even say Chili or Nergal would, Karn is dead, not some immortal hiding away. Nergal doesn't do reincarnation or soul processing or whatever. I dare a Yemma to try.

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