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!OHAQhiktBA 04/25/10(Sun)20:20 No.9429022>>9428856 You enter to find the other four hopefuls standing in a loose crowd around Thurge, a broad-shouldered, gray-bearded man. He's lecturing as he usually does, expounding on the values of Biomancy as a tool to help the sick and to protect the mage. He nods slightly as you enter, his eye following you as you stand with the others. "...and think not less of the necromancer," he growls, stroking at his beard, "for he is a mage just as you are, and an imperial servant. Death is just as much a part of the world as life. You are both two parts of the whole, and not the one set against the other, you see?" He speaks with his hands, gesturing to make his points. The others students nod, and you nod without really listening. Where is the test?! "Now," Thurge murmurs, almost whispers, "Imperial mages are here to oversee your tests privately. Lilian, Albrecht, Porrum, you'll be meeting your administers in the vacant rooms just up the stairs. Aleres, Ylliora, you will have your tests administered here and in the next room." Ylliora, a short dark-haired girl with a knack for summons, shoots you a smile that may or may not be antagonistic. Journeyman testing isn't a competition per se, but Ylliora has always had a competitive streak as long as you've known her. >What do/say? |