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01/17/12(Tue)01:13 No.17569070 File1326780788.png-(42 KB, 409x386, 1325984035824.png)
"Sir, uh, what?"
"We have no transports and no pilots to spare for a ferry flight, all the ferries to the island have shut down by now, the Witches are too drained to physically haul your fat ass over to the mainland, even if they wanted to, so unless you want to swim, chap... well, yeah."
"Oh. Okay," you say, nonplussed.
Luke pauses again, and when he speaks, the tone in his voice lets you know you've stepped into a noose. "Actually, you might have to stay longer. You said your plane is still in one piece?"
"... yeees?" you say cautiously, wondering how the Major is going to take that accomplishment and fuck you with it.
You aren't left in suspense for too long. "That's MY plane, pilot. I need it back here, and that means a ferry flight. And oh look, I've already got a pilot right there."
Oh shit oh fuck oh doom on you. "Sir, I've got patrols to fly-"
"NOT ANYMORE~!" Luke shouts, and hangs up the phone as he cackles like a madman.
It would seem Luke is up to something, and you're now his little bitch.
Trapping you on an island with the Witches you pissed off last night probably didn't disappoint him, either.
"Everything worked out?" Sakamoto asks you, poking her head in from the next room.
"Yes sir," you say, tacking on the honorific reflexively. "I can't get out till-"
"-tomorrow at least, I know," she finishes. "We've got a room ready for you, and your crew, of course."
"One more thing," you ask. "My clothes...?"
"Oh, we put them in the wash. They're on the line right now. Should be dry by tomorrow," she says casually, and walks out of the room.