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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 10/07/09(Wed)14:44 No.6173754 File1254941046.jpg-(34 KB, 345x216, zebu.jpg)
Note: I'm not giving you kills for those AA emplacements you were shooting at earlier because those were unconfirmed kills.
After dealing with the tanks Strauss orders you to double time it to HLV's. The terrain, whilst hilly afford little else in the way of cover and the Feds haven't had time to lay down mines yet.
Your Zaku breaks out into a run, the other two have to use their jet's to keep pace, you however stride confidantly across the hilly terrain that your MS-06J Zaku II was designed for.
You crest the hill after ten minutes, revealing the valley where the 12 HLV's used for Operation Elephant landed. They're already unloading, mostly in Trucks, Heavy Trucks and other light vehicles. The trucks are being loaded with spare ammo, weapons, parts and crew.
Also, it looks like the AA Company has been unloaded and has set itself up in defensive positions. You notice a custom Super Heavy Vehicle Lifter is currently unpacking something, but it looks like their hydraulics got damaged whilst landing, and the main door isn't opening.
The Magella AA begin to move, something seems to have got their attention. A quick check of your Radar reveals why, 12 slow moving air targets advancing on your position.
Without Minovsky Particles your ground units will be sitting ducks against Federation Guided Missiles. Heaven help you if they take an HLV which has still got fuel out. |