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  • File : 1249609440.jpg-(161 KB, 600x600, The Rock Shall Begin And Soon.jpg)
    161 KB Bad Guy Quest 7 The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)21:44 No.5362714  
    Let 's begin.

    When last we left off, you the Enraged Scientist had discovered yet another secret base. This one is the lair of notorious scientist number 8.

    In an odd change of plans, you challenged the laser technician to a good old fashioned rock off. Prepare the amps and ready the sky scraper sized speakers. Shit most likely will get real.

    Your resources remain pretty darn high, if somewhat vague. If you need a bit more information(on current projects, funds, evil plans), go ahead and ask. etc, etc.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/06/09(Thu)21:46 No.5362738
    What kind of crazy shit can our AMPs do when cranked up to 11?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:46 No.5362739
    I execute a hapless minion to cheer myself up.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:47 No.5362742
    Fuck the blue woman

    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:47 No.5362744
    Practice our rock skills. Need to see how good we are, after all. Also, invest in as much laser deflection gear as possible
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:48 No.5362754
         File1249609688.jpg-(171 KB, 1680x1050, stalker_clear_sky_508.jpg)
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    We need to get ourselves some disposable minions. Since where in good with the Russians we could hire up some of those STALKER fellows and outfit to draw attention or fire whatever is needed at the time. Also this will let us make a new loli-bot STALKER complete with parka and mask to lead the men about.
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/06/09(Thu)21:49 No.5362765
    Russians are terrible for the shit we do.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:50 No.5362769
    We need kickass mercs working for us and these guys might work if we-GET OUT OF HERE STALKER!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:51 No.5362781
    Exactly why we emblazon huge red 9's on them and have them pose as minions of the remaining nine. Even if they die they still draw suspicion away from us.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:54 No.5362802
    I rape God. Nasally.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:56 No.5362825
    Fuck the russians lets just make a STALKER loli for the shits and giggles.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)21:57 No.5362827
         File1249610224.jpg-(68 KB, 600x600, Fuck If You Know.jpg)
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    The fuck if you know. They seem pretty loud though. The sand around your base rippled if that counts. I mean, you still gotta get them over to France.
    You have (0) minions at this moment. You have no such amount to execute.
    We're having a classy quest thread. Maybe some other time.
    You're not completely certain if they'll match your evil aesthetic but you'll keep them in mind.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:59 No.5362845

    I kill myself. But if youy won't let me do that, I use my "pretty darn high" resources to recruit some disposable minions. We'll shoot low at first just to get the numbers: Thugs and gang members from low income neighborhoods. Just offer them money to work for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)21:59 No.5362846
    Get a gun, rob the nearest bank.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:00 No.5362850
    We'll need minions to move the amps to france lets have a minion audition to fins some suitable workhorses.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:01 No.5362860
    Whoever we hire up they need some kickass gas masks regardless of who they are or how they dress.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:03 No.5362872


    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:03 No.5362878

    Why use fleshy minions when we have a massive amount of robot minions? We have 7-10 named minions, and then hordes of disposable loli-shaped war machines resting withing the confines of our Floating Pyramid of Doom (FPD). Can't we just get some of them to do all our heavy lifting?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)22:04 No.5362886
    Nah, I can't exactly follow this plan on the "killing yourself" part. How exactly would you go about recruiting some minions then? You sure do have the money for it. Newspaper adds or something?
    That's the best you could come up with?
    Sounds like a plan. How would you like to hold this audition?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:06 No.5362902
    Hold minion auditions and we'll cover it up as roadie employment. If anyone asks all roadies wear gasmasks and carry assault rifles
    >> Jacob Banner 08/06/09(Thu)22:06 No.5362903

    Post up flyers for it. EVERYWHERE. At the very least, it will draw the attention of the other Numbers.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:08 No.5362911
    Develop a mind control guitar within the last few moments. Or at least a mind controlling frequency.

    And other devious tricks. A good mad scientist always has a few tricks up his sleeve.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:08 No.5362914
    We can even drop the loli thing. I'm totally fine with that. But we already have a massive factory capable of mass-producing robots! What do we need minions for?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:08 No.5362916
    Job fair. An evil job fair. Equal opportunity evil of course.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:09 No.5362922
    Put the word on on the street, yo. Tell a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows guys in need of a job.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:09 No.5362924
    We have the world's best AI. Have her help us in developing Rocker Bots.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:12 No.5362952
    Better yet, discover the Earth's Frequency, Tesla style. And create a guitar that plays on that frequency.

    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:15 No.5362974

    This is the best idea yet. It's genius.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:23 No.5363050
    I'm going to say this is the one of the better ideas. For a mad scientist, at least.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:24 No.5363062
    Have zombie nameless test those who try out for a job the ones who don't die get hired
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)22:24 No.5363066
         File1249611897.jpg-(140 KB, 600x600, Now Hiring.jpg)
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    Well you do it at least. Fliers go up, a few commercials go out, and the word of mouth spreads rapidly. you even have the missus do some internet adds here and there.

    OP's note: To save myself the pain of having to make them up, you guys get to "hire" them.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:25 No.5363072


    Splinter the world to our rock! None can hope to surpass such a feat!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:26 No.5363076
    A badass samurai ninja pirate
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:27 No.5363096

    Alright. Now have our newly acquired minions haul all our awesome rocking out equipment to Paris. I don't care how they do it so long as it gets there on time. They will be given enough resources to do so.

    And how's that Earth's Frequency Guitar coming along?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:27 No.5363098
    if we shatter it, how can we rule it? i dont want to rule over a floating pile of rubble in space. Besides, earth is where we keep all of our stuff.

    But we SHOULD blow up a orbital body during our finale. Im thinking the moon. The moon should blow up at the end our our jam.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:28 No.5363100

    Good, now arm all my minions with pistols at the very least, but preferably assault rifles. And now we proceed to do the roadie and rock show stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:28 No.5363106

    That'd be like blowing up the earth, only with a longer and more painful death. Sounds good to me!
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/06/09(Thu)22:29 No.5363114
    Blowing up the moon will dick over the earth.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:29 No.5363120

    Perhaps... but I think the moon might be a bit much. What if we tuned the guitar to the frequency that Number 8 is using for his communications? All of his sattelites in orbit over the concert would get massive feedback and blow out their circuitry.

    We kick ass at guitar, AND cripple our opponent's infrastructure. MAN we're awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:29 No.5363124
         File1249612193.jpg-(136 KB, 1024x768, STALKER037.jpg)
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    STALKERS ready for duty sir! None shall oppose your will!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:30 No.5363129
    Don't set it to be that power. Just maybe a small earthquake.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:32 No.5363143
    I'm liking this more and more. How about we play outside of his base, cause an earthquake, and set the bass players to the frequency of all communications?

    We play lead and fuck over his base with SCIENCE and ROCK N' ROLL.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:35 No.5363170
    We might wanna slip a few of those EMPs into the amps we're gonna use.

    Just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:38 No.5363200
    Obtain nuclear weapons.
    Bomb an area of the world until all that is left is a massive crater.
    Convert crater into amp.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:38 No.5363201
    Also, weren't we in the process of infiltrating French power related infrastructure? How's that panning out?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)22:39 No.5363216
         File1249612796.jpg-(131 KB, 600x600, IT MUST BE DONE.jpg)
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    You contemplate this idea. You contemplate heavily. Your anger and rage would be sated, your rivals would be no more, and you would have victory in the greatest of ways. To take them all out with the sheer force of your rock.

    3 watches you worriedly as you continue to measure the pros and cons of either destroying or preserving this pathetic planet.

    Would you dare to do it? To destroy the very world of you were born of?
    >> Vector !NEy29ODpvs 08/06/09(Thu)22:40 No.5363226
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:41 No.5363233
    Unless zombie Nameless decayed somewhere in our base we could make him into a pretty effective shock troop. And I mean that quite literally. Stick an EMP charge in his chest have him infiltrate the enemy base and detonate in his power core. It's not like we can't just piece him together again though finding the parts might be messy but then again thats what minions are for.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:41 No.5363236
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:42 No.5363247
    Hmm .. restructure moon .. has potential ..

    Jot another note in our organizer "Future post total victory emergency boredom avoidance plan: Convert moon into personal monument. A sculpture of my head maybe?"
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:43 No.5363251
    No, but we are still eager to blow up another planetary body with this method.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:43 No.5363255
    Yes, do it. We'll start out with 10 (rumble) and go slowly all the way to 15 (Earth-shattering) and see at what point will 8 give up.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:44 No.5363263
    Don't shatter it. Our opponents haven't suffered enough.

    But that doesn't rule it out. Refine it to be less destructive, to create an earthquake of decent proportions, but not earth threatening.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:44 No.5363265
    No. We will not shatter their world but rather their minds. Make them know our hatred and pain and bring them to their knees they will have lost everything in our new world order their families, their jobs, their loves, and their very lives, they will lose their worlds.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:45 No.5363271

    No. We shall prove how hard we rock, but destroying the BIGGEST ROCK on this planet.

    We shall level the greatest human challenge to date, demolish the climatic barrier seperating China and India.

    We shall level Mt. Everest.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:45 No.5363273

    You look into 3's eyes. "Nah. I'll try something else."
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:51 No.5363337
    Let them realise that we are true scientists and we have the guts FOR SCIENCE. Build a gravitational core that can be activated. If they haven't given up by the time we shatter earth, we can activate it to generate sufficient gravitational pull to bring the earth back together, and perhaps even setting ourselves up a base in the center of the new earth.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)22:52 No.5363349
         File1249613561.jpg-(130 KB, 600x600, Fucking As Big As The Eiffel T(...).jpg)
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    Deciding against annihilating the planet with your SHEER ROCK POWER, you hire up a large number of minions. Never to set foot within your base, you give them the funds and finances for secure financial lives with the inclusion of a health and dental plan.

    With paper work sorted file and ordered in a millisecond by 3, you have the papers allowing such a rock fest to happen within the city of Paris. The sky scraping speakers practically make a joke of the Eiffel tower. All that is left is for the inevitable face up.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)22:56 No.5363383
    Actually what the fuck happened to him anyway?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:00 No.5363416
    Uh .. we got writefags & drawfags galore .. are there any musicianfags out there? Looks like we're gonna need some in this thread soon.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:02 No.5363427
    No one really has worried about him. To say time and alleviate questions he goes into a sealed tube where SCIENCE happens to make sure he doesn't decompose.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:02 No.5363433
    Replace "say" with "save".
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:03 No.5363438
    ( this anon admits to being out of his depth starting now. A rock fest? Whoa. I can't even air guitar well. )
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:06 No.5363458
    What happened to the lolibots?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:08 No.5363484
    Perhaps the hypothetical earth destroying method could be directed at only your opponent? Finding some manner of destructive resonance seems an angle worth looking into.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:09 No.5363485
    Well, we've already got a hit band. Perhaps let Three do vocals, using information gathered from the entirity of the internet?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:09 No.5363486
         File1249614551.jpg-(133 KB, 600x600, The Band Comes Marching In.jpg)
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    They're about to rock out Paris.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:11 No.5363498
    Mary-sue is at the U.N. acting as our diplomat

    Raven is hanging around the base watching anime

    Nameless is chillin some where around here

    Bond loli is currently at MI6 doing god knows what
    Don't know about the others.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:11 No.5363504
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:12 No.5363510
         File1249614756.jpg-(231 KB, 1024x640, StalkerClearSky.jpg)
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    Fuck yeah jam session!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:12 No.5363512
    You guys had them recalled for this.

    Except for Loli-Bond and the Nameless.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:12 No.5363513
    Dangit, and I was hoping we could change the surface structure of our planet.

    I kinda feel like we're all voices in his head, pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:16 No.5363542
    You shut up it's not your turn yet we're here now you aren't scheduled for another hour yet
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:19 No.5363571
         File1249615147.jpg-(68 KB, 600x600, Raven Being Judgemental.jpg)
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    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:20 No.5363586
    Use 3 to evaluate all available information ever and synthesize the best song in the world - one that can appeal to anyone and everyone. The golden ratio of songs.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:21 No.5363594
         File1249615266.jpg-(27 KB, 700x303, Fevio.jpg)
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    Let me guess - we're gonna use something like this?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:21 No.5363602
         File1249615318.jpg-(120 KB, 800x600, Zero-Two02.jpg)
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    before the concert build a zero 2 destroyer if somehow that bastard wins the concert, we should at least have a back-up plan
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:23 No.5363617

    That's an electric violin, by Fender. In case anyone was wondering. They do exist.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:25 No.5363633
         File1249615516.jpg-(81 KB, 640x480, vo8ign.jpg)
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    Hey! My guitar is very cool! Some of us just don't have access to things like electricity so we do it old school thank you very much!
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:28 No.5363667
    That's what the minions and EMP bomb Nameless Zombie is for. If all else fails have the minions draw fire while we fall back and have Nameless sneak his way in and blast the bases power core. And while the defenses are down the minions bust in capture the bastard and we get to have our fun
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:29 No.5363683

    You're looking at the wrong schedule, my dear. that's yesterday's schedule.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:30 No.5363691
    well still, the zero mech is cool though.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:32 No.5363699
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:34 No.5363728
    You gotta remember he's the laser scientist. He could've modified his disco balls and flood-lights to shoot beams, blind eyes and burn brains. We gotta one-up him before that.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:35 No.5363735
    Scientist, we seem to be pretty crappy with the suggestions recently.

    Let's timeskip to the concert unless you're busy drawing something awesome.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:36 No.5363754
         File1249616213.jpg-(147 KB, 600x600, Damn Human Subjectivity.jpg)
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    3 actually seems to slow down for a second, her voice flickering. The lights in the base flash on and off and a smell of ozone leaks out from somewhere.

    "H-h-huMaNiTy i-i-i-s An ImPossssIbLe CrEaTuRe t-to CoMpReHeNd, SuBj-j-jectivity mAkes this Line of questioning impossible."

    Large red letters flash in front of 3's face: "ERROR".

    She scratches the back of her head, obviously a little put off that the search actually overwhelmed her.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:38 No.5363771
    Why do I get the impression that our lolis will be rockbattling against dethklok?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:39 No.5363788
    Fine. Try and create the closest thing possible, then.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:39 No.5363789

    "You silly."

    We'll riff something up & dedicate it to 3.

    "There. That's what you are looking for."

    Damn we're a smooth bastard.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:40 No.5363796
    Apologize to her for asking the question, state that you had no clue that would happen, thank her for trying.
    Then, practice own guitar skills and create laser deflection gear
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:43 No.5363834
    Personally, my vote for greatest song in the world goes with "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield, but if anyone else has any suggestions, I'm all ears.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:44 No.5363842
    I'm contemplating doing this, but I don't want to ever feel like I am forcing the story forward. Rail-roading should never be a complaint I get.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:45 No.5363862
    Gentlemen. There is only one song worthy of this battle. Stairway to heaven.

    (also: for everyone trying to figure out what Loli - the band - sounds like... it might go a little something like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4F-rg5gywY&feature=related )
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:45 No.5363863
    As the guy who made the timeskip request, I'd sooner second this suggestion first:

    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:47 No.5363879
    That sounds terrible. They sound nothing like that in fact. At all.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:48 No.5363889
    Ok we have:

    a) loli band for the direct approach to victory.

    b) two loli bots wandering around Paris doing something. backup?

    c) EMP bombs in the speakers for backup.

    d) loli zombai bot equipped with EMP bomb ready to bust in and tear up the place.

    Is this the plan?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:50 No.5363902

    Also, as far as I know, the frequency is set to the same as Number 8's satellites, so that they will explode from the sheer awesome of the music.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/06/09(Thu)23:50 No.5363907
    Slight correction to
    >>d) loli zombai bot equipped with EMP bomb ready to bust in and tear up the place.

    The assassin loli-bot is built after an assassin. The assassin was killed by her and then you SCIENCE'd him into an undead abomination.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:50 No.5363911
    Actually the zombie has the bomb in him since we can just piece him back together later.
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:52 No.5363929

    Semantics. Let us not quibble.

    Anyway does anyone have anything .. ahem .. Earth shattering to add to this?
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:55 No.5363945

    Not that I can think of.

    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:58 No.5363970
         File1249617490.jpg-(3 KB, 130x97, Bill-Murray.jpg)
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    This plan?

    "I've worked with worse. But not many."
    >> Anonymous 08/06/09(Thu)23:58 No.5363972

    Laser Deflectors/absorbers.

    What about a detector that'll help produce destructive resonance to remove 8's soundwaves as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:00 No.5363985
    Let 3 and the lolis work together on something, they have the experience and skill good for this. See if you can work in destructive resonances into it as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:01 No.5363990

    ( Ok - let's roll )
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:05 No.5364024
         File1249617909.jpg-(101 KB, 500x500, 3.jpg)
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    Delicious floating waifu.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:07 No.5364034

    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:07 No.5364036

    drawfag you rock.jpg
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)00:09 No.5364055
         File1249618181.jpg-(196 KB, 600x600, When Are You Charming Too Much.jpg)
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    You go about making up a rather good song considering it was spur of the moment. Whipping out your guitar powered y SCIENCE you strum out a quick line of notes, impressing 3 while also letting her know who cares.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)00:12 No.5364086
    Thanks for the fan art.

    Well without any further delay, I'll get to the rock.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:14 No.5364098
    We stand by with lighters ready.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:15 No.5364101


    Also, we have a bitchin' cool guitar.

    And I've been meaning to mention, good on you for keeping the quest classy.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)00:15 No.5364108
    Oh shit, I never asked. Do You show up personally or do you have "The Nameless" loli show up as "you"?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:16 No.5364117
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:16 No.5364120
    Do we have a 1d4chan page for this quest yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:17 No.5364125
    Send in nameless and disguise yourself as a minion so you may pull the string from the shadows.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:17 No.5364127

    Oh, personally. We may be evil, but we're not without honor.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:18 No.5364135
    We'll need to keep up a disguise so why not send in nameless besides he thinks we are nameless so we would technically be their in his mind
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:20 No.5364147
    I second this motion we'll be their to take personal control of the situation while remaining hidden incase the shit hits the fan
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:21 No.5364156
    Personally. We can call the lolis into power armor mode if shit goes down.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:22 No.5364163
    We shall be the puppet master. Since when does this worm deserve to be in our presence. Nameless is our mouth piece as their words are too foul to be inthe presence greatness
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:23 No.5364173

    ( I don't think it's a good idea but it's very much in character )

    Also we need an inbuilt communication device for our guitar - keep in touch with Baroness, Paris bases lolis, assault squad of one zombai assain, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:25 No.5364190
    Have the minions group up around nameless loli and hide among them so we may movefreely without suspision being cast on us
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:25 No.5364195
    What is with the stalker faggots in this thread? This isn't /v/ or even /k/ I expected better of you, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:27 No.5364210
    We send in the nameless loli. In case this is a trap.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:29 No.5364234
    are the strings fashoned from string theory.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:30 No.5364242
    goddamit it all i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:31 No.5364250
    Personally. When the lolibots reach an epic portion of their rocking, we rise up through the floor and make a grand entrance of kickass and rock.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:32 No.5364262
    Why don't we send ourselves in, and MAKE them think we're a minion, we'll catch them off-guard this way.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)00:33 No.5364267
         File1249619592.jpg-(128 KB, 600x600, Eyes To Eye.jpg)
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    We'll have to go with rule of cool on this one, sorry for any who wanted to be hush, hush.

    You and 8 meet up right before the rock-off. Finally he stands before you. The cheers of the crowd that has gathered is almost to deafening for the two of you to speak. A slight smirk grows on his face.

    "You really got under Elizabeth's skin. Are we using the typical wager?"

    He gives a gruff smile, scratching at his 5 o'clock shadow before waiting for your answer.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:33 No.5364271
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:35 No.5364286

    There can be only one?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:35 No.5364292
    >>Are we using the typical wager?

    "No. This time, we're going ALL THE WAY."
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)00:36 No.5364293
    Hmm... It sound almost too good. I'll hold on to this idea for later.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:36 No.5364294
    We wager all that we have and more, my soon to be loli-minion. Our life to do with as you please. I expect no less from you in kind.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:36 No.5364299
    Theoretically, yes.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:37 No.5364302
    Have #3 draw up the schematics for loli-8 immediatly. Lets see how he'll like being without his precious beard.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:37 No.5364304
    If we created laser deflection gear, have lolibots rush 8 and capture him. Fuck this shit, we need to turn him into a loli robot so that we can humiliate him ASAP.

    If we don't have laser deflection gear, reply by STARTING TO ROCK
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:37 No.5364307

    What's the wager? If the typical wager is that the winner gets the girl, then by all means, LET'S ROCK. Or is it total cessation of SCIENCE for the loser?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:39 No.5364329
    Wait wait.

    We are going to a rock concert.

    And there is a laser specialist.

    There is going to be a laser show, are we ready to fight it just with our ROCK ?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:40 No.5364337
    Remember people, we want #8 alive. His technolgy and understanding is too valuable to lose.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:41 No.5364345
    We have tons of anti-laser sparkly particle bombs and weapons to disperse and disco-fy all his attacks.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:41 No.5364350
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:42 No.5364359

    No. We're also going to cause an earthquake, and possibly blow up his satellites in orbit. We'd have atmospheric fireworks going off as his communications network, well, EXPLODE.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:43 No.5364370
    Remember we can severly restrict the power grid too to deny him access to much of his laser power.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:43 No.5364371
    As we proceed to rock, have the some of the more rhythmatically* inclined minions as backup dancers, dancing acrobatically in their gasmasks and twirling their assault rifles like batons.

    *If that's not a word, it is now. Because I decree it - MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:43 No.5364372
    So we are going to crush their satellites... hm.

    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:44 No.5364375
    Granted we have a plan of sorts in place - but I think we're gonna just play this one by ear.

    So to speak.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:44 No.5364376
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)00:46 No.5364396
         File1249620367.jpg-(129 KB, 600x600, WHAT A TWEEST.jpg)
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    Number 8 turns his head slightly, his smirk remaining.

    "It'll probably be easier than what she'll do if I lose."

    Something about how he says that makes it easy to understand. Elizabeth really must be pulling the strings now.

    "I'd wish you good luck, but we're scientists. Just be ready and you better believe we won't back down."

    He turns, getting ready to step on stage. The audience grows almost deathly quiet.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:46 No.5364404
    We need to by time until nameless is in position keep this fool talking not like it should be difficult the arrogant abortion of science that he is.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:48 No.5364421
    Signal a sniper to blow out his knees then have the loli's rush the stage and start playing to distract the audience while we drag his torso off for our own enjoyment. Some one prep the lab...........
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:50 No.5364431
    I think having someone track down the signal origin communicating / controlling him would be a good idea at this point. Assassin zombai needs a target.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:50 No.5364434
    Shoot him in the back of the head now that he doesn't expect it.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:50 No.5364435

    HELL NO.

    We're scientists, damnit. We win through intellect and skills, not mere bullets.

    Do we fear his technical skills? No. Do we fear his lasers? No. Then let us ROCK.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:50 No.5364436
    Have some of our minions operating the amps.
    We want our crew turning it all the way up to SCIENCE.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:52 No.5364447
    ( Not that signal tracking has done us any good so far ... )
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:52 No.5364452
    The only thing we will be shooting today will be ROCK, into the Eiffel Tower, and shooting up like a start into the world charts.

    (Well, also fireworks, and his communication network.)
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:53 No.5364456
    Send a command to whoever we trust most that isn't already preoccupied....When the song finishes, have them remove all remaining safeguards on 3s systems.

    Then you will ask 3 to marry you.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:53 No.5364460
    meant star, not start, english is harder than science
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:54 No.5364465
    But I want to see him in pain now I don't want to wait anymore ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:54 No.5364466
    And I am harder than English.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:54 No.5364467
    rock off
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:54 No.5364469

    That's .. um .. whoah.

    I like - although I'm not sure how this advances the plan.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:55 No.5364471
    Can we make a solo awesome enough in honor of 3 and SCIENCE?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)00:56 No.5364485
         File1249620972.jpg-(153 KB, 600x600, 8 And Keytar.jpg)
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    The stage darkens. The lights on the Eiffel tower are snuffed. The low beat of the bass drum starts up. Suddenly, number 8 pulls out his weapon of choice.

    The notes are quick and skillful, the rock quickly starting up.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:57 No.5364493

    "Dance, minions, DANCE!!!"
    >> Reiiama Kotsu 08/07/09(Fri)00:57 No.5364498
    I'll sign myself up for Mook duty, if it pays well.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:58 No.5364509
    I am imagining him playing Candy Man. It is glorious.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:59 No.5364519
    are you faggots forgetting 3 could very easily turn on us?
    we need to keep 3 under lock and key while keeping up the illusion to her that we arent!
    3 is pretty much AI now, whether she has any feelings for us is very questionable, most likely it is all a ploy to get closer to us, as we have done to her.
    alls fair in love and war anon.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)00:59 No.5364526
    this, really?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:00 No.5364536
    Its not part of the immediate plan. It's just the right thing to do at the exact best time.

    It removes any doubts about her, and makes for a damn good climax event to the show on top of that.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:00 No.5364542
         File1249621253.jpg-(92 KB, 600x600, Double Drummer Abomination.jpg)
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    The lights on the drummer suddenly flash on. His size and shape vexes you! His anatomy barely makes sense and where it does it only offends your scientific notions on bio-mechanics.

    The only reason you know it is alive is by the stench coming from it. His arms are too long, his body is bent all wrong and even a few of the crowd cry out at it's appearance. They are quickly silenced by the beats it lays down on the drums though.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:01 No.5364548
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:02 No.5364561

    Oh god... KEYTARS.

    We weren't prepared for this. Quickly! Although it's still in the experimental stage, we must use the Sub-Harmonic Rock Device. A most powerful guitar, its strings are forged from pure Einstienium.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:03 No.5364571
    Nono. This:




    It is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:05 No.5364589
    Eagerly await with bated breath when it's our turn to enter into the ROCK DUEL. Signal the minions to get ready to dance on cue...

    ...yank out my guitar and get ready to really jam the fuck out of that axe.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:05 No.5364594
    (Pondering the romance gambit. )

    ( Let's see what that other slapass is made of first. )
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:05 No.5364597
    Keytars. And something as unscientific that can only be called as an Abomination as a drummer.

    This is getting serious.

    Time for the Tesla guitar. We can improv the Eiffel Tower as the main antenna.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:08 No.5364627

    But... that's still in the testing stages! What if it overloads and goes horribly wrong?

    (But yes, that sounds amazing. The more badass the music, the more lightning shoots out of it, crackling up the sides of the Eiffel Tower.)
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:09 No.5364633
    (Ready a hit squad just in case)
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:10 No.5364643
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:10 No.5364648
    why is no one heeding my warnings? :(
    when she turns on you and royally fucks you over, ill be here, laughing
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:12 No.5364661

    We would be fools to trust 3. For all we know, she's still under the thumb of Elizabeth, waiting to doublecross us at the slightest opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:12 No.5364664

    The very magnitude of voltage we will be dealing with here will cause loud thunders by itself, all the more fitting.

    Have an emergency big switch to flip to ground the tower, if it overloads. You know, the kind of switch that requires 3 minions pulling together to flip.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:12 No.5364667

    Big fucking deal. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, because we're just that fucking AWESOME and SCIENTIFIC! And we ROCK!

    Right now, we must concentrate our SCIENTIFIC minds solely on the ROCK and AWESOME!!!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:12 No.5364674
         File1249621972.jpg-(146 KB, 600x600, Double Guitar Abomination.jpg)
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    The stage lights come on for the guitarist. by now the music is so deafeningly loud that any screams of disgust would have been dwarfed by the SHEER MIND NUMBING ROCK coming out.

    Yet again it seems to be a shrieking aberration. An abomination of science almost built for the sole purpose of the instrument in it's hands and while it may appear gruesome, you can't help but feel impressed by it's complete mastery of the stringed instrument.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:14 No.5364693

    Hmm...This will probably fry the men we have stationed on it but their screams shall be the perfect backdrop for when we shred this stage apart
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:15 No.5364696
         File1249622135.jpg-(110 KB, 334x500, NSIW.jpg)
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    "Not sure if want"
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:15 No.5364697
    I'm imagining something by Lordi as the song being played.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:15 No.5364703
    Nah. You know those metallic uniforms we make all minions use? It is not just for aesthetics. They are ready for things like this. Faraday Cages FTW.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:17 No.5364716
    ( With all this back & forth I'm sure we're doing a good job at looking unimpressed with 8s' performance. )
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:19 No.5364729
    Scientist, status. Is anything else happening while the undead are rocking off? Like, I don't know, people trying to eat each other's brains, or satellites aiming at our current location.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:19 No.5364730
    Well will you take a look at that he has abominations built specifficaly to rock our faces off. And here I was suggesting we just blow his legs off and get to the delicious, delicious suffering as we torture him until transfer his broken mind to a body more suiting for our amusement. But NOOO we have to go and play this with honor and face him head on. I had better hear his screams by the end of this thread or I get the rights to a free "I told you so."
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:21 No.5364749
    Fear not, companion. No matter what he throws at us, we will conquer. Because we're just that fucking AWESOME and SCIENTIFIC! And we ROCK!

    ...and if all else fails, just have our minions shoot up the fucking place.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:21 No.5364750

    I'm not really against blowing him away but I don't think he's the one we're really after now. Someone is pulling his strings.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:22 No.5364757
    >...and if all else fails, just have our minions shoot up the fucking place.

    Now *that's* the spirit!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:22 No.5364760

    Elizabeth is, that saucy wench. We need to lay down the SCIENCE LAW right here, right now, or the Numbers will manipulate us forever.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:23 No.5364768
    Make sure you and all the loli's share a simultaneous yawn. In fact make sure the loli's look bored have one start doodling on something just to give the appearance that his performance is so mundane that we have to entertain ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:23 No.5364770
    There will be electricity through the air.
    There will be resonance, and satellites blowing up.
    There will be ROCK.
    There will be SCIENCE.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:24 No.5364778
         File1249622672.jpg-(90 KB, 600x600, The Debasser.jpg)
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    Something struck you odd about all you had seen so far and then finally HE showed up. From behind you, you could hear an audible gasp from Raven. So this is how desperate 8 was to win...

    The audience, now nothing more than a writhing sea of screams and alight with thousands of lighters somehow seems to roar over the speakers.

    8 Had hired them. Most likely one of the other scientist from "the ten" had improved them.

    The cloak the bass player shrieked, faces melting and roiling along it's surface while he strummed. His sunken eyes swept the audience and even you. Hearing a small thud, you turned to look over your shoulder.

    Oh, she knows this band. She knows it well.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:25 No.5364785
    Why don't you just shoot 'em
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:26 No.5364791
    The cloak the bass player wore shrieked

    My bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:26 No.5364794
    Bah. They are hired musicians.
    We are a Scientist.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:26 No.5364798

    Because though we might be evil, we do honor our agreements.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:29 No.5364821

    And we agreed to have a ROCK off, not a firefight.

    ......at least until the end of the show. If we lose, THEN the minions can perforate the sorry bastards.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:32 No.5364845

    Right. This. Order! System! Everything according to *our* plan.

    And we still have the FTW button as backup for when everything goes pear shaped.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:32 No.5364846
    I hope we made some modifications to our Lolibots and instruments to make them rock the fuck out of the planet.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:36 No.5364874
         File1249623364.jpg-(133 KB, 500x334, 3279980244_c51607c1b3.jpg)
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    A single shot. A simple pull of the muscles in your hand. This simple action will end this hoax and grant us our desire of seeing his pain. Such a simple motion. Can you really deny it? A flick of our wrist and the shot will be fired. We will have his glorious pain.

    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:39 No.5364895
         File1249623544.jpg-(110 KB, 600x600, Raven Strumming Some Bass.jpg)
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    You better fucking believe it.

    After they finish, you eye each and everyone of your creations. You make sure to catch their gaze in your own and then you smile, giving an encouraging nod.

    Raven, composed and ready, starts up their rebuttal to 8's idea of paying his way to win.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:39 No.5364898


    We hold up agreements to the letter of the law, and sometimes the intent too. Get used to it.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:39 No.5364899
    That's nice.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:41 No.5364922

    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:42 No.5364931

    Your way has no class, no skill involved, no way to flaunt your power not just to your opponent, but to everyone else out there.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:47 No.5364973
    rolled 7 = 7

    Cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:47 No.5364976
    HA burned

    (yes I looked up a summary on what string theory is)
    >> Scribble 08/07/09(Fri)01:49 No.5364999
    Play some POWER METAL
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:52 No.5365019
         File1249624328.jpg-(238 KB, 600x600, Lolita, Bashing That Shit.jpg)
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    Lolita brings it up, proving that while she is completely despised by the OP, she can still ROCK THE FUCK OUT.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:54 No.5365037
    Well, despise is caring. In some strange way.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:54 No.5365039
    Any signal tracing success?

    Assault zombai assassin have a target yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:55 No.5365052
    W-why do you hate Lolita?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:56 No.5365062
    What were they supposed to be tracking/tracing/whatever?
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)01:57 No.5365070
    I'm not completely sure why.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:58 No.5365079

    Yah. That's about par for our signal tracking crew.

    Never mind. Let's wade in & do this thing!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)01:58 No.5365082
    Yeah, what do you have against Lolita, OP? She can rock the fuck out, what more do you ask?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:01 No.5365108
    Nameless zombie is supposed to be sneaking his way into 8's headquarters with a high yield EMP charge implanted in his chest and searching for 8's power core so if the time comes he can detonate himself and shut down 8's power grid leaving us free to mop up.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:02 No.5365112
    I'd be willing to bet the answer to why the Lolita hate lies back in the beginnings of this quest & requires a trip to the archives.

    I not sure what it is either - just sayin'
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)02:02 No.5365117
         File1249624968.jpg-(211 KB, 600x600, Mary-Sue Belting Out Some Hars(...).jpg)
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    Two guitars cry out, but not over the sudden righteous vocals of Mary-Sue. The audience can be seen swaying from side to side almost in unison, as she let's out lyric after punishingly awesome lyric.

    A certain floating A.I. is mentioned in the song amongst a story of you defeating monsters, in epic Valhalla style. Whether or not the lyrics allude to a political or personal statement, you decide not to say anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:03 No.5365123
    okay now I'm starting to believe that we are just the voices in the scientists head trying to guide him one way or another. Anyway this is getting very amusing seeing his inner madness fighting with his rational mind.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:05 No.5365135

    Assuming that our signals tracking crew ( aka Quasi Baroness et. al. ) could find it. Or something.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)02:05 No.5365138
    Now I remember. It was because I was scrambling not to make a duplicate of the other four during the time and I just tossed her together. She's the bastard child of shot creativity and desperation.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:05 No.5365140
    Fuck yeah Mary Sue!
    >> How do I shot trip? !H508X.HbJ6 08/07/09(Fri)02:06 No.5365145


    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:06 No.5365147
    The Mary Sue had to be the vocalist. How fitting.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:06 No.5365152
    We're gonna need to judge audience reaction somehow to see how far we're gonna take this.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:07 No.5365163
    He may have scientific monstrosities.
    He may have the best genetically engineered musicians in all of history.
    Gentlmen, he may very well have it within his power to outperform us with any instrument he may pick up.
    But do you know what he doesn't have?

    His notes may keen with the precision of an atomic clock, but ours shall echo with the passion of a life lived not just in mockery to nature, but a life lived in noble testament to science!
    Each bass string Raven plucks is the cry of the misunderstood loner, loved and loving, yet seperate and alone. What can a shreaking monstrosity know of that?
    Each lyric cried out by Mary-sue will be a testimate to her strength of character and tenacious will. What beast can hope to compete with that?
    Each note played by Moonbeam and Starshine will echo in the perfect harmony of sisterly love. Two minds and four arms 8's guitarist may have, but can he claim to have the sheer soul of two sisters united?
    Each beat hit by Lolita shall be like thunder slaying a thousand trolls, for such is one so energetic, so versed in the ways of :awesome: that she devotes the entirety of her being into each strike. How can a poor mutant, built simply to play drums, ever give that much of themself to their craft?

    His band may be skilled, gentlmen. But ours burns with a passion and intensity brighter and more pure than any laser. We have built and raised these lolis. Its time we showed the world what they can do!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:08 No.5365165
    Get ready to signal the minion backup dancers!

    Gas masks secure!

    Dancing boots at the ready!

    Prepare to twirl them AK47's like cheerleader batons!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:11 No.5365195
         File1249625518.jpg-(14 KB, 244x320, manly+tears.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:12 No.5365198
    My god, that's beautiful.

    You win one internet, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:12 No.5365205

    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)02:17 No.5365244
         File1249625842.jpg-(181 KB, 600x600, Jasmine, Rocking Too Hard.jpg)
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    The wail of the guitar cries out. For a second, you almost laugh to yourself. The abominations had been good, but you suddenly realize why your band became so popular so quickly.

    You're a genius it seems at creating unstoppable Loli-Rock Goddesses.

    Jasmine(Moon Beam) drops a ROCK bomb all over her guitar solo, showing a tenacity you had never noticed before.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:17 No.5365246
         File1249625852.jpg-(48 KB, 500x375, 110436938_4be2ad2c1d.jpg)
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:22 No.5365275
         File1249626136.jpg-(70 KB, 608x640, 1248159788903.jpg)
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    >> How do I shot trip? !H508X.HbJ6 08/07/09(Fri)02:22 No.5365282
         File1249626166.jpg-(184 KB, 730x617, 1247593713675.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:24 No.5365300
    Wow... just... wow.
    >> Scribble 08/07/09(Fri)02:30 No.5365353
         File1249626654.jpg-(32 KB, 434x434, devil-sign7.jpg)
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    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)02:33 No.5365384
         File1249626812.jpg-(177 KB, 600x600, Bella Playing Something Fierce.jpg)
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    Just as Jasmine's solo ends, Bella(Sunshine) practically channels all that is rock into her diminutive fingers. They dance across the frets with a reckless abandon that only someone with true courage, true spirit(if you could believe in such things), true heart could.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:35 No.5365405
    Fuck yes! You are the greatest crime-fighting loli rock band ever!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:36 No.5365412
    More like bad guy servants than crime fighting, but sure, why not.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:44 No.5365493
    Look, we're fighting evil here, ok? Technically that makes us the good guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:46 No.5365508
    Rule 29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:48 No.5365519
    Their adoring public still believes they're superheroes.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:49 No.5365534
    *not* to ruin the fun but I will politely suggest a cliffhanger soon. it's getting late at least for this anon.
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)02:50 No.5365544
         File1249627846.jpg-(440 KB, 1200x1000, Rocking With SCIENCE (And Lett(...).jpg)
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    In a finale, you decide to play your hand at this. Taking your Loli-bots and even some of the crowd by surprise, you RAISE YOUR MIGHTY PICK AND PLAY SOME MAD FUCKING METAL.

    Ears bleed, women weep wishing they were yours, men can only curse wishing they were you!

    All of the other minions who didn't take your offer from the posters and want add feel a little something die inside as they weep black pitch in despair at what they had passed up.

    Congratulations, you just destroyed 8 in a rock battle.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:51 No.5365548

    ...until we cut off the wrold's supply of addictive Pocky, that is.

    (insert evil laugh here)

    Now that I think about it, this rock-off is going to be VERY successful for us. We'll have TWO Numbers working for us now!
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)02:52 No.5365556
    I have to agree with this anon. Plus, the thread may or may not be auto-saging. We'll wrap up the conclusion to this rock battle tomorrow. Oh wait. Friday. I don't know guys, I'll get back to you on that.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:54 No.5365567

    Not a problem but I'm also concerned about GM burnout, etc.

    Thank you one & all - keep up the quality you're all doing *great*

    ps - thread archived in the usual place, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:55 No.5365570
         File1249628111.jpg-(33 KB, 720x540, ep22_naruto30.jpg)
    33 KB

    My life.......it is complete
    >> The Scientist !!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/07/09(Fri)02:57 No.5365584
    I'm actually enjoying this the more I do it. GM burnout might not be a factor until maybe Bad Guy Quest 14 or something and even then I doubt it.

    Then again, I do make sure to take some breaks in between.

    Thanks again for enjoying it and major thanks for the two drawfags who are dropping some rather high quality arts.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)02:58 No.5365587
    Outstandingly epic, The Scientist.

    Just dont forget that defeat for #8 means lolibotification. Should be most entertaining.

    Looking forward to next time.
    >> Inner Sadist 08/07/09(Fri)03:03 No.5365626
    I await with bated breath
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)03:05 No.5365637
    Since out musical duel took place in France, I think it's only appropriate that we design loli-8 after a French maid.

    And don't forget to incorporate 8's laser technology into her new body. But include a program that says she can't use her lasers without our authorization.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)03:06 No.5365647
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)03:36 No.5365844
    Now, before he cranks out the Laser ownage ...

    Deploy Disco bombs. With Smoke. And Glitter.
    Smoke to disperse lasers, Glitter to reflect lasers.
    Turn the Rock all the way up to 12. We shall shake Paris with a minor earthquake. We know the earth's frequency.
    We're gonna need Magma pouring down the eiffel tower to celebrate this awesome moment in rock.

    When that is over, and 8 prepares to fire the lasers ... Cut the power. Capture him with lolis.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/09(Fri)03:44 No.5365885
    Fred limit reached.

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