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  • File: 1333475081.jpg-(677 KB, 800x673, Tiefling.jpg)
    677 KB Tiefling Quest Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)13:44 No.18560844  
    You are a young Tiefling, abandoned and unloved, surviving by the grace of the gods and by your own wits and talents in the alleyways and sewers of the City of Anvsberg. Through consorting with demons and devils, your familial line has been tainted by the blood of anathema. Your existence has been misery and woe since birth. You know not the circumstances of the fall of your noble line, but what you are aware of is that the blood of your ancestors grants you fiendish abilities that you have used to stay alive and mostly well without home or family.

    But what are your talents? What is your name?

    >Let's kick this off by rolling a d10 for heritage and a 1d100 for ability. Then we can go about deciding name and gender and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)13:47 No.18560871
    rolled 10 = 10

    Let's do this

    1d10 for heritage first
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)13:47 No.18560875
    rolled 31 = 31


    And ability.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/03/12(Tue)13:48 No.18560881
    rolled 32 = 32

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)13:48 No.18560889

    I think we are supposed to suggest those things.
    I don't really have ideas, maybe a list to choose from, op? At least for heritage?
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)13:49 No.18560897
    If you'd prefer to choose from a list, let me type something up right quick.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)13:51 No.18560914
    I'm just really unoriginal and can't think of anything, maybe other players will come up with something.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)13:51 No.18560916

    Oh derp, I didn't realize that you wanted suggestions. I'm not too familiar with the fluff on tieflings, so someone else can contribute.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/03/12(Tue)13:53 No.18560934
    rolled 83 = 83

    ability = sensing magic with a great deal of precision
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)13:54 No.18560940
    1. Your demonic ancestor was a brute of impossible strength and slow wit. Your demonic features are oversized upper limbs and thick, demonic muscle, alongside budding horns. You are strong for your size, which is still quite small.
    2. Your demonic ancestor was a nihilistic creature desiring the end of all things. You will stop aging at a certain point, do not require food and water, and have grey, ashen skin.
    3. Your demonic ancestor was a craftsman, working on artifacts of great power and greater evil. You have a knack for building things, and a small measure of magical ability allowing you to imbue items with brief, but not too potent enchantments. Your demonic features are great, curling horns and yellow eyes.
    4. Your demonic ancestor served the Spider queen, and the scuttling taint manifests through great agility, four arms, dusky skin, fangs, and four eyes.
    5. Your demonic ancestor was nothing special. You have red skin, horns, and budding wings too small to fly with. But maybe someday they'll become something better.

    Pick from those, if you can't decide, roll off for it. We'll be using d20s for this quest, and please don't use noko when rolling.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/03/12(Tue)13:56 No.18560962
    rolled 1 = 1

    heritage = How about a descendant of Grazzt?

    Failing that, we had a succubus somwhere far down the line.

    If that isn't avalible either, just about any Tana'ri will do

    also, voting for gender=male
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)13:58 No.18560981
    rolled 3 = 3

    5. Your demonic ancestor was nothing special. You have red skin, horns, and budding wings too small to fly with. But maybe someday they'll become something better.

    I choose the mystery box!
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:00 No.18560991
    rolled 37 = 37

    Would Rogue skills constitute as 'Ability'?
    If not, lets just go with stealth.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:00 No.18561001
    Thing is, I have a table for abilities. The rolls were just to decide which one to use. If you guys would prefer suggestions, we can go with that.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:02 No.18561017
    rolled 45 = 45

    Oh, that's alright. The I suppose you'll go with the first roll? >>18560875
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:04 No.18561035
    I suppose I shall.

    Your demonic ability is the ability to spew webs from glands in your mouth, and walk on walls.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/03/12(Tue)14:04 No.18561037
    rolled 8 = 8


    ninja'd due to my slow typing

    rolling for 5. Your demonic ancestor was nothing special. You have red skin, horns, and budding wings too small to fly with. But maybe someday they'll become something better.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:05 No.18561045
    Alright, looks like Option 5 is the most popular thus far, and seeing as I don't want this to take an hour before we start, let's move on to name and gender.

    I'll wait for 3 minutes or 5 suggestions, take the highest roll, and go with that.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:05 No.18561046
    That's pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:07 No.18561071
    rolled 54 = 54

    >name and gender.

    Female. Thieflings always make me think of cute females. Blame NWN2 and Planescape:Torment for it.

    As for name, I don't really care/have suggestions.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:11 No.18561102
    Alright, guess we'll go female...
    Now, name?
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/03/12(Tue)14:12 No.18561109
    Vanya Jerenko
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:12 No.18561111
    rolled 8 = 8

    How about Arelia?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:14 No.18561126
    rolled 81 = 81

    That's good enough for me.
    >> "noko+dice+2d6" 04/03/12(Tue)14:14 No.18561128
    rolled 38 = 38

    screwy internets eat my dice
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:17 No.18561152
    Right, to move things along, let's go with Arelia.

    You are Arelia the Tiefling, 15 years in age. You have just woken up from inside the wooden box you call home. Your only worldly possessions are a small, mangled doll, a single copper coin, and the rags on your tiny, emaciated frame. It is bitterly cold, though Fall has only just begun. Your box is between some tents set up in the slums of Anvsberg.

    What will you do?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:19 No.18561171
    Search for food.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:21 No.18561189
    Are there any skills that we are good at? Or are we just a blank state for now?
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:22 No.18561198
    Your empty belly grumbles and groans, and you exit your box, wide eyes searching around for food. As you roam about the tents and tenements, you finally find...something that might be edible. A piece of bread that's only slightly moldy! Scraping off the offending green bits, you chow down on it. While it doesn't sate your hunger, it does take off the painful edge.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:22 No.18561199
    rolled 66 = 66

    Seconded. The lack of at least some bread in our inventory does not bode well.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:23 No.18561211
    You have few skills.

    You know how to hide, are passable at pickpocketing, and can scrounge with the best of them. You can only barely throw a punch, and even then without much force. You've been starving for most of your life, which does not bode well for muscle development. Or height. You are a short, titchy little thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:24 No.18561221
    Can we get a small rundown on what this town/city is and people so that we know what to expect?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:24 No.18561223
    rolled 51 = 51

    As far as the slum goes, what's our standing? I know we're just about as bad off as everybody else, but do we at least fit in here or are we shunned even on the edge of society?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:26 No.18561239
    Do we have a weapon to defend self? An old knife or a sharp rock?
    We could use something just in case.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:28 No.18561263
    The City is a thriving port on the western edge of a northern continent you do not know the name of. It has boiling summers and harsh winters, and is one of the largest cities in the world. Notable people are the King Erik, the Merchant Lord Gaol, and the Grandmaster Paladin Karl of Helmsvik. People you know personally...

    The fat woman, Helga, who runs the bakery who gives you scraps every now and then, the mustachioed forge worker Peters, who gives you a copper piece for every armsload of scrap you bring him, and the Thief "Lord" Connors, who is a bit of a legend around these parts. He's knicked coins off you almost a dozen times that you remember.

    As a homeless Tiefling, you are shunned by most, but the most kindhearted will occasionally give you the time of day.

    You have your fists, your gumption, and a shoe with a really hard sole.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:30 No.18561271
    >but the most kindhearted will occasionally give you the time of day.

    Is there a charity of some kind in the city? Would be nice to have a hot meal.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:32 No.18561280
    We have a silver coin. How much value is that?

    Maybe we could try to do some job? Are there any opportunities around? A job board perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:32 No.18561283
    rolled 15 = 15

    >Usually run by a church

    Yeah something tells me that's not the greatest idea.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:33 No.18561297
    There are several, but most of them are in districts the guards won't let you enter. However, there is a soup kitchen that has let you enter and get a hot bowl a half hours walk north of your location. It's run by a kindly old priest who's always trying to "Save your Soul" by getting you baptized and in the Church every Wotansday.

    A copper piece. It should be enough to get a loaf of bread from Helga, as long as you don't try and get anything fancy. Maybe the day old loaf that's getting slightly stale.

    There are job boards around for everyday labours, that you have taken advantage of before. You've got to be quick, however, as it's usually emptied before noon.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:35 No.18561320
    What day is it today?

    >There are job boards around for everyday labours, that you have taken advantage of before. You've got to be quick, however, as it's usually emptied before noon.

    Lets check the board then!
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:39 No.18561352
    It's Monasdag, the first day of the week. Wotansday is in two days.

    You rush towards the job board at the west end of the Tentscamp, hoping that you'll be able to find work today.

    There are two jobs that are left, and thankfully, no one is near the job board to throw rocks at you and spit in your face when you try and grab a slip of paper.

    "Troll-hunter in need of squire to help put on armour, carry heavy loads, etc on week-long expedition into the swamps. 10 coppers up front, 5 silvers upon completion."


    "Forge-worker needed. Son has moved on to adventuring work and I am in need of honest labourer who can show up every other day to help. 1 silver, 5 coppers a week."
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:41 No.18561369
    Well fuck. The first one is right out, we can't carry heavy loads, we don't know how to put on armor and I'd rather not die in the swamps.

    Forgeworker, we probably have pretty nimble and dexterous hands, and hopefully some small resistance to heat. We aren't really honest labor but it's the best option.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:42 No.18561378
    I agree. Lets go see the smith.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:49 No.18561448
    You rip the slip of paper carrying an address and name. "Rorik Stonehammer". Sounds Dwarven enough, you think, as you go east into the deeper part of the city, looking for the mans forge. Eventually, you find a stone home, quite out of place in this city of wood and water. Walking inside, you can barely see through all the steam and smoke. The heat, however, is quite welcoming. It hurts a little after being in the cold for so long, but it's a good kind of hurt. You look around for Rorik, before feeling heavy, leather-gloved hands clap onto your shoulder from behind. You jump slightly and turn around. The hands belong to a dwarf with a suspicious glare aimed at yourself.

    "What's a young thing like you doin' in my forge?"

    You lick your parched lips, trying to get your dry throat to function.

    "I'm ah, here for the job. Forge-hand to replace a son who went adventuring?" You manage to squeak out.

    "Aye, aye, I did need one. Yer right small though. Skinny too. And eh, well..." He looks up and away, before glaring right back at you. "I'm sure you're aware of the..." He puts his hands by his head, aping horns with his fingers."

    He thinks for a bit.

    "I'll let you on if y'swear not to spend anything I give you on darker things. Get some food and drink, by the Hammer. I can see y'shivering."

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:50 No.18561462
    "Yes, I swear! I'll only spend it on food and maybe clothing!"
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)14:53 No.18561488
    "Hrrrrrrm. I'll trust ye, but if I hear a word otherwise..." he draws a finger across his throat.

    "I've got some work for y'to do. Think you can handle a delivery? If you bring some manacles to the Prison and retrieve payment for it, I'll get y'some bread and beer. You need lots of it, by the look of ye."
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:55 No.18561506
    I can handle a delivery, I know these streets like the back of my hand. Thank you for giving me a chance, Smith Stonehammer, I won't let you down.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)14:55 No.18561509

    I hope the place where the prison is is not one of those places where guards wont let us thorugh. Though if we are on business they might.

    "Yes! I can!" over-eagerly
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:02 No.18561561
    "Yes! Yes I can do that." You say, maybe sounding a bit too over-eager.

    Rorik brings out a box with 5 manacles, lengths of chain, and a key. Handing it to you carefully, he waits until you manage to get it back up off the floor. Damn your skinny arms!

    He gives you a copy of the purchase orders and directions, and you follow them as quickly as you can. Within an hour of grunting and frequent stops for rest, you reach the prison. The guard, an old man with a bushy beard, isn't happy at all to let you inside. But, upon seeing the papers and sorting everything out, he lets you in with a few grumblings about what the city has come to. He gives you the money, along with a warning to give it to Rorik and not spend it on whatever Tieflings spend money on.

    However, on the way back...

    A youth with a scraggly crop of hair growing on his upper lip trips you, and laughs as you pick up all the coppers and silvers.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:04 No.18561593
    Check if we have all the money. Do we? Then proceed to the smith.
    Ignore the brat.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:05 No.18561606
    Pick up the payment, our priority is to get the money back to Rorik, don't start a fight unless he tries to actually steal the money. After we retreive the money get back get to the forge as fast as possible, we can't fuck up our first job.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:11 No.18561661
    You count up the coins, and you're pretty sure it's the same amount you were given. Ignoring the jeers of the brat, you walk back to the forge as quickly as your legs can take you.

    Rorik greets you as you return, with a plate full of bread and a mug full of ale.

    "Not as quick as I'd like, but y'got the job done. Now, how much did they give ye?"

    You count out the coins into his palm, the total coming to a silver and 10 coppers for the job.

    "Aye, that's exactly what we agreed. But they didn't even give ye the price for delivery? For shame. But here's what we agreed, yer payment for delivery."

    He hands you half a loaf of bread, a spoonful of butter, and the mug.

    As he walks away deeper into the haze of the forge, he calls back for you to just put the mug and spoon on the table when you're done.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:14 No.18561688
    Look in awe at the largest pile of food we've had for ages. Tear into it, try not to choke on it while we eat far faster than we should.

    Afterwards set it down and see if he needs any help in the forge.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:15 No.18561694
    Oh boy! A fulfilling meal!
    Eat it before it gets away!

    after we're done, go to the smith for more tasks.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:23 No.18561765
    You handily devour the bread and butter, almost getting the damn thing caught in your throat. You realize as you cough and splutter that you aren't a snake and cannot devour an entire half-loaf of bread at once. Washing it down with the ale, you feel full for the first time you can ever remember.

    You walk into the haze of steam and smoke surrounding the forge, almost bumping into Rorik as you find him. You can barely see past your nose in here, you realize.

    "Aye, there something y'need lass?" he says, as he pounds away at a length of metal.

    "I was just wondering if I could do anything else to help."

    He rubs his chin for a bit, before pointing to a pair of buckets by the anvil.

    "Fill those with water and bring them back, and I'll pay y'for today. Tomorrow I'll show you around."

    You take up the buckets and go outside. Where are you going to get water from?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:25 No.18561777
    >You take up the buckets and go outside. Where are you going to get water from?

    Nearest well?
    Where do people get water anyway? River perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:26 No.18561790
    Town well seems like the best option, if that isn't an option a river, spring or nearby lake seems like the next best choice.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:29 No.18561822
    There aren't too many wells in the city, you think, but there is a river running through the middle. You take both buckets and rush for it. Filling them up, you strain to lift them up, ignoring the dirty looks from others doing the same. A young girl sticks her tongue out at you before being pulled back by her mother.

    As you grunt and heave trying to pull along the very heavy buckets of water, a young man walks up to you. Clean shaven, blond-haired, and thick in the arms, he offers to help you with the buckets.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:31 No.18561840
    Nobody ever asked to help us before!

    "It's... alright.. *grunt* I can.. manage on.. my own. Oof"

    If he persists, then let him help. Who are we to stop him?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:32 No.18561858
    Say that we couldn't let him help us in our work, if he insists, put one of the buckets down, and let him take it, direct him towards the smithy, with him walking ahead of us.

    I doubt he is going to bother stealing a bucket of water and if he's planning kidnapping or violence on us it really doesn't matter if we let him help with the water or not.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:37 No.18561908
    "Come on miss, let me take at least one." Groaning, you let him take one. He easily holds it in one hand while you still struggle with one. He probably gets to stuff his face every day with a loving family, you think. He's even wearing nice clothes! Probably some stupid merchants son trying to get in his good deed for the day helping the homeless.

    You tell him where it needs to go, and he leads the way to the forge. Your arms eventually give out, and he takes the other bucket as well. He even offers to let you ride on his remarkably wide shoulders, but you have some pride, damnit!

    He tries to start up chats about cloth prices and inns he likes to frequent, but all the talks are rather awkward as you don't know anything about what he's talking about.

    Eventually, you reach the forge and he lets you take the buckets in yourself.

    "See you around tomorrow?" He asks.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:38 No.18561931
    Probably, who are you and why did you help me?

    If he gives his name introduce ourself as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:39 No.18561936
    "Umm... umm...
    My name is Arelia!" Blush and scurry in the smithy.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:42 No.18561972
    "Maybe. But who are you, and why did you help me?"

    He laughs a bit, before putting his hands in his pockets. He has pockets! You wish you had pockets.

    "My name is Keith. I helped you out because you looked like you needed the help." he blushes, before backing off and walking away. "I get water for my mom every day at that same spot, just ask if you need the help again!" He says, as your face turns even redder. You scurry into the smithy with the buckets, bringing them to Rorik. He hands you a copper coin for your work, pats you on the shoulder, and goes back to work forging after shooing you outside.

    It's getting rather late. The sun is about to set.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:44 No.18561996
    Oh boy. We have two coppers.
    Hmm, maybe we can buy proper clothing? With pockets and all?

    Or maybe not. What do we usually do at this time?
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:45 No.18562016
    At this time you're normally struggling to find food before you fall asleep, exhausted from a days work of scavenging.

    You think that you might be able to buy some rough pants, or a new shirt with the two coppers.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:46 No.18562024
    what are we wearing anyway?
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:48 No.18562043
    Tattered leggings, a moth-eaten shirt many sizes too large, a cap, and whatever rags you've wrapped around your hands and legs to stave off the chill. You've also got some shoes that are in the later stages of disintegrating.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:48 No.18562044
    Ask Rorik if we can come back and sleep in his smithy tonight after we do some things, it's likely to be softer, warmer, safer and less damp than where we normally sleep.

    Get some new pants, ours are probably more hole than cloth, we might even be able to get POCKETS, this is a big step up.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:49 No.18562055

    Yeah, lets get some pants. Is 2 coppers the absolute cheapest we can find?
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)15:51 No.18562090
    Searching the secondhand stalls with coppers tightly held in hand, you find a pair of pants only slightly too large for 2 coppers. It's the cheapest thing you could find.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:54 No.18562122
    Yay! We're moving up.
    Wait, do they have POCKETS though?

    Anyway, lets do what >>18562044 suggested. Maybe we can sleep in warm place for once?
    Don't forget to bring the doll we have.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)15:55 No.18562127
    New pants, woohoo. Get the new pants, keep the old leggings on underneath to keep a bit more warmth.

    Go back to our slums to retrieve our meager belongings and say goodbye for now to the few people there who didn't hate our guts.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:00 No.18562184
    rolled 9 = 9

    I'm actually against this idea for now. I don't think we should push our luck and ask to sleep in the smithy, not at least until we do a bit more to prove ourselves trustworthy.

    He's already wary of us, as any business owner should be. Let's build up a little trust first.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)16:00 No.18562189
    They do indeed have pockets! Nice and deep and without any holes, even. Amazing. You put them on over your thin leggings, and go back to the slums to grab your meager possessions. Stuffing your doll in a pocket and waving goodbye to the nice people who didn't throw rocks at you, you go back to the smithy.

    "Erm, Mr. Stonehammer?" You ask as he works on inscribing his seal into the blade of a sword.

    "Yes lass? What is it?"

    "Do you think I could maybe sleep here? Winter is coming and my box is getting cold..."

    "Ye sleep in a box?"

    You nod.

    "That's terrible! Tell ye what, as long as you don't make a mess or bring friends over...if you even have friends, that is, you can sleep in the basement. Just don't drink anything without asking."

    You beam brightly at this major boon. A place to sleep!

    You go downstairs and find a nice spot to curl up and fall asleep in.

    The next morning, Rorik wakes you up to a breakfast of bacon and eggs. Such bounty! It takes a bit of learning to figure out how to use a knife and fork, but eventually you get it without making too much of a mess of yourself. You don't know how you get egg behind your ears though...One of lifes great mysteries, you guess.

    "Now, Lass, y'up for some heavy work? It'll build some meat on those bones of yours."
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:03 No.18562215
    >"Now, Lass, y'up for some heavy work? It'll build some meat on those bones of yours."

    Yes! Always ready for honest work! (seriously, it pays so much comparing on what we had before. One day of work and see how much we improved in life!)
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:04 No.18562229
    I'll do whatever I can Mr. Stonehammer. I owe you my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:12 No.18562307
    > I owe you my life.
    that might be a bit overdramatic
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)16:13 No.18562313
    You nod in affirmation at the thought of honest, "not-scavenging-for-rotten-food-and-metal-scraps".

    He shows you how the smithy works. Though you don't remember most of it, you get enough down so that you can at least help out. Throughout the day you ferry things back and forth, pump the bellows, feed the fires, and pack and seal finished works. It's exhausting, sweaty work, but you do it happily. You're getting paid, you get food and drink, and a place to sleep.

    Near the end of the day, as you're getting ready to collapse in a pile of sweaty rags and red limbs, a visitor arrives at the forge.

    He's a tall man, dressed in guild colors and with a sword at his side...a Paladin of the Order! You nearly die. They're the heroes of this city, keeping watch out for the monsters that plague the wilds of the world, and bringing villains to justice. They're sanctioned adventurers, and some of the most famous people in the city.

    He looks at you and crinkles his nose.

    "Rorik, who let a Tiefling in your smithy? I'm sure you can SMELL it."

    Rorik emerges, wiping the grime from his face with a washcloth.

    "That's the new forgehand. Been needing one since the boy left."

    "So you hired...that?"

    "I hired her, yes."

    "Well, get it out of my sight. I need to talk to you about a new set of plate. We've got a squire just about ready for one, he's only got to pass the test."

    Rorik shoos you off as he begins business talk with the man.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:15 No.18562339
    Smell ourself, we probably are sweaty and smell like a wet rag left out for a week. We probably need a bath something fierce.

    If we need water head to the river for some, we have access to a forge so heating water won't be that hard, and we'll just have to do without any soap I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:16 No.18562347
    Meh, good-fer-nothing pallys

    Hey, that boy wanted to meet us today, didn't he? It's a bit late but lets go hang around the river.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)16:19 No.18562369
    Smelling yourself, you realize how mind-blowingly awful you reek. Figures, since you've never had a bath in your entire life, and all that sweaty forgework isn't helping any.

    You grab some buckets and head down to the river. Surprisingly, Keith is there, skipping stones on the rivers surface. As you walk up, he turns around and waves hello.

    "Oh hey! Didn't think you'd come. Busy day at the forge?"

    You nod as you fill up the buckets with water.

    "Do you need help bringing them back again?"
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:23 No.18562404
    If you want to help it'd be appreciated, they're not actually for forge work, I just realized how much I stunk.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:25 No.18562431
    Talk with the guy. Ask him what he does besides hanging around the river.

    Oh and tell him we wanted to take a bath this time.
    Wonder if we could get a soap.... they might be expensive though.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)16:27 No.18562460
    "If y'want to help, I won't stop you. But it's not for forge work, I just need a bath."

    He laughs, but not for long. "Well, for such a noble cause, how can I say no? Here, I'll take these two, you take the last one."

    You walk back to the forge.

    "So, why were you hanging out by the river?" You ask, struggling not to spill the water.

    "Waiting for you, I guess. Shirking my duties too."

    "What duties?"

    "I'm supposed to be getting ready for the test."

    "What test?"

    "To see if I can become a Paladin." he says, nonchalantly, as you get close to the forge.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:30 No.18562485
    Oh, that's cool... I guess.

    ...Why are you shirking your duties then? You don't want to be a paladin?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:31 No.18562491
    Well you ought to be a better one than the one who came by asking for plate for his squire. He's was a complete jerk to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:31 No.18562493
    (Also, is there even a place in the smithy to take a bath? I kinda assumed we were going to take it in the river...)
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:33 No.18562506
    So is that why you've been so nice to me? Want to save or redeem the "evil" tiefling. don't make me laugh. I'm not evil just... different that doesn't mean i should starve in a box on the streets as the paladins walk by giving me dirty looks.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)16:38 No.18562550
    "Oh, that's nice. But why are you shirking your duties?"

    He sighs, as he puts down the buckets.

    "It's just...it's too much, you know? All these expectations, all this pomp and decoration. It's just...they expect me to be some sort of hero as soon as I'm done with the test. And they won't even tell me what the test is! They just tell me to get ready for it. But you know what, that's not your problem. Don't worry about it."

    He turns around and starts walking off.

    You look at all the buckets of water and wonder to yourself.

    How are you going to take a bath with these?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:39 No.18562569
    >How are you going to take a bath with these?


    Ask the Smith when he's done with the Pally if there is a place where we could take a bath?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:42 No.18562595
    Talk to Rorik first, see if he has a bathtub and the like or if there is somewhere people go to take baths.

    Otherwise, find a bigger barrel or something that can hold water and has enough room for us. Heat up the water at the forge or something like that, fill it with two of the three barrels or so and use the last barrel to pour over ourself to rinse dirt off after we scrub ourself with a cloth or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:43 No.18562611
    Hey, how good is the web that we can weave? And how much can we make?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:44 No.18562619
    Also, I just realized that we are Spider-man
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)16:47 No.18562652
    You wait until the Paladin stops arguing with Rorik over the time and price of the work. As the man leaves, red in the face from shouting, you walk up to Rorik, asking where you could take a bath.

    "In the basement, if y'want. "

    Finding a large barrel, you heat the water by the forge and fill it up, save for the last bucket. You scrub yourself with a spare rag, and wash yourself off with the last bucket when you're done. You get back into your clothes, having forgotten that you had nothing to dry yourself off with. Thankfully, it's quite warm, even down there in the basement.

    You fall asleep, clean for once.

    (Right, do we want to keep going day by day, or are you guys okay with a month or two of timeskip?)
    The web you weave is fine silk, and it depends on how much you ate. On your usual diet, you can usually make enough to wrap around your hands to stave off the cold.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:49 No.18562699
    >(Right, do we want to keep going day by day, or are you guys okay with a month or two of timeskip?)

    Timeskip would be nice if nothing else happens.

    I say we go see Keith once in a while during the skip.

    >The web you weave is fine silk
    Hey. That's a high prize product! If we get good at it, we could weave cloth out of it and sell it for good money!
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:51 No.18562722
    I'm cool with a bit of time skip, make sure to spend some time with Keith, let Rorik know that we can make him silk if needed for custom orders and climb walls in case he needs the ceiling or high walls something cleaned or anything like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:58 No.18562812
    Don't forget to visit the soup kithcen on Wotensday! The more food, the better!
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)17:00 No.18562839
    Months pass. Winter comes by, and safe in your warm basement, you are able to ignore it. Having let Rorik know of your more...unusual talents, his business becomes well known for having incredibly...comfortable armour. The padding made from some secret white fabric becomes known as the softest stuff around. Rorik is constantly pestered by cloth merchants for knowledge of his source, but he keeps quiet about it. You see Keith often throughout, and he begins to open up more to you. He tells you about how his father was a famous adventurer who encouraged him to get into the family business, though he'd rather be a baker like his mother.

    You begin to bulk up, as the forge work is strenuous work. You won't be taking anyone to the gunshow, but you aren't the sack of bones you once were. You even gain a few inches and a few curves as your frame finally fills out on the diet it has craved for so long. Some might actually call you a bit pudgy. Well, actually they're calling you fat, but you're pretty sure that's just because they're assholes. It doesn't help that you visit the soup kitchens as often as possible. Your horns are also beginning to grow, going from tiny nubs to sharp thing sprouting from your forehead.

    Lately, Keith hasn't been around the river, and you can't find him around his other favorite spots either.

    It's a chilly spring afternoon, but thankfully you've been able to buy fine, thick clothing on your salary. Some of it you even wove yourself. Rorik has given you the week off, as orders are beginning to slow down.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:03 No.18562874
    How much money have we saved up?

    Keith is probably undergoing his paladin test.... or maybe he already finished it and has been assigned somewhere?

    What have we learned from smithy? Maybe we can try to forge a weapon for ourself?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:05 No.18562897
    glad we can repay for Rorik's kindness somehow.

    Hey, now that we have some proper fine clothing, could we visit districts that we were barred from before?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:07 No.18562925
    See if we can find Keith, it's been a while and we have the week off. Let's stop by his mother's bakery and get a fresh baked apple tart or something like that.

    Adorable little Tiefling girl has acquired Dwarven smith father figure, score.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)17:07 No.18562933
    You've saved up a full 20 silvers of your salary. Since food is provided in great abundance by Roriks happy, red-cheeked wife, you don't have to spend there, and since you can weave some of your clothing, getting a wardrobe hasn't been too expensive.

    You aren't barred from any districts save those frequented by nobles. The guards have gone from angry glares to open leers, save from the older, more puritanical. Your physical changes have been noticed.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:13 No.18563004

    How good is our clothing, btw? Fashion-wise and practical-wise?

    And what about the smithing skills?
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)17:16 No.18563047
    You take a few coins from your purse. That's another of your new purchases. Still fearful of thieves, you usually leave it at home, however. Home. That's another new thing. Rorik has gone from mildly wary to openly trusting of you, treating you less like a worker and more like a daughter. He's a softy, you realize. Turns out he gives generously to charities, as his business turns a bigger profit nowadays then he knows what to do with.

    You go to the northern side of the city where Keith said his mothers bakery was at. Nothing eventful happens, aside from a someone patting your ass while you were moving through a crowd. Checking your pockets, you find nothing stolen.

    The bakery is a cozy place, thick with decoration and doilies. His mother is a large, short woman with full, rosy cheeks and crows feet around her eyes, her golden hair tied up in a bun.

    She looks at you warily, and asks what you want.

    Your clothing isn't the best in both departments, but it's not the worst. You wear leggings, boots, a modest dress, gloves, etc. You've never quite gotten over the habit of bundling up as much as possible. You always make sure your clothing is something you could start running in, if you needed to.

    You've never been allowed to smith by yourself, but you know your way around a forge. Rorik makes it known that he's pleased he didn't have to hire a dwarven apprentice from one of the clans, and talks of you maybe taking over the business if his boy never comes home.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:19 No.18563096
    Ask her where Keith is and what happened to him.

    >You've never been allowed to smith by yourself, but you know your way around a forge. Rorik makes it known that he's pleased he didn't have to hire a dwarven apprentice from one of the clans, and talks of you maybe taking over the business if his boy never comes home.

    Maybe later we will be able to forge a weapon for ourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:20 No.18563115
    First I would like to purchase one of your famous [baked good], secondly I was wondering about Keith. I haven't seen him lately and I was wondering if you knew what happened to him?
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)17:27 No.18563227
    "I'd just like an Apple Tart or two." You produce a silver coin, and she produces two of the warm, delicious pastries. She still snatches the coins out of your hand, stuffing them in the front pocket of her dress.

    "And, I was wondering about Keith. He hasn't been around lately, and I've been worrying about him. Do you know what's happened to him?"

    Her eyes soften a bit, her glare no longer as harsh.

    "Oh, Keith...Keith passed the test but...he's changed. He barely talks to me when he's around and...he decided to go off hunting legends. Hasn't been around for a month. You wouldn't be that girl he's always talking about, would you? Aranea or something."


    "That's it. He won't stop talking about you! Or at least, before he took the test he did."

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:29 No.18563257
    "Really? Off to fight legends?
    He told me that he wasn't really interested in that.

    ...How did he change?"
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:34 No.18563299
    How has been acting recently?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:35 No.18563312
    Also ask her where exactly he went.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)17:46 No.18563445
    "How did he change? And where did he go?"

    "He stopped laughing, stopped smiling, started talking about how the world needed fixing and that he was the person to do it. He went east, into the Wilds. Said he had heard about a ruin...hold on, he wrote down the name somewhere."

    She goes into the back, and you take the opportunity to eat the apple tarts. Dear god, you'll never get used to how delicious warm food is.

    You're cleaning off your hands of the sticky mess as she returns, with a box full of parchment.

    "He said he wanted you to have these if you ever worried about him."

    She pushes it over the counter to you.

    Reading through the parchment (Another thing Rorik taught you, was literacy, in Dwarven and Common.), you find that he was worried about the test. The more he heard about it, the less he wanted to take it. But his father refused to hear any different, and eventually he had to take the test. After that, the notes become rants on the subject of evil and it's place in the world. Local legends are checked on, cross-referenced, looked into, quashed...they all point to him becoming obsessed with Castle Stragenschloss, the ruins of a nobles home located out east and south. No one knows exactly the circumstances of the explosion that leveled the upper floors of the castle, but it was discovered that they tunneled deep into the ground. The levels were never fully explored.

    He seems to have gone there, or at least, he was planning on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:53 No.18563531
    It seems that they brainwashed him... That's bad.

    But we are not going there. We don't have any skills to survive something like that AND we don't know how 'new' Keith would react to us.

    Thank the woman for her time and leave.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)18:02 No.18563638
    Having troubles posting, sorry.
    You thank the woman for her time and leave, wandering out into the spring chill. People wander the streets as if they have something to do and somewhere to be.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)18:05 No.18563675
    Damn, we're kind of free the entire week, aren't we? And we don't have to worry about food either.
    This must be a new feel for us, not having to scrap by to survive and being free to do anything..... without anything to do!

    I was thinking of getting nicer clothing, but not just buying. Instead, we should learn to make clothing so that we can utilize our special powers better.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)18:10 No.18563719

    Or maybe we could find some combat training? Would be useful in this hostile world.
    >> Djovill !!+P4/1vde8np 04/03/12(Tue)18:14 No.18563764
    Right, I'm going to archive what we have and take a break. I'm feeling a bit exhausted, and I'll be on tomorrow. Hope you all had fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)18:15 No.18563782

    Alright, see you next time. I certainly did have fun.
    At what hour will you be here?

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