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!b0vpMZLBb6 02/26/12(Sun)17:28 No.18110425 File: 1330295315.jpg-(168 KB, 591x806, 1330137392325.jpg)
 "She is a friend who helped me, then was forced to make the choice to either kill me or shred me open to save my life. She is a woman who carried me, worried that I might find out what she was forced to do and that I would grow to hate her for it. She is a companion who restored me to my form despite the risk it posed to herself and her human friends. She is the human form of rash decisions, opposite in everyway to me. And for all that, she is the one person I cannot face the coming storms without."
He chuckles. [[I can hardly rebutt such eloquent reasoning. Neither, I think can she.]]
You look to her, and find that the hood of her cloak is up, her visible face awash in red as she follows you.
Eventually, you come across a man in a wide cap, with goggles resting upon it. His face is shrouded in darknessm and his limbs appear to shift between being there, or being shadowed, or being long, muscular, clawed things, or human limbs, so gradually you barely notice it.
=Another brother from another time. Hello, Patience, and woman who desires.= He bows his head/hat/goggles at you. =Ask of me whatever you please, and answer I shall make. But ware, for answers given, may just make thou quake. Also know that while answers go, I cannot gaurentee - that knowledge, understanding so, will also follow pace.=
Fear chuckles. [[Greetings, Madness.]]
=Fair tidings and supple women to you, hunter of the coward.= |