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!!FOs+3LWXJDT 04/01/12(Sun)00:27 No.18532625 File: 1333254476.jpg-(158 KB, 800x1631, 9426749294c67e2ea790ae717b4a90(...).jpg)
“Well, someone has to do the work around here.” You allow yourself to wallow for a moment, leaning back on the bar.
“Mmm, and there’s not nearly enough of that going around in His camp, is there?” She grins, sipping her own drink, “I’m sure he’s having a lot of fun with someone as competent as you onboard. A pity he snapped you up before I could, after that stint. Had you doing some busywork for him?”
“Something like that...and well, I’m not exactly on the payroll,” You reply, trying to widen opportunity, “He’s not exactly the kind of person to inspire much loyalty, you know.”
“No, I suppose not.” She agrees, leaning back on the bar with you, “I mean, can anyone who got to his position through weedling and backstabbing really earn the kind of trust needed for that?”
“Hmm, his staff seem to put up with him.” You push, not committing your own opinion just yet.
“Pfft, his staff are a joke,” She waves, “Green, nearly all of them. Now my guys, they know the value of respect. And they don’t go off needing therapy if a few of their relatives die in the line of duty, either. A man like Welskin who flouts his own bosses’ orders hasn’t got any place in a town like this. Like it ain’t enough in the shitter already.”
“You, though,” She smiles over, “Like you say, you get the job done. I wasn’t happy when Internal Affairs got pushed from above to take the beasts out, but maybe it worked out okay if it blipped a powerful guy like you on the radar. I was fast running out of people I could respect around here.”
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