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  • File : 1271531373.jpg-(57 KB, 249x259, Lobstermanquest_flag_color.jpg)
    57 KB Lobsterman Quest p8 UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)15:09 No.9252429  
    You are Hxu-2891 Lobsterman soldier, freshly out of the cloning facility. Your brain has been implanted with all necessary information that a basic soldier needs to know about its general environment usage of your weaponry and general equipment. The war with the planet Earth’s human population has been going for 6 months now and you are among the second wave of Lobsterman deployed.

    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)15:10 No.9252440
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    On an artifact raid mission you and 3 mates were assigned to infiltrate an secure and abandoned base. After reaching ground floor you attempted to activate power but the Synomium device AI is damaged and now treats you as hostile invaders. You had to drill yourself through doors from room to room to reach the base control and deactivate it yourselves. You bested a group of feral Tasoths and sacrificed a whole chamber of sleeping and developing clones reactivate the elevator and reach the upper level of the base.
    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)15:11 No.9252457
    Your data
    ID Hxu-2891
    Software: Level 1 Leader, Level 1 Technician, Level 1 Medic
    Implants: Lateral Sense, Targeting computer, Cyber Sync, Eye coating, Land breathing
    Current Inventory: Tech-box, Advanced-key, Medi-kit, Sonic Rifle +2 clips, 2 grenades, Thermic Lance Drill, a local Data Canister (you did not check the contents)

    The team

    Technician 0882
    Software: Level 3 Tech, Level 1 Leader
    Equipment: Sonic Rifle 2 clips, Expert Tech-box, Advanced Key, Thermic Lance
    Implants: Adv Cyber-sync, Land Breathing, Adv Targeting computer, Lateral Sense, 2 Artificial Organs

    After receiving the technician’s data you realize his number is really old, this technician must be from the first generation of deployed Lobsterman, meaning he has been in action for more than a year now and yet he is still alive. He is in command for now.

    Soldier 6861
    Software: Basic soldier
    Equipment: Sonic Cannon, 3 clips, Thermic Lance
    Implants: Adv. targeting computer, Air Breathing, Eye coating, Adv Cyber Sync

    Number is 68 a bro from your second mission he also remembers you.

    Soldier 3261
    Software: Basic soldier
    Equipment: Sonic Rifle 2 clips, 2 grenades, Heavy Thermic Lance
    Implants: Eye coating, Land breathing, Bio monitor
    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)15:13 No.9252476
    You go to the elevator and go up one by one. The lighting and base’s condition is no different on the upper level than it was at the lower levels. It turns out that this is not the control room at all you arrived to a similar room that was below and towards the south is another larger room and its doors has fallen out or broken by force. You can see inside the floor is littered with pieces of rocks and plastics.

    Your squad sees nothing unusual right now, no movement no enemies.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:20 No.9252573
    Im not up to date on the quest but have 32 and 68 take point and scope out the room
    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)15:31 No.9252722
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    32 and 68 enters the room they see nothing unusual lots of debris scattered large piece of rocks and plastics from the ceiling and walls are scattered around the room. There are two doors one towards the south and one towards the East.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:44 No.9252908
    Proceed to move the squad into the room and try to open the eastern door.
    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)15:50 No.9253001
    You all enter the room, there is no danger about. The Eastern door is locked down like the first two you had but this is not a blast door like the one to the elevator room.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:52 No.9253028
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:53 No.9253042
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:55 No.9253073
    Your point?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:56 No.9253085
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:56 No.9253089
    Oh god, the trolls have arrived.

    As for the actual quest, make sure you CHECK THOSE CORNERS as you advance, and always keep your guys covered.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:57 No.9253108
    Have the technitian take a go at the door.
    What exactly is a thermic lance and could it sufficiently weaken a door?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)15:57 No.9253112
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    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)16:01 No.9253159
    08 takes it up to himself to drill through the Eastern door with 32 helping. While they are at it you check the corners and find another data canister in the northeast corner. This seems to be in better condition than the previous.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)16:02 No.9253173
    Fucking ignore this dickhead troll, we can keep going OP.

    As for >>9253108's question, I'm pretty sure a thermic lance could get through one of these doors no problem, although it would leave it destroyed. I don't think we should risk the tech lobster getting his ass shot up while trying to open the door, he's high-ranking and not as expendable as the soldiers.

    I say we have one of the soldiers try to open a door, and only bring up the techlobster if we have to (keeping him well clear of the actual opened door). As mentioned before, make sure you CHECK YOUR CORNERS.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)16:07 No.9253244
    That's not exactly what I meant by checking the corners but hey, we got something nice out of it.

    Stack up by the door and breach and clear through it: as soon as 08 manages to tear down the door, have him get round and cover your rear while everyone else piles through. 32 goes first, straight ahead, then 68 goes left and we go right. Just step inside, crouch, and be ready to shoot anything that moves. Try to pull off some serious operator shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)16:18 No.9253405
    Please don't let this troll scare you away, OP. This quest is pretty cool.
    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)16:24 No.9253532
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    Worry not, I shall not stop the session until I am really tired. There are significant things that await in this mission so please have a little patience and bear with me.

    After a few minutes work drilling the door’s lock has melted away and it can be forced open manually now. You ask 08 to back up and he does so you breach the door and move into the room with 32 front and you and 68 covering the two corners. There are two collapsed corridors to the North and South and another door towards the East. Again debris around but there is one key difference, it is clearly visible that fighting took place in this room, there are marks on the wall indicating that sonic weapons were used here although the marks seem old.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)16:32 No.9253633
    Ok, keep up the formation and head through the next door. Stay cautious and keep your weapons ready at all times.
    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)16:42 No.9253808
    You keep formation together and check the next door. Big surprise! This one is also locked like all the prevous ones. 08 expresses that he starting to be annoyed that the squad is continuously forced to drill holes into doors just get to room by room. However you have no other choice right now so 68 says nothing and gets to work at once by now this seems to be a routine exercise.

    You keep your weapon ready just in case and 32 does the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)16:44 No.9253839
    Fuck, I actually really need to sleep soon, so someone else will have to take over giving the OP suggestions.

    Good luck guys, try not to get a TPK.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)16:45 No.9253867
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    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)16:49 No.9253937
    Good night mate! If you are interested for next sessions tey hare on Fridays and Saturdays staring around 15:00 4chan time. Altough being a lazy fuck I skipped Friday in the past 2 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)16:50 No.9253946
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    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)18:52 No.9255866
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    Giving it a bump it s been 2 hours
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)18:55 No.9255909

    if this faggot often finds time to browse the boards, /tg/ is gonna die...
    >> UnderwaterDM !Hsknw4ktoA 04/17/10(Sat)19:08 No.9256115
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    Alright I guess it is not going to work tonight. I will end the session here maybe next week it is going to be more successful. Next (maybe) Friday/Saturday at the same time as today.

    Good night /tg/

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