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  • File : 1263718013.jpg-(23 KB, 280x400, Blackadder Traveling.jpg)
    23 KB Lord Quest XII - Arc II Part II Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)03:46 No.7629364  
    It's that time again, LORD QUEST.

    Old Quests:


    And before I bring in the new month and new year, you have 2 workers to allocate, and a new building project to decide on too.

    Last month's reports are:
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)03:53 No.7629443
    Poop in a bucket, then tell your two workers to fight to the death, and the bucket is the only allowed weapon.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)03:57 No.7629483
    Weren't the two workers put on silver duty?
    And I thought we were doing the turnip cellar since it is winter and that is mostly indoors work.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)04:01 No.7629537
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    : /

    Not the usual reaction to say the least. Waiting for more serious response.

    On the building project, a well, a turnip cellar, repairing the keep some, palisades, watchtowers, better housing and a smithy have all been discussed. The smithy will need a smith, all the others are do-able at the moment.

    Also, where did you want the smoke room? Map attached.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:02 No.7629557
    I am seconding this notion.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:05 No.7629595

    South of the cattle shed next to the river in case of fire.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:07 No.7629609
    My vote for the next building project are keep renovations, since the approaching tournament is a more immediate concern. Also, maybe place the smoke room in the peasant village next to the cattle shed. It's close to the forest and far from the swamp, so it won't attract any trolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:08 No.7629628
    Still waiting for the architect
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:09 No.7629639
    If keep renovations aren't currently doable, then I suppose the smithy would be the next best option.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:10 No.7629648
    still waiting for a smith
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:10 No.7629652
    This. The winner gets to keep his life, and receives a promotion.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)04:10 No.7629659
         File1263719454.jpg-(24 KB, 460x288, blackadder_3.jpg)
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    Sounds familiar, never put it on my spreadsheet, so it got forgottern. :$ Doing now.

    What size turnip cellar do you want?
    175 work, allows your current granary to store turnips
    200 will upsize your granary by 50 in addition to this
    300 upsize by 200
    600 upsize by 300, will also be more easily defendable in the event of a siege.
    1100 as above, but doubles as a watchtower and will have living space for soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:14 No.7629701
    200 so we can finish in a month, by then we should have an architect or smith for the other projects. But this is something we should revisit after the tournament.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:19 No.7629744
    Sounds good.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)04:19 No.7629752
    Ignoring retarded ideas. If you can convince me that it's in character (as /tg/ has played TG thus far) or a good idea you can do it.

    As things stand you have 163 work/month. So It'll be two months. Also, we have 2 carts (counts as extra worker, effectively doubling a workers ability to work) and 2 ropes (+1d5 work/month each) spare, so feel free to allocate them.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:21 No.7629770

    Quest Lord, do we have any women at our disposal?

    It's been a very long time since we've had sex and we need a release otherwise LORD WILL GO CRAZY!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:21 No.7629782
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:21 No.7629785

    I am so glad I didn't miss it this time.
    300 upsize by 200 option please.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:24 No.7629823

    Of course it's a good idea! It teaches the peasents not be idle and sitting around. That and it is great entertainment. Will boost morale among the nobility.

    Blood Sports are a staple of any great kingdom. UFC, Underground Boxing, Muay Thai, Mortal Kombat, Dog Fighting, America's funniest home video's, 4chan, etc...
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:24 No.7629825
    agreed since it would take two months anyway might as well go for the 300 option.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:25 No.7629834
    We are one of the few lords that are looked upto by our towns folk. We are trying to keep it that way thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:25 No.7629835
    Hmm, I was thinking...how is the river trade in this parts? Would it be sensible to construct a pier some where for a resupply point? If we are lucky it would help with other trading endeavors.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:26 No.7629841
    Sorry for all the retarded posts Quest Lord. It is weekend time and the kids up.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:26 No.7629850
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:28 No.7629860
    OP, in the future, there's no need to even acknowledge dumb ideas. As quest threads get more popular or longer, you're more likely to attract trolls. Just keep on rolling.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:28 No.7629868

    Who gives a rats ass about what the peasent folk think? As long I am feeding them they can keep there opinions to themsleves.

    Seriously /TG were a goddamn lord, Lords need entertainment at the expense of the peasentry sometime... remember those things God does, like earthquakes and natural disasters, yeah.. he needs some lulz too.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:28 No.7629869
    Yes, or/and take toll, quite common to build castles right next to rivers for this specific reason.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:32 No.7629913
    What's Cohen Mikenzy doing currently? I think he mentioned he wanted to know what was going on at Greenhall, which I took to mean he'll want to travel there and catch up.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:33 No.7629924

    BAAAWWWW All these threads and nothing cool or interesting has happened.

    "hey guys, lets make a 100+ post thread about building a fucking tannery".
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)04:33 No.7629925

    Silly underage b&. They think they're so witty. Laughingelf.jpg

    River trade is viable, and your neighbours to the south do it. You however don't know much about it, either does any of your advisors. Baldric was helpful in summing up the peasantries reaction to the idea of boats: "What? On the water? Unhealthy that is. Almost as bad as swimming in it, or *gasp* - washing!"
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:33 No.7629937
    I think we are waiting for the new month to find out.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:34 No.7629942
    Capture one of the commoner families and give the head of the household the choice of either raping his family, or killing them with a hog skull. If he elects neither, do both in that order. Afterward, have him publicly executed for his crimes with a message that you will not tolerate evil under your rule.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)04:36 No.7629974
    Ignore and move on if you don't like it.

    The downside to popularity. Had to happen sooner or later.

    He's chilling out atm, making the most of your hospitality. He's just travelled here from the Isles, he's happy just chilling for now. A little bit of hunting, a big bit of rest and a lot of catching up on the news with DOOOBS!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:37 No.7629982
    We must remember to ask our neighbors when the tournament comes.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:38 No.7630006
    so, new month?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:41 No.7630034
    Well the thing is, there's a crowd that's into micromanaging, another that's into RPing and another that's into spectacularly successful and terrible dice rolls, with some overlap between the three. No one complains when they're bit isn't in play at the moment.

    You'll be ignored from here on out.

    Regarding the toll, I'd say we not do it. It'd be a tiny income addition if any, since boat's don't seem all that common.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)04:44 No.7630065
    Right after I finish dinner. Omming some noms, brb.

    In the meantime discuss some ideas or whatever. I liked the sound of river trade, if you can work out a way to implement it, you might get an overall bonus to the cash you make by trading.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:44 No.7630069
    Does the river freeze over in the winter, or is trade tstill viable then? Also, could a harbourmaster or something be hired from the southern neighbour? Alternativly, we should inquire him about it. Have we had contact with him before?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:46 No.7630089
    He is one of our best friends/distant mentor at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:49 No.7630124

    we would need a harbor or some kind of docking mechanic.

    What kind of river trade are we talking here? is our goal to have big riverbarges float down and dock(like the Nile, or Mississippi river?) or something more akin to just a pier where some people in canoes come by to drop off skins?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:50 No.7630152
    Well river trade is mostly useful, when moving items in bulk. Now that we have the tannery going and we have found a market for our stone I'd say we qualify. We construct a pier and then spread the news to our trading partners.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:53 No.7630189
    That depends of the wideness and depth of the river and also with what wares are needed elsewhere. And of course we need. That i don't know, currently.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)04:57 No.7630235
    This idea is pro. Move the stone and shit river wise and save mass amounts of money on transit, plus have the addition of fast trade. It would give us the edge on a lot of the other quarry in the area. We would still need sailors, or a ship captain for the boats. We probably should ask ourselves, WWSheffD?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:01 No.7630294
    It freezes a little, but you wouldn't imagine it would be enough to hinder trade. The thin frost it gets if famous for shattering under any weight, meaning the snow that builds up on it will break the ice's surface before hiding it.

    The river is deep and wide enough to supoprt river trading further down, and it doesn't seem that different here in depth/width. You can only make a guess, not having expertise in the area though.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:01 No.7630295
    I don't know what Sheff would do. But our usual procedure would be to send our trusty dwarf to inquire about any captains interested in the trade.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:04 No.7630330
    rolled 5 = 5

    Rolling for random event.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:06 No.7630349
    first one year of nothing now 2 in a row? hell yeah
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:08 No.7630368
    Another good event. :D Can I get a d5 in here to see how good? Also if you use the ring, say so IN the post.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:10 No.7630397
    rolled 3 = 3

    Using the ring, hope no one objects, hope the world doesn't end.
    >> dice 1d5 Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:10 No.7630398
    Using ring.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:11 No.7630410

    Last month's gold 29.205 LUMBER FOOD SKINS LEATHER ALE
    Gold Incoming 2.321 Last months lumber 29 Last months food 145 Last month's skins 12.4 Last month's Leather 50 Last month 31
    Gold Outgoing 5.2 Lumber Cut 40 Food Grown 15 Skins Gathered 20.8 Leather Created 20 Ale Brewed 3
    Gold Profits -2.879 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Food Hunted 20.8 Skins Used 20 Leather Used 0 Ale Drunk 0
    Total Gold 26.326 Lumber Created -14.53333333 Food Eaten 25 Skins Created 0.8 New Leather 20 Ale Created 3
    Debt 0 Lumber Stockpile 14.46666667 Food Brewed 3 Skins Stockpile 13.2 Leather Stockpile 70 Ale Stockpile 34
    To brother 0 Max Stockpile 200 Excess Food 7.8 Max Skin Stockpile 300 Max Leather Stock 200 Max Stockpile 200
    One Time Costs 0 Stockpile Spare 185.5333333 Excess Stored 0 Stockpile Spare 286.8 Stockpile Spare 130 Stockpile Spare 166
    Urist PROFIT Excess Wasted 7.8
    Mage Weapons Food Stockpile 145
    Other III 0 Max Food 200
    Stockpile Spare 55
    Last Month's peat 0 Last Month 13 Last month 49.8 Last month 0
    Peat incoming 16.9 Bog Iron incoming 13 Stone Quarried 3 Silver panned 8
    Peat used 0 Bog Iron used 0 Stone Used 0 Silver used
    Fraction stored 0 Fraction stored 0 Stone Gained 3 Silver gained 0
    Peat Stored 0 Amount Stored 13 Stone Stockpile 52.8 Silver stockpike 0
    Peat Stockpile 0 Stockpile 26 Max Stone 1000 Max Silver stockpile 5000
    Max Stockpile 0 Max Stockpile 20 Stockpile Spare 947.2 Stockpile Spare 5000
    Sold (%) 100 Sold (%) 0 Sold (%) 100
    Peat sold 16.9 Sold 0 Sold (amount) 8
    Peat Price (gold) 0.09 Price (gold) 0.1 Silver Price 0.1
    Profit made 1.521 Profit made 0 Profit made 0.8

    >Smyatt reports that the peat's new cost at just under a silver profit a load will remain steady for some time likely.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:12 No.7630414
    Sigh, i'm really bad at this..
    Hope it was good enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:15 No.7630441
    rolled 4 = 4

    Training with Leold.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:18 No.7630473
    So when is our metal mage due to finish his enchanting?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:20 No.7630495
    a 3 modified to 4 :) You'll like what I've set aside for this.

    Cattle 10 Cows 6 Bulls 2 Calves 2 Age(months) 9
    Birthed 0 Draught 4 Feed Grow at 24
    Goats 4 Nannies 2 Billies 1 Kids 1 Age(months) 2
    Birthed 0 Feed Grow at 6
    Horses 3 Grow at ?
    Riding 3 Mares 0 Stallions 0 Foals 0 Age(months) n/a
    Birthed 0 In use/Away 3 Feed Geldings 3
    Carts 5 Unused 2
    Quarry 0 Peat 3 Digging Mine 0 Bog Ore 0
    Ropes 5 Used 3 Spare 2
    Small Ropes (1d5) 5 Used 3 Spare 2
    Medium Ropes (1d15) 0 Used 0 Spare 0
    Fuses 3
    Magic Scroll 1 Months to tranlation 2
    Hunting Scroll 1 Taught 1 Untaught 0
    Spearheads (steel) 25 Used 12 Unused 13
    Crude bows 3
    Crude knives 11
    Carrot Seeds 5 Months until wasted 2
    Potato Seeds 5 Months until wasting starts 1
    Lyre 1

    Turnip Patches 30 Units Turnips 15
    Rice Plots 10 Units Rice 0 Months to harvest 3

    >smyatt reports that you need to plant them seeds this month, or they'll go off. In order to plant them, just allocate workers to farm them, one unit of seeds is one worker. Potatoes will yield 2 units of food a month/plot for every month after the 2nd, and Carrots will yield 1 unit of food a month every month.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:23 No.7630525
    He's done. In fact, he'll likely be off this month if you don't have any new projects for him.

    Also, shit those stockpiles are hard to read as I post them :$ I'll try and find a way to make them more easily read. Because they're a nightmare as is.

    Noted. Any alchemy experiments this month?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:25 No.7630568
    Cool we have extra carts and rope we should attach them to the next building project along with two drought cows and bulls.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:27 No.7630594
    Can we get Erik to start translating that Magic Scroll? He isn't teaching us anything right now, and might as well put his ass to work. Can we get the lowdown on what our advisers are up to so we can put them to work?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:28 No.7630598
    We use the workers not needed to complete the granary expansion to plant the seeds.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:29 No.7630611
    POPULACE 125
    Workers 95 Peasants 77 Hunters 8 Peat Gatherers 10 Builders 64

    Soldiers 14 Men at Arms 5 Yeomen 7

    Milita on duty 2 Peasant Milita 0 Manhunters 2

    Craftsmen 7 Carpenter 3 Miners 4

    Advisors 11

    Growth 4
    2 Local lads come of age, 2 miagrants
    Deaths 2
    One younger lad just went missing, and one old man died from overdrinking.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:30 No.7630623
    Just taking a stab in the dark, but,

    Artagus = Artemis, Greek Goddess of the Hunt, fertility, and other things? Sound king of similar 8-/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:31 No.7630625
    rolled 1 = 1

    rollan hard experiment
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:32 No.7630644
    Went missing? Does not sound good, let's have a couple of our yeoman that are free to ask where he was last seen.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:32 No.7630647
    wow, last time i rolled I destrolyed the alchemy set
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:34 No.7630659
    Seconding this. Get Baldric to acquire some details from the family. If it's worth investigating, we'll interview them ourselves.

    Got to delegate, like a boss.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:37 No.7630692

    Baldric is the only one not working.
    Leold is teaching you warfare, and hanging with you being a bro in general. His lessons often consist of hunting while you discuss tactics and such. "If those deer there were bandits, how would you aproach this situation."

    Doobs is training the yeomen, and doing the weekly militia training for the peasants

    Smyatt is accounting

    Aegon is writing the saga of your little land, but is having trouble. He's used to dealing with mythic creatures and taking leaps of artistic licence. Reality is less exciting.

    Erik has just began translating that scroll again.

    Zeek is healing people who need it, and generally being a good preist of Exidaid.

    Marcus is cooking

    Shorty is squiring DOOBS. He's comming along, and is much better then he was.

    Harry is "innagradin' meself with the locals. I akwired me some likely lads to keep an eye on the seedier goings on of the village, not that they'll like'y find much."

    Wrigley Spectre is researching Horticulture in general. He's making definate progress at something, you're not sure where his reasearches are leading him.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:38 No.7630698
    Our family bastard sword was referred to by the mage as a possible "Wild Blade" last thread. We should probably ask him what that means and if there are other swords like it around.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:41 No.7630730
    How is our dog growing up?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:41 No.7630733
    Thank you kind sir.

    We should get Baldric some kind of teaching/training. Having a lackey is cool and all, but having a useless one is no bueno. Unless we are just using him as an insight to the peasant population, I say we get him training as a fighter.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:43 No.7630750
    I forgot, when did we acquire Marcus? Also, keep Harry on a short leash, since I'm afraid that when he says keeping an eye on the seedier aspects of the village, he may in fact mean introducing seedier aspects to the village.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:43 No.7630757
    He would likely stab himself in the foot.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:44 No.7630763
    Gift from Sheff
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:45 No.7630774
    Baldric is as dumb as a sack of rocks so that's probably really the only route we can go as far as training him for something. We do have plenty of fighters already might want to just keep him free to run tiny errands while our more important advisers are getting shit done.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:46 No.7630784
    They've been asking around, and apparently he went to the fields as per normal one day, but dissapeared during the day. It's been the talk of the town. Look into it further (y/n) ? Get any advisors to help the investigations?

    Nice work. Critical sucess. Alchemy skill +.3 and you have unlocked a new alchemic trick. Acidic pouches. You can craft d4 in a month. This will require an alchemy success on a d10. It will consume 1 unit of lye and 2 of ash (ash is in plentiful supply). This will be your alchemy for the month.

    Indeed. Artagus name bonus #1/2 found. +1 favour with Artagus.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:51 No.7630836
    Look into that disappearance. Let's send harry and his crew to search, tell him if he goes outside of our borders with this search to take some guards with him for protection.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:54 No.7630876
    How high is our alchemy skill at the moment?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:55 No.7630884
    The wild blades were a set of swords owned by older lords in antiquity. When the "new" king whose name has been lost to time and varies with every telling conquered Erondia, they alone resisted him of all the lords. The land itself gave forth these swords, and the wild lords fought against the new order. Only the recinding of the new King's stance on the old gods caused them to stop their gurilla campaign. The families themselves are lost to time, but the Nowhen own the only certified wild blades, a pair named 'Horn' and 'Tooth'. They are today the lords of all of South Farvings and dictate much of Erondian trade policy.

    No, he used to work for your uncle, he just was away when he died. He took his spot up working for you instead.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)05:56 No.7630896
    Goat Herding 2 Goats Tended 4 Goats Escape 0
    Cattle Heading 1 Cattle Tended 10 Cattle Escape 0
    FARMING 50
    Turnip Farming 30
    Rice Farming 20
    Gathering Wood 4
    Quarrying Stone 15 Work Done 3 Ropes 0 Rope Bonus 0
    Criminal Bonus 0
    Brewing 3
    Basic Peasant Militia 0
    OTHER 2
    Renovating Town 2 Carpenters bonus 0 Renovations total 2

    Turnip Cellar 64 Rate 2.2 Draught 4 Carts 0 Ropes 3
    Total Done Last month 0 Progress/Month 163.6 Total Done 163.6 Total Remaining 300 Rope Bonus 14
    Total 300 Lumber Used 54.53333333 Stone Used 0

    Unassigned Hunters 0
    Hunting 8
    Searching Forest 0
    Manhunters 2

    Unassigned Carpenters 0
    Decent Furniture 0
    Helping Build 0
    Renovating Village 0
    Renovating Keep 3 Rooms/month 2

    MINERS 4
    Unassigned Miners 0
    Panning River (Silver) 4 Silver Panned 8

    Digging Mine 0 Rate 5 Draught 0 Carts 0 Ropes 0
    Total 100 Progress/Month 0 Total Done Total Remaining 100 Rope Bonus 0
    Lumber Used 0 Stone Used

    Gathering Peat 10 Peat Gathered 16.9
    Carts 3
    Gathering Bog Iron 10 Bog Iron Gathered 13 Peat Price (gold) 0.1 Profit made 1.3
    Carts 0

    Tanning for storage 4 Skins tanned 20
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:56 No.7630900
    Regarding the disappearance investigation. >>7630659
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)05:57 No.7630910
    Have the 2 unassigned move to assist the builders
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:00 No.7630928
    Remember though, he was one of the brighter peasants from the village at the time. Most of our military is made up from those same peasants.

    As for our bard, hmm... Instead of trying to have him write about the village, how about our own family history and ourselves? Let him have full access to our family history books/scrolls/whatever and let him go crazy with it, exagerating tales and all. People would love to go live under such a grand ruler as ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:00 No.7630931
    7630910 here

    Correction, have them join the woodcutters.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:01 No.7630947
    Well it looks we're already producing excess amounts of food, but if we transition from having a larger amount of our farmers switch to potato we can create that surplus using less people. I don't know exactly what numbers we should use though, anyone with a mind for math here?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:01 No.7630949
    There are nough builders at the moment, have them help plant the seeds that are going to spoil.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:05 No.7630990
    We have a limited amount of seeds at the moment, so whatever number we need to use those. when we have extra potatoes for planting we can increase the number then.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)06:08 No.7631020
    5.7 now.

    Ok, He goes off searching, and comes back some days later. Apparently he had run away and joined a travelling bard as an apprentice. After talking to some of his mates it became evident he'd been thinking of this for a while.
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)06:10 No.7631034

    Move 5 Villagers from turnips into potatos.
    5 More into Carrots next month.

    Otherwise, the seeds are wasted. And waste is not something we can afford.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)06:11 No.7631050
    LODGINGS 207 Total Spare Room 37 Homeless 0
    VILLAGE 120 Huts (5) 24 Share Houses (10) 0
    Some Room Lodgers 100 Room Spare 20
    THOM'S MERCY 60 Huts (5) 0 Share Houses (10) 6
    Some Room Lodgers 50 Room Spare 10
    KEEP 27 Rooms Upgraded 2
    KEEP ROOMS 13 Poor Rooms (1) 0 Decent Rooms (1) 4 Good Rooms 9
    Poor Rooms Spare 0 Decent Rooms Spare 1 Good Rooms Spare 0
    Some Room Lodgers 12 Rooms Spare 1
    BARRACKS 14 Size 20 Soldiers 14
    Some Room Spare Room 6

    HIRED 10 Total Cost Overall 5.85
    ADVISORS 3 Total Cost 1.6
    Dan Ganawb 1 Cost/Mason 0.5
    Urist 1 Cost 1
    Harry 1 Cost 0.1
    CRAFTSPEOPLE 7 Total Cost 0.15
    Carpenters 3 Cost 0.1
    Miner 4 Cost 0.05

    >Smyatt notes that the carpenter's and miner's apprentices have demanded wages as they are now craftspeople. He took it upon himself to negotiate a rate of 50 coppers each/month for the miners, but couldn't beat the carpenters down from a silver a month.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:12 No.7631062
    Shame, we could have offered him a position under our own bard.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:13 No.7631068
    For some reason I really want to come down hard on this kid for abandoning his duty but really, it's such a trivial issue that maybe we should just let him go and wish him good luck.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:13 No.7631072
    fuck yeah! lord quest!

    can we start rebuilding our castle? maybe a wall around the village or something?
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)06:13 No.7631073

    Or 3 from the Turnips and the 2 new arrivals. However balances out best.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:16 No.7631099
    This is reasonable enough, if they get pay then the other uneducated villagers will be inspired to learn themselves.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)06:17 No.7631121
    He's healthy and *growing*. If he was big before, he's huge now. You can understand why Sheff is so pleased with this new breed of his.

    10 people should do it. Free up 10 builders?
    or from turnip farmers as >>7631034 suggests?
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)06:17 No.7631122

    Agreed. Promoting learning and self-advancment may be outright suicidal in a Feudal society, but damn if it wouldn't be interesting to see how it plays out.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:18 No.7631136
    Don't worry man we're working on it, we need to get an Architect first though. By the way we sent Urist out to find one for is didn't we?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)06:19 No.7631153
    Don't forget you're the best loved lord this side of the Isles, and quite possibly better loved then any lords on the other side.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:19 No.7631157
    I'd say we do>>7631073
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:21 No.7631175
    Move them from the turnip farmers.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:24 No.7631211
    After we finish fiddling with the farmers we should get a new month going.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:26 No.7631236
    I can't quite remember, why are we so loved? What do we do that others don't?
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)06:26 No.7631237
    Just means we haven't had enough time to annoy enough people just yet.

    When we were fiddling with the farmers, were balls touching?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:29 No.7631272
    We're quite nice really, we hold festivals for the peasants, walk around with the common man, do special little things like crown children jester for the day, gave them two large boars when we could have given it to visiting nobles, we don't work them too hard, and we haven't had anyone tortured or killed.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:30 No.7631284
    Who said the farmers were male? We run an equal opportunity work program here everyone gets to slave away under the hot sun.
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)06:32 No.7631305

    That reminds me; we haven't done that "Crown a kid jester for the day" thing for a while. We should do that again sometime before the new month.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:33 No.7631320
    can we construct a brothel? Provide an increase in our income and peasent population. Improve morale for the soldiers.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)06:37 No.7631361

    You have a small estate, and originally spent time drinking with the commoners, etc. A real lord, drinking with peasants. Ain't that a turnip for the books. You took on baldric as a personal lacky, and he gets treated well (for his breeding or lack thereod), squired shorty to DOOBS, held a fair, and gave the peasants some of your hunt then.

    Also, a raggard man in leather armour turns up to your door. After baldric directs him to you he introduces himself as Clint Westforrest. "Lord, I heard you were looking for a priest of the hunt? I think your search is over."
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:40 No.7631390
    Clint Eastwood, obviously.

    Well a priest of the hunt would be useful. Ask him what he would want for the honor? We can offer him room and board, food to eat but does he wish payment for his services? Would he be willing to hold sermons for the peasants when we are not in need of him? They'd like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:40 No.7631394
    Wow it's been nearly two years since we started the hunt for this guy. Well invite him inside, or outside, whatever he prefers and tell him about our temple. Perhaps we should invite our hunters to rest for the day to meet with him.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:49 No.7631480

    Ask him to join us in a drinking duel. If we win, then he will serve us for free. If not, then he can walk away of his own choosing.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)06:52 No.7631511
    Done. You and Baldric find a plucky young type and name him jester of the day. He goes capering off happily, telling bawdy jokes that he shouldn't have heard, but every child his ages does.

    It's possible, but it wouldn't make a profit in a back town village like this. The soldiers get some entertainment of that sort anyway, sexual mores being fairly easy here. Most Gods around here are a bit more lax then the Christian 'God' is when it comes to that sort of stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)06:59 No.7631573
    Anyone else up for constructing a brothel? Who are we going to get to recruit the women? Should we Import from other lands?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:00 No.7631586
    Indeed, +1 opinion.

    Priests of Artagus give up their real name, and take the name of a mighty hunter/beast and the name of the place they killed their first animal.

    Sure. He comes in, and says that he came here as soon as he heard. He was hunting Ogres in the northern woods when a wildhunter found him and borught rumour of a temple in the borderlands. He's since wandered down here, interested in hunting trolls and speccing out this temple.

    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:00 No.7631593
    Nah, let's do it later when we're bigger. Might end up losing money at this stage.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:01 No.7631600

    Not particularly, attracts the wrong sort of people to town and we have more important things to build. We should keep in mind for later though.
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)07:01 No.7631606

    Does he carry the most powerful long/crossbow in the world? Heh. (Clint Eastwood/Dirty Harry ref.)
    Check what he wants for room/board/pay, if it's reasonable, he's hired.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:02 No.7631608

    Rather than a common brothel, we should build a temple to the goddess of love and have religiously sanctioned prostitutes work in the temple. It was mentioned that the local gods are more tolerant to this kind of thing than the Christian god, so there must be a love goddess like this around, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:04 No.7631625
    Eh, sure. Let's give it a try. If we lose we'll just try to recruit him the old fashioned way, with money and stuff.
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)07:04 No.7631626
    Sounds okay, but we should at least provide room and board regardless - assuming he even wants pay, of course.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:05 No.7631632
    We do have trolls in great supply, and it's about time we cull their numbers some. He can have a room and he's more than welcome to check out the temple. He should be forewarned that we haven't restored it yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:09 No.7631676
    We should bother Erik at some point to give us a list of gods and their domains.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:11 No.7631690
    can we do anything with the trolls besides kill them? they have not caused us any trouble yet. is this just chance or are the little ones saying stay clear of TG
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:14 No.7631716
    He'll stay here as long as there's a good hunt in the offering, and by and large make this 'home base' because of the temple. However he'll likely wonder off for months or even years at a time on the strength of a rumour.

    There are a few different godesses of that sort about. There's Val Terni, god of love. However she frowns upon prostitution. There's Sallus, the Lady of the rabbit, and patron godess of prostitutes. She has no temple or preisthood though. All prostitutes are jokingly reffered to as 'Priestesses of the Lady Sallus.' Skyre, ancient elven godess of lust is generally poorly thought of around here. And there's Falup, god of sex and fertility. His priests and preastesses give it away for free, but generally only to themselves. They don't take in initiates either, they have enough young people on hand.
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)07:14 No.7631717
    Well, recall that they're not doing anything now because they're shit-scared of our predecessor and don't know that he's dead yet. So perhaps a raid or two would be a good idea, to kep them passive such that they don't get too bold.
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)07:17 No.7631735
    Falup. Fallopian Tubes?
    I'll need to think about the others harder.

    Also, yeah, sounds okay. Eccentric-types are fine here, and if a bit of wandering is the worst of it, then he's golden.
    >> Voleron 01/17/10(Sun)07:21 No.7631768

    Random contemplating-
    Val Terni. Vincent Valterni is a vampire in TES4: Oblivion, but that seems off. Hm.

    Sallus. "Sell us"? Also a shitton of lawyers witht hat last anme, but that seems off, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:23 No.7631789
    I was thinking Teajay /tg/ is a land that shares borders with a forest of trolls /b/?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:23 No.7631795
    That'd be a loooong list. There's major and minor gods. The big 4 are Ani, Morr, Wyrd and Hojo of Life, Death, Destiny and Chance. And the one called the creator. The Creator isn't really prayed to much, a bit distant. He didn't really make anything but the big 4 there and the Titains. They covered the rest.

    He'll board at the temple and hunt for himself. The temples are the only permanent residences they're allowed to have.

    As for the trolls, they've been very quiet, remember they generally avoid people. You wish to organise a troll hunt now, or later?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:25 No.7631802
    Lady of the rabbit, huh? Does she only cover prostitutes or are there some other domains in her divinity?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:25 No.7631805
    Nope tot he pair of you. Sallus hasn't got a reference.

    No, the troll's aren't /b/. And they're not trolls either, just trolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:29 No.7631835
    Well he has full reign to use our temple. If that's all then we should get to the next month.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:30 No.7631855
    Hmmm. I think maybe later. It'd be good if we could get rid of a significant portion in one swipe. Maybe have Sheff give us a hand.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:30 No.7631858
    Prostitutes are the main thing. She was the once-mortal ascended-to-a-god wife of Jack Rabbit god of Swinging music and rabbits, before Artegus hunted him and killed him. After that she sold her body to the gods rather then become mortal again. Seeing as most mortals can get a root whenever they feel like it, it showed some marketing savvy if nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:32 No.7631878
    Hmmm. Well she's something to keep in mind when we get bigger.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:33 No.7631889
    Note that Troll Hunting is risky work, most lords don't do it personally, but hire mercenaries to do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:34 No.7631898
    next month
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:38 No.7631931
    When we kill the trolls it should be more of a warning to the rest of them that live in the village. Behead them and put the heads on pikes, make armor from their hides and bones. Make them continue to fear us like they did out uncle and buy us a couple more years until we can muster a significant force to wipe em all out.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:40 No.7631957

    *live in the forest.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:42 No.7631970
    Move to next month.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:43 No.7631983
    Last month's gold 25.676
    Gold Incoming 2.321
    Gold Outgoing 5.85
    Gold Profits -3.529
    Total Gold 22.147
    Debt 0
    To brother 0
    One Time Costs 0

    Last months lumber 34.5
    Lumber Cut 60
    Lumber Used 47.2
    Lumber Created 12.8
    Lumber Stockpile 47.3
    Max Stockpile 200
    Stockpile Spare 152.7
    Last months food 145
    Food Grown 30
    Food Hunted 20.8
    Food Eaten 26.4
    Food Brewed 3
    Excess Food 21.4
    Excess Stored 0
    Excess Wasted 21.4
    Food Stockpile 145
    Max Food 200
    Stockpile Spare 55
    Last month's skins 13.2
    Skins Gathered 20.8
    Skins Used 20
    Skins Created 0.8
    Skins Stockpile 14
    Max Skin Stockpile 300
    Stockpile Spare 286
    Last month's Leather 70
    Leather Created 20
    Leather Used 0
    New Leather 20
    Leather Stockpile 90
    Max Leather Stock 200
    Stockpile Spare 110
    Last month 34
    Ale Brewed 3
    Ale Drunk 0
    Ale Created 3
    Ale Stockpile 37
    Max Stockpile 200
    Stockpile Spare 163
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:44 No.7631991
    Last Month's peat 0
    Peat incoming 16.9
    Peat used 0
    Fraction stored 0
    Peat Stored 0
    Peat Stockpile 0
    Max Stockpile 0
    Sold (%) 100
    Peat sold 16.9
    Peat Price (gold) 0.09
    Profit made 1.521

    Last Month 26
    Bog Iron incoming 13
    Bog Iron used 0
    Fraction stored 0
    Amount Stored 13
    Stockpile 39
    Max Stockpile 20
    Sold (%) 0
    Sold 0
    Price (gold) 0.1
    Profit made 0

    Last month 52.8
    Stone Quarried 3
    Stone Used 0
    Stone Gained 3
    Stone Stockpile 55.8
    Max Stone 1000
    Stockpile Spare 944.2

    Last month 0
    Silver panned 8
    Silver used
    Silver gained 0
    Silver stockpike 0
    Max Silver stockpile 5000
    Stockpile Spare 5000
    Sold (%) 100
    Sold (amount) 8
    Silver Price 0.1
    Profit made 0.8

    Cattle 10 Cows 6 Bulls 2 Calves 2 Age(months) 10
    Birthed 0 Draught 4 Feed Grow at 24
    Goats 4 Nannies 2 Billies 1 Kids 1 Age(months) 3
    Birthed 0 Feed Grow at 6
    Horses 3 Grow at ?
    Riding 3 Mares 0 Stallions 0 Foals 0 Age(months) n/a
    Birthed 0 In use/Away 3 Feed Geldings 3
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:47 No.7632022
    Carts 5 Unused 2
    Quarry 0 Peat 3 Digging Mine 0 Bog Ore 0
    Ropes 5 Used 3 Spare 2
    Small Ropes (1d5) 5 Used 3 Spare 2
    Medium Ropes (1d15) 0 Used 0 Spare 0
    Fuses 3
    Magic Scroll 1 Months to tranlation 2
    Hunting Scroll 1 Taught 1 Untaught 0
    Spearheads (steel) 25 Used 12 Unused 13
    Crude bows 3
    Crude knives 11
    Carrot Seeds 0 Months until wasted -
    Potato Seeds 0 Months until wasting starts -
    Lyre 1

    Turnip Patches 30 Units Turnips 15
    Rice Plots 10 Units Rice 0 Months to harvest 2
    Potato Plots 5 Units Potato 10
    Carrot Plots 5 Units Carrot 5

    POPULACE 132
    Workers 97 Peasants 79 Hunters 8 Peat Gatherers 10 Builders 54

    Soldiers 14 Men at Arms 5 Yeomen 7

    Milita on duty 2 Peasant Milita 0 Manhunters 2

    Craftsmen 7 Carpenter 3 Miners 4

    Advisors 11
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:49 No.7632046
    Growth 6
    3 Local lads, 3 miagrants

    Deaths 2
    Two cases of Bog fever.

    Goat Herding 2 Goats Tended 4 Goats Escape 0
    Cattle Heading 1 Cattle Tended 10 Cattle Escape 0
    FARMING 50
    Turnip Farming 30
    Rice Farming 20
    Potato Farming 5
    Carrot Farming 5
    Gathering Wood 6
    Quarrying Stone 15 Work Done 3 Ropes 0 Rope Bonus 0
    Criminal Bonus 0
    Brewing 3
    Basic Peasant Militia 0
    OTHER 2
    Renovating Town 2 Carpenters bonus 0 Renovations total 2

    Turnip Cellar 54 Rate 2.2 Draught 4 Carts 0 Ropes 3
    Total Done Last month 163 Progress/Month 141.6 Total Done 304.6 Total Remaining 137 Rope Bonus 14
    Total 300 Lumber Used 47.2 Stone Used 0

    Unassigned Hunters 0
    Hunting 8
    Searching Forest 0
    Manhunters 2

    Unassigned Carpenters 0
    Decent Furniture 0
    Helping Build 0
    Renovating Village 0
    Renovating Keep 3 Rooms/month 2

    MINERS 4
    Unassigned Miners 0
    Panning River (Silver) 4 Silver Panned 8

    Digging Mine 0 Rate 5 Draught 0 Carts 0 Ropes 0
    Total 100 Progress/Month 0 Total Done Total Remaining 100 Rope Bonus 0
    Lumber Used 0 Stone Used

    Gathering Peat 10 Peat Gathered 16.9
    Carts 3
    Gathering Bog Iron 10 Bog Iron Gathered 13 Peat Price (gold) 0.1 Profit made 1.3
    Carts 0

    Tanning for storage 4 Skins tanned 20
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)07:50 No.7632058
    LODGINGS 207 Total Spare Room 37 Homeless 0
    VILLAGE 120 Huts (5) 24 Share Houses (10) 0
    Some Room Lodgers 100 Room Spare 20
    THOM'S MERCY 60 Huts (5) 0 Share Houses (10) 6
    Some Room Lodgers 50 Room Spare 10
    KEEP 27 Rooms Upgraded 2
    KEEP ROOMS 13 Poor Rooms (1) 0 Decent Rooms (1) 2 Good Rooms 11
    Poor Rooms Spare 0 Decent Rooms Spare 1 Good Rooms Spare 0
    Some Room Lodgers 12 Rooms Spare 1
    BARRACKS 14 Size 20 Soldiers 14
    Some Room Spare Room 6

    HIRED 10 Total Cost Overall 5.85
    ADVISORS 3 Total Cost 1.6
    Dan Ganawb 1 Cost/Mason 0.5
    Urist 1 Cost 1
    Harry 1 Cost 0.1
    CRAFTSPEOPLE 7 Total Cost 0.15
    Carpenters 3 Cost 0.1
    Miner 4 Cost 0.05
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:51 No.7632063

    Lady Sallus...
    Lady... Sell Us?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:53 No.7632091

    "Acidic" pouches made with two ALKALI BASES?!


    (You may want to call them "Corrosive Pouches," unless TG is really *that* bad at alchemy.)
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:54 No.7632095
    Alright we're at negative cash flow right now let's take the workers we just gained and move them into silver panning or peat collecting.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:57 No.7632122
    We need to throw the carts into something, too. We have 2 spare.

    I recommend Peat, since the price isn't going to fluctate soon, and it's 2 free workers, essentially.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:58 No.7632138
    Where did we send Urist off to again?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:59 No.7632140

    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)07:59 No.7632152

    Incidentatlly, what to these "Corrsoive Pouches" actually *do*?
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)08:00 No.7632155
    I was wondering if anyone was going to pick up on this. I didn't think Ash was a base, but I was aware that Lye was. And Nuetral + Base =/= Acid. Indeed they're alkali pouches. +.3 alchemy.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:03 No.7632202
    rolled 5 = 5

    Alchemy Skill is now 6
    In honor of this let usa make acid bombs
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:05 No.7632220
    Also we should gauge the demand for stone that whatsisface had - Lyann, IIRC. He was buying up a lot, I believe, so if there's a big enough market we should boost stone stockpiling and look at setting up a dock/barges for river trade.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:05 No.7632227

    When I posted that, I had the thought that it was deliberate on your part.

    The ash of plants (principally hardwood) contains potassium carbonate (potash) which is a base.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:06 No.7632230
    rolled 3 = 3

    No. of items produced
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:07 No.7632247
    rolled 1 = 1

    Using the dice for a random event.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:07 No.7632255
    They're... not acidic.
    You burn.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:08 No.7632259
    I meant using "ring" for random event.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:09 No.7632277
    rolled 1 = 1

    had to happen at some point
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:11 No.7632306

    It may be time to put away your dice.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:11 No.7632307
    You know I rolled the last two 5s for random events, I really should have left on the high streak.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:11 No.7632316
    Two different people there, both making terrible rolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:15 No.7632359

    >>7632277 was a 1d4 roll, forgot to clear the email field
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:16 No.7632365

    Mmmm. Pouches of alkali dust, excellent for blinding opponents.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)08:17 No.7632385
    What were you rolloing for with a d4? We got the number of pouches.

    A d6 roll for the negitive event please. The ring gave you a chance of getting a neutral event (on a 6) which can go good or bad depending on how it's handled.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:20 No.7632420
    rolled 5 = 5


    Well, here's hoping.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:21 No.7632442
    At least it's high.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)08:24 No.7632470
    Not so bad. You get the tame negative event.

    Smyatt reports that many of your stockpiles have been stolen, and the reminants ruined. The stone and bog Iron are ok, but well, I'll show you the reports:

    Last months lumber 12
    Lumber Cut 60
    Lumber Used 47.2
    Lumber Created 12.8
    Lumber Stockpile 24.8
    Max Stockpile 200
    Stockpile Spare 175.2

    Last months food 40
    Food Grown 30
    Food Hunted 20.8
    Food Eaten 27.2
    Food Brewed 3
    Excess Food 20.6
    Excess Stored 0
    Excess Wasted 20.6
    Food Stockpile 40
    Max Food 200
    Stockpile Spare 160

    Last month's skins 0
    Skins Gathered 20.8
    Skins Used 20
    Skins Created 0.8
    Skins Stockpile 0.8
    Max Skin Stockpile 300
    Stockpile Spare 299.2

    Last month's Leather 0
    Leather Created 20
    Leather Used 0
    New Leather 20
    Leather Stockpile 20
    Max Leather Stock 200
    Stockpile Spare 180

    Last month 0
    Ale Brewed 3
    Ale Drunk 0
    Ale Created 3
    Ale Stockpile 3
    Max Stockpile 200
    Stockpile Spare 197
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:25 No.7632484

    Do we have any sand nearby?
    Since we have access to lye and potash, we could make glass products.
    Also! Maybe soap?
    Yes! We can use excess fat to make soap. (If our alchemic understanding of bases is useful enough.)
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:25 No.7632490
    Huh, not too bad. Destroying the alchemy set was worse really.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)08:25 No.7632491
    Last Month's peat 0
    Peat incoming 16.9
    Peat used 0
    Fraction stored 0
    Peat Stored 0
    Peat Stockpile 0
    Max Stockpile 0
    Sold (%) 100
    Peat sold 16.9
    Peat Price (gold) 0.09
    Profit made 1.521

    Last Month 25
    Bog Iron incoming 13
    Bog Iron used 0
    Fraction stored 0
    Amount Stored 13
    Stockpile 38
    Max Stockpile 20
    Sold (%) 0
    Sold 0
    Price (gold) 0.1
    Profit made 0

    Last month 52.7
    Stone Quarried 3
    Stone Used 0
    Stone Gained 3
    Stone Stockpile 55.7
    Max Stone 1000
    Stockpile Spare 944.3

    Last month 0
    Silver panned 8
    Silver used
    Silver gained 0
    Silver stockpike 0
    Max Silver stockpile 5000
    Stockpile Spare 5000
    Sold (%) 100
    Sold (amount) 8
    Silver Price 0.1
    Profit made 0.8
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:27 No.7632516
    We could have the cleanest smelling villagers this side of the Isles. Which is good because we'll be expecting company soon enough.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)08:27 No.7632519
    You understand the idea, but not the specifics. If you were to find some information on it, you are confident you could do soap.

    And no real sand hereabouts. There's a reason you don't have anything much glass at this side of the globe. Most sand is in the desert on the OPPOSITE side of Erondia.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:30 No.7632550

    What about the river bed? The silt may have a high enough silica content.
    And info on soap... hmmm. *wonders who might have that*

    Both would be excellent trade goods on the frontier.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:31 No.7632571
    rolled 8 = 8

    Training with Leold.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:32 No.7632582
    Didn't we get a soap maker in one of the last immigrations last time?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:35 No.7632614

    That reminds me.
    We understand a bit about bases, so.. we may be able to produce potassium carbonate on a larger scale using the burn plants, boil ashes in iron pots method.

    We'd just need a buyer for it. Maybe someone with soapmaking knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:36 No.7632630
    Wonder what Baldric will have to say on this soap making business.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)08:37 No.7632642
    Indeed you did. With the lack of facilities he's become one of your new carpenters.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:40 No.7632677

    This means... he knows how to do it!
    And we have enough iron to make the alkali resistant cast iron pots to do it in!
    Find him, ask him to teach you the process.
    Have someone start making large iron kettles.

    Moderate value trade good, on the way!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:41 No.7632689
    While our people are busy digging and building and planting and such, are there any interesting leads that we've not followed up recently?

    We're getting a bit low on cash, which is a cause for some concern. Panning for silver doesn't bring in much per month, and the price of peat is due to take a dive according to news Urist brought back from his last merchant outing.

    How busy is the Northward Road? If we set to building a coaching inn or suchlike hostelry for weary travellers there's a chance that could earn us some funds over time.

    Failing that, there's the copper deposits the metal-mage detected on our land, though that'd take a lot of work to extract and we still don't have a smelter or anyone who could refine it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:43 No.7632709

    Get Harry on finding out who/what did that. Not good to be ignorant.

    Also seconding working on some soap production. See if we can get a market for it with the neighboing nobles.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)08:43 No.7632715

    You've learned all Leold can teach you about theory. Practical applications will be needed for you to learn any more.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:44 No.7632739

    Stolen? Ruined?


    Who's responsible for this outrage? 'Arry, get investigatin'. We want the culprits found and brought to account.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:46 No.7632763

    Iron has a higher melting point than copper.
    We could use the iron kettles to smelt the copper.

    Perhaps the metal-mage know of smelting processes, or heating processes he could teach us?
    Do we have a useful blacksmith who could do the same?

    Copper is also an excellent external anti-bacterial on its own, as well as a good thermal conductor and being *pretty.*
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:47 No.7632771
    Now that I think about it, does Harry have anything in common with a certain 'escape artist'?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:47 No.7632778
    So what's the word on when we'll be seeing the hired blacksmith/architect/leatherworker?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:50 No.7632817

    As soon as our agents find one who's for hire and willing to come and work for us, really.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)08:54 No.7632874
    "I'm on it, boss. Just watch my Deeduckive skills in play."

    Only a first name, and only by chance. I wish I had thought of that one.

    He's buggered off. Nothing interesting around these parts, so he left.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)08:57 No.7632902
    Let's go chill with Doobs, Stark, and Shorty and drink with the peasants.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:05 No.7632986
    What preparations would be required to set up tournament besides the restoration of the keep. Would we need to build anything with building points or would it be a simple clear some fields and take out some chairs deal?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:07 No.7633008

    see what we can do about that soap thing.

    Ask Erik or Urist how much they know about a market for this stuff, and how much we might potentially get for it.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)09:09 No.7633028
    Done. The peasants are all talking of their own theories on the theft, although it's mostly petty mudslinging and isn't grounded in anything much at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:13 No.7633081

    Making it should require at minimum:

    A pot.
    Some fat.
    Swamp ashes.

    We could refine the ashes for potassium hydroxide, or we could use our supply of sodium hydroxide (lye) instead.
    Potassium hydroxide has been historically more convenient, and produces softer soap.

    As for the fat.. we could use animal or vegetable oils.
    The horticulturist should know a few good vegetable sources.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:15 No.7633102
    Speaking of the Horticulturist how far along is he, he said he was close to something. Let's see if we can learn from him.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:18 No.7633145

    Are we still set on the tourney thing? Or is it going to be another spring festival like we had last year?

    The main issue with the continued insistence on holding a tournament is that it is a big deal formal social event among the nobility, the kind of thing on which reputations are made or ruined. It's not like throwing a party for your friends to show goodwill, it's like hosting a gala evening to show how you're so fucking rich you can spend money on serving peacock tongues and herb-stuffed quails and braised sirloin of giraffe and stuff. It's an ostentatious display of wealth intended to amaze and awe.

    We've got 25 gold and since the price of peat took a nosedive our income's suddenly pretty limited. While hosting a grand tourney would raise our standing among the other nobles, hosting a tourney that seems in any way cheap or sub-sumptuous will turn us into a laughing stock.

    We just don't have the resources to hold a sufficiently dazzling tourney just yet, so I'm in favour of sticking with a pleasantly cheerful spring festival kind of event, where expectations aren't too high and it'll be looked on as being charmingly rustic rather than pathetically shabby. Invite Lord Sheff and Lord Lyann, have a hunt and a feast, let the good times roll. It'll be cosy and friendly and relatively informal. Save the grand tourney for later, when we're well-established.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)09:19 No.7633148
    Soap is a luxury good herabouts, and is fairly rare. However the need for soap isn't something that is commonly believed in, as such there's a ridiculously small market. It's not something that the market here is ready for commercially, although it could be useful as a gift or a novelty.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:20 No.7633167
    It's one of those overarching goals we have like marry Sheff's daughter or rid the forest of trolls.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)09:22 No.7633192
    He has a good way to come yet, but he's progressing well. He's working with some trial plants in his own garden, trying out various things.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:23 No.7633200

    We will *make* a market for it!
    Just like the glorious entrepreneurs we are.
    Give as gifts, promote the product by word of mouth, soon everyone will want our delicious soap.

    Do we have any tree nuts, or oil producing plants nearby? (And what are our principle cooking and torch fats/oils?)

    Tree nut oil could be a good commodity itself...
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:24 No.7633217
    Soap Baron, heh. It may well work.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:26 No.7633240

    Add aromatic herbs or flowers to it! Does alchemy include stuff like making tinctures of plants and such?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:27 No.7633256

    Here's how we do it:

    1. Process vegetable etheric oils to make perfume
    2. Make scented soap
    3. Visit the royal court having washed with said soap and smell better than anyone else in attendance
    4. ???????
    5. Bitches and money.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)09:29 No.7633276
    No tree nuts, you don't know what they are.

    Oils? You mainly use animal fats to cook in. Roasts and grills and all that magoo.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:30 No.7633296
    You know all this talk of soap and I realize we must smell pretty bad. We're a very rustic lord who goes hunting every day and goes messing around with alchemy and playing with his dog. We must smell like sulfur, sweat, and doghair.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:30 No.7633298

    It should, back in the day Alchemy had quite a bit to do with the 'virtues' of the plant world.
    Making infusions, defining the planetary alignments of plants, even recovering inorganic elements from them.

    If we have Goldenseal growing nearby, we could make a mildly antibacterial soap.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:32 No.7633319
    We should have enough animal fat as a side product of the tannery and smoke house.

    Ithink this is about right. Given our current financial situation we should postpone the tournament for next year of if we suddenly strike it rich the end of summer.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:32 No.7633320
    Right well nothing else to do this month. New month?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:34 No.7633344

    Well, it's a hard shelled bulb growing on a tree. Ask the horticulturalist about them. Perhaps he'll bring them up as a source of plant oils when we ask about that.
    There should at least be some pine trees with their nuts nearby...

    Where do we get the fats, and how much do we have?
    Also, torchlight and candles-- do they use animal tallow as well?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:35 No.7633367
    Mmmmm, a soft potash/fat soap with nice smelling flowers in it.
    We'll be rolling in women and money soon. Soon.
    >> Quest Lord !!7ls3wo7NoED 01/17/10(Sun)09:37 No.7633384
    You do wash in the river, and use scented herbs and such before you go out to any formal deals.

    You'll get it first thing next thread. For now, I gotta catch some Zeds. Got a work interview tomorrow, nice and early (In the AM and everything).

    Night all, someone archive this on the way out.

    Next thread I have some events planned to go down too. So catch you all next time, on Dra- I mean Lord Quest.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:38 No.7633407

    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:39 No.7633424
    Wait, any estimated date when this will continue?
    >> Minifig 01/17/10(Sun)09:40 No.7633434
    suptg seems to be on the fritz... good luck with your job interview.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:41 No.7633440
    It's odd that Teajy is to be the entrepreneurs of soap.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:43 No.7633468

    It must be seized.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/10(Sun)09:48 No.7633519

    Can we set up a mass production for the soap? Cause if its currently a high class luxury item and we can make a lot of it for a relatively low cost then it will be more attractive to the middle classes. market it as "smell like a king" Low cost+High Volume=lots of moies for TG
    >> Minifig 01/17/10(Sun)10:07 No.7633720
    Never mind, it's fine now:


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