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  • File : 1250833383.jpg-(234 KB, 640x456, Ant Queen2.jpg)
    234 KB Ant Quest -- Rise of a new Generation Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)01:43 No.5533208  
    The scouting party from the west returned -- it seems that there are a number of plants which ooze a substance which smells incredibly sweet. It takes a full hour of traveling to go from the colony base camp to these plants. The scent of sweetness in the area is overpowering according to reports. The ants from the scouting party seem to be incapable of producing pheromones normally right now -- they reek of sweetness.

    75 ants are harvesting fungus
    10 ants are on sentry duty.
    There is no ongoing exploration.
    40 ants are directly assigned to guard the Queen.
    Remaining ants are expanding the storage, nursery, and royal chamber -- a few are specifically digging new tunnels.
    Nursery size is capable of housing 450 larva or eggs. 300 larva/eggs are currently in the chamber -- the larva require feeding every half hour -- 20 ants are currently feeding the larva -- estimated larval losses by end of larval stage is 0-5%. One worker can tend to 15 larva at a time.
    Royal Chambers is large enough for One queen and One mate.
    Food storage chamber is large enough to hold some 900 ants worth of food -- it is currently full. In another half hour it will be large enough for 1200 ants worth of food. Total food quantities are: 1500, all exposed currently.

    Some of the diggers have dug into a patch of roots. The roots are a large number of thin wiry growths, much different from a taproot. -- You directed the ants to dig elsewhere.

    Time stamp: two and a half hours
    The harvesting ants report that the fungal growth on the rock has been mostly gathered -- some of it still remains, enough that it will regrow in time if left alone, but will not last much longer should you continue to harvest from it.

    The second set of eggs have hatched. A third batch of eggs will be laid in half an hour.
    You now have 300 larvae. The first 150 will metamorphose into ants in half an hour's time.

    How do you direct your hive?
    >> Sweet Soul Brother the Psion !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 08/21/09(Fri)01:46 No.5533247
    PnP Sim ant?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)01:47 No.5533251
         File1250833621.jpg-(55 KB, 265x370, AntQueen.jpg)
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    How did they get so much green mana?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)01:47 No.5533255
    Current upgrade notes:
    Pheromone communications
    Improved Pheromone projection
    Improved Hive Bond

    Ant numbers: 300, 300 larva. -- Hourly food requirements, 900 ants worth, 300 per half hour for larva and 300 on the hour for ants.
    Directional notes:
    North -- A smooth rock which has the fungal growth on it.
    South -- A field of flowers and some flying unidentified species.
    West -- Sweet oozing plants.
    East -- No significant notables.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)01:47 No.5533258
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    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)01:48 No.5533262
    >how did they get so much GREEN mana
    oh u
    >> Sweet Soul Brother the Psion !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 08/21/09(Fri)01:48 No.5533271

    Fuck it, Send 100 west to get that sticky sweet.
    >> Subprocessor 616 08/21/09(Fri)01:52 No.5533312
    Have any of these threads been archived?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)01:55 No.5533361
    Currently scheduled change to hive work orders:
    75 ants harvesting fungus
    10 ants on grasstop sentry duty
    55 ants expanding the hive itself
    100 ants heading west to begin collection of sweet ooze
    20 ants tending larva.

    Negative, no threads have been archived in suptg.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)01:57 No.5533387
    Can we extend the colony into the roots?
    >> Sweet Soul Brother the Psion !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 08/21/09(Fri)01:58 No.5533399
    Pull 10 ants from expanding nest to sentry duty.

    Pull 25 ants from harvesting fungus to tend to larvae
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)01:59 No.5533402
    Get the scouts to try to identify the flying creatures
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)02:01 No.5533428
    Timestamps will be regularly scheduled for every 30 minutes after this next one. Each timestamp notifies how much total time has passed from the awakening of the queen.
    New timestamps will include time passed from previous timestamp.
    Requests by 4 advisers will result in extended time before next timestamp.

    Updates: 20 ants on grasstop sentry duty.
    45 ants expanding nest.
    45 ants tending larva -- each ant is tending slightly more than 6 larva. Projected larval losses: 0
    50 ants harvesting fungus -- rate: 6 ants worth of fungus per half hour.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)02:03 No.5533453
    Scouts are too distant from the field, a half hour's travel there, half hour back, to be able to identify flying species -- Flower field was found on a scouting mission earlier in the life of the hive.
    Timestamp update in 15 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)02:06 No.5533486
    Send half of the scouts to the south to identify the fliers and send the other half east to recheck for anything of use.
    >> Sweet Soul Brother the Psion !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 08/21/09(Fri)02:07 No.5533490
    Send single ant from sentry duty to investigate flowers.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)02:12 No.5533546
    Send four more with him, for back up and better scouting. If something bad happens better chance of one returning to the hive to report.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)02:13 No.5533552
    5 ants on sentry duty -- 10 sent east to explore.
    5 ants sent south to identify flying species 1 and investigate flowers.
    (Is this acceptable?)
    >> Sweet Soul Brother the Psion !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 08/21/09(Fri)02:14 No.5533567
    Send 4 more from harvesting fungus to help him investigate flowers.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)02:15 No.5533577
    I vote
    10 sentry
    5 east to explore.
    >> Sweet Soul Brother the Psion !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 08/21/09(Fri)02:16 No.5533592
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)02:19 No.5533627
    TIMESTAMP! 3 hours.
    The first batch of larvae have metamorphosed into ants -- Hive size increased to 450.
    150 eggs have been laid -- 150 larvae will metamorphose into ants in 1 hour.

    Little progress has been made in expanding the hive.
    Food storage chambers can store 1000 ants worth of food -- reducing the number of workers in the hive has reduced excavation.
    Food stores, 1350.

    The one hundred ants sent to gather the sweet ooze will return with the food in one hour's time. Projected harvest rate minimum, 200 ants worth of food harvested every hour -- unknown quality of food may produce greater yields.

    Ant deployment:
    10 ants on grasstop sentry duty.
    45 ants expanding nest.
    45 ants tending larva -- each ant is tending slightly more than 6 larva. Projected larval losses: 0
    50 ants harvesting fungus -- rate: 6 ants worth of fungus per half hour.
    5 ants investigating flying species and flowers
    5 ants exploring east
    150 ants idle
    100 ants heading west to begin collection of sweet ooze.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)02:22 No.5533647
    50 ants to expanding next.
    50 to Sentry Duty

    not sure what to do with the last 50 yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)02:24 No.5533663
    expanding nest*
    and this is from the idle pile by the way.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)02:32 No.5533736
    Ant distribution updated.
    60 ants on grasstop sentry duty.
    95 ants expanding nest.
    45 ants tending larva -- each ant is tending slightly more than 6 larva. Projected larval losses: 0
    50 ants harvesting fungus -- rate: 6 ants worth of fungus per half hour.
    5 ants investigating flying species and flowers
    5 ants exploring east
    50 ants idle
    100 ants heading west to begin collection of sweet ooze.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)02:34 No.5533747
    idle ants to continue work on expanding nest, expecially food storage.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)02:36 No.5533765
    60 ants on grasstop sentry duty.
    145 ants expanding nest -- primarily food storage ability. Expected food storage area within half hour: 1400 ants worth. Larval chambers will not be increased in size. Royal chambers will not be increased in size.
    45 ants tending larva. Projected larval losses: 0
    50 ants harvesting fungus -- rate: 6 ants worth of fungus per half hour.
    5 ants investigating flying species and flowers
    5 ants exploring east
    100 ants heading west to begin collection of sweet ooze.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)02:51 No.5533873
    Timestamp! 3.5 Hours; .5 hours have passed.
    Eggs have hatched -- 300 larvae.

    The ants from the southern scout detail return -- with knowledge of the flying species and the flowers.
    The flying species appear to be Drosophila Melanogaster.
    !! Upgrade earned - first new species encountered!!
    The flowers are of a wide variety, but they are in full bloom, brimming with pollen and nectar -- they do not appear to have attracted any species beyond the flies right now. None of the investigated flowers had any large seeds or particularly tasty looking seeds.

    The grasstop scouts have noticed a number of the grass plants have a number of grain seeds up in the high levels. It might be edible.

    Food stores: 1350 ants worth. -- all exposed to the elements.
    Food storage capacity: 1400 ants worth.

    Ant distribution:
    60 ants on grasstop sentry duty.
    150 ants expanding nest.
    45 ants tending larva. Projected larval losses: 0
    50 ants harvesting fungus -- rate: 6 ants worth of fungus per half hour.
    5 ants exploring east.
    100 ants collecting sweet ooze from the west.

    Upgrade choices:
    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    -chitin thickness
    -lifting strength
    -improved hive bond
    -improved egg clutch size
    -improve intelligence
    -Mutate new strain - Warriors or scouts
    -Mutate 1d4 random strains. (1d20 to determine quality of each strain. >5 is detrimental. 6-11 is odd. 12-16 is good. 17-19 is great. 20 is Incredible strain.)
    -Produce new queen.
    -Random adaption (d30)
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)02:55 No.5533891
    10 ants from nest expansion to bring food from outside into the nest (if by exposed to the elements you mean the food is sitting outside the hive and not in it's proper food area, if not ignore this)

    Generalize Nest expansion, they can stop focusing on food storage for now.

    Vote for improve intelligence upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)02:59 No.5533911
    -Mutate new strain - Warriors
    -Mandible strength
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:00 No.5533919
    I'm going to change my vote to mutation strain warriors actually. That's a better idea.
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:05 No.5533949
    I vote for warriors
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:06 No.5533962
    >-Mutate 1d4 random strains. (1d20 to determine quality of each strain. >5 is detrimental. 6-11 is odd. 12-16 is good. 17-19 is great. 20 is Incredible strain.)

    Vote Mutate random.
    On average, you get 2 strains, of which one will be good or better.
    There's no downside, over time.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:07 No.5533975
    Mandible strength guys. We need to dig faster.

    Also, stop harvesting the fungus for now so we don't exhaust our main food supply. We have enough for now, and later on we can use an Intelligence upgrade to start farming that shit in our nest.

    Let's send ten of the former fungus-gatherers to make contact with the fruit flies and see if they're friendly. If so, make friends. If not, hunt them for food.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:08 No.5533979
    Also, please define:
    Detrimental: To the nest, or to that strain of ant?
    Odd: Not quite as good as normal? Or does it mean something else?
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:10 No.5533994
    It probably means like an extra antennae or some weird shit like that. It might hwlp, or it might get in the way.
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:10 No.5534001
    >> /x/ 08/21/09(Fri)03:12 No.5534015
    /x/ approves
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:15 No.5534029
    You said it yourself that you are actually /b/.
    Now go home troll.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)03:16 No.5534041
    Detrimental strains are produced in incontrollable numbers, and are less useful than workers, actively harmful to the hive, passively harmful to the hive, or useless in general. (1 would probably be cannibalistic or similar such issues. the higher end of detrimental might just eat more, or work slower.)
    Odd, on the other hand, can be things like honeypot (higher end of odd), poisonous to things which might eat them, resistant to poison, specialized for dealing with one species. . . That kind of thing.
    Good is on par with warriors, scouts and the like.
    Great could be inclusive of drone spawns, renaissance ants. Incredible are things which are truely one of a kind, and would represent multiple mutations to reach through other means. They might be the combination of everything good from digger, warrior, scouts, and harvester ants.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)03:18 No.5534058
    Oh. To elaborate on what I mean by uncontrollable numbers, is you don't get to determine how many larvae become those kinds of ants. Other strains you will dictate the individual #s of each strain with each generation.
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:20 No.5534078
    3 for warriors
    1 for mandible strength
    1 for random strains
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:25 No.5534112
    bringing it back to page 0
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:27 No.5534135
    I don't agree with stopping the fungus harvesting but what we can do is take 10 off the fungus farming,
    send 5 of that to make contact with the flies, and see if they are friendly as suggested, and send 5 to the grass plants to investigate the seeds.

    what do we use fungus for anyways?
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:28 No.5534141
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)03:29 No.5534147
    Updates: Upgrade chosen, Warrior strain.
    Please include quantity of warriors for current metamorphosing larvae -- 150 total. Defaults to 150 workers.

    Nest expansion generalized -- tunnels, royal chambers, larval chambers and food storage chambers all in excavation.

    60 ants on grasstop sentry duty.
    140 ants expanding nest.
    45 ants tending larva. Projected larval losses: 0
    Fungus not being harvested.
    10 ants storing food from outside. Gatherers will now return food to food stockpile rather than leave it outside. Storage rate: 150 ants worth of food every half hour.
    10 ants seeking to make contact with fruit flies -- arrival to field in half hour.
    5 ants exploring east.
    100 ants collecting sweet ooze from the west.
    40 ants idle.

    Timeskip will be posted in 15 minutes.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)03:30 No.5534161
    Reevalutating updates -- 35 idle ants will be reassigned back to harvesting fungus.
    5 ants will investigate the grass grains.
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:31 No.5534167
    50 to warrior
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:31 No.5534175
    Make all 150 larvae warriors. Let's go fuck something up.
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:32 No.5534187
    this but with even less on fungus.
    5 on fungus
    40 on gathering seed
    5 on flies
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:33 No.5534201
    I want to stick with just 50, we need the workers for other things.
    >> The Grey Sage !!+95UthCChrn 08/21/09(Fri)03:36 No.5534219
    I'm going to bed
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:37 No.5534224
    I agree, 50 to warriors
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:38 No.5534233
    >Drosophila Melanogaster is a species of Diptera, or the order of flies, in the family Drosophilidae.

    >Females lay some 400 eggs (embryos), about five at a time, into rotting fruit or other suitable material such as decaying mushrooms and sap fluxes.

    >It has a high fecundity (females lay up to 100 eggs per day, and perhaps 2000 in a lifetime).

    The colony should attempt to enslave them for use as cattle. Future intelligence upgrades would facilitate this.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:38 No.5534234
         File1250840291.png-(25 KB, 177x232, 1234.png)
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    >Ant RPG

    Also, take all those dudes off fungus duty. The fungus is heading towards extinction if I'm not mistaken, and more to the point, we've got plenty of food already and sweets coming in from the west. We're sitting pretty as far as food goes for the moment, and we can use the fungus in the future to farm within the hive, as someone mentioned earlier.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:38 No.5534239
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:39 No.5534252
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:40 No.5534260
    Any idle ants should bring food in from outside, or if there is no food, excavate housing.
    No ant should be idle, idleness is treason.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:42 No.5534279
    Attempt to make a strain that can grow the fungus on their backs.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:45 No.5534293

    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)03:46 No.5534305
    Timestamp: 4 hours.
    The second set of larvae have metamorphosed into ants.
    Hive population: 600.
    All workers ants are now referred to just as "ants". Warrior ants are referred to as "warriors".

    60 ants on grasstop sentry duty.
    140 ants expanding nest.
    45 ants tending larva. Projected larval losses: 0
    Fungus not being harvested.
    10 ants storing food from outside. Gatherers will now return food to food stockpile rather than leave it outside. Storage rate: 150 ants worth of food every half hour.
    5 ants seeking to make contact with fruit flies -- Arrived. Unknown return timeframe.
    40 ants are gathering grass seeds, at a rate of 40 ants worth of food per hour.
    5 ants exploring east.
    100 ants collecting sweet ooze from the west. -- Returned! They have brought with them a HIGH energy ant food! The 200 ants worth volume-wise estimate is able to feed five times as much as predicted, however it reduces ant efficiency at digging and exploring by 10%. !! First High energy food located! Upgrade gained!
    100 ants idle. 50 warriors idle

    Food storage capacity: 1600 ants worth.
    Food stores:
    750 normal energy food -- fungus. x1 feeding ability. 150 stored.
    200 High energy food. x5 feeding ability. 150 to be stored.

    Southern diplomacy ants have located the fruit flies and are attempting to make contact. Time allocation unknown. Chance of success, unknown. Estimated time to return, unknown.

    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -antenna sensitivity
    -chitin thickness
    -lifting strength
    -improved hive bond
    -improved egg clutch size
    -improve intelligence
    -Improve strain - Warriors -- size and interdigitation
    -Mutate new strain - Scouts
    -Mutate 1d4 random strains. (1d20 to determine quality of each strain. >5 is detrimental. 6-11 is odd. 12-16 is good. 17-19 is great. 20 is Incredible strain.)
    -Produce new queen.
    -Random adaption (d30 -- 1 chance at improved adaption roll, various other chances for various levels.)
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:46 No.5534307
    Can Drosphilia eat matter ants can't? If so, good idea.
    Otherwise, its just a waste, converting food into food.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:46 No.5534309
         File1250840797.gif-(8 KB, 148x129, friend computer.gif)
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    An idle ant is a commie mutant traitor ant. You don't want to be a commie mutant traitor, do you citizen?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)03:47 No.5534321
    Idle ants assigned to hauling.
    210 ants hauling. Entire food stores will be inside within an hour.

    Returned western ants should've been idle.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:49 No.5534336
    I propose the high energy food be kept in reserve for warriors only.

    Improve intelligence or hive bond.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:52 No.5534364
    50 warriors to guard queen, reassign drones.
    Reassign all food harvesters to harvest high energy ooze.

    Total 150 idle ants assigned as follows:
    10 exploring north
    10 exploring south
    10 exploring west
    10 additional to expanding nest
    50 additional harvesters
    50 ???

    Upgrade Mandible Strength
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:53 No.5534376
    >-Mutate 1d4 random strains. (1d20 to determine quality of each strain. 5 is detrimental. 6-11 is odd. 12-16 is good. 17-19 is great. 20 is Incredible strain.)

    I feel like gamblin', let's get this shit rolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:54 No.5534390
    Agree'd, let's try this Xom style.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:54 No.5534391
    40 warriors to Sentry duty
    10 warriors to protect queen

    50 idle Ants to hauling food inside
    25 idle ants to next expansion
    20 idle ants more high energy food
    5 idle ants to larva

    new mutant strain intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:55 No.5534398
    Good idea. Concur high energy food for warriors.
    Also for emergencies, high energy density for the storage space.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:55 No.5534407

    Really, shouldn't we be lacing the warriors in with the workers? Probably should've sent some on the fruit fly negotiations.

    Well then again, we don't have a whole lot yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:55 No.5534412
    -Mandible strength
    -improve intelligence
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:56 No.5534416
    Disagree. We don't have enough warriors to deal with failed ants. If we get a 1, and 150 cannibal ants, our hive will be ruined.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:57 No.5534424

    Only if we can't find a rival colony to eat.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:57 No.5534426

    But Xom will be amused. I vote for random mutations.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:58 No.5534436
    Let's see 1d4 random strains, bitch
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:59 No.5534447
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:59 No.5534449
    You say that like it would be a bad thing. We can just roll up a new hive if that happens, we're still in the early stages of this game.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)03:59 No.5534450

    Fair point. Let's hold off until we have more muscle.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:00 No.5534458
    rolled 23 = 23

    I'm always one to go all or nothing, RANDOM
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:01 No.5534464
    Debate extension wanted?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:01 No.5534465
    Oh fine, I withdraw my sensible suggestion, and request 1d4 random strains.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:02 No.5534470

    Nah, screw it. Let's roll the dice, it's what we like to do anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:02 No.5534471
    We could just massacre the mutants
    Kill the xenos in the name of the Emperor!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:02 No.5534472
    Nah, lets keep it moving.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:03 No.5534478
    Only if we can go with this roll :3
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:03 No.5534479
    We'll get intelligence next time, I promise.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:03 No.5534487
    rolled 4 = 4

    Very well. 1d4 strain mutations has it. Rolling number of mutations.
    Result will be number of valid d20 dices after this post to determine strain qualities.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:04 No.5534494
    oh fudge
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:05 No.5534499
    rolled 10 = 10

    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:07 No.5534517
    awuh, hell yeah!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:07 No.5534519
    rolled 18 = 18

    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:08 No.5534528
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    Man, I'm a pretty cool guy sometimes.

    inb4 I'm upstaged by a 20.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:08 No.5534533
    rolled 15 = 15

    fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:09 No.5534535
    Get those warriors off guard duty and back inside.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:09 No.5534543
    rolled 2 = 2

    Let's do this
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:09 No.5534546
    rolled 3 = 3

    Roll up, roll up.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:10 No.5534550

    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:10 No.5534551
    bad roll mind
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:11 No.5534558

    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:11 No.5534560
    So glad only 1 is getting used. Let's see the damage.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:13 No.5534580
    >5 is detrimental. 6-11 is odd. 12-16 is good. 17-19 is great. 20 is Incredible strain.)

    2 - detrimental
    10 - odd
    15 - good
    18 - great
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:14 No.5534587
    almost 1 of each kind
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:14 No.5534588
    I think the gamble was paid off.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:16 No.5534604
    So, what did we get?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:16 No.5534607
    rolled 3 = 3

    2 -- Glutton ants or Sloth ants? These are supplimental. Neither will be explained exactly how they will affect the ants.
    10 -- Kamikazi ants or Diver ants (Kamikazi ants can kill themselves to release a toxin into the air which can harm some species. Diver ants are able to fall great distances without sustaining as much damage.) These are supplimental strains -- One supplimental strain can be given to all ants in addition to their primary strain (Worker or Warrior)
    15 -- Digger ants or Harvester ants?
    18 -- Drone spawns or Infernic larvae?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:18 No.5534623
    Glutton, diver, digger, and infernic. We've got food, but we don't have much dug out yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:19 No.5534627
    I agree with this.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:19 No.5534628


    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:19 No.5534629
    >Infernic larvae

    What will these do?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:19 No.5534630
    Sloth ants. Worthless is better than hungry. Also, easier to find and kill.
    Kamikazi ants. That makes every ant dangerous. Also, suicidal ants tell us about what killed them.
    Harvester ants.
    Infernic Larvae!!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:21 No.5534637
    Sloth? At least they won't dig into the food for the good ants.

    I don't think we have much need for either kamikaze or divers at the moment, but divers sound cooler so I vote them.

    Diggers I say.

    And finally I just want to know what infernic does, so let's go for that. Besides, it's an 18, can't be bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:21 No.5534640
    Who cares?! Infernic!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:22 No.5534646
    Infernic Larvae
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:22 No.5534648

    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:22 No.5534652

    Infernic seems to be the one uncontested choice.


    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:23 No.5534658
    Sloth can be more easily purged. Losing ants is automatically bad, so diver. Diggers are all kinds of useful, and harvesters only one type, so diggers. Drone spawn sounds useful, but infernic sounds FUCKWIN, so infernic.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:28 No.5534677
    Requesting total ant designation.
    50 warriors.
    550 ants.

    5 ants seeking to make contact with fruit flies -- Arrived. Unknown return timeframe.
    5 ants exploring east.

    Infernic Larvae will affect 1/2 larvae population -- All infernic Larvae will gestate in half an hour, as opposed to one hour. Additionally, infernic larvae will not consume food during their existance.
    Infernic ants (those which come from the Larvae) will be more efficient than regular ants, and are significantly more aggressive.
    Drone spawn will produce an additional number of ants equal to the number of eggs laid at the time of being laid. These spawn will not eat, and are effective as workers in general tasks; however they reduce the time it takes them to travel a given distance by one half hour. -- These drones only live for one hour though -- in short, they are very useful for scouting, recon, suicide rush, or just boost of productivity -- but are limited in range.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:28 No.5534678
         File1250843288.png-(180 KB, 613x547, Picture 2.png)
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    There is a TED talk on ants.
    Learn while you play.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:28 No.5534680
    Sloth to kill the lazy bastards
    Kamikaze Workers for extra defense
    Digger ants will work to get deeper into the ground
    A little more info about the last 2 would be nice
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:30 No.5534684
    Kamikaze and Drone seems like a fuckwin combo
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:31 No.5534686
    Sloth ants and Digger ants have been chosen. Will wait to see if any minds are changed by additional information on the Great Strains.
    And divers vs kamikazi is still in debate.

    Note, Drone Spawns do not have any form of strain beyond drone.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:31 No.5534687
    We need to start making inroads on our new mounts, and we need to enlarge our living quarters, but those might be better delayed for when the divers and diggers are spawned.

    We should get an intelligence upgrade soon, so we can get started on farming fungus and taming flies.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:32 No.5534698
    Well, fuck. There goes my idea on Kamikaze Drones
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:32 No.5534704
    If we need to start killing of our own bloody ants on the off-chance that the poison will kill whatever monstrosity is raping us, we deserve to have to reroll. DIVERTROOPER ANTFANTRY MUST HAPPEN.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:33 No.5534708
    That might take several upgrades...
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:33 No.5534709
    >Infernic ants (those which come from the Larvae) will be more efficient than regular ants, and are significantly more aggressive.

    Fuck yes. We should make all ants infernic. Devour the larvae that do not express the trait.
    >> Cerebrate Zeal 08/21/09(Fri)04:34 No.5534710
    Let's go with Infernic Larvae and the Diver Strain
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:34 No.5534711
    Infernic Larvae
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:34 No.5534712
    Int next.
    Loyalty does what? Its not like ants are going to go treasonous or anything, are they?

    Diver and infernal.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:34 No.5534715
    Fuck no. They'd eat our allies and farm animals and such. We need to keep them tucked away to unleash on our foes.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:35 No.5534716
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:35 No.5534720
    Diver ants have it, as does infernic Larvae.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:36 No.5534724
    The more permanent an upgrade is, the better, in times like this...
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:36 No.5534727
    Tucked away and as awesome diggers and divers. We're doing divers, damnit. Also, we better get a fucking upgrade again soon so we can get intelligence.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:37 No.5534734
    RE-Requesting total ant designation.
    50 warriors.
    550 ants. (10 non-reassignable)

    5 ants seeking to make contact with fruit flies -- Arrived. Unknown return timeframe.
    5 ants exploring east.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:38 No.5534735
    Frankly, just the chance at paratrooping ants is enough to sell me on divers.

    Also, I'm kinda sold on infernics.
    >> Cerebrate Zeal 08/21/09(Fri)04:38 No.5534740
    If there is another queen then it's possible that it could use it's pheromones to take control of our ants
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:39 No.5534742
         File1250843957.jpg-(21 KB, 247x383, Lancer.jpg)
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    Increase intelligence, evolve exceptional leaping capability, combine Infernic and Diver ants, learn how to manipulate tools and craft armor and weaponry.

    Bam. Ant Dragoons.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:39 No.5534743

    What's the hive looking like now?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:42 No.5534759
    40 warriors guarding queen
    10 warriors guarding entrance
    30 ants exploring non-east cardinal directions
    150 ants excavating
    No harvesting moss
    50 ants bringing food in from outside
    150 ants harvesting high energy goo
    140 ants harvesting seeds &c
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:43 No.5534761
    Archived for awesome
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:43 No.5534766
    Requested hive status --

    Food storage capacity: 1600 ants worth.
    Food stores:
    750 normal energy food -- fungus. x1 feeding ability. 150 stored.
    200 High energy food. x5 feeding ability. 150 to be stored.
    600 total ants, 150 larvae.
    General digging orders.
    Royal Chambers fit for 1 Queen, and 2 Mates.
    Food Storage Chambers: 1, size large, 1600 ants worth of food storage capacity.
    Tunnels: 5 exploratory tunnels, one halted due to encountered wiry roots.
    Nursery size for 600 larvae.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:47 No.5534790
    Next set of hatching larvae, we need another 40 warriors to be doing patrols around the hive. We should probably find out what those roots are, they might be more food we could use.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:48 No.5534791
    Let's have a team look at the wiry root situation. 5 or so should be sufficient to get a handle on things.
    >> Sweet Soul Brother the Psion !!HX7Jt1Q9Xjq 08/21/09(Fri)04:49 No.5534799

    What is the current ant asignment?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:49 No.5534800
    Agree about checking the roots
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:50 No.5534806

    Also, pull those 5 from excavators.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)04:53 No.5534822
    I'm asking for people to distribute ants to assignments again -- I lost the exact count at some point.
    550 workers, 10 are away from the hive and cannot be reassigned (5 to flies and 5 headed east)
    50 warriors.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:56 No.5534835

    I like this arrangement fine, except I'd want to pull 10 warriors from the queen and just have them patrol around the general vicinity of the hive; and also the 5 from the excavators to go check out the wiry roots situation.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:59 No.5534854
    This is seconded, except pull 40 ants from gathering seeds and and crap and move them to food hauling, to get it all inside.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)04:59 No.5534858
    Lets hatch 50 warriors, and 100 ants.
    Then set the 50 warriors on patrol around the hive.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:00 No.5534859
    I second both of these.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:01 No.5534870

    Guy above you here, that's also fine by me.


    Didn't know we had hatchlings coming up.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:01 No.5534874
    40 warriors guarding queen
    10 warriors guarding entrance
    40 ants on patrol
    30 ants exploring non-east cardinal directions
    150 ants excavating
    No harvesting moss
    50 ants bringing food in from outside
    150 ants harvesting high energy goo
    100 ants harvesting seeds &c
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:01 No.5534882
    I think we get hatchlings every turn.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:02 No.5534888
    I count 5 players in addition to Anti-Fate, btw.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:02 No.5534889
    you left non for larva
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:05 No.5534914
    100 to high-energy, 50 to fungus.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:06 No.5534920
    We can't have 50 on the fungus, we'll kill the damn thing! Send those 50 to tending the larvae.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:06 No.5534921
    only 100 to harvesting energy goo,
    other 50 to larva care
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:08 No.5534935
         File1250845722.jpg-(19 KB, 288x295, Grass.jpg)
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    Timestamp: 4.5 hours. .5 hours have passed.
    The queen has devoured 25 ants worth of fungus, and laid 150 eggs.

    Food storage capacity: 1600 ants worth.
    Food stores:
    575 normal energy food -- fungus. x1 feeding ability.
    5 hour mark will reduce food by 750. 575 stored.
    100 medium energy food -- Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability. 100 stored.
    200 High energy food -- Sweet ooze x5 feeding ability. -- reduces digging and exploration ability by 10% -- Reserved for Warrior consumption only. 200 stored.
    600 total ants, 150 larvae, eggs 150.
    General digging orders.
    Royal Chambers fit for 1 Queen, and 2 Mates.
    Food Storage Chambers: 1, size large, 1600 ants worth of food storage capacity.
    Tunnels: 5 exploratory tunnels, one halted due to encountered wiry roots -- examined by 5 ants.
    1 Nursery size for 600 larvae/eggs.

    The roots appear to be the roots of the grass which surrounds the hive. Picture related to underground appearance. It is potentially edible.

    Distribution of ants:
    30 warriors guarding queen.
    10 warriors guarding entrance.
    10 warriors patrolling around hive.
    30 ants exploring non-east cardinal directions. This will be non-reassignable after this timestamp until they return after having found something.
    150 ants excavating
    No harvesting fungus
    90 ants finished food in from outside
    100 ants harvesting high energy goo. This is a 1.5 hour round trip. Will return 200 ants worth of Sweet Ooze. Non reassignable. 1 hour remaining.
    50 ants tending larvae.
    100 ants harvesting 100 total grass seed per half hour.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:09 No.5534947
    been lurking. might wanna add me.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:11 No.5534962
    you can take my place, have fun, good luck guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:12 No.5534970
    Reassign 90 ants bringing food from the outside to seeds.
    Do not eat the grass roots, grass hides us from predators.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:13 No.5534986
    Assess edibility of the grass roots.

    >>5534970 has a point, but we should know if the colony can eat it in case of an emergency food shortage.

    How is the Queen doing?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:15 No.5534997
    The Queen, is doing fine.
    Actually, I now realize I should repost the intro stuff, because this thread will be archived. . . Gotta have that whole "WHO THE FUCK ARE WE ANYHOW?" explained. . .
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:16 No.5535004

    Well, have one of the ants give 'em a nibble.

    Although they might make for an interesting chamber if we can dig around them and avoid killing the grass; a room full of semi-columns!
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:16 No.5535010
    In the beginning:

    A vast cloth stretches endlessly in all directions, composed of thousands of colors, all unique threads, woven together in perfect harmony and elegance. A sparkle, and then a flash as the web of fate conspires to unravel -- the tiniest of sparks strikes upon a single thread, igniting it into the flame of independence.

    A vast empty blackness consumes everything, endlessly large. Forward, inward, awareness creeps into one tiny point. A tiny insignificant creeping of awareness flares up within a single planet, though it shines throughout the web as a blazing light, blinding all that is nothing, until finally, you awaken.

    You, it is instinctive that you realize, effortlessly, you are unique now. You have what no others have.
    You, Queen of Ants, are conscious of your potential now. You are conscious of others potential, you can sense it.
    You will not be alone for long -- the flame can only spread along the great fabric that exists, consuming all that fate had planned, leaving uncertainty and boundless potential.

    You bless this world, as being the first, and, possibly the greatest thing, to ever be produced, made from the ashes of fate's work, you are made of change and growth. Your power flares once, changing you forever, beginning to shape you into something greater, forever changing your destiny. How are you changed, O Queen? Do you adopt a Grand Form? Do you access some latent strain of your species, to produce warriors unlike any other? Or maybe you produce a mobile scout strain? Do you develop a passive pheromone communication system? Maybe you are the ultimate breeder of Ants, your children hatching quicker than any other? Or is it that this power of yours has granted you a home, before all others? Or are you willing to let fate toy with your power?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:16 No.5535012
    Any news from the fly diplomats or the eastern explorers?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:19 No.5535048
    The fly diplomats have not returned yet.
    The eastern explorers have not returned -- though they would not have returned quite yet, as they left at timestamp 3 hours and the first scouting party left at timestamp 0 hours and returned at timestamp 2 hours -- if I recall correctly.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:21 No.5535061
    Argentine ants are the final boss.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:21 No.5535066
    Lets have some time pass.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:22 No.5535068
    If we dig out new royal chambers among the roots, it'd be harder for enemies to tunnel directly into them, and she'd have an emergency food source if things go ploin-shaped.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:25 No.5535086
    Smart. Lets do it.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:25 No.5535088
         File1250846757.jpg-(52 KB, 500x610, whoaa.jpg)
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    Dude, like, whoa. That's awesome writefaggorty, right there.

    Also, I think we might need more warriors. Our defenses are spread thin as is, and although I don't quite know how big the hive is, 10 warriors sure won't be enough when we meet the hornets.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:28 No.5535101
    Let's imagine the worst horrors that could overtake us!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:29 No.5535110
         File1250846943.jpg-(248 KB, 630x780, ALIENS__Queen_Xenomorph_by_cro(...).jpg)
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    Better final boss.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:29 No.5535113
    1/3 of our larvae production goes to warriors.
    And we have fully %20 of our ants on defense, either queen or patrol. More is unnecessary.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:30 No.5535117

    Thanks for clarifying, fellow ant.
    >> dice+1d37 Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:31 No.5535122
    Timestamp: 5 hours. .5 hours have passed.
    The eggs have hatched. Half the larvae will metamorphose as Infernic larvae in half an hour's time.
    The remaining larvae will metamorphose into their designated strains in one hour's time.
    Designate how many larvae will be warriors, ants, or diggers. Designate if all ants will be divers (only one sub-strain you can select)

    Food storage capacity: 1600 ants worth.
    Food stores:
    100 normal energy food -- fungus. x1 feeding ability.
    190 medium energy food -- Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability.
    200 High energy food -- Sweet ooze x5 feeding ability. -- reduces digging and exploration ability by 10% -- Reserved for Warrior consumption only.
    600 total ants, 150 larvae, eggs 150.
    General digging orders.
    Royal Chambers fit for 1 Queen, and 2 Mates.
    Royal Chambers in construction -- defensive chamber, in a root cluster.
    Food Storage Chambers: 1, size large, 1600 ants worth of food storage capacity.
    Tunnels: 4 exploratory tunnels.
    1 Nursery size for 600 larvae/eggs.

    The roots appear to be the roots of the grass which surrounds the hive. It is edible. Queen chamber being constructed within root cluster -- careful excavation will take about 2 hours without focused excavation.
    Distribution of ants:
    30 warriors guarding queen.
    10 warriors guarding entrance.
    10 warriors patrolling around hive.
    30 ants exploring non-east cardinal directions. This will be non-reassignable after this timestamp until they return after having found something.
    150 ants excavating
    No harvesting fungus
    100 ants harvesting high energy goo. This is a 1.5 hour round trip. Will return 200 ants worth of Sweet Ooze. Non reassignable. .5 hours remaining.
    50 ants tending larvae.
    190 ants harvesting 190 total grass seed per half hour.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:32 No.5535124
    rolled 14 = 14

    Err self=fuckwit.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:32 No.5535126
    Is there a way of increasing egg production, other than producing more queens?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:34 No.5535138
    Increased egg cluster size is an upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:34 No.5535140

    We could distribute them better, though. 30 warriors to guard the queen? We don't need a single warrior for the queen if we put them all to perimeter defense.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:35 No.5535146
    We've got a whopping 150 ants digging. If we hatch half of the current crop as diggers and the other half as diver warriors, that should do us fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:35 No.5535150
    If all our enemies are going to come through the perimeter. There's a reason we're mucking about with the root chamber.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:36 No.5535151
    Larvae: 50 warriors, 100 diggers.
    We already have 150 ants digging, we might as well replace those at maximum speed.

    All ants get the sub-strain diver. No reason why not.

    Upgrade intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:36 No.5535158

    Have the newly hatched diggers focus on excavating the new Queen chamber.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:38 No.5535174
    Oh, and the 1d4 random ants worked out last time, I think we should do that again.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:39 No.5535178
    I second this.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:40 No.5535180

    I don't believe we have upgrades available at the moment.

    But yeah, we do need to bump that up soon. I want my fly-riding paratroopers!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:41 No.5535191

    We shouldn't push our luck with the random mutations.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:41 No.5535192
    No larvae have metamorphosed yet (Even infernic still exist in larval form for half an hour -- the eggs just hatched into larvae)

    And there is no upgrade right now -- upgrades are given when something important happens, when a first occurs, or when you guys do something clever.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:42 No.5535201
    hey are you doing it on that now? can you give the link?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:42 No.5535202
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:43 No.5535207

    Oh yes we should.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:43 No.5535211
    Are you kidding?
    Its 1/4 badass, 1/4 normal, 1/4 paratrooper-ninjas, and 1/4 lame.
    Plus we get to roll dice! What's not to like?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:44 No.5535215
    Time passes.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:44 No.5535216
    I think the majority is in favor of increasing intelligence at the moment.

    Besides, I think upgrades applying to all ants forever are generally better.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:45 No.5535228
    we need to build escape tunnels in case of rain, predators ect.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:45 No.5535231
    >Plus we get to roll dice! What's not to like?

    The 25% chance of getting fucked over.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:46 No.5535233
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:46 No.5535240
    Oh, I noticed; there are 150 larvae due to metamorphose and 75 infernic larvae due to metamorphose as well. Full tally of 225 ants to be please.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:47 No.5535242
    we can kill them or exile them. If they come back to kill us whatever their was a reason we exiled them.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:47 No.5535248
    Are you >>5535068?
    If so, you're ant in charge of central planning.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:48 No.5535250

    They're certainly more reliable, but they're not gonna give us the new capabilities the strains will.

    Still in favor of intelligence for next upgrade though.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:48 No.5535257
    75 infernal warriors.
    150 diggers. Same logic as before.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:49 No.5535264
    Are diggers any worse at other things, like harvesting and fighting, than generic drones?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:49 No.5535265

    Make the 75 Infernic larvae metamorph into Diver Warriors. The 150 normal ants should be split equally into 75 standard ants and 75 workers. Make them divers just because we can, and the lack of a better option.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:49 No.5535266
    Weren't we having 50 warriors?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:50 No.5535271

    shit. workers = diggers.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:51 No.5535276
    Diplomacy ants have been too long, flies must be hostile, hatch 50 warriors and kill them all. Enslave their children.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:51 No.5535284
    We just got 75 bonus ants, so I increase the number of warriors to keep at 1/3 total.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:52 No.5535291
    Sorry I should have been more clear -- you must designate all 150 larvae of the infernic inclusive group at the same time -- half of the total group will be infernic, the other half will not -> you don't get to pick specifically which are and are not infernic (IE you could say 150 warriors, and get 75 infernic warriors, but if you say 75 warriors, 75 diggers, ~1/2 of each will be infernic)
    The 150 larvae of the previous do not include infernic potential.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:54 No.5535307
    And, diggers specialize in digging, quite obviously -- they move slower outside and are less efficient harvesters therefore. Combat wise, they are better inside the hive than workers, but outside they are inferior (basically, they have a slight bonus when inside the hive). They are inferior to warriors in combat though.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:55 No.5535311
    Oh, then same as before. 50 warriors, 100 diggers.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:55 No.5535312
         File1250848532.jpg-(9 KB, 296x242, central planning ant.jpg)
    9 KB

    Central Planning Ant: He thinks ahead, so you don't have to.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:56 No.5535319
    Awsome fan art is awsome
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)05:56 No.5535323
    Is that for both the full larvae group and the infernic inclusive group, or just one?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:58 No.5535329
    Well it is time for me to leave work so I won't be able to post for a good 40 min or so.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)05:58 No.5535330
         File1250848734.jpg-(4 KB, 129x97, images-1..jpg)
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    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)05:59 No.5535337
    I'm >>5535068 but not >>5535228. And there's no such thing as a one-way tunnel. More exits means more entrances means spreading the guards thinner
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:02 No.5535351
    And apparently numbering myself gave me a tripcode. Fun fun.

    Anyway, we really need an intelligence boost. Otherwise we'll just keep putting things aside for later, like the currently-untouched fungus.

    Are we smart enough to drag some underground to see if it survives?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:03 No.5535356
    Nobody seems to be answering the question, so I'll say both...
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:03 No.5535358
    probably right.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:03 No.5535359
    Fuckit. Figuring it out is distracting and less entertaining. I'll just assume you wanted 50/100 for each larvae group.

    Timestamp: 5.5 hours. .5 hours have passed.
    The third batch of larvae have metamorphosed -- 113 are displaying Sloth characteristics.
    50 are warriors, 100 are diggers.
    37 warriors are displaying sloth characteristics.
    75 diggers are displaying sloth characteristics.
    75 infernic ants have metamorphosed. 49 are displaying Sloth characteristics.
    Infernic ant distribution: 25 warriors, 50 diggers.
    16 infernic warriors are sloth. 33 infernic diggers are sloth.
    The queen consumes 25 ants worth of food (she does this regularly every hour now), and produces 150 eggs.

    Food storage capacity: 1600 ants worth.
    Food stores:
    0 normal energy food -- fungus. x1 feeding ability.
    380 medium energy food -- Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability.
    400 High energy food -- Sweet ooze x5 feeding ability. -- reduces digging and exploration ability by 10% -- Reserved for Warrior consumption only.
    600 total ants, 150 larvae, eggs 150.
    General digging orders.
    Royal Chambers fit for 1 Queen, and 2 Mates.
    Royal Chambers in construction -- defensive chamber, in a root cluster.
    Food Storage Chambers: 1, size large, 1700 ants worth of food storage capacity.
    Tunnels: 5 exploratory tunnels.
    1 Nursery size for 700 larvae/eggs.

    The roots appear to be the roots of the grass which surrounds the hive. It is edible. Queen chamber being constructed within root cluster -- careful excavation will take about 1.5 hours without focused excavation. Digger ants will accelerate this to .5 hours if all digger ants are devoted to this area.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:04 No.5535363
    I thought the fungus grew underground already?

    Also, tripcodes go Name#code.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:05 No.5535367
    Distribution of ants:
    30 warriors guarding queen.
    10 warriors guarding entrance.
    10 warriors patrolling around hive.
    30 ants exploring non-east cardinal directions. This will be non-reassignable after this timestamp until they return after having found something.
    150 ants excavating
    No harvesting fungus
    100 ants harvesting high energy goo. This is a 1.5 hour round trip. Will return 200 ants worth of Sweet Ooze. RETURNED -- send out again?
    50 ants tending larvae.
    190 ants harvesting 190 total grass seed per half hour.
    50 idle warriors.
    100 idle diggers.
    25 idle infernic warriors.
    50 idle infernic diggers.

    !! First of new strain born! You have 1 upgrade!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:05 No.5535369
    My, how did I miss this thing? Well, fruit fly plan was nice, they eat pretty much anything sweet. Anti-Fate, what's the upkeep cost of a fruit fly?

    I recommend a fungus farm dug as soon as main tunnels (rearing/royal/storage chambers) are done, at the lowest possible level. They'll be a renewable source.

    A few symbiotes will be nice too. I recommend scouting a bit more for aphids (or large blue butterfly caterpillars if we can identify them from others), checking for bullthorn acacia or other trees to make future tree nests and possibly making alliances with the woodboring beetles (longhorns etc. ) to that end.

    Oh and, I also recommend having a few "grooming" ants to check the workers for parasitic fungi and the nest itself with parasites like certain butterfly caterpillars.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:05 No.5535371
    If it's growing on a rock on the surface, can't be sure it'd grow on dirt underground. We may have to uncover some underground boulders, or it might not grow without light at all. Do we really want to dig out an underground farm worthy of Dorf Fortress only to have the crop immediately fail?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:06 No.5535377
    >113 are displaying Sloth characteristics.
    Ouch. There's the downside.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:06 No.5535379
    Intelligence, I suppose...

    And I second the notion in a deleted post about working on a renewable fungus farm.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:06 No.5535381
    don't we have that one mutation that causes ants to suicide? we can just send the sloth ones to go off and suicide like in cave or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:07 No.5535386
    Fungi need no light, only food, water and oxygen (rotting leaves is good for the former. ) so the fungus farm tunnels need to be well-aired.

    There were a few large leaves gathered from the last thread, are they still around?
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:07 No.5535387
    And I'm going to assume we're going on very little knowledge here. We had to send a team of ant zoologists (and, for most of us, check Wikipedia) to realise that the flying things were fruit flies. We shouldn't go scouting for specific bugs - and we definitely shouldn't assume what sort of biosphere we're in. If I was to use my local knowledge, we'd be living in constant fear of bull ants and funnel webs.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:08 No.5535394
    No, we got divers.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:09 No.5535400
    Wow, we have an AntFag in our midst.

    You're right, I forgot about ant mind-control fungus.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:09 No.5535404
    Select from:
    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -Antenna sensitivity
    -Chitin strength
    -Lifting ability
    -Improved hive bond
    -Random adaption
    -Improved egg clutch size
    -Improve intelligence
    -Breed new strain: Scouts
    -Mutate new strains: 1d4 (d20)
    -Produce new queen
    -Improve digger strain
    -Improve warrior strain
    -Reduce sloth strain prevalence by 10%
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:10 No.5535415
    Also, don't fall into the trap of purging the sloths to improve the gene pool - we've got a single laying mother and she's tainted with Sloth after we rolled the dice on traits. We should learn to live with them, and assign the Sloths on less vital duties.

    Also, we've got an upgrade. I say intelligence and start work on fungi farms (thankyou for my impromptu education on small growy things).
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:12 No.5535423
    i say that we exile the ones displaying sloth traits. Is there a way we can bring the source of fungus closer to us? they are growing on rocks right?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:12 No.5535428
    Infernic sloths have NO COST TO US. There is no reason to exile them.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:13 No.5535432
    Concur on all points.

    What effect does sloth have?
    If they just move around less, maybe we can put sloths on queen-guard and larvae tending, because those aren't high energy activities anyway?
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:14 No.5535437
    825 total ants mind you.
    75 larvae.
    Total food requirements for coming half hour? 900 food.
    You CAN request the queen hold off on producing more ants for the time being.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:14 No.5535440
    If we're going to ditch the sloths, we should cannibalise them. Nobody wants a society of disenfranchised sloth ants biting us in the butt, especially with warriors, diggers and infernals on their side.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:15 No.5535442
    Should the fruit fly diplomacy force be back by now? If so, send 50 warriors to show the fuckers we mean business. Also, we need to build a portcullis in the entrance tunnel to our hive (wiry roots lowering a rock into place?) if we are going to start getting aggressive.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:15 No.5535447
    ...what happens if a sloth ant eats high-energy goop?
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:16 No.5535452
    Aw HELL naw. We don't know what we're dealing with yet. They could be cattle, they could be wild animals, they could be equals. Let's not spark a war.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:17 No.5535455
    Improve intelligence. Discover how to bypass the square-cube law, conquer humanity.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:18 No.5535458
    Are you worried if we ditch them? We can take the mi mean they have the sloth trait.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:18 No.5535460
    I agree. Sloths should be either on low-maintenance (scouting - no movement needed because of pheremones or fungus farming) jobs or go on to dangerous assignments. I propose sloth warriors are to form the first line in defensive battles (like defending the queen), so they die first.

    By the way, I did praise fruit fly idea, but it has a big flaw - those things are tiny (a fact I despised in my lab sessions - trying to tell apart wildtype ones from white-eyes is a nightmare). What are the size of our ants?
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:18 No.5535464
    Better to have them inside pissing out than outside pissing in.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:18 No.5535465
    Good point.

    New loadout:
    40 warriors guarding queen.
    10 warriors guarding entrance.
    50 warriors patrolling around hive.
    30 ants exploring non-east cardinal directions. This will be non-reassignable after this timestamp until they return after having found something.
    100 diggers digging
    100 ants harvesting high energy goo again.
    50 ants tending larvae.
    Remainder of ants harvesting seed.

    Digging to include fungus farm, pending confirmation of fungus viability.

    Will this give us a positive food count?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:20 No.5535468
    there was another site we this was on. Does anyone remeber? I think the site was called webchat or something.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:20 No.5535472
    If the fungus farm idea flops, we can always repurpose the chamber as more food storage.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:20 No.5535474
    i like that analogy
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:21 No.5535476
         File1250850066.jpg-(155 KB, 534x350, Army_ants_01.jpg)
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    May I suggest becoming "army ants" as a long-term goal?

    Meaning that after the intelligence upgrade, we go for mandible an lifting strength, then focus on the ability to build massive armies to raid and harvest anything, no matter the size.

    Pic related.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:21 No.5535477
    rolled 22 = 22

    Result of feeding sloth ants high energy ooze is unknown and unpredictable currently -- no ant has consumed a significant quantity of the stuff anyway at this point.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:22 No.5535486
    I approve.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:23 No.5535491
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:23 No.5535492
    I don't like the sound of that. We should definitely put aside some ants - some sloth, some not - to eat the goop exclusively and watch for side-effects before we need to rely on it for food. I say five regular diggers, five sloth diggers. They can work on the general excavations while we watch them, so we get an idea of how well they're working.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:24 No.5535496
    Our current goal is Fly-riding paratrooper ants.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:24 No.5535497
    In order to be an army ant, we need to produce some 100000-300000 eggs in a few days. Our current queen is not up to snuff, feasible in a few generations if we improve egg productivity though.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:26 No.5535506
    Did we reach the bump cap?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:26 No.5535507
    High energy ooze, high energy ooze... Fuck. That stuff isn't transparent by any chance, is it?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:26 No.5535510

    Sounds good to me.

    Take some of the ants from Queen guarding duty to cover the entrances so we have a 20/20 split.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:27 No.5535518
    We could get moar queens, too.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:27 No.5535519
    40 warriors guarding queen.
    10 warriors guarding entrance.
    50 warriors patrolling around hive.
    25 idle warriors~?

    30 ants exploring non-east cardinal directions. This will be non-reassignable after this timestamp until they return after having found something.
    100 diggers digging
    50 diggers idle/harvesting seeds?
    100 ants harvesting high energy goo again.
    50 ants tending larvae.
    400 ants harvesting seed.?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:29 No.5535534
    Lower that to 300 harvesting seed, put the new 100 to digging...
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:29 No.5535536
    Idle warriors go on patrol.
    Correct, 400 seed gathering ants.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:29 No.5535539
    We're consuming 900 food resources next tic, we need to get our food up to snuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:31 No.5535555
    sloth ants aren't that bad. They just burn through food faster right? We have plenty of food.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:31 No.5535557
    Ah, true. Nevermind then...
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:33 No.5535567
    900 food consumed, 760 food in the form of seeds currently. at 400 workers getting seeds this number will increase by an additional 800 food worth in 400 space. -- a total of 1560 food -- a net loss for this specific tic of 100 food worth, but if sustainable for a time, will result in vast quantities of food.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:34 No.5535574
    In hindsight, we should've gone with gluttonous ants. Infernal ants that were gluttonous would have not been reduced in capacity at all.
    Also, in case of low food supply, gluttonous ants don't eat, problem solved. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:34 No.5535580
    Sounds good, time passes.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:37 No.5535595
    Timestamp: 5.5 hours. .5 hours have passed.
    The fourth Larval group metamorphoses into ants.
    49 display sloth characteristics.
    25 are warriors, 50 are diggers
    16 warriors are sloth, 33 diggers are sloth.
    Food storage capacity: 1800 ants worth.
    Food stores:
    0 normal energy food -- fungus. x1 feeding ability.
    335 medium energy food -- Grass seeds. x2 feeding ability.
    398 High energy food -- Sweet ooze x5 feeding ability. -- reduces digging and exploration ability by 10% -- Reserved for Warrior consumption only. Currently testing High energy food effects on 5 sloth diggers and 5 normal diggers.
    !! Clever action, Special chance upgrade!
    900 total ants.

    General digging orders.
    Royal Chambers fit for 1 Queen, and 2 Mates.
    Food Storage Chambers: 1, size large, 1800 ants worth of food storage capacity.
    Tunnels: 5 exploratory tunnels.
    1 Nursery size for 700 larvae/eggs.
    Queen chamber being constructed within root cluster -- careful excavation will take about 1 hour without focused excavation. Digger ants will accelerate this to .5 hours if half the digger ants are devoted to this area.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:40 No.5535623
         File1250851216.jpg-(55 KB, 360x303, evolution.jpg)
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    >!! Clever action, Special chance upgrade!

    Let's mutate. It's evolution, baby.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:41 No.5535630
    *Yawn* Time for bed.
    I vote when we pause for the night, an extended time period passes, so when we get back we've got some infrastructure and some challenges.

    We need to get our nest drawfagged.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:42 No.5535637
    I love that video.
    We'll get bombs for our arial mounts soon enough.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:42 No.5535638
    40 warriors guarding queen.
    10 warriors guarding entrance.
    75 warriors patrolling around hive.

    30 ants exploring non-east cardinal directions. This will be non-reassignable after this timestamp until they return after having found something.
    150 diggers digging
    100 ants harvesting high energy goo again. 1 hour until return.
    50 ants tending larvae.
    400 ants harvesting seed.

    Special upgrade option:
    Select from:
    -Mandible strength
    -swarm speed
    -Antenna sensitivity
    -Chitin strength
    -Lifting ability
    -Improved hive bond
    -Improved Random adaption Roll (1d30 ~ very small chance of bad things happening -- 1/30 chance of supernatural adaption)
    -Improved egg clutch size
    -Improve intelligence
    -Breed new strain: Scouts
    -Mutate new strains: 1d4 (d20)
    -Produce new queen
    -Improve digger strain
    -Improve warrior strain
    -Reduce sloth strain prevalence by 10%

    And Intelligence was the choice from last time yes?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:42 No.5535644
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    Far enough. It would be wise to scout out what happened atleast so we know what we are dealing with.

    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:43 No.5535650
    Intelligence last time, yes.

    What now...
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:45 No.5535669
    I recommend a small fungal farm test area for diggers. Better test if the fungus is compatible with underground environment before investing significant effort to it.

    I have two questions as well: Is the high energy goop a transparent whitish stuff? We'd be in a big mess if the goop is nothing but snail secretions (which ants love to eat) full of lancet flukes.

    How large are our average worker ants? Can the queen produce smaller ants on command?
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:46 No.5535677
    If we produce a new queen, we'll have a constant source of regular, non-slothful workers, and the other one can concentrate on diggers and warriors.

    And we can put one in the root cluster and one in the current chambers.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:50 No.5535713
    The high energy ooze is produced from a large number of plants to the west -- not from an animal. Additionally, it smells incredibly sweet, and overpowers the ants pheromone production ability temporarily with consumption. It is a clear-blueish color -- not the most natural looking of substances.
    Average workers are about the size of a Pharaoh ant.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:51 No.5535719
    Should we get a new thread? >.>

    I'd want to improve something like chitin strength, but... I suppose I'm too indecisive.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:52 No.5535721
    Reduce sloth strain prevalence by 10%
    We are cutting it close
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:52 No.5535727
    If we're going to go carnivorous we should enlarge the food stockpile. Gathering means a steady supply, but hunting means a fuckload all at once and then nothing for a while.

    Also, I support the trial fungus farm.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:53 No.5535733
    >Average workers are about the size of a Pharaoh ant.

    So about two millimeters.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:54 No.5535743
    The sloth isn't damaging enough to burn an upgrade on it. It's at about 60% at the moment, so we'd need to burn SIX to get rid of it. That's the same as six new queens, or three new queens with a roll-the-dice upgrade apiece.

    I said extra queen, but I'd go mandible strength too.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:55 No.5535749
    No dietary restrictions.
    Omnivores only.
    Final Destination.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:55 No.5535752
    Thanks. I thought it was just on the plants, but I suppose it's relatively safe if harvested directed from plants, unless there's some cercariae that encysts on plants... But nah, they need either water or snails, not really possible either.

    Damn, I sure am being paranoid about the safety of a bunch of fictional ants.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:56 No.5535757
    Then we need extra space all the more, to support both the constant influx and the occasional huge bounties. Better to have huge caverns holding a few seeds than trying to stuff a housecat into a chamber the size of your fist.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)06:57 No.5535762
    I will mention, that the improved random adaptation is not likely to be an option again for awhile.
    And as for exact numbers:
    1-3 bad adaption
    4-11 odd adaption
    12-18 good adaption
    19-26 great adaption
    27-29 unique adaption (Not possible on regular random adaption roll -- thus only possible with a roll of 30 and then 27-29 on most upgrades -- 3/900 chance)
    30 Supernatural adaption (Not possible on regular random adaption roll -- thus only possible on a roll of 30 and then 30 on most upgrades -- 1/900 chance)
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:57 No.5535765
    I guess the new queen is the best investment. We have plenty of food, too.

    And haven't we improved intelligence already?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)06:58 No.5535766
    A new thread would be good, unless Anti-Fate plans on stopping soon. I hope not, shit is getting interesting.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)06:58 No.5535771
    I say we do this if it's a one-off chance. If we fuck it up we can always burn a later upgrade on a new queen, then eat the old one and start anew, buying the good upgrades the hard way.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)07:00 No.5535784
    Many upgrades are not limited to a single instance of being able to get them.
    Notables are:
    The basic stats (mandibles through hivebond), egg clutch size, and intelligence (as non-random/non specific 1time bonus)
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:01 No.5535786
    I agree.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:01 No.5535792
    Hmm. Yeah, if the option isn't likely to crop up again, we should take the chance. I retract my suggestion for mutating new strains in favor of improved random adaptation.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:02 No.5535802
    Fine. Let's gamble.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:03 No.5535806
    Pray to the dice gods...
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:03 No.5535811
    Sounds like a quorum. Heaven or hell, let's rock, assuming we can recover if it's hell.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:04 No.5535814
    Ants In Your Pants Dance for luck.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)07:05 No.5535824
    Alrighty then. Heres how this is going to work.
    First post after this one, with a d30 dice roll is the number.
    Remember, FATE WATCHES YOU.

    And for the record -- you have even chances of getting odd and getting a UNIQUE upgrade.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:06 No.5535833
    rolled 30 = 30

    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:06 No.5535841
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:07 No.5535850
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    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:09 No.5535861
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    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:11 No.5535877
    Also, we need a new thread. This seems a good place to make the jump.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)07:11 No.5535880
    You are bloody fucking welcome~!
    Anti-Fate's a true name innit.
    I think this deserves three things:

    I'll ask a few questions before figuring out exactly what supernatural ability the hive will gain. . .

    I'm thinking I'll make another piece of written stuff for the start of next thread -- which will be Monday August 24th, 8 PM PST.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:12 No.5535883
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    Central Planning Ant gets extra rations this cycle.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:13 No.5535890
    Central Planning Ant will be there.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:14 No.5535895
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)07:17 No.5535922
    Question 1: Evil or Good?
    Question 2: Growth or Strength?
    Question 3: Suffering or Hatred?
    Question 4: Robe and Wizard Hat or Tactical Genius?
    Question 5: Haff hyuu cap-tord eet fo Kha-Oyss or what do you need cerebrate?
    Question 6: Crush the infidels or all their base are belong to us?
    Question 7: Set them up the bomb or zergling rush?

    And these actually all do factor in, in non absurd ways to how I design this ability.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:20 No.5535932
    My votes:

    1: Evil
    2: Growth
    3: Hatred
    4: Tactical Genius
    5: What do you need cerebrate?
    6: All their base are belong to us
    7: Set them up the bomb
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:21 No.5535943
    rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2 = 9

    Dice blessed us once why not twice?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:22 No.5535949
    Question 1: Evil
    Question 2: Strength
    Question 3: Suffering
    Question 4: Tactical Genius
    Question 5: What do you need cerebrate?
    Question 6: Crush the infidels
    Question 7: Zergling rush
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:23 No.5535956
    1. Evil
    2. Growth
    4. Robe and Wizard Hat
    5. What do you need cerebrate?
    6. Crush the infidels
    7. zergling rush.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:23 No.5535959
         File1250853831.gif-(1.22 MB, 268x209, 1238460766686.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:23 No.5535961
    Evil, Growth, Suffering, Robe and Wizard Hat, Haff hyuu cap-tord eet fo Kha-Oyss, all their base are belong to us, and... Set them up the bomb, I guess...
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:30 No.5535997
    Evil Growth Cerebrate seems to have taken the day. The rest are more shaky.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)07:30 No.5535998
    Tactical genius/Robe and wizard hat -- tie
    what do you need cerebrate?
    all their base are belong to us/crush the infidels -- tie
    set them up the bomb/zerglingrush -- tie

    Should still be enough to design a good ability. . .
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:31 No.5536004
    Evil/Growth/Suffering/Cerebrate... this is going to be fun.
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)07:35 No.5536027
    So far I'm considering offering:
    Instinctive teleportation
    Warped burrowing
    Deathly vigor
    Dominate lesser mind
    Mind devourer
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:36 No.5536036
    >>5535961 Here...

    I don't mind changing my set them up the bomb choice, or my robe and wizard hat choice.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:37 No.5536043
    Awsome, awsome to the max
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:37 No.5536050
    >> Anti-Fate !Dx8/5aCn.k 08/21/09(Fri)07:40 No.5536062
    But now, its time for bed.
    Even one who strives to be everything which fate isn't, can still succumb to the most basic of living fates -- sleep.

    Don't forget to update the archive if you want everyone to remember the 30.
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:47 No.5536101
    Three cheers for Anti-Fate! He's take us on a journey we hadn't imagined since we played SimAnt as kids!
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:48 No.5536115
    sim ants had PSYCIC ANTS?
    >> Central Planning Ant !tsGpSwX8mo 08/21/09(Fri)07:50 No.5536131
    It did when I dreamed...

    Also in my dreams, it didn't randomise the freakin' tunnels every time you switched area. WHAT the FUCK, SimAnt. Would it be too much to ask for you to save the tunnel layout?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:54 No.5536168
    >Dominate lesser mind
    Well, there are actual ants that use "propaganda pheromones" to confuse enemy ants and termites. Exposed to these pheromones, insects will begin to attack their own kind.

    This is the most realistic of the possible "supernatural powers."
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:55 No.5536179
    anyway we need teleportation. Think of how fast we can gather food and flank enemies.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:58 No.5536198
         File1250855923.jpg-(29 KB, 640x360, 1238118955566.jpg)
    29 KB
    Teleporting zerg rush? Fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)07:59 No.5536206
    completely unrelated but what happened to the tgchannel?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)08:00 No.5536208
    for livestream
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)08:15 No.5536299
    in this thread dead?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)08:20 No.5536323
    are you guys continuing tomorrow?
    >> Anonymous 08/21/09(Fri)08:23 No.5536333

    >I'm thinking I'll make another piece of written stuff for the start of next thread -- which will be Monday August 24th, 8 PM PST.

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