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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 10/10/09(Sat)13:15 No.6215463 File1255194900.jpg-(36 KB, 768x480, IMNBG03C.jpg)
Storing the Axe on the Shield would require a fair bit of engineering. There's no problem with just holding the Axe though, apart from the fact that the left hand is used to stabilize the gun when firing, and also to absorb recoil. Without it, you'd take a loss in accuracy and the repeated recoil might damage your arm actuators.
>New plan! Let them go overhead, then start shooting them in the ass.
You wait until the planes pass overhead, and then you let them have it. Zolomon discovers that the Magella Cannon works excellently as an AA weapon and starts taking them out in clumps, the rest of you get decent results with your MG's. It's a target rich environment, so targeting a breeze.
After the first few attacks however, the planes begin to swoop around like a shoal of fish to target you. They can't see you, but they have a general idea. The Saberfish start firing rockets blindly into the foliage and the Fly-Manta's start dropping their bombs.
You have to keep on the move to keep alive, which cut's down on your firing and accuracy. Luckily for you, by concentrating on your squad, they're taken by surprise when two squads from 3rd Company start firing into the formations.
Unluckily for you, the jungle is now on fire, your Zaku's can handle the heat, but the light vehicles supporting the Snail will need a path cleared for them. The smoke is making it next to impossible to target the airforces. The Squads from 3rd are upwind and unaffected. Downwind incidentally, is the direction where the Land Fortress is suspected to be...
KILLS: Dave: 4 Planes Straus: 4 Planes Zol: 6 Planes
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