/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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August 2015
41632780Animal Crossing Quest 1Leo becomes mayor of Whiteport, and meets the citizens.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-03 6 
41675003Animal Crossing Quest 2Leo starts town development for Whiteport, and gets Earth Magic.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-05 3 
41714726Animal Crossing Quest 3Leo buys a fishing rod, learns to fish, catches a supernatural octopus, and makes a bunch of Bells.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-07 2 
41755136Animal Crossing Quest 4Leo buys some items, eats dinner, digs up a rare and ancient fossil, and talks to a Shrine Maiden.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-09 2 
41776054Animal Crossing Quest 5Leo has a dream, pays his bills, visits his office, and gets ready for the day ahead.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-10 1 
41815407Animal Crossing Quest 6Leo finds a mermaid, catches some fish, finds a legendary lost artifact, starts an aquarium, and learns Water Magic.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-12 1 
41857366Animal Crossing Quest 7Leo tries to obtain a sword, learn about Whiteport, and figure out his Magical Locket. He then plays some video games.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-14 2 
41918295Animal Crossing Quest 8Leo beats everyone at video games, pays his debts, tries to move a sword, and passes out from exhaustion.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-17 1 
41960225Animal Crossing Quest 9Leo talks to Pepper, tricks a sword, deputizes Mika, and meets Velour again.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-19 1 
41998571Animal Crossing Quest 10Leo buys some furniture, gets the truth out of Kaluga, and watches some fireflies.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-08-21 0 
September 2015
42337010Animal Crossing Quest 11Leo heads into town, gets burned, has a talk with Mika, and gains Light Magic.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-09-07 1 
42404459Animal Crossing Quest 12Leo learns to protect himself (and Whiteport), then cleans up his office.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-09-10 1 
42544241Animal Crossing Quest FinalThe one where it all ends. I reveal all my future plans, and end the Quest.Collective Game, Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing Quest, AC Quest, Yagreth2015-09-17 3 
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