Welcome back to Commissar quest! Um.. Guys, I am back... ;_;You are otto schulte, a twelve year old girl on her way to destiny - you are a student of the scholia progenium on besvir, and a prospect to become one of the selected officials to one day lead the great imperial armies in battle, if you survive. Little is know of your past - you only know what your uncle(whom you've got no blood relation to) told you: They where charged with your care before you where old enough to crawl. For as long as you can remember you've lived amongst the stars onboard shiftships traveling the interstellar void of the immaterium. You've arrived at the scholia progenium of which you where assigned, unfortunately so have Nikkobar the big oaf - a bully of whom you meet just before coming to the scholia, and his gang of misfits! Not all is bad, you've also meet the more friendly planetborn Angelina whom the planet mold seems to have left alright. There is also the "twins" to worry about, and how to survive the practicals, and as ever the ongoing mission to rid the world of your accursed first name "otto" - a administratum fuck up that left you with a boys name.Your story is only just beginning.Last week we traveled campus, got some work done with the Tech Priest and got to the practical!"Do I have to die to prove my loyalty to you lot?" - Unkown Commissar
>>28859057Commissar Paste: http://pastebin.com/mpMMvnqkMy twitter: https://twitter.com/CommissarQuestRoll rules:Lowest of first three rolls for things the character is skilled at doing.Median of first three rolls for things the character is "capable" at.Highest of first three rolls for things the character is utterly shit at.You have to "beat" your stats (which for now are hidden by popular demand, this may change) so low rolls are good.Cont post explained:If there is a post marked at the end with "cont" its becouse your QM is lazy, and can't type fast - or becouse he wants to give you the option to jump into the current events, or offer opinions, if none are offered he'll continue as normalDisclamer in regards to Re:Spelling:I suck at spelling big time, like big time.I got a twitter: https://twitter.com/CommissarQuestSpecial note: To answer anon from last thread: The set up of the skill tree is mostly done, expect it soon, running it through some final touch ups etc before I am willing to share.
>>28859089Minutes had turned into hours as dusk settled over your small encampment, you'd taken the time to attempt to gather firewood, but in the end it had proved difficult, while finding things to burn was not hard - (turns out the "trees" where actually made of wood, the same stuff used in certain ship decorations) the problem had come when the sky broke. That was two hours ago, and now everything was wet. Angelina had told you along with the others that planets sometimes did this, they called it "Rain".The rain had not stopped, and the sky had turned a harsh black. You where all cramped in bellow the raised pair of sticks and the tight bound cloth between them, with some ingenuity you'd turned them togheter with your fox hole into a roof of sort. It kept the worse of the water out, but it was coming down so hard you feared you'd all drown, like a ruined pipe flooding a sealed room. It was getting late, your slate informing you the time was 21.00 Imperial, the sun would have just set on besvir, not that you could tell in the gloomy dark of the clouds above. The only sourche of light was the tiny lamp pack you'd found inside the hatch. You had discussed not turning it on, afraid something would find you. But in the end the idea of being in the dark scared you all, the woods seemed to have aquired this eeiry feeling to them, the rain stealing away their colors, and the wind rustling their branches. So you'd decided to keep it glowing. Better that then the alternatives.>Huttering you look around the camp, everyone is here beside Ferrus, he'd been a bit upset about being forced out, but he did have first watch in the end..>You are tired, wet, cold and have a splitting headace.>What do we do?>A: Talk to someone(specify)>B: Do something(Specify)>C: Sleep (Time skip)>D: Other.
>>28859120Sleep.Also, where the hell are your regular players?
>>28859120Sleep until it's our watch
>>28859057>>28859470Oh and I almost forgot.IT'S COMMISSAR TIME!
>>28859120grab a few Zs... we need to be ready and alert for our watch shift...
>>28859120Sleep (Time Skip)It's best that we get some rest for when shit goes down. Make sure everyone else gets some rest as well.
>>28859432>>28859470The sound of the rain hitting the improvised cloth roof is, oddly soothing in a way. You lean up against the dirt wall of the fox hole, thankful for the sleeping bag left behind in the hatch. Had it been left there for you to find? Maybe, or perhaps you where just lucky. "I'll be getting some sleep" you call out to the others, a few "Yeah" and "mhm" echoes in response. Everyone is tired, and the rain did little to improve the moral. Euphrati in particular was quite vocal about the whole thing. Still, despite the wet grounds rising mud and howling winds you resolve to fall asleep, closing in your eyes and letting your body relax again.What feels like moments later your suddenly violently shaken, startled you open your eyes and trash around inside the sleeping bag, trying to make sense of things - "Schulte, come on Schulte wake up!"You recognize the voice, its Zarkov - the boy looking at you from a hunched position, hands locked around your shoulders "W-what!?" you manage to get out, as you drag down the zipper of the sleeping bag.As you push away his arms from you the panic in his eyes become apparent.. what has been happening? "Euphrati, h-he's gone Schulte, we've got to do something" "Calm down Zarkov, let her get out of there!" Angelina's voice injects.You wriggle free of your comfy bindings and step up, feeling your shoes sink into the muddy ground, it was still raining - perhaps even harder then before. "Right, what's happened?" Ferrus, his face red and his hair clinging to his scalp from the rain answers, he's sank down next to the muddy fox holes wall, breathing heavily as if he was just sprinting. "I came back to fetch him, and he was not here""Did he just go to the bathroom?" you ask, thinking of the most logical answer. "No, its been a good five minutes - I woke everyone but you.." you frown at this.. why? Never mind, its not important."We have to go look for him" Zarkov says firmly.>Con
>>28859820Woah, that fucked up the formating. Sorry.>What do we do? >A: Take charge(How?)(Roll)>B: Agree, follow Zarkov.>C: Try and calm people(Roll)(Specify)>D: Other>>28859432Slowest quest on the board! The few and proud
>>28859845>>B: Agree, follow Zarkov.
Rolled 56>>28859845A/C"So Euphrati has gone... in the middle of the night... with no lights? And you want all of us to go after him, with only one light? Can you see in the dark? It would be better to wait till morning when we can see better?"
>>28859914>>28859926Awaiting consensus.
Rolled 3>>28859845First: How long has it been since we fell asleep.Second: Who was on watch? Ferrus right? Where was he standing watch? We can rule that area out of him going that way.Third: Time to take fucking charge.Us and another will go out to find him while they hold down the fort.
>>28859820Which one was Euphrati?"Why did you wait to wake me?"
>>28860131I forgot to add something like this in.We should tell them in no uncertain terms that from now on they will bring things to us before anything else.
>>28859914>>28859926>>28860125>>28860126>>28860131The rain streamed across your face, for once you where thankful for the short haircut they forced upon you as you came to the planet, it ran across your shoulders and your clothes felt like they'd somehow gained another few pound in weight. It got in your eyes, in your nose - and when-ever a heavy raindrop hit your face you twitched. You let your tongue run across your lips before you answered,looking Zarkov straight in the face. "So Euphrati has gone... in the middle of the night... with no lights? And you want all of us to go after him, with only one light? Can you see in the dark?" folding your arms you look over the group "You really should have woken me first, why did you wait?" Ferrus looks a bit uncomfortable as he rolls his shoulders, he scratches his cheek before answering "Sorry.. But after I awoke Zarkov.." The taller boy fills in quickly "We just wanted you to get your sleep is all. Figured he was just away or something right?" Ferrus nods in agreement at this. "Where you far away from camp Ferrus?" Angelina asks, coming into the conversation. "No, I was just sitting over at the look out spot over there, and then came back to fetch him and get some shut eye, but he was not around" You fish up your dataslate as they talk, quickly checking the hour.. 22.30.. you did not really get a long sleep at all, no wonder your limbs still felt like lead. As you break eye contact with the group Zarkov lets out a sound and clenches his fists "I don't care about if its dark or not, we can't just leave him out there - by tomorrow it will be to late! I am going out there and I don't care if you are coming with!">He seems genuine... >What do we do?>A: Support Zarkov, go with him.>B: Take charge, -your- leading this operation. (Roll) >C: Take Charge - we're not going. (Roll)>D: Let him go, your staying here.>E: Other (specify)
Rolled 12>>28860353>B: Take charge, -your- leading this operation. (Roll) Now to hope I get another 3
>>28860432Basically Zarkov and us are going out to look for him while we leave the others to keep the fort locked down.
Rolled 9>>28860353>B: Take charge, -your- leading this operationWe can't let him steal our spotlight
>>28860432>>28860474This only further reinforces my belief that we are in charge of everything.
Rolled 37>>28860353Well forcing him to stay wouldn't be very convenient at all. But if he hasn't taken any action yet and even hesitated to wake us up I wouldn't rely on him to get this right. We're taking charge.
>>28860353You are the one with forest experience Zarkov, I will provide support.Angelina and Ferrus will stay at base camp.
>>28860559>>28860474>>28860432The mud had stained your trousers, the heavy cloth making up the black clothing the scholia had provided stained brown, the small red stripe that ran along its bottom hidden behind a grimy surface of dirt. You where tired, but Zarkov was getting on your nerves. He was right, you did need to look for Euphrati - but he was about to charge headlong into it without a second thought, you needed to think. Being careful was important, your uncle had thought you well in looking before you leapt. "Fine" You said, glaring at Zarkov "Get the lamp pack and your guns, lets look outside.. its probably nothing.." .. you tried and shut down the feeling in your gut, the sour feeling of fear. Everything from Xenos to ghosts could be out there, but.. for some reason you'd rather lead, do something. The wind made the tree's around you moan as they creacked, you felt odd - focused, like someone had just tossed a switch in your head. You felt fear, yes, you where worried, did not want to do what you where about to do, but something inside of you pushed you, made you take command, urged you to lead. It was strange, but empowering in a way.He stands still for a moment before you take out your gun, the solid piece of black metal fitting into your hand, almost to well. At this queue everyone flushes into motion, rallying around you for purpose. Its therefore moments later you all crawl out of the fox hole. Your scared witless, tired, wet, hungry but at least doing something.>What do we do?>A: Head for Ferrus look out point.>B: Look around area of Fox hole, he must have come from here.>C: Head into the wilds in a random direction.>D: Other.
>>28860752Ground around the camp should be nice a muddy, look around the camp and try to find his prints.
>>28860752We start with B to see if there are any clues to his direction that haven't been washed away. Then we do A to see exactly what can and can not be seen fromt eh Look out point.If we have no clues by then we head into the forest.
>>28860752Let's search around for any signs of what may have happened. The 'woods' are too big and confusing to find anything by going randomly. >drinkes ground
>>28860859>>28860877>>28860882"I'd suggest looking for his footprints in the mud" Zarkov says after he comes up from the fox hole, lamp pack in hand, shining it over the muddy ground "With some light it ought to be easy" Ferrus answers a bit to eagerly scanning the area with his las gun gripped tight in his hands. "Agreed" you mention, trying to calm yourself, the burning urge in your belly to do something still there, the strange ... awareness, like the world around you where more clear then usual, was still new to you and felt staggering in a way. Your heartbeats still hard in your chest you begin pacing over the ground, looking for any hints where the tight beam of light reveal the ground, and you find it fairly quickly. A pair of footprints in the mud, leading of towards the north - along the massive raise behind you heading into the forest. "Looks like he was just heading to the loo after all" mumbles Zarkov as he turns to you "Right, what do we do?" The question hits you hard, the realization these kids are all looking to you for leadership all of a sudden impacting with the force of a hammer in your face, the unnatural heat gets stronger as you try and compose yourself "We're following, of course." and you turn to follow the footstep. Every step shuddering up your leg, you wanted to run, sprint - burn the odd tingling feeling in your legs away, but you forced yourself to walk, the others where in no hurry and you'd rather not force everyone to run now. Its in this fashion you came across the tree line in the small clearing, the mud slowly turn into grass and roots here, the tree's above shielding the ground from the water. Not that it mattered, you could tell where he'd moved after this.. or rather, that something had moved here recently. One of the large tree's had several gashes running along its side, deep into the bark.. and the ground was a mess of ruined roots and trampled grass, mud split into every direction."E-emperors teeth..">Con
>>28861205Ferrus is the first to step forward, putting a hand on the ruined bark of the tree "W-what did this?" you hear him ask mirroring the thoughts of the groups minds. You'd seen marks like those before, mutants - living on a starship meant you'd encounter one sooner or later, slavering proto-humans, every mid decker like your uncle feared them bubbling up from bellow to raid and ruin things, they left marks like those behind.. massive claws that could tear into even metal. Where they here? The thought made you shiver more then the rain, "This is bad.. we should not be here" Angelina states, turning an eye towards the fox hole "What-ever creature did this must be huge.. " Gripping the cold iron of the gun in your hand you scan the tree-line, half expecting a pair of twisted human creatures to lurch out of the darkness at you. "It.. could be Mutants" you remark, feeling your hands shake more then they ought to. "Or Xeno's" Zarkov remarks, you notice he's also scanning the tree line, something in his gaze, catch your attention as you look at him, his face mud stained and tight.. Your torn from your air castle swiftly however by the sound of Ferrus unloading a salvo of his las into the shrubberies. "What are you doing!?" you yell at him. "I saw something move!" ... Silence falls as you all look into the darkness of the twisted roots and branches, to afraid to move...>What do we do?>A: Yell at Ferrus, (Hit him?)>B: Ask for opinions.>C: Lead them a head, follow the destruction.(roll)>D: Head back to fox hole, bunker up.>E: Other
Rolled 95>>28861356>C: Lead them a head, follow the destruction.(roll)Can't leave a man behind.
Rolled 34>>28861356C, start by finding out what the fuck Ferrus was shooting at besides a bush.
Rolled 98>>28861356>>A: Yell at Ferrus, (Hit him?)Slap him. Tell him not to fire unless you order weapons free.Then,>>C: Lead them a head, follow the destruction.(roll)
>>28861459Do we really want to wait until we see them, when visibility is this bad?
Rolled 95>>28861356>C"You could have also shot Euphrati, don't shoot until you see what you're shooting.
>>28861423>>28861459>>28861550Man we really fucked this one up
>>28861574Yep, it was only a matter of time. We'll probably have to pull back after some time; don't want to get eaten by grues after all.
>>28861423>>28861434>>28861459>Dem 90's hoho about time we got a fail.. You await, expecting something to move before you turn to Ferrus "Go on, check it" you motion with your weapon, he looks at you startled "Go on" you repeat, "W-why do I have to do it!?" "Because you shot, you idiot - now go!" Zarkov tells him and pushes him ahead with a hand. "Hey, don't push me!" he yells back his voice cracking into falsetto, "You can't tell me what to do!" he adds, waving his gun towards the rest of the group, "Hey, watch it!" Zarkov yells back "You could hurt someone with that!" You sigh, before giving Ferrus a glare ""You could have also just have shot Euphrati just now - did that ever occur to you?" Ferrus shrinks back at this comment and falls silent. "I still don't wa-" "I'll go" Angelina states, pushing past the two, she fades quickly into the darkness before you've got the change to stop her. Moments drags on before she appears again, shaking her head "Nothing, he was shooting at bushes" Ferrus face glows so red you could have almost used him as a lamp pack, as he looks away, Zarkov keeping enough tact not to harass him, you're all on edge.Still, you've got to find him.. even if its just a trace of him - you barely knew him, but you've got this nagging feeling that if you show up without him at inspection you're all going to be shoot.. or worse, by that crazy redcoat man. The images of the boys ruined head rushing to your forebrain like an unwelcome guests making you suppress the urge to gag. Heading through the destruction left behind in the wake of what-ever the thing that was moving through here you search for your friend.. but its hard to track it after the initial destruction to the shrubberies.. the further you head in, the less your able to see - the lamp pack being more and more distorted in the thickening underbrush. Its then as you walk the ground disappear bellow you and you feel yourself fall, tumbling towards the ground.>Con
> that feel when you nearly forget about Commissar quest due to The Hobbit followed by Chinese fooddamlol. I shall have to speed-read in order to catch up.
>>28861763Your head hurts.. and its dark.. feeling around your fingers sinks into the wet dirt, your on the ground your brain casually informs you. The feeling of your ribs pressing against it, confirming it. Slowly you push yourself up, your eyes blind in the dark around you - rain streaming down from above. Once on your knees you lift a hand up - you could barely make it out in the dark, covered in grime.. You try and put a hand on your scalp but pain shuns the idea away - something really hurt.. you'd have to look into that. You nearly trip, your legs unstable as you raise up on the dirty ground, trying to get your bearings. Behind you - stretching far up into the sky where some sort of cliff.. you must have fell down from up there, you can't quite make up the top of it. Where in the emperors name are you? Stumbling slightly as you take a few steps you place a hand on a nearby tree. Before you stretched the endless forest, the cliff you just fell of is steep, and seems to offer no way to climb it.. perhaps you could walk around it? Suddenly realizing that you could try and call for help, you yell out hoping the others would hear you. But to no avail, silence aside from the rustling branchesTrying not to fall over again, you remove your data slate from inside your chest pocket - smiling a bit as you see it come to life.. good, it was not broken in the fall. 23.32 Imperial.. you've been knocked out a good twenty minutes.. the green light the slate gives off reveals something more horrifying to you however.. the tree before you, the one you rested your hand against had a similar mark like the one at the tree line.. in panic you look for your weapon.. but you can't find it - despite using the limited illumination of your slatePanic grips you all the while your head pulsated a steady stream of pain>What do we do?>A: Try and get back to fox hole(Roll)>B: Run, this place is bad.>C: Follow the marks, find where its heading.>D: Other (specify)
>>28862085I-its n-not like I missed y-you or a-anything cross-eye'ed b-baka
>>28862143>CTime for ADVENTURE!
>>28862143>>C: Follow the marks, find where its heading.
>>28862143C. We've gotta get to the bottom of this.Also, disapointed that Ferrus probably dislikes us (even) more, now. That'll probably come back to bite us.
>>28862153>>28862193>>28862198You look around, tired, beat - and not a little shaken. You feel like puking, but nothing comes up. With or without a gun you only see one real thing to do - keep moving. Its always what you've done when things got bad. Just like your uncle told you.. just keep moving. Gritting your teeth and trying not to fall over you begin the treck towards what-ever lies ahead.The rain hit the ground with the apparent force of hammer blows, every dirty stained part of your body feeling the impacts as the fall above you. The marks across the tree's flowing in a sharp line straight forward - at least, you think so. Its hard to follow in the near light less depths of the forest, you imagine seeing yellow stained eyes looking at you from all directions, you mutter a prayer of good fortune bellow your breath, trying to keep yourself occupied. One step.. two step- Sometime catches your attention, on one of the tree's vaguely illuminated by your slate rests a weird looking creature, burrowed into the tree with thick claw like growths coming out of its fuzzy back. Its a tiny thing, no larger then your hand.. three short stubby legs rests against the tree bellow its body... as you turn your head upwards you notice several more... all around you.¨Something far behind you cracks - loudly, breaking your from your thoughts.. you've got to keep moving, what-ever happens, you can't stand here. Planets are still, that is why they mold. You push past the odd creatures on the trees and continue down the underbrush. Almost falling over your own feet. Minutes pass, and you feel your legs growing more and more tired, your head hurts. Your sleepy, and the urge to throw out your bowels have not lessened. Its then you hear a distant calling.. you can't make out the words, but its a voice.. something is calling in the woods.. could it be your friends? .. Or the mutants...>What do we do?>A: Follow it!>B: Fudge it, not going there.(Where are we going?)>C: Other
>>28862587>A: Follow it!
>>28862587A: Follow it
>>28862587>>A: Follow it!
>>28862587Fuck it, let's head towards it. Though try to do so stealthily, no need to give away our position.> Planets are still, that is why they mold.Ha! Were Schulte not desitned to be a great Commissar, she would clearly be a fine biologist.
>>28862617>>28862651>>28862652>>28862697>A: Follow it!You turn towards the distant sound, honing in towards it, its far off - and you try and call to it, yelling off into the dark forest hoping and praying something would answer you, but to no avail, the distant voice does not grow any more precise and seems to fade away just to return just when you are about to give up and turn back, the ground turns more unforgiving as you walk, more and more rocks and roots cramping around you as the forest grows ever tighter. Pushed past a few low hanging branches you suddenly think you can make out the voice calling to you more clearly, the closer you get the more certain you become, its calling for help, but your lungs won't let you yell loud enough, as minutes slowly ticks away and your steel clad feet crushes more then one pair of roots you try and find the orgin. You find it soon enough. A clearing, at its center a fox hole, similar to the one you came from - the voice calling out resting on the edge of it, or rather - what remains of it, before you lies a broken boy, he turns to you pleadingly as you approach, lips caked in blood, his eyes red and swollen.. both his legs bent in ways no legs are meant to be bent. The rest of his features hidden or distorted in the dark. "H-help.." he whispers in a hoarse voice.>What do we do?>A: Talk to him(specify)>B: Ignore him, not the one your looking for.>C: Loot the fox hole.>D: Other(specify)
>>28862932A;Go to him and kneel down, ask him what happened here, and where the rest of his group are.Also, ask what we can do to help him afterwards.
>>28862932>A: Talk to him(specify)Ask what happened, if he's seen anybody. Try to make him comfortable.>C: Loot the fox hole.
>>28862932A: Try to comfort/help himC: See if we can loot it in the guise of trying to find out if there are medical supplies. We had something like that at ours if I remember
>>28862932>>C: Loot the fox hole.
>>28863034You kneel down into the mud next to the boy, your not a doctor but.. you know where and how legs are suppose to bend.. and when someone cough up blood, its usually really bad. "What happened?" you ask him, putting a hand on his shoulder for support.. "T-tha.." he fades for awhile, and you cringe as fresh blood flows up over his lips, while he shakes the strain of talking tearing at him "T-they c-came, f-ff.. from forr-r-rrest" he manages to say, you've got no training in first aid - aside from the little your mother taught you in how to apply band aid.. and you doubt that would do much for the boy before you. "Who came?" you ask him, gripping his shoulder harder for emphasis, "Who came for you?" He shakes, more blood flowing over his lips before he manages "B-big, m-monster"You've only seen a man die before once. The boy who was shot, the same limpness comes over the ruined boys features as he collapses backwards into the mud - you gasp, throwing both hands into the air, the boys eyes stared at you, open, their gaze empty and judging, like peering into two orbs of glass rather then a persons eyes, you shudder as you stand, unsure what to do with him.. what do you do with a dead body? Dead.. the word rings oddly hollow in your ears, you know you should be running around in panic, crying, anything - but all that is on your mind right now is if the foxhole had anything of use in it, and it makes you feel sick as you slide over the edge. It was similar to your own, the same hatch - it seems like this group never got the tent cover however. Tearing open the hatch you are slightly disappointed, whom-ever where there before you either removed a lot of they never had much to begin with. No medical equipment, but a pack of food, more peculiar was a single box.. a very familiar looking one. The black polished color and the Aquila on the frontIts the boxes the servitors where moving>Inside is:>1 Black box.>1 Box of food.>2 Water flasks.>What do we do now?
>>28863408Take a water flask and the food. Open the black box.
>>28863408Trying to find euphrati is futile now. Check the corpse for a weapon or something; if there's nothing try to regroup with our team
>>28863408Take the food and water flasks and check the box. Assuming what's in there is helpful or interesting, take that too and set about trying to find our comrades. Though try to be subtle about it, don't want to draw attention to ourselves with a monster on the loose.
All of the above
>>28863459>>28863508You cough once, before you grab the water flask, letting the luke warm fluid run down your throat, you can almost feel it refresh you as it rushes into your body, as if spreading through your tired limbs. Tearing open the food box you find it stacked with dried rations, without much care for etiquette - nor for that matter the dirt cacked around your mouth you dig in, chewing on what could be just about anything, caring little for the flavor. The black box was heavier then you'd first assumed, forcing you to shallow the dried rations and heaving it up with two hands, steel - it would seem is what it was really made of, it was hard to tell even when you saw it in the light of the Adepts sanctum, even more so out here. A lock secured it in place - not that it mattered much to you, years aboard a starship had taught you that boxes where easily opened by simply smashing the hinges, you spend a moment in the mud, before finding a suitable rock to dig lose and take to the task.Six blows are enough to smash them, allowing you to try the lock open from behind, taking care to avoid letting the Aquila stain into the dirt - bad luck from that. Inside rested a massive black item, a bulky design - two massive blocks attached to its central mass, its side etched with the double headed mark of the Imperium - the only decoration on its otherwise completely jet black surface. Its pipe was massive, thicker then three of your fingers combined and then some. You'd only seen them in Vids, the boxes you'd had the servitors pack.. where bolt guns, a single weapon - and an attached cartridge. It felt heavy in your hands as you lifted it, you could barely manage to using two hands, inserting the cartridges was easy, a simple nudge and it was loaded securely inside. >You've aquire Boltgun.>What do we do now?>A: Rest here.>B: Get up, keep moving(Which direction? North, south, etc.)>C: Stay put, call for help.>D: Other.
>>28863822>B: Get up, keep movingLook to where we came from and go the oposite direction of that.
>>28863822>D: OtherCheck the corpse's injuries. Why was he not eaten? If he fought it off, where did it go. Then grab all the stuff and leave for our goxhole.
>>28863822B: No rest for the future commissar>>28863940Sounds good enough for me.
>>28863822voting for this >>28863940We loli Catachan now
>>28863822>Boltgun>Fuckyeah.jpgIf we can shoot it anyways, but yeah, lets find our group.
>>28863822>BoltgunHope it doesn't break our wrist.
>>28864158I imagine it'd have to kick less than a 12 gauge to be an effective weapon.Just saying, so long as we don't be a bitch about holding it, it should be fine.
>14 year old girls attempts to use a bolterWe know that these things are designed for the astartes and we know that they are huge.Unless it's a pistol I say we leave it alone.
>>28864310Sort of agree. It'll be a risk for sure. Though why bother giving us them if we're not expected to use it? Fuck it, let's try to keep ahold of it. It can probably take down the monster.
>>28864310Space marines use different patterns that are made for them.Sisters use them, without the assistance of strength enhancing power armor.It might be kind of like a shotgun. But this is a fully automatic weapon with self propelled ammunition and a lot of mass. We can use it, it might sting a little.
>>28864405>It can probably take down the monster.And kill us in the process. Do you have any idea what kind of recoil a bolter has? The cartridges are XBOXHEUG if you don't mind my throwback. The recoil would rip the arms off a normal man, let alone us!
>use bolter to kill monster>the force tears off our arms>the huge noise the bolter makes draws attention>people find us>our admech buddy gives us mechanical arms>all is well that ends well
>>28864441>Do you have any idea what kind of recoil a bolter has?You certainly don't.This is not an astertes pattern bolter, it is usable by normal human beings as a fully automatic weapon on a normal basis, fucking guardsmen use these.
>>28864038>We loli Catachan now. Jesus christ how horrifying>>28863940>>28864009>>28864025You crawl out of the mudy fox-hole again, the massive slab of black metal secured in your hand... its a weapon - and your not loosing it, no matter what happens. You look over the crumbled corpse of the dead boy.. you ponder for a moment about why what-ever did this would leave him behind while the others where dragged off.. was it expecting to come back and eat him..? A shivering thought runs down your spine as you toss a look around the tree line half expecting what-ever was out there to come crashing down on you. What if it left him behind to attract you? Mutants could be clever.. you try and raise the massive slab of metal up to tray it across the tree line, its heavy, but doable if you use both hands. You've got some issues getting your fingers around the firing pin, unlike your las gun that was much slighter in comparison. You've got no clue what the bolt gun actually fired, was it a straight line of cracking energy like your las gun? You look where you headed from, and decide to get further away from there... you'd rather not dive back from where you came. Got to keep moving forward. At least you'd had something to eat a drink that made you feel better about your chances. The fox holes can't be that far from one-and another either, it took you only an hour or so to get here.. once the sun rose perhaps you could make out a landmark.. make your way back to your own group. Failing a class in the scholia meant being expelled.. which was really bad. The forest accepts you again as you enter the treelines gentle embrace, feeling a newfound comfort from being inside the woods again.. less exposed. Even if it meant anything could come at you. A distant loud crack echoes through the woods, followed by another one. You seem to think its coming closer.. but you might have imagining things.>Con
>>28864459>People overestimating the recoil of a bolter>Standard non-space marine bolter>Guardsmen often use them>Self propelled rocket ammunition, ignites after it has left the barrel, little propellent used inside the barrel.>Gun is fucking massive, and fully automatic, the little recoil it would have should be absorbed by the gun.It's be like shooting a full auto .22
>>28864310As you trek through the woods you take the time to inspect the weapon cradled like a babe in your arms, its heavy for sure - but it was no doubt designed for a human to wield. You remember seeing a handful of the red-clad men carrying them, their bulky seize easily detectable on their sides, its no doubt powerful you muse while running a finger along its etched Imperial Aquila, its straight yet oddly compact, like it was designed for being easy to transport, it made you feel uneasy about its actual power, it felt a bit like carrying a box rather then a weapon, it was covered in things you where not quite sure about, pins - dents in its otherwise flawless surface. It smelled of death, you could not quite place it. Your las gun felt weird in your hand, it felt -deadly- but this was on a different scale, it tingled in your hand, its mass calling for it to be used, was its machine spirit ready for war? It had recently been oiled, the sticky sent of the oil still clang to it..
>>28864441We'd better find some friends, then. Or at least something to brace it against.
>>28864618>What does the data slate say about bolt weapons?If it does tell us about them, and the inevitable fact that they're solid projectile weapons, look for a use guide for either bolt or solid projectile.I'm not really sure what our data slate does so I'm guessing.
>>28864618>, it tingled in your hand, its mass calling for it to be used, was its machine spirit ready for war?Why do I get the feeling that we are slowly learning to communicate with machine spirits or at least starting to tell their moods?
>>28864733Dammit, we can't be both a commissar and a psyker, one or the other.We could always claim it is a blessing of the machine god it that's the case.
>>28864618Oh, if the red-clad dudes were using it then it should be okay.Also, thank the gun's machine spirit for its enthusiasm. We'll need it.
>>28864790Does one need to be a psyker to be a tech priest?
>>28864830No, but tech priests need tech to communicate with machine spirits.
>>28864790Communicating with the machine spirit doesn't require one to be a psyker.
>>28864884No, but doing so without an interface of somesort does.
>>28864733>>28864790All I know is that i'm not going to let him go no matter what happens. Not even when they try to pry him from our hands will I let him go.
>>28864715Your slate informs you nothing much about weapons when you try and find the one you carry in its limited general knowledge data base, but does dutifully remind you that you've got a report to turn in this Emperors day>>28864469A loud bang echoed through the woods again.. the third in just a few minutes. You'd been walked for half an hour, and by now you where sure. The bangs where coming closer. Something was closing in on you, every so often making a loud crack or bang in the area.. you where trying to steer clear of it, avoiding it when you heard it, shifting directions when it got to close, but the sound always seemed to be in the direction it was not last time - and you where good at finding where sounds where coming from, a life time aboard ships meant localizing sounds that echoed across decks, and making out what the vox casters where saying. You thanked the Emperor and your lucky stars for this particular skill, but you where getting more and more tired dodging and trying to get away from the sound, jogging - sprinting when you could through the underbrush to no avail. It kept closing on you. Tired you cradled the bolt pistol in your arms, trying to figure out what to do...>What do we do?>A:Try and keep outrunning it(Roll)>B:Stand our ground.. wait for it(Roll)>C:Try and hide from it(Roll)>D: Other (Might require roll)
>>28864908Not going to lie, I shed a single tear
Rolled 77>>28864945>B:Stand our ground.. wait for it(Roll)
Rolled 51>>28864945Climb a tree Otto!, Gunbears can't climb trees!
Rolled 9>>28864946Don't worry, it makes me cry a little every time I see it.>>28864945>B:Stand our ground.. wait for it(Roll)Come on ye basterd! I'm going to make you bleed!
Rolled 2>>28864945>BFor emps and the machine spirit!
Rolled 50>>28864945>BAlright motherfucker, we have a fierce machinespirit in our hand so come at us.
>>28865063Not sure if that is a good whelp or a bad one.On the bright side we are going to face our fears and try to shoot it in the head.
>>28865198It's a success.Should mean we successfully wait around without getting surprised by it.Or if its one of our squadmates that we won't shoot them in the face.
>>28865063From that day forward, until the day you died you never quite could tell anyone what had happened in the woods that night, what came over you as you stood alone in the darkness, something had broken inside you as you heard the sound cracking close by again. Something had snapped, instead of running like you had, you stood still, letting the heavy weapon rest between your palms. It came for you eventually, you could tell - a lifetime onboard starships had taught you well, a lifetime spent picking out individual sounds from endless screams, echoes and humming of machinery. Here, in the drumming of the rain, it was child's play. That though brought a smile to your face as you silently await, like child's play... Yes, it was just like playing Xeno hunters. Wait for them to move, then tag them... find them in the massive space of the ship. It came.The heavy black metal piece in your hand almost vibrating at this point.. you closed your eyes and listened for it. Behind? No. It was moving, sizing you up, you knew - how you could not tell, but you knew. It was coming. Moments dragged on, each heartbeat impossibly slow, each drop of rain hitting your nose like an explosion, curling your toes and sinking into the muddy ground you awaited the monster lurking amongst the tree's, you smelt it - a foul stench that reminded you of burnt rubber and stale water. It came at you from an angle, for your back and you twisted around faster then you ever had done in your life, your eyes open, gazing for the first time at the massive lumbering beast lurching for you - a black mass of death. You pulled the trigger pin.
>>28865691The Garm Pattern Service Bolt Pistol does its duty. Far inside the arcane workings of its inner most systems known only to the adepts of mars a single spark is created, the pre-loaded bolt shell begins its final journey as the bolter engages its internal propulsion systems, it shed its casing, the bolt pistol casting it out of its side with a puff of smoke, a split second later its free of its captivity inside the bolter, and its own propulsion engages with clockwork efficiency, sending it towards the enemies of man with unerring speed and force, the black mass of the creature bearing down on its users had no time to react as the bolt tugs into its flesh, piercing through its thick leathery hide with the ease of a sword entering its sheet, its tip crumbles inwards - and the delayed charge begins, before that however the lone bolter shell is joined by four of its brothers, impacting in other places across the hulking creatures gray form. Finely, the boltshell does its final duty, its timer spent. It detonates.Seconds later Otto Schulte's vision grows dim, as the creatures mass slams into her, she had no time to scream before the world turns black.
>>28865691>>28865729>And with that, Commissar Quest Return of the Practical 2: Electric boogaloo comes to an end>Its now 02:28 GMT+1 and our time for the evening is at and end>We're stopping here since its a good place to do so narrtivly>Thank you to everyone that showed up tonight, it was great to have you.>Loads of discussion tonight, which was great to read(you guys always crack me up) even if we had a slow start!>Would love som feedback - what do you like/dislike about Commissar Quest?>Like always I'll be around for awhile as I unwind for bed answering questions about commissar quest and life in general.We are also now archived at: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/28859057/ (Feel free to give it an upvote, etc etc)
>>28865842Well this was fun, have a good night
Looks like we killed the beast, then. Can't imagine that it'd survive five bolts. Wait until the Schola hears about this.>>28865842Another fine run, Commissar. Looking forward to seeing what happened.So, we'll (hopefully) see you next Saturday? Or can you run sooner than that?
>>28865842If we refuse to give back the boltgun would it be frowned upon? Because I a seriously thinking of never letting the weapon go.
>>28865729>>28865691Holy fuck what did we just kill? >>28865842I had fun despite missing the start.Looking forward to next time, whenever that is. >>28866080Maybe we can beg them to set the gun aside until our graduation? Probably not though.
>>28866080Maybe we could give it to the tech priest and he could hold on to it for us.
>>28866080I like how we're befriending inanimate objects. First our dataslate, now we're getting attatched to a boltgun.Between that and our working for a Techpriest, it seems we're on our way to becoming some sort of Techpriest-Commissar hybrid.
>>28866138And prevent it from doing it's duty for the Emprah?Dats heresy, anon.
>>28866192Hence why I doubt the odds of it being allowed, after all we're just a freshman who probably isn't going to live to graduation anyway.
>>28865932>>28866053Cheers Anons, next saturday is fine! But after that I am taking a week or two in holidays getting hammered with non-stop PnP - the only true way to celebrate holidays.>>28866080They'd probably be a bit upset.>>28866138A gray lumbering thing. - Next time will be next saturday.>>28866190At least you've not started talking to the statue of the emperor wooping arse, yet.
>>28865842I know you answered this earlier but how is the tech tree looking? Is it what you first envisioned it to be? Will it be kinda blackened out so we can only see what we have and what it's connected to?Will we get something like exp. to spend or shall it just advance depending on how much we spending doing a certain thing?Also the most important question: How are you doing today Commissar?
>>28866291Commissar, are you British? I think you said you were Scandinavian, but "cheers" sounds like quite a British thing to say.
>>28866371When I started this whole thing those few months back I never expected to go past the first thread really - so I made a very simple system the three roll thing, so I've been hoping to create something a bit more complex as the story grows. The talent tree is looking very similar to how it was when I orginally created it, only with more options - you can still go through one to another as long as they are connected. The basic idea is that you'll get XP that then can be spent upgrading a talant or knowledge in an area depending on that talents cost. Your free to move around the tree as you want, but you may only see the things directly linked to by your current talents, to stife of to much meta gaming around. The talent tree will need to grow as you do.Now, XP is awarded by completing a challange - tonight would have been a challange, they come in easy, medium hard and impossibru. Giving rewards befitting them. For reference tonight was a medium challange.That answer it?As for me, I am great - if a bit overworked, University is unforgiving before the holidays, but at least I've got a shower, and my face is no longer hurting when I smile.
>>28866291Would it be possible for the tech preist to hold onto it for us like someone suggested?It would be funny if we give it to them, go see the tech priest and we are able to pick it out from all the other boltguns.Also, I would be up for talking to Big E asking him for advice. I'm sure it wouldn't look crazy at all. Nope. Perfectly normal.
>>28866473As scandinavian as one can be (I live in the top of the frozen north), the woman who taught me english was orginally a brit however, so I've been told I've picked up their vocabolary, even if I am said to be speaking with an oddly american accent, but I think that has more to do with the practiced "radio" voice I do.>>28866556Be scared if he talks back. Either way - its possible, the bolter is sacred and obviously took a liking to you since it let you slay a beast using its sacred bolts, now you just need to convince the Tech Priest and the rest of the scholia of that, oh - and you actually need to get back to the Scholia alive, the practical ain't over, and your down to three bolts.
>>28866524Will we get to spend our XP next time? Or can we only do that at certain points?
>>28866645XP will once the whole thing is completed be avaliable in strategic time(read: Time skips) and only during sufficently long enough ones. I'll alert you when the option becomes avaliable. I'll cover you learning the skills in the journal enteries I'll write between longer timeskips. You've got a buffer of some XP tho.
>>28866637> so I've been told I've picked up their vocabolaryBeing British myself, I would agree with that. Your text voice certainly sounds British at times.