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!Q7t.srvWZ6 04/19/12(Thu)22:27 No.18786448 File: 1334888863.jpg-(97 KB, 400x400, advicedan3.jpg)
 >>18786174 >>18786011 >>18786056 >>18786216
You point your fingers in the air and shout "Tlachinolli!" Fire shoots into the air and explodes outward, causing all the spider things to wheel back. And also to trigger the fire suppression systems in this room, spraying gouts of fire-retardant foam onto the floor in front of you. Blackstone whip his staff up in a lifting gesture, causing a pair of tables to flip up and land on one of the spiders with the force of a car crash, smashing it flat. You follow it up by blasting another one with a couple of psibolts. One of them sprays that sticky fiber stuff from its mouth, which is deeply terrifying in its own way. You and Blackstone shoulder roll in opposite directions. You summon wind around you, which deflects another burst of paralyzing silk. One of the spiders jumps at you, and you roll forward, under it, than jump and backflip back landing on top of it. You grab the side of its head with one hand, and drive a Psibolt assisted punch forward into the human like face. The creature grunts, and explodes into nothing. Blackstone empties his gun into one, then tosses his gun aside and takes staff in both hands and swings it in a vertical slashing motion. An arc of pure blackness, the blackness of space, lashes out, infinitely thin, and effortlessly bisects the spider, and leaves an almost invisible 30 ft line etched in the marble floor. The last spider charges you, and tries to punch you with one of its hand-legs. You catch the blow, and turn, and fucking judo throw the spider, flipping it onto its back. You jump back a pace and make a pulling motion at the ceiling. A block of stone separates from the ceiling, and drops on that spider like a safe on Wily Coyote. |