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Sorry, I got sick.

It hurt like hell.

Now I'm back.

>In case you've forgotten what happened:
>Fate goes berserk
>Everything goes to shit
>Patton get's the shit kicked out of him
>Nui goes into Fate's subconscious, it's a damn sewer

Previous Threads: http://pastebin.com/Zy1UxnyH
Dammit, Nui, how lewd. One could almost see her undies. That is, if she was wearing any.
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>"How about no undies, Anon-kun?"
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Ready for anything.

You can actually say, with no doubt in your mind, that this is the single worst feeling you’ve ever woken up with.

Your bones ache, you’re covered in blood, your skin is shredded, and your suit even hurts. You’re in so much pain you can’t pay too much mind that your suit hurts.

Well, at least Nui is here.

Working through the pain and wiping away the blood from your eyes, you can get a better look of the situation.

Nui holds you in her arms. She looks concerned when she sees you looking at her.

As your eyes focus more, your heart starts to beat faster. She looks like she crawled through hell.

You move, you want to ask what happened, but as your awareness increases, so does your pain.

A jolt of raw feeling shoots through you, your eyes become pinpricks and your breathing stops, briefly.

You roll from Nui’s weak grasp and vomit blood on the floor in front of you. Then you cough out more blood, and some disturbing hunks that probably came from some important organ. There are some Life-Fibers mixed in the red puddle.

Fuck, that’s gross.

[ ] Try to stand.
[ ] Crawl back to Nui.
[ ] Look around.
>[ ] Crawl back to Nui.
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I hear the call, and I answer!
Here we are again, back in this foul circle of suffering.
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>[x] Crawl back to Nui.
>[ ] Crawl back to Nui.

She will make us better! And we'll make her better! With the power of crazy love!
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Woo No-Star is back!

You spit out the muck remaining in your throat, then gasp for air.

It feels like you lost a few pounds from that.

You crawl back to Nui, like a broken pet. Slowly you move to her, your muscles straining to close the almost comically short distance. When you reach her, you drop, your head landing on her lap with a thud.

Lying on your side, you see a pair of pink boots. You follow them up to reveal a worse for wear Nonon, staring down at you. Her suit looks battered, and one of the speakers on her back sputters and sparks from a massive gash.

[ ] “You look like shit.”
[ ] “Did I do that?”
[ ] Try to look around, see where everyone else is.

It'll pick up eventually, I promise.
We just have to get there.
[ ] “Did I do that?”
[ ] Try to look around, see where everyone else is.
[ ] “You look like shit.”
[ ] “Did I do that?”
In this order
>[ ] “Did I do that?”
>[ ] “Did I do that?”
>[ ] Try to look around, see where everyone else is.
Assess the situation
>[ ] Try to look around, see where everyone else is.
And not do a bad Steve Urkel impersonation...

Slowly leaning up, using Nui as support, you get a better look at Nonon.

She doesn’t look happy with you, but she never was.

Your voice sounds like a squeak. It scrapes against your throat like rocks, weakly grinding out “Did I do that?”

You cough, your mouth tasting a bit more like blood.

“You little rat!” she shouts at you. “You practically destroyed the entire school! If I-“

A shush comes from behind you, and you become slightly more aware of your surroundings.

You can feel them, a bit, but that sense hasn't fully restored itself.

Carefully, you look around you. Gamagoori stands to Nonon’s left, looking as determined as ever. His white armor is charred in places, with a few chunks missing, and a few bullet holes in other places.

To his left stands Inumuta. His holographic suit flickers, revealing the wires and tech underneath.

You crane your neck around the other way, to see who’s next. Standing behind you, by Inumuta is Uzu. His armor looks like shattered glass, with pieces missing from in between the broken cracks. His face is exposed, revealing the band over his eyes.

You turn to look at the last figure around you. You can’t help but stare.

[ ] “Are you here to kill me?”
[ ] “Well, shit, I haven’t seen you in a while.”
[ ] “Hey there. I’m a big fan of your work.”
>[ ] “Are you here to kill me?”
I suppose might as well address the elephant in the room
[ ] “Well, shit, I haven’t seen you in a while.”
[ ] “Are you here to kill me?”
>[ ] “Hey there. I’m a big fan of your work.”

[ ] “Well, shit, I haven’t seen you in a while.”
[ ] “Are you here to kill me?”
>[ ] “Are you here to kill me?”

There he is, the legend himself. He died, and now he’s back.


“Haven’t seen you in a while,” you croak out. You can feel his emotions. You can feel how unamused he is, how anxious he is to get to fighting.

But he’s here. With the rest of Satsuki’s lackeys.

With you.

You sigh. Your breath burns your throat. “Are you here to kill me?”

“No,” Inumuta says. “We’re-“

“I wasn’t talking to you,” you interrupt, never taking your eyes from his.

He crosses his arms. “Nah, I’m not gonna' do anything other than keep you there.”

You cough. “Why?”

“Can’t have you interfering with her fight,” he says, gesturing with his head to the background.

And then you can sense again. Your eyes widen as you see a smaller force, battling a bigger one. Satsuki and Ragyo.

[ ] “If you care about her, get her out now. She’s not ready for this fight.”
[ ] “Where’s Ryuuko?”
[ ] “Why aren’t you fighting with her?”
[ ] “It’s too late. Bad things are going to happen, and you can only blame yourselves.”
>[ ] “Where’s Ryuuko?”
I'm not sure trying to convince them of anything will help much.
[ ] “Where’s Ryuuko?”
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>[ ] “Where’s Ryuuko?”
Guessing best girl is about to appear
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That's not best girl.
Isn't there like a month in between here and there?
Well, things aren't exactly the same now..
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This is best girl, though.

You’ll assess the situation as soon as you have all the pieces.

“Where’s Ryuuko?”

Anaru puts his hand on the back of his head. “Ahh, she rushed Ragyo. Kinda got herself swatted away.”

“Heheh-“ you chuckle lightly before lapsing into a coughing fit. “Damn this hurts,” you say, wiping blood away from your mouth.

“So then where is she?” you ask.

“Can’t say,” he says simply.

“You don’t know where she is?”

“No,” he has an edge of anger in his voice. “I know.”

You take it all in. “Right, we’re against each other,” you say, bitterly. “You beat my fiancée.”

“And she killed me,” he responds.

[ ] “She didn’t make you burn yourself alive. Satsuki’s pride did.”
[ ] “I’m not going to argue this.”
[ ] “You have more pressing matters than to address than disputing me, like your girlfriend about to be murdered by her mother.”
[ ] “… I met your mother today.”
>[ ] “I’m not going to argue this.”
[ ] “You have more pressing matters than to address than disputing me, like your girlfriend about to be murdered by her mother.”
[ ] “I’m not going to argue this.”
[ ] “You have more pressing matters than to address than disputing me, like your girlfriend about to be murdered by her mother.”
>[ ] “She didn’t make you burn yourself alive. Satsuki’s pride did.”
>[ ] “… I met your mother today.”
I really don't think he is going to take our word that Satsuki is in danger.
[ ] “She didn’t make you burn yourself alive. Satsuki’s pride did.”
[ ] “… I met your mother today.”
>[ ] “… I met your mother today.”
She was less creepy than the other dude...
I also don't think blaming anything on Satsuki will sit very well with him either.
>[ ] “She didn’t make you burn yourself alive. Satsuki’s pride did.”
>[ ] “… I met your mother today.”
Warn him about his waifu's death flags
>[ ] “I’m not going to argue this.”
>[ ] “You have more pressing matters than to address than disputing me, like your girlfriend about to be murdered by her mother.”



Jesus this was a mess.
[X] "...I met your mother today."
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All of these answers carry risks and rewards. No one wants to make bad call.

You pause, staring into where his eyes should be. Finally you take a deep breath and lean back into Nui. She wraps her arms around your head, making you feel more comfortable.

“I met your mother today,” you say simply.

Anaru stiffens. A mixture of emotions flows through him. “What?”

[ ] “Well, what’s left of her.”
[ ] “She wasn’t very good at selling her cause.”
[ ] “She looked a lot like you.”
[ ] “She looked a lot like that Mohawk crazy-man.”
[ ] “Too late, shit’s hitting the fan now.”

And so it begins.
>[ ] “Well, what’s left of her.”
>[ ] “Too late, shit’s hitting the fan now.”
>[ ] “She wasn’t very good at selling her cause.”
>[ ] “Well, what’s left of her.”
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So is this.
[ ] “Too late, shit’s hitting the fan now.”
[ ] “Well, what’s left of her.”
[ ] “She wasn’t very good at selling her cause.”
Nor was Adam

“Well,” you say, looking at the sky. “What’s left of her.”

Anaru steps forward. “What do you mean by that?” he asks. He says something else, too, but you’re not paying attention.

You’re wondering if that was always there.

Satsuki’s screams pierce the air, and your eyes widen.

The Elite Five move, Anaru running as fast as he can.

You hear laughter from all around you. From every direction.

Your mouth opens wide and sucks in air.

Inumuta notices you. He says something. Nui looks into your eyes before holding you tighter, and looking up.

Inumuta sees the sky.

The covers have arrived.

[ ] “FINALLY!” Laugh, reach out to them.
[ ] “We’re so fucked.” Laugh, get the hell out of here.
[ ] Stand up. “Inumuta, we have to get everyone out of here.”

Sorry, delayed by plans being planned.
>[ ] “We’re so fucked.” Laugh, get the hell out of here.
>[ ] Stand up. “Inumuta, we have to get everyone out of here.”

One last brave act of stupidity before the end.
[ ] “We’re so fucked.” Laugh, get the hell out of here.
>“We’re so fucked.” Laugh, get the hell out of here.
>[ ] “We’re so fucked.” Laugh, get the hell out of here.
>[ ] “We’re so fucked.” Laugh, get the hell out of here.
While shouting at the top of your lungs and still laughing "Inumuta, I suggest you get everyone out of here unless you want to see what a clothes shop looks like after closing"
As usual, we prove we are neither the hero, nor the villain, but we are fucking crazy.
We are CN done right

You laugh. Sure, laughing makes bloody foam come out your mouth, but you can’t help it.

Your mad, squeaky, strained laughter thoroughly disturbs everyone around you. Inumuta looks rather shaken under that suit.

“We are so fucked,” you say, smiling as Nui pulls you into a princess carry and runs. She doesn’t seem to be taking this as well as you are.

When was the last time she smiled? You remember when she was all smiles, and you were scared everyone was going to kill you. You were right, in any case, everyone is trying to kill you, but you found humor in it.

Nui sprints past the people getting swallowed by clothing, or the One-Stars fighting giant suits.

You can feel them, calling for you. You can feel the pulse of the ones they took over, you can hear their cries of hunger, and their songs of power.

You can feel them ask for you. They want you to direct them. They want you to make them more powerful.

Adam wants you to be his greatest tool, his strongest limb, his new mouthpiece.

You smile, dazed, as Nui brings you into the quiet of the deserted tower.

There’s an elevator in front of you, and halls stretching in either direction.

[ ] The tower’s is probably the safest place to be, go up.
[ ] Lean against the wall, just watch what’s happening.
[ ] Explore the deserted school.
[ ] Go to the underground, try to find something interesting.
[ ] Lean against the wall, just watch what’s happening.
No place is truly safe
>[ ] Go to the underground, try to find something interesting.
The tower is, until they simply knock it down
>[ ] Go to the underground, try to find something interesting.
Like an exit
[ ] Go to the underground, try to find something interesting.
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>[ ] Explore the deserted school.
>[ ] Go to the underground, try to find something interesting.

Dungeon crawling, woo!
>[ ] Lean against the wall, just watch what’s happening.
[ ] Lean against the wall, just watch what’s happening.

“Well then,” you say, swinging your legs down and holding yourself with Nui. “Let’s see what’s in the basement.”

You push the elevator button. The doors open with a soft “ding”. You and Nui enter, you know using the scissor blade as a cane.

[ ] B1
[ ] B2
[ ] B3
>[ ] B3
>[ ] B3
[ ] B3
I have no idea what's in each floor but lets go all the way to the bottom! What's the worse that could happen?
>[ ] B1
Going too far down might end up us boxed in.
Though I suppose all the way down are all the cool(dangerous) things.
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>[x] B2
>[ ] B3

[X] B3

You watch the doors close, and the elevator smoothly, and quietly lower itself to B3.

You wonder what you’ll find down there. Possibly some cool experimental Life-Fiber stuff. Hell, maybe a cool new sword!

The doors slide open. You look out, seeing a massive complex of machines, and Life-Fibers. So much Life-Fibers.

It’s goddamn beautiful.

You could probably do some cool shit with all this, or perhaps there’s something lying in here, just waiting to be messed with.

[ ] Explore, see what you can find.
[ ] “Hey, Nui, what do you think you could do with this?”
[ ] Wow, this is too good to be true! Find the fuckers who think they’re being sneaky.
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[ ] “Hey, Nui, what do you think you could do with this?”
[ ] “Hey, Nui, what do you think you could do with this?”
>[ ] “Hey, Nui, what do you think you could do with this?”
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>[ ] “Hey, Nui, what do you think you could do with this?”
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>[ ] “Hey, Nui, what do you think you could do with this?”
>[ ] “Hey, Nui, what do you think you could do with this?”
Mad scientist time? Mad scientist time

“Hey, Nui,” you say, walking in between the machines. The scissor-blade clanks against the floor every time you bring it down, its echoes traveling far.

She brings her finger up to her chin, contemplating. “I might be able to find something that can patch up your suit!” she says, looking at all the machines. “Maybe even something that can stich you up properly!”

You smile. Maybe things will work out.

“What else do you think we can do?”

She shrugs. “Nothing on short notice, from the looks of it. We might be able to sabotage the machinery, that could be interesting.”

[ ] Patch up your suit.
[ ] Sabotage the machinery.
[ ] Look for something interesting.
[ ] Patch up your suit.
[ ] Sabotage the machinery.
>[ ] Patch up your suit.
>[ ] Sabotage the machinery.
[ ] Patch up your suit.
[ ] Sabotage the machinery.
[ ] Look for something interesting.
All choices!
>[ ] Sabotage the machinery.
>[ ] Patch up your suit
>[ ] Look for something interesting
Why would we sabotage the machine, aren't we going to use?
after we use it duh.
>[ ] Patch up your suit.
>[ ] Sabotage the machinery.

“Let’s patch up the suit, then maybe sabotage afterwards,” you say.

“Alright,” Nui chirps. She seems to be in a much better mood, but you can feel she’s still nervous, and scared.

You wish she didn’t have to be so scared.

“Fate?” You blink at Nui. “It’s this way!” she says, pointing further in the facility.

You shake your head. Now’s not the time to daze off. Following behind Nui, you get to the biggest machine there. Life-Fibers are held suspended, their processes halted by the still equipment. Nui walks behind the machine, and the room around you begins to spurn into action. Noise fills the air, parts wave, Life-Fibers flow.

Nui giggles as she comes around and grabs your hand, leading you to a station.

“Come on,” she says, unbuttoning your jacket. “Let’s start with-“

You let out a sudden yelp as Nui try’s to slide the jacket off of you. She looks wide eyed at you.

You look down. Bloody Life-Fibers dig into your chest and sides. The undershirt is also likely dug into you.

Swallowing, you attempt to break the tension. “I guess I haven’t really untangled from all that.”

Nui looks pale.

[ ] “Hey, Nui, I’m fine, nothing’s gonna’ happen. We can figure this out.”
[ ] “Anything we can do about this?”
[ ] “Well, I guess we should get going then.”
[ ] “Hey, Nui, I’m fine, nothing’s gonna’ happen. We can figure this out.”
[ ] “Anything we can do about this?”
>[ ] “Anything we can do about this?”
>[ ] “Hey, Nui, I’m fine, nothing’s gonna’ happen. We can figure this out.”
>[ ] “Hey, Nui, I’m fine, nothing’s gonna’ happen. We can figure this out.”
[ ] “Hey, Nui, I’m fine, nothing’s gonna’ happen. We can figure this out.”
[ ] “Anything we can do about this?”
>[ ] “Hey, Nui, I’m fine, nothing’s gonna’ happen. We can figure this out.”
>[ ] “Anything we can do about this?”
[X] Comfort the Nui

“Hey, Nui,” you say, putting yur hand under her chin and pushing her head up to look at you. “I’m fine, nothing’s gonna’ happen. We can figure this out.”

She stares into your eyes. She feels so sad.

You try to power through the emotions you’re feeling. “Anything we can do to fix this?”

Nui shakes her head. “Not here, not now. We don’t have enough time.”

You sigh. “Alright.”

[ ] “Let’s turn everything off. Can’t have anyone knowing we were here.”
[ ] “Well, I guess we should go. This place isn’t the safest place to hide out.”
[ ] “We could always sabotage.”
[ ] “We could always sabotage.”
Breaking stuff is fun!
>[ ] “We could always sabotage.”
>[ ] “We could always blow shit up.”
Fun times with waifu are best times
>[ ] “We could always sabotage.”

You clap your hands together suddenly, making Nui flinch.

“You know, this day has gotten me rather down,” you start. “With becoming a giant rampaging monster, and likely gaining some serious internal damage.”

Nui look miserable. Shit you’re not helping right now.

“I think it’s about time we do something fun!”

[ ] “Let’s break things!”
[ ] “Let’s set the place on fire!”
[ ] “How about we set a little trap for the next one to use this machine?”
[ ] “Let’s set the place on fire!”
>[ ] “How about we set a little trap for the next one to use this machine?”
Though unlikely, we might need to use the machine.
>[ ] “Let’s break things!”
[ ] “Let’s break things!”
>[ ] “Let’s break things!”

You drive your scissor-blade into the floor, and strike a valiant pose. “Let’s break things!” you say cheerfully, before coughing roughly.

You wipe the blood from your mouth, and look at Nui, who’s rushed to your side.

She looks concerned. And scared.

“C-come on, it’ll be fun,” you say. It sounds almost like begging.

Nui shakes her head.

“Don’t you want to have fun, Nui?” you ask, finding it harder to hide the sadness building in you.

“I’m not going to let you do anything in this state,” she says simply, wrapping her arms around you and pulling your head to her chest.

[ ] “Do you feel responsible for my state? Because you’re not!”
[ ] “I’m fine, really! I want you to be happy again!”
[ ] “Okay… I guess I can’t really destroy anyone but myself in this state.”
>[ ] “I’m fine, really! I want you to be happy again!”
>[ ] “I’m fine, really! I want you to be happy again!”
>[ ] “Okay… I guess I can’t really destroy anyone but myself in this state.”
Lets not worry her and cause more grief, lets go find some place to rest instead
>[ ] “Okay… I guess I can’t really destroy anyone but myself in this state.”
>[ ] “Okay… I guess I can’t really destroy anyone but myself in this state.”
Time to go see what "Mom" is up to
[ ] “I’m fine, really! I want you to be happy again!”
Rolled 1 (1d2)



Goddamn it.

“I’m fine!” you say, turning and coughing. “I got a little beaten up, and I’ll admit things aren’t looking so good right now, but I’m getting better!”

You look into Nui’s sad and increasingly worried eyes. “I’ll heal up! Life-Fibers and all that! That’s what’ll happen, it’s what happens every time I get hurt!”

“That’s the problem!” Nui shouts at you, stomping her foot down for emphasis. “You always get hurt! A-and this time’s worse than all the others!”

“I’ll heal, give me time, I’ll heal and we’ll be fine, I promise!”

She rushes to you, and hugs you. The surprise gets a few more coughs out of you. Nui begins to shake.

“I’m fine!” you shout pleadingly at Nui. “I just want you to be happy!”

“Th-the worst part,” Nui says, face buried in your jacket. She hiccups. “The worst part is you did it for me.”

“Of course I-“

She quickly looks up at you, staring you in the eyes with her own red, tear-filled one.

“You did it all for meeee-heeee!” she screams before pressing her lips against yours.

You attempt to blink away tears as you taste Nui’s.

What can you do for her? What can you do to make her happy?

You feel so helpless.

At hearing your thoughts, Nui seems to only feel worse.

She pulls away from you, bawling. “I-I only g-get you hu-hurt. I-I-,”

You grab her head and pull her to your shoulder, baring through the pain of exerting yourself this much, and sway gently with her in your arms.

“I-I l-lo-looove you,” she stammers, grabbing handfuls of your jacket and clinging to you. “I l-looove…”

You would kill to see her happy again. You would kill from one genuine smile from her.

See you all tomorrow.
Thanks for running
Thanks for running!
It was fun!

How do you think you can get out of this increasingly dangerous and deadly mess?

How are you going to handle Nui's damaged emotional state?

How are you going to avoid the bad ends?

What are you going to do when the shit hits the fan very, very soon?

Also, can someone help me keep the thread bumped until tomorrow, I want to try running then.
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When is best girl?
Coming eventually. Maybe.

Are there actually any endings possible other than bad ones?
There are a few.
need more quests
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>How do you think you can get out of this increasingly dangerous and deadly mess?
>How are you going to handle Nui's damaged emotional state?

Could always sell our soul to either Kinue or Adam, but that puts us in the harms way.Trying to stay neutral will probably make everyone our enemies if they already weren't before.

Could hook up with Rat Dad I suppose. Maybe figure a way out with the old scroundrel.
Either that or try and screw over our fate of getting bad ends into an unknown ending that No-Star didn't consider before
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>How are going to avoid the bad ends?

I don't think we can. The best we can hope for is Nui dies, but the others save the day. We become a crazy old man all the kids are afraid of, while the others come to our sewer everyday to try and talk to us. Each time we reject them while making Nui's General shape out of the remaining life fibers.
Should we archive this? I don't think he's coming back.
He's coming back tomorrow, just keeping the thread alive for him
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bump bump
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bumpty bump
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You made me do this.
Shoud we archive the thread to be safe?
Soon Fate will have a front row seat to Ryuuko's awakening
Starting again soon...
Welcome back No Star

Nui holds you as you wait for the elevator to arrive at its destination. Occasionally, she sniffles, making your heart wrench.

[ ] You’re going to the top of the tower. Likely the safest place there, and a front row seat of the action.
[ ] You’re going to the main floor. Easier to hide in the halls of the school.
[ ] You’re going to the main floor to find and exit and wait all the shit out.
[ ] You’re going to the main floor and walking out to Ragyo and Rei like nothing ever happened.
>[ ] You’re going to the main floor to find and exit and wait all the shit out.
Nui's safety above all
Until they decide to just knock the tower down
>[ ] You’re going to the main floor and walking out to Ragyo and Rei like nothing ever happened.
Lets see what Mom is up to
[ ] You’re going to the main floor to find and exit and wait all the shit out.
>[ ] You’re going to the main floor and walking out to Ragyo and Rei like nothing ever happened.
Worth a shot that they might have someway to heal us
You make a good point.Changing vote to this
You forgot your trip No-Star
Once every thread.
let it be known that fate likes steak and he gets even more insane when he eats it
So we have mad cow disease this whole time and didn't notice?
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What the fuck is this?

You can’t defect against Ragyo and live happily ever after if you die before then. That means it’s time to get out of here.

However, in all the time you’ve spent sneaking around this school, you remember the one architectural flaw that always got you caught every damn time you tried sneaking out without getting the tar beaten out of you.

There are no damn exits in the main building besides the courtyard. The place is built like a prison, and the architect who made this place probably didn’t consider what a fire hazard building one way to leave the school was.

You could always try finding a way through the sewers, but this school is built tight, it’s very unlikely you’ll find an entrance besides stuffing yourself down a toilet. And last time someone tried to stuff you down a toilet you didn’t make it very far.

Man, fuck this school, and fuck Satsuki for making it.

You could try sneaking through the roof, but with the bleachers deployed you don’t think that’s really an option anymore.

That leaves the courtyard, really. And there’s no low-key way of getting there, just walking right out to the stadium.

[ ] Well, maybe if you run, you’ll make it out before anyone can react.
[ ] Guess you’re going to have to blow up something as a distraction.
[ ] Find the Disciplinary Committee’s headquarters, see if there isn’t some sort of school scheme you can use to get out.
[ ] Guess you’re going to have to blow up something as a distraction.
We arn't Fate unless we end up blowing something up
[ ] Guess you’re going to have to blow up something as a distraction.
When in doubt blow shit up.
>[ ] Guess you’re going to have to blow up something as a distraction.
Maybe the machines?
>[ ] Guess you’re going to have to blow up something as a distraction.
Alright, let's face it, nothing else is going to win the vote on such short notice now.

What do you want to blow up?

[ ] The machinery in the basement. Sure, it might collapse the foundation of the entire school, but let's face it there's no greater distraction than that.
[ ] Some of the clubs might have something. There has to be a rifling club with gunpowder, or a spelunking club with dynamite.
[ ] Maybe there's a big fucking self distruct button in the main tower. And if not then you'll just get creative from there, after all there has to be something volatile up there.
[ ] Some of the clubs might have something. There has to be a rifling club with gunpowder, or a spelunking club with dynamite.
[ ] Some of the clubs might have something. There has to be a rifling club with gunpowder, or a spelunking club with dynamite.
Exploring time
>[ ] Some of the clubs might have something. There has to be a rifling club with gunpowder, or a spelunking club with dynamite.
>Also attempt to cheer up the nui
>[ ] Some of the clubs might have something. There has to be a rifling club with gunpowder, or a spelunking club with dynamite.
Lets see what dirty secrets we can find
>[ ] Some of the clubs might have something. There has to be a rifling club with gunpowder, or a spelunking club with dynamite.
OP die?

“The only way I can see us getting out of here is with a distraction,” you say, peering forward seriously. “That means something big enough to make people look away from the clothing apocalypse, nearly-naked fighting girls, and an undead armor suit outside.”

You look to Nui, who’s still upset. “I only know of one way to accomplish this.”

You work your arm around Nui’s shoulders, and begin hobbling awkwardly towards your goal, dragging Nui along for the ride.

“W-where are we going? Stop straining yourself!”

“We are going to blow shit up and run like hell!” you say, briefly stopping to cough. “Besides, it’s the only way we can safely escape… or, uh, the safest way.”

Nui opens her mouth to say something, yet you speak before she has a chance to. “The clubs should have something, dynamite, explosives, gunpowder, cooking oil. Just about anything that makes a really, really big boom.”

You begin bursting into rooms known to house clubs. The science wing looks a great place to start this up.

“I don’t know what any of this does,” you think aloud as you mix various powders and liquids together in the tubes and bowls you found. They smoke menacingly. “Eh, safer than living with Ragyo.”

You move on to the next hallway, limping as quickly as you can while Nui follows next to you.

Opening the door to a small armory, you smile and start peeking into the drawers and compartments of the room. “Holy shit, why is there C4?” You grab as much as you can, handing the rest to Nui.

“We just need a bit more for that extra boom.” You walk into the auditorium.

“What can we find here?” Nui says.

You grab an electric guitar from a closet and strap it to your back. “I dunno.”

Heading back to the now somewhat foggy science wing, you strategically set up the explosives for maximum damage.

You place as much C4 per room as close to the mysterious reactions as you can.

Yeah, this will be a mess.

Moving as fast as you can from the likely extremely noxious gasses, you go as far away from the blast zone as you can.

“Now what?” Nui asks as you drop the detonator to the floor.

“HAAAAHAAHAAAA-urk,” you reply, powering through your coughs to lift the guitar over your head and smash the detonator button, as well as the rest of the detonator.

Outside, Ragyo stands, overjoyed, as she holds Ryuuko’s still beating heart in her hands.

A loud, green explosion bursts from her left, sending students flying, fog covering the area, and multicolored fire flaring out.

“Hmm,” Ragyo says. “Colorful fire. Why haven’t I ever thought of that?”

She turns back to Ryuuko’s still beating heart, which dispite everything, she’s never let go of.

You blink as you see through the smoke to the scene.

[ ] Fuck, man, now’s not the time for plot twists, just run.
[ ] Guess you’re sticking around to see what’s going on.
[ ] … Eh, you’re not surprised. Nonchalantly walk out, there’s enough pandemonium to make you unnoticeable.
[ ] Damn it, you’ve got to check that out. Walk up to Ragyo.
>[ ] … Eh, you’re not surprised. Nonchalantly walk out, there’s enough pandemonium to make you unnoticeable.
>[ ] … Eh, you’re not surprised. Nonchalantly walk out, there’s enough pandemonium to make you unnoticeable.

Causally say "how are things?." as we walk out.
[ ] Damn it, you’ve got to check that out. Walk up to Ragyo.
Well guess we have to save her when we get the chance
Why would we save her?
>[ ] … Eh, you’re not surprised. Nonchalantly walk out, there’s enough pandemonium to make you unnoticeable.
Better chances of us gettting a happy end with Nui and having Ryuuko and Satsuki as our sister in laws.
[ ] … Eh, you’re not surprised. Nonchalantly walk out, there’s enough pandemonium to make you unnoticeable.

She didn't really help us without begging, actually.
And we weren't even asking much from her.
Do you want to be the better man, and face one of the most powerful beings on the planet for someone who didn't really want to handle a problem she would have to eventually?
Risking not just your life, but Nui's as well?

I won't stop you, but that's just putting a bit of perspective. The long-term game is a very dangerous one.
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Nothing good happens when you save Ryuko. Look what happened to Senketsu.
Well Anaru saved us and he didn't ask for anything, let alone try to get even with us when we were in a weak state with Nui.
>[ ] Damn it, you’ve got to check that out. Walk up to Ragyo.
But I'm not sure a heroic man who can't die should be your best example on what someone in as awful a situation as Fate should do.

Well, you can’t really be too shocked about this whole thing. She survived a lot of things she really shouldn’t, and walked away fine.

It kind of reminds you of what you went through, a little.

You hobble nonchalantly through the courtyard. People scream, cough, groan, and get eaten by clothing all around you, but you're not too worried. You have nothing to worry from Life-Fibers. You can see them just as well as they can see you.

The voices in your head are a little disturbing though. You get a little dizzy from it all. The fumes probably aren't helping.

Unfortunately, you neglected Ragyo’s own vision capabilities. She leers down at you menacingly.

[ ] Pick up the pace.
[ ] Pretend you have nothing to worry about, just keep moving.
[ ] “Do you want something?”
[ ] “Oh no, don’t look at me, I’m to injured to do anything other than go home.”
>[ ] Pretend you have nothing to worry about, just keep moving.
>[ ] “Oh no, don’t look at me, I’m to injured to do anything other than go home.”
[ ] “Oh no, don’t look at me, I’m to injured to do anything other than go home.”
>[ ] “Do you want something?”
"You givin' me the stink eye, ya smarmy cunt?"
>[ ] “Oh no, don’t look at me, I’m to injured to do anything other than go home.”
>[ ] “Do you want something?”
>>[ ] Pretend you have nothing to worry about, just keep moving.
>>[ ] “Oh no, don’t look at me, I’m to injured to do anything other than go home.”
Try and keep your cool Fate
[ ] Pretend you have nothing to worry about, just keep moving.
[ ] “Oh no, don’t look at me, I’m to injured to do anything other than go home.”

You continue hobbling forward. “Oh no, don’t look at me like that. I’m too injured to do anything but go home.”

She continues to smirk down at you. “Are you sure, it’ll be fun, I promise.”

You feel Nui’s arms wrap around you, and her fingers dig in to your side. “Nah, the wifey says I should go home.”

“Well, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I borrowed you for a bit, would she?”

Nui looks at her.

“Would she?” Ragyo says, losing a bit of her smile.

Shit this is looking like earlier today all over again.

[ ] “Look, I’m a bit fucked up internally at the moment.” Show her what’s under the coat. “I really don’t suggest I play around until I’m fixed.”
[ ] You can’t risk pissing her off. “Fine then, can we make this fast, I want to go to bed.”
[ ] “No can do, I’ve already made the poor girl really mad, I don’t want to face any more punishment.”
>[ ] “Look, I’m a bit fucked up internally at the moment.” Show her what’s under the coat. “I really don’t suggest I play around until I’m fixed.”
[ ] “Look, I’m a bit fucked up internally at the moment.” Show her what’s under the coat. “I really don’t suggest I play around until I’m fixed.”
>[ ] “No can do, I’ve already made the poor girl really mad, I don’t want to face any more punishment.”
>[ ] “Look, I’m a bit fucked up internally at the moment.” Show her what’s under the coat. “I really don’t suggest I play around until I’m fixed.”
Wonder if we can even surprise her
>[ ] “No can do, I’ve already made the poor girl really mad, I don’t want to face any more punishment.”
I fear this will just arouse her
[ ] “Look, I’m a bit fucked up internally at the moment.” Show her what’s under the coat. “I really don’t suggest I play around until I’m fixed.”
>[ ] “Look, I’m a bit fucked up internally at the moment.” Show her what’s under the coat. “I really don’t suggest I play around until I’m fixed.”
She doesn't want to lose us now does she?

You sigh, rubbing your eyes. “Look, I’m a bit fucked up internally at the moment,” you explain as you pull your jacket open. You hope the sight works towards your advantage. “I really don’t suggest I play around until I’m fixed.”

Ragyo frowns at you as you carefully put your coat back in place, before shrugging. “I don’t see why you can’t, that is what’s supposed to happen in a way?”

You pause. “I’m sorry, what?”

Ragyo slowly gets her smile back. “Of course the Life-Fibers are going to fuse with you eventually, it’s the next stage of your development.”

“You mean there’s more? Wait, you mean this isn't a fucking problem?”

She shrugs, still holding the beating heart. “At the moment, the bonding isn't happening… properly, but we can correct it.” She smiles a bit wider, “Or we can try.”

Ragyo gestures to you, “Now come along, that is no excuse.” Her eyes narrow. “I don’t have to force you, do I?”

[ ] “Alright then, if you say so.”
[ ] “Yeah, I don’t really think you have my best interests in mind. You enjoy that heart, though.”
[ ] “Can’t I just… watch from a distance or something?”
>[ ] “Yeah, I don’t really think you have my best interests in mind. You enjoy that heart, though.”
[ ] “Can’t I just… watch from a distance or something?”
>[ ] “Can’t I just… watch from a distance or something?”
No point in trying to get her angry
[ ] “Can’t I just… watch from a distance or something?”
>[ ] “Can’t I just… watch from a distance or something?”
>[ ] “Yeah, I don’t really think you have my best interests in mind. You enjoy that heart, though.”

Man, Ragyo. You sure know how to get to a gals heart.
>[ ] “Can’t I just… watch from a distance or something?”
And then we find some way to RUN.

“Oh, but I want you right here, next to me,” Ragyo says. “I don’t think I’ve been giving you nearly as much attention as you deserve.”

You start to sweat.

“I tried to make that up to you today. It’s a shame you didn’t start the show the way I wanted you to, but in the end, you more or less did what needed to be done.”

She reaches her hand down to you.

[ ] “I can get up myself.”
[ ] “Fuck this.” Run as fast as your weakened body can.
[ ] Take her hand.
[ ] “I can get up myself.”
>[ ] “I can get up myself.”
As much as I want to run, I doubt she will act to kindly towards us or Nui when she catches us 5 seconds later
[ ] “I can get up myself.”
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[ ] “I can get up myself.”

"Don't touch me! You still have Ryuko fibers on you."
>[ ] “I can get up myself.”
>[ ] “I can get up myself.”

“I can get up myself,” you say, slowly walking to the stairs.

Nui continues to cling to your side. She voices to you mentally her extreme displeasure in this.

“She’s planning on doing something horrible,” Nui thinks to you.

“Of course she is, “ you respond. “Ragyo’s predictable in that sense.”

"Don't let her take you from me."

Nui lets go. You are now standing in between Ragyo and Nui, bent over the scissor-blade like a cane. Ragyo still has her hand out towards you, with her other firmly wrapped around Ryuuko’s heart, with Ryuuko herself thoroughly stunned.

Damn that’s a lot of blood.

[ ] Take her hand.
[ ] Approach her side.
[ ] Back up. “Uh, maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”
[ ] Approach her side.
>[ ] Approach her side.
>[ ] Take her hand.
Wonder if we can read her mind through contact, since she does have life fibers in her.
>[ ] Take her hand.
>[ ] Approach her side.
>[ ] Take her hand.
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925 KB PNG
>[ ] Approach her side.

Is she planing on transferring Ryuko's fibers into us, or vice versa?
>[ ] Approach her side.
>[ ] Take her hand.
Better time to use or weird life fiber powers
>[ ] Approach her side.
[ ] Approach her side.
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Get ready for Ragyo's bullshit.

You slowly work your way to Ragyo’s side, looking up to her.

This close you can practically feel her Life-Fibers radiating. No thoughts, no emotion. She is in perfect control, and she is immensely powerful.

You look up at her, into her eyes. You can’t hide your fear completely.

Roughly, she grabs your wrist, and pulls you closer to Ryuuko. Nui yelps behind you.

“You took long enough, look what you did,” Ragyo scolds. “You kept us waiting for so long, who knows how much blood she lost, but more importantly…”

She puts her head right next to yours. It feels just like earlier today, before you got a sword run through you.

“My arms are tired.”

Quickly, she turns your hand open, and slaps Ryuuko’s heart into your palm, grabbing your fingers and closing them around it.

“Hold it for me for a little while.”
Get ready for absorbing life fibers.

There are moments in life when something horrible is about to happen, and for a few seconds time slows down just a bit, and you can really consider how much shit you’re in.

“Ryuuko! Ryuuko snap out of it!”
Bubump, bubump, bubump, bubump.

Your body trembles. She feels disgusting in your hand. Her blood feels filthy.

It’s not Nui. That’s what disturbs you the most.

The surge that works its way through you makes you just as sick as it makes you feel strong.

The Life-Fibers in her heart seem to spread out a bit. Perhaps they’re trying to wrap around you. Perhaps they’re trying to dig in.

Your mind feels like it’s boiling. Thoughts swirl around the maelstrom of ideas that aren’t yours, and sounds almost no one can hear.

[ ] Rip the heart off of you.
[ ] Tear the heart out of her.
[ ] Wait and watch.
>[ ] Wait and watch.
[ ] Wait and watch.
More power!
>[ ] Rip the heart off of you.
>[ ] Rip the heart off of you.
>[ ] Wait and watch.
Time for healing
>Wait and watch.
[ ] Rip the heart off of you.
>[ ] Rip the heart off of you.
>[ ] Wait and watch.
>Wait and watch
You guys want us to die.Good to fucking know
>[] Wait and watch.
You're gambling in a rigged game.
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>Wait and watch.
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>wait and watch

You begin to sway. A feeling of nausea sweeps through you. She’s so filthy.

The texture of her heart is so odd. The feeling of it beating is so strange. Are you starting to feel soothed by it?

Your ears are ringing. You can barely hear what’s going on outside.

A muffled “Ryuuko, can you hear me?” cries out.

It’s the kamui, your mind barely registers through all the garbled nonsense.

[ ] Work up the strength to pull the heart off of you.
[ ] Slice the heart out of her chest.
[ ] You useless piece of fucking cloth, help me, before she destroys me.
>[ ] You useless piece of fucking cloth, help me, before she destroys me.
>[ ] Work up the strength to pull the heart off of you.
Now don't be fucking idiots anymore please
[ ] Work up the strength to pull the heart off of you.
[ ] You useless piece of fucking cloth, help me, before she destroys me.
>[ ] You useless piece of fucking cloth, help me, before she destroys me.
[ ] You useless piece of fucking cloth, help me, before she destroys me.
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>You useless piece of fucking cloth, help me, before she destroys me.

Even absorbing her powers couldn't make Ryuko useful.
>[ ] Work up the strength to pull the heart off of you.
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>That image.
>[ ] You useless piece of fucking cloth, help me, before she destroys me.
Time to mess with her mind
Why the fuck did the amount of responses just explode?
Probably samefagging
It's the afternoon already plus it's a sunday
And yet the number of posters didn't go up at all.Strange huh?
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I'm just here to reinforce the fact that Ryuko is shit. And this quest is helping me do that every scene she's in.

Nui a best.

You useless piece of fucking cloth, don’t just sit there staring do something.

The kamui uses Ryuuko’s arms to push your heart and her hand to her chest.

That fucking idiot is going to make this situation a whole lot worse.

The Life-Fibers within Ryuuko’s chest cavity reach out and start wrapping around your wrist and hand.

In a last-ditch effort to stop what’s happening, you throw your arm across Ryuuko’s neck, chest, and shoulders, trying to push yourself away, trying to stop yourself from sinking deeper. The scissor-blade clatters to the floor, removing the option to cut anything away.

You’re losing strength fast.

[ ] Push harder
[ ] Beg.
[ ] Get her off, get her off.
>your heart and her hand
this is what i get for not obsessively checking the fucking writing
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This guy gets it.
>[ ] Get her off, get her off.
Tell that piece of cloth to help
>[ ] Get her off, get her off.
>[ ] Push harder
>[ ] Beg.
>[ ] Get her off, get her off.
>[ ] Get her off, get her off.
No option to rip our arm from our body I'm guessing
>Push harder

Is this basically Ragyo's face right now?

[ ] Get her off, get her off.
[ ] Push harder
>[ ] Get her off, get her off.
>[ ] Get her off, get her off.
See what you idiots did?
Does this mean we are being turned into a girl?
>And I'm pulling a Freaky Friday
I'm not.
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Hey! Waiting around didn't get us into this. Trusting Senketsu to stop Ryuko from being garbage got us into this.
That would be terrible and hilarious at the same time. Mostly terrible
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So Ryuko's mind in our body and ours in her's, wonder how Nui will take it.

You’re panicking, or coming as close to panic as your muddled mind can.

Get her off, get her off.

You’re resisting as hard as you can, you really are.

You can feel yourself quickly losing energy. It would be so easy to just let go, give up.

Your body is screaming for so many different things, so many different forces want you to do so many different actions.

Her heart is pumping. Is it beautiful?

Is it as good as she is?

Is she better?

Why are you doing this, Adam? Lilith?

Why are both of you fine with this?

[ ] Fight
[ ] Kill
[ ] Beg
[ ] Rot
>[ ] Fight
[ ] Fight
>[ ] Rot
I'm really curious what this means and how it will effect us.
>[ ] Fight
Fight for Nui!
[ ] Fight
>[ ] Fight

Never give up!
Makes us hollow like Nui, except for the worse since we are even more crazier than her
You two can go ROT in hell

Your body was weak to begin with. Even when you weren’t shredded to pieces, or beaten down, or your mental fortitude ground to dust, you were weak.

You were always weak.

But goddamn if you’re not a determined little rat.

You press your foot against her stomach. You both lose balance and fall to the floor, but you continue, trying with all of your pathetic might, past all the muck, and filth, and mixed emotions, to scrounge up enough power push away.

It’s getting too hard to keep up.

[ ] Keep it up anyway.
[ ] Give in to her.
>[ ] Keep it up anyway.
[ ] Keep it up anyway.
FUCK YOU! I am NOT letting you drag me under! I AM not giving up Nui! Take this Horseshit you call a heart and shove it!
[ ] Keep it up anyway.
We gotta show Anaru how it's really done
Guessing Ryuko is conscious throughout the whole ordeal. She is going to be mad at us later isn't she?
>[ ] Keep it up anyway.

You strain. You grind your teeth. You shut out your thoughts, your mind, you leave only the pure instinct of the struggle.

You can feel some give, you’re doing something. Your elation almost makes you sink in again.

You power on. You can hear the tight coils of Life-Fibers fighting to keep you in.

You keep pulling, millimeters at a time.

Ryuuko’s eyes are vacant.

There is so much blood.

[ ] Keep going, keep fighting, this is it, you can do it.
[ ] You can’t keep this up.
>[ ] Keep it up anyway.
>[ ] Keep going, keep fighting, this is it, you can do it.
[ ] Keep going, keep fighting, this is it, you can do it.
no. no, No, NO, NO!, NO!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>[ ] Keep going, keep fighting, this is it, you can do it.
Is Ragyo watching the entire thing unfold, Im amazed she hasn't decided to speed things up by knocking us out
>[ ] Keep going, keep fighting, this is it, you can do it.
>[ ] Keep going, keep fighting, this is it, you can do it.
We're doing a Namekian fusion, aren't we?
Pretty much, Nui gets to have both Ryuko and Fate

Sweat pours down your face. And tears. And blood.

You keep it up, even though your muscles threaten to tear themselves apart, even if your mind feels as though it’s melting away, even though you’re so weak, you keep fighting.

You have to.

You gain more and more ground. You make it millimeter after grueling millimeter.

This is it. You can naturally tell.

This is the final pull.

You call on everything you have left.

[ ] Anger.
[ ] Fear.
[ ] Insanity.
[ ] Power.
[ ] Hope
>[ ] Hope
[ ] Power.
[ ] Insanity.
Do we have a Minesweeper app installed?
>[ ] Hope
[ ] Hope
Always choose the mystery box.
>[ ] Insanity.
>[ ] Power.
>[ ] Hope
Very definition of Fate
Give them a fireworks show that they won't forget!

You call upon everything you have. All the crazy, all the unnatural strength, and all the hope.

Especially the hope.

Because when you were weak, all you had was hope. When you were shown just how little a chance you had to survive, to be happy, you hoped.

You won’t stop hoping now, just like you won’t stop being yourself now.

You hear snaps as the Life-Fibers break off of you; the fight becomes easier.

You can see the last bit of her heart coming out, you’re going to make it.

Ryuuko’s fingers wrap around your hand.

You look up from your fight to her eyes. Empty. So you look farther down.

Senketsu looks at you with determination. You know what he’s thinking.

He’s willing to do terrible things to protect who he cares about, no matter how hurt anyone gets.

And you’re collateral.

[ ] Continue fighting, remember, hope!
[ ] No, please.
[ ] “Nui, you know I love you, right?”
>[ ] Continue fighting, remember, hope!
>[ ] “Nui, you know I love you, right?”
>[ ] “Nui, you know I love you, right?”
>[ ] “Nui, you know I love you, right?”
>[ ] Continue fighting, remember, hope!
[ ] Continue fighting, remember, hope!
[ ] “Nui, you know I love you, right?”
>[ ] Continue fighting, remember, hope!
>[ ] “Nui, you know I love you, right?”
>[ ] Continue fighting, remember, hope!
>[ ] “Nui, you know I love you, right?”

“N-nui,” you work out. You can’t hear her response. “Y-you kn-nuh-know I l-love you, right?”

Senketsu pulls you in. “I-a-aah…” the Life-Fibers in her chest get just as good a grip on you as they did before, and your energy is rapidly burning away.

[ ] keep fightign
[ ] i love y
[ ] please
>[ ] i love y
>[ ] please
>[ ] i love y
>[ ] please
>[ ] keep fightign
>[ ] i love y
We are going to lose our hand arn't we
>[ ] keep fightign
>[ ] i love y

[ ] keep fightign
[ ] i love y

You strain as much as you can, weakly pulling to your last thought of her.

Your hand plunges fully into her chest.


And believe it or not, this isn’t the worst thing that could’ve happened.
You still fucked up horribly, though.

See you next week.
Thanks for running. Nice to have this back
Guessing next week is the wedding
So, questions.

How's I do this week?
Complaints? Complements? Advice?

Why the fuck would anyone think that waiting was a good idea?

Do you think you can worm your way out of this one?
Possibly, we are Fate after all, but we might end up screwing things even further in the process
We are the slippery spawn of Rat-Dad. We can get out of anything.
Worming out of things is in our nature. We are (not) Anaru.

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