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!!7ls3wo7NoED 03/28/10(Sun)05:18 No.8832490The bulk of Du'Zul'Un's prohesies, repost'd:
"First, pri'ya your fist. Not lil'fist. Mo'fist. . . Family? They does have two swords, of the Zul. 2 Mo'mo'sul'swords. You get this one. You both have big wyrd, but your wyrd I know. You will fight with a lil'gon. On or against the small'gon is hojo, messy. But if you fight aganst the lil'gon you will get glory, but die young. Young and famous. If you ride the lil'gon, you will get mo'fame. Much fame. Will be mo'eep, much feared. And might die very young, morr'juvie. Or might might live long, mo'rich. Goo'ani. Good life. Now did you bring gift for Zul'dan?" "You bring goo'gift for Zul'dan. Zul'un tell you of something special. Down below, where the clawed shadows lurk, there is a tresure of mo'value to you. If you go now, you get it, mo' much valor, but treasure remain a hojo'wyrd, messy unknown forever. Return in two moons, and the treasure will show it's Wyrd to you. But the lil'glory will be less.” “Ma'gon big. With skin of snake but hard as stone. Mo'Wings, big wings. No fire. Ma'gon and lil'gon both goo'gon, not mon'gon. Mon'gon blow fire, you call dra'gon. goo'gon hunt mon'gon are mo'lil smaller then mon'gon. Goo'hojo to see ma'gon. Goo'mo'wyrd to kill ma'gon, much danger, many mo'morr.” |