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  • File : 1275459316.jpg-(131 KB, 750x600, MPost37381-JapSchool.jpg)
    131 KB MAID QUEST PART I DON'T GIVE A FUCK Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:15 No.10217324  
    CONTINUED FROM >>10214352

    You're back from hell, your house is on fire, and you're running into your home to fight demons and seal the gate to Hell

    WHAT DO?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:16 No.10217337
    Kill self and end this shitty quest series once and for all.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:16 No.10217349
    Read book of names.

    Kick ass with new army.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:16 No.10217356

    +10 XP bonus for a troll! :3

    New XP total is 40.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:16 No.10217358
    Put out the fire, fight the demons, seal the gate, in that order.

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:17 No.10217374
    Scream your battlecry of "For the morning glories!" as you charge the foremost demon and stab it in the face with your new sword

    hopefully the strange battlecry will give you the element of surprise
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:18 No.10217384
    All right, word of warning. If you read the Book of Names, you will gain a demon army.

    However, this will. . . displease. . . some of your compatriots. Including the Paladin currently fighting next to you. Also, Sister Carmine will be less than happy at you going all Radical Inquisitor and consorting with Warp Entities.

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:18 No.10217391
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:18 No.10217393
    We get XP for trolling now?!

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:19 No.10217402
    give to Alicia after portal is sealed
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:19 No.10217403
    Deny. What weapons do we have again?

    I can only assume that since we died again we lost our AA-12.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:19 No.10217404
    we've always gotten xp for the first troll of the evening
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:19 No.10217407

    N forever.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:20 No.10217424
    No using the book, we can get through this on our own.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:20 No.10217429

    You are currently carrying a Fellblade. The black sword screams with the voices of ten billion damned souls, and the images of the faces of the wretched condemned appear and disappear on its mirrored surface.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:20 No.10217438
    As >>10217349, I have to say deny, no matter how much it pains me.

    Give book to Alicia, so she may have Demon army.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:21 No.10217447
    Continue blitzkrieg towards hell-portal. Use spot healing to make sure everyone gets there in one piece.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:21 No.10217453
    i'm thinking we shouldn't store that is our arse....
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:21 No.10217455
    better than no weapon

    we can give it to jehanne to cleanse after we've driven the demons out

    for now, more with the stabby stabby
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:22 No.10217467

    Is it corrupting us?

    If not, kick ass with it. If so... give it to alicia and summon a gun.
    >> lolwut !LUnaFatguY 06/02/10(Wed)02:23 No.10217480
    >The black sword screams with the voices of ten billion damned souls
    And this isn't disconcerting to our paladin friend how?

    I mean, I'm all for letting the physical embodiment of the souls of the damned help us kill their tormentors - seems like poetic justice at its finest, honestly - but I'd imagine she would probably object at the start of things.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:23 No.10217486
         File1275459823.gif-(471 KB, 480x360, 56ecd5a4abdb30f5b5d0d1fc811ee1(...).gif)
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    . . . I have a confession to make. I was all ready to run an awesome battle sequence, but. . . well. It's late, I'm tired, I'm bored of this. . . so let's just skip to the goddamn end.

    As you run into the room, the camera freeze-frames.

    When it fades back in, you and the three girls are sitting on the ground in your bedroom and the portal is closed. "That was the most epic battle ever," Alicia says, still stunned.

    "Verily," Jehanne sighs, exhausted.

    10 XP for GM copout. New total is 50.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:23 No.10217487
    Don't use the book. Just use the sword.

    Fight off demons with Carmine and Jehanne while Alicia seals the gate.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:24 No.10217507
    ... Or we could do that. That works, too.

    Hug the girls (including Carmine), then ask to speak with Alicia in private.

    Oh, and putting some clothes on might help.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:25 No.10217512


    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:25 No.10217521
    Gather everyone for breakfast in the ruins of the dining room. Have a nice meal and wait for the house to repair itself.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:25 No.10217522
    have reginald clear the mansion

    "well, our job is done, what say we catch a nap?"

    pull the girls onto the remains of your bed and pass out with them to either side
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:25 No.10217525

    We have clothes.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:26 No.10217530
    So i'm thinking 'Let's take the rest of the day off and do some R&R on the boat, start fixing the house tomorrow'
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:26 No.10217533
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:26 No.10217537
         File1275459988.jpg-(12 KB, 400x230, YEAHHHHHHHH.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:27 No.10217552

    By which we mean "Wait for the robots to fix the house"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:28 No.10217560
    Why did everybody suddenly forget about Disneyland?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:29 No.10217580
    no, but we still have yet to book the trip, nevermind having the time to go right away, that's a mid term plan (meaning the next couple of days) we're still working on immediate stuff
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:29 No.10217583
    "Okay, everyone gets time off to rest and recuperate. I'm going to pass out here on the bed, anyone who can fit on is welcome to join."
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:29 No.10217593
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    All right, fuck it. I need someone to roll 2d6
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:30 No.10217603
    rolled 3, 5 = 8

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:35 No.10217681
    i feel so ronery now
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:35 No.10217691
    You killed the thread.

    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:36 No.10217702
         File1275460573.jpg-(485 KB, 2560x1600, Recovered_JPEG_4302.jpg)
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    Thank you.


    Long story short, you pass out after the exhausting battle.

    You wake up. It is now Day 15 of 30. You are not in your bedroom.

    You realize that you are in your room in the yacht.

    Felicia is curled up in your bed looking up at you with a look of concern in her big yellow eyes. "Nyuuu. . . she pouts, pawing at the bandages around your arm.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:36 No.10217704

    Thundercats, ho!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:36 No.10217705
    now i am sad

    i shall make myself less sad through liberal use of dildos
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:37 No.10217721
    give her a kiss, let her do what she wants
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:37 No.10217735
    What this anon says, but make sure it's a kiss on the nose. That'd be adorable.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:38 No.10217742

    Rub her ears. "You okay? Didn't get hurt too bad this time?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:38 No.10217746
    Reach for the lube.

    Engage in vigorous anal sex to cheer her up.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:38 No.10217752

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:39 No.10217759
    Scratch behind ears & inspect arm.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:39 No.10217766
    Rub her cheeks. Cats love that.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:40 No.10217785

    You give Felicia a kiss on the nose as she comes up into your bed. "You okay?" you ask. "Not too hurt?"

    "Actually, she wasn't around at all, during the fight," a voice says. Looking up, you see Samantha walking into the room, smiling at you and your catgirl. "She disappeared and ran away. Not too surprising, I suppose, there wasn't too much she could do. But she was quick to come back once it was over. We found her worrying over you in your bedroom, after the portal was sealed up."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:41 No.10217802
    "That's good, I suppose. So, how are you? Have you gotten enough rest? No mortal wounds to worry about?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:42 No.10217822
    "Are you fine? I know I promised to be there and to protect you, but dying put a damper on that plan. Sorry about that."
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:43 No.10217831

    You give the catgirl a pet on the ears as Samantha leaves your breakfast on your nightstand. It's hot oatmeal, orange juice, toast, eggs, and bacon. A full, hearty, manly meal.

    "I suppose you have quite a few questions, young sir, so I shall be brief," Samantha says. "First of all, the Mansion is in decent shape. The repair robots, however, have not gotten around to fixing your bedroom and the roof yet, so we've decided to move you to your yacht for now, until it is repaired. Secondly, all of us are okay. Alicia is exhausted, and sleeping in her room. Jehanne and Carmine are feeling somewhat tired, but are up and about. It is approaching noon of the day after your epic battle. Your wounds are light, and should heal quickly."

    As she says this, she picks up the breakfast tray and lays it across your lap, serving you breakfast in bed. She sits down across from you and, taking the napkin from the tray, tucks it into the collar of your pajamas as a bib.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:44 No.10217848
    are you going to feed me too?

    cause i would enjoy that
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:44 No.10217855

    "It was a touch sticky, for a moment there," Samantha says, "What with the demons clawing at the entrance to my bunker and threatening to rape me to death, but nothing that I couldn't handle. I'd seen worse, after all."

    She picks up the fork and uses it to spear a rasher of bacon, then indicates for you to open your mouth.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:45 No.10217865

    "Good. I'm glad no one was seriously wounded."
    >> lolwut !LUnaFatguY 06/02/10(Wed)02:45 No.10217870
    Pretty clinical manner there, Sam. Lighten up a bit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:47 No.10217897
    "You didn't mention yourself. Reg said you've been fighting nonstop for days. How are you holding up?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:47 No.10217911
    "Lighten up, we're fine. Importantly, you're fine."
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:49 No.10217922

    "I'm. . . a bit peakish, I will admit," Samantha says, as she passes you the fork and picks up the jar of marmalade. She spreads some butter onto your toast and then some marmalade. "I was planning to take some time off after breakfast to take a nap, actually. I do hope you won't mind, young sir, I really am quite tired."

    Something else seems to be on her mind, by the way. You're not quite sure what it is, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:49 No.10217932

    open mouth.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:49 No.10217941
    of course i don't mind, but something seems to be bothering you.

    care to share?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:51 No.10217966
    "Sam, nobody deserves a rest as much as you, but I have to say I'm tempted to join you."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:51 No.10217971

    Offer her the use of one of the rooms on the boat.

    The boat is one of our household's fun places, so anytime someone needs a place to decompress and let the tide rock them to sleep, they can just walk down and use one of the staterooms.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:52 No.10217979

    "Of course that's quite alright. Keeping yourself healthy is important."

    "Also, you seem to be worried about something. Do you need to talk about it?"
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:52 No.10217987

    Samantha pauses as she pops the marmalade-laden toast into your mouth, then looks at you intently for a moment.

    "Young sir," she says, very calmly. "I do hope that you will not take this in any sort of unseemly manner, and I simply want you to understand that this has absolutely no personal judgement involved. I am simply curious about this, and wish to understand fully what is going on here."

    "Cut to the chase, what's going on?" you ask, chewing on your toast.

    "All right. . . are you gay, young sir?" Samantha asks.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:52 No.10217989

    Open Mouth

    Recieve Bacon
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:53 No.10217991
    Bad idea. We should at least propose to her before we sleep with her.

    And to do that, we have to beat Reginald in single combat.

    We need to get into tip-top shape.

    (Perhaps Sam can be our personal trainer; she'd be motivated to help us if we let her know of this little secret.)
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:54 No.10218005

    i thought you had been talking with jehanne, if you've been talking about what i think you've been talking about then you should very well know i'm not gay

    if not... then no, i'm not gay
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:54 No.10218007
    "I've slept with three of my own maids, one of which I do on a near-daily basis. I'm pretty sure I'm not gay."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:54 No.10218019

    Laugh our ass off.

    "No, although I'm curious as to how you came to that conclusion, given that i've already slept with nearly half the female staff already."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:55 No.10218026
    "Sam, I love you more than my own right hand. If you're implying you have a dick, yes, I'm gay."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:55 No.10218027
    Alternatively: "Why, yes, Sam, I feel super at the moment. Thanks for asking."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:55 No.10218032

    "Not at all, my dear. If you're referring to my lack of serious attempts to ravish you in every corner of the mansion, then your father and I have a sort of...understanding."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:56 No.10218036

    Cough a bit as we're surprised.

    Confess to her. She's our love and we'll marry her if she'll have us, but we need to fight her dad first.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:56 No.10218042
    Put on the most horrified & offended face possible. It shall be henceforth known as our 'offorrified' face.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)02:57 No.10218054

    Samantha sighs. "Simply put, young master, given that I have done everything short of lay down on your bed with no knickers on and throw my skirt over my head yelling for you to take my virginity immediately, and you have still shown little to no desire to do so, I simply drew the less ego-bruising conclusion. My apologies." She bows her head and sighs. "I suppose I must seem a right fool, asking a question like that."

    Felicia pouts and bats at your hand, unhappy that your petting has ceased, her tail swishing back and forth.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:57 No.10218058

    "There's also our rather awkward habit of attempting to fuck every last one of our maids. Bit of a wet blanket on most long-term relationships, that."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:58 No.10218069
    Tell her the truth.

    "If we sleep with you before marriage, your father will kill me. And he won't let us propose to you until we've defeated him in single combat."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:59 No.10218089
    Resume Felicia's petting.

    "Well...I kind of have to fight your father first."

    She is allowed to know about the whole duel for her hand in marriage thing, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:59 No.10218093
    Yeah if I touch you your father will kill me. Also I have to defeat him to earn the right to have a relationship with you.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:59 No.10218096
    "I can see your logic, but the real reason is that your father has... instincts, let's call them, that would prevent me from making love to you.

    "Frankly put, I want to live."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:59 No.10218100

    "Not at all. It's frankl taken all of my willpower not to do anything to you, given that your father is likely to rip my balls of if I so much as look at you funny."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)02:59 No.10218103

    "There's a two word answer for why that hasn't happened yet: Fairbairn Sykes.

    Reginald and I haven't had our epic duel yet. Wouldn't be proper otherwise."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:00 No.10218110
    pull samantha to you and kiss her

    "If i actually went after you your father would kill me, the only way we would have had sex is well... if you had 'lay down on my bed with no knickers on and thrown your skirt over your head yelling for me to take your virginity immediately' as you put it"

    and he's likely to kill me if i didn't listen to him, or at least something so unpleasant i'd wish he had
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:00 No.10218113

    ...Is that a royal 'we'?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:01 No.10218129
    That or the voices in our head.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:01 No.10218133

    "Samantha," you say, "You're incredibly beautiful, and I love you to death. However, there are two things standing between you and me and wedded bliss."

    "And what would that be?" Samantha asks, cooly, calmly accepting your confession of love.

    "First, my habit of fucking every single girl I come across," you admit miserably.

    "That. . . is a bit of a barrier, I must admit," Samantha says, in a measured voice.

    "Secondly, there's your dad. I umm. . . kind of promised to fight him in mortal combat before I can have you," you admit.

    ". . . that is a somewhat more serious damper on our relationship," Samantha says. Again, cooly, calmly, and without incident. "I suppose that you intend to win, and carry me away as your rightful prize?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:01 No.10218140
    It implies that the demon of sex residing in our home secretly participates in every fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:02 No.10218149

    It's a hivemind we.



    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:02 No.10218151
    Assuming you wish to be carried, of course.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:02 No.10218154

    "Here's the thing.

    You're better than that.

    The others, yeah they're fun, yeah they're good people and I like being around them, but it's not long term.

    You're the kind of girl that guys dream about. White dress, carrying across the threshold kind of dreams.

    Now your dad says we have to duel him if we're to ask you to fulfill that dream. So I'm not going to ask.

    I'm just going to fight like hell when the time comes."

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:03 No.10218157
    "Win, or die trying. Preferably the former.

    I hope you understand that it will be an... open relationship. I'm contractually obligated to sleep with my maids."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:03 No.10218162
    no, i intend to win, then ask you on a date

    but the threat of death looming over my head right now kind of prevents me from actively pursuing a relationship with you

    i did get your father to agree that any advances you made were fair game though, meaning any time you want to do something with me, you have but to ask
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:04 No.10218177

    "I certainly intend to. I don't yet know if it's possible or not, although i'm doing everything in my power to make the impossible possible."

    "Although that wording has my curious as to just how huge a barrier my promiscuity is."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:04 No.10218178
    inb4 we die trying, fight our way out of hell (yet again), and beat him in round 2.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:04 No.10218181

    "Well, then, that settles it," Samantha says, standing up and brushing toast crumbs off her skirt. "If that is the decision you and my father have made, then that is something that I shall respect. I only make one request of you, young sir," she says, smiling winsomely at you.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:05 No.10218186
    If you'll allow it, yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:05 No.10218191
    "That being?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:05 No.10218197
    "Let me guess: Don't lose."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:05 No.10218198
    whelp, we're in trouble now

    that smile promises bad things
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:06 No.10218210
    If it's within our power & even a bit outside it you need but ask.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:06 No.10218214

    Smile and raise eyebrow.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:06 No.10218223

    Danger, Will Robinson.

    "It DOES fit in with how things have been going here so far. After the first jaunt to Hell and all the insanity that's followed, I confess the thought of a normal courtship actually working hadn't even crossed my mind.

    Case in point: We're talking about our relationship on my mega-yacht after my third trip to Hell and a demonic invasion.

    There's also a certain manly panache to the whole single combat for the hand of a fair maiden thing."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:07 No.10218224

    Within or now-considerable power. We can magic up almost anything up to and including a 747-sized bat.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:07 No.10218226
    inb4 she breaks up with us
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:07 No.10218230

    Oh god, I can see it now. We are going to die on the last day of the quest. Reginald is going to kill us and there is nothing we can do about it. That was the plan all along.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:07 No.10218236
    How DO we beat reginald, anyway?
    As I recall, he takes 1 stress to counter any attack, meaning all our attacks only do 1 to him at the most. And he's got 70 stress.
    That, and what did his traits do, again?
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:08 No.10218242

    Samantha leans in, very close to you, and whispers into your ear, her breath warm and soft, as she strokes your face gently. "Send Felicia out of the room," she purrs.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:08 No.10218246
    >implying we don't have magic
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:08 No.10218250
    ask felicia to leave
    panic some more
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:08 No.10218253

    Simple, we re-enact the climactic fist fight at the end of Metal Gear Solid 4, complete with healing nanomachines, battleship in the background, and giant submersible carrier.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:08 No.10218254
    One of them let's him arrange Just-As-Planned equipment/traps and he has absurdly high combat stats. Oh, and he has nearly twice our cunning.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:09 No.10218255
    "Felicia, out."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:09 No.10218257
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:09 No.10218263
    Look at Felicia, make sad face.
    Playfully say "no!" And make :3 face.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:09 No.10218271
    Add a please on to that and I'm sold.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:10 No.10218277


    "Felicia dear, could you give us a few minutes?" Scritch her ears as she goes to make sure she doesn't feel unwelcome.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:10 No.10218280

    Beating him doesn't matter.

    Proving that we'll go through hell to give him all we've got does.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:10 No.10218281

    Hrrrm, very very tempting. Doing this without duking it out with Reggie yet doesn't feel right, maybe stick to foreplay for now?
    >> lolwut !LUnaFatguY 06/02/10(Wed)03:10 No.10218284
    From last thread:
    >Also, here's a small word of advice: you don't always want to fuck someone first chance you get. Sometimes, it's better to wait.
    Keep this in mind, folks.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:10 No.10218286
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:10 No.10218288
    > Send the catgirl out of the room
    > Purrs
    Hah! And no. She stays until we get a please.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:10 No.10218290

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:11 No.10218296
    I like it.

    Perhaps we'll have a moment where we should be down but we simply refuse to lose.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:11 No.10218297
    That is a damn good point.

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:11 No.10218304
    fuck no. we stand and fight!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:12 No.10218311
    No, fuck that. No touching her.

    Remember what he said a few threads about letting things simmer before cooking them, or something like that?

    It's time we did that to someone else.

    If it makes you feel better we can just say we trolled Samantha.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:12 No.10218312

    We'll try and stop her before too much happens. A little Sam-initiated-snuggling should be okay.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:12 No.10218318
    Could be that's the way it was to go anyways. Still, whatever she does to us (well, maybe not grievous bodily harm) is fine.
    And we still have to face Reginald and either impress him with our failure or success enough to get his permission to marry, regardless of what we do today.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:12 No.10218319

    ". . . Felicia, honey? Would you give us some time alone for a few minutes?" you say to your catgirl, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

    Felicia glances from Samantha to you, then sighs and shakes her head. "Nyuu -_-." She does leave the room anyway, closing the door behind her, her tail swishing nonchalantly as she does so.

    Samantha very carefully picks up the breakfast tray, then puts it aside. Climbing into the bed with you, she cups your face in her hands and kisses your lips gently and tenderly, her soft mouth brushing very lightly against yours, almost timidly, as you feel her warm body pressing up against yours. . .
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:12 No.10218321
    So Reginald can just-as-planned in traps.
    He has bullshit high Athletics, cunning, and will (It's something like 7 in each, yes?).
    What do his other traits and abilities let him do?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:12 No.10218327
    No maaaaan
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:12 No.10218330
    Then she'll end up raping us.

    Yes, it will be rape, because we don't want it yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:13 No.10218337
    Incoming fapfic/ hilarious case of the blue balls.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:13 No.10218341
    I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:13 No.10218344
    Don't go any farther than holding Sam and taking that nap she suggested.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:13 No.10218348
    Kiss her back. Hold her close.

    Then pull away slowly and whisper "What about your father...?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:13 No.10218350

    I don't want this to happen right now, but we have no excuse to refuse without hurting Sam's ego!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:14 No.10218355
    Is this consensus counting the unconfirm?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:14 No.10218357
    Shake head disapprovingly.

    "Sam, you're the grand prize. I can't get you until I win."


    "I *AM* going to beat your father. If dying isn't enough to keep me down, nothing is."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:14 No.10218361
    take it slow, take it easy long make-out session then naptime while holding sam
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:15 No.10218375

    Contingency: Have magic on hand to make us cough a little blood and pass out if she starts pushing things too far. Plausible deniablility.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:15 No.10218377
    Slip our arm around her but, otherwise, don't advance things. Let her decide what happens.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:15 No.10218379
    All right guys, break point.

    Sex up Samantha now, or try to hold it in? Vote nao.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:15 No.10218387
    I think the new consensus is no sex, but still having sent out Felicia.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218393
    Do not sex up the maid.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218399
    Reginald is like the optional boss of this run that you have to complete to get the Infinity +1 girl.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218400
    This. Keep it in the pants this time.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218403
    OH GOD


    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218404
    Hold it in, we're gonna get fucking murdered otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218407
    no sex
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218410
    Make out, hugs and cuddles, but no sex or nudity.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218412
    Let us not tap the Samantha for fear of drawing Reginald aggro.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:16 No.10218414
    Hold it in?

    Clearly we need to do something ridiculous to make her leave because she officially won't let us not have sex with her.

    I vote flicking the lights on and off and going OONST OONST OONST until she's pissed.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:17 No.10218415

    No sex. We're not ready to die just yet.

    We are not, however, prohibited from making out, snuggling and napping in the spoon position, however.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:17 No.10218416

    I vote no. Just have her take her nap here, but keep it moderately chaste.

    Snuggle is go.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:17 No.10218419

    Do it. What's the worst that could happen? We die again? That never stopped us before. We spit in a demon's face as it grabbed us by the throat. If we don't do this, it would be out of character.
    >> lolwut !LUnaFatguY 06/02/10(Wed)03:17 No.10218420
    Hold it in.

    We're gonna exercise self control like a zen fucking master.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:17 No.10218421
    Hold it, but you better make the writing after Reginald's duel amazing.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:17 No.10218423
    Also to add to it, she's more than a bit out of it mind-wise. Then again, I suspect the 'wait for it' bit was more for Alicia, who may or may not have gone back to secret villain (though possibly with the beginnings of true feelings for us).
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:17 No.10218424
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:17 No.10218429
    no sex... with samatha.
    Masturbate or play with felicia after sam is gone
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:18 No.10218439

    Indeed. On the other hand, better to be safe than ball-less.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:18 No.10218443

    Samantha's choice.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:18 No.10218446
    masturbate, sleeping with felicia would be too much a slap in the face
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:18 No.10218448

    Make sure she notices our boner, but no sexings.
    >> lolwut !LUnaFatguY 06/02/10(Wed)03:18 No.10218449
    To be honest, we've been shitting ourselves over Reginald pretty much from day one.

    Which would make this perfectly in-character.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:19 No.10218459
    >If we don't do this, it would be out of character.
    Bullshit. We made a gentleman's agreement with Reginald. You don't go back on that shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:19 No.10218462

    Reginald is far scarier than some Demon lord.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:19 No.10218465
    No sex.

    But cunnilingus is fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:19 No.10218468
    Well that was just a Demon.
    Reginald is like Sixty Demons.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:19 No.10218469
    As Samantha kisses you again and again, curling up with you and pushing you back down onto the bed, you gently pull away, as tenderly as possible. "Sam," you say, softly. "I can't."

    "You can't?" she murmurs, breathlessly. "Why not?"

    "Because your father will kill me," you say.

    "You're really that afraid of him?" Samantha pouts, tracing circles over your nipple with her fingertip.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:19 No.10218473
    We burned a boon on this, can we get a new boon since it looks like we're not even going to use this one? Like Reginald's boon?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:19 No.10218474
    Samantha chooses and Reginald will KNOW man. Trust me.

    We gotta dissuade her.

    We've been through Black Mesa, Hell (TWICE) and an alien invasion.

    We've DIED TWICE.

    He's so badass he's LIVED through all of that. AND BATTLING ENDLESS DEMONS.

    We are not prepared!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:20 No.10218482
    Goddamn, you vote for the special side route with Sam, then you turn it down. What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:20 No.10218484
    "Well, yes."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:21 No.10218505
    "We've made a gentleman's agreement over it, and I haven't earn your love until I've beaten him in battle. The man has been through so much with me and my father and--oh who am I kidding, FUCK YES I'M AFRAID OF HIM, WHY DO YOU THINK I'VE FUCKED EVERYONE BUT YOU AT THIS POINT?"

    "...ok, I'm exaggerating but not until I beat him, ok? He won't let me live it down otherwise. Literally."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:21 No.10218506
    that and i like him, he's always been there when i needed him

    doing this without his permission would feel like too much of a betrayal

    that said i have no qualms about doing... other things
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:22 No.10218514

    "Indeed. So frankly, i'm honestly not worthy of haivng sex with you until I can say that i'm no longer scared of him. Which will be about the same time I beat him in a duel."

    "I'm probably good for anything short of that, however."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:22 No.10218525
    Stop short of sex (or at least penetration), and point it out to her before hand, along with the reasoning. Namely, respect for her father, but also the ton of stress everyone just went through.
    But do anything and everything else that we can manage, because we definitely want her bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:22 No.10218527
    "Do you really want to try his patience? Sam, he'll castrate me with his bare hands, and that's the least he can do. I have no doubt in my mind that he can do much worse to me.

    Unless YOU want to have a word with him about it, my hands are tied. There's nothing I can do."
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:22 No.10218529
    "Coward," Samantha sighs. "Oh well, I guess there's only one thing to do."

    > By the way, remember that 2d6 roll I had you make earlier? That was your Cunning and Athletics roll to detect and avoid what's coming now. Sad to say, you failed both checks.

    Before you realize what's going on, Samantha pulls your hand up and puts it against the headboard. You hear a metallic click, then another as she does your other wrist.

    You are now handcuffed to your bed. Is this awesome? Y/N.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:22 No.10218532
    Just gotta say, making her wait will make her want it as much (if not more) than we do. We should do nothing with her and go on a bonanza of sex with her afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:23 No.10218537
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    We can kill demons. We have faced aliens with fucking lasers and the armies of hell itself, on MULTIPLE occasions.

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:23 No.10218543

    >>10218330 here, I fucking called it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:23 No.10218544
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:23 No.10218549
    Oh well, time to go along with the ride.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:23 No.10218550
    ...welp, we're crawling out of Hell.


    Anyone want to switch end-game goal over to changed-Kat?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:23 No.10218552
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    >We are not prepared!

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:24 No.10218553

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:24 No.10218558
    This.....is....Terribly..terribly .....FUCKING AWESOME!

    Continue my good sir.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:24 No.10218561
    Yes. Yes it is.

    The question is how long it will stay that way.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:24 No.10218562
    this is both kinky and terrifying
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:24 No.10218565


    Let's pretend to struggle though. Let her enjoy it more in her own twisted way.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:24 No.10218566

    Yes, assuming this is valid evidence for Reg to *not* cut our balls off.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:24 No.10218570

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:25 No.10218578
    We now have our proof of it being completely her initiation. Struggle a bit, but let's just say we're not using our magic to break us out of this either.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:25 No.10218579
    You know what, fuck it.

    How much effort would it take to magic the handcuffs away?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:25 No.10218588
    we failed on an athletics roll of 5?

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:25 No.10218591
    we are so fucked
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:25 No.10218592
    Let me put it this way.
    Everything we do, Reginald nullifies down to 1 stress, and he counters fire with his just-as-planned gatling gatling guns. Yes, A spinning mechanism with 6 gatling guns attached to it. Reginald can do that.

    There is only one possibility.

    Our 1 on 1 battle with Reginalds
    must be fought in the hottest magma, with the most ferocious souls, surrounded by the strongest chaos, in the depths of hell.
    Both Reginald and the Protagonist will each have a GIANT ROBOT that can resist the effects of the heat, damned, and chaos - but when the GIANT ROBOT breaks, someone dies. Permanently.

    Thus: No traps, no ridiculously high willpower, and athletics is a non-issue when fighting with robots.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:25 No.10218595
    >but let's just say we're not using our magic to break us out of this either.

    Dude, Reginald will fuck us sideways (not in that manner) just for letting it happen and knowing we could have avoided it.

    We gotta avoid this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:25 No.10218597

    Not much, i'd assume. Let's keep that option in reserve, just in case.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:25 No.10218598
    Magic Away handcuffs.
    "If Regi asks, I didn't just do that."
    Proceed to have best sex ever.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:26 No.10218609

    As you reflect on the wisdom of soundproofing your yacht bedroom so no one can hear your screams for help, you see Samantha reach up behind her neck and undo the ties of her apron, then fold it up neatly and put it on her chair. "I suppose, if you did make a gentleman's agreement with my father, that I had better respect it too," she says to you, "but nothing says that I can't give you. . . shall we say. . . a preview of things to come?" She reaches up behind her back and starts to undo the buttons of her dress, letting it fall from her shoulders, revealing the lacy white straps of her bra. She looks at you over her shoulder and gives you a playful wink.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:26 No.10218613

    Hey, we tried resisting, but it didn't work out. We are now "defeated" and we should take our "punishment."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:27 No.10218619
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:27 No.10218622
    He would know, man.

    >> lolwut !LUnaFatguY 06/02/10(Wed)03:27 No.10218625
    I am double-ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:27 No.10218630

    Chuckle and grin like a moron.

    We're going for a ride.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:28 No.10218633

    Sit back and enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:28 No.10218640
    "Oh. A cocktease. I can handle a cocktease. I think. PLEASE LOCK THE DOOR HE MIGHT KNOW."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:28 No.10218642
    Agreed, continue!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:28 No.10218648
    break out using magic
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:28 No.10218654
    "I certainly won't mind, makes my morning masturbation tradition far easier."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:29 No.10218655

    This sounds like the best idea in the history of ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:29 No.10218673
    "Sam, release me or you're fired."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:30 No.10218680
    Suddenly become VERY okay with this.

    >"Coward," Samantha sighs.
    Goddammit. Why do you use the ONE response that is straight up cowardly? WHY?!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:30 No.10218693

    Er, no.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:31 No.10218705
    In case you haven't noticed, we'll tell demon lords to go fuck themselves AND DIE FROM IT too...

    ..but we know full and well that pissing off Reginald will call for A Fate Worse Than Death.

    And something that'll be similar to And I Must Scream while we're throwing that out there.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:31 No.10218706
    Slightly shake the cuffs to check them after they're put on, but stop when she starts talking. We're definitely giving her all our attention post-haste.
    As much as we hate to ruin the surprise, this actually is a preview worth watching. And maybe more than watching.
    Also, at the end of it, magic away our cuffs before she can unlock them, so that she knows we could have left if we wanted to, and submitted instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:33 No.10218737
    >Forceful personality
    >Jehanne is a masochist

    Clearly, Sam is Jehanne's Lesiban Dominatrix.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:33 No.10218738
    This is a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:34 No.10218749
    what poster No.10218706 said.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:34 No.10218750
    So THAT's what Samantha did with Jehanne.
    Makes sense now.
    Now we can act all proud and tell Alicia we figured it out all by ourselves. ^_^
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:34 No.10218758

    When did Alicia say Sam did somehting with Jehanne?
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:35 No.10218763
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    It was her Skill vs. your Athletics. Your total was 20. She rolled a 5, and her Skill is 5.

    Seriously. I would have been okay with her failing it and you detecting the cuffs. The dice spoke, though. :)

    Samantha pulls her dress off over her head, revealing a slender, although not overly skinny body. Her breasts are high and small: a little more than a handful, maybe, or at least, that's what it seems like. You're not sure if she came dressed like this expecting bedroom action," or if she always wears this under her uniform, but her lingerie is. . . particularly lacy, and includes thigh-high stockings and a garter belt.

    Thus dressed in her underwear and a pair of white high-heeled pumps, Samantha pulls around the chair from your bedside and sits down in it. She drapes one leg over the arm of the chair and smiles at you as she slides her hand down her body and settles it over her panties, pressing her fingertips through the lacy garment, over her clit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:35 No.10218772
    And use this and imagining that to achieve the best self-fap yet?

    Or even use it to fuel sexing Felicia?

    We REALLY should try and figure out if we can at least give her the ability to talk.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:36 No.10218785
    "You are SUCH a tease."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:36 No.10218792

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:37 No.10218805
    "you know, you didn't have to handcuff me, i would have been more than willing to have a masturbation session with you"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:37 No.10218806
    Um, Felicia already CAN talk. She just chooses not to.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:38 No.10218826
    All right, fuck it. I'll be AFK for 15 minutes. Keep the thread bumped.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:38 No.10218830

    "And you," Samantha says, as she runs her other hand through her hair, "are a terrible human being. Making a promise of honor like that without checking with the lady first! Now, I'll have to ease my loneliness in other ways until you finally settle things with my father. . ."

    She strokes her fingertips over her clit, through the panties, a little harder and faster, closing her eyes and arching her back. You can see a damp spot growing on the white silk, and the cloth growing a bit transluscent, revealing the pink folds of her pussy through her lacy whites. . .
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:38 No.10218836
    Doesn't Sam strike anyone else as slightly Evil, given her cavalier disregard for anything Reg would do to us?

    ...Alicia probably hates her because she'd be an even better demon queen than her.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:39 No.10218847
    Really? Why?

    I told you I was out of the loop.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:40 No.10218864
    Nah, I like the theory that Sam reminds her of the girl she used to before she went and sold her soul.

    What was the full story behind that anyways, faggot who missed off of the quest here.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:40 No.10218868

    or am I wrong?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:40 No.10218873

    ...i'd really like to say that she's welcome to any of the other maids she might be interested in as an interim measure, but i'm not sure how she'd react to that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:41 No.10218877
    >In case you haven't noticed
    Been here since thread one.

    My point was that there were better responses that were seconded & made more sense that were just flat out ignored.

    >So THAT's what Samantha did with Jehanne.
    We should actually probably mention that to one or both of them sometime. Ask them first to see if we're right.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:41 No.10218879

    "Oh, but you don't understand," Samantha says, grinning wickedly, as she pulls down one side of her bra and pinches her nipple, hard. "If you could masturbate too, that would ruin the entire point of this."

    ". . . that point being?"

    "This isn't a reward," Samantha sighs, as she reaches behind her back and unhooks her bra. "This is punishment." She cups her tits in her hands and squeezes them, leaning forward a bit to emphasize her cleavage, enjoying the helpless look in your eyes as you struggle against the handcuffs. "You were bad enough to leave me forlorn and alone, so I'm going to make you suffer in return," she smirks.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:41 No.10218895
    I'd assume because she doesn't care to, though she has spoken reasonably correct english before.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:42 No.10218899
    Sorry. I keep doing that. Once I see a response I like, I tend to respond to it, and suddenly better responses show up while I'm typing. :P
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:42 No.10218900
    That's it.

    As soon as we're out of this fucking bed, we're challenging Reginald to a duel.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:43 No.10218919
    Call her naughty, bitches love that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:43 No.10218927

    "Indeed. That aside, however, those are very nice."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:44 No.10218935
    I've got a better idea.

    Sneak into his quarters while he's asleep, stab him in the throat.

    Win the war before he even knows he's fighting one. Plus, we'll have him out of our hair permanently.

    We'll have to hire a new butler, but...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:44 No.10218936
    I like it.

    We can get smacked down for taking him on early.

    And then it's nothing a MONTAGE.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:44 No.10218938

    Erm, no.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:45 No.10218948

    I don't think that qualifies. Also I don't think Sam would like that either.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:45 No.10218951
    And prove Samantha right that we're a coward?

    This isn't a fight to prove that we're better than him. This is a fight to prove we'll be capable of protecting Samantha as well as he has.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:46 No.10218961
    What sort of mind magic can we do?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:46 No.10218965
    Did Samantha just unlock a new side/ special? I'm thinking Mistress/Dominatrix.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:46 No.10218967
    >"If you could masturbate too, that would ruin the entire point of this."
    "I guess it's a good thing I'm such a terrible human being then, eh?"
    >And then we poof the handcuffs unlocked.
    It should be a lot simpler & less body/mind-fucking than making them cease to exist.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:46 No.10218978
    Actually, his stats and powers pretty much say that he'd wake up and either kill us or use his Devoted status to stop just short and then make us regret continued existence, for however much longer that would be, followed by him flying his helicopter into Hell to bring us entire new worlds of pain.

    At least with the fight, we can impress him even if we don't directly win.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:47 No.10218987
    All right, vote point. Poof away the handcuffs,or lay there and take it?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:47 No.10218993
    So can we cast magic and give her a near mind-shattering orgasm?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:47 No.10218996
    The more rum & coke I drink the less I care.
    >I'm thinking Mistress/Dominatrix.
    I'm okay with this.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:48 No.10219004
    Mind magic is tough. For the sake of game balance and making things actually require roleplay isntead of MIND CONTROL SOLVES ALL LOL, it's going to be, at a minimum, 2+ Backlash.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:48 No.10219006
    I like what one anon suggested earlier.
    For now, take it, but when she goes to unlock us poof them away first.
    Followed by an epic trollface.jpg.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:48 No.10219008
    C. Go to sleep in front of her.

    Her trollan will totally backfire.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:49 No.10219025

    Vanish them, then just fold our arms and watch her like we're the king of the world and nothing happened.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:49 No.10219026
    Holy shit.

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:49 No.10219028
    Do this, for the love of trolling do this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:49 No.10219030

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:49 No.10219032
    Nah, keep the cuffs for now. We both get to enjoy the teasing for a bit first before we show her we could have just poofed the cuffs away.
    Also, after we do that, say something to the effect of letting us know when we need a bit more punishment, because we're still a terrible human being.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:49 No.10219038
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:49 No.10219041

    This. Wink evilly once she regains sanity.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:50 No.10219042
    This. Only, instead of poofing them away just go "Let me get that for you" and just will them unlocked before handing them to her.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:50 No.10219054

    I approve.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:51 No.10219057
    I'd say you're a god among men, but it's not your idea.
    Either way, this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:51 No.10219067

    Agreed. From range.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:52 No.10219080
    Yeah, I think it's naptime. Close eyes, pass out. Trolling returned fivefold.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:52 No.10219088
    If we fall asleep now she'll be sure that we're gay.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:53 No.10219098
    Does that make it an epic troll?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:53 No.10219102
    Or playing hard-to-get.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:53 No.10219106
    Give her the magic orgasm, followed by the evil wink, then when she goes for the cuffs unlock them for her and give her the trollface. Epic combination trolling achieved.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:54 No.10219111
    And then when she makes us wake up, >>10218993.

    >fucked half the cast
    >had normalfags refuse to let us fuck the trap before becoming female.

    Dude, we're like, super straight.

    Which is odd because OP's said we could get off to Sonic and Tails fucking.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:54 No.10219114
    Or our most important romance option thinks that we're gay.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:54 No.10219121
    All right, so far it seems the consensus is to keep the cuffs and wait to poof them at an opportune time, with a runner up of fall asleep and counter-troll her trollan. While you're deciding that. . .

    Samantha continues to smirk at you as she straddles the footboard of your bed, pressing her clit up against the wood as she moans a bit, rubbing herself up against it like a cat in heat. "Mmmmmmmm. . . you know, I like seeing a strong man chained up like that," she purrs. "Almost as much as a strong woman."

    "Holy shit," you mutter. "I thought so. You're Jehanne's lesbian dominatrix, aren't you?"

    "Oh? How did you find out?" Samantha laughs. "I thought we were discreet." She swishes her head to one side and lets her hair fall seductively over one eye.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:54 No.10219128
    >3 parts
    Oh hey, a hat trick.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:55 No.10219137
    You know what?

    Fine. We're gay.

    Let's go see Kat.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:55 No.10219152
    'If I've slept with her, and you've slept with her, how is it you thought us gay?"

    "Did she not mention that? Maybe she could use a spanking."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:55 No.10219154
    holy ahit..

    this quest has sex in it ?
    I forsake my erroneous ways, I have seen the light. I now love quest threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:56 No.10219159
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:56 No.10219167

    I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:56 No.10219168
    I smell a three-way in our future.

    Anyway, go to sleep. "Well, the mental image will be good for any dreams. Good night, Sam."
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:56 No.10219169
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    > Wow, the side conversation really derailed while I was typing up that little bit of fap porn.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:56 No.10219170
    Just go with falling asleep -> Magic Orgasm + wink when woken up -> poofing away cuffs when she goes to remove them -> trollface.jpeg.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:56 No.10219172

    Alright, we need to get in on this shit at some point. We can't die (again) without experiencing this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:57 No.10219186
    So basically turn it up to eleven and make it quite clear that we are the one and only master troll in this household?

    I like it. It's good to establish the ground rules early in a relationship.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:57 No.10219189

    "I have a spider-sense for any sexytimes that go on near me."
    >> lolwut !LUnaFatguY 06/02/10(Wed)03:57 No.10219190
    Oh, the acts themselves were definitely discreet, but this stunt kind of helped all the pieces fall into place. Not quite as one-tracked of a mind as we might come off as.

    (also voting for poof the handcuffs at an opportune time.)
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:57 No.10219195
    Fall asleep! Counter troll her.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:57 No.10219197
    instead of this, poof them onto her when she goes to unlock them

    then finger her until she begs for mercy
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:57 No.10219198
    It can be our reward for beating Reginald.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:57 No.10219202
    "I'm a terrible human being, remember? And I'd be more than happy to oversee future punishments you hand out when there's time. And I'll make time."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:58 No.10219206

    Indeed. I support the hattrick troll.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)03:59 No.10219225
    Samantha throws back her head and laughs. "Oh, please, I knew you weren't gay!" she giggles. "But it was so fun seeing your face when you hear me say that! And yeah. . . it was the funniest thing," she says, grinning at you as she gets down on all fours and crawls over your chained-up body, letting her toes tickle the point of your now clearly fully-erect cock. "She came to me one morning and told me that she had promised herself. . . how did she put it? body and mind? to you? And since I was going to be your true lady, that she was going to serve me too. . . oh she was so deliciously cute . . . "
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)03:59 No.10219239
    Fall asleep
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:00 No.10219247
    >girl masturbating
    >fall asleep

    I am disappoint, /tg/.

    Don't fall asleep.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:00 No.10219251
    ...fuck falling asleep. Now's the perfect time to not only give her an orgasm but give ourselves one.

    One that gets all over here.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:00 No.10219253
    Actually, as the guy who originally suggested poofing away the cuffs, I say to go with this amendment when the time comes.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:00 No.10219254
    "Well, you WERE going to be my true lady until you cuffed me up like this.

    Let me go, you filthy dyke whore, or I'll have you fired."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:00 No.10219255
    Just put on the biggest fucking grin you can, there is no other possible response you can give to such great news.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)04:00 No.10219257
    Okay, another pause for vote time. Fall asleep, hat trick, or let her continue uninterrupted?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:00 No.10219267

    "You know, that's both terrifying and awesome at the same time. I love it."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:00 No.10219268
    And here I tought the only demon in our service was Alicia...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:01 No.10219270

    Swap-cuff fingerbang technique is GO!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:01 No.10219272
    There is that, as well as the fact I consider your fatehr a friend, and to do this would hurt him, and I think you wouldn't like seeing your father hurt either. Add on to that the fact I have something of a tendency to stick by my promises to the point of insanity and I already promised him that we would decide this with a bout... I'm afraid coitus is out of the question.

    ...Care for some groping and fondling, though?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:01 No.10219277
    Continue, and use the new revised version of "poof them onto her" when the time comes.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:01 No.10219283
    Let her have her thing. When she goes to unlock us, poof the cuffs off to let her know we could have escaped at anytime.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:02 No.10219293


    >Give her the magic orgasm, followed by the evil wink, then when she goes for the cuffs unlock them for her and give her the trollface. Epic combination trolling achieved.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:02 No.10219294
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    Alright, I'm seconding this, because what type of master would we be if we turned away this prime trolling opportunity. We wouldn't be the lovable gentleman pervert that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:02 No.10219303

    I assume hat trick is poof the handcuffs onto her.

    If that's the case, yes. If not, let her keep going.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:02 No.10219307
    Continue for a bit then pull the hat trick.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:03 No.10219312
    guys reg is gonna kill us...

    fall asleep
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:03 No.10219316
    Continue for now, poof handcuffs off of us and onto her still in a bit. We can try to unlock them by will or something if we're worried we won't poof them away fast enough or something, but that means putting them on her would leave them unlocked.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:03 No.10219318
    Let it go on a little while. Pull the hatrick troll at an opportune moment.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:03 No.10219324

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:03 No.10219326
    Seconding this one. Fun, and just the right amount of trollish
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:03 No.10219329
    Pass the fuck out right there in front of her.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:03 No.10219330
    Gotta go with the hat trick.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:04 No.10219332
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:04 No.10219341
    Go to sleep.

    Troll her AND spare us of Reginald's wrath. It's a win-win.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:04 No.10219347
    also, tell her you could have done that at any time, but decided to enjoy the show instead
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:05 No.10219355
    Fall asleep.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:05 No.10219366
    Following which we tell her "The force is strong in you, but you are not a Jedi yet."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:05 No.10219370
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:06 No.10219381
    Hattrick, no sleeping. It just feels a little out of place.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:06 No.10219382
    we're the master, we can't be letting the maids think they can do with us as they please
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:06 No.10219384
    Actually, I'd say to pull the orgasm at a touch after we poof the handcuffs onto her. Or maybe just short of it, and then send Jehanne up to our room and tell her to bring the same tools that Sam asked her for last.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:07 No.10219398
    I've gotta say this boon was totally worth it for the trolling we're about to do.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:07 No.10219406
    Hat trick w/ the modified cuff-poofing.

    And this too: >>10219347
    Because we're a terrible human being, of course.
    >> lolwut !LUnaFatguY 06/02/10(Wed)04:07 No.10219408
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:07 No.10219409
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:07 No.10219419

    We need to talk to Alicia when she's awake, and tell her "Goddamnit, you were right" while looking all shellshocked after this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:07 No.10219420
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)04:08 No.10219428
    Okay, I think I've figured out how to resolve this. . .

    "So," Samantha grins, smiling at you. "How does it feel to be at my mercy?"

    "I don't know," you grin. "How does it feel?"

    Before Samantha can react, you've spoken your magic word. Her eyes open, and her mouth drops, then she suddenly collapses onto you, writhing and moaning, as you send a sudden pulse of powerful vibrations deep into her womb, making her arch her back and cry out with the sudden sensation. "Now," you smirk. "I promised that I wouldn't fuck you. . . but nothing says I can't play around a bit first."

    You snap your fingers again, and the cuffs disappear from your wrists and reappear around Samantha's, holding her down. Her eyes widen as you lean down over her struggling body and kiss her on the lips. "I wonder," you murmur, "what it would be like if I told Jehanne to come up and bring the tools you used on her last? I wonder if you'd enjoy it. . ."

    Samantha moans and turns her face aside as your spell continues to wrack her body. A tear runs down her face as she struggles against the cuffs. "You bastard," she gasps. "Oh you bastard. . ." another wave of pleasure washes over her, and she lets out a strangled moan of ecstacy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:08 No.10219437

    Heh, let's add that after we poof the cuffs onto her. Express our dominance.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:09 No.10219443
    yup, thats me

    kiss her gently
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:09 No.10219450
    >Don't let the butler walk in
    >Don't let the butler walk in
    >Please god don't let the butler walk in
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:09 No.10219451
    Magic orgasm for the both of you, with the hat trick trolling
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:10 No.10219461

    "Well," we murmur softly, "we ARE the master here."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:10 No.10219462
    ... Dammit, he's gonna walk in now, thanks to you.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:10 No.10219465

    Keikaku doori.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:10 No.10219467
    >another wave of pleasure washes over her, and she lets out a strangled moan of ecstacy.
    This pleases me greatly.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:10 No.10219469
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:10 No.10219473

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:10 No.10219478

    Was worth it.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)04:12 No.10219499

    "Yup, that's me," you purr. "The master. The one in charge. So, little kitten. . . care to challenge me again? Or I need to teach you another lesson?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:12 No.10219507
    I got it.

    Out of nowhere stop giving her the magic orgasm, uncuff her and push her out of the room.

    Not only do we troll her by blue-balling her, but we minimize risk of Reginald finding out.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:12 No.10219509
    We say as our skin is flayed from our very bones and our soul enters a state of agony in which seconds feel like an eternity.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:12 No.10219511
    Keep going, never quite touching her, but watching her squirm.

    "Problem, Samantha?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:13 No.10219519
    Let's stop.

    I think we can call Jehanne to take Samantha up to her room for her nap. Leave her as is so Jehanne can see her in this state. It will be delicious.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:13 No.10219537
    Okay, we've had our fun flirting with death beyond death.

    Now leave her chained there and get the fuck out before THE BUTLER SHOWS UP OH GOD.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:13 No.10219541
    Can we magically alert Jehanne that we need her in our bedroom immediately? Some more role-reversal needs to be done.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:14 No.10219548
    this, oh god this
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:14 No.10219549

    This is the point where we get dressed, walk out and send Jehanne in for cleanup without telling her what's going on..
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:14 No.10219553
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:15 No.10219563
    Yeah, time to call for Jehanne. Sam may or may not get out of the cuffs first, but it'll be alright either way.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:15 No.10219570
    Consesnus seems to be JEHANNE, GET IN HERE.

    WIth a strong majority batting for "WITH TOYS"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:15 No.10219574
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:15 No.10219575
    Oh god. We could go for maximum asshatery & leave he just short of climax and unable to get herself off. Send in Jehanne afterward.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:15 No.10219577
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:16 No.10219583
    If we can't, we can send whichever maids are out there for Jehanne.
    Alternately, we could let Felicia into the room and see what happens, but I'm much less sure about that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:17 No.10219597

    Solution: Insert fish into Sam's vagina. Let Felicia into the room. Trollface.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:17 No.10219601
    >leave he
    HER. Goddammit I'm getting sleepy. Will check this in morning.
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)04:17 No.10219610
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    Having made your point, and suddenly very terrified of the possibility that Reginald will show up, you magic away the handcuffs and end your spell. Samantha collapses, exhausted, onto your bed.

    "The force is strong with you," you quip, kissing her on the cheek, "but you are not a Jedi yet."

    "Mmmmm. . . you win that round," Samantha admits, kissing you back. "But next time, I'll be ready for your stupid conjuring tricks."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:18 No.10219619
    yes, that is indeed what i want
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:18 No.10219630
    May I vote for lying down now, and just snuggling?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:18 No.10219632
    you'll never be ready enough

    that is why i am the master
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:19 No.10219638

    "Whatever you have planned, I have no doubt it will be delicious".

    Note to selves: We need new tricks on hand before she jumps us again.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:19 No.10219645
    Pfft. Weaksauce.

    Anyway, let's go see Alicia, see if she's feeling any better.

    Oh, and before we forget, let's return the locket to Kat.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:20 No.10219658
    before we forget, masturbate

    we have yet to do that this morning
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)04:20 No.10219667
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    > Calling it a night here. Someone archive this.

    Leaving Samantha exhausted and post-orgasmic on your bed, you, with a supreme effort of will, decide to get dressed and walk out of your room without taking her right then and there.

    On the way out, you see Jehanne in the kitchen, sipping a cup of tea.

    "Oh, Jehanne," you say, to your paladin. "I'm afraid Samantha's a bit tied up at the moment. Would you mind making the bed for me?"

    "Certainly, my liege," Jehanne says. She bows to you, finishes her tea, then hurries downstairs to your bedroom.

    You, meanwhile, pour yourself a glass of orange juice, kick back in your chair, and look up at the sky with a feeling of great satisfaction.

    "Just as planned."
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:21 No.10219679

    Damn, I was hoping for >>10219570. Well, let's invite Sam to have her nap with us.
    >> Thread Archived 06/02/10(Wed)04:21 No.10219684
    "And I'll be more than happy whether we both win the next one or not.
    In the meantime, you've definitely earned some time to relax. Let me know if you ever want my presence for part of Jehanne's discipline. Oh, and I'll let them know that you're taking care of my room.
    Unless you want me to send Jehanne up to help anyways..?"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:22 No.10219694

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:22 No.10219695
    You know now that I think about this we could pull a five way off at this point. Samantha would be fine with it, as would Jehanne, Felicia is a cat girl and doesn't care, Koyomi said she's fine sharing. All that stands in the way of the maid orgy is Alicia's anger at Sam, Katherine's current predicament (why haven't we fixed that yet anyway), and Carmine needs some attention to get her into the love zone.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:22 No.10219699
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:23 No.10219704

    We're going to need a bigger bed.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:23 No.10219710
    When's the next thread?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:23 No.10219714

    Yess, I take it back, that's awesome. Good session! Looking forward to next time.
    >> Thread Archived 06/02/10(Wed)04:24 No.10219732
    I archived the previous thread, some one else is going to have to archive XXIV here
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)04:24 No.10219733
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    I think this one >>10214352 needs an archive too, not sure.

    Anyway, next thread is. .. whenever. Depends on when I have time.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:26 No.10219755
    So much trolling in one thread.

    Also, we're up to about 380 posts this thread if anybody noticed.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:26 No.10219756
    Leave a notice on your Twitter.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:26 No.10219764

    Delicious. Next one will have to be Fixing Kat and somethingsomething with Alicia, I believe.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:26 No.10219765
    We should be aiming for:

    Wife 1 - Samantha
    Wife 2 - Katherine
    Wife TSUNDERE - Alicia
    Retainer/Champion Who Has Lots Of Sex With Us - Jehanne
    Professional Concubine/Bedwarmer - Felicia
    SEX-powered Scientific Advisor - Koyomi
    >> Goshujin-Sama 06/02/10(Wed)04:26 No.10219768
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    Strike that, yeah, prior thread is archived, this one (XXXIII) needs to be
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:27 No.10219783
    you forgot ANGRY mistress carmine
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:29 No.10219821
    Blast it, I archived it, but I added it with the wrong number. Damn roman numerals, someone said XXIV so I added it under that. It's XXXIII.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:30 No.10219833
    I don't see how Sam could have such a problem sharing us. She's already fine banging the girl we're banging. As long as we make an agreement to not fuck just random strange women and stick to our Harem of Awesome Win, I think we should be fine.

    We need to get her on the Kat Pity Bandwagon sharpish.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:31 No.10219849
    Someone email the admin I'm sure he'll fix it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:31 No.10219856
    derp, I had only update the previous, so said the wrong number up there; just in time for the guy who archived this thread to use that one instead of XXIII. We're a number off the previous numbering.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:32 No.10219870

    An emotionally insecure trap who is about to have her dearest wish of femininity granted beyond her wildest dreams? Sam probably already has a box full of gear lined up for her.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:33 No.10219892
    In other news, we should report to Alicia for our requisite dose of "I told you so" from her.

    Also find out from her when they've had those "Sessions" of theirs, what with her sex-spider sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:34 No.10219896
    Too soon and she might just dominate our trap as is though. Depends on if the locket will actually girlify Kat or not I guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:34 No.10219904

    It's a shame, we could have used another dong in the orgy mix (as long as she was comfortable using it of course). We are only one man, an exceptionally horny bastard, but still only one man.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:34 No.10219906
    So how the flying fuck is Sam Pure / Pure?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:36 No.10219922

    Let's see... There's an untold number of hours while we were at Black Mesa that they could have been doing it, since Reg was away. And a few days here and there since the boat trip, too.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:37 No.10219935
    She's not anymore...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:37 No.10219936

    Maybe it knocks her so far over the "Pure" line that it rebounds all the way back into "Pure Evil".
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:38 No.10219953
    i suppose absolute black is a form of purity
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:39 No.10219960
    I hesitate to mention this, but we've shown our reality warping is very good at that particular type of restoration.
    Probably not good to abuse it, but the last such use didn't even risk Backlash. If we spent some time preparing, we could very well exhaust the entire household.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:40 No.10219978
    >Depends on if the locket will actually girlify Kat or not I guess.
    The thread would drown in homophobic rage if it doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:40 No.10219983
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:41 No.10219999

    We could probably make our fingers as sensitive as our penis if we wanted to.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:42 No.10220007
    Screw that! We'll just grow cock-tentacles.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:42 No.10220012
    God help those poor maids.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:43 No.10220014
    In amongst all of this... I wonder if Reg knows that his Pure, virgin daughter is a raging bisexual ultra-horny bondage msitress?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:44 No.10220023
    I'm still wondering more about how she's "Pure".
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:44 No.10220028

    I wonder if Koyomi could make us a robotic tentacle machine to hide under our bed for when Sam tries to dominate us again?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:45 No.10220040
    Possibly. We should also look into having her program out hunter-seeker assassing girlbot as our chef.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:45 No.10220045

    Pure Evil?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:46 No.10220055
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    >robotic tentacle machine
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:46 No.10220057
    Apparently she's still a virgin so there's that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:47 No.10220081

    Well, if she's preparng to counter our Magic the next time, using technology to pull one over on her would be a good way to keep up our trolling record.

    Of course, we let her think she's beaten us at first. It will reinforce our horny power over her that much more if she thinks she's beaten the best we've got... right before we pull out more and turn the tables.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:49 No.10220102

    In the sense she hasn't had a cock yet only. Multiple nights of dominating other women probably discount the spirit of the term, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:50 No.10220132

    ...wait. Could we use our magic to giver her a cock, temporarily? And then lock her in a room with Jehanne for a while, and wait until the moaning stops.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:51 No.10220134
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    Maid quest is the best quest.

    We really should develop Koyomi though. She could produce some pretty sweet stuff for us.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:51 No.10220145
    Hmmm. What are the chances she'll ask Alicia for help with the countermagic? Aside from asking Jehanne (and I have no idea if we have the equivalent of concentration checks or the like, though it'd be fun to see her 'distract' us to keep us from doing the voodoo that we do.)
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:52 No.10220155

    Like robotic tentacle machines.

    We also need to finish up the Alicia route, genderbend Kat, and get into Carmine's pants.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:52 No.10220162
    Does anyone else see the Assassi
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:53 No.10220175

    Heh, it's pretty weird that Alicia the demon-queen is the person in the harem that wants tender loving now. While Samantha the virgin wants the crazy aggressive fucking.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:53 No.10220182

    Holy Wards hidden in our room, probably.

    Exactly why wee need that Tentacle Machine built ASAP. She can modify one of the cleaning bots if she's short on parts/time.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:53 No.10220183
    Next session: Disneyland & Gender bending action
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:53 No.10220187
    Seeing Alicias sentiments concerning Sam it's unlikely she'd help her.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:54 No.10220192
    Nah, I was too busy looking elsewhere to look at the center of the-oh, damn it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:54 No.10220196

    Our mansion is like the Eye of Terror. Sanity need not apply.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:54 No.10220201
    >Samantha the virgin

    After what she did to Jehanne? Not anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:55 No.10220217

    Hell, she'd probably turn right around and help *us* to get one over on Sam.

    ...perhaps we could consult with her on techniques?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:56 No.10220225
    Change that to having her not do as Sam actually wants her too. Then again, when it's for the purpose of seeing what would dampen our powers, she might go along with it if she thinks Sam won't go all the way. Or can otherwise troll her.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)04:57 No.10220240
    She'd probably go ballistic if we ever mentioned wanting to fuck Sam.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:04 No.10220347
    she's going to have to get used to the idea eventually, we are trying to get a full blown harem together here
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:05 No.10220356
    We still haven't given Jehanne any SEXY ORDERS.

    We totally need to make her watch tomorrow morning.
    Hell, we could blow it on her face and make her go shopping.

    Actually, I don't know what would work. We need to test the waters a bit, see what kind of stuff she's into now that she's a Paladin of Sexy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:08 No.10220408
    We should totally play up their rivalry as we get into srs territory with each girl. Sam's at least mature enough to be good spirited about it, and to Alicia it would just be an excuse for MORE DELICIOUS TSUNDERE. Because if two of our many wives are going to be fighting, it should involve sex.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:10 No.10220443
    So far, tender loving and what I'd guess is gentle domination. I imagine teasing, denial and toys are definitely in; I imagine she might accept pain as well considering what she was doing before, but that we were actively getting her away from that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:13 No.10220480

    Alicia dominating Sam. Hatesex will be epic, and Alicia is more proficient than Sam can hope to be. Of course our technique should be the best of the bunch (magical!).
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:13 No.10220488
    So we hook her up with the traditional vibrating-eggs-fucking-everywhere setup, maybe some electric nipple clamps if she's feeling up to it, and then spend the day playing with the remote.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:29 No.10220726

    Well, it's not like we need to tell her what the techniques are for right away.

    Just cassualy ask for some advice while playing freespace or something, make it casual like an everyday chat.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:50 No.10221043

    Oh god, it just hit me. The full spectrum of what we have accomplished so far.

    We've killed a giant squid and got his boyfriend/girlfriend drunk.
    We've started a war in hell just by trolling.
    We've levelled Black Mesa.
    We made a nerdy girl orgasm herself half unconscious with horribly geeky meta-references.
    We turned a QUEEN OF LUST DEMONS into a video-gaming tsundere lolibitch.
    We converted a repressed paladin of Bahamut into a PALADIN OF SEXY AWESOME.
    We've boned a catgirl about nine thousand times.
    We rescued LOVE ITSELF from the depths of Hell.
    And just now we epicly trolled a horny exhibitionist maid who could probably kill us with her bare thumbs if she wanted to, using just the power of MIND ORGASMS.

    Maid Quest is the best. Quest. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:06 No.10221234

    And just think of what we still have to do:

    -Defeat the strongest butler ever in single combat for the hand of his bisexal dominatrix maid daughter
    -Seduce and fuck a female half-eldar-half-vampire female Angry Space marine Commissar
    -Tenderly romance and make sweet loving love to aformentioned demonqueen loli at disneyland
    -Magically genderbend and fuck mentally fukced-up readheaded trap maid
    -Any other amount of crazy shit GS throws at us in the next 15 days of game time.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:17 No.10221352
    I have to disagree with some of that.

    First, Carmine is NOT an ANGRY MARINE. Remember, guys, she stole the armor and is just pretending. She's really just a bitter, angsty, permanently pissed off half-eldar dhampire...thing.
    Second, while I'm all for giving Alicia the tender lovings, NOT at Disneyland. If there is to be any sex at Disneyland, it should be very very naughty. We need to take her on a ferris wheel or something and cum in her like a dozen fucking times by the time it goes all the way round.
    Third, any initial sex with Kat (post-switch most likely) should involve lost of apologizing, followed by gallons of vodka and the bro-est sex any woman has ever experienced. THEN we can move on to making her a woman. Again.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:23 No.10221435

    Eh, it was a vague outline for the purposes of sounding awesome. Specifics will be incredibly impromptu, knowing our record.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:31 No.10221527
    I was just trying to be helpful, really. Making some suggestions. Nothing personal.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:48 No.10221713

    Indeed. I'm not too worried. *something* is going to happen at any rate. Half the fun is making shit up on the spot.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:50 No.10221740
    I'd really like a scene where we explore Jeanne a little more.

    Loss of that boon to her annoyed me, it's sitting there. In my brain. Staring at me like a Eversor starts at a turtle.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:52 No.10221754

    What was her Boon again?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:55 No.10221797

    Some sort of misc ero-scene. But we'd be going to in the long way, and that means dealing with a bit more of her backstory, and Paladinness, and we'd probably be able to deal with her change of faith, etc. It just sounded like something really cool, and I've always been a fan of Jeanne over Sam.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:57 No.10221819

    The Koyomi boon sounded like her mind and personality getting put in that fem-killbot body.

    That shit sounded super useful.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:00 No.10221849

    Hm. I wonder if we could've kept her vacated body as a sort of inanimate blowup doll to practice on. It's not necrophilia, since she's not technically dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:00 No.10221854

    Heh. Yeah, that was actually pretty awesome sounding.

    Of course, all of them were. Honestly, each one I was kicking myself knowing that we'd only get ONE.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:03 No.10221891

    On the upside, our who's-the-master-now contest with Sam gives us reason to interact with her and jehanne more, and far more opportunities for god-tier trolling.

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