Thread | Title | Description | Tags | Added | Score |
January 2008 |
1044995 | How to stop a Time-Traveling BBEG | With sheer Badassery | Time travel BBEG Badass | 2008-01-21 | 11 | |
April 2008 |
1573964 | ITT Stupid But Amusing Shit You Have Done | For instance, throwing a ladder hard enough to out-damage the barbarian's battleaxe. | D&D, storytime | 2008-04-22 | 37 | |
November 2008 |
3049699 | Get out of here M.A.R.T.I.A.N | It seems there has been a time shift! Steampunk STALKER, an not-fully-thought-out cyberpunk setting with some potential and Macross 1942. And More! | Steampunk, Time Shift, Macross, STALKER, World War 2, War of the Worlds | 2008-11-24 | 5 | |
December 2008 |
3108744 | Of Neutronium Golems and Time Lords | /tg/ tries to figure out how to kill the fundamental aspects of reality and their servants. Absurdity follows. | time lord neutronium golem stupid | 2008-12-04 | 2 | |
February 2009 |
3599161 | 40K Musicals | What musical theatre would be approved for general release by the inquisition? /tg/ explores such old Broadway hits as "Springtime for Horus" and "Mekboy on da Roof". | Musicals, 40k, Springtime for Horus, Mekboy on da Roof | 2009-02-03 | 10 | |
June 2009 |
4965691 | ITT: Worst Story/Player you ever had. | Just another bad players/story thread. lulz ensue. | Storytime, Bad Players | 2009-06-23 | 1 | |
July 2009 |
5114798 | Kender players suck | A troll thread turns into a discussion of how /tg/ hates Kender, then becomes epic when stories are shared of superb in-character revenge against a douchebag Kender player. | kender, revenge, storytime | 2009-07-07 | 252 | |
5145534 | Another Wasteland Warrior Tale | Wasteland Warrior brings another campaign story to /tg/. | Wasteland Warrior, storytime | 2009-07-13 | 57 | |
5165594 | Wasteland Warrior Storytime | /tg/ requests Wasteland Warrior stories and is rewarded. Captain Collateral, and killing Boba Fett included. | Wasteland Warrior, storytime | 2009-07-15 | 27 | |
5265013 | Tarsus, Venerable Dreadnaught | The Gentle Writefag presents a most excellent short tale about an Imperial Fist Venerable Dreadnaught that fought during the Horus Heresy. Man Tears floweth forward. | Writefaggotry, Story Time, Awesome, Warhammer 40k, Space Marines | 2009-07-27 | 7 | |
August 2009 |
5425261 | IRON QUEST, IRRELEVANT MUSING EDITION | sup/tg/ being down prevented the scheduled installment of IRON QUEST, so instead, we chatted for about 100 posts. CPU !irONY will be occupied, so the next quest is in 6 days or so. | Iron quest, wasted time, collective game, damn you LL, candy. | 2009-08-12 | 3 | |
September 2009 |
5820756 | Wasteland Warrior Space Opera Storytime | Wasteland Warrior being a BBEG bastard and then preparing for future sessions. | Wasteland Warrior, Storytime, Evil Bastard | 2009-09-12 | 24 | |
5828035 | Things You've Regretted Doing in an RPG | /tg/ provides some awesome stories, and a lot of Pokemon discussion inbetween. | storytime, misty, regret | 2009-09-13 | 10 | |
5957719 | /tg/ storytime and QA with Wasteland Warrior | Stories are swapped, questions are answered, fun is had. | storytime, Wasteland Warrior | 2009-09-22 | 16 | |
October 2009 |
6259635 | Time Travel Game | A GM relates his tale of his PCs playing through a time travel game that begins with them being transported to the Victorian age and being told to assassinate Hellsing and Dracula. | Time Travel, awesome, dracula | 2009-10-14 | 5 | |
6341748 | Time Cube the RPG | Behold! Time Cube the RPG, the only simulation of 4-corner existence, 4 days withing 1 24 hour one-corner human day | time cube, 4-corner human, homebrew | 2009-10-20 | 2 | |
6390184 | Time Travel Campagin pt 2 | Contiuation of a previously archived campagin. The heros make their way to the Dark Ages, and eventually encounter Fae | Time Travel, Campagin Log, Story Time, Fae, Bhargest, Pregnancy, Seelie, Unseelie, Wolf, Evil Robot Ghandi | 2009-10-23 | 3 | |
6489840 | Horror Stories | OP requests horror stories, Chuck-E-Cheese writefag delivers to stop thread derailment. | horror, storytime, firstquest | 2009-10-30 | 7 | |
November 2009 |
6613937 | Darkness Beyond Time | You did it, you broke reality, and with your sin of paradox, you brought everything crashing down around you. Your world no longer had the right to exist, you had undone that, destroyed that privilege you weren't even aware of with your carelessness. Its essence and lifeblood, the mercurial sands of time, seeped from the cracks you wrought into it, escaping this dying place, evaporating into dimensions beyond your ken. | Darkness Beyond Time, Collective Game | 2009-11-08 | 15 | |
6625870 | Darkness Beyond Time pt 2 | The Darkness Beyond Time saga continues | Darkness Beyond Time, Collective Game | 2009-11-09 | 13 | |
6641759 | Darkness Beyond Time pt 3 | The Darkness Beyond Time saga continues
We learned our name and fragments of our past
Dmitri is a stylish badass | Darkness Beyond Time, Collective Game | 2009-11-10 | 14 | |
6671995 | Saddest moment in your campaign/game | Storytime ensues. | storytime, sad | 2009-11-12 | 3 | |
6741605 | Most good thing you've done in a game. | A "good things you've done ingame" thread turns into a WW story session. | stories, Wasteland Warrior, storytime, Good | 2009-11-17 | 10 | |
6899036 | Stupid Players, DM SMASH! | Namefag free story time, on par with WW's best. | story time, dick moves, DM hate | 2009-11-28 | 5 | |
6929120 | Insanely awesome things your party has done | A decent collection of stories | story time | 2009-11-30 | 2 | |
December 2009 |
7251082 | Bad DMing storytime and advice | Anon asks for stories about poor DMing, and /tg/ provides; plenty of advice on how not to be a bad DM is given as well. | storytime, DMs, bad, DMing | 2009-12-23 | 3 | |
7282138 | Most guys killed in tabletop | OP asks "In terms of numbers, what's the biggest amount your character has ever slain? HARD MODE: No magic." /tg/ provides storytime. | storytime | 2009-12-26 | 4 | |
January 2010 |
7387989 | Examples of Play Continued | OP attempts to start /tg/-wide storytime, ends up just delivering quality writefaggotry himself with Anon making minor contributions. Includes a continuation of the Examples of Play story. | Kemosabe, storytime, writefagging, writefaggotry | 2010-01-02 | 6 | |
February 2010 |
8231595 | Laterntheif story time |
Dear /tg/,
I just wanted to tell you that for the first time in my DMing career, something happened that I've never seen nor heard of, even in all my years of lurking about /tg/.
One of my PC's attempted suicide.
| D&D, story, epic, time, laterntheif | 2010-02-23 | 0 | |
8253679 | Rogue god among men | A riveting tale of a Machiavellian players ambitions and the incredible outcome | story time, laser nipples, cabbage sex | 2010-02-24 | 15 | |
March 2010 |
8377758 | ChronoChess | /tg/ gets shit done, timetravel chess. Send your queen back in time to save your rook, then have your queens new and old pair up to pin his queen and knight - who then captures your rook the turn before. | Chess, shit gets done, Chronochess, TimeTravel | 2010-03-03 | 14 | |
8839763 | Terminator Quest | Model:Terminator unit D300.S Cyberdyne Infiltration model.
Status: Space-Time failure. Localitation and time period unknown.
Mission: Assure the develovment of Skynet in the future.
| Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-03-29 | 23 | |
8844159 | Terminator Quest II | Terminator unit D300.S, Advanced Infiltration Model with a space-time error affecting his mission. Finally get some clothing, and with it some armor and weapons. And a thankful human. | Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-03-29 | 21 | |
8874104 | Not-so-Bitter Betrothal | L5R Storytime about a Mantis Bushi and his drinking, swearing & fighting black sheep of a Crane bride. | L5R, marriage, Crane, Mantis, Bushi, Storytime | 2010-03-30 | 25 | |
April 2010 |
8907068 | Gerald Farthing, Genteel Barbarian | In which we learn of Gerald Farthing, Half-Orc Thaneborn Barbarian, bastard son, and unwilling womanizer. Will he be able to win the heart of the Gnome he tricked before she cuts his balls off with rage??? | Barbarian, Story-Time, Gerald Farthing | 2010-04-01 | 2 | |
8947192 | Gerald Farthing, Genteel Barbarian 2 | In which we learn Gerald Farthing, Half-Orc Thaneborn Barbarian, bastard son, and unwilling womanizer has cleared out the BBEG's undead stronghold, initiatied peace talks with the Gnome Warlord, ang nearly got gutted for his troubles! | Barbarian, Story-Time, Gerald Farthing | 2010-04-03 | 2 | |
8977099 | Terminator Quest III | We are D300.S, a Terminator with a space-time error. Here we learn more about the people we've just saved, the world we're in, and then arrive at a settlement needing citybuilding skills. | Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-04-05 | 20 | |
9004141 | Terminator Quest IV | Our Terminator with a space-time problem assumes his newfound leadership position and tries to keep a settlement from winter starvation.
It's like Lord Quest and Iron Quest had a baby... an angry, hungry baby. | Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-04-06 | 21 | |
9026107 | Terminator Quest V | Terminator D300.S continues to establish a surviving settlement populace for its base of operations. Diplomatic envoy sent, and someone ate a couple of our lumberjacks. Also we fret about anti-tech killsats. | Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-04-07 | 20 | |
9215590 | Terminator Quest VI | D300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We attack a rival settlement who think they can fuck with our diplomats. Also we work to confirm killsat presence, and possibly find lost technology. | Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-04-16 | 20 | |
9222524 | Terminator Quest VII | D300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We destroy a rival settlement, and tear the chiefs heart out. Lideca is mentally scared for life thanks to THE SHITTIEST ROLLS SINCE TAU QUEST. | Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-04-16 | 18 | |
9299544 | Terminator Quest VIII | D300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We unsuccessfully try to convert Mac Bair, and then take a trek to the killsat bombardment site. | Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-04-20 | 18 | |
9448347 | Terminator Quest IX | D300.S, Terminator with a space-time error. We find out who the bastard was that jinxed Lideca's brain, and set out to terminate his ass. Also, citybuilding, converting, and seriously kickass art. | Terminator, Skynet, Time travel, Collective Game, Terminator Quest | 2010-04-27 | 24 | |
9488779 | nWoD Storytime | nWoD Storytime | nWoD, Storytime | 2010-04-29 | 23 | |
May 2010 |
9903852 | Unimportant, Awesome NPCs | You know the story: The GM pulls an obviously unimportant NPC out of his ass, and the PCs like the NPC. They like it so much they make it ascend to awesomeness.
This has happened to all of us. So tell me about yours, as a GM and as a PC. | NPCs, storytime, GMing | 2010-05-19 | 6 | |
June 2010 |
10208453 | WW's drunken ramblings and Heresies. | Heresy thread turns into WW storytime, complete with voice recordings from the man. | Wasteland Warrior, storytime, WW, Drunk, story, writefag, Heresy | 2010-06-02 | 6 | |
10649511 | ITT: we run games/quests on Omegle and report the results | /tg/ is brought to the masses. Hilarity and confusion ensue, with some excellent short game transcripts posted. New /tg/ tradition? Maybe. | omegle, /tg/ to the masses, chat, storytime | 2010-06-22 | 11 | |
July 2010 |
10964326 | craziest shit you have ever done in game | /tg/ shares tales of some of the Craziest things they've ever done. New Namefag Waffle House Millionaire all but steals the show with the tale of Old Man Henderson | storytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, dashingbastard, Waffle House Millionaire | 2010-07-06 | 65 | |
11158582 | Suicide man returns | Suicide man is back with another session, and unlike others, doesn't draw out the story time like an attention whore. | Suicide, Suicide man, gurps, funny, story, story time | 2010-07-16 | 8 | |
August 2010 |
11497351 | Stay Classy, /tg/ | Pour yourself a drink and warm up your computer, it's time to take a step back form all the trolling, spam, and various other shit threads and let yourself relax. | Classy, awesome, jazz time | 2010-08-03 | 14 | |
11829913 | A Guide to Heinlein: Part 1 | Bitter Old Man tells /tg/ a story. A story of a recently turned wealthy man and his quest for justice upon an unscrupulous criminal. | Heinlein, Sci Fi, Storytime | 2010-08-26 | 22 | |
11841933 | A Guide to Heinlein: Part 2 | Bitter Old Man continues telling a story to /tg/. The story of a recently turned wealthy man, and the consequences his actions take | Heinlein, Sci Fi, Storytime | 2010-08-27 | 14 | |
11881463 | A Guide to Heinlein: Part 3 | Bitter Old Man continues telling his story to /tg/, now with more thermite. | Heinlein, Sci Fi, Storytime | 2010-08-30 | 12 | |
11894464 | A Guide to Heinlein: Part 4 | Bitter Old Man continues telling his story to /tg/. The story of William and Nate, and their attempt to finally get off planet. | Heinlein, Sci Fi, Storytime | 2010-08-31 | 12 | |
September 2010 |
11920627 | A Guide to Heinlein: Part 5 | Bitter Old Man continues telling his story to /tg/. Wherein Nate finally makes his way off planet, and William commits another atrocity. | Heinlein, Sci Fi, Storytime | 2010-09-02 | 12 | |
11972911 | A Guide to Heinlein: Part 6 | Bitter Old Man continues telling his story to /tg/. William, separated from Nate aboard the Carthage, tries to bluff their way into safe passage out of system. | Heinlein, Sci Fi, Storytime | 2010-09-06 | 11 | |
11995407 | Storytiem: part the somethingth. | STORYTIEM continues the adventures of Saburo, Al'Sham, Knock, Halfling and co. | storytime, storytiem, al'sham, saburo, knock, halfling, blood bowl, awesome | 2010-09-08 | 28 | |
12082026 | A Guide to Heinlein: Part 7 | Bitter Old Man continues telling his story to /tg/. William and Nate slowly discover what life aboard the Carthage is like, and finally we leave the Heinlein system. | Heinlein, Sci Fi, Storytime | 2010-09-14 | 11 | |
12130366 | My best horror RPG | Atmospheric recollections of disturbing sci-fi horror. | nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime | 2010-09-18 | 136 | |
12141617 | DuskWood Hearts II | Joseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid start the storytelling proper, and begin retelling their Inquisitorial mission alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus. | story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts | 2010-09-19 | 11 | |
12161415 | DuskWood Hearts III | Joseph Evans and Cú Airúath Siblaid continue the storytelling, retelling the record of their first two battles alongside the Robo-loli, Rip and Knife-ophile, Lupus. | story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts | 2010-09-21 | 9 | |
12236243 | DuskWood Hearts V | Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today they have drama in space, land on a swamp world, and someone almost gets shot in the head! | story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts | 2010-09-27 | 7 | |
October 2010 |
12317098 | DuskWood Hearts VI | Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's a cult ritual, a dismemberment, nightvision goggles, and someone gets engaged! | story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts | 2010-10-04 | 7 | |
12400927 | DuskWood Hearts VII | Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an interrupted wedding, another crazy person joins, an- WTF DID HE DO TO THAT DINOSAUR!?! | story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts | 2010-10-11 | 7 | |
12403221 | SS13 Storytime | Space Station 13 stories, many of them hilarious. I don't even play it and this thread was well worth the read. | SS13, Space Station 13, storytime | 2010-10-11 | 29 | |
12481769 | DuskWood Hearts VIII | Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Today, there's an ambush, rotting gorillas, hammer-space hijinks and two team members are more insane than previously thought! | story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts | 2010-10-18 | 7 | |
12539605 | Timeless World | A brainstorming session about a setting with immortal humans and concept of time. | world building, worldbuilding, setting, Worldbuilding World Building, Setting, time, Time | 2010-10-23 | 2 | |
12591983 | temptations | Thread starts out asking about /tg/'s dirty little gaming secrets, gets derailed with an argument over Paladins, and ends in story time. /tg/ in a nutshell | storytime, dirty little secrets, Waffle house Millionaire | 2010-10-28 | 4 | |
12612753 | Adventure Time Quest! | 30 years after Jake and Finn left their legacy, Brock the Rock Candy Musclewizard sets out to make his mark on the world. | Adventure Time, Collective Game, Quest thread | 2010-10-30 | 1 | |
November 2010 |
12717096 | DuskWood Hearts IX | Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. A funeral, a genocide, crippling depression, someone gets dramatically slapped, and there are fancy clothes! | story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts | 2010-11-08 | 7 | |
12739103 | Tesla steals you from the future | Tesla steals you out of the present-day and into 1895. What do you bring? /tg/ debates what to bring, whether to stop WWI, and the finer points of literary context. A strange read. | time travel, history, literature, current wars, TESLA | 2010-11-10 | 1 | |
12776514 | Epic Kills | OP requests fa/tg/uys tell their most epic or just lucky kill. /tg/ does not disappoint, delivering story after story of extreme badassitude. | storytime, epic win, epic kills | 2010-11-13 | 8 | |
12798995 | DuskWood Hearts X | Joseph Evans continues his in character recap of the group's Dark Heresy session. Murders on a funeral worlds holiday? What are the odds!? | story, storytime, dark heresy, writefag, Duskwood Hearts | 2010-11-15 | 8 | |
12807495 | Inside jokes | What are your groups inside jokes? | Storytime, funny | 2010-11-16 | 15 | |
12861560 | Storytime that becomes AWESOME. | A storytime thread goes from awesome tales of player hijinks and shenanigans to AWESOME as a lone luchadorre shows /tg/ the meaning of a hero. | storytime, writing, lucha, AWESOME | 2010-11-20 | 21 | |
December 2010 |
13013334 | /tg/ stories of the humorous variety | wherein we have an interview with a dreadnought, a paladin of Tyr, clanner mechwarrior, pilot and hopefully others | Writefaggotry, story, funny, storytime, writing | 2010-12-03 | 7 | |
13020762 | Space Marines of the Star Shanks | Comedy writefaggotry. If Douglas Adams decided to create a Space Marine's Chapter. Much dickwounding. Continuation of 13013334 | Writefaggotry, story, funny, storytime, writing, Star Shanks, dickwounding | 2010-12-04 | 5 | |
13027500 | Old 40k RPG fluff | Post on how the Imperium functions, in technology, language, culture and such. | 40k warhammer 40,000 rpg setting storytime science | 2010-12-04 | 6 | |
13040306 | The Tale of Jakob | An anon tells the story of young Jakob, who, for just a few weeks, found a spark of hope in games, when elsewhere he found none. | storytime, baww, manly tears | 2010-12-06 | 34 | |
13115808 | Tall Tales of AdEva | Anon requests stories from other Adeptus Evangelion players. Awesome ensues. | AdEva, Adeptus Evangelion, Storytime, My Campaigns, Evangelion | 2010-12-13 | 5 | |
13137105 | Storytime with Al Kapown and Oscar | Storytime thread to make tales of /tg/ past easy to find and read. Also, circuit design, for some reason. | al kapown, oscar, storytime | 2010-12-13 | 17 | |
13158049 | Avoid the Noid | Dwarven alcoholism saves the day, and /tg/ discusses how best to use addictive alcohol to conquer dwarfkind. | Storytime, Cerebrate Anon, Bottomless Flagon, The Noid, Eberron, Alcoholism, Dwarves, Dorfs | 2010-12-15 | 21 | |
13237239 | Biggs and Big Iron | What starts out as a wizarding troll thread becomes one of an epic tale of one Goliath and the hammer that broke an entire campaign. Includes a sarcastic bro-priest, a rules lawyer of justice, a little girl and a CE barbarian who gains levels in Paladin of Freedom after killing a man 3 times his level.
Contains copious amounts of heroics and fuck the GM. | Shit GM, That Guy, Biggs, HAMMERTIME, Little Girl, Paladin, storytime | 2010-12-21 | 23 | |
13254364 | Reverse Chivalry Followup | OP brings back more stories of his abusive paladin wife. | paladin, chivalry, domestic abuse, storytime | 2010-12-23 | 24 | |
13320577 | Troll DMs | Players discuss particularly sinister DMs they've encountered. One such DM tells the story of a problem player who got his comeuppance at the hands of a very, very cursed thief girl. | storytime | 2010-12-29 | 7 | |
January 2011 |
13399772 | More Reverse Chivalry | OP brings us an update on his story | paladin, chivalry, storytime | 2011-01-05 | 20 | |
13510539 | The Case Files Of 30 Meter Murphy | In which a Arbitrator, Assassin & 2 Psykers try to investigate a tech-cult without getting themselves killed | Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites | 2011-01-14 | 4 | |
13545768 | Yet More Reverse Chivalry | In which we learn of the Order's origins and receive an update on OP's story. | paladin,chivalry,storytime | 2011-01-17 | 20 | |
13553948 | Only Sane Man | OP tells us the story of how his current party met. Coincidentally, it was at an inn. | storytime | 2011-01-18 | 51 | |
13592149 | Only Sane Man 2 | OP tells us the how the story of how his strange party continues. | storytime | 2011-01-20 | 34 | |
13597432 | ITT: Epic tabletop facepalms | Gets awesome quick, and WHM makes a quick stop to tell us the tale of Buster, among other things. | facepalm, storytime, WHM | 2011-01-21 | 5 | |
13634460 | ShadowRussia | 4E Shadowrun game set in St. Petersburg. First session is...odd. | Shadowrun, storytime | 2011-01-24 | 13 | |
13668381 | Whom The Telling Changed | Your people have always gathered in times of trouble to hear the stories, since the time of their ancestors' ancestors. Tonight, as you listen to The Epic of Gilgamesh, your people must make a crucial decision. Depending on what questions you ask and what you point out during the story, the outcome will be vastly different. | Gilgamesh, writefaggotry, quest thread, quest, collective game, game, history, storytime, storytelling | 2011-01-27 | 9 | |
13680077 | The Case Files of Castus "30 Meter" Murphy Pt. 2 | "30 Meter" Murphy rides again with an enthralling retelling of his adventures. | Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites | 2011-01-27 | 1 | |
February 2011 |
13734176 | Reverse Chivalry Conclusion | The bittersweet conclusion. | paladin, chivalry, storytime | 2011-02-01 | 21 | |
13826969 | Time Loop Game? | OP asks how one would go about running a Groundhog's Day style game, which of course leads to Majora's Mask discussion and how to run creepy horror scenario with a time loop mechanic. | Groundhog Day, Time Loop, Majora's Mask, Legend of Zelda, RPG, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green | 2011-02-09 | 12 | |
13901851 | SENTENCES YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D SAY IN A TABLETOP GAME (BUT THEN TOTALLY DID) | Anon shares some funny quotes, WHM shows up and contributes. | OC, funney, whm, storytime? | 2011-02-15 | 5 | |
March 2011 |
14115238 | 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp : Rogue Trader | 30 Meter Murphy drops in and lays down the tale of A great Rogue Trader ship and its crew. | Rogue trader, Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime | 2011-03-03 | 3 | |
14198776 | 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp Part 2 | The Rogue Trader crew is down a few members. A planetary government is overthrown in two shots and the Astropath has a very bad day | Rogue Trader, Storytime, WH40K | 2011-03-11 | 1 | |
14252439 | 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp Pt 3: Bonk's Adventure | The Rogue Trader crew cleans out the rest of an ork infestation on a new colony through an ingenious use of mind control and precision bombardment. Then there's a misunderstanding with the Adeptus Mechanicus. | Story Time, Rogue Trader, 40K | 2011-03-15 | 0 | |
14264396 | Seventh Sanctum Magemaker | It was just an ordinary rollantrollan thread with some funny randomly-generated mage class titles. Then some cunt started conjuring castles, some other guy was destroying the castles, mages were fucking with one another, one omnicidal asshole was messing with time travel, and suddenly it bloomed into a BATTLE FOR THE MULTIVERSE. | mage, magic, castle, seventh sanctum, time travel, rollantrollan, roleplay, omnicide, derp | 2011-03-17 | 11 | |
14341016 | Random Encounter turned Insane Stories | What started as a normal random encounter thread is quickly derailed when a poster begins talking about his girlfriend, who is apparently both ex-Mossad and extremely angry. Entertainment is had by all, along with discussion of whether one beatdown was justifiable | storytime, Sister of Battle, random encounter, crazy woman | 2011-03-24 | 8 | |
14346194 | Sorcerer Quest 8 | Melane finally gets done meeting the rest of her crew, then has a few words with Paima, which does not end well. Ends with us taking on the role of Paima, whom is about to use Dominion's Memory to become Algers in the past. | sorcerer, quest, sorcerer quest, collective game, time paradox | 2011-03-24 | 7 | |
14351173 | 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp Pt 4: The Molestation of Vorgen Thayle | The Rogue Trader crew Veer into the strange of space and all blame is focused on the Eldar. | Story Time, Rogue Trader, 40K | 2011-03-24 | 0 | |
14381700 | Creepy Hotel Story | spiders and doorknobs, the source of true fear. | creepy, storytime | 2011-03-27 | 14 | |
14422640 | Sorcerer Quest 11 | Still playing as Paima in Algers' memories, we shoot the shit with Kresis and find out there's some gnolls in the house who need an ass-whoopin. | sorcerer, quest, sorcerer quest, collective game, rage, time paradox | 2011-03-31 | 5 | |
April 2011 |
14431487 | 30 Meter Murphy's Tales of the Warp Part 5: Promotions! | The Rogue Trader crew purge a Nurgle infestation on their ship, deliver a box of psykers and get mindwiped about it, then Howling Banshees kill one of them. | Rogue Trader, Storytime, Warhammer 40K | 2011-04-01 | 1 | |
14399679 | The Tale of an Industrious Rogue | "DM Kroft" expands (slowly) upon the tale of a rogue, his party, and their highly industrious insanity. | Pathfinder, storytime, writefag, story time | 2011-04-01 | 33 | |
14435926 | Magical Girl Storytime | A GM recounts his group's military magical girls fighting a mysterious alien enemy in a magitech setting resembling that of the Nanoha series. | magical girl, mahou shoujo, military, gm story, setting, storytime, magical girl lyrical nanoha, nanoha, magitech | 2011-04-02 | 8 | |
14475678 | How anon ran a game for elderly | Well, this kind anon volunteered to host a "game night" at the local old folks house. Although he was supposed to play Scrabble, he decided to run DnD instead. A fun night ensued, with badass old men and lots of people remembering the Biker DnD thread. The thread features the epic storitiem, /tg/ never changing, Watership Down, some guys being faggots and lots more. Surprisingly, no edition wars. | DnD, elderly, veteran, storytiem, storytime | 2011-04-05 | 22 | |
14564348 | Shas'O Rymr's Rogue Trader Tales | The Shas regales us with a story of 40k action and adventure. | 40k, storytime | 2011-04-12 | 2 | |
14569751 | TimeQuest | We're sent back in time with a mission: commit murder in the Miskatonic River Valley. Lovecraftian intrigue in the 1950s. Bonus: It's secretly a Bloodquest spinoff. | TimeQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Bloodquest | 2011-04-13 | 20 | |
14604048 | TimeQuest 2 | Gil Cathaway gets sent back in time again, this time to kill a man in the middle of the Soviet-Afghan invasion. It works, but then shit gets weird. Debriefings in the future ensue. | TimeQuest, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Bloodquest | 2011-04-16 | 15 | |
14625711 | TimeQuest 3 | Very little time-traveling actually gets done, but Gil gets assigned to bring a car thief into Arkham's fold. Drug deals are scheduled, and technically completed. | Quest Thread, Collective Game, TimeQuest, Bloodquest | 2011-04-18 | 15 | |
14755334 | Tabletop 'NOPE' Moments | OP invites /tg/ to post tales from their game tables which have made them 'nope'.
One tale from CoC in particular captures /tg/'s attention. | Call of cthulhu, CoC, nope, scary, terrifying, story time, stories | 2011-04-29 | 10 | |
May 2011 |
14785908 | Humanity Story Time | OP tells the story of how he brings A GM and a Game store worker together and brings a party down. | Humanity fuck Yeah, Story Time, Zarus | 2011-05-02 | 17 | |
14815360 | Reaction Image Stories | fa/tg/uys post random images from their Reaction Image folder, and give short stories about what was REALLY going on in it. A picture really is worth a thousand words. | Funny, Storytime | 2011-05-05 | 3 | |
14865918 | Rogue Trader Storytime | Rogue Trader Story time with Enterprise-level disregard for red shirt lives. | 40k, Rogue Trader, Story Time | 2011-05-09 | 5 | |
14863919 | Keter the killer. | Epic tale of a swordsman-turned-Diabolist-turned-hero of the wastes. | Fighter, Wasteland, Keter, Falchion, Writefaggotry, Storytime, Evil | 2011-05-09 | 24 | |
14871818 | Jackie vs the world. | A PC in a world that just hates PCs. Eventually he breaks the DM's bullshit in half and frees himself. | THAT DM, Maenads, Mary-sue, Storytime, Gestalt, Escape | 2011-05-10 | 21 | |
14877949 | LARP storytime! | Southern boys go larping and draw the ire of Peacock. Hilarity ensues | LARP, storytime, THAT GUY | 2011-05-10 | 59 | |
14888308 | Sal the bleak, Ur-priest of the end of all. | A simple Gypsy guy who's the result of a supernatural gene-bashing, and his exploits as the world he lives in keeps hammering home how cold and uncaring it is to his people. Until he finally snaps and ends the world. | Emrakul, Gypsy, Storytime, D&D, Paladin, THAT DM, Bard | 2011-05-12 | 9 | |
14907969 | Humans vs Zombies | A riveting discussion about HvZ occurs, with stories of epic games, Nerf gun modification, and Commissar roleplaying abound. | Humans vs Zombies, Nerf, Gun Modification, storytime | 2011-05-13 | 6 | |
14941075 | Best Mutants & Masterminds Game Ever | The Sovereign, Fishmonger, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Lucifer Lass, and the Masked Rider team up to fight crime...or sell action figures...or maybe take over the world? It's really hard to tell with these guys... | M&M, Mutants & Masterminds, storytime, The Sovereign, Ragin' Ronnie Reagan, Fishmonger | 2011-05-16 | 28 | |
14969510 | RL admech encounters and adventures | The omnissiah approves of this thread. /tg/ tells of RL invokations of various machine gods to fix things. also interns will do anything. | admech IRL RL story storythread storytime | 2011-05-18 | 2 | |
14972306 | NASCAR Genesis: Einherjar | Evangelion + Norse Mythology + Nascar. One of the most inventive and awesome uses of Adeptus Evangelion /tg/ has ever seen | Adeptus Evangelion, Homebrew, Storytime | 2011-05-19 | 16 | |
15009675 | Adventure Time RPG | OP wants a quick and simple RPG for Adventure Time, Awesome is a stat. Hopefully followup on it sometime. | Adventure Time, Homebrew, awesome | 2011-05-22 | 7 | |
15009660 | Time Travel Campaigns | A thread for stories about time travel in people's games takes a turn for the epic when a stranger tells a heart-wrenching story about Asmodeus the Paladin. /tg/ weeps, and then someone who may or may not be the writer reveals a terrible secret, leaving /tg/ feeling confused and slightly inspired. | time, time travel, story time, storytime, story, paladin, asmodeus, writefaggotry, manly tears | 2011-05-22 | 8 | |
15071892 | Mutant Quest: Issue Fifteen | The year was 2099. Now, it isn't. Teenage time-traveller, warper, and all around manipulator Aino Virta faces impossible odds and decisions in this issue of Mutant Quest, and finally learns the truth behind her adventures. | Mutant Quest, X-Men, time travel | 2011-05-28 | 21 | |
15063299 | That AWESOME Guy/DM | Tired of all the That Guy/That DM threads, this was their antithesis with stories of just plain awesome teammates and DMs. Special stories include The Great Caseby, an albino troll with large testicles, and killing gods. | story, storytime, stories, D&D, The Great Caseby, Call of Cthulhu, That Awesome Guy, That Awesome DM, Henderson | 2011-05-29 | 16 | |
June 2011 |
15134748 | Cursed Items | A thread about cursed items in campaigns. Also the story of a druid and a holy turtle. | cursed item, storytime | 2011-06-02 | 8 | |
15198203 | Mutant Quest: Issue Seventeen | In the aftermath of her greatest and most costly adventure yet, Aino takes some time to relax with her friends. But it seems trouble followed her... | Mutant Quest, X-Men, time travel | 2011-06-09 | 16 | |
15248777 | Help | We're shown a map with no instructions, but after a few deaths we see. We are White Legion, and this is a rules-light, real-time strategy, image-board game. | Help, legion, real, time, strategy, game | 2011-06-13 | 4 | |
July 2011 |
15450652 | In-game quotes | Great PC one-liners, storytime, and more. | quotes, storytime | 2011-07-03 | 10 | |
15476554 | Peg-Leg Dave's story | Peg-Leg Dave tells about a baaad "hard" sci-fi setting and how he proceeded to make it a little better | awesome, Peg-Leg Dave, sci-fi, future, storytime, homebrew | 2011-07-05 | 33 | |
15483779 | Peg-Leg Dave DnD Storytime | Dave relates an awesome story about two friends, a massive cooperative-DMed DnD campaign, and the quest to bring down a Mary-Sue empire of elves. | Storytime, Dungeons and Dragons, Awesome | 2011-07-05 | 54 | |
15494324 | Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime | Peg Leg Dave continues telling stories as promised, this time he introduces his Dark Heresy Character, Shenanigans Ensue. | Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime | 2011-07-07 | 27 | |
15503442 | Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime I2 | Storytime with Pegleg Dave, he continues where he left off | Peg-Leg Dave, Dark Heresy, Storytime | 2011-07-07 | 27 | |
15520509 | Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy storytime 3 | Peg-Leg dave shares the continuing saga of Silon and Co. | Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime | 2011-07-09 | 24 | |
15546106 | Peg-Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Story-time part 4 | Peg-Leg Dave returns for Dark Heresy Storytime | Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime | 2011-07-12 | 24 | |
15598929 | Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime 5 | Peg Leg Dave returns for more Adventures in Crime | Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime | 2011-07-16 | 23 | |
15601954 | Abaddon Quest IIII | The fall to ancient earth takes an unexpected turn, with the arival of the eldar | awesome, abaddon, abadass, eldar, time travel, 40k, chaos, | 2011-07-17 | 23 | |
15610421 | Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime 6 | The game turns bad with new players added. Dave ejects people out into space. | Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime | 2011-07-17 | 23 | |
15612380 | Abaddon Quest V | Abaddon yells at Ahriman, discovers a loyalist Alpha Legion dreadnought, and cock-slams raptors. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-17 | 22 | |
15616064 | Abaddon Quest VI | Abaddon experiences the joy of fatherhood. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-18 | 23 | |
15619823 | Peg Leg Dave's Dark Heresy Storytime (THE END) | The end of Silon's Adventures in Dark Heresy, For now. | Peg-Leg Dave, Dark heresy, storytime | 2011-07-18 | 28 | |
15626041 | Abaddon Quest VII | Abaddon informs his waifu about the current situation and chats with his abomination of a child. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-19 | 25 | |
15647815 | Abaddon Quest VIII | Abaddon starts planning for his wedding and the eventually corruption of the Eldar. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-21 | 22 | |
15681044 | Abaddon Quest IX | Abaddon plans shit during war council and has a space battle with the Eldar. Awesome ensues. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-07-24 | 21 | |
15701229 | Abaddon Quest X | Abaddon manages to captured a powerful eldar seer after boarding her flagship. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn | 2011-07-26 | 21 | |
15734989 | Abaddon Quest XI | Sex. Bloody violence. Violent sex. Popcorn. We've got it all, bitches. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Hot, Sex, Violence | 2011-07-29 | 23 | |
15735503 | Medieval Engineering | Engineering student joins his TA's RPG. /tg/ listens as he goes back to 1231 Europe, learns of John Prester's Land, and revels in a smart, story-based world in which the PCs invent their way to glory. But can OP & pals prep for the Mongol invasions? | MedievalHistory storytime awesomeroleplayers | 2011-07-29 | 25 | |
15757474 | Medieval Engineering II | OP and his buddies continue to prepare for the mongol invasion in medieval Poland. Confessional seal is broken, the guns/butter problem rears its head, and the science of screws gets explained. | MedievalHistory MedievalEngineering storytime awesomeroleplaying | 2011-07-30 | 22 | |
August 2011 |
15770652 | Abaddon Quest XII | Abaddon and the gang makes planetfall on Terra via bikes to rescue Typhus. More dinosaurs die, a mysterious servant of Malal is discovered/killed and chaos rocks out in the jungle. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel | 2011-08-01 | 20 | |
15818442 | Abaddon Quest XIII | Typhus is rescued, the eldar learn of Nurgle, another Malal cultist is found and captured, warcouncil is called, Kharn shows his true love and Ahriman finally snaps. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love | 2011-08-05 | 25 | |
15823037 | Abaddon Quest XIV | Ahriman fucking snaps and gets snuffed by Abaddon. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love | 2011-08-05 | 23 | |
15869516 | Vidya Game Name Generator | /tg/ fluffs out names into games that put the game industry to shame. Can you type faster than the Nazi's in 'Stupendous Typing Over Normandy'? Enjoy quality edutainment with 'Viking Robot Phonics'! Experience the total sum of wargaming in 'Enormous Chainsaw - Total War'! Strain your brain over 'M.C. Escher's Bandicoot Melee'! AND MORE! | vidya, game, name, generator, viking, nazi, hitler, time, travel, space, hillbilly, gokart, race, japan, werewolf, blast, mario, writefaggotry, awesome, barbie, beatdown, bible | 2011-08-09 | 9 | |
15875747 | Epic Moments Thread | Exactly what it says on the tin | d&d, rpg, epic win, storytime, manly tears | 2011-08-10 | 14 | |
15891865 | Abaddon Quest XV | War council ends, a rape orgy begins, awesomeness ensues and a god is born. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love | 2011-08-11 | 21 | |
15894168 | Abaddon Quest XVI | Abaddon makes a breakthrough with the High Seer, then a hug births Slaanesh and and Abaddon Punches the Warp, again. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Kharn, Love, Slaanesh | 2011-08-11 | 20 | |
15926413 | Abaddon Quest XVI | Abaddon explores the plot of the Malal cultists. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Khorne | 2011-08-14 | 22 | |
15949094 | Board Quest III | After two (and most of three) threads of planning, it looks like Dessex is about to make its first strike against Umbra; we even get a shiny new sword! | Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Sword, About Fuckig Time | 2011-08-16 | 12 | |
15972097 | Board Quest V | We finally get to have fun storming the castle, and play tennis with a lich! | Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Lich, Boss Battle, Tunnels, About Fucking Time | 2011-08-18 | 15 | |
16037299 | Traditional Anthropomorphic Games | I canhear yoou groaning from across the net, but I'm saving this thread not just for the wealth of playable furry games, but for
this tale of 'HURR DURR YIFF IN HELL' gone too far. Sin is when we treat people as things; this applies to all people, those we feel compatibility with and those who like what we do not like. | Anthropomorphism, Furry, Mouse Guard, Storytime, righteous rage, Yiff in Hell, asshole, assault | 2011-08-23 | 25 | |
September 2011 |
16222803 | Nostalgia storytime | Op was going through some old things, and felt a big ol' wave of fond nostalgia. | larp, storytime, nostalgia | 2011-09-08 | 8 | |
16400855 | Abaddon Quest XVIII | OP returns to us and it may turn out that a senile crazed terminought is behind the Malal cult. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods | 2011-09-24 | 22 | |
16402139 | You Are Now in 40k. What Do? | You have somehow been transported to the gaaxy of Warhammer 40k. What do you do next? You lay down some writefaggotry, that's what you do! | Warhammer 40k, Writefaggotry, timetravel | 2011-09-25 | 16 | |
October 2011 |
16533524 | Zombie Bugs 2 | OP continues and finishes the story | Kythons, Vestiges, Story Time, Campaign journal | 2011-10-06 | 16 | |
16543966 | The New Emprasque stories | Someone else returns with more tales of our favorite orange ruler of the imperium | Terrasque, Emprah, Warhammer, 40k, writfag, story time, Someone else | 2011-10-07 | 22 | |
16565527 | MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS | /tg/ gets a hold of something /v/ cooked up earlier and rolls with it | MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS, /v/, Lamia, Monstergirls | 2011-10-09 | 10 | |
16585489 | Storytime thread | A sober storytiem spins another yarn of an awesome campaign. And some other stuff from Anons. | Awesome, storytime, storytiem, Dungeons and Dragons, Captain Falcon | 2011-10-11 | 13 | |
16597555 | Dark Heresy Storytime | OP storytimes a three-year campaign. | Dark Heresy, Storytime, DH, writefaggotry, 40k | 2011-10-12 | 41 | |
16581079 | funtime 2 | another thread, more fun was had. | MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS, /v/, Lamia, Monstergirls | 2011-10-12 | 2 | |
16607700 | Dark Heresy Storytime 2 | The conclusion of the three-year DH campaign of Lazarus, Sister Athena, and Tidus. | Dark Heresy, Storytime, DH, writefaggotry, 40k | 2011-10-13 | 39 | |
16656193 | MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS 3 | More fun with the ADVENTURE FRIENDS | MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS, /v/, Lamia, Monstergirls | 2011-10-18 | 2 | |
16737695 | Divine Intervention (Greek Gods are That Guy) | Tales of interfering deities. Ancient Greek DMs suck | gods, that guy, story time | 2011-10-27 | 5 | |
November 2011 |
16809106 | Storytime Thread: Part Two | Storytiem continues his tale, the Pope of Faerun is created, and a drawfag drops in. | Awesome, storytiem, storytime, Dungeons and Dragons, Faerun, Alphonse, armchair | 2011-11-02 | 47 | |
16827147 | /tg/ Shares Dreams | Dreams are shared and discussed, everything from the crazy to the nightmarish. Great campaign idea fuel. | dream, storytime, storytiem, creepy, awesome, scary, weird | 2011-11-04 | 5 | |
16851030 | Abaddon Quest XIX | Abaddon visits the Eldar bitches, becomes a mince pie and grows a tentacle beard. | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods | 2011-11-06 | 26 | |
16853743 | Hella Funtime Adventure Friends 4 | Now with enemies! | MSPAINT HELLA FUNTIME ADVENTURE FRIENDS, /v/, Lamia, Monstergirls | 2011-11-06 | 5 | |
16880285 | The Triumphant Return | Waffle House Millionaire returns, surprisingly fun time is had by all, many stories are told. | Waffle House Millionaire, storytime, epic | 2011-11-08 | 15 | |
December 2011 |
17145726 | Storytime | Samurai, Chosen of the Emperor, Prisioners rocking out; oh my | storytime, awesome, japan, glorious | 2011-12-09 | 10 | |
17318585 | Warhammer 40K: Heretical Love part X OVERTIME The Plight of Hat-Chan | Heretical Lover overtime thread. hat-chan based | Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, X, overtime, hat-chan | 2011-12-24 | 29 | |
17342370 | Old Man Henderson Narrated | Voice actor StephanosRex narrates the Old Man Henderson and other /tg/ stories | storytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine | 2011-12-28 | 33 | |
January 2012 |
17397637 | What was the best thread of 2011? | 2011 was a pretty rockin year for /tg/. Anon recounts their favourites. Anagrams, Rap Battles, we have it all. Come take a trip down memory lane and welcome in the new year by reliving glories past. | /tg/, tg, 2012, 2011, memories, awesome, epic, win, 40k, homebrew, storytime | 2012-01-02 | 24 | |
17458366 | Memory Lane 2011 Part 2 | Come join us on a walk down memory lane! The best threads of /tg/ 2011. Linked and listed for your reading pleasure. Who needs other boards? | /tg/, tg, 2012, 2011, memories, awesome, epic, win, 40k, homebrew, storytime | 2012-01-08 | 5 | |
17482364 | Whatever happened to Ozzmar? | When one anon wonders if a screencapped story ever had a conclusion, the original poster steps up and continues the epic tale. | storytime, awesome, paladin, Dungeons and Dragons, screencaps | 2012-01-10 | 23 | |
17485327 | Stephanos Narrates | Stephanos Rex returns to /tg/ for some awesome voice acting. | storytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine | 2012-01-10 | 13 | |
17531839 | That Guy Called Halfling | OP makes a THAT GUY thread, but dominates it with his own stories of Halfling; a man apparently fine outside games, but a bitch in them | that guy, that, guy, halfling, story, storytime, story time, pokemon, 40k, bitch, rule bending, rules, min-maxing, min maxing, minmaxing, minmax, highschool, high school, poke mon | 2012-01-14 | 7 | |
17555364 | STORYTIEM Part 3 | Alphonse, Tim, Arthur and Rekrabbob return with a force to meet new friends and new enemies. | storytime, Dungeons and Dragons, Alphonse, Faerun | 2012-01-17 | 20 | |
17586782 | Space Wolves are Assholes | Story is written about Space Wolves being assholes, /tg/ takes it upon themselves to write the other perspectives | story, storytime, writing, funny, space wolves, space marines, guardsmen, whores | 2012-01-18 | 10 | |
17595297 | That Guy And The Bear | Storybro recounts the time a homophobic That Guy meets his match in the form of a big, burly gay rugby player. | That Guy, gay, storytime, epic, lulz, bear, bears | 2012-01-19 | 22 | |
17614648 | WArhammer 40k: heretical love part XVIII OVERTIME | Party with chaos (again), gift from papa nurgle | Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, xviii, OVERTIME, 40k, quest, | 2012-01-21 | 27 | |
17639463 | Disappointing Fantasy | Series of short tales starting with standard fantasy tropes ending in disappointment and mediocrity. Highly amusing. | disappoint, story, story time, mediocrity, disappointment | 2012-01-23 | 14 | |
17675827 | Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XIX OVERTIME | overtime titan vs reaver heresy. | Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, xix, 40k, overtime, quest, | 2012-01-26 | 25 | |
17689575 | Deffwotch once more | Shas returns to expound upon the mysteries of very small men, Orkz, and one of the toughest fights our Orkstartes have yet faced. | Deffwotch, orkz, deathwatch, shas'o, storytime, WAAAAAGH | 2012-01-27 | 10 | |
17693217 | Dykes of London | Exploits of an all-girl group of Shadowrunners in England. The team comes together, and shit rapidly hits the fan. | Shadowrun, storytime, Dykes of London | 2012-01-27 | 10 | |
17717366 | Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XX OVERTIME | overtime, max and 8 wax historic about his past. recovering from killing the psyker. | Collective game, Max decarus, warhammer, malal, papa-n, heresy, heretical love quest, XX, 40k, quest, overtime, warhamer 40k | 2012-01-29 | 26 | |
February 2012 |
17810362 | Old World of Darkness Storytime | Alice in Wonderland in a post apocalyptic America run by Technocrats | post apocalyptic, Alice, World of Darkness, oWod, Changeling, Technocrat, Storytime | 2012-02-05 | 5 | |
17812927 | Dykes of London 2- I wanna DO him! | After things go tits-up, the shadowrunning ladies finish their first job, and one of them finds true love. | Dykes of London, Shadowrun, storytime | 2012-02-05 | 4 | |
17876480 | Abaddon Quest XX | A Titan is thrown against the ground and broken, learns HOKUTO ZANKAI KEN | Collective Game, Quest, Abaddon, Black Crusade, Chaos, Heresy, Abaddon Quest, Badass, Awesome, Dinosaurs, Eldar, Time Travel, Malal, Dice Gods | 2012-02-10 | 25 | |
17876771 | Dowjin storytelling | Daies, Hitsito, Stefan, Epic Game, DnD | Story Time | 2012-02-10 | 5 | |
17892000 | d02 Storytime | OP tells us about running a couple of d02 games at a con, hilarity ensues | d02, storytime, funny | 2012-02-11 | 25 | |
17923444 | Warhammer 40: Heretical Love Part XXIII OVERTIME | recovery of hat-chan (again), with help from the orks. | OVERTIME, Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus | 2012-02-13 | 25 | |
17975270 | Artur | What starts as a pretty boring thread becomes glorious in the face of Artur, Russian Space Tramp, Psudo-big-Daddy and Mute mechanic warrior; a great character in a terrible game. | bestthingever, That Guy, storytime, awesome | 2012-02-16 | 23 | |
18004136 | Today I must become That Guy | In which OP requests tips for becoming That Guy, is mocked for it, and proceeds to demonstrate that indeed he was justified in his request with a tale of horror. | That Guy, story time | 2012-02-19 | 53 | |
March 2012 |
18152223 | How to fight monstergirls | Stories of tragedy and loss in the fight to keep humans from being raped to death by monsters. | monstergirl, rape, storytime | 2012-03-01 | 22 | |
18165669 | How to fight monstergirls, part 2 | Stories of tragedy and loss in the fight to keep humans from being raped to death by monsters. Continued. | monstergirl, rape, storytime | 2012-03-02 | 9 | |
18176533 | Reginald "Ragin' Reggie" Dempsey | In the midst of a "What I made..." thread, one anon storytimes the tale of a man in the zombie apocalypse who punched stuff real hard. | Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten | 2012-03-03 | 55 | |
18193676 | Evangelion storytime | OP comes to /tg/ with a tale of his characters undying love, /tg/ discusses Evangelion. | awesome, adeva, evangelion, storytime | 2012-03-04 | 12 | |
18205767 | The Burnscour Lictor | The great Rogue Trader Mathias Fellburg shares the tale of a Tyranid beast that hounded his every move. | Rogue Trader, Storytime, funny | 2012-03-05 | 21 | |
18208330 | The Tale of Barry Banjo | OP recites the amazing tale of his current Engine Hearts campaign, including an animatronic banjo bear. | Engine Heart, story time, banjo bear, funny | 2012-03-05 | 13 | |
18228308 | Shadowrun Storytime | OP begins his story of a Shadowrun That Guy (tm) | Shadowrun, Storytime, That Guy, 2D, Street Samurai, Infiltrator, Hacker, Mage | 2012-03-06 | 275 | |
18244120 | Shadowrun Storytime 3 | viking-ghost fist fights, ghoul hospitals and all around awesomeness happens | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Geek the Mage | 2012-03-08 | 70 | |
18249865 | Tales of PC logic | Tales of Player Character logic resulting in amusing and often fatal consequences. | stories, storytime, PC logic, TPK, total party kill, funny | 2012-03-08 | 5 | |
18268827 | Ragin' Reggie II: Electric Boogaloo | Ragin' Reggie's back for more storytime. | Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten | 2012-03-10 | 31 | |
18278118 | Omegle Quest | /tg/ wades the shit of a/s/l to bring Omegle Quest to the usually not-so-enthusiastic masses of Omegle. Hilarity ensues. | Omegle Quest, Collective Game, /tg/ to the masses, chat, storytime, Omegle | 2012-03-11 | 5 | |
18291189 | Shadowrun Storytime 4 | The Ares runs begin, Tank gets a SIN, and an interrogation gets...weird. | Shadowrun, Storytime, 2D, Geppetto, Dervish, Tank, Teacup Ride, Cyberpunk, Knight Errant | 2012-03-12 | 73 | |
18305008 | Shadowrun Storytime 5 | The hunt for Joy begins, the team has a revelation about Dervish, and Geppetto makes some...dirty dealings. | Shadowrun, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytime, 2D, TwoDee, Vegas, Tamanous | 2012-03-13 | 72 | |
18400401 | Shadowrun Storytime 6 | Bend the Infiltrator joins the team, spirits get stoned, 2D jizzes himself, and the Vegas arc comes to a close. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, TwoDee, Geppetto, Dervish, Bend, Vegas, Las Vegas | 2012-03-21 | 71 | |
18421888 | Shadowrun Storytime 7 | 2D and the crew head to Tokyo, Shenanigans ensue | Shadowrun, Storytime, TwoDee, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Tokyo | 2012-03-23 | 77 | |
18458666 | I am Overwatch | In which the new player Autismo makes a GM look like a boss, and players are amazed | storytime, Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, Autismo | 2012-03-26 | 64 | |
18519535 | Deffwotch: Episode 26 - Hero | A final, cataclysmic showdown between Necoho and Da Kill Team. The penultimate episode of Deffwotch. | storytime, orks, ork, deffwotch, dark heresy, hero | 2012-03-31 | 4 | |
April 2012 |
18532456 | Shadowrun Storytime 8 | The team goes to Lagos, and runner-on-runner violence happens! Geppetto kills a guy in a really fucked-up way. Also Nextwave! | Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, Shadowrun Storyime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Lagos, Nextwave | 2012-04-02 | 72 | |
18645891 | Shadowrun Storytime 9 | 2D and crew finally corner Two-Times in Bogota. The Sixth World is marred forever. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Bogota, Sensei, Pirates, Aztechnology | 2012-04-10 | 62 | |
18647754 | Shadowrun Storytime 10 | TwoDee retires. | Shadowrun, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytime TwoDee | 2012-04-10 | 42 | |
18686786 | Armored Core Quest: Crunch Thread | Dedicated Crunch thread for making the game system behind AC-Quest. Discussion of past mechanics and characters happen. | AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, Crunch Time | 2012-04-13 | 13 | |
18743876 | Armored Core Quest: Crunch Thread 2 | Hit Location rules are revealed, Character Improvement is discussed, and some setting fluff is explained. | AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, Crunch Time | 2012-04-17 | 10 | |
18782564 | Metahuman Renaissance Quest 34 | Omega gets his game face on, begins CINEMATIC TIME, and the end becomes slightly more nigh | Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red, cinematic time | 2012-04-20 | 14 | |
18848099 | Shadowrun Storytime 11 | The Summer episode! The Team tries their hand at a bank heist. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Bank Heist, Bank Job | 2012-04-25 | 56 | |
18820079 | Armored Core Quest: Crunch Thread 3 | Further discussion on the Crunch, some old ground is re-tread. | AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, Crunch Time | 2012-04-25 | 7 | |
18857254 | Tales of the Commons | In which the writefags spin tales of commoners spurned, commoners triumphant. | Storytime, Commoner, Story time, Blacksmith's Daughter, Baker's Daughter, Blacksmith | 2012-04-26 | 12 | |
May 2012 |
18990192 | Shadowrun Storytime 12 | The team goes back to college. It's not quite how they remember... | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, Geppetto, Bend, Dervish, Wildcard, College, University | 2012-05-06 | 36 | |
18929465 | Armored Core Quest: Crunch Thread 4 | Players submit ideas, feedback is had, etc. | AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, Crunch Time | 2012-05-07 | 5 | |
19083275 | The Tale Of Hitsito The Armory | Storytime of an Epic Level DnD game, Dueling Gods, Neverwinter gets destroyed | Dowjin, Daies, Hitsito, Van, Destamona, DnD, Epic, Storytime | 2012-05-13 | 10 | |
19082172 | The Tale of Patrick O'Callahan | Well, citizens of /tg/, gather round. Get yerselves a pint, warm up by the fire, and stop ogling the damn whores for a second so I can tell you the story of the best elf I've ever had the fortune of playing, Patrick O'Callahan. | Story, Storytime, Patrick, O', Callahan, Irish, Elf, Awesome, Barfight, Justice, Wish | 2012-05-13 | 39 | |
19113000 | The Tale of the Godhand and the Godslayer | A L5R story told by Ikoma Kiyoshi, a tale of of Honor, Duty, Tragedy, and facing impossible odds. | Legend of Five Rings, Storytime | 2012-05-15 | 13 | |
19137841 | Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 5, (Continued) | Part 5 picked up just as it was going into autosage, so a second thread was made. Here we see Rainbow Blimpies and Sailfins begin one-upping each other in the skies and the Ravedragons become ever more FA-A-A-BULOUS! | Fortune Evolution, evolution game, evolution, springtime, fabulous, ravedragon, rainbow blimpies, sailfins | 2012-05-18 | 10 | |
June 2012 |
19350780 | Shadowrun Storytime 13 | The long-delayed conclusion! The team ends the Granger run in a blast of bullets, bombs, and flower petals. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, | 2012-06-04 | 35 | |
19440763 | Hella Funtime Adventure Friends 5 | Short stories with the Adventure Friends. | Hella Funtime Adventure Friends, HFAF | 2012-06-12 | 5 | |
19655071 | Mahou Shounen Quest 141 | You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? | Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine. | 2012-06-28 | 10 | |
19656383 | Mahou Shounen Quest 141.5 | Continuation of the thread that sunk due to board maintenance. NOTHING IS AS EASY AS IT SEEMS | Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine. | 2012-06-28 | 10 | |
19660154 | Olde Timey Civ Game | Dorfs are exactly on schedule. Meet dragonlings, create gunpowder, forge with magma. | Collective Game, Alfonso, Olde Timey Civ Game, Civ Game, Civilization Game, Civ, Civilization, Dwarves, Dwarf, Dwarfs | 2012-06-29 | 13 | |
19666535 | Olde Timey Civ Game pt 2 | We get gatling golems, magicians, the homeland falls to goblins, shit gets real. | Collective Game, Alfonso, Olde Timey Civ Game, Civ Game, Civilization Game, Civ, Civilization, Dwarves, Dwarf, Dwarfs | 2012-06-29 | 10 | |
19676818 | Olde Timey Civ Game Pt. 3 | We get airships, discover a pit, teach that bastard king what's what, and meet new races. | Collective Game, Alfonso, Olde Timey Civ Game, Civ Game, Civilization Game, Civ, Civilization, Dwarves, Dwarf, Dwarfs | 2012-06-30 | 8 | |
July 2012 |
19736451 | Olde Timey Civ Game Pt. 4 | We establish trade with the Nagas, discover why the Pit is killing people, and discover magnetism. | Collective Game, Alfonso, Olde Timey Civ Game, Civ Game, Civilization Game, Civ, Civilization, Dwarves, Dwarf, Dwarfs | 2012-07-05 | 9 | |
19744246 | Shadowrun Storytime 14 | The Trout Run starts with a bang! Evil cultists and shit-covered capybaras abound. | shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, trout, twodee, capybara, capybaras | 2012-07-05 | 43 | |
19835955 | Warhammer High: ROAD TRIP! | Writefag Someone else. surprises /tg/ with a new Warhammer High story. It involves warp travel, and lots of it. | Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 63 | 2012-07-12 | 12 | |
19882126 | ROAD TRIP! Continues | Yet more faggotry from Someone else. | Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 63, ROAD TRIP | 2012-07-16 | 10 | |
19962789 | Mearls and 3.5 | Hot Man to Manual action | man on book action, erotica, epic, writefag, storytime, DnD, 3.5 | 2012-07-20 | 15 | |
20001747 | Unexpected PC Shenanigans |
It seems duels between master assassins are very brief affairs | PC, game, awesome, storytime, PC said the darndest things, surprise, buttsex | 2012-07-23 | 9 | |
20058837 | ROAD TRIP! Once more | The Nocturne leg of the trip concludes. Ahriman's Aide and Darkmage submit subsequent chapters of their own stories. | Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 63, ROAD TRIP | 2012-07-28 | 13 | |
20080536 | Shadowrun Storytime 15 | The team gets a nwe target, Wildcard and Dervish harass a checkpoint guard. | shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, trout, twodee, capybara, capybaras | 2012-07-29 | 35 | |
20080691 | The Return of Old Man Henderson | What starts as a simpley Storytime thread turns awesome with the revival of the legendary saga of Old Man Henderson, the man who won Call of Cthulhu. | Game, Awesome, Storytime, Old Man Henderson | 2012-07-29 | 39 | |
20097465 | Old Man Henderson: The Director's Cut | More tales of the legendary Old Man Henderson, the man who won Call of Cthulhu, as well as the rest of the game's party, as told by one of the players. | Game, Awesome, Storytime, Old Man Henderson | 2012-07-30 | 39 | |
20098708 | Shadowrun Storytime 15.5 | Adversary says hi. | shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, twodee | 2012-07-30 | 38 | |
20106184 | Bad Player Ideas | /tg/ shares their experiences with hilariously stupid PC ideas. | storytime, player ideas | 2012-07-31 | 11 | |
August 2012 |
20168261 | Gambling Dreadnaught | An Deathwatch GM regales a tale of a gambling Dreadnaught. | storytime, interesting, 40k, dreadnaught, gambling | 2012-08-04 | 18 | |
20238400 | Bad DM cannot into drama | Douchebag DMing thread is taken over by the rageworthy tale of a DM who despite being a drama major completely fails to deliver any to his group. | Bad DMing, storytime, That Guy, That DM, douchebag DM | 2012-08-09 | 21 | |
20263848 | Old Man Henderson the Complete Story Part 3 | We get even more of the story of Old Man Henderson. | Game, Awesome, Storytime, Old Man Henderson | 2012-08-12 | 35 | |
20275472 | ROAD TRIP! Part Tres | The party leaves Nocturne for the land of more wolfs | Someone Else, Writefaggotry, Warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, Rule 63, ROAD TRIP | 2012-08-13 | 11 | |
20366845 | Shadowrun Storytime 16: The Tale of Felix Ramirez | The team initiates their newest member, ex-Aztechnology Eagle Warrior Felix Ramirez. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Felix Ramirez, Locke | 2012-08-18 | 70 | |
September 2012 |
20521280 | Space Station 13: The Storytime-ining | Many a man tried to discuss SS13, but few returned alive. | Space Station 13, SS13, Storytime, Storytiem | 2012-09-03 | 7 | |
20582259 | Starksy and Hutch meet vampires | Amusing story of how a player on a whim created a pair of characters for his friend, proceeded to have fun and wreck an average "serious" WoD game | Story time, funny, WoD, Cops, funny | 2012-09-04 | 27 | |
20654901 | Tales of MCF Inc | OP tells tales of a group of mercenaries that always royally fuck up their missions. | storytime, D20 Modern, guns, fuck ups, mercenaries | 2012-09-09 | 11 | |
20666515 | Tales of the Harem Knights | Building off of a previous thread many anons donned names and stories, all of good quality at least. | Teegee, harem, knight, storytime, stories, waifu, monstergirl, roleplay, writefaggotry, world building | 2012-09-10 | 22 | |
20674762 | TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Three | Third thread in TeeGee Harem Knights. More stories, equipment to bring to fantasy worlds, plus a bar song! | Teegee, harem, knight, storytime, stories, waifu, monstergirl, roleplay, writefaggotry, world building, bar song | 2012-09-11 | 23 | |
20684912 | TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Four | Fourth volume of the escapades of our TeeGee nation | Teegee, harem, knight, storytime, stories, waifu, monstergirl, roleplay, writefaggotry, world building | 2012-09-11 | 16 | |
20692914 | 40k - The End Days | A Writefag pens his thoughts on the End of the Imperium as we know it | writefaggotry, 40k, End Times, Horus, The Emperor | 2012-09-12 | 12 | |
20698883 | TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume Five | We reach the fifth thread of this amazing saga full of writefaggotry, now with an Ork invasion and a look into the Merchant Guard! | TeeGee, Harem, Knights, Storytime, Stories, Waifu, Monstergirl, Writefaggotry, World Building | 2012-09-13 | 17 | |
20724270 | 40k End Times- Part 2 | The honorable Writefag wat continues his tale of the End of the Imperium as we know it. | writefaggotry, 40k, End Times, Horus, The Emperor | 2012-09-15 | 3 | |
20753341 | End Times Part 3 | End Times Part 3, interrupted bc the OP is an idiot who somehow triggered an autoban | End Times, Writefaggotry, 40k, Emprah, Femprah | 2012-09-17 | 0 | |
20766705 | End Times Part 4 | Wat continues his writefaggotry. More content than usual this update, which is nice. | End Times, Writefaggotry, 40k, Emprah, Femprah | 2012-09-19 | 1 | |
20852968 | TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 16 | In which new stories are told, some canon some not so much, | TeeGee, Harem Knights, Ears, Waifu, Colective story time, | 2012-09-25 | 5 | |
20866609 | TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 17 | Joint stories and new characters emerge, GearHeart writes erotica | Harem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding, TeeGee, Colective story time, | 2012-09-27 | 5 | |
October 2012 |
20950596 | Shadowrun Storytime 17 | Happy birthday, 4chan! TwoDee returns with a very Dervish-heavy tale. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Locke, trolls, Fight Club | 2012-10-02 | 78 | |
21023175 | Player attempts to eat everything | OP seeks help on dealing with omnivorous player, turns into storytime of his exploits | Storytime, Humor, OMNOMNOM, DM | 2012-10-07 | 0 | |
21038431 | Dark Heresy Storytime | A Dark Heresy game where everything that can go wrong does. Repeatedly. And, as always, it's the Psyker's fault. | Dark Heresy, Daemonhost, TPK, Storytime, Story, Tumble-Dryer of Blood, | 2012-10-08 | 75 | |
21086394 | TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 25 | More succubus shenanigans and slavers take Shacklebane's eye | Harem Knights, Ears, writefaggotry, Waifus, ear rub, worldbuilding, TeeGee, Colective story time, monstergirls | 2012-10-14 | 1 | |
21107341 | Judgement Time | An anon asks for a good system to run a Judge Dredd RPG. /tg/ quickly begins homebrewing a rules-light system based on frowning. | Judge Dredd, Dredd, Judgement Time, Frowning | 2012-10-14 | 6 | |
21120178 | /tg/ Dragon Quest Part Deux | Bronze Dragon quest, 2nd thread. We woke up, ate ore, made masterwork enchanted armor from said ore, killed a big dragon, and grew into a steel dragon. | Bronze dragon, quest, dragon, dragon quest, FirstTimer | 2012-10-14 | 11 | |
21139200 | /tg/ Dragon Quest Part 3 | We awaken to find we are no longer the child we once were, we finally have a conversation with the hermit and we roll a Nat 20 on our first attempt at flying. | Dragon, Bronze, Steel, Metal, Hermit, FirstTimer | 2012-10-16 | 7 | |
21153111 | Lich's Employee Quest pt 14 | Daniel goes into the woods, and get stuck in a time loop. Time travel occurs. | skeleton quest, Hydra, forest, time travel, training, spiders | 2012-10-17 | 11 | |
21190429 | That Feel: The Saddest Thing I Know | OP needs a tragic background story for a character. Halfway through the thread a Dane tells the story that he calls 'The Saddest Thing I Know', /tg/ doesn't have time to brace before the impact and is blown away by what can only be described as possibly the worst feel ever. | That Feel, The Saddest Thing I Know, First World War, World War 1, Denmark, Danish, Dane, worst feel ever, feels, sadness, storytime | 2012-10-19 | 22 | |
21191520 | /tg/ Dragon Quest Part 4 | HAHA, TIME TO SLAUGHTER BARBARIANS | Dragon Collective Game Quest Bronze Steel Metal FirstTimer | 2012-10-19 | 10 | |
21196892 | Choose your Princess | An OP image with simple sprites and simpler stats leads into a frenzy of greentext princess adventures | Princesses, Story Time, God I Wish This Was A Real Game | 2012-10-22 | 10 | |
21244750 | Elvish in Adventure Time | /co/ comes by to ask about some Elvish on a book in Adventure Time. /tg/ gets sleuthing. | Elvish, adventure time, /co/, mystery | 2012-10-23 | 23 | |
21238842 | Princess Game Discussion | Follow up to the "Choose Your Princess" thread to discuss potential /tg/ creations. | Princesses, Story Time, Discussion, Game Creation | 2012-10-23 | 5 | |
21310936 | /tg/ Dragon Quest Part 5 | HAHA, TIME TO get punched by your best friend | Dragon, Collective, Game, Quest, Bronze, Steel, Metal, FirstTimer | 2012-10-28 | 6 | |
21348321 | Zerg Quest CIX | Damnit, moot! We could have had a climactic battle, but noooo. You just had to improve 4chan while I was trying to use it! | Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Xel'Naga, Double-Crit, /tg/ dice, Spiting Tassadar, Downtime, SO CLOSE | 2012-10-30 | 6 | |
November 2012 |
21391043 | Dread storytime | In which a mental facility is set on fire, demons attack a jail, and a jenga tower remains standing | Waffle House Millionaire, storytime | 2012-11-02 | 7 | |
21411713 | Time Wizards | OP searches for rules for a game, /tg/ makes new ones | homebrew, Time, Wizards | 2012-11-05 | 10 | |
21445029 | The Tale of an Industrious Rogue | GM tells a story about the business exploits of his players, and the crazy plans they made. | Industrious Rogue, Pathfinder, Storytime, DM Kroft, Salt, Business, Dreams | 2012-11-05 | 230 | |
21662853 | Old Man Henderson Redux | A screencaps thread turns into a retelling of Old Man Henderson by another of the players | storytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, Waffle House Millionaire, Cthulhu, plot derailment | 2012-11-20 | 27 | |
December 2012 |
21851801 | Everyone Hates That Guy Mike | OP tells the story of "That Guy Mike" and how after being invited to a Pathfinder game he proceeded to systematically make each person leave, each for a different reason! | That Guy, Pathfinder, Storytime, game, writefag, mtg, magic, FLGS | 2012-12-02 | 33 | |
21888850 | Hella Funtime Adventure Friends 6 | Fun with the Adventure Friends, a year later. | Hella Funtime Adventure Friends, HFAF | 2012-12-05 | 3 | |
21951711 | Nation Game RP - Part Two | Homebrew Nation Building Game played every week on Skype as I writefag weekly updates for /tg/. This week our Professor takes us through the second turbulent year of the Proto-Age, where the thunder of war increases and violence accelerates with the rapid expansion of the new city-states. | nation, nation builder, roleplay, writefaggotry, writefag, homebrew, worldbuilding, storytime | 2012-12-08 | 8 | |
21950414 | Necromancer Storytime | OP tells a story of a necromancer. /tg/ starts off skeptical, but the thread quickly delves into awesome storytime. | Necromancer, storytime, DnD, morality, undead, | 2012-12-09 | 32 | |
21970830 | THAT GUY removal. | Delicious revenge storytiem | THAT GUY, storytime, D&D, Awesome, Revenge | 2012-12-10 | 10 | |
22004170 | Storytime and kicks to the face | OP accused of rape by That Girl, another story about creepy implications. | That Guy, Story, Storytime | 2012-12-12 | 0 | |
22025314 | /tg/ Dragon Quest Part 6 | We wake with a hangover, vomit up a Golem, then create a Golem Butler. | Collective Game, Dragon, Quest, Bronze, Steel, Metal, FirstTimer, Waiting for OP | 2012-12-14 | 5 | |
22042204 | Necromancer Storytime #2 | OP returns with more storytime about an NG necromancer and his group of Truthseekers | necromancer, storytime, DnD, morality, truthseekers | 2012-12-15 | 15 | |
22098308 | Time-Travel Mindfuck | Dark Heresy party is sent back in time. Starts whimsy, get's weird fast. | tzeentch, storytime, what is happening, madness | 2012-12-18 | 15 | |
22284457 | Lich's Employee Quest pt 21 | Daniel find a chronomancer, and has a talk with him. | skeleton quest, collective game, time magic, chronomancer, | 2012-12-30 | 16 | |
January 2013 |
22418819 | Inquisitor: Case of the Purple Hair | An Inquisitor Thread becomes awesome when OP lays out a tale of Purple Hair and its Sinister Source. | Inquisitor, Storytime | 2013-01-06 | 16 | |
22453115 | Inquisitor: Zazel Strikes Back | OP delivers a sequel to the Case of the Purple hair, Hereteks and Craftworlds are involved | Inquisitor, Storytime | 2013-01-08 | 9 | |
22678115 | That Guy Thread | Adorable lamia clerics of the sun, exploding droids, dumbass barbarians, and more! | That Guy Thread, guy, that,story time, story, time, characters, game, lamia, barbarian, star wars, droid | 2013-01-20 | 8 | |
22799333 | How To Kill A Titan | Barbarian Rage, Teamwork, All Aboard The Avalanche Express | DnD, 3.5, Dowjin, Storytime, | 2013-01-26 | 7 | |
February 2013 |
22955487 | THE WONDER-PLANET | An anon tells a story of cosmic fantasy. | storytime | 2013-02-04 | 11 | |
22967859 | Storytime! | Amsuign stories of stupid bear-raised barbarians, dwarf dwarfs, badass mech pilots, inventively cruel/awesome gms, and more. | storytime, silly, funny | 2013-02-04 | 1 | |
22993614 | #MyMagicalRealms dark secrets | Drama of the highest sort in the ERP community, as someone reveals the scandalous That GM actions of the leader of #MyMagicalRealm and the tale of highest asshattery. | Story time, awesome, Dickery, That DM, ERP, IRC, DRAMA, OHGODTHEDRAMA | 2013-02-07 | 6 | |
23055894 | Viral Marketing and Engine Heart Storytime | Viral's marketing and Bee-Bot Storytime | Viral Games, Bee-Bot, Engine Heart, Storytime | 2013-02-12 | 8 | |
23367298 | Siblings Yvarai Correspondence | Houses of the Blooded fluff story, in a long, fascinating series of letters | story time, Houses of the Blooded, letters, fluff, intrigue | 2013-02-25 | 18 | |
23386536 | Pantheon, Thread I | A gaming group collaboratively storytimes their campaign. | storytime d&d | 2013-02-26 | 10 | |
March 2013 |
23534221 | Funzo the Clown | OP describes the wacky adventures of Funzo the Clown, and his magical monkey Bungo. | storytime | 2013-03-06 | 48 | |
23577656 | A tale of GARO | An epic tale of how four Makai Knights protect a shrine from the forces of evil. | Storytime, GARO, paladin, demons | 2013-03-09 | 26 | |
23657708 | Alternate History India 1915 | Anon tells us of his amazing game where he and his fellows are mages helping Glorious India throw off the yoke of the British Empire in the middle of the Great War, and we discuss how best for India to liberate itself | Alternate History, Mage, White Wolf, India, 1915, AH, storytime, gaming, roleplay, advice | 2013-03-14 | 18 | |
23757275 | AdEva base on crazy religion | OP asks for crazy religious things to fuel his game. /tg/ provides. | setting, adeptus evangelion, adeva, future alien jews, time cube, wat, religion, cazy | 2013-03-19 | 24 | |
April 2013 |
24138093 | The Tale of Tel`ryn | Dowjin tells the story of Tel`ryn and epic level adventures | dowjin, daies, tel`ryn, telarin, rpg, dnd, dungeons and dragons, storytime, writefaggotry | 2013-04-09 | 3 | |
24265864 | The end of Barry Banjo | Engine Heart general becomes storytime. Barry the animatronic banjo bear meets his final destiny. | barry banjo, banjo, storytime, engine, heart, engine heart | 2013-04-17 | 11 | |
24325576 | Shadowrun Storytime 18 | A long delay finally bears fruit! The Shadowrun Storytime team goes to HELL! | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, 2D, TwoDee | 2013-04-19 | 86 | |
24362245 | Shadowrun Storytime: Another Tale | Another group tells their story | Shadowrun, Storytime | 2013-04-21 | 21 | |
24408734 | Come on and Slam | OP asks what system to run a Space Jam game in. Homebrews and storytime follow. | Charles Barkley, Come on and Slam, Welcome to the Jam, Space Jam, Homebrew, Storytime | 2013-04-23 | 21 | |
24400998 | Leonidas and..."Collin" | Two 'That Guys' in a Deathwatch game. What could go wrong? | deathwatch, that guy, storytime | 2013-04-24 | 21 | |
24483685 | The Boss's Game | Anon tells the tale of how he came to play Dnd with his boss and a bunch of other random staff. Really awesome stroy that inspires jealously. | The Boss's Game, Story, roleplay, D&D, storytime, random encounter | 2013-04-27 | 10 | |
24538967 | To Kill a Skinwalker | OP asks how /tg/ would go about killing a skinwalker. Creepypasta follows and /tg/ loses its collective shit. | Skinwalker, Horror, Navajo, roleplay, Storytime, Australia, Legend | 2013-04-30 | 25 | |
May 2013 |
24604445 | A Difficult Dilemma | A tale of 2 anons whose characters struggle to reconnect & escape a slave-owning mining settlement w/ an ugly secret. | character, roleplay, storytime, 4e, advice, oh god why, DnD | 2013-05-04 | 6 | |
24887437 | The Necromatic Cheesemonger | A thread about how cheese plays into games results in some epic story time about a Necromancer's cheese mongering empire | story time, necromancer, necromancy, cheese | 2013-05-18 | 80 | |
24928926 | Martian Death Quest | The original author of the Martian Death Quest returns | Martian Death Quest, My best horror RPG,nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime | 2013-05-20 | 16 | |
24933926 | The Adventures of Nyte Force | OP shares the story of his train wreck of a session. Magical things happen. | Story Time, Mutants & Masterminds, Impact | 2013-05-20 | 12 | |
25064626 | That Guy vs. Yahweh | What starts as a That Guy/That GM thread turns hilarious when one Guy, who doesn't know what 'omnipotent' means, tries to fight god. | That Guy, epic, story, stories, storytime, awesome, /tg/, omnipotence | 2013-05-28 | 52 | |
25064084 | RPGs for kids | /tg/ discuss games they've ran for children. | Harry Potter, /tg/, rpgs, GURPS, storytime, adorable, Toon, Mouse Guard | 2013-05-28 | 7 | |
June 2013 |
25224953 | Most insane thing your party ever did | /tg/ remembers the most batshit crazy things they've ever pulled in a game | storytime, character, epic gaming moments, awesome, drow, 3.5, Exalted, Paladin | 2013-06-04 | 6 | |
25292538 | Hollow Quest Redux 6 | Deals were made, friends were betrayed, and in the end all will decay. | Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, upgrade, Menos time, menos, time | 2013-06-07 | 24 | |
25404002 | First-time GM Stories | /tg/ recalls the first time they ever ran a game | /tg/, storytime, GM, DM | 2013-06-14 | 7 | |
25454059 | Gundam AGE Quest: Part 31 | Jake's turn in the spotlight after a LONG time. We learn his origins, meet up with an old friend, dust off the old time machine and hey look, Cthulu. | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Time Travel, Cthulu | 2013-06-16 | 32 | |
25527343 | Bastards in Zombie Apocalypse | /tg/ advises the leader of a group of coldhearted bastards in how to thrive during a zombie apocalypse campaign. Storytime part one of two. | zombie, storytime | 2013-06-20 | 1 | |
25594732 | A tale of a rabbit, a hobbit and that dm | Anon appears with a story-time of much bullshittery inflicted by a rail-roading DM, and one plucky rabbit that manages to survive it. A game of kill the wabbit ensues. | storytime, that dm, one lucky bunny | 2013-06-23 | 46 | |
25571222 | That GM advice/storytime | OP asks for advice with a railroading DM, and gives context for his woes. | That GM, advice, storytime, Pathfinder | 2013-06-23 | 5 | |
25604933 | The Tale of Solaron part 1 | The story of an incredibly naive and friendly Yuan Ti on his path to becoming a bard. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-06-24 | 56 | |
25619615 | Supernatural session story time | A DM with a devoted group comes to tell the story of his best session ever to /tg/, and get ideas for the questline. /tg/ enjoys and obliges. | horror, supernatural, dm, gm, story time, | 2013-06-24 | 22 | |
25643581 | The Tale of Solaron part 2 | The story of Solaron continues as he makes a new friend and continues on his path to adventure. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-06-26 | 37 | |
25661148 | The Tale of Solaron part 3 | Solaron's path to friendship and adventure continues. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-06-26 | 30 | |
25720831 | The Tale of Solaron part 4 | Solaron and party continue their exploration of the ruin, and run into unexpected company. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-06-29 | 26 | |
July 2013 |
25776534 | ENGINEERING | /tg/ tells tales of cleverness, batshit insanity, and everything in between. | storytime, engineering, arrowhead of total destruction | 2013-07-03 | 2 | |
25795259 | The Tale of Solaron part 5 | Solaron and company set out to hunt a master thief. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-07-03 | 25 | |
25795457 | Homebrew storytime | Storytime of a party in an allegedly low-magic Pathfinder game that turned into a clusterfuck of deities, dragons, vampires and other epic-level threats. | Homebrew, storytime | 2013-07-03 | 8 | |
25826870 | Shadowrun Storytime 19: The Final Run Part 1 | Lo, the beginning of the end. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard | 2013-07-05 | 99 | |
25833190 | The Tale of Solaron part 6 | Solaron and company continue their hunt for the thief plaguing the city. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-07-05 | 24 | |
25850439 | The tale of Hydra | Alphone Kapwon brings another tale of bad roleplay, bad GMs and magnificent bastardy. All with the help of a fat, ugly industrialist. | storytime, Alphonse, freeform, stories, science, industry, magnificent bastard | 2013-07-06 | 22 | |
25857504 | Homebrew storytime part 2 | The finished tale of a party in an allegendly low-magic homebrew settings that get overran by magic, dragons, vampires and other epic threats. | Homebrew, storytime, Marcus Revaine | 2013-07-07 | 6 | |
25881460 | Tales of Deathwatch Fuckery | In which most of a party comes in to reflect on the hilarity that is their group while the DM begs for a drink. | Story Time | 2013-07-08 | 6 | |
25913736 | The Tale of Solaron part 7 | Solaron reunites with his friends before being pulled into another adventure. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-07-09 | 24 | |
25940768 | Ad Eva Discussion and Stortime | Anons talk about Adeptus Evangelion, also, storytime about AdEva game with Pacific Rim material in it. | Adeptus Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pacific Rim, Evas, Jaegers, Storytime | 2013-07-11 | 1 | |
25990953 | Tales of heroism, betrayal and love | A young harpy asks /tg/ for stories. /tg/ obliges her. | storytime | 2013-07-14 | 2 | |
26032174 | The Tale of Solaron part 8 | Solaron and company retrieve some stolen property, but things are more complicated than they thought. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-07-15 | 23 | |
26115959 | The Tale of Solaron part 9 | The reception begins, and Solaron gets himself in deeper trouble. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-07-19 | 22 | |
26179955 | Stories of the board | /tg/ comes forth with many new stories. Of course it's gonna get archived! | story, stories, Undead, Necromancy, necromancer, storytime, DnD, 40k, Dark Heresy | 2013-07-23 | 5 | |
26208662 | Halo Covenant Storytiem | Fa/tg/uy tells story about playing a Halo Homebrew. Also some discussion on Halo in general. | Halo, Covenant, Storytime | 2013-07-24 | 5 | |
26245330 | The Tale of Daies 3 | Meet Hitsito's new character Tyranis. Daies reveals his next nefarious plan. | storytime, writefaggotry, rpg, dnd, dnd 3.5, daies, dowjin, tyranis | 2013-07-26 | 4 | |
26254625 | The Tale of Solaron part 10 | The reception continues, and Solaron discovers that things are more complicated then they seemed. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-07-26 | 21 | |
26255656 | /tg/ Bronze Dragon Quest Part 6.5 | Back after nearly a year-long hiatus! | Collective Game, Firsttimer, Quest, Dragon, Metal, Bronze Dragon | 2013-07-27 | 5 | |
26258267 | Genius The Transgression: Aesthetics and Storytime | OP talks about mad science aesthetics, and one anon shares his tail of a mad scientist who really liked his cat. | Genius: The Transgression, Storytime, Mad Science, | 2013-07-28 | 11 | |
26287474 | The Tale of Solaron part 11 | Solaron continues his investigation into the mystery surrounding the staff. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-07-28 | 21 | |
August 2013 |
26393933 | The Tale of Solaron part 12 | The investigation comes to a close, and Solaron learns the truth surrounding the staff. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-08-02 | 20 | |
26453749 | The Tale of Solaron part 13 | In the aftermath of the showdown over the staff, Solaron and Co. plan their next move. | Solaron, yuan ti, bard, story time, writefaggotry, snake man | 2013-08-05 | 17 | |
26441447 | Horrors in a nuclear bomb shelter | A GM tells the story of his horror campaign | storytime, horror, numbers stations | 2013-08-06 | 37 | |
26534970 | Another day on SS13 | Space station 13 story, chaplain teams up with clown to create religion then kill everyone. | Space station 13, clown, SS13, storytiem, storytime | 2013-08-11 | 11 | |
26565579 | OP brings storytime. | OP tells a freeform role play experience he had, about the brawler Edgardo, who after pissing off generic_anime_person#infinity has to ally himself with the other misfits just to survive. | story time, free form, role play, Edgardo, A Guy Called Squid, Goldnharl | 2013-08-12 | 278 | |
26566163 | General storytime thread | Many awesome stories are told, and many are screencapped. | storytime | 2013-08-12 | 5 | |
26606470 | A.I. Quest 3 Ticking Clock | You act quickly, and set up defenses to prepare for the incoming Pirates. The crew grows restless, luckily you have a way with words for a sentient A.I. | A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0,sentience, control, time pirate, repairs | 2013-08-14 | 27 | |
26683670 | CHAPTER MASTER: A chapter management simulation | Some good stories and some excellent news? Promising anyway, and may the Inquisition stay the fuck away from our suspicious dealings. | CHAPTER MASTER, vbcoder, Chapter, Master, Storytime, 40k | 2013-08-19 | 10 | |
26775464 | Space Station 13 Stories | Space Station 13, where you can make as many sadistic or epic moments as you are robust.
>Space simulator
>More like CLOWN RAMPAGE/virus/space crazies simulator. | SS13, Space Station 13, Storytime, Clown, Mime | 2013-08-23 | 5 | |
26786075 | Best lines from players | Some great lines, and some great storytime. Oh, and pizza. | storytime, food | 2013-08-24 | 8 | |
26799728 | Nintendo Pulp Adventures | In which Nintento games as pen-and-paper campaigns are discussed, and five people from the 30's end up in the Mushroom Kingdom. | Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Hollow Earth Expedition, Storytime, Nintendo, 1936 | 2013-08-24 | 2 | |
26915927 | Time Warriors Thread | /tg/ embarks on a journey to make the most toyetic 80's action cartoon that never was | toys, action, 80's, time, warriors, | 2013-08-31 | 10 | |
September 2013 |
27023320 | Time Warriors Thread 2 | The Time Warriors become more fleshed out. We get a few new characters and a better sense of the direction the setting could take. | time, warriors, johnny quick, anti, star, 80's | 2013-09-05 | 5 | |
26990453 | Vampire the Requiem- Blood and Smoke: Burning | Some namefag tells the tale of his Vampire: The Requiem campaign, complete with murder, politics, impressively competent Ghouls and color commentary | Vampire, Storytime, World of Darkness | 2013-09-07 | 15 | |
27129641 | Blood and Smoke: Burning, Part 2 | The namefag continues his tale as the coterie tangles with a demon and prepares for a very special Hanukkah party. | Vampire, Storytime, World of Darkness | 2013-09-10 | 11 | |
27266199 | Clown Thread with Gropey the Clown | Interesting stories from a very interesting clown, and other folks. Life lessons and advice. | Clown Thread, Storytime, Life, Clowns | 2013-09-17 | 20 | |
27292905 | Captain Dicebeard | OP meets a GMing pirate and asks /tg/ if he should continue playing. /tg/ states the obvious: DO IT FAGGOT! | Captain, Dicebeard, GMing, Crazy, Awesome, Funny, Story Time | 2013-09-19 | 25 | |
October 2013 |
27512545 | Canterbury Tales | OP posts an oddly familiar tale. /tg/ joins in with their own stories. | Canterbury Tales, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Storytime | 2013-10-01 | 12 | |
27514961 | Villains Who Make It Personal | Anon comes to us with tales of a villain who uses the most vile of weapons, NTR. /tg/ responds with their own tales of villains who affected them and their characters on a personal level. | Villains, Storytime, NTR, Evil, | 2013-10-01 | 5 | |
27549696 | IRL Crit Success/Failures | Tales of (mis)fortune, and a man and his thieving crow | storytime, awesome | 2013-10-04 | 11 | |
27675147 | Level 0 Peasants vs 5 Rats | We knew they were still inside, the chewing.. The terrible chewing. How did they get out of the basement? we had, in our previous lives, forgotten to close the door behind us. | Level 0, Story time, DM, Evil, Bear trap, Peasants, TPK | 2013-10-10 | 143 | |
27685205 | Heartwarming General | /tg/ shares heartwarming stories from the games past | storytime, story, heartwarming | 2013-10-13 | 5 | |
27744747 | Time Wizards 1e | A homebrew that was written on acid. Don't ask, just read. | time wizards, slap, pdf, homebrew | 2013-10-15 | 66 | |
November 2013 |
28092145 | Time Wizards playtest | It actually happened. Dear god. | time wizards, homebrew, /tg/ gets shit done | 2013-11-04 | 104 | |
28263566 | Screencaps thread | Some old, some new | awesome, funny, screencaps, storytime | 2013-11-14 | 6 | |
December 2013 |
28617703 | Times your group has had to end for the night | Times a campaign has had to restart, be rewritten, or put on hold because of silly bullshit players pull. Also a small bit of advice on worldbuilding. | DM, GM, DMing, GMing, worldbuilding, story, stories, storytime, PC, GMPC, DMPC, bard, paladin, seduction, cancer, Elder evil, EE, BBEG | 2013-12-02 | 5 | |
28719869 | /tg/ Bronze Dragon Quest Part 7 | Time to atone for murdering all those people! | Collective Game, Firsttimer, Quest, Dragon, Metal, Bronze Dragon | 2013-12-08 | 3 | |
28739094 | /tg/ Bronze Dragon Quest Part 8 | Apologies, apologies everywhere! | Collective Game, Dragon, Quest, Bronze, Steel, Metal, FirstTimer, Waiting for OP | 2013-12-09 | 3 | |
29155369 | Tale of the BDSM DM (Correct thread) | A request for tales of bad DMs turns into a storytime session about a BDSM obsessed DM, rape and dragons. | BDSM, storytime, that guy, that dm, dean | 2013-12-30 | 14 | |
January 2014 |
29207144 | Jebediah Zandersmith: supernatural detective | The tales of Zandersmith, the wacky supernatural detecrive with a Gremlin | storytime | 2014-01-01 | 28 | |
29217154 | Shadowrun Storytime 20: The Final Run Part 2 | The tension keeps up as the team struggles to hunt down their quarry. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard | 2014-01-02 | 119 | |
29226125 | Larry The Transgender "RP"-ist | Things get a bit odd as a That Guy gets the Girl, then OP continues with another... "story" | Storytime, Larry, Transgender, Rapist, Rape, That Guy, Story, Nunsplosion | 2014-01-02 | 21 | |
29324490 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time | Jake gets drunk with friends, makes perfect pancakes, sets a time machine on fire, and kicks some ass in another dimension. | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star | 2014-01-07 | 24 | |
29408308 | Lights Out Gaming | A storytime thread wherein OP begins to tell us about tabletop gaming with an excellent if socially maladjusted group. OP then dies of food poisoning. | story time, vikings, homebrew, fate, fudge, arts and crafts, that guy, food poisoning | 2014-01-12 | 10 | |
29486770 | One party and Absolution | Anon tells the story of his party rising through the ranks to change the world in increasingly extreme ways. | Storytime, Writefag, Absolution, Badger god | 2014-01-13 | 48 | |
29606636 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 2 | Jake sobers up and takes charge. He then proceeds to get his mind read and teams up with the last Mineva Zabi to find the Universal Charter. A battle ensues and a new map system is tried out | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi | 2014-01-19 | 24 | |
29633723 | The Hair Beast | OP tells the story of a creature he created with a Wish spell. | storytime wish monster hair | 2014-01-20 | 8 | |
29662376 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 3 | Jake sides himself with Neo Zeon. System changes are discussed and suggested and Puru's galore! | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi, Puru | 2014-01-21 | 24 | |
February 2014 |
30183805 | Chicago Unmasqued arc 1 ch. 1 | A storylog of a Vampire: the Masquerade game, set in 1990s Chicago. Sabbath, Camarilla, the unfortunate Caitiff PCs caught in between, a diablerie, two separate masquerade breaches, and a final death... and this is just the first chapter of the first arc. | storytime, vampire, vtm, V:tm, masquerade, chicago | 2014-02-12 | 4 | |
30145700 | Suddenly, Sailor Moon invades /tg/ again | Anon asks for systems to run a Sailor Moon campaign with. Sailor Magneto is created, stories are told, and great times are had by everyone. | Sailor Moon, Sailor Magneto, RPG, storytime | 2014-02-12 | 5 | |
30258920 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 4 | Jake located the Universal Charter for Neo Zeon and is contacted by a strange entity known as the "Id" saying it help him and not his friends. They are attacked by the Titans and he is forced to make a choice, will he betray those he helped or stay loyal only to himself? | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi, Puru | 2014-02-16 | 24 | |
30361162 | Story Time | A well written story about a guy who plays TTRPGS. | story, time, storytime | 2014-02-20 | 1 | |
30389899 | Warforged Storytime | Featuring Tim and Jim the Warforged brothers, Lichforged, Nanoforged, the 3/4ths golem, the Iron Giant, and an obscenely corny yet somehow endearing story of friendship and slapping death's shit, among other things. | story, time, storytime, warforged, Pinocchio, lichforged, nanoforged, nanohaforged, 3/4ths golem, FRIENDSHIP, Iron Giant, character concepts | 2014-02-22 | 9 | |
30413981 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 5 | Jake and pals get whisked off to another dimension, however they end up dragging folks along for the ride. They find themselves in a world ruled by a pink haired tyrant. Will they defeat her? Will they get back home? The story is beginning to come to a close... | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Mara | 2014-02-23 | 24 | |
March 2014 |
30569292 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 6 | Weapons are built, preparations are made, and the assult on Terminal HQ begins. Ether Lacus dies, or everyone dies. | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus | 2014-03-02 | 24 | |
30627173 | Necromancer Story Time | Half-ork barbarian, Warforged wizard and Elf druid (and also Human Paladin) in quest to find eight metal keys in a Serne world. Search proves problematic and challenging. | Necromancer, campaign, storytime | 2014-03-05 | 5 | |
30712960 | Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 7 | Kira Clones. Pink Mobile Suits. The end of an adventure and a sad separation. Jake's adventure comes to an end... | Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus | 2014-03-09 | 24 | |
30804702 | Random Dimensional Quest 8: Of Sprites and Timeskips | In which Nick Trimmers succeeds at many of the goals he set for himself, and achieves a new level! | Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, water sprites, salesmanship, timeskip, Palladium, Megaversal | 2014-03-13 | 1 | |
30940572 | Random Dimension Quest 9: Of Leveling and Character Creation | Wherein Nick Trimmers begins a training montage and we pick skills and spells. | Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, Choices, Leveling, timeskip, Palladium, Megaversal | 2014-03-20 | 1 | |
31000748 | Magical Kingdom Writefaggotry | "Scenario: You suddenly find yourself in charge of your standard fairytale kingdom. How you ended up in charge is unimportant. Maybe you're a long-lost heir misplaced by an incompetent king, maybe you're a charming hero who was for some reason given the hand of a crown princess due to generosity of an incompetent king or maybe you just killed the off the previous ruler in a revolution against his kingly incompetence. The important part is that the realm you oversee is a full-blown Disney-out-the-ass type of deal complete with rebellious princesses, braggart wannabe-heroes, charming underdog commoners, bumbling advisors, an evil sorcerer or two with perhaps a dragon on standby, an overabundance of animal companions and woodland creatures that for some reason aren't being turned into food, wish-granting fairies/gnomes/trolls and a metric fuckton of things that shouldn't talk or sing but do both.
As you might expect, the place is a shithole and on the verge of financial and socio-political ruin. How does a bad dude like yourself build this brightly colored trainwreck into a military and economic superpower feared the not-world over." | writefaggotry, writefag, Hypnojew, disney, story, time, storytime, no discussion | 2014-03-23 | 9 | |
31026745 | Only Sane Man 3 | In which OP continues the story of his dysfunctional party after a long wait. | storytime, OnlySaneMan | 2014-03-24 | 15 | |
31058461 | This goddamn moment from a game you can't forget | Memorable moments that define tabletop gaming. Crit successes that shatter the plot, crit fails that cause TPKs on the first enemy encountered, everything's here. | Story, storytime, stories, nat 20, natural 20, DnD, D&D, 3.5, 4, Crit, Crit fail, fail, awesome, epic | 2014-03-26 | 10 | |
April 2014 |
31230485 | On the divinity of the God Emperor | Some guy asks for in-universe arguments for proof of the Emperor's divinity. He gets what he asked for, along with pasta, slight storytime, and DMing advice | 40k, Emperor, Emps, Emprah, funny, story, storytime, stories, pasta, copypasta, fuck witches, DM, GM, DH, that guy, argument, arguing, theology | 2014-04-03 | 5 | |
31271134 | How to Avoid a Boss Fight in Dark Heresy | Anon tells the story of how attempting to talk his way out of a boss fight landed him a daemonette girlfriend. Additional storytime follows. | Dark Heresy, Storytime, Story, Time, Warhammer, 40k, daemonette, Scott Pilgrim | 2014-04-06 | 5 | |
31674272 | A crazy PC's memorial | A tribute to a good friend and crazy players like him. | Story time, Storytime, awesome, crazy, crazy shit, D&D, Mage, lulz, epic, /tg/ | 2014-04-24 | 10 | |
May 2014 |
32042064 | Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 0 | 15 years ago, the world died and was reborn in the fires of the Second Impact. Following the cataclysm, the balance of power was altered forever. It brought starvation and death, war and disease.
But the disaster also brought the seeds of recovery with the alien material Tiberium. This crystalline compound leeched minerals from the soil, making them easy to extract and harvest. The resulting revolution in materials science spurred technological development, growth and prosperity. | TimeDriver, Quest, Collective Game, SRW, Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest | 2014-05-11 | 8 | |
32110981 | In The Utter Darkness of the 56th Millennium, There is nothing | Anon's Rogue Trader campaign is caught in a Warp eddie and thrown forward in time to the 56th Millennium to find that the entire galaxy is dead. Discussion, possible causes, Battlestar Galacticas and backstabbing result. Lots of backstabbing. | Rogue Trader, Warp, Time Travel, Future, Rock Falls Everybody Dies, Backstabbing | 2014-05-14 | 9 | |
32138859 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 22 | Sacchin struggles to make Sempai notice her, it looks like the Tank did not work last time. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Sacchin, Sempai Time, | 2014-05-15 | 2 | |
32183478 | Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 1 (The Black Technology of Peace) | We follow Major Michael Walter, ace mech pilot and veteran of the Tiberium War. Dispatched to the Azadistan hot zone, he led his Arm Slave squad to victory against KPSA guerillas, rescued GDI hostages and retrieved a prototype Personal Trooper. The fight was complicated, however, by the escape of the apparent leader of the terrorist and the emergence of a previously unseen, gigantic mech that should not even have been able to move according to conventional physics. | Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest, Collective Game, TimeDriver | 2014-05-18 | 6 | |
32351833 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 22.5 | Sacchin and Sempai deal with a Crystal Devil! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Sacchin, Sempai Time, | 2014-05-26 | 2 | |
32445261 | Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 2 (The Black Technology of Peace, part 2) | You are MAJOR MICHAEL WALTER, ace mech pilot and veteran of the Tiberium War. Fighting terrorists in Azadistan, you discovered and fended off a seemingly impossibly huge mech that was shielded with a mysterious energy field.
Witnessing the mysterious unit brought you to the attention of MITHRIL, a secret organization dedicated to safeguarding and controlling the proliferation and development of dangerous technologies of unknown origin. You and your squad have been brought on board the Mithril airborne command ship, the Cu Chulainn, and introduced to its captain, teenage prodigy Teletha Testarossa. | TimeDiver, Collective Game, Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest | 2014-05-30 | 4 | |
32462969 | Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 3 (The Black Technology of Peace, part 3) | When we last saw MAJOR MICHAEL WALTER, ace mech pilot and veteran of the Tiberium War, he was being introduced to Melissa Mao and Kurz Weber, pilots of the secret organization Mithril onboard the airborne carrier Cu Chulainn. We now continue with the results of the last vote from the previous thread. | Collective Game, TimeDiver, Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest | 2014-05-31 | 3 | |
June 2014 |
32664983 | Three Kingdoms Quest | We, the minor noble Zhu Xing, take our first step on the road to becoming a General of the High Heavens. Also, we serve Lu Bu! For now, anyway. | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time | 2014-06-09 | 25 | |
32683252 | Three Kingdoms Quest 2 | Zhu Xing defends Luoyang, becomes Commandant of the Guards, and makes friends with other officers. | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms | 2014-06-10 | 18 | |
32767117 | Three Kingdoms Quest 3 | Ding Dong the witch is Dead | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms | 2014-06-14 | 14 | |
32811583 | Three Kingdoms Quest 4 | We return to our hometown and head south for a new beginning | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms | 2014-06-16 | 18 | |
32816963 | Order of the Emerald Star | Discussion and storytime about the Order of the Emerald Star, an ingame religion worshipping a former PC's Bard after he Ascended. | Gods, Deity, Emerald Star, Bards, Music, Paladin, Storytime, | 2014-06-17 | 4 | |
32910549 | The Loon | There are plenty of threads about That Guy, the douche that makes any game terrible.
The Loon is the one that pulls something completely ridiculous and succeeds. | Awesome, funny, storytime, storytiem | 2014-06-22 | 22 | |
32944715 | >Hey /tg/ I'm sick. Could you post things to distract me from how crappy I feel? | >I fell in a lake today.
Feel free to laugh at my misfortune. | funny, humor, humour, storytime | 2014-06-23 | 5 | |
33023335 | Shadowrun General: Humanis Edition | Shadowrun general starts up all normal like, and then nazis | bipolar, nazi, humanis, shadowrun, storytime, storytiem | 2014-06-27 | 3 | |
July 2014 |
33115171 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 7 | In the late 1st century AD China, there is only war, and the laugh of thirsting Lu Bu, which his daughter is getting closer to Zhu Xing as days goes by
Boner pls | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Lu Linqi | 2014-07-01 | 15 | |
33259543 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 8 | We regroup and battle Wang Lang. Thread cut short due to circumstances. | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Lu Lingqi | 2014-07-08 | 18 | |
33393181 | Godbuilders | OP tells of how he got his players to develop a pantheon for an original setting. Awesome and storytime results. | Worldbuilding, Pantheon, Gods, Storytime | 2014-07-14 | 7 | |
33411203 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part ⑨ | Zhu Xing invents a new dish that consists of cooked wheat dough in the form of long, slender, solid strings, and then proceeds to spill it. | Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi, Strategic Blunders | 2014-07-15 | 13 | |
33570642 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 10 | We begin our battle against Yuan Shu's army | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Lu Lingqi | 2014-07-22 | 18 | |
33605642 | Lamentations of the Flame Princess Storytiem: Edge edition | A little girl, the ghost of her necromancer grandfather, a fourteen year old boy still traumatized by the time his parents were raped to death by bears, and a priest team up to murder the shit out of some people, no matter how many people they have to murder in order to do it. | Lamentations of the Flame Princess, LotFP, lotfp, storytime, storytiem, BEARS, edge, edgy, edgelord | 2014-07-23 | 10 | |
33660810 | High Mortality Party Storytime | The most convoluted dark heresy origin story ever and a few more lighthearted stories. | Dark heresy, Only War, Shoggy, Storytime, Mortality, Deaths, DnD, Tulip, Shane, Tommy, Troll Fucker, Volg, Paradox, Death | 2014-07-26 | 110 | |
33734908 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 11 | Zhu Xing continues his political intrigues in Jing province | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi | 2014-07-29 | 16 | |
August 2014 |
33710707 | Martian Death Quest Supplemental Resources | Anons compile a list of resources and atmosphere suggestions for running a MDQ. | nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime, Martian Death Quest, My best horror RPG, Atmosphere, Resources | 2014-08-01 | 1 | |
33787250 | Goldern /tg/ stories | New caps | Awesome, funny, storytime | 2014-08-01 | 2 | |
33900226 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 12 | Zhu Xing becomes the prefect of Wu and makes progress with a certain someone | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi | 2014-08-05 | 22 | |
33923041 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 13 | Zhu Xing tries to govern the city, parties hard, and prepares for his next campaign | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi | 2014-08-06 | 15 | |
34072613 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 14 | Zhu Xing builds up an army to campaign against Yuan Shu and battles Sun Ce | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi | 2014-08-12 | 12 | |
34079694 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 14.5 | Zhu Xing finds out whether his waifu survives an encounter with a pyromaniac | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi | 2014-08-12 | 12 | |
34095013 | All Guardsmen Party Storytime | Holy shit this campaign | Storytime, Dark Heresy, Guardsmens, Story | 2014-08-13 | 200 | |
34091720 | The Conservators | OP comes in with a concept for poor, badly equipped marines, proceeds to flesh them out into an interesting custom chapter with very unique practices. | Space Marines, Custom Chapter, storytime, Conservators | 2014-08-13 | 23 | |
34152354 | Second Conservators thread | Fleshed out more of the Conservators chapter, OP started a POV character. | Space Marines, Custom Chapter, storytime, Conservators | 2014-08-15 | 15 | |
34162691 | Tabletop Rage stories | OP:Has a game ever gotten so heated that people were shouting at each other? Or so heated that someone quit/stopped coming? | stories, rage, drama, Ragequit, storytime | 2014-08-16 | 0 | |
34173548 | GM rage quits | Ragequits and storytimes | rage, ragequit, storytime, that guy, that dm | 2014-08-16 | 0 | |
34183552 | GM Non-Fuckups | Everybody makes mistakes. While for most people it's difficult but usually necessary to admit those mistakes, GMs are never allowed to do so. That'd be like god showing up to a bunch of scientists and telling them whatever they're working on is pointless because it was just something he fucked up. "Sorry, lemme fix that, carry on." | funny, storytime | 2014-08-17 | 13 | |
34197710 | Conservators Thread 3 | Some more writing and lore about the galaxy's poorest space marines. | Space Marines, Custom Chapter, storytime, Conservators | 2014-08-18 | 14 | |
34261928 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 15 | Zhu Xing teams up with Gan Ning and battles Sun Ce's forces | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi | 2014-08-20 | 12 | |
34281452 | Timesplicer Quest | A necromancer from medieval times gets thrown into a cyberpunk future with nothing but the (odd) clothes on his back, and his trusty catalyst. | Timetravel, Magic, Cyberpunk, Quest | 2014-08-21 | 5 | |
34333783 | The Case of the Missing Psykers | The All-Guardsman Party Returns! A PC is lost, and duct tape is used! | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2014-08-23 | 152 | |
34287751 | Conservators Thread IV: A New Thread | People keep on fluffing the Conservators, OP finishes his story and the Imperial Cult is examined. | Space Marines, Custom Chapter, storytime, Conservators | 2014-08-23 | 12 | |
34401049 | Three Kingdoms Quest Part 16 | Zhu Xing attempts to take Lu Jiang commandery from Sun Ce and Yuan Shu. | Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi | 2014-08-26 | 21 | |
34418095 | 1st Alaran Penal Legion | TG tried to make IG regiments, first rsult is a Sororita without the funding
Second one is the magnificent bastards of 1st Alaran Penal Legion | Warhammer 40k, Imperial Guard, Story time, Writefag | 2014-08-27 | 4 | |
34488561 | Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 32 | We are Hasutora Daisuke, disgraced janitor. And we are having an odd night. | Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Timey Wimey, Janitor | 2014-08-30 | 13 | |
September 2014 |
34660239 | The All Guardsmen Party and The Box | The All Guardsmen Party goes off with their new interrogator to investigate a regiment's new weapons. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Story, Shoggy, The Box, Only War, Guardsmen | 2014-09-06 | 275 | |
34985468 | The All Guardsmen Party and Nubby's Girlfriend | The All Guardsmen Party gets a smokin hot Interrogator and goes to purge some genestealers. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Nubby, Girlfriend, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2014-09-20 | 156 | |
35084915 | How do dwarves measure time | Anon asks a simple question. Brainstorming and worlbuilding begins. | Worldbuilding, Setting, Dwarf, Time, Clocks | 2014-09-25 | 7 | |
October 2014 |
35298895 | Modern Fantasy | What starts of as dating advice for dating a Dhampir quickly becomes a series of in character discussions about fantastical people living in a mundane world, from Wizard debates on ethical practice to debates on fae dickery and racial bigotry its a weird thread, even for /tg/. | Modern, Fantasy, In Character, Storytime | 2014-10-06 | 1 | |
35461504 | The All Guardsmen Party Purge Some Heretics | The All Guardsmen Party checks out why a wasteland world hasn't been praising the Emprah. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Crisp, Fallout, Heretic, Heretics, Purge, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2014-10-12 | 144 | |
35703690 | A tired GM's tale | Sleep-deprived GM recounts his less than logical ploy to make his players move the plot via magical realm. Things do not go as planned. | Storytime, magical realm, loli, john cleese, rhyming, history, psychology, derail | 2014-10-23 | 12 | |
November 2014 |
35923989 | The All Guardsmen Party Buys a Ship | The All Guardsmen Party goes to help purchase a used starship. Nothing could possibly go wrong. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Buy, Ship, Occurrence, Border, Nubby, Warp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2014-11-03 | 177 | |
36338781 | The All Guardsmen Party Teaches School | The All Guardsmen Party goes to train some fresh recruits how be proper Inquisitorial Goons. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Cutter, School, Teach, Train, Necron, Necrons, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2014-11-23 | 176 | |
December 2014 |
36536350 | Petyr the War Beagle | The story of Petyr the War Beagle | Story time, hero dog | 2014-12-03 | 45 | |
36995529 | Shadowrun Storytime 21 | Merry Christmas, chummers. Shadowrun Storytime comes to a long-awaited end. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend | 2014-12-27 | 92 | |
37016947 | Shadowrun Storytime 21.5 | Wrapping up loose ends. | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend, Trout, Geppetto | 2014-12-28 | 107 | |
January 2015 |
37107223 | NEET Time Loop Quest #1 | You're Paige, a NEET living alone. You go out to get food one morning and meet a girl named Eve. After something horrible happens, you find yourself waking up on the same day again. | Collective Game NEET Time Loop Quest NEET | 2015-01-02 | 5 | |
37084497 | The Free Company | OP comes in with an idea about a group of loyalist marines with their own ship, made from an amalgamation of exiles rogues and last survivors from dozens of chapters with a slight pirate flavor. A truly incredible amount of writing ensues and they are rapidly fleshed out. | Free Company, space marines, Brethren of the Fringe, storytime | 2015-01-02 | 6 | |
37267602 | Expedition to the Surface World! | Urist McDorfking meets with a returning party of dwarven adventurers to ask what the surface world is like. Misinterpretation, elf-hate, great works of industry and cosmology discussion result. Then writefags show up. | dwarf, dwarves, cosmology, misinterpretation, storytime, writefag, | 2015-01-10 | 3 | |
37339037 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Super Spy | The All Guardsmen Party teams up with an Interplanetary man of mystery to investigate corruption in the Imperial Guard. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Necrons, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-01-13 | 175 | |
37403665 | Captain Drake | The tale of how a an RP thread hijack turned into an epic adventure | storytime, Sci Fi, rp, forum, hijack | 2015-01-16 | 99 | |
37540656 | Modern Knight Quest Thread #1 | Sir Adlrich Brickvelt, Knight and Crusader, dies and somehow ends up in the future in New York. | Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel | 2015-01-22 | 16 | |
37559600 | Modern Knight Quest #2 | Sir Aldrich Brickvelt, humble knight and Crusader discovers that there are others like him, from the past and in the future and he gets a new set of future clothes. | Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Kebab | 2015-01-23 | 11 | |
37625182 | Modern Knight Quest #3 | Our intrepid Knight arrives at his saviour's home and learns about modern bathrooms and, most importantly, himself. | Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Bathroom | 2015-01-26 | 10 | |
37667091 | Modern Knight Quest #4 | Our humble crusader learns more about this strange land, the events of history since his dissappearance, and the dark forces at work that sent him there. | Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Revelations | 2015-01-29 | 7 | |
37707670 | Modern Knight Quest #5 | Our bold hero learns a little more about his host and a little more about modern dispositions | Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Siblings | 2015-01-30 | 5 | |
February 2015 |
37756776 | Modern Knight Quest #6 | Ser Aldrich continues his quest ay the Museum of Natural Histor, where dark forces grow below... | little more about modern dispositions Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Dread | 2015-02-03 | 5 | |
37794163 | Britbongsteros Storytime | In world geographically the same as our own, fantasy tropes meet local mythology. Gather around, and listen to the story of purging necromancy, assassinating nobility, and fighting the terrors of this world. And remember, act in accordance to the Purple Penguin's will. Opening post is required reading. | storytime, storytiem, purple penguin, world building, writefaggotry, awesome | 2015-02-04 | 44 | |
37823911 | Modern Knight Quest #7 | Having discovered the evil at work in the museum, Ser Aldrich and Leonardo DeRetti steal priceless artifacts to slay Djinni and a wizard. | Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Horseman, Djinn | 2015-02-05 | 6 | |
38002817 | Modern Knight Quest #8 | With our supernatural foes vanquished but our exit sealed we traverse the long dark of the 'Sub Way', where we confess to our new comrade our checkered past... | Collective Game, Modern Knight Quest, Knight, Time Travel, Horseman, Origins | 2015-02-14 | 5 | |
38181397 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Greater Good | The All Guardsmen Party go to Tau space to track down some vile, xenos-loving traitors. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Tink, Deserter, Bane, Fumbles, Tau, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Greater, Good | 2015-02-20 | 172 | |
March 2015 |
38376181 | Changing Times: An (ex)Guardsman Quest | With our return comes answers to old questions and the beginnings of new. As always, not all's well in the Imperium. Or the Antebellum. | Changing Times (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman, | 2015-03-01 | 12 | |
38408966 | DBZ Human Quest #86 | After a spar with Gohan, time chamber training begins | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Namek, Piccolo, Popo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Gohan, Trunks, Nappa, Vegeta, Goku, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber | 2015-03-02 | 7 | |
38492486 | Khornette Quest #24 | Cinder goes too hard and then has to travel to the past to try and commit suicide to prevent Ignitrix from being pissed. Needless to say, nothing goes to plan. | Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Time is bullshit, Not as Planned, Stop Hitting Yourself, ELH | 2015-03-06 | 11 | |
38585652 | Changing Times: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 2 | Delving into the dark with Melodi, we learn more about Inquisitor Alexi and get invited for a night out on the town. | Changing Times (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman, | 2015-03-10 | 10 | |
38662574 | DBZ Human Quest #97 | Cell pays a visit to the Lookout, and Kaguya pays a visit to Capsule Corp | Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Popo, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber, Android, Cyborg, Eight, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Frieza, Tree, of, Might | 2015-03-13 | 8 | |
38699804 | Changing Times: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 3 | Following a bit of rough mediating between mother and daughter we hit the town for a few rounds. Hilarity ensues. | Changing Times (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman | 2015-03-15 | 10 | |
38723571 | Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 7 | Bella takes up the flamer, engages Alirye in a duel of lewd, half-listens to some tech-priests, and finds out that Alirye is a cougar during the cult-purging road trip! | Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, ear lewdness, flamer time!, cougars, lewdvengeance, Aila heard all of that | 2015-03-16 | 4 | |
April 2015 |
39165875 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P1 | The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-04-06 | 135 | |
39185203 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Xenotech Heresy P2 | The All Guardsmen Party investigates a string planet-wide disappearances. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Aimy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Heretek, Eldar, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-04-07 | 141 | |
39306136 | Lamentations of the Flame Princess Storytiem: 2 edgy, 2 egregious | A little girl, the ghost of her necromancer grandfather, a orphan whose parents were eaten and/or raped to death by bears, and a priest who has a cuddle pillow of his goddess team up to murder hundreds of innocents and summon a demon. Also kill a bear I guess. | Lamentations of the Flame Princess, LotFP, lotfp, storytime, storytiem, BEARS, edge, edgy, edgelord, sitcom | 2015-04-13 | 4 | |
39385080 | Shadowrun 5e storytime | That Guy shennanigns | that guy, shadowrun, 5e, storytime | 2015-04-17 | 15 | |
39425500 | Changing Times: An (ex)Guardsman Quest 4 | In the aftermath of our night on the town we inspect the damage, as well as speak with a new guest. | Changing Times (Quest), Collective Game, 40K, Guardsman | 2015-04-19 | 12 | |
39407891 | Besieged Eye | The Eye of Slaanesh is besiged by the Slaver Imperium and the Dread Emperor. | 40k, alternate heresy, alternate time-line, Chaos | 2015-04-19 | 12 | |
39388345 | Young Justice Quest: Unlimited #25 | The unexpected final fate of an earth on the eve of Crisis. | Collective Game, Young Justice, Super Boy, Hypertime | 2015-04-20 | 10 | |
May 2015 |
39838234 | Lost in Time Quest #1 | John Erin Perry (you) begins his adventure, by traveling somewhere and attracting dorfs. | Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy | 2015-05-09 | 7 | |
39872014 | Lost In Time Quest #2 | You fix sewers, discover the wonders of female beards, built gatling guns, and prepare to save Hashan. | Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy | 2015-05-11 | 6 | |
39978158 | Lost In Time Quest #3 | You arrive in Hashan, get some crits, learn magic, and begin your war on the humans of Cliffcoast. | Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy | 2015-05-16 | 5 | |
39995767 | Lost in Time Quest #4 | You defend Hashan negotiate a ceasefire and start making a railroad | Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy | 2015-05-17 | 6 | |
40015482 | Lost In Time Quest #5 | We finally return to Roanoke and draft up a truly awesome constitution. | Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy, Magitech | 2015-05-17 | 5 | |
40119009 | Lost in Time Quest #6 | You arrive at the human city, get scoffed at (a lot), prepare for Noros Soros back home, and kill elves. | Lost In Time Quest, Time, Roanoke, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Collective Game, Time Travel, Fantasy | 2015-05-23 | 6 | |
June 2015 |
40385247 | Moments when YOU became That Guy | Moments when players broke their games, some in epic ways, some not so much. | awesome, characters, gaming, PC, storytime, that guy | 2015-06-06 | 7 | |
40392795 | Story Thread | Stories from the table game, wizards, great succeses, no luck from the dice gods, those guys or that DM. | epic, funny, gaming, PCs, that guy, that DM, original content, story, storytime, wizard | 2015-06-06 | 6 | |
40588807 | Most Fun You've Had With A Character | Story time thread, great succeses and other pc's achievements. | fun, funny, gaming, PCs, that guy, that DM, original content, story, storytime | 2015-06-15 | 3 | |
40747009 | The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Acquisition Experts | Working alongside Astartes! Meeting Orks and 'Nids again! Critfails galore!
It's episode 12. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Drone, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Xenotech, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Sarge, Twitch, Nubby, Doc, Tink, Aimy, Interrogator Greg Sargent | 2015-06-22 | 169 | |
40745299 | Slavery in RPGs | OP asks if others have found slavery in their games, interesting talk ensues. | fantasy, slavery, storytime, American Civil War, Elves | 2015-06-23 | 3 | |
40766711 | Rooting for the Empire | Stories and talks of what it means to be the best villains around. "I answered that Advert!" | storytime, villain, star wars, | 2015-06-24 | 5 | |
40785780 | THAT guy thread | Various THAT Guy stories, some funny, some Oh God Why?! | bad, faggotry, gaming, storytime, that group, that guy | 2015-06-29 | 2 | |
July 2015 |
40944771 | Weimar Quest | Interwar Germany takes a turn somewhere. | Weinar Quest, Germany, Kaiser, time-travelling moon nazis | 2015-07-02 | 5 | |
41028238 | Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me. | You still have not learned and I am ashamed. | The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO | 2015-07-05 | 21 | |
41124583 | Deathwatch Bedtime Story | Anon asks for a Deathwatch bedtime story.
Genestealers ensue. | 40k Deathwatch bedtime genestealers | 2015-07-10 | 5 | |
41229071 | Raising Awareness/Writefag Training: The SUE Files | Anon regales us with a tale of a DM so terrible and a setting so horrid that it beggars belief | That Guy, That DM, Homebrew setting, Mary Sue, Storytime, DMPC | 2015-07-16 | 53 | |
41327325 | Showtime Quest Part 4 | A clash between you and a Russian mercenary gets awesome. | Collective Game, Showtime Quest, Drawquest | 2015-07-20 | 5 | |
41355121 | Raising Awareness/Writefag Training: The SUE Files Part 2 | SAN checks are made, insanity reigns, but finally, finally, it ends. | That Guy, That DM, Homebrew setting, Mary Sue, Storytime, DMPC | 2015-07-21 | 26 | |
41298468 | DMPCs do and don'ts | /tg/ discusses and regales instances in which DMs used a DMPC or a NPC, in a beneficial and/or engaging way, or as an excuse to play their special snowflake character. | BBEG, DMPC, mary sue, NPC, roleplay, storytime, THAT DM | 2015-07-25 | 2 | |
41467604 | Blackguard Quest Storytime | A clollection of in-universe short stories, with some lostboy greentext | Collective Game, Quest, Blackguard Quest, Eclipse, Blackguard, Storytime | 2015-07-26 | 2 | |
41483230 | Showtime Quest Part 5 | A gladiatorial game ends in defeat for the noble lawyer, and members of the Orphan Patrol find themselves in trouble. | Collective Game, Showtime Quest, Drawquest | 2015-07-27 | 5 | |
41521864 | LotW Magical Girls Storytime | Storytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game + Rules discussion | storytime, lotw, magical girl, nanoha, Legends of the Wulin | 2015-07-31 | 11 | |
August 2015 |
41612411 | LotW Magical Girls Storytime Part 2 | Storytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game continues | storytime, lotw, magical girl, nanoha, Legends of the Wulin | 2015-08-07 | 8 | |
41750281 | Showtime Quest Part 6 | We infiltrate the Bronx estate with Slick in a thrilling, unprofessional night. | Collective Game, Showtime Quest, Drawquest, McLinskey | 2015-08-09 | 4 | |
42032505 | Showtime Quest Part 7 | Post-apocalyptic gang wars have never been more exciting! Or filled with so much sexual tension! | Collective Game, Showtime Quest, Drawquest, McLinskey | 2015-08-23 | 4 | |
42204030 | The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Dewarp | A short look into how much of a bitch it is to transport a live Zoanthrope across the galaxy. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Zoanthrope, Dewarp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-08-31 | 114 | |
October 2015 |
42828741 | Everyone is John Storytime | John the TSA Agent has to foil the dastardly terrorists. | Everyone is John, EiJ, John, TSA, Terrorists, Storytime | 2015-10-02 | 36 | |
42898714 | Meanwhile, the Time Wizards! | Time Wizards storytimes are had, and the rules of Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition are shared | Time Wizards, Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition, Storytime, Rules, Time Wizard Archibald | 2015-10-06 | 50 | |
43150931 | Rogue Trader: Astra Incognita | Rogue Trader Story Hecator Rifts Adventure | Rogue Trader, Warhammer 40K, Storytime, Story, Roleplaying | 2015-10-19 | 8 | |
43288004 | The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 1 | The all Guardsmen Party tries to make a simple supply run. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-10-26 | 161 | |
November 2015 |
43403681 | How A Game Almost Fell Apart | "Alright /tg/ let me tell you about how my game nearly fell apart. This tale involves autism, Shadowrun, betrayal, friendship, and approximately $12,000 in dragon dildos." | storytime, autism, dragon dildos, addiction, that guy, shadowrun | 2015-11-01 | 45 | |
43552618 | TIME Agent Quest | In which we get commissioned as an Time Police Agent, meet our fellow recruits and get our first mission. | TIME Agent Quest, Collective Game | 2015-11-09 | 2 | |
December 2015 |
43990923 | The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2 | The party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-12-05 | 109 | |
43979509 | /tg/ Builds a Pantheon #5 | /tg/ Builds a Pantheon thread | Worldbuilding, Pantheon, Gods, Storytime, | 2015-12-05 | 3 | |
44027113 | The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2 The Sequel | The party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything. Part 2. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2015-12-07 | 124 | |
44048143 | All Cogbro Storytime 1 | We join our party: A Cowboy Cog, A Coggy Cog, A Doggy Cog and owner, and a Ladycog (Emphasis on the lady) | Storytime, Warhammer 40K, AGP | 2015-12-08 | 32 | |
January 2016 |
44945222 | Noah's Park Quest #1 | We begin our adventure as Jake Clark the NEET, stuck in a sick game. There, we meet a waspgal and cuddle a leechgirl. | Collective Game, Quest, Noahs Park, We do things properly this time. | 2016-01-23 | 3 | |
February 2016 |
45537638 | Maid RPG Storytime | /tg/ shares its ridiculous experiences with Maid RPG. Stories are shared, characters are rolled, settings are written, maids are posted. | maid rpg, storytime, military, ramping a btr off a drawbridge | 2016-02-23 | 29 | |
45692741 | How I Became a Vengeful Fucking DM | OP tells the story of how his party's That Guy led him to destroy everything their characters ever loved. | Storytime, OHGODWHY, Insanity, Demigods, Dragons | 2016-02-28 | 16 | |
March 2016 |
46244963 | Humerus Spooks | What starts with rib tickling skeleton puns and one liners turns epic with one anon's stories of playing as a skeleton in full plate armor | D&D, skeletons, lol, story time, puns, bones, spooky, rattle, epic, humerus | 2016-03-26 | 42 | |
April 2016 |
46463257 | Manor of Tian storytime | OP tells the tale of a rogue, a wizard, a cleric, a ranger and a fighter exploring the haunted Manor of Tian. Atmospheric horror ensues. | Horror, storytime, manor, Tian | 2016-04-06 | 40 | |
46552814 | Mientras tanto, LOS MAGOS DEL TIEEEEMPOOOOOO | In which OP proves that Time Wizards is not dead. Pretty cool | Time Wizards | 2016-04-10 | 5 | |
46575971 | The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy | The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2016-04-10 | 124 | |
46600041 | The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 1.5 | The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. Part 1.5 because it's very small. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2016-04-11 | 100 | |
46864402 | The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 2 | The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman | 2016-04-24 | 106 | |
46840826 | The Headmaster Tale: Part 1 | Anon asks /tg/ help for defending aganist Elven siege lead by the Dm's GF, awesomeness happens, nice list of siege tips | The Headmaster, Storytime, Siege, That Dm, That Girl | 2016-04-26 | 23 | |
46858409 | The Headmaster's Tale Part 2 | Headmaster prepares for his last stand aganist the Death Knight | The Headmaster, Storytime, Siege, That Dm, That Girl | 2016-04-26 | 21 | |
46876988 | The Headmaster's Tale: Part 3 | The Aftermatch, Bit of lore on Sin Dragons and the gods, New Characters | The Headmaster, Storytime | 2016-04-26 | 18 | |
July 2016 |
48057301 | How That Guys Can Ruin a Good Game Pt. 2 | OP is back with a followup and an update: GOOD END GET. | Oriental adventures, that guy, problem player, cringe, storytime, poetic justice, fucking rekt, lol | 2016-07-01 | 2 | |
48087737 | "Why are Paladins so hates?" Plus anon rage. | OP asks /tg/ why some people whine when someone plays a Paladin and the thread derails into why a randomanon who hates Paladins is a faggot. | That Guy, Problem Player, storytime, Paladin, Drama, Paladins, rage | 2016-07-05 | 4 | |
48242575 | LotW Magical Girls Storytime Part 3 | After an extremely long wait, storytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game continues | storytime, lotw, magical girl, nanoha, Legends of the Wulin | 2016-07-14 | 6 | |
419664 | European Daytime Elven Islands Civ | Thrandir gets banished and we make a base | Elves, Island, Quest, Civ, European Daytime | 2016-07-31 | 1 | |
August 2016 |
48586572 | Peg-Leg Dave Storytime | Peg Leg Dave returns after years of lurking for yet another story. | Peg-Leg Dave, Storytime, Dark Heresy | 2016-08-02 | 32 | |
48865258 | Fallout Storytime Thread | Tales from the Wasteland | Fallout, storytime, story, post apocalyptic | 2016-08-22 | 8 | |
September 2016 |
49496804 | Heroes of the Spiderwoods | What begins as a greentext about the dangers of wild magic spirals into an epic tale of sacrifice and determination. | storytime, DnD, Dietrich, Eisen, Fiona, Gunnar | 2016-09-26 | 93 | |
October 2016 |
49998783 | Post-Apocalyptic Myths, Tall Tales and Urban Legends | Some time after the End, a group of weary scavengers gather around a campfire to share stories, tall tales and urban legends. | Post Apocalyptic, stories, setting, worldbuilding, fallout, creepy, storytime, urban legends, tall tales, myths, lies, | 2016-10-29 | 22 | |
50033219 | The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1 | The party prepares to get ready for their new mission, while being hated by their new boss and everyone else. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition, | 2016-10-31 | 100 | |
November 2016 |
860310 | Chronomancer Quest #1 | A quest following a high school student named Yu, who gains time powers, then socialises with friends. Accidental Dio quest ensues. | Modern, Magical, Time Powers | 2016-11-30 | 6 | |
December 2016 |
887650 | Chronomancer Quest #2 | Other Mages exist, not good for business | Time Magic,Macho MC | 2016-12-05 | 1 | |
50535024 | The All Guardsmen Party and Inquisitor Asshat's Stupid "Stealth" Mission - Part 1 Redux | The party gets on the trail of "The Conspiracy" while having to deal with Sciscitat, his team, and other assorted bullshit. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition, | 2016-12-05 | 108 | |
948723 | Chronomancer Quest #3 | The time monster and Yu square off, supernatural speed and strength against sheer time-stopping will. | Time Magic,Combat,Modern, Lucky Rolls | 2016-12-19 | 2 | |
50796364 | Larp thread gone right | After a thread that called American larps lame slowly fell into autosage, LARPfags created a new thread, for stories and cool photos. | LARP, storytime, bucket, teeth | 2016-12-21 | 7 | |
960448 | Cyberpunk Demonslayer 2 | Our hero learns more about himself and gets some succubus tail. | Cyberpunk Demonslayer, sexy times | 2016-12-27 | 6 | |
January 2017 |
51179503 | Consequences of realistic FTL. | OP asks about the consequences of realistic FTL travels to /tg/ towards causality and time-dilution, 51181840 Anon nails it. | Sci-fi, science-fiction, setting, settings, FTL, FTL travel, causality, time travel, time-dilution, time-dilutions | 2017-01-13 | 6 | |
February 2017 |
51604789 | Love and krieg 2.0 Ork edition no.10 | Thr continuation of all the writefaggottry. | krieg, love and krieg 2.0, writefaggotty, storytime, writefag, | 2017-02-11 | 6 | |
51665003 | Thoughts on Magical Girls | Magical Girls are discussed; Anons give storytime on a Fantasy WWII Magical Girl Campaign. | Magical Girk, Mahou Shoju, Storytime | 2017-02-14 | 3 | |
March 2017 |
52272249 | Wodehouse MAID campaign #1 | Anon delivers on his promise to storytime the MAID campaign he participated in that is very reminiscent of Wodehouse novels. | storytime, MAID, funny, | 2017-03-22 | 23 | |
52335377 | Murder Gent, and other stories | In which the tales of Murder Gent are told. | D&D, storytime, roleplay | 2017-03-28 | 25 | |
April 2017 |
52364366 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall | Greentext thread about a party of Jade Magistrates in Legend of the Five Rings | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-04-05 | 31 | |
52474763 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 2 | The continuing tale of Crab-anon and his party of Jade Magistrates in Legend of the Five Rings | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-04-08 | 21 | |
52587795 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 3 | Goddammit Monkey! Edition. The continuing tale of Crab-anon and his party of Jade Magistrates in Legend of the Five Rings | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-04-08 | 22 | |
52660787 | The Legend of Half-Orcbro | A lowly half-orc goes on a quest to find those who killed his mother, and learns the meaning of friendship. | Half-Orc, Storytime, Greentext, Orcs | 2017-04-14 | 57 | |
52685301 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 4 | Phoenix Father-in-Law is a douche Edition. Crab Adventures fighting evil and stupid people. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-04-18 | 20 | |
52819543 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 6 | Shaming the Phoenix,
The tournament continues,
Much to the Crab's joy. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-04-22 | 20 | |
52859722 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 7 | The tournament ends. Maho-Tsukai shenanigans. Haikus. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-04-25 | 17 | |
52918691 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 8 | A convoluted Scorpion plot is foiled. Now our brave Crab hero has to deal with assassins, blood magic, and worst of all... politics. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-04-27 | 17 | |
May 2017 |
52964044 | L5R: Memories of a Stonewall Part 9 | Ishigaki Mura grows, a new Crab is born, and feels are had by all. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-05-04 | 14 | |
53051554 | L5R: Memories of a Stonewall Part 10 | In which Ishigaki and company accidentally a whole village. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-05-10 | 13 | |
53150670 | L5R: Memories of a Stonewall Part 11 | The war between the Crab and the Scorpion heats up with Ishigaki and his comrades right in the middle. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-05-16 | 14 | |
53248930 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 12 | There are stones, and there are walls, but there is only one stone wall. The continuing tale of Crab-anon and his party of Jade Magistrates. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-05-20 | 14 | |
53335675 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 13 | I see a red Stone Wall and I want it painted black. The continuing tale of Crab-anon and his party of Jade Magistrates. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-05-23 | 14 | |
53439299 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 14 | Shine on you crazy Stone Wall. Crab-anon's continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrates. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-05-30 | 13 | |
June 2017 |
53584343 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 15 | Hey there Stone Wall, doesn't it feel like our time is running out? The continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrates. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-06-04 | 14 | |
53693251 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 16 | Stone Walls don't fear the reaper. Crab-anon's continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrates. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-06-13 | 14 | |
53833232 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 17 | Do you know where you are? You're in the Jungle, Stone Wall! Crab-anon's continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrate | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-06-17 | 15 | |
53922267 | The Patchwork God | A D&D campaign involving a bunch of frankensteinian cultists and their patchwork creation is discussed. | frankenstein, mad scientist, divine, deity, cultist, monster, storytime, campaign, adventure hook, D&D, worldbuilding, | 2017-06-23 | 5 | |
54007948 | Hard words for GMs to say | "What's the hardest thing you've ever had to say to a player as a GM?" | GM, that guy, storytime | 2017-06-27 | 12 | |
53965244 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 18 | We are the Wall! | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-06-28 | 14 | |
54040351 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 19 | See you, Stone Wall. The climax of Crab-anon's continuing tale of Hida Ishigaki and his party of Jade Magistrates. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-06-29 | 15 | |
July 2017 |
54095900 | L5R: Memories of a Stone Wall Part 20 | A continuation of Crab-anon's wrap up. Char-sheets are shared, and links to the missing threads are posted. | L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Greentext, Storytime, Crab, Samurai | 2017-07-06 | 15 | |
1659100 | Come Along With Me: An Adventure Time Quest | We're in Adventure time, we're a mayo wizard named Justin. We fought some orcs, went to Candy Kingdom and helped break up a kidnapping rin | Adventure Time | 2017-07-20 | 9 | |
54521560 | Magical Realms Both Creepy and Cute | OP requests the creepiest magical realms players or DMs have experienced, thread is derailed by a cute story of romance and elf racism. | magical realm, elf, drow, storytime | 2017-07-27 | 8 | |
54578358 | The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 2 | The All Guardsmen Party Returns! | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2017-07-29 | 79 | |
54594909 | The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 3 | The party assists in the acquisition of a spooky box. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2017-07-30 | 81 | |
September 2017 |
55378048 | Baba Yaga in Delta Green Campaign | The story of a Delta Green campaign with Baba Yaga in the starring role as the monster. | storytime, campaign, delta green, call of cthulhu, hellboy, witch, baba yaga, | 2017-09-21 | 5 | |
November 2017 |
56344476 | Kamigakari Thread storytimes | A Kamigakari thread sees the resumption of a storytime and the beginning of another. Mages infiltrate school. Yakuza and ghosts are trouble. | Kamigakari, storytime, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki, high school, roll20 | 2017-11-14 | 4 | |
56403336 | Kamigakari Thread storytimes | Misfits in Osaka continues. | Kamigakari, storytime, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki | 2017-11-18 | 3 | |
56586721 | Kamigakari Thread storytime | Statting Mononoke, Misfits in Osaka continues, advice on searching for images to use and games. | Kamigakari, storytime, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki, Pixiv, image search, | 2017-11-28 | 3 | |
December 2017 |
56714893 | Kamigakari Thread storytime | Answers and info from a player in Crazy Isekai Storytime, More Misfits in Osaka, Battle with an undead Samurai. | Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Mononoke, summoning, mages | 2017-12-04 | 5 | |
2109440 | War of the Roses #1 | Duke Will Seymour of Somerset makes plans and conducts war on his enemies. Who will claim the crown of England? | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2017-12-09 | 7 | |
56774869 | Kamigakari Thread storytimes | Misfits in Osaka & Crazy Isekai Storytiming. Slavery, Social Awkwardness, Akira in a Plugsuit! Advice on building and rebuilding characters. | Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, plugsuit, pdf | 2017-12-10 | 4 | |
56856351 | Kamigakari Thread storytimes | Misfits in Osaka continues. A giant snake woman and a spirit detective. | Kamigakari, storytime, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Jagasaki, Ren | 2017-12-16 | 5 | |
2140770 | War of the Roses #2 | The fight for Bridgwater begins, Duke Seymour has to pull on stops to defend his fief. | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2017-12-17 | 4 | |
56984041 | Drow NPC Backstory | /tg/ is challenged to provide an original, non-sue and genuinely interesting backstory for a drow NPC character. | storytime, story, worldbuilding, writing, drow, NPC, | 2017-12-18 | 5 | |
January 2018 |
2182202 | War of the Roses #3 | Plans are laid for the invasion of Devonshire, and plans are made with your wife. | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-01-05 | 3 | |
57159049 | Kamigakari Thread storytimes | Misfits in Osaka continues. Crazy Isekai Storytiming, a retelling of how it began. Anon speculates on stating things. | Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Shizune, stats, demons, Su | 2018-01-05 | 1 | |
57282638 | PTU storytime pokemon tabletop united | GM shares a short game they ran. Follow the story of two sisters venturing out into the world to become Pokémon trainers. | Pokémon, pokemon, Ruth, PTU, storytime, chikorita, scyther, Kate, Bree, Fey, Gloria, rules, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., forest, battle, survival, map | 2018-01-07 | 3 | |
2197283 | Quest Lyoko 7: Resurgence | Xana & Co wake up to some changes. After all, there wasn't a sports festival before we returned to the past; was there? | Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Quest Lyoko, Lyoko, Xana, Time Travel, Jeremy, Odd, Ulrich, Yumi, Sissi, AI, Sci Fi, School, Social Links | 2018-01-11 | 2 | |
2221499 | War of the Roses #4 | Harold declares himself rightful king, Devonshire is attacked, plans for the war continue | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-01-22 | 3 | |
February 2018 |
57632629 | Kamigakari Thread translation and storytimes | Anon comes through with scans. Help with translation and character sheet use and development. Misfits in Osaka continues Shizune is awkward. | Kamigakari, character sheet, translation, books, scan, google docs, storytime, Ito, Misfits in Osaka, Akira, Shizune, stats, demons | 2018-02-01 | 2 | |
2257833 | War of the Roses #5 | Meeting with your family and preparations to receive Duke Harold for Christmas, as well as the siege of Plymouth | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-02-03 | 1 | |
57726099 | Evil lair, catacombs edition | /tg/ discuss best evil lair, until french anon derail it with his IRL skulls throne. | worldbuilding, IRL, storytime, | 2018-02-04 | 5 | |
57709449 | Chronomancer Nobility Worldbuilding | /tg/ develops a setting where the nobility are all time travelers. | chronomancers, time travel, paradox, worldbuilding, setting, | 2018-02-12 | 1 | |
57923494 | Tale of the Promethean Heisters | TheBlackScribe storytimes his favorite campaign | halo mythic, promethean heisters, theblackscribe, storytime | 2018-02-13 | 15 | |
2312979 | War of the Roses #6 | A relaxing Christmas with the family full of drama and intrigue. | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-02-23 | 1 | |
58159093 | The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 4 | The return of the nightmare superiors. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2018-02-25 | 96 | |
58177335 | The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 5 | In which a lot of shit blows up. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2018-02-26 | 79 | |
March 2018 |
2351933 | War of the Roses #7 | Final preparations to begin the Middlesex Campaign and trouble in Bristol. | War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM | 2018-03-02 | 2 | |
58286435 | The All Guardsmen Party and the "Stealth" Mission Part 6 | Shit goes down with Bane, and Asshat lives up to his name. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2018-03-04 | 89 | |
2369023 | Slime Time #1 | We wake up from our death, eat some orcs and begin to remember our past. | Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl | 2018-03-16 | 11 | |
April 2018 |
2404257 | Slime Time #2 | We establish a place in the world, have slime problems, and have to contend with water. | Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl | 2018-04-01 | 3 | |
2453773 | Slime Time #3 | Ghosts are busted, wounds are healed, living quarters are re-arranged, and a pet appears. | Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl | 2018-04-15 | 4 | |
May 2018 |
2494480 | Slime Time #4 | Sadie Slime, temporal investigator. | Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl | 2018-05-01 | 4 | |
2548294 | Slime Time #5 | Monster hunters, Hunting monsters, and visitors from a higher plane. | Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl | 2018-05-18 | 3 | |
June 2018 |
2592669 | Slime Time #6 | Heists, unethical slime experiments, and farmland. | Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl | 2018-06-07 | 2 | |
60136434 | HFY Thread With Original Stories | A HFY thread with the rarest of things, original stories rather than just reposting and memes. | HFY, fiction, storytime, writefag, greentext, original content, | 2018-06-09 | 9 | |
60232637 | The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape? | Internment in and escape from the laundry-brig | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2018-06-10 | 81 | |
2647303 | Slime time #7 | Meetings are had, positions are acquired, and constructions completed. | Slime Time, Collective Game, Slime, Slime Girl | 2018-06-28 | 1 | |
July 2018 |
60621322 | The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Escape? pt.2 | Oak has a drink with the boys and the final mission is planned | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2018-07-02 | 81 | |
October 2018 |
62479001 | script pitches for a 40k movie | /tg/ is asked for their ideas for a hypothetical movie set in the 40k universe. | 40k, movie, greentext, storytime, Guillermo Del Toro, adeptus mechanicus | 2018-10-20 | 5 | |
November 2018 |
62839750 | Dorky Dragon Campaign ideas | Drawfaggotry, Session Storytimes, and plenty of writefagging ideas on running a campaign centered on an adorkable dragon. | Dragons, Storytime, Drawfaggotry, Campaign Ideas, Comfy, Cute, Dork | 2018-11-09 | 28 | |
62972087 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.1 | The Guardsmen get sentenced to a penal legion and Oak forgets that they are not, in fact, trained Inquisitorial infiltrators. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2018-11-12 | 84 | |
63063309 | Adorkable Dragon Part 3 | Writefaggotry, worldbuilding, character interactions, and quirky quests in the world of this adorkable dragon. | Dragons, Storytime, Worldbuilding, Campaign Ideas, Cute, Comfy, Dork | 2018-11-19 | 22 | |
December 2018 |
63468425 | That Guy/GM Stories and Game Advice | Anons come together and actually put out some new that guy stories, some even throw in advice. | that guy, that gm, storytime | 2018-12-12 | 6 | |
63691964 | How the Arbites saved Emperormas | A bunch of incompetent Arbites fail their way through a Dark Heresy Campaign | Adeptus Arbites, 40K, storytime, Emperormas, Dark Heresy | 2018-12-25 | 11 | |
February 2019 |
64822926 | Chronicles of Steve 1 | The party finds a hero among commoners. | D&D, 5e, Storytime. | 2019-02-25 | 1 | |
April 2019 |
65548468 | Modern Fantasy | /tg/ discusses modern times with fantasy creatures | modern times, fantasy | 2019-04-12 | 2 | |
May 2019 |
66179418 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.2 | The infiltration attempts begin | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2019-05-12 | 71 | |
3507592 | Strike Mech '90 | The elite, international mercenary company, Edgeline, engages in operations in Cameroon using their combat mechs. | Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII | 2019-05-17 | 8 | |
3526616 | Strike Mech '98 #1 | Eight years after the slaughter at Barnake, we join Sparks and Reznick at the start of a new chapter in Edgeline's history. | Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII | 2019-05-31 | 2 | |
June 2019 |
3553578 | Body Horror Quest - 22nd Vein | Dream Daughters, Downtime, and a Drinking Party at The Dragon's Lair. A well-deserved respite for Shu's Friends and Family. | Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, downtime, Dreams, Drinking party, Respite, Family | 2019-06-09 | 21 | |
3558983 | Strike Mech '98 #2 | Sparks makes a date with Sheila, Reznick gets to know his team, and the mission at El Gancho gets underway | Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII | 2019-06-14 | 2 | |
3588776 | Strike Mech '98 #3 | Scythe Team is dispatched for the fighting in Mexico | Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII | 2019-06-28 | 2 | |
July 2019 |
66953607 | Nechronica Story Time/GM Advice | An anon writes up his Nechronica campaign
Also features good advice on running the game | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time | 2019-07-01 | 11 | |
67067379 | Nechronica Story Time 2: Nechronica Story Time Harder | Anon continues writing up his Nechronica campaign. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time | 2019-07-03 | 7 | |
3622314 | Strike Mech '98 #4 | The mission at El Gancho is concluded, tempers flare and crew let their guard down. A colelctive 'letting off of steam' | Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII | 2019-07-06 | 1 | |
67512797 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.3 | In which Tink and Twitch bring the dead back to life. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2019-07-29 | 66 | |
September 2019 |
68162646 | Nechronica thread with storytimes | Two nechronica storytimes get going, weapons are stats are created, parts are discussed, and more. 1880's England. | nechronica, storytime, story time, parts, guns, doll, system, england, british, japanese, america, portugal, atlantic, centipede | 2019-09-08 | 5 | |
68252142 | Nechronica Storytime Thread/Character Discussion | Anon continues England storytime. Token anon is also around and makes tokens. | Nechronica, storytime, centipede, tachikoma, tokens, token | 2019-09-11 | 5 | |
68299968 | Nechronica thread and storytime | England game storytime continues. Murder and Tea. Gming advice. NPC inspiration. flavors of horror and abomination. Cultivating moods. | nechronica, storytime, story time, horrors, cyborgs, masks, unease, doll, system, england, centipede | 2019-09-18 | 5 | |
November 2019 |
69163263 | Nechronica translation update, PDF, and storytime thread | Nechronica's unofficial English translation gets an update on Halloween and The tale of the Siren Songs of Silent Space Storytime updates. | Nechronica, update, book, rules, storytime, Nia, Juliette, Merry, Dominic, halloween, space, ai, horror, trolls, translation, Nechronica PDF | 2019-11-02 | 5 | |
69210513 | Nechronica Story Time and GM Advice | More Port Storytime & Siren Songs of Silent Space Storytime. How to Legion. Terror in open spaces. Distribution of memory fragments. | Nechronica, Storytime, Port, Tachi, Protoca, Nia, Juliette, Merry, Dominic, memory, terror, legions, advice, story time, story | 2019-11-06 | 3 | |
69404754 | World of Darkness storyime | several stories from a WOD DM | world of darkness, storytime, | 2019-11-16 | 1 | |
69440369 | World of Darkness Storytime 2 | Continuing the tale from the previous thread. The gang gets out of trouble temporarily. | World of Darkness, storytime | 2019-11-17 | 2 | |
December 2019 |
69780101 | Nechronica thread and Port Storytime continues | Port storytime continues. Answers and even more questions about the party’s past! Book art is problematic. Advice and Dwarf Fortress. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Port, Tachi, Protoca, Art, System, Chainsaw, memory, story, time, Dwarf Fortress, mod, undead, doll | 2019-12-12 | 5 | |
3967771 | Catalyst Quest #6 | Father Anscham has never had a vacation. | Catalyst, Catalyst Quest, Medieval, Fantasy, Dark, Religion, Downtime | 2019-12-13 | 10 | |
70006756 | Nechronica thread and Storytime | England Storytime Dreams and Nightmares edition. Character creation & mechanics. Why always with the Libraries? Campaigns Anon wants to run. | Nechronica, storytime, F-Zero, Dwarf Fortress, doll, system, england, centipede, Fear, Dream, nightmare, Coleo, Imp, Melico, horror, Library | 2019-12-24 | 6 | |
70118335 | The Prince Of Elysia - Part 1: D`nesathia | A retelling of the god-game, from the beginning, as remembered by Dowjin. He swears this is the true story and to ignore all the others. | Storytime, Daies, Dowjin, Hitsito, Elysia, D`nesathia | 2019-12-26 | 13 | |
70182684 | The Prince Of Elysia - Part 2: Nebaron | The retelling of the god-game continues. Divinity is grasped. The Great War breaks out. | Storytime, Elysia, Nebaron, Daies, Hitsito, Dowjin, Tel`ryn, Destamona, Stefan | 2019-12-30 | 6 | |
January 2020 |
70308393 | The Prince Of Elysia - Part 3: The Core Worlds | The god-game expands campaign settings, suffers casualties, and encounters plot twists | Storytime, Elysia, Core, Worlds, Daies, Hitsito, Dowjin, Tel`ryn, Destamona, Stefan, Sahzralaith | 2020-01-06 | 5 | |
3997796 | Joker Quest: Episode 166 | Frost Cestus has finally climaxed and Kazuya feels the weight of being a hero. | Joker Quest, Collective Game, Bonding time with best girl | 2020-01-07 | 10 | |
February 2020 |
4052447 | Panzer Commander Quest #58 | You are no longer Anya. Now you are Von Metzeler. Richter is seen briefly. | Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, It's Time to Duel | 2020-02-21 | 6 | |
March 2020 |
4131360 | Warhammer 40K: Blood Coven | A fresh Imperial Guard regiment deploys for battle on a world beset by Chaos. | Warhammer, 40k, Imperial Guard, Astra Militarum, Blood Coven, TimeKiller QM, Dark Imperium | 2020-03-19 | 1 | |
71579421 | Nechronica thread. Red Planet Storytime and Port Storytime | Red Planet Storytime begins. Port Storytime continues and things will never be the same. Discussion of Holics, parts, and attack types. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, memory, Port, Tachi, Protoca, war, Red Planet, tower, mars, space, system, last stand, parents | 2020-03-30 | 5 | |
April 2020 |
4168332 | Body Horror Quest - 41st Vein | Dinner and Downtime before the Big Raid. Shu hosts a body horror fashion show, and God itself talks to Shu asking why she got brain surgery. | Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Midnight Crew, Barbers, downtime, level up | 2020-04-11 | 8 | |
71958657 | Nechronica Story Time / Builds | Port Storytime continues, haunted. What music gets you in the zone? Building characters for Support and Hinder. Unofficial classes. Tokens. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, classes, memory, Port, Tachi, Protoca, tower, system, token, tokens, support, builds, advice, music | 2020-04-18 | 2 | |
72111866 | warning the Emperor | If an anon got transported to the Great Crusade era, would they be morally obligated to warn the Emperor, and how could they manage it? | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, | 2020-04-22 | 56 | |
72167194 | warning the Emperor thread #2 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now with extra storytime. | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2020-04-24 | 30 | |
72198499 | warning the emperor #3 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2020-04-27 | 28 | |
May 2020 |
72654633 | warning the emperor #4 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2020-05-20 | 38 | |
72655511 | Nechronica Thead Storytime Double Feature Aqen & Gravel | Aqen storytime happens: Tactical adventure! Gravel Storytime begins: Russian desert undead action! | Tokens, houserules, bombs, & head cases | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Violet, Dahlia, Aster, Aqen, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Alexis, Art, System, story, time, undead, Gravel, Port | 2020-05-24 | 5 | |
72796998 | Warning the Emperor #5 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy. Now featuring Leman Russ. | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2020-05-26 | 73 | |
June 2020 |
4276763 | Panzer Commander Quest #62 | Gerovic is handed in. The day of the duel with Bertram arrives, and Richter goes to take him on. | Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, It's Time to Duel | 2020-06-21 | 2 | |
4287883 | Threefold Oblivion - Warhammer 40k | We learn about the world of Texalar and its problems and make efforts to clean the planet | Warhammer, 40000, 40k, Planetary Governor, Threefold Oblivion, chaos, Dark Imperium, TimeKiller QM | 2020-06-24 | 0 | |
July 2020 |
73453448 | Nechronica Discussion With Extra Storytime | Insect-girls have heartfelt conversations, whereas dolls in Africa get irresponsibly drunk and bomb-children go up like bugspray nukes. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, undead, Coleo, Gravel | 2020-07-03 | 4 | |
73798681 | Nechronica thread Gravel Storytime 3 & 4 and battle map translation. | Anon posts Map translation. Gravel Storytime continues. The A-team encounters creepy urban decay, big bad bugs, new threads, new townfolk. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Alexis, Ana, bugs, Russians, Chinese, clothes, map, system, Rita, chickens | 2020-07-21 | 3 | |
August 2020 |
74251433 | Nechronica Thread! Gravel Storytime & Port Storytime. Crazy letter generator. | A-team hunts for the big bad bugs. Tachi confronts herself, Showdown with Abbadon, & someone is left behind. Anon shares a font of madness. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Port, Tachi, Protoca, B3, story, violence, bugs, russians, crazy letter | 2020-08-16 | 3 | |
September 2020 |
74563504 | Nechronica Thread - Metal Edition | England Storytime & Gravel Storytime continue! FEAST & FEELINGS! BLOOD & THUNDER! Anons share inspiration in the form of album cover art. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Coleo, Melico, Imp, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, bugs, England, violence, Russians, metal, art, music | 2020-09-01 | 2 | |
74638599 | Warning the Emperor #6 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2020-09-02 | 37 | |
74732945 | Warning The Emperor #7 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2020-09-05 | 65 | |
74791451 | Nechronica: The Long Sequel thread. Story Time / GM system and build advice | England/Homburg Storytime: The third killer attacks our trio at home. Arson Cannibalism Heroism. | Talk of Horrors classes & custom content. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Coleo, Melico, Imp, Homburg, England, fire, Suzie, class, builds, mechanics, advice, horrors, system | 2020-09-17 | 3 | |
October 2020 |
4439592 | CobraQuest - Tape 1 - Appetite for Destruction | A crusade for global domination begins! We fill the shoes of Cobra Commander and lead Cobra from relative obscurity | CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM | 2020-10-04 | 8 | |
75185467 | Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class released | Translation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Port, Protoca, Tachi, Class, Entombed, Red Planet, mars, space, parents, settings, custom, skills, parts | 2020-10-07 | 2 | |
4474137 | White Tower #2 | Kid learns the true meaning of friendship. | white tower, drawquest, collective game, vavilonica, quest, kid, sword time, scarily existing pleistocene megafauna | 2020-10-08 | 21 | |
75487548 | Warning The Emperor #8 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2020-10-19 | 81 | |
November 2020 |
75560624 | Nechronica Thread - Russian Poerty Edition. Gravel Storytime. Class updates: Chariot and Alraune | Chariot & Alraune class updates. Gravel Storytime continues: The A-team confront Boss Bugtalker. Fortifications & traps. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, bugs, violence, Chariot, Alraune, update, class, mechanics, fortify, traps | 2020-11-01 | 2 | |
4480550 | CobraQuest - Tape 2 - Venomous Ideology | With new allies in high places, Cobra Commander enacts his plan to destroy EAGLE. | CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM, Cobra | 2020-11-04 | 6 | |
December 2020 |
76228931 | Warning The Emperor #9 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2020-12-01 | 73 | |
4520808 | CobraQuest - Tape 3 - Bullets Bombs and Bigotry | Freed of his previous predicament, Cobra Commander sets his sights on the final prize. | CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM, Cobra | 2020-12-03 | 6 | |
76162495 | Nechronica Thread - Happy Thanksgiving Edition | General discussion and mechanics talk, plus an undead trio's happy home life goes off the rails in a one-shot storytime. | Nechronica, Storytime, Ethwyn, Nephele, Shirley | 2020-12-07 | 0 | |
76629733 | Magical Girl Noir Storytime | A GM gifts /tg/ with long-winded storytime from a campaign played by a bunch of MNGQ writefags. There are pictures. | Storytime, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Ratty | 2020-12-26 | 15 | |
January 2021 |
76585688 | Draw your party thread: Christmas 2020 and New Years | Drawings of parties, GMing advice, people talk about games, storytime, a drawfag starts on a new template. | Draw, party, storytime, noir, Black Crusade, Nechronica, Genesys, d&d, WFRP, Only War, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, Ubiquity, Savage Worlds | 2021-01-03 | 1 | |
4563341 | CobraQuest - Tape 4 - Year of the Snake | Preparation begins for Cobra's plan to destroy EAGLE and Duke once and for all. | CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM | 2021-01-05 | 4 | |
February 2021 |
77268004 | Nechronica Thread: Big and Tall edition - More Gravel storytime | Secrets come to light for the A-team as the intro arc of Gravel Storytime concludes.
Anon talks characters and cannibalism. | Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, cannibalism, Nine, Nai, Ivana, necromancy, gothic | 2021-02-05 | 1 | |
77635575 | Warning The Emperor #10 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2021-02-21 | 44 | |
77467554 | Nechronica thread. | Anon asks for help GMing Nechronica. Storytime happens.
Melico, Imp, & Coleo deal with the morning after the battle.
Nai's intro se | Nechronica, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, Nai, Nine, Ivana, England, Melico, Imp, Coleo, Denver, Cersei, centipede, necromancer, red | 2021-02-22 | 1 | |
77703486 | Warning The Emperor #11 | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2021-02-23 | 42 | |
77704221 | Saving Private Mon'Keigh | What if cupanon was a craftworld Eldar? | storytime, Writefag, eldar, 30k, time travel, not as planned | 2021-02-24 | 53 | |
77782960 | Warning The Emperor #12 Prelude | A continuation of anon's attempts to preemptively prevent the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Emperor, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, time travel | 2021-02-28 | 66 | |
March 2021 |
78144460 | demobilizing veteran cyborg supersoldiers | Once the war is over, what happens to the cybernetically augmented veterans? | worldbuilding, cyberpunk, supersoldier, robocop, six million dollar man, cyborg, transhuman, posthuman, storytime, writefag, | 2021-03-22 | 0 | |
April 2021 |
78322310 | Is this that Nechronica thread? ( Yes, with Storytime. ) | Anon asks about finding players and being a reliable GM.
Gravel Storytime! The Africa arc wraps up and we begin transitioning to the next | Nechronica, recruiting, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, necromancer, necromancy, book, A-team | 2021-04-01 | 0 | |
78475385 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? | What if cupanon was a necron. A nobody from the modern day is isekai'ed as necron cryptek millions of years before anything. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-05 | 63 | |
4697729 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 01 - The Same as it Ever Was | 2017 AD. Seventeen years after Second Impact. The Angels have returned. It's time to fight back. | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2021-04-05 | 10 | |
78533839 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #2 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's attempts to to preemptively prevent the creation of the most evil factions and saving tombworlds. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-08 | 43 | |
78583130 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #3 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's attempts to to preemptively prevent the creation of the most evil factions and to becoming stronger. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-10 | 34 | |
78580874 | Word Bearer Isekai Thread 1 | Another Based Isekai Thread arrives | storytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers | 2021-04-10 | 33 | |
78620743 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #4 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's adventure. He'll speak with Orikan + the Awakened Council and by the end try to save a dying tombworld. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-12 | 32 | |
78673520 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #5 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Now done with the awakened council anon can finally save a tombworld from decaying to death | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-15 | 31 | |
78741798 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #6 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Having just saved an entire tomb, anon now has to deal with the repercussions of his actions. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-19 | 26 | |
78677894 | The Rising of Hivefleet Anon | Anon gets isekia'ed as a Nid | storytime,writefag,Warhammer40k,Tyranids | 2021-04-21 | 27 | |
4754821 | Saber and Musket: The Battle of Shedford Downs | A one-shot gunpowder period war game. Legitimists face the Chartists in their first major battle of the Aerthyian Civil War | Civil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM | 2021-04-22 | 6 | |
78798673 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #7 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Forced to spill the beans on the future, anon now aims for the blackstone fortresses. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-22 | 26 | |
78832381 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #8 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon has finally reached a Blackstone fortress. Its unknown what threats he may face inside. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-24 | 38 | |
78828951 | Parchments and Bolters Redux (Thread 2) | The continued remake of Parchments and Bolters | writefaggotry, writefag, 40k, storytime | 2021-04-24 | 20 | |
4766508 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #8.5 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures now on QST. Anon travels the depths of the Blackstone fortress, finding all kinds of tech/xenos | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-04-25 | 27 | |
4731368 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 02 - Heaven's Servant | Ethan deals with the fallout of the fight against the Sixth Angel and Sayid delves further into Nerv. | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2021-04-30 | 7 | |
May 2021 |
79097963 | Your GM's fetishes | Anons share their GM's fetishes. Turns out even good GMs can have "recurring themes." | DM, GM, campaign, storytime, tomboy, musclegirl, slave | 2021-05-10 | 3 | |
4801549 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #9 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures now on QST. Anon becomes more C'Tan-like. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-05-15 | 26 | |
4790721 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 03 - Who Can Stand Against A God | Nerv lays plans for the future, the pilots grow closer together. Aaliyah prepares for a dangerous mission. | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2021-05-30 | 6 | |
June 2021 |
79834434 | Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 4, Subarban Mad Max | A team of shadowrunners joins a racing competition as a way to make a quick buck, gain street cred and earn the respect of the shadow commun | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, racing, destruction derby | 2021-06-18 | 3 | |
4864481 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #10 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Having collected his prizes, Anon makes way for home. Little does he know much awaits him. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-06-19 | 23 | |
July 2021 |
80126761 | Word Bearer Isekai Thread 2 | Orator-Anon continues the adventure of Anon as he and the Word Bearer to change the course of Warhammer 30k. | storytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers, Warhammer40k, Warhammer30k | 2021-07-04 | 30 | |
80153668 | Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 5, Calm before the storm | The Shadowrunners profit of some R&R after winning the race and decide to celebrate their hacker's birthday with more experienced shadowrun | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Party, Birthday, Wuxing, Drones, Walmart | 2021-07-05 | 0 | |
80265688 | Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 6, A WAR ON TWO FRONTS | Wanting to claim an abandoned brewery for a greek god and the Commune, Shortfuse and his team never expected how quickly a run can turn sour | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Brewery, WYLD DAWGS, Firesnakes, RipNTear, Ares, Homie | 2021-07-13 | 0 | |
4870603 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 04 - The Great Below | Korine finally sees combat, Aaliyah infiltrates Nerv and finds what they're hiding. | eon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2021-07-14 | 6 | |
August 2021 |
80496327 | Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas. | Anons help anons understand the system. Discussion of part rebalancing. Storytime of a prequel game to Aqen storytime. | Nechronica, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, parts, Dallas, Feliz, Betty, Noel, 8-ball, Aqen, greentext, fire, DFW, America, Texas | 2021-08-03 | 0 | |
80648267 | Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVER | From the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight! | Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Airplane, Douglas, Pirate, Treasure Hunt, Kraken, Sp1r1t | 2021-08-06 | 2 | |
80640256 | Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas finishes. | A storytime wraps up. Discussion of Space ship horror for the undead. Cat based humor. | Nechronica, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, Dallas, Feliz, Betty, Noel, 8-ball, Aqen, greentext, fire, DFW, America, Texas, cat, space | 2021-08-08 | 1 | |
4918924 | Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #1 | General Belmonte leads the Army of Antary on campaign in enemy territory | Civil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM | 2021-08-17 | 5 | |
80736338 | Draw your party thread: Bug, Glug, and Chug | Drawings of parties and people people talk about games. A Lasgun happens. | Draw, party, storytime, d&d, 5e, Only War, dark heresy, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, shadowrun, Lasgun, Black Crusade, Nechronica, template | 2021-08-17 | 0 | |
4923765 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 05 - The Weight of a Soul | Angel attacks increase in number and severity. Nerves fray. Attrition takes its toll. What is the weight of one life? | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2021-08-19 | 6 | |
September 2021 |
4980716 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #11 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon finally gets what he was missing. But still, events force anon's hand into trouble. | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2021-09-07 | 27 | |
4969194 | Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #2 | The Battle of Heiland in all its bloody glory | Civil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM | 2021-09-27 | 4 | |
October 2021 |
81715911 | Worst thing a player has ever done | 50% actually thread-related, 50% masturbation and hebephilia. | Story, Storytime, That Guy | 2021-10-15 | 4 | |
4995537 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 06 - The Abyss's Gaze | An Angel is detected in the depths of the Pacific and an operation is launched | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2021-10-23 | 3 | |
81767754 | How do you portray the CIA in your games? | former intel analyst talks about his job, the agencies, the details | story, storytime, NSA, CIA, intel analyst, glow in the dark, glowie | 2021-10-25 | 15 | |
December 2021 |
5063144 | Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #3 | The defenses of the city remain to be dealt with. The campaign concludes. | Civil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM | 2021-12-17 | 5 | |
January 2022 |
5073713 | Star Wars: Traveller Quest | Adventure gets underway with Vela Rax, a simple man trying to make his way in the universe. | Star Wars, TimeKillerQM, Traveller, Candorian Cluster | 2022-01-06 | 0 | |
82847470 | We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #3 | Ghost and Kyrus become separated after fighting Drukhari, they now advance their missions, alone. | Story time, write fag, Warhammer30k, word bearers, time travel, daemons | 2022-01-16 | 27 | |
February 2022 |
83424106 | Nechronica Thread: Homebrew & Sanctuary Storytime 1. | PortAnon's Sanctuary Storytime begins with a boat trip into the unknown. Dinosaurs. Multiple Anon's post homebrew. Homebrew is discussed. | Nechronica, Homebrew, parts, class, position, Storytime, Story Time, Sanctuary, M3LT1E, Meltie, Sofia, story, time, undead, Port | 2022-02-23 | 2 | |
5124869 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 07 - See No Evil | The recovery operation is complete and the fleet returns home. Katya faces another Angel. Truths are revealed. | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2022-02-25 | 2 | |
March 2022 |
83635837 | Nechronica Thread: Homebrew, drawing & Sanctuary Storytime 2. | An artfag makes art. Sanctuary Storytime part 2. Anon posts a custom class. | Nechronica, Homebrew, parts, tokens, class, position, Storytime, Story Time, Sanctuary, M3LT1E, Meltie, Sofia, story, time, undead, Port | 2022-03-15 | 2 | |
June 2022 |
84882054 | The All Guardsmen Party and the Inquisitorial Penal Legion pt.4 | Everything goes sideways repeatedly. Again. | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2022-06-12 | 88 | |
84782848 | Nechronica Thread: The return of England Storytime! | Imp looses her mind during a doctor's appointment. Later Coleo uses a friend's mental illness to extract information. Art happens. | Nechronica, homebrew, drawfaggotry Storytime, Story Time, England, Melico, Imp, Coleo, Denver, Cersei, centipede, necromancer, Jiminy, art | 2022-06-19 | 22 | |
July 2022 |
85025765 | Nechronica Thread : tiny amount of storytime | England Storytime: Very Sleepy Bugs edition. Anons talk about games they hope to run. | Nechronica, token, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, England, Melico, Imp, Coleo, Denver, Cersei, centipede, necromancer, music, art | 2022-07-09 | 22 | |
August 2022 |
5363160 | Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment | Gaius begins his adventure after living his life in the Magical Kingdom of Zeal | ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel | 2022-08-11 | 14 | |
September 2022 |
5367434 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 08 - The Waltz of Life and Death | Katya faces her fears. Ethan strengthens his relationships. A mystery develops and a storm is brewing. | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2022-09-05 | 2 | |
October 2022 |
86390441 | The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: Debrief | Don't worry, everything's going Just As Planned. Or it WOULD BE IF YOU HADN'T- | All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman, Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition | 2022-10-16 | 65 | |
5397658 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 09 - Everywhere at the End of Time | Hurricane Delta approaches New Tampa. The resistance are contacted. Plans are revealed. | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2022-10-20 | 2 | |
5424694 | Returned to High School, Became Successful QUEST | Having returned to his younger days to attain wealth, the protagonist turns his attention to matters of romance and revenge. | Modern Quest, Schizo QM, Adopted Quest, Family Drama, Romance, Revenge, Kinky Sex, Family Dysfunction, Time Travel | 2022-10-31 | 11 | |
November 2022 |
5406344 | Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #2 | Gaius gets the girl and meets new friends on his second day of adventure in the ruined future | ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel | 2022-11-02 | 11 | |
86570855 | Nechronica Thread: Halloween 2022 Scarlet March translation and storytime | Fanbook Scarlet March is translated into English. PortAnon's England Storytime. Melico hatches crack a hostile information network. | Nechronica, translation, Halloween, Storytime, Story Time, England, story, time, centipede, Coleo, Melico, Imp, England, port, heist, undead | 2022-11-15 | 5 | |
5424077 | Haunted House Quest - Waluigi Edition | Four bros that actually aren't bros decide to buy a scary mansion. But the real terror comes from the thread's curse to make QMs disappear | Haunted House, Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Waluigi Time, MansionQM | 2022-11-29 | 1 | |
December 2022 |
5452883 | Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #3 | Gaius helps around Arris Dome, talks extensively with his girl and ends his day with an unsettling dream. | ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel | 2022-12-17 | 10 | |
January 2023 |
87277920 | Saving Private Mon'Keigh #2 | Mon'Keigh Eldar's attempts at preventing the Horus Heresy | storytime, writefag, Eldar, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, Time Travel, 30k | 2023-01-09 | 38 | |
5506187 | Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #4 | A short thread. Gaius confesses, defeats Chrono in a spar, a weapon is chosen for Schala and the Quest goes on a break | ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel | 2023-01-20 | 5 | |
February 2023 |
5563412 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - 10 - Right Where it Belongs | The Dance under the Sea. | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2023-02-28 | 3 | |
April 2023 |
5594651 | Neon Terminus Evangelion - The End of Evangelion | It all returns to nothing. | Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM | 2023-04-09 | 6 | |
5588992 | Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #5 | New weapons are acquired, discussions are had and rats are encountered on the way to the bowels of Arris Dome.
Also includes DALTON'S MO | ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel | 2023-04-10 | 17 | |
May 2023 |
5637220 | Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #6 | Gaius watches a video or two and leaves Arris Dome | ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel | 2023-05-20 | 5 | |
July 2023 |
5687808 | My Sister, My Writer | 1 QM makes a low-effort quest based on the premise of a siscon light novel; another QM with no knowledge of the series picks it up | My Sister My Writer, Adopted Quest, anime, alternate timeline, slice-of-life, lewd, romance, Japanese Culture | 2023-07-11 | 3 | |
August 2023 |
5717562 | Chrono Trigger: Frozen Moment #7 | Gaius and the party travel through the ruins of a long dead city and come to rest near a broken Jetbike. | ChronoQM, Chrono Trigger, Frozen Moment, Time Travel | 2023-08-19 | 4 | |
September 2023 |
5729109 | Adventrarous Time: a tale of grief and coom | You are fan and you are ready for some Adventrarous Time (the most deranged quest I've seen in a while, surprisingly enjoyable). | Adventure Time, fan, jak, Marmelade, ice Craig, the land of oh, Adventrarous Time, The Real Pendleton Ward, David Duke | 2023-09-04 | 9 | |
5737876 | My Sister, My Writer Quest (2) | The occult-influenced alternate take on the thin siscon premise adds combat and business mechanics, an occult air, and then... Stops? | My Sister My Writer, Adopted Quest, anime, alternate timeline, slice-of-life, lewd, romance, combat, occult | 2023-09-28 | 1 | |
October 2023 |
90441338 | We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #4 | Ghost slowly becomes acquainted with being with Perturabo. Kyrus furthers his psychic might by training directly under Malcador. | Story time, Word Bearer, write fag, time travel, daemons, Warhammer 30k, isekai | 2023-10-03 | 27 | |
5774217 | Rise of the Awakened #8 | The gang beat the deer, recover their gear minus their guns, confront history in a museum town, experiment with polymorph rings, and relax. | Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Back from hiatus, Yawn chain, R&R, Downtime, Worldbuilding, Quest | 2023-10-24 | 4 | |
November 2023 |
90974614 | Oceans 11 A.D. | Anon tells a number of excellent stories from his group's long-running all-thief campaign. | Oceans 11 A.D., Oceans 11 AD, thief, thieves, campaign, storytime, epic, acks | 2023-11-19 | 189 | |
December 2023 |
5806023 | Rise of the Awakened #9 | The gang chat a lot the whole thread, steals a lute, finds a love letter, sells their wares to rabbits, relaxes with some vidya and alcohol. | Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Velveteen and Frou Frou Tribes, R&R, Downtime, Quest | 2023-12-01 | 2 | |
January 2024 |
5854953 | Rise of the Awakened #10 | The party continue to party for the rest of the night while learning lore, gaining dosh, and finding out about a new quest. | Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Rabbit Tribes, R&R, Party, Downtime, Quest | 2024-01-20 | 2 | |
March 2024 |
92029543 | New Nechronica Storytime | A new nechronica storytime begins | Nechronica, storytime, story time, story, time | 2024-03-09 | 3 | |
92099874 | Nechronica Storytime part 2 | More of the storytime. | Nechronica, storytime, story time, story, time, undead | 2024-03-19 | 0 | |
92238370 | Two Nechronica Storytime (s) | update: puzzles. update: Continent found. | Nechronica, storytime, story time, story, time, undead, planes | 2024-03-29 | 1 | |
July 2024 |
6052223 | Burntime Quest | Vash tries to save the wasteland. | burntime, post apocalyptic | 2024-07-16 | 2 | |
September 2024 |
93952437 | The Triumph of the Three Kings | Anon posts a story about his game (about time someone actually does that again) | Storytime | 2024-09-22 | 18 | |
January 2025 |
6147404 | So i'm a Necron Cryptek, so what? Part #13 | A continuation of Cryptek anon's Adventures. Anon commits to a heist, recruiting none other than trazyn the infinite. What will anon steal? | storytime, writefag, time travel, Warhammer 40k, Necrons | 2025-01-04 | 5 | |