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02/16/12(Thu)14:06 No.17977129 File: 1329419208.jpg-(116 KB, 1024x768, night-sky.jpg)
 >>17977108 'You are young little one, you do not know what you want yet; if you joined us today, you would regret it tomorrow, and miss your mother, your father, your family, your friends, for nothing is as important as a friend. You have much growing up to do and I am not a teacher, or a father and If I were, I would not be as good as your own, nor one to be proud of; this place is good and rich and peaceful, grow up here, happy and free. The Galaxy is large and wide and dark, there are many things in it that are sad, many broken people and many lost dreams. You are young little one, 10 years younger than I; you have not yet been hardened by it or had to live through its pain. *He removed his helmet at this point and smiled through his damaged face* Go, live with your family, live long, eat, drink, dance, live and love and know not the brutality of life, grow up happy and content with the ground under your feet. And if one day, you still wish to return, to rejoin those of us who live, fight and die amongst the stars then we will be waiting for you, for you are as brave as a bear. My name is Artur Izvanov, Captain of Engineering of the Star-Rider, Ship serial code #4979220, come and find me; we will be waiting for you, amongst the stars; Лапушка.' |