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  • File : 1295283514.jpg-(70 KB, 400x267, Eberron_Party_Inn.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)11:58 No.13553948  
    So my groups just started a D&D campaign, and I'm feeling a little out of place. You see, my character is a Human Wizard. He's quite young, he has parents and a siblings, his teacher taught him through intense, but fair training methods and he generally get's on fairly well with everyone. He's Neutral Good, and has a fairly optimistic outlook on life.

    The there's his companions.

    First of all, we've got the Chaotic Neutral Tiefling Rogue/Warlock. His backstory consists of everyone, and I do mean everyone, taking the time to fuck him over. Fortunately not literally, but only because everyone thinks that his Demon heritage makes him too dirty to even touch. So he's bitter, vicious and spiteful.

    Then there's our Blackguard. He's human and his backstory is basically the same as Gut's, only replace 'best friend became evil demon' with 'best friend became criminal overlord'. He works on the City Watch, where he beats eight kinds of crap out of everyone who might at some point, have thought about doing something wrong.

    We round off our team with a Drow Druid, who was raised among a Circle that combines the best (hinthint Worst) aspects of Racism and Eco-terrorism. She is considered an examplar of their thought processes. She's been sent to the city to pick up some dubious magical item.

    For reference, we all start at level 5, the Tiefling being the only one who's multiclassed so far.

    We all meet in a inn, though not quite in the ordinary manner.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)12:03 No.13553975
    Why does your character sound the least interesting out of them all?

    Well, second least interesting. That tiefling has been done innumerable times before.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)12:05 No.13553995

    It begins when my character heads to the inn to unwind, maybe gamble a little. At the same time, The Tiefling has just committed a robbery. He sneaks out of the jewellers, but is seen by a local Guardsman. He rings his bell, and who should come charging round a corner but our very own Blackguard. The Tiefling sprints off, followed a hulking mass of black armour.

    While all this is happening, The Druid is moving through the sewer network, following the directions of a worn, old map towards the inn where she will meet with her contact.

    My Wizard is just settling down into his seat.

    The scene cuts to the chase, as the Tiefling uses his magic to gain a substantial lead on the Blackguard, and then takes further advantage of this to flip over a few carts. It takes him a few rounds, but he thinks it'll solidify his lead.
    This turned out to be a mistake, as the Blackguard just plows through.

    My wizard buys his first cup of wine.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)12:08 No.13554005

    >cup of wine

    that's a pretty shitty inn there
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)12:13 No.13554049

    That was kinda the point. I wanted to see where you could go with a character that, basically, has no issues. No angst, no villains burning his home down, and the support of friends and family.

    The Tiefling cuts down an alleyway to gain some space, but find it blocked by another running Guardsman. He goes for it, rolling a 18 on his tumble check and thus doing a fucking Ninja flip over the
    Guardsman. The Blackguard just punches his new obstacle out of the way.

    My Wizard reaches for his Cup of wine, to take his first sip.

    The Druid begins climbs out of a ladder, into the cellar of the inn.

    The tiefling, now getting cornered, takes a chance and leaps through a nearby window. Guess which one.

    The windows explodes due to jumping Tiefling. The door is broken in half due to Blackguard. A mouthful of wine is lost due to Wizard.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)14:10 No.13554928
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)14:20 No.13555015
    If you want to piss the rest of the party off, have your wizard just be totally unimpressed by all their negative bullshit. No matter what happens, remain cheerful and friendly.

    Don't be a rube or a dupe or a simpleton about any of it. Just be mellow, man.

    As a great man once said, 'The Dude abides."
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)15:16 No.13555529
    >> Anonymous Prime 01/17/11(Mon)15:23 No.13555593
    I know how you feel OP.
    I once played an Alaghi (basically a Yeti) Mage with an outrageous Flemish accent. He'd keep making these nonsensical jokes after which he'd slap the nearest character on the shoulder (ouch) and yell: "Alaghi funny! It's good, it's for laughing!"
    The rest of the characters were bad ass chaotic angsty half elf thieves and such.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)15:27 No.13555621
    >works on city watch

    Thats some funny shit right there.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)15:30 No.13555648
    What's with all the Blackguards on /tg/ today?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)15:32 No.13555671
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    I concur. I like you, OP.

    >lol CUH-RAAZY shit going down with angsty-as-fuck Mary Sue characters
    >My Wizard has just bought his first cup of wine

    This really sounds like every character I've ever played, with every group I've ever played with. It always works out that way. OP, you have a unique oppertunity to play the straight-man to these clowns. They might not get the joke, but you will.

    >The Dude Abides.

    This. If you're not familiar with the tales of Oscar the Stoner, go look it up on sup/tg/, and borrow freely.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:16 No.13556071
    I have the feeling that THE DUDE VILL BE CREDIT TO TEAM. And rest of team sound like BABIES!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:33 No.13556236
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    So what happens then? C'MON BRO DON'T LEAVE US HANGIN
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:37 No.13556272
    I am bumping because this man is a god. You should play him as a mild gentleman- possibly with a British accent. Whenever a Mary Sue in the party goes off on a "MY PARENTS ARE DEEEAAAD" tantrum, just have your character put an arm around their shoulder and give some cliche self-help lines. Just be generally un-assholish.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:41 No.13556330

    Woah, Got back and didn't expect to see this still up. Continuing.

    So, while my wizard is putting down his wine, the Blackguard launches a grapple on the Tiefling, catches him and proceeds to beat his head off the bar.

    So my Wizard is wondering what to do to end the fight, being Neutral Good and all, and eventually decides to cast Web. Which he does. Then the city guard come charging in, just in time to see me techically assaulting an officer of the law.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:43 No.13556356
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:47 No.13556398

    Immediately, I get bumrushed by two guards, while the Blackguard fails his save and gets webbed. The Tiefling doesn't and decides to cut his losses and run.

    The the cellar door explodes open. All eyes focus on the Druid. Now in this setting, Drow are basically equal to Armageragnarok with extra volcanoes. To the people of this inn, a Tiefling and a Drow is effectively equivalent to Bane, Bhaal and Myrkuul popping in for a drink. So everybody freaks, the innkeeper grabs a crossbow, the guards have no idea who to actually attack anymore and the blackguard has just made his save.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:49 No.13556411
    This sounds like the best possible way to form a fledgling party.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:50 No.13556417
    You should say "Sorry". It will drive your party mad.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:53 No.13556446
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    >He works on the City Watch, where he beats eight kinds of crap out of everyone who might at some point, have thought about doing something wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:56 No.13556472
    OP is the man.

    I'm so goddamn sick of EVERY fucking guy I play with always playing a CE or CN fighter, barbarian, or some such shit. Oh, and they're usually the same OP race that they talked the DM into letting them play from the MM.

    One other guy and I actually attempt to play interesting characters, and on the off chance we actually play CE, CN, or some kind of fighter, everyone else bitches about how we are "stealing their ideas and orginality".
    Sometimes I fucking hate my group.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:56 No.13556481
    >a mouthful of wine is lost due to wizard

    That is a fucking beautiful line right there
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)16:59 No.13556500

    Now I should inform you of something before carrying on. Every one of our characters got a Trait at the beginning of the game, subject to our backstories. My Wizards is Affable, which gives him a bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff, but a Penalty to Intimidate. The Blackguards is Properly Paranoid, which gives him a bonus to Spot and Listen but forces him to automatically make an attack of opportunity on anyone coming up behind him who don't warn him of their presence. Like the Guardsman.

    One attack of opportunity later, a recruit Guardsman is splattered on the wall. The Blackguard doesn't really care about that though, because he's just seen a Drow and a Tiefling within ten feet of each other. He charges.

    Meanwhile, my Wizard's turned invisible and due to the sheer chaos occuring all around, can't be heard. He's basically decideds to call the whole thing quits and go drink somewhere else, when he is forced to dodge a thrown Tiefling.

    The someone set the inn on fire.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:03 No.13556530
    OP, I would like to join your party.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:03 No.13556532
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    Man, two tumbs-up to you OP. This shit is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:04 No.13556539
    >He's basically decideds to call the whole thing quits and go drink somewhere else, when he is forced to dodge a thrown Tiefling.

    This perfectly describes any sane adventurer.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:09 No.13556574

    The Blackguard had just thrown the Teifling, when he gets savaged by a hawk. He basically shrugs the damage off, ignores the animal companion, and charges for the Druid. He's not able to get in reach quickly enough and the Druid Wildshapes into a hawk, flying into the rafters.

    Meanwhile, my Wizard is trying to calm things down now, his morals preventing him from leaving while there are still civilians nearby, and opens an exit through the growing flames with a Wind spell.

    The Tiefling is still stunned from his collision with the wall, which is now burning. As is the majority the of the Inn.
    >> ɐuouʎɯons 01/17/11(Mon)17:10 No.13556576
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    >The someone set the inn on fire.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:14 No.13556612
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    ITT: we share our proudest D&D character.

    Mine was from a Dragonlance campaign, a Mishakal priest who's twin brothers was the opposite of him; a Chemosh priest. (Yep it's cliche but was one of my first character) He started his own ''Healing squad'' but was captured, tortured and possessed by the soul of his, now dead, brothers. Ended up with a split-personality duality and turning upsite down his own organisation. Someday being good speaking of how the help the others, some day being evil and killing tons of people with some undercover magic and finally, murdered by the others PC.

    I played this guy for 2 years. The others PC all died at some point but was the only ''original'' one. Had ton of fun
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:15 No.13556624
    At first I just skipped right past this thread, but then I read it, I got sucked in, and now I'm F5ing.

    Happens once in a while. Got any more OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:16 No.13556635
    Shush. It's storytime.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:20 No.13556668
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    Quiet. Someone is trying to tell a story here.
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)17:21 No.13556680

    By now everyone who's not engaged in a brutal battle to the death has left the building. This leaves the PC's and a bunch of newbie guards who are in way over their heads. My wizard would like to leave, but a newly collapsed burning beam would suggest that that isn't an option.

    By this point, the druid's been forced to come down from the rafters, because you know, they're ON FIRE. The Tiefling has woken up, and is running for the cellar door and even the Blackguard has caught onto the fact that burny pain death approaches.

    My Wizard, with the benefits of Expeditious Retreat, follows after the Tiefling, overtaking him and pulling open the trapdoor.

    The Blackguard finally decides to fold em and runs into cellar. The Druid isn't far behind. We had forgotten about the Guards though. Whether from being Lawful Stupid, or just really devoted to their jobs, they launch an attack of opportunity against the Druid and Blackguard (Who is now, remember, a murderer). Their Damage was intended to be non-lethal. The Blackguards wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:23 No.13556714
    I've never been into DnD/Warhammer stuff but this thread and board in general give me a fucking hardon.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:24 No.13556724
    >neutral good wizard
    >in party with drow, tiefling and Blackguard
    Yeah, I don't see this going well at any point.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:27 No.13556764
    Disfunctional parties are best parties.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:29 No.13556782
    That is so true.
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)17:33 No.13556819

    So now, we're all sitting on the fllor of the cellar, staring at each other. One of us is a known thief and murderer, another has just finished redecorating the inn with blood and fire and yet another is a Drow, which is considered by the law to be just as bad as the other two. My Wizard is currently wondering what the fuck he just got into, and really, really annoyed he only memorised one invisibility spell.

    Curiously enough, it's the Blackguard that starts talking first. He says that we're all in the same boat for now, because as far as the laws concerned we're all criminals. The Tiefling nods sagely, though he's in the Blackguards range and would probably agree with anything until he's out of it.

    My Wizard has issues with this and mentions that he was trying to end the fight. The Druid also disagrees, less because she doesn't think she's partly responsible for how things turned out, more because she's just a racist, disagreeable bitch.

    The Blackguard laughs, pointing out that I'd assaulted him when he was still an officer. I point out that that is now a moot point, given that he became a wanted murderer shortly after that event. And besides, the spell was purely non-lethal.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:34 No.13556826
    Archive this
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:38 No.13556883
    >My Wizards is Affable
    >The Blackguards is Properly Paranoid

    Y'know, I know it's probably not explicitly relevant to the story for now, but what are the Tiefling's and Drow's background traits? I'm curious because of how these current traits relate to yours and the blackguard's personality
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:42 No.13556933
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    This is the best party beginning I have ever read
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:47 No.13556984
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    dear lord...
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)17:49 No.13556998

    He points out that I am a Wizard, and the inn is now burning. I am a likely suspect by default. I give him the equally apt point that he is a psychopath and the Inn is now burning. He is a likely suspect by default. Besides, I try to avoid fire spells. Too much collateral damage, and most serious nasties can shrug it off.

    The party rapidly divides into two camps. The 'WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE' camp, consisting of my Wizards and the Druid, who want to get the fuck away, preferably back to our homes. And 'WE SHOULD BE BEST FRIENDS' camp consisting of the Tiefling and Blackguard, who are trying to convince us that everyone here is effectively guilty and we should stick together till we get out.

    Eventually, the Druid and I give in and agree to stick together till we find a way out the sewers.

    Suffice to say, this is a good things. Why? Because most sewers have giant rats. The Sewers of Felbramdt have alligators. The largest of which, inexplicably have the half-devil template. Well, inexplicably, until I roll a Knowledge check and discover that the local Mage's League (Which neither myself or my teacher are a member of) once performed some rather... unpleasant experiments. Suffice to say, that by the time we reach an exit, we don't even think to question where it comes out.

    We probably should have.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:55 No.13557057
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:58 No.13557080
    "too much collateral damage"
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)17:59 No.13557095
    >Playing a Neutral Good Wizard
    >Party has a Chaotic Neutral Tiefling, a Blackguard, and a Drow

    You have already lost.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:00 No.13557096
    F5 for great success!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:02 No.13557124
    If I would have been the Blackguard guy I'd just have said "fine, do what you like"

    So you return to your home and then what? Spend some extra time every session describing your nice life?

    If you take actions that basically require the other team members to respond in one specific way, or there would be no story otherwise, that's just bullshit.

    What would you have done if they wouldn't have stopped you from going seperate ways?

    It's nice that not everybody plays a woe-is-me character with a dark past, but fuck-your-shit-im-not-playing is exactly as bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:06 No.13557172
    Make sure to fuck over the tiefling. Sexually.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:07 No.13557175
    Fuck you and your wrong opinions. You don't know their way of playing. Let the man continue and go back to pout in the corner.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:08 No.13557189
    Stop whining. The Dude abides.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:09 No.13557196
    Honestly, I've had characters kind of like yours.

    Well, technically the recent one has a bad past but he's not really the type to dwell on anything that isn't immediately trying to kill him and his past is half a sector away.

    The moral I learned from him is this. Sometimes you have to go with the flow when people are wrapped up in their shit. It's how you make friends and, in the event you decide you really don't like them, is how you find out a good way to really fuck them over.

    Worst case scenario you play the guy from Of Mice and Men. You have grand plans for turning the party's shit around and somehow your party still retards them up. The thing is, in the end, you may be pissed as hell at yourself, but you're the guy holding the smoking gun, not the one with the hole in his head
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:10 No.13557203
    >roleplaying your character as they would actually be is bad

    You're a fucking retard, if the DM is at all competent he can adjust for this. Just because the character wants to go home and not get involved in the bullshit, and the player roleplays him properly, doesn't mean it will actually happen.
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)18:11 No.13557217

    The Drow has Xenophobe. It's pretty much the polar opposite of mine. She get's a penalty to Diplomacy to any non-drow, but a bonus to intimidate. Drow are unaffected.

    The Tieflings is a little odd. He get's the Untrusting trait. He gets a buff to his saves, but has to make a will save before allowing himself to be touched in anyway. This makes healing awkward.

    So we climb out of the sewers, only to find that in fact, we are coming out into the middle of a riot. That fire? Yeah, it triggered some more arsons, which triggered some mobs, which triggered a city wide riot.

    We force our way through the crowd, the Drow concealing her features, and find that the Guards have locked down the gates while they restore order.

    Not only that, but apparently we are all now wanted for being the ringleaders of the arsons. The Blackguard is suitably smug that my Wizard is also wanted, but refrains from saying 'I told you so'. My Wizard is now stuck in his own thoughts. His teacher has some influence with the Council, and his elder brother is a fairly high-ranking member of the Mage's League. If I can appeal to them, they can probably convince the City Council of his innocence.

    His thoughts are, as is becoming typical of this adventure, interrupted. Apparently, a seven foot tall man in black armour and a yellow skinned teifling with red horns growing out of his forehead are quite distinctive. Distinctive enough to attract the attention of a Guardsman in fact. Who knew?

    A whistle later, and we are sprinting from a half-dozen guards. While normally we could deal with this many easily, the half-devil alligators have left us pretty sapped, and the Drow is appropriately stingy with healing spells.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:13 No.13557233

    Don't be so mean /tg/, and now.

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:16 No.13557251
    Your "teammates" are full of dicks. You, however, are not, so long as you keep posting more. =p
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)18:23 No.13557310

    So we're going full pelt down the alley, aided somewhat by the fact that anyone wearing a uniform is basically a target for the numerous mobs charging around town.

    The Tiefling is basically leading the run, having passed a Knowledge check to know where a Thieve's Gate out of the city is. My Wizard is still unsure about this, but with the current chaos in the city the Guards ain't going for non-lethal so there's not much choice.

    We eventually leave all but one of the Guards behind, and my wizard's Sleep spell put's him out of commision safely.

    We try stealthing the remaining distance, but this is impeded, once again, by the fact we have a seven foot tall man in heavy armour. Inevitably, we're spotted.

    Still, we're close enough now that we're confident we can make it to the promised stronghouse. Then the DM springs the ambush on us.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:28 No.13557354
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    Go ahead and fist, OP. You've earned it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:34 No.13557418
    kill yourself faggot
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)18:37 No.13557447

    A couple of Guards hit us from a side alley. Not a problem for a the Tiefling, who tumbles through it like a pro. The Blackguard does as he does, pausing only backhand a guard that tries to get him from behind. My Wizard gets through easily enough, due to cheating a little with a Cat's Grace spell.

    The Druid, however, get grappled. And while she's held, another Guard approaches. They've pulled back her hood, they know what she is. She's a dead woman. Even her animal companion can't do shit against two guards in chainmail, not at this level.

    The Blackguard and Tiefling have charged on. They were too far ahead to help, and have no reason, in character, to do so anyway. Which leaves my Wizard.

    And I realise, this is the moment that the Dm's going to attach me to this party. The only spells I've got left would either do nothing in this situation, or are damage dealers.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:40 No.13557474
    Heaven or Hell bitches.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:44 No.13557507
    Ride the lightning!
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)18:46 No.13557525

    I'm torn, both in and out of character. We've made it this far, and there's an honest to god sense of teamwork beginning to form. It would feel... unsatisfying to have someone die so close to our escape.

    But still, If my Wizard usesthe Lightning Bolt spell, chances are, someones going to die. That put's all chances of me proving my characters innocence way back, mainly because he won't be innocent anymore. He's Neutral Good anyway, what kind of Roleplayer would I be, I just killed the Lawful Good/Neutral guards?

    So I compromise. And by compromise, I mean blow that shitty caution to the wind.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:46 No.13557527
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:51 No.13557568
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:53 No.13557588

    Yare yare daze.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:57 No.13557628
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)18:58 No.13557638

    I cast Phantom Steed, mount up, and charge the guards.

    Suffice to say, the entire tables staring at me. Then the Blackguard player grins, and declares that he's charging back towards the fight. At that the Tiefling player decides to draw his darts and begin sniping.

    Now remember, at this point, the Blackguard only has 14 HP left. The Tiefling has 18, but he's pretty fragile with regards to AC.

    We didn't give a shit.
    We all disliked each other.
    We all just wanted to get out of the city.
    But at that moment, we were ready to call TPK rather than fall back.

    It was stupid as all fuck. But it was glorious.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:00 No.13557652
    Type faster!

    I can't wait to hear the rest.
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)19:10 No.13557728

    The steed sprinted towards the Guards holding the druid, and my character hit one with a Cause Fear, sending him fleeing. The Blackguard was duking it out with another two guards, down to 8 HP but still grinning. The Tiefling was spamming Eldrtich blasts and Darts, punishing those who attempted to near me or the Blackguard.

    My Wizard leapt of the horse, rammed a Ghoul touch into the Guard and dragged the Druid to her feet.

    We were getting out of there. The Blackguard gave one last combat round, then turned and sprinted, the Tiefling killing the only remaining non-dead/non-paralysed/non-feared guard left standing.

    It was a fair distance, but we eventually pulled ourselves into the Thievesgate and slammed the door shut. We were safe, and we had our escape route. We just had no idea where we were going to go. The argument commenced almost immediately.

    And on that note, the first session ended.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:13 No.13557758
    Sounds like a blast, OP. Also, your character totally fits in with the rest.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:14 No.13557765
    Sounds like it was a pretty fucking boss game.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:14 No.13557766
    If there isn't more, you'd damn well better come back when there is.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:15 No.13557778
    Oh, you magnificent fucker, don't you dare leave us hanging!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:16 No.13557783
    I expect great things from you, good sir.
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)19:17 No.13557801

    The next session is in two days. I might write it up before posting though, if anyone's interested in hearing where this goes.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:19 No.13557818
    I am SO interested in hearing about this.

    Pick up a name for when you're telling stories, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:21 No.13557838
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:21 No.13557843
    By all means, you had better.
    I want to read all about your party's wacky adventures, and your GM sounds competent.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:22 No.13557850
    Yeah, more story time would be fun. I'm curious what your DM will throw at you next. Also, as the face of the group your character is basically the de-facto leader.
    >> OP 01/17/11(Mon)19:22 No.13557854

    You mean tripfagging? There are some lines a man should not cross, till his thread is trolled relentlessly. That said, it might be an idea, if I intend to continue this
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:25 No.13557883
    Not necessarily a trip. Just something we can recognize you by, for the purposes of storytelling only.
    >> OnlySaneMan 01/17/11(Mon)19:26 No.13557894
    How's this?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:28 No.13557915
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:30 No.13557943
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:30 No.13557950
    I'm pretty sure it's safe to say there is interest.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:33 No.13557978
    High interest.
    >> Red_Spur 01/17/11(Mon)19:34 No.13557984
    OP -- not to steal your thunder but... who is your DM and where do I buy his "story flow" crack? I'm impressed with the mesh of your "stable" character with the other psychos.
    >> OnlySaneMan 01/17/11(Mon)19:38 No.13558019

    Yeah, this is definitely shaping up to be one of the better games we've had. Other than the occasional spurt of HOT BLOOD, I intend to mainly play my character as the straight man, trying to keep the utter slaughter a group of Chaotic Neutral/Evil PC's is capable of to a minimum.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:43 No.13558058
    You should totally bone the racism out of the drow, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:48 No.13558099
    You will be the Roy to their collective Belkar. The Ogdefson so their Dethklok.
    Roleplay being annoyed by having to corral them like unruly children all the time.
    Godspeed, OnlySaneMan.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21 No.13558469


    You know what to do, elegan/tg/entlemen.
    >> NH4NO3 !/J1QYpS5Eo 01/17/11(Mon)20:26 No.13558524
    Don't forget the matriarchy.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:28 No.13558556
    Sir, I applaud you, and wish you luck in your endeavors.
    >> Anonymous Prime 01/17/11(Mon)23:49 No.13560973
    That turned out to be a nice story SaneMan.
    You're going to have lots and lots of conflicts with the party, but by the looks of it that will only serve to make the game more interesting.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)02:28 No.13563230
    Loved the story, man. Wish I had the good luck to find a group like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)05:29 No.13564572
    Awesome story, OP. Makes me wish our GM would return to this town to re-establish our WHFB group...
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)12:11 No.13567276
    Sir a wonderful story, thank you for sharing it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)12:31 No.13567407
    great story man.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/11(Tue)13:29 No.13567923
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