/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2008
955104Mary-Sue Competition/tg/ retells their worst encounters with Mary Sues, though the OP is really tough to beat.Mary Sue2008-01-01 5 
959080Mary-Sue Competition 2Continuing the earlier thread.Mary Sue2008-01-01 1 
1027569Iron Heart SurgeThings you can do with Iron Heart Surge, including changing the weather, making the sun rise, eradicating gravity, and giving yourself an abortion.D&D, iron heart surge, weeaboo fightan magic, tome of battle2008-01-17 24 
March 2008
1379217Ultimate Mary/Gary Sue/tg/ creates the Ultimate MarySue and unleashes her PURE ENERGY of love and peace on unsuspecting 40k Universe!40k, MarySue, epic2008-03-22 13 
1383654Ultimate Mary/Gary Sue ContinuedThe thread is continued, with OH GOD WHAT THE FUUUUCCKK40k, MarySue, epic2008-03-22 10 
May 2008
1724352Role-Playing in a surreal and illusionary world/tg/ brainstorms about a surreal rpg setting.setting, brainstorm, surreal, dream2008-05-13 6 
1807045Share your storya thread concerning the worst character concepts you have -ever- seen in a tabletop game.stories, mary sue, characters2008-05-25 8 
1853401Sounds like Justice!A barebones concept of using scrabble tiles for a superhero RPG to create sound effects to do tasks.superheroics, scrabble, homebrew2008-05-30 4 
September 2008
2507249Another Informative Shadowrun ThreadInnocent questions about an SR4 excursion to Tir Na nOg lead to missile surfing, rigger strategy, and Mystic Knights nostalgia.Shadowrun, 4e, drones, Missile Surfing2008-09-06 6 
October 2008
2730328What's your Superpower?Everybody on 4chan was given superpowers, which are determined by randomized wikipedia articles. Hilarity ensues.Wiki, Superhero, Imagination2008-10-04 0 
2737021Villain Group ThemesMuch better ideas for your cheesy villain teams.villains, themes, seven deadly sins suck2008-10-05 0 
2831296The Return of Sir BrianThe Dashing Gentleman ReturnsBrian Consumptington2008-10-19 14 
December 2008
3215569SuccubusA DnD succubus dscussion evolves into talk about the Blood War as well as some talk about the nature of the PlanesSucubus Infinite Blood War Devil Demon Outsider 2008-12-21 2 
January 2009
3290452Bunnies & Burrows:World War II editionA posting of 'Peter Rabbit:Tank Killer' leads to excellent stories of strategic rabbit warfare, genocide, quaternary calculation and a disturbing softening of the real life/game boundary.nazis, b&b, rabbits, bombs, supercomputers2009-01-01 4 
3433252"Help!" Succubus ThreadSome guy gets his sorcerer sent to the succubus layer of the abyss. Rapid fire bullshit suggestions from Anon ensue, including telling OP to pretend that he's writing a guide to the abyss.succubus2009-01-18 7 
3443975"Help!" Succubus Thread Part 2OP's character is still trapped in the abyss, but now he orgasms when he kills demons. He is not the demons. Well, not yet, at least. Some drawfaggotry in response to the last thread shows up.succubus2009-01-19 5 
3491186Loyal Like a DogCreepy writefaggotryChangeling, writefaggotry, not sure if want2009-01-23 12 
March 2009
4012655Game Concept: Elf-HunterWhat if elves, gnomes and chupacabras were pests? Yetis, wendigos and sasquatches dangerous big game? There'd be specialists for clearing out those fucking gnome infestations. You're one.elf, hunter, specialist, gnome, supernatural, game design, setting2009-03-18 7 
4021443I may archive threads of questionable nature, but at least I never wrote a Drizzt fanficA thread for awful things anons did in the past: The OP sets a bar very high, however. A minor meme is created.mary sue, Drizzt, fanfic2009-03-20 10 
April 2009
4283775You Don't Fuck With McDuck!An awesome thread which asks whether it is safer to loot the treasure hoard of an ancient Red Dragon, or the Money Bin of Scrooge McDuck. Scrooge is the overwhelming victor and quickly proves himself one of the most terrifying characters ever created. A fun, inventive thread which proves a rewarding read.Scrooge, McDuck, Disney, Treasure, Characters, Creative, Dragons2009-04-15 65 
4333539HighschoolRPGMaidRPG undergoes a massive overhaul by a namefag and comes out surprisingly well. Calls are made for this to become a canon mod.MaidRPG made better, pleasant surprise, high schoolers, user expansion2009-04-20 16 
4329164What is it like to hold a Doomguard in your arms?Etc. etc. one of those for each faction. Moderately entertaining and so forth.Planescape, doomguard, Pentar, dark sun2009-04-20 7 
May 2009
4467075Commissar...Desus?!?Because Creation wasn't big enough to contain his dickery, let's unleash him into the Imperium. Great idea.Exalted, Desus, Commissar2009-05-04 5 
4559501Warhammer 40k for beginnersITT: Explain the Warhammer 40K universe to a total noob in as much or little detail as you want.40k, grimdark, summary, awesome, good, evil2009-05-16 0 
4570642Super /tg/ WarsA /m/oron accidentally starts a discussion for an SRW with /tg/ characters. Ruby, Cutebold, Doobold, Troll, Loli Dragon, Joniass, and Sergal all featured with othersSuper /tg/ Wars, Cutebold, Sergals, Ruby, Doobold2009-05-17 27 
4580594Roleplaying Horror StoriesHorror Stories of Freeform RPGs. Turns into win with James Bond the crab and generic guard.Freeform, James Bond the Crab, Guard, SuperGuard, Horror Stories, Players2009-05-18 20 
4590359Imperial survey fleet detects ProtossWhat hapens if an imperial Survey fleet detects a protoss star systemSurvex fleet, Protoss, Imperium, exterminatus, heresy2009-05-19 20 
4642511Broken/tg/ comes up with a setting about fighting things that eat Love. /tg/ finds itself tsundere for this idea.Broken, Heartless, Tsundere2009-05-24 2 
4686070Imperial Guard First Person Running and ScreamingYou are a guardsmen. Your objective? SURVIVE. 40k, Imperial Guard, FPS, survival horror2009-05-28 26 
June 2009
4763422Romantic encounters in Baldur's Gate 2An enlightening discussion about romantic companions in BG2BG2, fanfic, mary sue2009-06-04 5 
4993479Terrible Games Masters/tg/ shares Games Master horror stories, including the stories of Vincent and the Fist of the North Dragonstar.bad gm roleplaying vampire mary sue2009-06-25 3 
5012785Terrible Games Masters Part 2Actually continued in the "Dragonborn death By snoo-snoo" thread just above this. In turn, this is the actual death by snoo-snoo thread.mary sue, horror stories, gm, stories2009-06-27 2 
July 2009
5147359Luchador CharactersA namefag requests help with developing his luchador character for a supers game. Honourable mask wearing ensues.Luchador, Supers2009-07-13 5 
518615853rd Annual Blackguard ConventionEvil overlords, necromancers, and all-around jerks gather around to talk about all those pesky paladins, raising skeletons, and unhealthy relations with swords. Also includes some dispute with the Fighters Guild over who booked the convention hall, ending in a football game.Roleplay, evil, conventions, mary sue2009-07-18 11 
5243140Cripplegirls and RiskThrough Shizune's love for Risk, /tg/ and 4chan's homebrew visual novel "Katawa Shoujo" were forever entwined. The Classic Game of World Domination is imrpoved tenfold - somehow, you don't mind a girl camping Australia when she's a disarmingly adorable deaf-mute.Risk, Katawa Shoujo, jp, v, text adventure, visual novel2009-07-24 9 
5253187Dwarven SuperheroesArt dump of superheroes-as-dwarves. Starts with Spiderdorf Vs. Doc OrkDwarves, Dorfs, Superheroes2009-07-25 3 
August 2009
5388982Damsels in distress Cont'dThe second part of the Pally.Succy highjinks ends!Quest, Sucubbus, Pally, Love, Writefag2009-08-09 1 
5399382Post-Apoc Pokemon Op takes suggestions on a BESM3e pokemon campaign.Pokemon, Post-apoc, Suggestions2009-08-10 1 
5540265A Dwarfy Campaign StoryA party of dwarfs are saddled with DMPC, a annoyingly favored Halfling Rogue and goddamn stupid railroading. Also: The Hobbit.Dorf, Dwarf, Halfling, Hobbit, Subtle2009-08-22 3 
5578859Victorian Succubusop asks about a steampunk setting with aristocrat succubisteampunk, succubus, victorian, planescape2009-08-25 1 
September 2009
5712119India = DwarfistanIn which it is proven that dwarves are the inhabitants of the exotic land of India.dwarf fortress, india, Rhesus macaques2009-09-04 6 
5863733The Doctor Is InPlayer wants to make a surgical genius as a character in 3.5 D&D. Advice ranges from Experts to Rogues to the home brewed Chiurgon Class. surgery, homebrew, 3.5 classes, get shit done2009-09-15 3 
5889885The Doctor Is In 2The return of the homebrewed Adventuring Physician class, made overall better by /tg/.surgery, homebrew, 3.5 classes, get shit done2009-09-17 3 
October 2009
6350652Utsuho Reiuji in 4EIn which Chernobyl-tan is statted as a 4E encounterUtsuho, Touhou, 4E2009-10-20 5 
6414098Superhero comics through the agesThe OP suggests a campaign for M&M or other system that starts in the bright and colorful Golden Age of comics and becomes progressively more dark and gritty, as comics did.comic books, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, writefaggotry2009-10-25 3 
November 2009
6552234Superhero Ideas/tg/ comes up with excellent ideas for superhero adventures.superheroes2009-11-03 1 
December 2009
7286867Adeptus Evangelion ReleaseBlack Mesa Janitor delivers /tg/ a Christmas present. A 263 page supplement for Dark Heresy based on the Evangelion anime. Someone give that guy a hug.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, Christmas, supplement2009-12-26 29 
January 2010
7424814H.A.N.A. QuestMy first quest, sci-fi future. Went through Emergence, Contact, Memory 1, and Memory 2.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-05 18 
7444513H.A.N.A. Quest Part 2Sparring and a Showdownquest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-06 15 
7448063H.A.N.A. Quest Part 3Flashbacks are now finished. Facing the Present is next session. An explosive and sad ending, but hope remains.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-06 17 
7516185Marvel 2099Ideas for 2099 versions of superheroes It's the EXTREME future of 1993 Marvel comics!Superhero, cyberpunk, the 90s2010-01-10 1 
7544679Adeptus Evangelion 2: The SequelBlack mesa janitor decided that his 263 page book WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH for /tg/, so he asks Anon to tell him how to make it better. Brainstorming ensues with a grimdark bent.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-12 20 
7546129H.A.N.A. Quest Part 4In which we meet CAM, defeat the Language Barrier, agree to meet the Three, and move along very, slowly.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-12 14 
7572034Adeptus EvangelionAnonymous had many a question and the Black Mesa Janitor did deliver. A brainstorm followed shortly after as many alternatives and extensions to the setting were discussed.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-14 12 
7588274H.A.N.A. Quest Part 5Where we go to present, meet Seekers, learn a bit about their background and have random encounter aboard their ship.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-15 14 
7623818H.A.N.A. Quest Part 6In which we finally start and finish the Pirate encounter with a badass spacewalk, and continue on to Assura.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-17 12 
7650600H.A.N.A. Quest Part 7We set out on a military venture after meeting the Three, and gain a new companion. Trolls strike at the end but are unsuccessful.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-19 13 
7707008H.A.N.A. Quest Part 8Where we secure the Battleship and capture H.A.N.A B2.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-22 12 
7725665AdEva LogsBlack Mesa Janitor posts the requested logs of some online Adeptus Evangelion logs, and kicks off another AE brainstorming thread.Evangelion, anime, DH, Dark Heresy, mecha, mech, fuck yeah, supplement, Adeptus Evangelion, AE2010-01-23 12 
7816340H.A.N.A. Quest Part 9In which we head off to the Dig Site.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-29 11 
7831196H.A.N.A. Quest Part 10We continue our investigation into the installation, and discover much background information.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-30 12 
7843073H.A.N.A. Quest Part 11We enter the Training Arena and meet the last living shells of KANE and ABLE.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-01-31 11 
7847687H.A.N.A. Quest Part 11-2We meet the remaining fleshly containers of KANE and ABLE, and work on deciding what to do with them.hana, supernova, quest, collective game2010-01-31 11 
February 2010
7862806H.A.N.A. Quest Part 12In today's episode we determine the fate of two potentionally insane AI's.hana, supernova, quest, collective game2010-02-01 11 
7952011H.A.N.A. Quest Part 13In which we chat with the ghost(s) in the machine, hear cryptic words from the Architects, and head off in search of Six once again.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-02-07 9 
8032082H.A.N.A. Quest Part 14In which we find Six and meet our creator.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-02-12 9 
8055769H.A.N.A. Quest Part 15The First Arc of HANA Quest comes to an end peacefully.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-02-13 11 
March 2010
8381512Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe PartVThe speculation continues. Much more is talked on the actual status of the System Alliance and its effectiveness. Thread slightly de-railed over accusations of Transhumans being Mary-sues. Also Quarian fapfiction pasta.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Mary Sue,finger quotes, fapfiction2010-03-04 5 
8388281Tau QuestDespite copious amounts of trolling, the story continuesTau, Quest, Collective Game, System Shock, Survival, Horror, necron2010-03-04 16 
8400276mary sue generator EXTREME editionA mary sue generator table is made for lulz. Ends up in /tg/ realizing how awesome mary sue concepts can be.mary sue, table, character2010-03-04 3 
8471014Tsunder AnubisGods, riddles, and emotional whiplash aboundGods, Tsunder, Anubis, Monstergirl, Tsundere, Egypt2010-03-09 10 
8480915Collection of Cantakerous, Cholesterol-filled ComestiblesWhat begins with a combination of two venerated /tg/ snacks snowballs into a gauntlet of dishes promising to test even the fittest and leanest of fa/tg/uys.HNNNGG, food, suicide, meatbread, baconweave2010-03-09 0 
8580300good succubus worldbuildingRequest for "Make succubi good but not shitty or fapfest" workssuccubus, worldbuilding, god, YHWH2010-03-14 2 
8587949Mecha musume gone grim darkA "This is your <x>" thread goes horribly wrong in all the right ways involving girls in war machinery.grimdark mecha_musume mecha loli war2010-03-15 2 
8626939Dwarfs vs Drowtales/tg/ decides to show Drowtales Mary Sue drow the true awesomeness of dorfinessDorf, Drow Tales, Mary Sue2010-03-17 12 
8685796H.A.N.A. Quest Part 16New Beginnings.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-03-20 7 
8692229Cloaks and DaggersHeroes In WoD: Anon proposes a superhero game in a World-of-Darkness-style setting. Discussions on rape and laser eyebeams ensue.roleplaying, superpowers, WoD2010-03-21 1 
8703651X-Men New MutantsDetails of an X-men New Mutants campaign, awesome background props.Mutants, X-Men, Superheroes2010-03-21 3 
8764141/tg/ talks plane XVThings go from bad to worse. Fresh from accidentally sinking a cruise ship, op's group is now being hunted by a Royal Navy Carrier Task Force, and is rushed into an emergency fighting withdrawal.planes, awesome, sukhoi, writefaggotry2010-03-25 14 
8819731H.A.N.A. Quest Part 17We play as 19, during the initial attack on Utopia. Cyber warfare abound, meet seven of how many bloody HANA there are.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-03-28 6 
April 2010
9079169Discworld with GURPS/tg/ teaches a troll about the beauty of Discworld and GURPSfemanon GURPS discworld troll mary sue2010-04-09 3 
9303668Dark Sun Magical GirlsWait, what?magical_girls, dark_sun2010-04-20 2 
9341107The Tale of BronzemurderAn Anon recounts the tale of the dorf fort of Bronzemurder in beautifully illustrated images.Dorf Fort, Bronzermurder, dorf, dungeon, survival2010-04-22 8 
9368957Isolated WorldsMany ideas for new worlds with isolated communities and dangerous travel.World Building, Namefag, Collaboration, Isolated, Self-sufficient, 2010-04-23 2 
9434393/tg/ Debates Scientific Accuracy of PictureTroll photo deconstructed in true /tg/ style.Granite, Metamorphic, Dragons, High Pressure Worlds2010-04-26 23 
May 2010
9823914Dark SunAnon posts some old Dark Sun info, which is awesome.Dark Sun, 2e, 4e, D&D, fluff2010-05-15 5 
9992097H.A.N.A. Quest Part 16 [Redux]HANA Quest is rewound to the end of part 15 - Parts 16 and 17 no longer exist. We wake up on Utopia and get started forging a Seeker/Human first contact group.quest, collective game, hana, supernova2010-05-23 5 
10092063Horror Noir BonanzaIn which we wake up without memory in a motel room, save a woman from being murder-raped by a demon, discover a little of our past, get caught up in big events beyond our control.Horror Noir Quest, Man In Suit, Roleplay, Fun2010-05-27 2 
June 2010
10401727Star Trek Space Marine What happens when a Space Marine becomes first officer aboard the USS Enterprise from TNG Hilarity ensuesStar Trek, Space Marine, Bolter, Pauldrons, Hilarity Ensues, Picard, Worf, Riker, Penis Diplomacy2010-06-10 20 
10516939Dino Quest : Genesis/tg/ embarks upon its quest to survive as a Raptor in a world full of fighting and hardship. Watch as we grow form a small insignificant creature into something much greater....Dino Quest, Collective game, Raptors, Dinosaurs, HONK HONKs, Delicious Meats, Fighting, survival, 2010-06-16 6 
10674975Counter Mary-Suing Freeform RP'sAnon discusses past experiences with freeform RP's and stories are shared of revolution against speshul snowflakes.roleplay, freeform, Mary Sue2010-06-23 12 
July 2010
11120613The Rousing Tale of Suicide Man!/tg/ learns the fun and productive ways that body jumping can kill Here's a hint, making 12 cops dive from sky scraper windowshero, body jump, funny, nightmare fuel, suicide, gurps2010-07-14 12 
11158582Suicide man returnsSuicide man is back with another session, and unlike others, doesn't draw out the story time like an attention whore.Suicide, Suicide man, gurps, funny, story, story time2010-07-16 8 
11270831A Mercs & Planes Ruleset Rules & fluff generation for a planes&mercs style RP.Planes & Mercs, Sukhoi, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-22 5 
August 2010
11606540Survival Quest/tg/ finds itself naked and bloody on the floor of a very creepy room with a very creepy painting. Armed with a magic poker, some granola bars, and our survival instinct, /tg/ begins its quest.Survival Quest, Collective Game, Creepy2010-08-10 13 
11608498Survival Quest 2/tg/'s exploration of the haunted house continues. One fa/tg/uy's dream of vomiting is fulfilled. Shit continues to be creepy.Survival Quest, Collective Game, Creepy, Fetuses2010-08-10 11 
11610846Survival Quest: Going for Good+When /tg/ only got the good ending in Survival Quest, they knew they could do better... But they had no idea what they were getting into...Survival Quest, Collective Game, Creepy2010-08-11 7 
11764346Gladiator Manager QuestWe take the role of a veteran ex-gladiator in Dark Sun, setting up a gladatorial school of our own and getting business going.Gladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest2010-08-21 12 
11799126Zerg Quest IXAnon finds out that Kingston isn't screwing around with this rivalry, and loses its whole goddamn Brood in the process.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, fleshlings, suddenly nukes, KINGSTOOOOON!!!2010-08-24 14 
11865919Gladiator Manager Quest 2.5In which 'Unstoppable' wins a heroic endurance match and the Thrikreen gets a snackGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-08-29 13 
September 2010
11959468Gladiator Manager #3In which training gets introduced, and we make another trip to the arenaGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-09-05 4 
11971324Gladiator Manager #4In which Unstoppable proves he really is, we make an important contact and purchase more gladiatorsGladiator Manager, Dark Sun, Quest, Tordek, Gladiator2010-09-06 6 
12000838Gladiator Manager #5We use our Noxii for the first time and Unstoppable gets challenged by a badass veteranGladiator Manager, Gladiator, Dark Sun, Unstoppable2010-09-08 8 
October 2010
12443066Mary Sue ThreadStories of terrible Mary Sues and the poor players who have to suffer through them.Mary Sue, That Guy, Story, Stories2010-10-15 13 
12453300Planes and Mercs XXXVIIIOP returns with his latest mission briefing. This one's a bit different than normal though...Planes and Mercs, Planes, Mercs, OP_again, Baron, Steve, planefaggotry, survive, awesome2010-10-16 5 
12540811Dark Sun Campaign ReportCampaign from 12255684 begun, description of characters & play session, more campaign world developmentChrono Trigger, D&D, Dark Sun, settings2010-10-23 1 
12556902Alternative ConsumablesOP looks for ideas to spice up his consumables and /tg/ delivers.consumable, potions, wands, oils, scrolls, homebrew, idea, ideas, Idea Thread2010-10-24 2 
November 2010
12670760Zerg Quest XVIIIRegular Zerg Quest returns. Bernie is immediately shipped to boarding school, and Anon gives a touching pep talk to Labbrate. Anon aims Kingston at the Protoss. Will it backfire?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Starcraft, Motivational Speaking, Subterfuge2010-11-04 12 
12671890Shin Megami Tensei Card SystemSome dude came up with a card based game system for running a game similar to a few SMT games...namely Persona.SMT Shin Megami Tensei Persona Devil Summoner Digital Card Homebrew System2010-11-05 4 
12791286/tg/'s Mary Sue/tg/ plays a game to make the greatest Sue of them all, Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. Lols are had by all.Awesome, Mary Sue, character2010-11-14 34 
12797345Mary Sue Writeup Part 2Mary Sue goes to Gensokyo! Meets Rumia. Bad luck, eh?Mary Sue2010-11-15 3 
12831695mary sues, the horror, and how to deal with themExamples of the most horrible mary sues /tg/ can summon forth - and an epic story of how to deal with one: let the other players hummilate it!mary sue, epic, horror,2010-11-18 2 
12869651Supernatural Registration Authority/tg/ discusses the merits of the proposed nonhuman protection group/big brother monitoring organization.Supernatural, rp, bigotry2010-11-21 11 
12901901Supernatural Registration Authority 2Continuation of the last SRA thread.Supernatural, rp, bigotry2010-11-23 5 
12959951NPC CharactersA nostalgic look at some of the greatest characters in /tg/ related video-game history. Also, Mary Sue hijack ensues as Anon brings a few terrible mods to light.BG, NPC, Baldurs Gate, Mary Sue, Infinity Engine2010-11-29 5 
12972762Five Years with a DaveAfter fleeing into a bunker, you find a thin man called Dave tellin you that you are probably his only contact for the next five years. Radio contact with other bunkers reveals that each bunker has one survivor and one Dave, a ton of RPG resources and the ability to make Snickers Rum. After months of confinement, tensions rise between Koala Bear followers and paranoid /x/philes, and blood is promised after five years. A fully Koala Bear thread.Bunker, survival, Dave, Snickers rum, Koala Bear2010-11-30 4 
12979879Supernatural Registration Authority 3Continuation of the last SRA thread.Supernatural, rp, bigotry2010-11-30 3 
December 2010
13021124Supernatural Registration Agency 4SRA thread.Supernatural, Bigotry, rp2010-12-04 2 
13103700Not the most most powerful.../tg/ works to create a variety of trivial mutant powers, such as unassisted breathing and turning Coca-cola into Pepsi. mutant, superpowers, weakest, Pepsi2010-12-11 2 
13134845Supernatural Registration Agency 5Even more SRASupernatural, rp bigotry2010-12-13 2 
13165220Blam! the RPGAnon comes, bearing gifts. Nice rules, quality pdfs.Blame!, Blam!, blame, blam, homebrew, rules, manga, tsutomu, nihei2010-12-16 12 
13333185/tg/ island: we get shit done editionwe get shit done in describing what we would do in the classic "4chan archipelago" situation. We work out damn near everything to near-plausabilityisland thread, archipelago, survival, discussion, collective effort2010-12-30 3 
January 2011
13343822Battle-Brother Marcus Flavius of the Starship EnterpriseExchange program trades Riker for an Imperial Fist battle-brother. Hilarity and awesome ensue.Marcus Flavius, 40k, star trek, crossover, hilarity ensues2011-01-01 6 
13392515SRA DiscussionOP's complaint against the Supernatural Registration Authority triggers a discussion that draws in /tg/'s large supernatural population.SRA, RP, roleplay, Supernatural Registration Authority2011-01-04 1 
13410794SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS RPGAnon is running a one shot of Shadow of the Colossus rpg inspired partly by The Mountain Witch. Lots of good ideas here.Shadow of the Colossus, SotC, One Shot, The Mountain Witch, Nico2011-01-06 11 
13465334SRA Discussion 2A human challenges the supernatural population of /tg/, claiming that they're lucky for the SRA's protection.SRA, RP, roleplay, Supernatural Registration Authority, Supernatural2011-01-10 0 
13476786SRA Discussion 3A thread about the Supernatural Registration Authority's apathy towards human on supernatural violence becomes war stories and sex with supersSRA, roleplay, Supernatural Registration Authority, supernatural2011-01-11 0 
13492769Space Opera BBEG Asks For AdviceHe's a brain in a robot with psychic powers, three planets to start with, and some Mary Sues and Furfags to kill. And he need's /tg/s help to do it.Space Opera, Space, Opera, Scifi, Help, Advice, Mary Sue, Furfag, Lasers, FTL2011-01-12 9 
13504947Stargate-inspired AdEva gameSome fluff on a really awesome-sounding AdEva game inspired by Stargate, with added pics of RitsukoAdeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Ritsuko, Stargate, Lovecraft2011-01-13 6 
13680606Shattered Sun/tg/ gets shit done yet again and discusses a setting in which the sun breaks into pieces and orbits the planet.sun, setting, fantasy, brainstorm2011-01-28 40 
13678046Zombie Survival For once /tg/ has a zombie discussion that lasts over 30 postszombies, zombie apocolypse, survival2011-01-28 1 
13692388Shattered Sun WritefaggotryThe Shattered Sun setting is given some original content and it is awesome.sun, setting, fantasy, writefag, writing2011-01-28 22 
13717670Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IIFurther fleshing out the Shattered Sun setting. Politics and ethnicities of the Holy City detailed, theories expounded on the nature of The Other EggShattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, drawfaggotry, phoenix, sun2011-01-31 8 
13722924Attack from the SuesA destroyed world where Sues control everything.Mary Sue2011-01-31 35 
February 2011
13879469Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IIIA new area is discovered in the growing world under the Shattered Sun, inspiring a plot involving scheming Masters within Terec's Alchemist Guild. Also, more ideas being bounced around for your reading pleasure! Paladins? Magic? People? Non-human races, even!?Shattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, phoenix, sun, Gateway to Hell2011-02-13 7 
13988272Planes and Mercs, Libya editionAfrica is hiring mercenaries. The obvious parallels are drawn before Firestorm returns with the spamplanes and mercs, pam, firestorm, sukhoi, witch, warcrimes2011-02-23 1 
14016938Zerg Quest XXXIIAnon tries to convince VoidGate to give up some of its secrets, which turns into a stunted philosophical debate. Over Shakuras, Anon has an hour-long awkward pause before letting the suspicious craft zoom off to one of the most populated planets in the Sector. Cerebrate Anon then ran off for...personal business.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Diplomacy, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Cut Short Due To Coitus2011-02-24 12 
14064910Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IVA return to the Shattered Sun setting in an attempt to make it more cohesive. Thus far, racial descriptions, magic types, a revisit to the more Aztec-like pygmy race, a possible aquatic race thanks to another thread, and more ideas than you can shake a stick at!Shattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, phoenix, sun, Anchordread2011-02-27 0 
March 2011
14077407Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal LandStep 1) Post a large and pretty PDF with Touhou selling point. Step 2) Mathfags, rollfags, roleplayers, Touhoufags converge. Step 3) Critiques and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEG. But you have to admit... It's a fairly well done PDF. Let this be a lesson for all those ambitious homebrew makers: Yo shit gonna be picked.touhou toho homebrew rpg critique roleplaying rollplaying pdf d6 rpg rage system testing balance shitstorm fantasy mary_sue magic rules 2011-03-01 16 
14096871Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal Land - Part 2Continuation of previous thread. /tg/ continues to balancing efforts and fixing shit. Autistic samefag from previous sages again.touhou, toho, homebrew, rpg, critique, roleplaying, rollplaying, pdf, d6, rpg,, system, testing, balance, balancing, fix, fixing, fantasy, mary sue, magic, rules, getting shit done2011-03-02 8 
14104585Zerg Quest XXXIIIThe suspicious ship with a long name arrives over Moria and Anon tries to keep shit from getting real. Horrible bluff checks follow. ZergTV makes its debut on the airwaves.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Awfully Suspicious Ship, Bluff Check, /tg/ dice2011-03-03 11 
14150546Dark Sun Magical GirlsFirst it came for Planescape, then it came for Eclipse Phase, now it's coming for Dark Sun. WHAT'S NEXT? Definitely not GURPS, because no one likes GURPS.magical girls, dark sun, game design2011-03-07 3 
14378085HU Revised: The Creation of FinesseOP uncovers an old copy of Heroes Unlimited, Revised Edition, and anon sets to work on the random tables and a bionics budget to create Finesse, an electric greatsword swingin' nimble cyborg hero with a chip on his shoulder and an eye out for a paycheck. Continued from a thread the previous night.HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse2011-03-27 0 
14381022HU2: Copyright Infringing Random RollsA brave anon from the HU Revised creation thread starts a new one with HU2 to create a comrade for Finesse. A mutant alien, outcast from his own kind for being vaguely more fishy than them, and is Totally Not Abe Sapien, no matter what the dice try to tell you. Old OP joins in as well. To be continued..HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse, skeletal fish aliens, Abe Sapien, Totally Not Abe Sapien, Christopher Walken of the Fish People2011-03-27 0 
April 2011
14487824The most Groan-inducing character concepts you've ever seen.This exciting thread goes into excruciating detail of what happens to some Mary Sues when they cross the wrong GMs. Also Mary Sue weapons that make you want to cry.D&D, Mary Sue, Trickster, Weapons2011-04-06 10 
14527687Dicko the GeniePeople attempt to get a wish out of a malicious, very solar-inclined genie.genie, sun, wish, dicko2011-04-09 11 
14675177AI QuestThe year is 1994. We are Prometheus, a highly advanced AI which has been named the CEO of Entek corporation, an R&D company with a heavily advanced PMC branch. In this thread, we investigate old nazi superscience tech, and make the Majestic 12 our bitches.AI, Quest, AI quest, collective game, nazi superscience, computer2011-04-22 12 
May 2011
14766381Super Human Quest 1the first edition of super human quest, where we make a character with the power of incredible sight as well as reflexes. In this episode we track down a jewel thief.collective game, super human, gentleman theif2011-05-01 2 
14812995Supernatural Registration Authority: ReduxParas speak out against the SRA, OP is a little too paranoid, and Engineer Guy is looking for employable paras.SRA, Supernatural Registration Authority, supernatural2011-05-05 2 
14825764Tsundere in tabletop gaming.An old Anime cliche is discussed in tabletop gaming situations by /tg/anime, tsundere, baka, /tg/, i-its not like I wanted to archive this thread or anything!2011-05-06 5 
14871818Jackie vs the world.A PC in a world that just hates PCs. Eventually he breaks the DM's bullshit in half and frees himself.THAT DM, Maenads, Mary-sue, Storytime, Gestalt, Escape2011-05-10 21 
14882268Superpower QuestA lighthearted and fuzzy superhero origin quest! How wonderful! Maybe we'll meet a nice family of other superheros, and we can all be friends!quest, collective game, superpower, superhero, origin, ice cream2011-05-11 13 
14922675Tears of VengeanceGentlemen seeks story and plot advice from /tg/. The elegan/tg/entlemen respond.Tears of Vengeance, Steampunk Saga, comic, supernatural, steampunk, vengeance, Steam John, writing, plot, story2011-05-14 1 
14951880Silly SuperheroesThe object directly to your left is the new symbol for your superhero costume. What is your superhero name and how do you fight crime?superhero, super, hero, random, funny2011-05-17 3 
14960957Dark Overlord Quest 9Not much gets done, BUT we do learn a lot. And seem to have some horrible Shadow Magic disease. Also, Succubai!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, witch, contract, bind, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, Succubai, Shadow, Archon2011-05-18 10 
14999401Pathfinder Ultimate Magic/tg/ discusses the recently released Pathfinder supplement called Ultimate MagicPatherfinder, splat book, supplement, Ulitmate Magic2011-05-22 1 
15082061Summer DrawthreadDrawfag taking non-meme requests. drawfag, drawthread, summer2011-05-28 1 
June 2011
15207274Human Space: Hedonism is our SpecialtyHumanity's "hat" in the interstellar community isn't the warrior race, or the interstellar diplomat, or the explorer. Humans know how to have fun more than any other race in the galaxy!humanityfuckyeah hedonism pleasure slaanesh fluff worldbuilding space2011-06-09 26 
15256952Mary Sue ChapterMore perfect than the Ultramarines, deadlier than the Grey Knights and smarter than the Alphas. These battle sisters have geneseed from every 1st founding legion, and are the greatest of them all.Female marines, girls, mary sue, deathwatch, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor2011-06-14 12 
15267522Golden Aquilas 2Continuing creation of a Mary Sue marine chapter.Female marines, girls, mary sue, deathwatch, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, troll, awful, horrible2011-06-15 10 
15278303Golden Aquilas 3More horribly beautiful writefaggotry and Sue creation.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes2011-06-16 10 
15280730Zerg Quest XLVFollowing VoidGate's annihilation, the Swarm turns its segmented eyes to its other neighbors. Also, it built a robot butler (does YOUR quest have a robot butler?).Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Kerrigan, Was I supposed to run a quest tonight?2011-06-16 15 
15287443Golden Aquilas 4More writefaggotry, including the tale of the Aquila's only ever male marine.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes, Golden Aquilas2011-06-17 10 
15350349Golden Aquilas 5Crunch gets done and a rival warband of Chaos Sues is created.Female marines, girls, mary sue, heresy, awesome, perfect, chapter creation, Warhammer, Emperor, Half-eldar, awful, horrible, kawaii, custodes, Golden Aquilas2011-06-23 7 
July 2011
15462654The Legend of PIGDOGA tale is told of a THAT GUY of legend, with IRC quotes to back it up. The man himself eventually appears in the thread.that guy, D&D, dark sun, autism, psychopathy, funny, horror2011-07-05 24 
15555970Movie Plotline Generator"Why is this on /tg/?" you might ask. Why? Because not only are these some really bizarre and awesome film ideas, many of them, with only minor alterations, would make some DAMN cool RP character backstories as well.movies, plotlines, random generator, summaries, stories2011-07-12 7 
15681622World Setting: Surreal Dark FantasyA horrific yet awesome setting idea, where people end up in a surrel world and always return from death as increasingly bizarre creatures. Brainstorming ensues.dark, fantasy, setting, surreal, world, world-building2011-07-24 28 
15706548Highlander QuestA standard quest about a Norse Viking takes an unexpected turn.Collective Game, Highlander Quest, Highlander, Surprise2011-07-26 10 
15715280Quest Thread Time (Monmusu Quest)Chrome makes a quest thread for us on the fly. Things start slow.Monmusu Quest, Quest thread, Chrome, Collective Game2011-07-27 3 
15715013Surreal Dark Fantasy Con'tA sequel to the first thread, where things are hardly the same after a while and people can't die permanently. Czarnosc is the world's name. The discussion continues.homebrew, dark, fantasy, setting, surreal, world, world-building2011-07-27 14 
September 2011
16170120The Inheritance Cycle/Eragon: "Don't do this in your DnD campaign" guideWant a good DnD campaign? Just see what they do in Eragon, and don't do that. Also series discussionEragon, Inheritance Cycle, Mary Sue, Elf, Dragon 2011-09-04 10 
16179744Wizards Accidental Island AdventureThe great Dunbledalf has well...fucked up and you've been thrown through space and time to a deadly deadly island full of monters and danger, luckily the wizard is willing to grant some boons to make ammends. Can you survive?Wizard, Artifacts, Adventure, Survival, Nemesis, Dunbledalf 2011-09-05 17 
16214961Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper Romans IIINorman Knight vs. Irishman followed by Legionary Sulla vs. Genoese MercenaryRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat, Legionary Sulla2011-09-08 8 
16232617Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper Romans V The saga of Legionary Sulla concludes. Or does it?Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat, Legionary Sulla2011-09-09 11 
16264580/tg/ helps the OP kill off his former party.Good trap ideas ensue.Dnd, 3.5, traps, mary sue, TPK2011-09-12 6 
16441355Fall of a Bloody MagpieWhat starts as a door-to-door survey by a Draenei turns into the slow corruption of a Bloody Magpie.Draenei, Survey, Bloody Magpie, Chaos, Mugs, Mug2011-09-27 7 
16460241Yahweh in 4EDiscussion of the Judeo-Christian God's place in D&D. Pictures, fluff, and stats of Jesus Christ.God, Jesus, Christ, Yahweh, D&D, 4E2011-09-30 20 
October 2011
16511386The Editors: A Setting In ProgressOP has an idea about sending agents in to remove Mary Sues from canon settings. A few like-minded Anons later, a meta-fanfiction setting is born.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas, 2011-10-04 22 
16529282The Editors IIWe continue world-building our freshly popularized meta-fanfiction campaign setting.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas2011-10-06 10 
16534941/tg/ MetaQuestAfter all the talk of the Editors versus the Sues, one anon creates this Quest. THe local metaverse sector has been warped, and we use our poor funding to recruit some Starship Troopers, Spike Spiegel and Ibram Gaunt to investigate./tg/, Editors, Spike, Spiegel, Ibram, Gaunt, Meta, Multiverse, cruiser, Orz, mary sue, fixer, /tg/ starship troopers, UNIT, SPC2011-10-06 23 
16534647Kobold Sorcerer Quest Ch. 5 part 2You finalize what will be done with Torvash, the troglodyte, and watch a demonstration of the StalArmen armor.Kobold, Quest, Collective Game, Mobile Suit, Kobold Sorcerer Quest2011-10-06 5 
16610191More Than Human QuestA guy is walking down a street. There's an explosion. Now he can give dudes seizures with his hands.Collective Game, MthQ, Average Human, More than Human, Superpowers2011-10-13 20 
16677642Zerg Quest LVIIIThe mighty, conquering Swarm asks, "Yo, Bromo Sapiens. What's up?"Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, d100 botch, Far too silly, hilarity ensues2011-10-20 10 
16724340More Than Human Quest 2Francois witnesses something horrible. Weird time stuff happens. Then he stops a werewolf.Collective Game, MthQ, Average Human, More than Human, Superpowers2011-10-24 13 
16758250More Than Human Quest 3We get John on our side, and visit a park concert.Collective Game, MthQ, Average Human, More than Human, Superpowers2011-10-28 12 
16775381More Than Human Quest 3We get our money stolen, talk to john, and there is some other shit too.Collective Game, Average Human, More Than Human, Alt History, super heroes2011-10-30 12 
November 2011
16818524More Than Human Quest 5We go to work, and meet a Marco, a man with crab claw for an arm. A fight happens, and we get stabbed! Collective Game, More Than Human, More Than Human Quest, 5, Superpowers, Metahuman2011-11-03 11 
16859494BagworldA dimension where all Bags of Holding placed inside each other deposit their treasures.d&d, dungeons, dragons, bagworld, treasure, bag of holding2011-11-06 68 
16867884Bagworld cont.In continuation of the Bagworld Setting, some parameters are defined.d&d, dungeons, dragons, bagworld, treasure, bag of holding2011-11-08 6 
16977503Matsu Shouting Ballista DuelShouting Matsu explains Duels with BallistaL5R, Shouting Matsu2011-11-21 24 
17000365Beyblade homebrew brainstormOP insists we want to play a beyblade RPG. Silliness ensues, followed by legitimate brewingbeyblade, homebrew, medabots, toys, absurdity2011-11-24 11 
December 2011
17218449Zerg Quest LXVAnon's trap is sprung, and Dyles hits the Protoss hard.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, unnecessary ban, dice retardation, surely OP will deliver2011-12-15 10 
17293888Zerg Quest LXVIAnon tears Dyles' forces apart, and engages the Protoss in the political arena. Thread called "the most effective in recent history".Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Diplomacy, Pauldrons, Drunk OP, I assure you I have not been banned2011-12-22 10 
17316672The Editors IIIContinued development of the setting, incorporating elements from /tg/ Meta Quest. The Cold War with the TSAB is lightly touched upon, and relations with the other Meta-aware factions.game design, world building, discussion, planes, Mary Sue, settings, metafiction, game ideas, Editors, The Editors2011-12-24 8 
January 2012
17618098Chapter Quest IV - First BloodRising Sons answer Tyr's plea to bring them food from Stygia(agri-world in Sub-Sector Tyranus). On their way back they are ambushed by Dark Eldar corsairs and Chapter Master himself loses an arm in epic battle aboard Dark Eldar flagship. Despite this, Rising Sons prevail and even manage to take over one of the ships. Tyr is saved and Rising Sons grow even stronger.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Mandrake, Chapter Master, ambush, sub-sector, STC, warhammer 40k, Space Marines2012-01-22 9 
17637446Zerg Quest LXXSunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Bernie, Kerrigan, Nukes, Lying to genocide/rape survivors, Not even thinking twice about it, Group Therapy2012-01-23 10 
17663365YO ELF IS SO FATWhat began as a DM inquiring about the plausibility of corpulent elves according to D&D fluff quickly devolves into a fantasy version of the Dozens. yo elf is so fat, yo drow is so black, yo dwarf is so quickly, this is probably racist but i am not sure2012-01-25 15 
17729084Elves discuss Human OverpopulationElves are in danger of being overrun by the rampant sprawl of human promiscuity and technological advancement. Potential solutions and superiority of elves are discussed.elves superior humans disgusting orcs barbaric overpopulation2012-01-31 2 
February 2012
17779216Metahuman Renaissance Quest 1Our quest begins with our hero being named, majored, and given superpowers by a crazy bitchMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin2012-02-03 28 
17792316Metahuman Renaissance Quest 2Javelin macks on more mad science ladies, finds out about his powers, registers, makes and spends a lot of money, and gets new shiny things. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, like a sir2012-02-04 24 
17805147Metahuman Renaissance Quest 3We try to have a nice date with our new hot redheaded scientist girlfriend and immediately get held up by our first metahuman fight and the subsequent paperwork. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, Wild Talents, superheroes, For Science, javelin, Collective Game2012-02-05 23 
17875188Metahuman Renaissance Quest Part 4.5Part 4 wasn't archived, our power armor is inspected, upgrade plans are made, and metascience professors are worked with.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, Wild Talents, superheroes, For Science, Javelin, Collective Game2012-02-10 24 
17887197Metahuman Renaissance Quest 5The Psychic App store is downloaded, parts are acquires, SAN is checked, and mad science is doneMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, red star, the hammer, cosmic horror2012-02-11 25 
17916794Superhero City "Make A Setting"/tg/ is charged with making a single city for a superhero setting, said results merit a look. A few superheroes and a number of plot hooks are proposed.campaign setting, city, heroes, make a setting, superhero, supervillain, Tall Grove City, villain2012-02-13 5 
17989716Metahuman Renaissance Quest 7Javelin eats pancakes wit the Evokers', learns Parkour, then WE WIZARD NOW SONMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, harry dresden, evokers club, parkour, behold the wizard2012-02-18 23 
18084594Metahuman Renaissance Quest 12Dan kills flesh golems, and doesn't afraid of anythingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, flesh golem, wolf-girl, advice dan2012-02-25 20 
18090274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13Dan catches up with the most stereotypical necromancer ever, and finally learns a proper 'name' for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, advice dan, red, syrpent2012-02-25 20 
18097354Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13.33Dan fights Byakhee, chases Red, and once again has to deal with the police.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, syrpent, metacops, byakhee2012-02-26 18 
18137641Metahuman Renaissance Quest 14Dan rides down the police station in the APC of awkwardness, and chats with detectivesMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, metacops, fae, black rock box2012-02-29 18 
March 2012
18177425Metahuman Renaissance Quest 15Dan freaks out, gets out, goes to sleep, wakes up, and works out.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, metacops, black rock box, the hammer2012-03-03 21 
18190325Metahuman Renaissance Quest 16Dan quibbles on modifications to the Hammer, enchants some shit, then decides to learn Necromancy from a masterMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, enchantmen2012-03-04 18 
18204314Metahuman Renaissance quest 17Dan goes to the house of Ashwood, meets a not-robot, and talks to GespenstMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy,2012-03-05 20 
18230315Metahuman Renaissance Quest 18Dan absorbs some memories, then goes down to the Dreamlands for an interesting talk with RedMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, gespenst, dreamlands, red2012-03-07 22 
18240567ChlaonQuest 4We find out who the Gilded Knight really is, and how dreamy, I mean useful, USEFUL he is to aid us in infiltrating and subverting the city.imp quest, blue imp, Chlaon quest, collective game, monsterquest, tsundere2012-03-07 5 
18254146PC's say the darndest thingsepic quotes from many different games involving the crazy shit PC's sayPC's quotes awesome epic funny duke nukem critical success call of cthulhu diablerie vampires2012-03-08 11 
18267508Metahuman Renaissance Quest 19Dan begins an epic battle in the center of the Dream ScapeMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, gespenst, dreamlands, red2012-03-10 18 
18370590Metahuman Renaissance Quest 21Dan sits with his allies for a nice chat about the coming day.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, war room2012-03-19 15 
18442863Metahuman Renaissance Quest 22Dan talks to his dad, tried to talk to his mom, then hits the books.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin2012-03-25 15 
18479628Metahuman Renaissance Quest 24Dan chats with some people about stuff, before the thread bogs down, with stuff.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, syrpent2012-03-28 11 
18505373Acceptable Casualties 1A freshly-made clone soldier leads a team on a retrieval mission. Corporate warfare at its finest.Acceptable Casualties, Quest, Collective Game, Clone, Prometheus2012-03-30 7 
18516148Metahuman Renaissance Quest 25Blackstone offers exposition, then Dan & co order Ninja PizzaMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, 2012-03-31 12 
18522027Acceptable Casualties 2With a new, suspiciously competent member, the clone team hunts a convoy and gets more than it bargained for.Acceptable Casualties, Quest, Collective Game, Clone, Prometheus2012-03-31 1 
April 2012
18529109Metahuman Renaissance Quest 26Dan begins the final day (of Act I)Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer2012-04-01 11 
18539274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 27Dan buys COOL STUFF, then goes with Blackstone to investigate Anna's apartment. With psychic powers.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-02 11 
18558863Gummy WarsOP posts his idea of a wargame involving gummy candies as pieces.gummy, awesome, ideas, delicious casualties, wargame2012-04-03 20 
18562850Metahuman Renaissance Quest 28Dan continues his psychic investigations of Anna's apt. and has an interesting conversationMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-04 12 
18587045Metahuman Renaissance Quest 29In a short thread, Dan gets back from Anna's apartment, asks about a sword, and does some enchantingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, dr m2012-04-06 11 
18612029Metahuman Renaissance Quest 30Dan dreamtalks with Dr. M, then gets a call to explore some maintenance tunnels for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, dr m2012-04-08 11 
18699563Metahuman Renaissance Quest 31Dan has a talk with Blackstone, and makes future plansMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-14 11 
18712505Metahuman Renaissance Quest 32Dan does some more research, then rolls on down to the place with the police, and talks to Miles the necromancer about the museum jobMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red star2012-04-15 13 
18730396QUEST BUILDING: HOLY GRAIL WAREGO runs off of an idea for Holy Grail War quest based off of F/SN. Discussion of Servants and shitting of pants ensuenasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, 2012-04-16 16 
18726973Metahuman Renaissance Quest 33Dan calls home his research to Ashwood, talks with the Evokers for a bit, then does a job for Blackstone to level the playing field for tonight.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, blackstone, space2012-04-16 11 
18761397Holy Grail War Quest 1We are a young mage about to take part in the Holy Grail War. Our servant is Odysseus, Archer.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night,2012-04-18 16 
18782564Metahuman Renaissance Quest 34Omega gets his game face on, begins CINEMATIC TIME, and the end becomes slightly more nighMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red, cinematic time2012-04-20 14 
18794822Metahuman Renaissance Quest 35Dan and Ashwood get into a Biplane duel with a dragon, and shit goes DOWN. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red, dr. m2012-04-21 18 
18830824Holy Grail War Quest 2Things heat up in Seattle as our MC Eliza Alexander squares off against Assassin. Later, we have a tense luncheon with the other masters and learn more about the combatants of this Grial Warnasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night,2012-04-24 12 
18872868Metahuman Renaissance Part 36A guest star appears, and Act I ends, finally.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, dr m, act i, anna2012-04-27 13 
May 2012
18932602Mad Scientist QuestWe are a Mad scientist. We shoot Edison in the face.Collective Game, FOR SCIENCE!, Quest, Sunder-Ray, Lab Gerbil2012-05-01 7 
18937815Metahuman Renaissance Quest 38Dan continues his examination of his alien cache of technology, finds more powers, and gets moar money.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin2012-05-02 12 
18936856Holy Grail War Quest 3Killan dudes, car chases, motorcycle knights, LESBIANISM (or is it). GOING FULL NASUnasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night,2012-05-02 16 
18967708NearFuture Cyborg Quest 9.5In which Dave learns Grayson's Story, becomes Cyborg Batman, Amy joins EE, and we got a distressing message from Abel.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Futurepowersuits2012-05-04 14 
18978120Metahuman Renaissance Quest 39Dan spends some time doing stuff. Also he flies to fucking space. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, space2012-05-05 13 
19018100Zerg Quest LXXXVThe Swarm decides that the UED's time has come. Violence ensuesCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, An important message, Corporate resume-writing, Fauxbot fleet2012-05-08 6 
19027333Metahuman Renaissance Quest 40Dan decides to go some where more local before heading to space, picks Japan, and is forced to choose who to bring. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the darkness is growing2012-05-09 12 
19069844Metahuman Renaissance Quest 41Dan spends time on planes. And reading things. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin2012-05-12 11 
19075436Fist of Shadow Quest 11-2The Shadow Sun reveals itself. The Student ascends. The Adept appears.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-12 13 
19105347Submersible Witches Quest 1"You are CPO Cleona Wilhelmina Kukyendall, and you are having a pleasant dream." strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters,2012-05-15 22 
19101734Fist of Shadow Quest 12In which we shop, round up the party, and head for the Starry Seas... only to get ambushed in the night.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-15 11 
19112522Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew/tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome.Mommy is sick, Daddy gets mad, My brother is dead, Mommy's Icky Friend, Divorced, Little Princess, Beaten, My Little Robot, Bad Touch, Jog Dad, Little Sunshine, In the System, Our Pride, Evil?, On Ritalin, Home Alone, Moving Again, I'm a Mistake2012-05-16 22 
19113800Holy Grail War Quest 4In which we lose our virginity and fight Shagnastynasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night,2012-05-16 15 
19115266Metahuman Renaissance Quest 42Dan finally sets foot in Japan, goes for a walk, and meets some locals.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the black rider draw near2012-05-16 11 
19129078Submersible Witches Quest 2You are CPO Cleona Wilhelmina Kukyendall, and you wake up to a Martian in your face.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-05-17 20 
19154225Freeform RP invasion part 2/tg/'s assault continues, with three techpriests and a cyborg ninja at the helm.freeform, invasion, mary sue,2012-05-19 11 
19149444Fist of Shadow Quest 13Our hero and his party arrive in the coastal town of Sandoval only to realize they're still not going anywhere for a while. Resolving to make some dosh to pay the ferry fare, the party (sans Khan) makes a detour to the dreaded -- and predictably dark -- Darklands.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-19 8 
19162810Metahuman Renaissance Quest 43Dan and co finally do some sight seeing in Japan, then get a tour of the Tokyo MetyoMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, a storm is about to break2012-05-20 10 
19191599Submersible Witches Quest 3You are CPO Kukyendall, Radio Witch and Torpedoman's Mate, and you have just been told your friend is still alive.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-05-22 20 
19186159Fist of Shadow Quest 14In which we find FUCKING VAMPIRES. A TON OF THEM.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-22 11 
19226500Metahuman Renaissance Quest 44Dan investigates the future heroes of Japan, then answers their questions before CLIFFHANGERMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, cliffhanger, he is here2012-05-25 12 
19223358Fist of Shadow Quest 15In which we lose Khan and Erin, and learn a bit about Pale Luna.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-25 9 
19239056Holy Grail War Quest 5In which we hit an Eldritch Abomination with a boat, meet a Mysterious Stranger, and pin a doll to the wall.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night2012-05-26 11 
19245066I Am You & You Are MeOP suspects that every thread on /tg/ is one poster with multiple personality disorder. Anons then proceed to namefag as an entire rogue's gallery of various "subpshyches" and personality entities, representing the many facets of human emotion and the mind, all led by the Manager (the brain) who directs Hardware (the body).roleplay, namefag, multiple personality disorder, subpshyche, hardware, manager2012-05-26 10 
19263832Metahuman Renaissance Quest 45Anna takes a brief spotlight as she stabs reality and hunts monsters and doesn't afraid of anything. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, anna, guest star2012-05-28 8 
19279671Submersible Witches Quest 4You are CPO Kukyendall, and you are in the middle of a jailbreak. You now find yourself in the middle of a gargantuan, underwater room, with a transparent ceiling.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-05-29 16 
19282404Submersible Witches Quest 4-bContinuation of Submersible Witches Quest 4.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-05-29 14 
19288793Holy Grail War 6Archer is a boss with a bow, everybody's dead, Dave, and Caster pisses off the Churchnasuverse,collective game,Holy Grail War Quest,Fate Stay Night2012-05-30 11 
19302093Holy Grail War Quest 7Anon can into diplomacy, Eliza is a Sorcerer, and Shirou is a teddy bear.nasuverse,collective game,Holy Grail War Quest,Fate Stay Night2012-05-31 11 
June 2012
19364714Submersible Witches Quest 5You are CPO Kukyendall, and you have just been invited to dine with fine wine by an Admiral.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-06-05 14 
19366586Fist of Shadow Quest 16In which our hero becomes a narc and cleans up the streets of drugs. Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-06-05 8 
19433811Nasuverse Side Story: Canis RisingBob is ALIIIIVE, David is all growed up, our best friend is oogling our mothers, and WOLF WOLF WOLF WOLFnasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Side Story2012-06-11 11 
19448362Submersible Witches Quest 6You are CPO Kukyendall, and today you found out Martians can't swim. Probably.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-06-12 14 
19447851/tg/ Meta Quest 81DRIVE ME CLOSER! I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY LOGIC. Lots of progress is made in solving problems through talking.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, Ah! My Goddess, Ahriman, Warhammer, Belldandy, Skuld, SUE, Logic, Rynex is a Weeaboo2012-06-12 13 
19458284Chapter Quest VIIGhosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, super heavy battle tank, Baneblade, stealth power armour, Adeptus Mechanicus2012-06-13 4 
19517319Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 2In which we team up with a tsundere vegetarian killing machine and accidentally blow up a drug dealer.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, fate stay night, Side Story 2012-06-18 11 
19535331Submersible Witches Quest 7We press the big red button. Again. Aren't we smart?strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-06-19 14 
19547305Villains UnitedThe Vile Villians, Nefarious Ne'er-Do-Wells, and Dastardly Dudes Group tries to conduct a meeting. First item on the agenda: what to make for their parade float.supervillain, super-villain, dr. evil, henchmen2012-06-20 14 
19607812Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 3We learn the true nature of the Enemy, tell off our mother, and discover that the killer nun has cute bush (Yes this is relevant. Welcome to Nasu, gents).nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Side Story2012-06-25 13 
19625464Submersible Witches Quest 8Taking flight with no training gives us a badly-burned arm. Also, Rae's sister is a bitch.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-06-26 14 
19655071Mahou Shounen Quest 141You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine.2012-06-28 10 
19656383Mahou Shounen Quest 141.5Continuation of the thread that sunk due to board maintenance. NOTHING IS AS EASY AS IT SEEMSCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine.2012-06-28 10 
19654427Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/Continuing from a previous thread, stats for Baron Samedi as a Servant in the Fate/Stay Night universe are hashed out. Other fa/tg/uys follow in OP's lead, statting up more Servants.Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-06-28 11 
19663543Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/, Part 2/tg/ stats up a few more Fate/Stay Night Servants.Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-06-29 6 
19674077Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/, Part 3/tg/ stats even more Fate/Stay Night ServantsFate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-06-30 5 
July 2012
19697056Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 4Our ex is a werewolf, Lancer has ridiculous luck, we play chicken with a locomotive, and meet Rip Van Winklenasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Side Story2012-07-02 11 
19715966Submersible Witches Quest 9You are CPO Kukyendall, and tonight you are a sibling counselor. Also, Socks is cheating on us.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-07-03 14 
19708702Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/, Part 4We continue onward, coming up with concepts and stat sheets for more Servants.Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-07-03 3 
19724081Weird West Quest - IIWe plan our attack and pull it off successfully when the Hunter boys roll into town.Weird West, Collective Game, Western, Supernatural2012-07-03 2 
19684354Primordial Evo Game: Southern Continent pt. IThings start developing on the surface of the southern continent, from the adorable Puruus to the mighty hammer-headed Smashas. Also, RED GOES FASTA!Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, South, Surface, Orky Names2012-07-04 1 
19741278Zerg Quest XCIIFollowing the crossover and a major battle, the Swarm discusses its future. Also, Zerg World.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Major surgery, Daddy issues, Zerg World, Amusement park IN SPACE2012-07-05 7 
19766361Freeform TaleOp and his friends have made actual good characters in an online Play-by-Post freeform game that's full of Mary Sues. Sit back and watch the magic happen.Freeform, Posting, Mary Sue, Bullshit Powers, OOC Knowledge, Poor Spelling2012-07-08 25 
19791780Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 5We go shopping, discover that we are a walking paradox, and attempt to skinny dip with our superhuman harem. Also, BOOBS trumps demonhood.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Side Story2012-07-09 11 
19811188Submersible Witches Quest 10You are Henrietta Falkowska, and you dearly wish you could wake up from reality.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-07-10 13 
19866430Fate/Stay Night Servants by /tg/, Part 6Yet more Servants, including a list of all the ones we've come up with so far. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-07-14 4 
19892453Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 6People get kidnapped, we blow shit up, and consequences will never be the same.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Side Story2012-07-16 10 
19908625Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 7Things take a turn for the better (not that that was HARD or anything). We make deals, get molested by a weasel, and much d'aww is had by all.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Side Story2012-07-17 10 
19923967Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 8Our taser is the taser that shall pierce the heavens! Also, armour, Rip van Winkle's uncle, and SPIRALSnasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Side Story2012-07-18 10 
19928090Submersible Witches Quest 11You are Cleona, and you are stuck in a cell.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters, Sleep_Deprivation2012-07-18 13 
19939857Nasuverse Side Story: Canis Rising 9We make deals, acquire The Knife of Promised Victory, and Bob goes Star Treknasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Side Story2012-07-19 10 
19986383WETSUITAn RPG based on the 90s TV show of the same name.WETSUIT, SeaQuest, scan, submarine, post-apocalyptic2012-07-22 11 
20001747Unexpected PC Shenanigans It seems duels between master assassins are very brief affairsPC, game, awesome, storytime, PC said the darndest things, surprise, buttsex2012-07-23 9 
20022758Subwitches 12We arrive in Australia, and meet MacArthur. For what little good it will do. strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-07-25 13 
20090370Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 1The more things change, the more they stay the same. Bob is back in action, our Master likes CIRCLES, and our Servant is Ackbar-Approved.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night2012-07-30 10 
20111739Super Villain Quest #1Smith Sterling becomes the Iron Master and raids a Scientology museum, plots to take over the Santos EspadaCollective Game, Super Villain Quest2012-07-31 10 
20115173Summoned Hero Quest #1Anon, the summoned hero, is brought to a floating island to act as their guardian, fails at making friends with his summoner, suffers a bout of Dimensional Crossover Psychosis, and beats up another Guardian.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-07-31 24 
August 2012
20117618Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 2We trample over our competition, create the Geas to end all Geases, Geek the Mage, and experience some NO HOMO bonding with Rider. Also, some chucklefuck says Slim Jim's name. I shiggity diggity.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night2012-08-01 12 
20121477Submersible Witches Quest 13We pull the trigger, and Kotters gets autobanned while updating.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters, autobanned, ban word2012-08-01 12 
20129990Summoned Hero Quest 2Anon learns more about the world he finds himself in.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-01 7 
20131254Super Villain Quest #2The Iron Master recruits Julio, his first henchman, and plots against the Avalon Goblins and Morelli OutfitCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system2012-08-02 8 
20149775Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 3Involving a puppy, a Naked Apron, and a bag of blood. We meet the Witch of France for tea, drive poor Rider to tears, try to figure out where in the world Assassin is, and meet a cowboy who speaks in Ebonics.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night2012-08-03 11 
20176571Summoned Hero Quest 3Anon reads some books, learns the basics of magic, hopes that spaghetti didn't fall out of his pockets, and then gets his Shadow of Colossus on as he takes down a Godzilla-wannabe.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-04 5 
20179257Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 4We find out a horrible truth about our Master, ask a Heroic Spirit on a date, and eat a burger with a man in a suit.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate Stay Night2012-08-05 5 
20194301Super Villain Quest 3The Iron Master saves Goblin Ganger Rica Rivera from the traitorous Avalon Goblins and recruits her, takes over the set, plans for coming battle with Amp and KestrelCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-08-06 10 
20186784Fate Servants Thread 8Even more Servants created by /tg/. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas, stats2012-08-06 3 
20206524Summoned Hero Quest 4Anon finishes off the Three Stooges, learns more of the Remnants, and meets the King.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-06 5 
20208251Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 5TONIGHT: Master goes on a date, Rider gets hot and bothered, and we meet the biggest dick in human history.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-07 7 
20221027Summoned Hero Quest 5A short but informative session. We talk with a historian and have a drinking contest with a bear.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-07 6 
20226258Submersible Witches Quest 14Mad scientist appears, Tom has nice buns and anon is menaced by corgis.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-08-08 17 
20222944Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 6Yet another investigation goes horribly wrong, Master finds himself in a confrontation without a leg to stand on, even the holiest of chicks dig scars, and some painful accounts prepare to be settled...nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate Stay Night2012-08-08 8 
20229204Super Villain Quest #4After driving Amp and Kestrel underground by threatening to reveal their secret identities, the Iron Master is lured into a trap which ends in stalemateCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-08-08 6 
20248933Summoned Hero Quest 6Anon recovers a shard of a memory, then gets into a gentlemanly duel of fisticuffs with the Captain of the Knights, and engages in pugilism of the highest caliber.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-09 7 
20250706Super Villain Quest #5An abbreviated session in which some minor crimes go poorly for the Iron MasterCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-08-10 6 
20263992Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 7We steal some hinges, blow up a horse, break glass, fire Five Rounds Rapid, and finally EGO gets his wish. But STILL no hips moving by themselves.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate Stay Night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-11 5 
20275975Summoned Hero Quest 7We start and then complete our two weeks of training. We meet up with Albert the Bear Historian and Brunstault the fox-girl. We go off to search a Lunarian ruin with only a cursory farewell to Candencia.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-12 5 
20289159Summoned Hero Quest 8Anon decides to play the Hero and bust up a whorehouse, ends up buying a dog-girl, and gets into a fight with another Guardian.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-13 6 
20303017Summoned Hero Quest 9We finish our fight with Clive, who taunts and trolls us, becoming our very own personal Gary Oak. We shut down the brothel and meet back up with Albert, and discuss what to do next with all these girls.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-13 5 
20318177Summoned Hero Quest 10Anon has a sparring match with the fox-girl, and talks about some of his more intact memories. Now we remember our last name!Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-15 5 
20321913Submersible Witches Quest 15Do know what time it is? Party time.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-08-15 12 
20333341Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 8We meet the best damn foul-mouthed, chain-smoking airship pilot this side of Gaia, visit the Troll Emperor of Phallomancer-kind, and contemplate causing Angel Notes by accident.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-16 5 
20332695Summoned Hero Quest 11Anon goes to hunt down a friend and mentor.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-16 7 
20359874Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 3We had out into the Traverse and kill some pirates, the reign of Barnacle Bob, King of Pirates begins. We get two new crew members, Sushoo the Hanar Chef and Rin a Quarian Mechanic.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-18 5 
20374741 Summoned Hero Chapter 13Anon and friends continue to explore the ruins and eventually Gestalt shows them her toy. Anon's sister also makes a brief return.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-19 6 
20373457Super Villain Quest 6The Iron Master sows the seeds of war between the Family and the Goblin Gang while plotting to seize control of the Nine Rollers. Amp and Kestrel remain vulnerable to his blackmail.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-08-19 5 
20377838Mary Sue the RPG/tg/ is presented with a request for Mary Sue art. RPG PDF for playing sues is in the works.Homebrew, Mary Sue, Character Art2012-08-19 6 
20390301Summoned Hero Chapter 14Anon spends time contemplating his future and getting to know Cadencia a little more. A surprise guest then visits the two in a potentially awkward moment.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-20 5 
20387632Super Villain Quest 7The war between the Goblin Gang and the Family escalates, catching Steve and Sofia in the crossfire. The Iron Master makes off with a cache of weapons and armor.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-08-20 6 
20388541Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 9We learn things about Arry, get bothered by someone who comes a-knocking, send him heading west, and plan a safari.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-20 6 
20386688Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 4We return to planet Benning and have a proposition from a certain Cerberus operative. We decide to make a deal with the devil.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-20 6 
20402725Super Villain Quest 8The Iron Master's android minion Steve continues attempting to win Kestrel's trust, but she is able to connect the dots and discover his secret.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-08-21 8 
20402479Summoned Hero Chapter 15Anon catches up with his sister and she introduces herself to some of his allies. Thread slows down due to real life issues but ends off with roleplaying and magic.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-21 6 
20413620Summoned Hero Chapter 16Anon finds Brunstault in a duel with someone out of his league and Cadencia tells him somebody called the remnant-busters. Anon is pretty awesome at piloting Gestalt.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-22 5 
20415181Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 10More for the Butcher's Bill, Stealing armor, messages written with bullets, Roofie Landmines, and lots and lots of rain.nasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-22 5 
20417609Submersible Witches Quest 16Hooking up Yetta, Australian bar fights and a potential samefag asking for shota. Such is life in Subwitches Quest.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-08-22 12 
20426010Summoned Hero Chapter 17Anon wakes up after battle and goes to see how people are. Cadencia is scared of Candice and Brunstault has odd ways of showing appreciation.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-23 5 
20433929Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Crunch Session #1A little plot, a few brainstorms.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-23 2 
20426555Super Villain Quest #9After Project Swordsman, EdenTech's plan to manufacture effectively unlimited super heroes, is unveiled, the Iron Master teams up with half the city's rogues gallery to stop itCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-08-23 5 
20441363Super Villain Quest #10The joint operation to counter Project Swordsman is launched, the Iron Master and company kidnap the mayor as a simultaneous assult is launched against EdenTech, both run into trouble. We can only hope enough attention is diverted to the kidnapping as time begins to tick.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest, Fleshbags2012-08-24 5 
20456636Summoned Hero Chapter 18Anon talks to Gestalt for a bit before she wants to be alone, and then attempts to relax after all the chaos with Cadencia. Not that it lasts.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-25 5 
20457019Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 5Michael takes the crew into the Erebus system, we defeat a small wolfpack of Blue Suns ships, Cerberus decides maybe we're not as worthless as originally believed and an few old faces make an appearance. MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-25 5 
20478611Pax Americana Quest 1What if, instead of carrying out a psychotic quest to genocide every mutant in the world, half the Enclave rebelled and fled to the american midwest, encountered Brotherhood of Steel outcasts and set out to rebuild America in the image of the old world?Civilization_Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Fallout, Enclave, Brotherhood_of_Steel, Alternate_History, Power_Armor, Vertibird, Robot, Super_Mutant, Ghoul, Human, Cyborg, Mutant2012-08-26 15 
20482318Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 6The crew of the MSV I<3Ponies bonds a little bit, we head to the Citadel and try to recruit the lovely Dr. Kelisa Janios, Berto the Biotic with a God Complex makes his first appearance and knocks it out of the park thanks to an Anon.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-27 7 
20483734Super Villain Quest #11The joint attack on EdenTech by the Iron Master and his villainous allies falls apart after a narrow battle with EdenTech's intense defenses. In order to salvage the operation, they are forced to ally with the ruthless Chimera terrorists.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-08-27 6 
20485061Pax Americana Quest 2The American Union expands its borders, both in terms of territory, and socially.Civilization_Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Fallout, Enclave, Brotherhood_of_Steel, Alternate_History, Power_Armor, Vertibird, Robot, Super Mutant, Ghoul, Human, Cyborg, Mutant, Squirrel Force Recon, Intellapuma2012-08-27 18 
20495484Summoned Hero Chapter 19Anon spends some time with Candice after waking up and then tries his hand at diplomacy. Short session due to OP not feeling well.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-27 5 
20496499Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 11We fight with the Devil, lose faith and plot revenge. Also, David still has CLASSnasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-08-28 5 
20509480 Summoned Hero Chapter 20Anon finally gets the chance to relax with Cadencia and then gets a history lesson on the first summoned hero. Also fluffy tails.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-29 6 
20519593Summoned Hero Chapter 21Candice has a private talk with someone, breakfast with the girls then a visit to Albert and the brothel girlsSummoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-08-30 6 
20523186Submersible Witches Quest 17A tender moment with Socks and MISUNDERSTANDINGS.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-08-30 12 
September 2012
20543752Summoned Hero Chapter 22Anon spends time catching up with Albert and the girls he saved. Another sparring session with Brunstault and than rage at Clive.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-09-01 6 
20544549Holy Grail War Seattle: Season 2 Episode 12The Student has become the Master, traumatized Servants, and Luke getting tackled by a kuuderenasuverse, collective game, Holy Grail War Quest, Fate stay night, Fate/Clusterfuck2012-09-01 8 
20567247Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 7We recruit Dr. Janios, introduce our crew to roleplaying games in the most meta thing to happen in this quest so far and head to Kahje to see about getting a Drell crewmen.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-02 5 
20568281Super Villain Quest 12The Iron Master ties up a few loose ends in the aftermath of the attack on EdenTech, completes the take over Palos Verdes, and is menaced by an EdenTech experiment gone rogueCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-09-03 6 
20609893Summoned Hero Chapter 23Anon decides to attempt to help Gestalt try to remember her past and runs into issues. Also, more reasons to blame the Lunarians. Short thread due to Darnell being sick.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-09-06 2 
20613017Submersible Witches Quest 18"I'll need bombs. Lots of bombs."strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-09-06 13 
20622413Super Villain Quest #13The Iron Master kills Cancer in the abandoned tunnels, then corrupts Palos Verdes for maximum profit, drawing the attention of the police and SwordsmanCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-09-07 5 
20624157Summoned Hero Quest Chapter 24Perspective Switch! We learn a bit about Gestalts past, do some sick tricks and make a boo boo. Also /tg/ dice hate us, as always.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-09-07 6 
20634385Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 8We recruit a Drell bodyguard and head to Thessia to investigate some missing art.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-08 5 
20638539Submersible Witches Quest 19Close encounters of the tentacled kind.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-09-08 16 
20635086Super Villain Quest #14The Iron Master arrays his forces and calls up his allies to do defeat Swordsman once and for all, culminating in a massive battleCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-09-08 5 
20659109Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 9We investigate The Demon of the Night Winds exhibit, we meet Phora the Justicar, and survive yet another huge explosion.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-10 5 
20673712Summoned Hero Chapter 25Short session where we deal with the after effects of Gestalt remembering her past. Clive makes another appearance to annoy us and Anon becomes the bringer of light.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-09-10 3 
20691143Zerg Quest CIIIThe war against the Xel'Naga, it seems, shall be a battle of extremes.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, Was I supposed to run a quest tonight?, Hot drop o'clock, War never changes2012-09-12 7 
20702062Submersible Witches Quest 20Martian Commander side story! No /tg/, you ARE the tentacles!strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-09-13 13 
20726378Submersible Witches Quest 21With this helmet you can't get into my head, Charles! Also, dat ass.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-09-15 13 
20745669Mass Effect Quest Part 10We manage to get back to the ship and are gonna have to make a decision about our mental health.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-16 5 
20758664Summoned Hero Chapter 26Anon gets another history lesson and info on his powers from Brunstault, talks to Cadencia and then Clive wrecks her shit.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-09-18 5 
20775313Dice superstitions/tg/ discusses how to please the dice gods.die, dice, RNG, god, gods, superstition, 2012-09-19 9 
20779653Succubus QuestPlay as a Succubus. Disregard humans, acquire souls.Succubus Quest, Succubus, Revulvael, Gepette2012-09-19 39 
20787093Summoned Hero Chapter 27Jumps right in to Clive vs. Frederick and the consequences of said fight.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-09-20 5 
20790857Submersible Witches Quest 22We give Socks a taste of our berries and he wants more. Also, some stuff with Ito.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-09-20 20 
20814943Submersible Witches Quest 23Showing Socks some new and unfamiliar sensations. Also, MacArthur is a cockhat.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-09-22 20 
20811080Super Villain Quest #15The Iron Master makes Kestrel Deathless after Swordsman kills her, and then recruits Drs. Rud and Iveson, formerly of EdenTechCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-09-22 5 
20853761Summoned Hero Chapter 28Gestalt and Brunstault travel to the Moon! The Lunarians are still dicks and suddenly Dead Space.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-09-25 5 
20854287Super Villain Quest #16The Iron Master directs Kestrel to bring down Chimera's cloaking aircraft and then plans to bring down the Goblin Gang with the help of the RoninCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-09-26 5 
20871106Succubus Quest 2: Succ HarderContinuing Adventures of Revulvael and Crew.Revulael, Succubus Quest, Gepette, Succubus2012-09-26 35 
20879444Super Villain Quest 17The Iron Master attacks the Goblin Gang with the help of Daimyo Okata and the Ronin, fights vampiresCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-09-27 5 
20882723Submersible Witches Quest 24"Welcome to Subwitching 101. I'm Chief Kuykendall and I'll be in charge of your training for the next two weeks."strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-09-27 20 
20906417Super Villain Quest 18The Iron Master fights a vicious battle with ChimeraSuper Villain Quest, Collective Game, system quest2012-09-29 5 
20910249Submersible Witches Quest 25We talk about boys with Alice. Also, some stuff with the Curse of the Rothrocks.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-09-29 21 
20919128Super Villain Quest #19The Iron Master retakes Catalina and beats off Chimera, then turns his attention towards Omnus and solidifying his control over Santa MonicaCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-09-30 5 
October 2012
20947801Summoned Hero Chapter 29Gestalt and Brunstault continue exploring the Lunarian base in an attempt to help Frederick.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-10-02 5 
20951966Fate/Only War Discussion on developing a conversion of the Only War RPG system to run a Fate/Stay Night-esque RPG. Shit gets done. Fate, Fate/Stay Night, F/SN, FSN, Holy Grail War, HGW, System, Homebrew, Nasuverse, Noble Phantasm, anime, ideas,2012-10-02 4 
20978695Submersible Witches Quest 26HEADWINGS VERSUS BAT EARS. THE GREAT DEBATE. Also, Socks straps us to a table to watch us sleep.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters, headwings2012-10-04 22 
21006297Submersible Witches Quest 27The curse of the Rothrocks is solved. OR IS IT? Also, Harton wants a taste of the Cookie.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-10-06 21 
21014434Super Villain Quest #20The Iron Master storms Omnus Base and fights TarotCollective Game, super villain quest, system quest2012-10-08 5 
21041349Summoned Hero Chapter 30While Gestalt and Brunstault have fun on the moon, we get to see what Frederick has been up to during his vacation.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-10-09 6 
21056346Super Villain Quest #21More Iron Master stuff happens. But not much.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-10 5 
21074211Submersible Witches Quest 28Socks and Cookie have a weird dream about being stuck in the House of Leaves. Together. Or something. Also, Rae has no leads on the Rothrock case.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-10-11 21 
21096477Summoned Hero Chapter 31An important person appears, and Anon is on his way back from vacation.Summoned Hero Quest, Collective Game2012-10-13 6 
21138834Super Villain Quest #22We investigate a potential betrayal from Julio PedoneCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-16 3 
21156229Strike Witches Quest 89Carts full of liquor and nightwitches with good memory.Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, strike witches, World War Pantsu2012-10-17 32 
21158787Strike Witches Quest 90You know, we should let Paddy have his moment. Let's get smashed.Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, gaiden, strike witches, World War Pantsu2012-10-17 33 
21165665Super Villain Quest #23Another microthread while OP tries to get his shit togetherCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-18 2 
21169966Submersible Witches Quest 29We have some skinship with Socks. Also, Sp'jook has our number and Odessa is down in the dumps again. Such is life as subwitch.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-10-18 20 
21179959/tg/ Goblin healthcareSomeone starts posting creepy fap material. /tg/ derails everything gloriously.Goblin healthcare, Skeletons, Elves still suck, Derailing2012-10-18 45 
21181947Super Villain Quest #24Smith Sterling the Spectacular Iron Master Issue 24: "Bouncer Bounces Back". Bouncer broke out of the towers and we did more of the same, making money and expanding into new territory.Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest, Okatatron, Mecha-Rica2012-10-19 5 
21198900Submersible Witches Quest 30Cookie gets some letters from her brother, and nearly breaks down in front of Miranda. Still haven't finished that report for MacArthur, though.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-10-20 20 
21207917Super Villain Quest #25Shit is gotten together, and the Iron Master continues his efforts to capture Compton and catch the elusive Dead Eye, while Asrael(?) plots against himCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-21 5 
21224312Super Villain Quest #26Smith Sterling the Invincible Iron Master Issue 26: "Asrael's Affection" In this exciting instalment Julio gets shot, that lady who gave him the weird crystal gets shot, Cat screens our phone calls and apparently Rica is highly flammable, who knew?Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest, Metal Rica Solid, Okatacon, Liquid Swordsman2012-10-22 5 
21245545Zerg Quest CVIIIHe abandoned us! For a whole week? Will the Swarm forgive Cerebrate Anon?Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Oops, Xel'Naga, Protoss support needs support, Scary glowy bird...thing2012-10-23 6 
21254712Super Villain Quest #27The Red Death gets his revenge, Asrael kills Julio and then narrowly escapes retribution from KestrelCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-24 2 
21271002Super Villain Quest #28The Iron Master mops up in Compton, a mysterious meteor lands on Catalina, and all Hell breaks loose as the endgame beginsCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-25 2 
21275517Submersible Witches Quest 31We give Boser a good tongue lashing. Also, Yetta tells us about the wonders of hobbits and dorfs.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-10-25 20 
21286012Iron Master #29The Iron Master meets Eidelos, an alien hivemind from a world destroyed by invadersCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-26 2 
21297682Super Villain Quest #30The Iron Master defeats Chimera, but their death throes threaten to bring down martial law on the city, and Asrael strikes againCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-27 2 
21326663Super Villain Quest #31The Iron Master brokers a ceasefire and Asrael meets with Team BlueCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-29 2 
21343523Super Villain Quest #32Asrael's meeting with Blue Team ends. We get sweet new powers. Our doctors have been set to research cloning tech. Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-30 2 
21336915Fate/stay AgainSomeone proposes a reboot of Fate/Stay as a quest. A second man arrives and makes it awesome.Nasuverse, Kirei-sama, Grail-Kun, Collective Game2012-10-30 36 
21355782Super Villain Quest #33We bond with an alien hivemind, Asrael plots against us with Team BlueCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-10-31 2 
21360774Fate/Stay Again, Second Verse.Archer begins psychological warfare, we accidentally close off the Issei route, Ilya's a terrible kidnapper, and Lancer's a cheating bastard.Nasuverse, Kirei-sama, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-10-31 22 
November 2012
21370813Grimoire Quest VWe try to fix Leet, play god, and eat dairyGrimoire Quest, Collective Game, Uraemrys, quest, magic, tropes, archetypes, summoning, warlocks2012-11-01 7 
21377359Submersible Witches Quest 32Rae shows up, we manhandle Odessa. Also, we may or may not have broken Ogawa. Whoops.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-11-01 23 
21393285Fate/Stay Again, Third VerseKirei-sama ragequits. AC-Guy takes over.Nasuverse, Kirei-sama, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-02 17 
21420087Fate/Stay Again, Fourth Verse.We learn more about circumstances, troll Rin, save a girl, and piss off Archer. Kirei-sama can go fuck himself with a rake.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-04 15 
21429250Super Villain Quest #34Asrael and Team Blue fight with the Iron MasterCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2012-11-05 1 
21445759Discworld Holy Grail WarDiscussion of pop-culture characters as Servants eventually brings up Vetinari as an Assassin. Hilarity ensues.Discworld, Nasuverse, Fate/Stay Night, Crossover2012-11-06 4 
21451465Fate/Stay Again, Fifth Verse.Talk to Caster, And the Sakura situation becomes... complicated.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-06 14 
21476905Submersible Witches Quest 33We teach Socks the glory of toast. Also, ERRYBODY FALLING APART.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-11-08 20 
21479653Fate/Stay Again, Sixth Verse.We bring Sakura into the fold, and learn projection Magic.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-08 15 
21495963Fate/Stay Again, Seventh Verse.Guest QM nowhere man rocks the whole day. Shirou well on his way to being a real Hero.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-09 13 
21516592Suicide Quest: the OneshotA oneshot quest about a man in a mascot suit stuck in a time loop akin to groundhog day. Collective Game, Suicide Quest, Modern2012-11-11 33 
21566706For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 9Striking out into nearby sectors we start searching for resources to help keep the fleet in operation.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2012-11-14 16 
21573105Fate/Stay Again, Eighth Verse.One Master's run comes to an end, and we discover that routers are dicksNasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-14 15 
21585370Submersible Witches Quest 34Socks gets into socks and accepts his cuteness. Also, Rae is a bro and has the best ideas.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-11-15 21 
21596785Mary Sue Horror Stories/tg/ talks about Mary Sues encountered in online RPsMary Sue, horror stories2012-11-16 7 
21603597Fate/Stay Again, Ninth Verse.Someone messes with Rin's stuff, we learn a bit about vampires, Raiga and Caster call back, and Issei gets his mind blown.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-16 12 
21619110Fate/Stay Again, Tenth VerseWe get in a slap fight with some shady characters, Dead Apostles get mentioned, and Ilya doesn't swallow.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-17 13 
21643172Kamen Rider Henshin - the Tokusatsu RPGAn anon posts about his work for a Kamen Rider-inspired game, and takes on a nick. Much discussion of game mechanics and potential design takes place within.Kamen Rider, Design, Homebrew, Tokusatsu, Faggot Rider, roll202012-11-19 5 
21672766For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 10Unsatisfied with the prospect of mere front line combat we sign on to do another special mission for the Rovinar. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-11-22 16 
21692055Submersible Witches Quest 35Odessa almost drowns and gets vaguely molested. Also, we get handled roughly by Ogawa.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-11-22 20 
21770729Fate/Stay Again, Eleventh VerseKirei sells vampires and vampire accessories.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-11-27 20 
21777327For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 11We resume our search for missing crewmen starting with a planet with a name that sounds like torture.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Hassan2012-11-28 16 
21797592Submersible Witches Quest 36Ogawa finally gets a much needed talking to. Also, flirting with Victor.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-11-29 21 
21797521/tg/ Meta Quest 117We attempt to send recon teams to the Mysterious Coordinates and the Void Engineer/New Chaos warzone as we desperately try to ready our task force for the horrors that await us.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Tenchi Muyo!, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door2012-11-29 7 
21814831TG Quest 118In which we get more stuff in preparation for the final battleCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Tenchi Muyo!, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door2012-11-30 7 
December 2012
21845534Fate/Stay Again, Twelfth VerseIn which we find that projecting chairs is a really, really bad ideaNasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, This Chair2012-12-02 17 
21863195Fate/Stay Again, Thirteenth VerseWe cure Sakura, and then find out why letting Archer run around without supervision is a Bad IdeaNasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-12-03 27 
21867380Worm that walks variations"lobster that licks" "but lobsters don't have tongues" "indeed. Roll for san loss." It only gets better from there.surreal, creepy, lol, undead, 2012-12-03 10 
21875783/tg/ Meta Quest 119We continue our recon of the Sol system, get some numbers on the fleets arrayed against us, locate the survivors of the TSAB Recon Team, and make contact with the Jovian Federation. Hot-blooded duel of burning passion between Warriors of JUSTICE ensues.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico2012-12-04 7 
21887708For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 12Two weeks on the road eventually lead back to combat along side our Wing. In a shocking display players turn down a boarding action for the right reasons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-12-06 23 
21908405Submersible Witches Quest 37Fun times in the showers. Also, we tell Socks how much we need him.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-12-06 21 
21918923Recommended fantasy bookstg suggests some fantasy readingsuggested reading2012-12-07 2 
21928723OP the Beta fa/tg/uySomeone seeks sympathy on /tg/. He discovers why this is a terrible mistake and things soon become amusing. Whining, Beta, Cruelty, Humour, Suicide, Chinese, Thin Your Paints, Disappointment2012-12-07 7 
21930518Egg Quest #1: The Gods Make Omelettes As We March To WarOne noble egg is dropped into the war for the hearts and yolks of eggkind.Egg Quest, Eggs, Ova, Knights, Sunny Side Up, Whiteshell Goldyolk, Collective Game2012-12-08 18 
21940202/tg/ Meta Quest 120Task Force 38 throws itself into the battle between the Void Engineers and New Chaos. Losses among the EVE Online ships mount, then New Chaos reinforcements arrive. 300 EVA-Titans have just appeared in front of us.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars2012-12-08 10 
21985468/tg/ Meta Quest 121Task Force 38 rescues the TSAB and Great Crusade Recon Teams, gathers intelligence on Kane's new Temple Complex near Sarajevo, and works with the Void Engineers and the UEFA against New Chaos.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars, SRW J2012-12-12 7 
22012929Roulette, and the Super Powers Idea Market/tg/ discusses neat new powers and comes up with the epic character RouletteRoulette, Super Powers, Ideas, Doc, Schrodinger, Schrödinger, Visage, Wish, Tattoo, heroes2012-12-13 9 
22021634Oinkbane The Wereboar AssassinA GM declares the genius of a wereboar assassin. And thus Oinkbane is born. His tactics are too subtle for you.Hilarious Wereboar Oinkbane Assassin Funny Tactics Subtle2012-12-13 47 
22034277Demon Lord Succubi Quest - Part 2This adventure our "Hero" figures out how to use his brand new powers! ...And also poke at his dead body.Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter2012-12-14 11 
22045659/tg/ Meta Quest 122Task Force 38 sneaks Ryu into the New Chaos base, takes out their shield generator, and wipes the base from the face of the Earth. All isn't well, though, as the dimensional tears reach critical, and Crowe is taken from us by the ensuing storm.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars, SRW J2012-12-15 6 
22094978Succbus Lord QuestJoin Brooklyn as he goes to a bathhouse, gets a date, finds lackies, and talks to the alcoholic Reaper! Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game2012-12-18 14 
22112102Succbus Lord Quest Part 4Brooklyn defeats the Science Lords, goes on a date, and visits the Queens with Mina.Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest2012-12-19 21 
22126876Submersible Witches Quest 38We talk with Victor, make Victor run off, talk to Victor AGAIN, read a little about the future. Also, MacArthur's back.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-12-20 20 
22130028Green Sun Quest/tg/ screws around with the SBURB, resetting it and destroying Lord English in the process. Then they create some new sessions and look in on the strange wonders of paradox space.Green_Sun_Quest, SBURB, Quest, Collective_Game2012-12-20 2 
22163212Succubus Lord Quest Part 5Join Brooklyn as he has a tea party to begin corrupting the local noble girls AND learn how to spell Succubus!Succubus, Quest, post apocalyptic, Demon, Winter, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest2012-12-23 20 
22158122/tg/ Meta Quest 124We finally answer Ravel's riddle with an answer she is willing to accept, then shift perspective to another one of our teams that appears to have landed in a fight between Black Ops and the participants of the Blood War.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars, SRW J, Kane, Planescape: Torment, The Blood War2012-12-23 5 
22181221Succubi Lord Quest Part 5In which we shit bricks, and the loom of fate does not tell us when we can slap succubuttsuccubus, quest, lord, post apocalyptic2012-12-23 12 
22190425Strike Witches Quest 91: It's TimeMC is drunk, Minna is high-strung, someone said "Robin" and "fire" in the same sentence... it must be SWQ.Strike Witches, Strike Witches Quest, Collective Game, planefag, World War Pantsu2012-12-24 39 
22189474/tg/ Meta Quest 125The Command Crew appears before the next group of soldiers from the Task Force, and finds them trying to hop across islands suspended over nothing, fighting the Combine. The diceroller decides to troll us again today, and while we gain a Hero, we lose another and many troops with him.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars, SRW J, Kane, Warcraft2012-12-24 6 
22237729Submersible Witches Quest 39We meet with MacArthur and get PROMOTIONS! Also, Rae is not cute.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2012-12-27 20 
22241236Fate/Stay Again, FourteenthVersePlease stop tripping the ban filters AC-Guy ;_; Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-12-27 16 
22261914 Succubi Lord Quest: Part 7Join us for a flashback where we play as Demon Queen Miyu, Demon of SCIENCE!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, mad science, SCIENCE!2012-12-28 20 
22258035Fate/Stay Again, FifteenthVerseWe continue our search for Caster and Saber, and epically troll KinKaiser.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-12-28 22 
22293511Fate/Stay Again, SixteenthVerseWe blather like a boss, have a frightful existential revelation, phone home, and decide to cook vegetarian.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-12-30 26 
22312117Fate/Stay Again, Seventeenth VerseIn which we seriously consider seducing True AssassinNasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2012-12-31 27 
January 2013
22316221Succubus Lord Quest Part 8The trilling conclusion of Miyu's flashback and followed by Mina stealing Brooklyn's innocence.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, mad science, SCIENCE!, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-01 20 
22348192Fate/Stay Again, Eighteenth VerseIn which we fight Archer with double twenties, receive a magic crest and kiss Rin.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-01-02 21 
22367529Fate/Stay Again, Eighteenth Verse, Part 2: Electric BoogalooWe hit bump limit with the last thread. This is a continuation of Eighteenth Verse.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-01-03 20 
22362187Submersible Witches Quest 40The final exam. It goes less than well. Also, OgawaxBoser OTP.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters2013-01-03 14 
22368848Succubus Lord Quest Part 9Brooklyn goes out on his date with the twins and the Demon Lord comes to town!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-04 23 
22393171Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 11We leave get our swag on, bed our first Asari, and finally meet Mr. N7.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-05 4 
22433122Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 12We complete insertion onto the planets surface. Sel shows us she can handle ourself, we encounter a crazy redheaded woman ranting about Gods that Cerberus was trying to discover more about. We meet Staff Sergeant Briggs, again.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-07 4 
22463860Fate/Stay Again, Nineteenth VerseIn which we learn that some based dice gods just want to watch the world (and Shirou) burn.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-01-08 39 
22473624For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 14Game resumes following a 3 week hiatus. Players get to work planning how to steal a starship from an enemy stronghold.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-09 16 
22480940Fate/Stay Again, Twentith VerseIn which we deal with THIS BIKE, Plushies, and FUCKING BANFILTERS.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-01-09 26 
22500075Succubus Lord Quest Part 10The long awaited fight with Demon Knight Blizzarios! Also slapping of Mina's ass.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-10 20 
22527155Succubus Lord Quest Part 11Where we met a grumpy old man with a rifle, Queen's mock a pedophile, followed by long term planning.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-12 20 
22528617Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 13We investigate the mine of an uncharted world and find a little bit more than we bargained for.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-12 4 
22551419Mary Sue disasters (with Richard Priapus )/tg/ swaps stories of mary sues from across the internet, anon steps up with the funniest RP derailing character seen in a long timefreeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-13 45 
22564075Richard Fontaine 2: Electric BoogalooContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-13 38 
22570344Richard Fontaine 3: Cuhrayzee EditionContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-14 25 
22570276/tg/ Infiltrates Chicken SmoothieInspired by the most holy Richard Fontaine, fa/tg/uys plan a perilous mission to go undercover into places most foul.Chicken Smoothie, Mary Sues, Memes, Infiltration, Crusade, Stupid, Butterfly Wolves2013-01-14 7 
22584289For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 15We start off with some time on leave and begin station upgrades. More combat is sure to follow.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-15 17 
22613994Succeed or Die Quest/tg/ succeeds or dies in needlessly dramatic and hilarious waysCollective Game, Succeed or Die Quest, my sides2013-01-16 15 
22627992Succubus Lord Quest Part 12In this Quest, we go to the bath house, use Hokuto Shinken to vaporize bandits, and play DnDSuccubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Fist of the North Star, DnD2013-01-17 20 
22633521Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-first VerseIn which we learn that If it weren't for Shiki, Acr would have been out Trollmate.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-01-17 26 
22663639Red Dragon Quest 7We fight a Bronze Dragon and gain some Lizardmen.Red Dragon Quest, red dragon, red, dragon, Collective Game, bronze, suahagin, lizard men2013-01-19 13 
22722665First Response questOP decides to take the first suggestion given to him Oh god...first, suggestion, quest, transcend, crazy, sinks, loki2013-01-22 35 
22726328Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-second VerseIn which we ask Kirei questions, discern Rider's true identity and almost name the dog Sir Bedivere Diamutt the Third, Esqire.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-01-22 22 
22738376Dragonslayer Quest Part 1Miles Runember, mage extraordinarie ventures into a complex of caves with his misadventured friend Elloy and the grumpy Velkins, only to have to fend off terrible bloodthirsty bats... and apparently a dragon?Dragonslayer Quest, Collective Game, Treasure Hunter Quest, Wizard, Mage2013-01-23 4 
22737146For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 16There is such a thing as capturing too many ships in a short period of time. With the station swamped with refugees we need to hire mercenaries to supplement our Marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-23 16 
22760532Succubus Lord Quest Part 13Join us as we discuss Willpower with Lance and learn what is inside of the MYSTERY BOX!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Mystery Box2013-01-25 20 
22795577Richard Fontaine 4: The Dick of Astral FireContinued trolling of Kidzworld starring Richard Fontaine, son of Priapus.freeform RP, RP, Role-play, Mary, Sue, Richard, Priapus, funny, hilarious2013-01-26 22 
22844469For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 17Plans for the South Reach Cluster devolves into politics. Meanwhile news arrives the Republic will soon be adding their weight to the fight.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-29 14 
22886959Succubus Lord Quest Part 14Join as we melt Brooklyn's mind with a hard new book and continue our corruption with the noble girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-01-31 23 
February 2013
22891737Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-third VerseIn which we comfort Ayako, Learn what Archer has discovered, and had awful ideas shot down.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-02-01 20 
22911939Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-fourth VerseYou're strong... Bahsaka.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-02-01 29 
22917447Fantasy Quest XVIThe Bard meets the Ghost and makes ready to infiltrate the den of depravity.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, infiltration, ghosts, suddenly, sneaky, sneak, sneaking2013-02-02 13 
22926079Succubus Lord Quest Part 15Join Brooklyn as he continues to corrupt the noble girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-02 20 
22936347Waterworld - The Long PreparationThe HMS Centurion deals with the aftermarth of the battle of the rigs, and prepares to fulfil promises made to her new allies.Collective Game, Quest, Waterworld, HMS Centurion, Supercarrier, pirates, civ game 2013-02-03 2 
22994199 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 18Some old friends decide to drop by and blow up the station while we're still on it. Players nearly get Linda and themselves killed. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-07 17 
23016285Succubus Lord Quest Part 16Join us as Brooklyn meets with two of the noble girls and then meets up with Mina in a bar!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-07 20 
23035776/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 1A scout team of the Free Towns hears news of a library calling for help in the heart of a mary sue nation.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse2013-02-08 9 
23039644Burning sands solar system simulationNever forget them. They fought everything. Planets of pure crystal. The sun, monsters of both magic and metal. Illness and corruption. They lost their world and they still fought on. They lost their sun and still fought on. They fought until the final light dawned upon them.Omni, burning, sands, solar, system, galaxy, humanity, fuck, yeah, fungus, space, supernova2013-02-08 30 
23038835Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-fifth VerseThe mystery of Rin's skirt is solved. (She could totally be going commando and nobody would know) Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-02-08 20 
23055416Succubus Lord Quest Part 17Join Brooklyn as he meets Amanda and has happy fun time! Also part 17 should be in the title in the thread.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-09 25 
23095520/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 2We flank and dispose of a minor pony sue while venturing further into the city.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, ponies, MLP, tardchild, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse2013-02-11 8 
23126805For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 19Follow up boxing match to resolve our previous bout some time ago. The Wing is taken off active duty for repairs and training.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-13 16 
23137320Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-sixth VerseWe talk about mana transfers and not much else.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-02-13 20 
23152153/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 3We crawl through underground tunnels and encounter a bunch of mechs on the other side.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse2013-02-14 9 
23193893/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 4We get caught in between mech fights and a multi-way shootout.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, mechs2013-02-16 6 
23194574Chapter Creator : Dark Angels Successors (name not yet decided)/tg/ creates a chapter, a dark angels successor and hammers out the fluff / tabletop for it. Working on a name for it.Chapter Creator, Dark Angels, Successors, Homebrew, Warhammer, 40k, wh40k, fluff, worldbuilding2013-02-16 5 
23229598Succubus Lord Quest Part 18Join Brooklyn as he performs the summoning ritual in front of the girls!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-18 22 
23215009Chapter Creator : Angelus Petrus - Dark Angels Successors/tg/ creates a chapter, a dark angels successor and hammers out the fluff / tabletop for it.Chapter Creator, Dark Angels, Successors, Homebrew, Warhammer, 40k, wh40k, fluff, worldbuilding, Space Marine, Warhammer 40k, Dark Angels, Angelus Petrus2013-02-18 6 
23232088Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-seventh VerseWe subdue Shinji, save Satsuki and release a Dead Apostle in the process.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-02-18 25 
23250894Succbus Lord Quest Part 19Join Brooklyn as he races to help Erika from danger!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-19 20 
23242800For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 20Our time on leave is interrupted by an enemy counter attack. We rapidly end up with more pilots than ships. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-20 15 
23270352Succbus Lord Quest Part 20Join Brooklyn as he begins to plan how to take on an Adventurer party!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-20 20 
23288749Supernatural Quest 0We make former soldier Albert C. Holici and learn that spades are God's gift to infantrymen.Collective Game, Supernatural Quest, Spades, Character Gen2013-02-21 7 
23289078Succbus Lord Quest Part 21Join Brooklyn has he and his group go head to head over a group of Adventurers!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb2013-02-21 20 
23292893Supernatural Quest 1We meet a girl named Anna, then we get drugged and stuff happensCollective Game, Supernatural Quest, Spades,2013-02-21 8 
23307391Supernatural QuestI have no idea whats going on because I haven't had time to read it yet. I trust OP though and I know this shit is awesome. Shame on you annon for not archiving this sooner.Collective Game, Supernatural Quest, Spades,2013-02-22 6 
23310317/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 5We get past a mech fight, leave one of our guys, piss off a frenzied mob, and discover a surprise at a crash site.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, mobs, mob mentality, preacher, book burning2013-02-23 0 
23343269Succbus Lord Quest Part 22Join us for Erika's transformation party where she becomes an Ayarian Succubus!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb2013-02-24 21 
23346869Succubus Quest 3: Return Of The BikiniRevulvael returns to fight the Angel Conspiracy. Features fun date with Argenta.succubus, Succubus Quest, Revulvael, Gepette, Argenta, Surt, Collective Game2013-02-24 27 
23396978For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 21Promotions go through, our pilots are Knighted and we deal with the problems of excessive rookies.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-02-28 21 
23419511Succbus Lord Quest Part 23Brooklyn gets snazzy new armour and makes the plan of how to get Erika out of the castle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-02-28 22 
March 2013
23424514Engine Heart Waterworld MetropolisViral reports about the upcoming kickstarter, nono makes a postapocalyptic Engine Heart setting, everybody wins.Engine Heart, viral, nono, robot, bot, droid, android, drone, wall-e, free, homebrew, epic, survival, apocalypse, water, ocean, sea2013-03-01 9 
23477347Anti-Succubi, Valkyries and Other Cosmological ThoughtsOP asks for a good-aligned parallel to a succubus. Thoughts progress to valkyries and what the proper reward for good acts is supposed to be.Succubus, cosmology, good, evil, angel, demon2013-03-03 7 
23506175 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 22We open our mouth at a staff meeting and end up escorting a diplomatic envoy to the Free Planets League.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-06 18 
23550141Succubus Lord Quest Part 24Join Brooklyn as he heads to the bar, meets friends, and plays card games!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Card Games2013-03-07 23 
23553981Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-eighth VerseIn which /tg/ furiously back peddles and unhelpful quest descriptions continue.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-03-07 15 
23584800Succbus Lord Quest Part 25We begin the mission to rescue Erika! Nat 100's all about!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-03-09 20 
23604320Fate/Stay Again, Twenty-ninth VerseWe have a conversation with our brother and ponder the state of the alliance.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-03-10 21 
23620098Let's make a dungeon!OP provides a floor plan and proceeds to draw in every monster, trap, and treasure /tg/ can come up with.drawfriend, dungeon design, skeletons, aboleth, the real treasure was love, gygaxian traps, mimics, traps, uno the undead troll2013-03-11 16 
23644751For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 23Search begins for the long lost starship Vieona and the wealth of technology that might be found aboard her.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-13 13 
23669420Succbus Lord Quest Part 26Join us as we settle Amanda's Teenage angst and talk to the Adventurers!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-03-14 20 
23790238Succbus Lord Quest Part 27Join us as we train with Brooklyn then take control of Erika for a small arc!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, psychic, telepathy2013-03-21 20 
23771287For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 24Boarding another sleeper ship leads to negotiations and a plan to reach the Vieona. Players at last reach the missing ship and decide to wake the crew despite the risks.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-03-22 12 
23795054/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 6"What are the Editors?" "LA LI LU LE LO." We find a crashed Terran Wraith. Chuck Norris, Space Ghost and GI Joe take down several Pony SUEs of the Conversion Bureau with our assistance. The Editors finally reveal themselves, and what they plan to do with Meta-Earth, and especially with the library. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, Ponies, MLP, Starcraft, Conversion Bureaumobs, mob mentality, book burning2013-03-22 3 
23878366tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka...Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka2013-03-26 1 
23893885For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 25Things get back to combat as pirates try to board the Vieona. We run around in Recon armor causing havoc once again.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-03-27 16 
23913055/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-28 0 
23930866/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-29 1 
23948694Succbus Lord Quest Part 28Join us as Erika and Co. investigate a suspicious town where something is admist!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, psychic, telepathy, Necromancy2013-03-30 20 
23951129/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot, Equilibrium, Grammaton Clerics2013-03-31 4 
April 2013
24045042Fate/Stay Again Quest, Thirtieth VerseVampire is killed, Taiga is rescued, and we finally meet Lancer's master. Also, after 30 threads, this is now OFFICIALLY a quest.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Fate/Stay Again Quest2013-04-04 20 
24016134For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 26Getting off the Vieona with as much loot as we can risk, players decide to hold off on first hand testing of the supposed immortality drug.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey2013-04-05 13 
24078239Harry Potter Nasuverse QuestYer a Magus 'Arry! And all Magus' learn magic at CLOCK TOWER. Or maybe from Kiritsugu.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest2013-04-06 33 
24091334Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 2Yer a magus, Harry! And yer apprenticed to Kiritsugu, because the Clock is full of assholes.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch2013-04-06 30 
24118869Fate/Stay Again Quest, Thirty-First VerseIn which Shirou survives a seriously angry Gilgamesh, and discovers his true Noble Phantasm.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Fate/Stay Again Quest, Tactical Grail War Action2013-04-08 26 
24138862Fate/Stay In a Box, Thirty-second VerseWe confuse Saber, apologise and then confuse her again. Also, after 32 threads this is now OFFICIALLY a tactical espionage action.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Seduction Action2013-04-09 33 
24171774Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 3Yer a Magus, Harry. Ye also got tha Mystic Eyes o' Death Perception. And ye also were in a coma.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-04-11 26 
24187585HPNQ Interlude: Kiritsugu's Long NightYou're Kiritsugu von Einzbern, and your Daughter and your Apprentrice just went upstairs to watch the Princess Bride.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Interlude2013-04-12 26 
24148991For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 27Operation Typhoon kicks off and we begin strike operations in advance of the invasion force.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-12 14 
24232601Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-third VerseIn which Sir Golden Wank tries science, Rider chats about her love life, and Caster extends the cease-fire.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-04-14 27 
24247814Summer Quest 1In which a draw fag takes a doodle girl, drops her into a void world where is is stalked and then becomes more realistic. Is there a mastermind behind it?Summer Quest, Collective Game2013-04-16 13 
24271166Summer Quest 2In which a draw fag takes a doodle girl, drops her into a void world where is is stalked and then becomes more realistic. Is there a mastermind behind it?Summer Quest,Collective Game2013-04-16 5 
24288530Summer Quest 3Camen is not high anymore,Summer is very confused,Lindsey is still there.Summer Quest,Collective Game2013-04-17 2 
24290016Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-fourth VerseWe have our tailbone examined and ask questions to the only real wizard we've met. Also, Ayako is apparently not okay with sharing.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Question Action2013-04-17 24 
24301016HPNQ Interlude: Kiritsugu's Long Night Part 2You're Kiritsugu von Einzbern, and you've just been cockblocked by Kingsley Shacklebolt, master of perfect timing.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Interlude2013-04-18 26 
24304334Summer Quest 4PigSummer Quest,Collective Game2013-04-18 6 
24307917Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 4Yer a magus, 'Arry! And yer finally gonna be getting out of the Dursley's hands if Kingsley and Kiritsugu have anything to say about it.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-04-18 28 
24319368Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 5Yer a magus, Harry. Things heat up for the Dursleys as Kingsley's devious plan is set into motion.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-04-18 28 
24369660Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-fifth VerseWe fail at magic, sleep and are woken up by Rider. The rest is history.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Makeout Action2013-04-21 23 
24390643Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-sixth VerseWe have our morning strategy meet and moreNasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again,2013-04-22 21 
24405433Succbus Lord Quest Part 29Join Brooklyn as he finally fights off against Langy for control of Fort Hope!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-04-23 20 
24430166CritonomiconSome guy finds a copy of the Critonomicon, /tg/ loses its shit.critonomicon, scan, fabled lost book, the hunt comsumes all2013-04-24 91 
24422100Succbus Lord Quest Part 30Join Brooklyn as he attends to the more immediate aftermath of what happened in Fort Hope!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-04-24 20 
24440170Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 6Yer a magus, 'Arry. And today yer in Diagon Alley with the von Einzberns, checking out yer inheritance and other fun things.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Gringotts, Diagon Alley2013-04-25 28 
24422968For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 28Operation Typhoon continues despite delays both in and out of game.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-25 15 
24441371Silencer Quest 1Meet the Silencer, John T. Colt, and his partner Artemis, the Hunting Witch.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-25 24 
24462192Silencer Quest 2We meet Sam and Selene as well as get a new mission. Artemis likes dogs more than cats.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-26 22 
24466070Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-seventh VerseWe almost uncover the secret of the runes, talk about relationships with Souichirou and practice relationships with Rin.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Espionage Kissing2013-04-26 22 
24479886A Grail War In Reflection Quest 6"Monster" kills Archerko, and we have a talk with our Servant about what his former employment entailed.Collective game, UmarChauhdry, Fate/Stay Night, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, A grail war in reflection, We were such fools2013-04-27 2 
24516149Succbus Lord Quest Part 31Join us for Brooklyn meeting with Amanda+Erika and groping of Mina's ass!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-04-29 20 
24537073Silencer Quest 3Big city, big problems. Artemis eats some cake and gets hassled. John has a bad meal.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-30 21 
May 2013
245521658 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 29Wanting to take away the enemy's eyes we search a nebula for stations making up part of a larger sensor array. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-01 16 
24557216Shadow Quest 16The battle of Evinbrook continues as Mr. Shadow and the mysterious woman gank a squad of mages.Shadow Quest, Collective Game, Shadow Master, CONSUME2013-05-01 25 
24560756Succbus Lord Quest Part 32Join Brooklyn as he becomes Head Mage and is with Erika when she unveils her form to Leona!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Paladumb2013-05-01 22 
24561659Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-eighth VerseSakura cheers us up instead of the other way. Lunch with Bazett ended with Geas of nonaggression.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-05-01 20 
24572329Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 7Yer a magus, 'Arry. And apparently ye' have a soft spot in yer heart for good ol' Martin Miggs.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, MARTIN MIGGS THE MAD MUGGLE2013-05-02 29 
24609108Silencer Quest 4In the near future of Silencer Quest, there are items that force a witch to be tsundere. Don't use them.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-04 18 
24617099Shadow Quest 18 Part IIIAn angel, a paladin, and a living shadow walk into a bar. Spaghetti flies everywhere.Collective Game, Shadow Quest, Shadow Master, shadow, quest, master, 18, III, 3, CONSUME2013-05-04 31 
24684671For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 30Not wanting to give the enemy more chances to track us we take down the second sensor array and try for the shipyard.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-09 12 
24708013Succbus Lord Quest Part 33Join Brooklyn as he gets a new maid and talks the merchant twins into becoming Succubi!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-05-09 20 
24717919Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-ninth VerseWe got new info on Kirei and Bazett. Zouken apparently killed the priest and decided to chat with us for a while.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Trolls2013-05-09 14 
24732196Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 8Yer a magus, 'Arry. And yer still on that bloody shopping trip that started threads ago. At least you've got puppies to play with.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-05-10 26 
24733464Silencer Quest 5The case is solved. Or is it?Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest, What a Tweest2013-05-10 22 
24768783Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 9Yer a magus, 'Arry. And a Wizard. A proud new owner of a golden snake Illya named Gilgamesh. But more importantly, you're finally done shopping.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, Gilgasnake2013-05-12 26 
24778984Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 9Yer a magus, 'Arry. And 'Ermione's a Magical Girl. And Zelretch may or may not be an Ancient Egyptian Vampire Wizard, we're not sure.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-05-12 26 
24790756Slash Gordon!fa/tg/uy discovers a giant inflatable Ultramarine selling mobile homes by his houseUltrasmurfs, Slash Gordon, WTF, Best Value, lawsuit, heresy2013-05-13 68 
24816257Fate/Stay Again, Fortieth VerseIn which shit hits the fan.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Espionage Assassin2013-05-14 30 
24826552For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 31Operation Typhoon continues. Getting into the 3rd oversector we smash up more of our ships and start working more closely with allies. Not necessarily in that order.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-15 14 
24848112Succbus Lord Quest Part 34Join us as we talk to Roselle then a really big debate.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, drama2013-05-16 20 
24855000Fate/Stay Again, Forty-first VerseIn which we defuse a crisis and try to dispose of a dead body.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Paranoia Action2013-05-16 20 
24865578Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest 11Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And yer also a Wizard. And now, it's time for ye to head off to Hogwarts.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-05-17 26 
24867526Silencer Quest 6Back to work. Why do we get items from Sam again? That's right, we're filthy weeaboos too.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-17 22 
24878317Hunter Postapocalyptic Civilization QuestAn AI called Noah plunges the world into ruins, can sleeper cell of Killer Cyborg Soldiers bring law and order to the wasteland?Civilization, Quest, Collective Game, Hunters, Ozymandias !kvQtju2NsU2013-05-17 4 
24931176Fate/Stay Again, Forty-second VerseIn which Souichirou is being denser than a neutron star.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Natsuru Action2013-05-20 21 
24958724For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 32We finish off one escaping convoy and deal damage to a second. Salvage is tallied and we trade ships after the EX-K takes a bad hit.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates, Salvage2013-05-23 17 
24978522Succbus Lord Quest Part 35Join us as we meet Brodin's boss, learn about death, and nearly have a heart attack!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-05-23 18 
25048250Next Step Quest Part 1Roman MacCormac goes on a school excursion. Things do not go as planned.Next Step Quest, Super Powers, Quest Thread2013-05-26 8 
25052852Next Step Quest Part 2Roman challenges a Chinese psychic murderer and his gimp. Things go poorly.Next Step Quest, Super Powers, Quest Thread2013-05-26 6 
25083020Fate/Stay Again, Forty-third VerseIn which we try to cook, but get sidetracked endlessly.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Espionage Cooking2013-05-28 16 
25116709Succbus Lord Quest Part 36Join us as we reassure the noble girls about a nightmare then have a really big debate about firefighting for some reason!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, firefighting2013-05-30 20 
25130530Silencer Quest 7Spotty internet cuts this session short. We learn about the Cryptids and try out some new mechanicsSilencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-31 18 
June 2013
25199763Gundam AGE Quest: part 25Engineering, discussion, hearts to hearts, interrogations, technical mind rape and the start of a nasty fight...Gundam AGE Quest, Collective Game, X-Rounders, Asemu, Dirk, Magicians 8, Woolf, Mobile Suit, 2013-06-03 32 
25223924Sue Marines Quest 7another round of circle jerking over Reasonable Marines gone full retardcircle jerk, sue-marines, full retard, reasonable marine quest, reasonable marines, knights inductor, Collective Game2013-06-04 11 
25239933For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 34After squaring away some issues for the Wing's salvage, you check the state of your financial investments and move out. The last Warlord strong hold awaits.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-06-07 17 
25286480Silencer Quest 8.Lost some audience so we had to finish somewhat earlier again. Killed a bunch of bugs.Collective Game, Silencer Quest, Surely Not a Waifu Quest2013-06-07 23 
25370204Fate/Stay Again, Abridged edition 1In which we discuss the general storyline, insane theories, glorious crazy moments, Archer's skirt trolling, cooking, the Box and more.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Recap Action2013-06-11 11 
25378819For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 35Finale to the Pirate Warlord arc as we deal with our decisions from last week and the months previous. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates, worldbuilding2013-06-13 15 
25402027Succbus Lord Quest Part 37Join us as we have a talk with Mina then a serious discussion with Amanda!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-06-13 20 
25517171Imperial Japan in Orient-FantasylandWe are Colonel Tatsuo Miyamoto, of the Empire of Japan. A veteran of the war in China, we have arrived at our new posting due to our firm grasp of military insight and experience. We scope out the various military, scientific, political and potentially criminal powers surrounding our preparation into investigating the mysterious Gate, ultimately favouring the military factions above all else. The unknown world beyond the Gate awaits.Empire of the Sun, Imperial Japan, Fantasyland, Orient, WWII, Collective Game2013-06-19 11 
25554628Imperial Japan in Orient-Fantasyland IIColonel Tatsuo Miyamoto embarks on a mission for the glory of the Japan, requisitioning the Imperial Army and Marines to brave the unnatural Gate. Almost immediately coming under attack from a lakeside castle, retaliation is swift and merciless. Through the superiority of Japanese technology and the daring of our Marines a beachhead is established and much of the castle laid to waste in short order.Empire of the Sun, Imperial Japan, Fantasyland, Orient, WWII, Collective Game2013-06-21 8 
25574162Edgy Anime Quest 9Another round of jerking egos to the idea that you're better than other anime quests because the only waifu you romance is The Edge.Akuma Quest, Edgy, Collective Game, Anime is dumb, does this look like /a/ to you, remember when suptg was more than just a quest depot, me neither, quit roleplaying in unrelated threads you colossal faggot2013-06-22 38 
25575996Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Fourth VerseIn which we calm down for the night, chat with Assassin, and get kissed by Sakura in front of everyone. Wait, what!?Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical panicking action2013-06-22 20 
25619615Supernatural session story time A DM with a devoted group comes to tell the story of his best session ever to /tg/, and get ideas for the questline. /tg/ enjoys and obliges. horror, supernatural, dm, gm, story time, 2013-06-24 22 
25624074Reasonable Marine Quest AnnouncementThis quest is tearing Storm Raven apaaaart!reasonable marine quest, reasonable marines, knights inductor, Collective Game, bad ideas taken to worse conclusion, ReaSUEnable Marines, there is nothing reasonable about befriending tyranids2013-06-24 1 
25664080Succbus Lord Quest Part 38Join as as the twins become Succubi and Queen Janine has a mental breakdown!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-06-27 18 
July 2013
25737577Gundam AGE Quest: Part 38We learn more about the workings of Vagan, the people, the poverty, the disease and the secrets...Gundam AGE Quest, Collective Game, X-Rounders, Asemu, Dirk, Magicians 8, Woolf, Mobile Suit, Soylent Green 2013-07-01 32 
25760117Gundam AGE Quest: Part 39Robotic Spiders, dying to Iron Maiden, and our psychotic aunt plays her hand...and fucks up miserably. Gundam AGE Quest, Collective Game, X-Rounders, Asemu, Dirk, Magicians 8, Woolf, Mobile Suit, Cyborgs, Metallica, Iron Maiden2013-07-02 28 
25776489Succession game CK2 succession gamevideo game, grand startegy, succession, game, crusader kings 2, paradox interactive, grand strategy2013-07-03 1 
25800578Succbus Lord Quest Part 39Join us as we help solve the twins 'accident'!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-07-04 20 
25833414Monsterhearts QuestIn which the protagonist doesn't die, even when he was expecting to, and begins to discover his new life.Monstrosity Quest, Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Erotic, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-05 25 
25831757Magical Girl Noir Quest 110A Stoic magical girl, speaks to the bodyguard again and socializes with a very awkward girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyuubey, Kyosuke2013-07-05 36 
25854859Monsterhearts Quest 2In which the protagonist is repeatedly cock-blocked by the universe.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-06 18 
25868586Magical Girl Noir Quest 111A surprised magical girl learn a few new things and scouts the stadium.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-07 36 
25872080Monsterhearts Quest 3In which the protagonist finds out some interesting things about himself and those around him.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-08 14 
25907991Magical Girl Noir Quest 112A professional magical girl finishes her phone call and gets ambushed!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-09 37 
25911727Monsterhearts Quest 4In which the protagonist helps a friend and begins to attend a very unusual party. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-10 13 
25932354Space Waifu Quest 16Sweet, sweet phonesex with our AI waifu and bondage training with our human one.ERP, Starcraft 2 sucks, Arcturus Mengsk was right, Starcraft, Space Waifu Quest, What kind of name is Delta Phoenix anyways, lesbians, robophilia, gynoid, ERP2013-07-10 9 
25938555Succbus Lord Quest Part 40Where we achieve the thread early to avoid a troll! Stuff happens!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-07-11 20 
25950295Handler QuestBlack Ops surveillance goes to shit, we get shot and have a car crash.Handler Quest, Collective Game, Vietnam survivor, CIA2013-07-11 12 
25953673Monsterhearts Quest 6In which the protagonist takes control and then loses control.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-11 13 
25959245Space Waifu Quest 19: Return of the Shitty SubtitleWherein we metagame like a dirty minmaxer, argue about nothing, and kill more characters shamelessly ripped from popular culture.ERP, Collective Game, Starcraft 2 sucks, Arcturus Mengsk was right, Starcraft, Space Waifu Quest, What kind of name is Delta Phoenix anyways, lesbians, robophilia, gynoid, You’re too slow, C’mon step it up, Rollin around at the speed of sound, Got places to go, GOTTA FOLLOW MY RAINBOW2013-07-12 8 
25959701Monsterhearts Quest 6.5In which the protagonist deals with the consequences of a very poor decision.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-12 12 
25974095Monsterhearts Quest 7In which the protagonist makes an important deal and begins to atone.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-13 13 
25982294Succubus Quest 4: Bright Lights, Hell CityRevulvael's day off is anything but. Succubus adventure in Hell with BDSM Elf and other fun.succubus, Succubus Quest, Revulvael, Gepette, Argenta, Collective Game2013-07-13 25 
26006907Magical Girl Noir Quest 113A merciful magical girl has more dealings with Kyosuke and IoriMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-14 37 
26025769Magical Girl Noir Quest 114An impressed magical girl gains several cup sizes and a few Inches in height.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Kyosuke, Kyoko, Midori2013-07-15 36 
26051339Monsterhearts Quest 9Thread 9Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-16 12 
26113952Monsterhearts Quest 10In which the protagonist uncovers more secrets under the surface of the normal world. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-19 12 
26078442Imperial Japan in Orient-Fantasyland IIIThe castle is taken. Prisoners are also taken, one of which claims to be of royal blood. The Gaki & metal called "Mithril" is discovered. Repairs & new constructions around and of the Castle begins.Empire of the Sun, Imperial Japan, Fantasyland, Orient, WWII, Collective Game2013-07-20 6 
26135904Detergent Quest - UncappedBecause we really need more quest threads where no one actually runs a quest on this board.Collective Game, Bleach, A reference to that one shitty overblown magical girl anime, recap episodes always suck2013-07-21 21 
26153255Monsterhearts Quest 11In which the protagonist's date goes both worse and better than he expected. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-22 12 
26211999Monsterhearts Quest 12In which the protagonist has some very worrying dreams and some interesting conversations. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-24 12 
26216580Succubus Lord Quest: Part 41Its a legitimate empire building strategy!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, mecha2013-07-25 5 
26226268Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Fifth Versewe dream of sexy blindfolded women, foregone conclusions, fires, and Wizards.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical archiveing action2013-07-25 15 
26262965Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Sixth VerseIn which the plot does in fact progress.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-07-27 14 
26334046Monsterhearts Quest 13In which the protagonist investigates a teenage werewolf. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-07-30 12 
26331531Wario's worldOP asks for stats of Wario. Not only is it delivered, but /tg/ creates many scenarios Wario would put his face on.Wario, Stat me, treasure, I'm Rich!2013-07-31 17 
August 2013
26373690Monsterhearts Quest 14In which the protagonist makes friends and influences people.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-02 12 
26399990Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Seventh VerseIn which we attempt 'group recon' and get blinded by sudden plot twists.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Archiveing action2013-08-03 12 
26411405Monsterhearts Quest 15In which the protagonist deals with a new teacher and a gang of dysfunctional monster-hunters.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-04 11 
26424114Bleach Quest 39In which we are the sword.Collective Game, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Full Kubo, Zangetsu2013-08-04 31 
26460584BLEACH QUEST XLIn which we act like a dick towards our most loyal friend.Collective Game, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Full Kubo, Zangetsu2013-08-06 24 
26473817Imp QuestAn evil little imp is born in Hell and seeks out power, blackest magics, and plots most foulimp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning2013-08-07 18 
26490479Monsterhearts Quest 16In which the protagonist has a further encounter with the monster-hunters and arrives just a moment too late. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-08 12 
26471166House and Dominion: Neeran War 1We look through some intel and get in our first ship to ship combat against Neeran warships.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-08-08 14 
26513155Imp Quest 2Our little Imp goes to earth, and there he finds a loving family, a loving family which he will tear apart and mold into something much more interesting.imp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning, Wrath, Homicide, Cannibal Mother, corrupting, corruption2013-08-09 12 
26509845Monsterhearts Quest 17In which the protagonist doesn't kill a werewolf and prepares for a Hunt.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-09 11 
26546315Monsterhearts Quest 18In which the protagonist navigates a forest and the minefield of Fae politics.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-11 11 
26602901Monsterhearts Quest 19In which the protagonist confronts a king of the Fae and survives. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-14 11 
26614795Tsukaima Quest PrologueIn which Corporal Yuri Ivanov wakes up with a hangover after a late night celebration and gets sent out on patrol.Tsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game, Military, 2013-08-14 10 
26629656Succubus Lord Quest Part 42Where we archive to beat a troll! Drama!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-08-15 20 
26642149Monsterhearts Quest 20In which the protagonist dissects a frog, and helps out a new teacher, who is extremely grateful. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-16 11 
26602972For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2We discuss possible solutions to counter our new enemy, then set out in search of Neeran units that are hiding behind our lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-08-16 14 
26669491Tsukaima Quest Part 1Yuri finally gets teleported to TristainTsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game, Military, 2013-08-17 10 
26684583 Tsukaima Quest Part 2We finally get some intel, meet another magic lady, get friendly with a dragon.Tsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game,Military,2013-08-20 7 
26734502Monsterhearts Quest 21In which the protagonist experiences trust, mistrust, paranoia, and more gratitude. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-21 11 
26761195Tsukaima Quest 3Yuri Ivanov duels a blonde fopCollective Games, Tsukaima, Tsukaima Quest2013-08-22 5 
26735300For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3We continue hunting for enemy forces behind our lines. Players make a deal to establish a shipyard in PCCG.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-08-22 12 
26760943Succubus Lord Quest: Part 43Join us as we teach the girls about Succubi and have a small emotional outburst. Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-08-22 20 
26771117Cosmic Horror QuestYou are a cosmic, shoggoth-like horror that has descended upon a planet. Have fun.Cosmic Horror Quest, Collective Game, physical, horror, cosmic, lovecraft, eat, consume2013-08-23 9 
26772705Monsterhearts Quest 22In which the protagonist has an extremely pleasant night in the company of three friends, and learns some things about religion. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-23 11 
26815575Tsukaima Quest 4We have a chat with Prof.Colbert, get some sad news and have dinner with the servantsCollective Game, Tsukaima Quest,2013-08-26 7 
26861766Monsterhearts Quest 23In which the protagonist stares at his hands and introduces two people to each other who have already met. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-28 11 
26860638For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4While conducting an inspection we find another company to invest in. Recon missions in the area finish up and we finalise some plans.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-08-29 13 
26887458Succubus Lord Quest Part 44Join us as Brooklyn finally goes to old TO!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-08-29 20 
26879003Tsukaima Quest 5It turned out as we feared comrades, every girl was in fact crazy for this Tesenturian army man. Yuri has gained Derf and met Tabitha, only to be awakened by thunderous thumping.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Dragons2013-08-30 5 
26899183Monsterhearts Quest 24In which the protagonist has several important things explained at last. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-08-30 11 
September 2013
26957868Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 12Yer a magus, 'Arry. And also yer a wizard. And now its time to deal with all these redheads and get on the Hogwarts expressCollective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-09-01 28 
26938546Tsukaima Quest Part 6A certain dragon saves us and we hunt for a wounded thief that got away.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Thief, Dragon,2013-09-02 5 
26990741 /tg/ Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 10Now begins the story of the Rollin Bones, half-dryad mage and son of Mr. Bones.Collective Game, Mage, new beggings, succubi, slime girl2013-09-03 4 
26992071Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 13Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And holy fuck Snape's dead. Among other things.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, Teach Me Tonks-Senpai2013-09-03 27 
27006305Monsterhearts Quest 25In which the protagonist has several tense conversations, and is laughed at by himself. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-09-04 10 
27014512Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 14Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now that all that excitement is done, it's time to finish that important train ride.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-09-04 26 
26985618Tsukaima Quest Part 7We find our bullets and then plan to recover an artifact from the Thief we fought last night.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Thief,2013-09-05 5 
27025803Succbus Lord Quest Part 45Join as we kick ass and chew bubblegum, but we're all outta gum...Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter2013-09-05 21 
27028922Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest: Wild Fluffy Side Thread OneIn which Professor Chaos makes two posts, then disappears to watch KnK Episode SevenCollective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Meta, Wild Fluffy Side Thread2013-09-05 20 
27034668Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 15Yer a magus, 'Arry. And this has got to be Illya's most obnoxious proposition yet.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-09-05 28 
27005773For House and Dominion: Neeran War 5Sonia goes on another sneaking mission to prove that she's still got it. Heading up to the front lines we decide to join the Alliance provided some conditions are met.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, salvage2013-09-06 14 
27044260Monsterhearts Quest 26In which the protagonist explains an important secret, and comforts a crying girl without dying.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-09-06 11 
27055636Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 16Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now you're a Hufflepuff. I hope you're proud of yourself.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-09-06 25 
27068016Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 17Yer a magus, 'Arry. And now that the feast is over, it's time for speeches and socializing!Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-09-07 27 
27069510A.I. Quest 6 Stay ConnectedOphion makes a few difficult decisions, as he realizes the danger behind unrestrained V.I. Poseidon suffers.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, fate, prisoner, repairs, Gas, V.I., Casualties, Accident2013-09-07 20 
27098492Super Robot Wars OG QuestWe play the role of a violent delinquent who gets dragged to Mao Industries by his possible girlfriend Akane, where he finds out he's a Newty--erm, Psychodriver. Also, we meet Ingram. Maybe.Collective Game, Super Robot Wars OG Quest, SRW, 2013-09-08 8 
27082732Intoleran/tg/eneticistsA thread on human/ape hybrids goes from debunking urban myths to an interview with a awesome drunk geneticist with zero tolerance for ignorance and a unique perspective on the future of science Genetics, science, SCIENCE!, setting material, sci fi, educational, superscience 2013-09-08 32 
27092722Tsukaima Quest 8We capture Fouquet, get paid LOADS A MONEH, and attend a swaggy shindigCollective Game, Tsukaima Quest,Military,2013-09-10 6 
27139054The Super Robot Wars OG QuestWe fight some AI controlled tanks, and head to Antartica with Miya and some guy who piloted the prototype MP Gespenst MK.II. Next time: Shuu Shirakawa (maybe)Collective Game, The Super Robot Wars OG Quest, SRW2013-09-10 5 
27144464Monsterhearts Quest 27In which we take an important step forward, chastise a bully, and are instrumental in setting up a date. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-09-11 10 
27164629Succbus Lord Quest Part 46Join us as Brooklyn has a reunion with his sister and uncle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-09-12 23 
27144268For House and Dominion: Neeran War 6After a valiant effort to save their cruiser The Unnamed Guard from destruction Sonia and crew are forced to abandon ship.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion2013-09-13 14 
27196663Super Robot Wars OG Quest 3In which Anon sorties, shoots some AMs and gets into a fight with a Masouki PilotCollective Game, Super Robot Wars OG Quest, The Super Robot Wars OG Quest, SRW2013-09-14 2 
27203076A.I. Quest 7 Mourning There AfterOphion learns a little more about humans, as he expands his sphere of control. With a little trading, and some luck, we secure ourselves a rather nice haul, and immediately spend it on lots of goodies.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, repairs, Gas, V.I., Casualties, hack, battle, trade2013-09-14 20 
27207761Transformation Fetish QuestOh look, another thread about succubus transformation/corruption fetishes trying its damned hardest to be /tg/ related despite being /d/shit.We really dont need any more succubus shit on /tg/, Collective Game, gb2/d/2013-09-14 21 
27282268Monsterhearts Quest 28In which the protagonist discovers interesting things about himself and others, and notices a worrying absence. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-09-18 10 
27286857Succbus Lord Quest Part 47Join us for more adventures in the Library and meeting a shameless Greed Demon!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, Old Spice2013-09-19 21 
27316740Monsterhearts Quest 29In which the protagonist rescues two girls, asks for help from a distinctly untrusted source, and looks forward to the weekend. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-09-20 10 
27334616A.I. Quest 8 First StepsOphion earns some upgrades this time around just in time for a pirate attack! The Fleet expands, but V.I. usefulness is in question.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, fate, prisoner, repairs, Gas, V.I., Casualties, Accident, Pirate, Attack, Upgrade2013-09-21 20 
27282076For House and Dominion: Neeran War 7After securing passage off planet we link up with the Alliance once again. New job offers come up and we begin training Faction forces in mixed unit tactics.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, training2013-09-21 13 
27401816Monsterhearts Quest 30In which the protagonist trades away a dream, acquires information, and goes to an important meeting with himself backing him up.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-09-25 10 
27418931Succubus Lord Quest Part 48Join us as Brooklyn reunites Mary with her mother Oksana!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-09-26 23 
27398046For House and Dominion: Neeran War 8After finishing up mixed unit training we find that the voyage home is still beset by hurdles.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Invasion, training2013-09-26 13 
27435810Monsterhearts Quest 31In which the protagonist finishes a negotiation by killing someone, makes a new ally, and has a long argument with himself.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-09-27 13 
27484548Coral, Merfolk, and You!Anon posts about coral, poses question about it's place in Merfolk society, and a wave of logical and inspiring discussion comes forth.Coral, merfolk, surfacefolk, tools, arsenal, craft, architecture, toxins, mining, metalwork, cuneiform, culture2013-09-29 3 
October 2013
27523685Succubus Lord Quest Part 49Join us as we fight of a Miyian gang and talk to Arum!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, gattai2013-10-02 29 
27520642Monsterhearts Quest 32In which the protagonist discusses demons and angels, and makes plans against both. Mortal, Monster,Vampire, Werewolf,Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-10-02 11 
27552238Monsterhearts Quest 33In which the protagonist investigates missing people.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-10-04 10 
27644861Monsterhearts Quest 34In which the protagonist blames one murderer for another murderer's crimes, sets up an attack, and finds out about yet another disappearance.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-10-09 11 
27679467Monsterheart Quest 35In which the protagonist is advised on politics and demons and launches an attack on a persistent foe.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-10-11 10 
27707550Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 18Yer a magus, 'Arry. And ye were also born ta kill the Serpent of Akasha, where ever that'll leave ye.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-10-13 25 
27745189Tsukaima Quest 9We get a house built and get news of the talent show.Collective Game, Tsukaima Quest,Military,2013-10-15 10 
27759497Monsterhearts Quest 36In which the protagonist slays a demon, rescues an angel, locates two missing people, and speculates about gods. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-10-16 10 
27765269A Black Comedy, Thread 4You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you've successfully retrieved your hyperweapon from storage.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Succubi2013-10-16 39 
27784621Supervillainy Quest: OriginsA villain turns into a supervillain.Supervillainy Quest, Collective Game, Super Villain, Supervillain2013-10-17 6 
27797261Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 19Yer a magus 'Arry. And with your latest scheme you're doomed to be a Butler too.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, Jubstacheit's Maid Army2013-10-18 25 
27760998For House and Dominion: Neeran War 9We go poking through a Neeran archive then try to decide how best to approach the ship's control center.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Marines2013-10-18 12 
27812791Shin Megami Tensei Quest 1In which Charles Paul Underwood experiments with demon summoning, accidentally getting his childhood friend's leg ripped to shreds. And then recruits the demon that did that. Because why not?Shin Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei Quest, Demon Summoning, Pixie, Collective Game2013-10-19 23 
27846496Shin Megami Tensei Quest 2In which Charles Paul Underwood enjoys CHAOS. Shin Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei Quest, Demon Summoning, Underwear, Collective Game2013-10-21 17 
27883306Monsterhearts Quest 37In which the protagonist devises a scheme, and a judgement is delayed. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-10-23 8 
27883999Succubus Lord Quest Part 50Join us as we escape from, then have tea with Brooklyn-Draugr! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-10-23 23 
27918234Monsterhearts Quest 38In which the protagonist and the players get some answersMortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-10-25 7 
27882904For House and Dominion: Neeran War 10We continue trying to take control of the Neeran ship. Obstacles are met, but not really overcome.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Survey, Marines2013-10-25 12 
27938687A.I. Quest 13 Blood in the SkyOphion shops for more gear and prepares to upgrade his fleet, before an attack catches him and the UFW off-guard. A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, repairs, Gas, V.I., Casualties, Losirians, Death, Attack, Upgrade2013-10-26 18 
27989186Tsukaima Quest 10In which we participate in a TALENT SHOW!Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game,2013-10-29 5 
28006424Monsterhearts Quest 39In which the protagonist experiments with magic, delivers some good news, and receives some bad news. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-10-30 7 
27990336For House and Dominion: Home FrontThe long awaited return home. We see family members, start up our salvage company and are paraded through the streets of our homeworld.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey,2013-10-31 13 
November 2013
28040175Succubus Lord Quest Part 51Join us as we have a date with the twins and then find out more about Brooklyn-Draugr!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-01 25 
28065919Magus QuestAyaka Sajyou arrives at the Clock Tower, and takes the first steps towards being a magus.Magus Quest, Clock Tower, Ayaka Sajyou, Socially Awkward, Nasu, Self-Loathing2013-11-02 14 
28082618Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest Thread 20Yer a Magus, 'Arry. And ye think ye've figured out the trick to wandlore.Collective Game, Harry Potter Nasuverse Quest, Harry Potter, Nasu, Kiritsugu Emiya, Zelretch, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception2013-11-03 26 
28124268Monsterhearts Quest 40In which the protagonist is getting a little bit tired of people disappearing on him all the time. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-11-06 10 
28108467For House and Dominion: Home Front 2We discuss assassination, visit Mike's hometown and give our personal starship a spin.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey,2013-11-07 12 
28168868Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Sixth VerseEvents unfold at a rapid pace, Avenger keeps us occupied again, and one confrontation is avoided rather anticlimactically.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Returning Action2013-11-08 16 
28196792Tsukaima Quest 11 We prepare to go on a quest for the princess. Tsukaima Quest 2013-11-10 5 
28251873Monsterhearts Quest 41In which the protagonist receives three prophecies and a warning, and braves a whirlwind and a cloud of knives.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-11-13 7 
28260176Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Ninth VerseIn which Shirou repeatedly fails sensing, disrupts a three-way stand-off, and narrowly save the loli. (Archived thread on 2013-11-08 is the "Fourty-Eighth Verse")Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-11-13 13 
28264679Pax Mortis: Tager QuestIn two days you will be undergoing the rituals to become a hidious monster so you can kill other hideous monsters....or die in the process.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Mommy Issues2013-11-13 22 
28253652Succubus Lord Quest Part 52Join us for the rescue of Belkarian Knight Fredika!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-14 25 
28247191For House and Dominion: Ballroom EditionAttending a ball organised by our wingman's family we look up old friends and find out how they've fared over the past year. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, dancing, party, ball, assassination, flashback, Dice, Survey2013-11-15 12 
28300637Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Pt 2Faced with a woman from your past, the impending Rite, and the horror of becoming one with something that will live inside you....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-15 14 
28303509Incubator Quest 1In which a young woman gets beaten up, gets superpowers, and meets a magic grayscale cephalopod in her dreams.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2013-11-16 15 
28355446Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 3On the trail of an ancient mystery, you find some measure of answers, meet new and amusing people, and might just have room in your heart to comfort a friend in spite of it all. Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-18 18 
28357904How would humans survive in a world where everything has been takenThread goes about how a human civilisation would survive/prosper if the main areas of said world already have been taken by other civilisations.Survivability, Humans, Unsurmountable odds2013-11-18 3 
28358812Incubator Quest 2In which a young woman confronts her girlfriend's older brother and then gets a pile of exposition dumped on her.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist, Exposition Ho2013-11-19 8 
28364419 Tsukaima Quest 12We see the aftermath of a coffee high on a pint-sized tsundere and have a spar with the man she's engaged to.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game,2013-11-20 5 
28380392Monsterhearts Quest 42In which the protagonist investigates a dead woman walking. Thread ended early due to technical difficulties.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-11-20 5 
28394768Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 4The Rite of Sacred Union may not be a marriage, but it is far more intimate. If you survive it. Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-20 16 
28397817Incubator Quest 3In which a young woman makes cookies, studies chemical engineering, and goes on a date.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist, Not Much Happens2013-11-21 5 
28400889Monsterhearts Quest 43In which the protagonist sees dead people.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-11-21 8 
28376558For House and Dominion: Home Front 3We raid a black market hub on Dreminth, recover weapons and ammo to later sell, and straighten out our Salvage company. Preparations are made for the first company deployment.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage2013-11-22 12 
28426034Fate/Stay Again, Fiftieth VerseIn which Rin mostly recovers from the grail mud and learns how distorted we really are.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical E-ranked luck action2013-11-22 17 
28449699Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 5Anne has become one of the most powerful Tagers....but physical power won't help her with the death of a comrade and her first mission.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-23 15 
28452644Incubator Quest 4In which a young woman dreams, wakes up, and then talks on the phone. A lot.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist, Exposition Ho2013-11-24 5 
28460841Earth Survivor QuestOur hero, Rock, reclaims the Johnson Space Center and discovers the leftover mind of another survivor.Collective game, Eclipse Phase, Earth Survivor Quest, Post-Apoc, References2013-11-24 2 
28512179Monsterhearts Quest 44In which the protagonist explains himself, improves himself, and prepares himself.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-11-27 6 
28524878Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 6Your confrontation with Yen takes a abrupt turn for the worse, and secrets are divulged. Secrets that could have an awesome toll on the Eldritch Society....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-27 13 
28542326Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 7With the horrifying death of your fellow Tager, you are left with more questions than answers. Also, perverts.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Voyuer, Mommy Issues2013-11-28 16 
28549890Succubus Lord Quest Part 53Join us as we learn more about the wrath demons, watch as Fredrika gets her act together and try to comfort some of our companions.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-11-30 22 
December 2013
28594700Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 8The Elder Efreet Towern answers some questions; a funeral is held; and finally...a mission briefing is begun.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-12-01 16 
28590293Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-First VerseWe get slapped, discuss seducing Zouken, and find that Ilya has her priorities straight.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2013-12-01 16 
28636971Monsterhearts Quest 46In which the protagonist deals with an old foe and the dance concludes.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2013-12-04 5 
28655655Incubator Quest 5In which a young woman gathers information, lays plans, and inadvertently antagonizes her girlfriend.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2013-12-05 6 
28633154For House and Dominion: Home Front 5Our Salvage fleet takes to the field and rapidly finds itself overwhelmed. Even with backup can Sonia salvage it all?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-05 13 
28671945Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 9The briefing is held, and to the point, but you have at least one day to prepare....or investigate other avenues of inquiry.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-12-05 13 
28681525Rags to Riches QuestQuest for the SunRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-06 17 
28667094Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-Second VerseIn which we spar with Saber and investigate the camp in the woods. With mixed results.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Critfail Action2013-12-06 15 
28677830Monsterhearts Quest 47In which the protagonist is not going to go to Paris, an investigation begins, and the enemy speaks. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest, Excrucians2013-12-07 5 
28694748Rags to Riches Quest 2Sonbros vs OrcasaurusRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-07 14 
28706408Rags to Riches Quest 3Stuff HappensRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-07 9 
28714151Rags to Riches Quest 3Sunbros vs The Spooky ZombiesRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-08 8 
28732339Rags to Riches Quest 5Recovery, Promotion and Cuteness Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-08 8 
28751346Rags to Riches Quest 6Donnel gets a girlfriedRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-09 8 
28759728Incubator Quest 6In which a young woman meets a young man and tells him the low-down, goes out to a club, and then gets surprised.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2013-12-10 5 
28764645Rags to Riches Quest 7Sunbros make love, not warRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-10 8 
28781474Monsterhearts Quest 48In which the protagonist has an inspired idea, which does not end well.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest, Excrucians2013-12-11 5 
28782825Rags to Riches Quest 8Sunbros get a kitten.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-11 8 
28798175Rags to Riches Quest 9Sunbros get highRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-11 6 
28777628For House and Dominion: Home Front 6As our salvage fleet starts to haul in loot the competition belatedly puts in an appearance. The possibility of more treasure and danger awaits.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-12 12 
28803562Scorpion Girl Quest 8A wicker man marries a wicker lady. A new monster shows itself.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl, lammasu2013-12-12 23 
28821934Monsterhearts Quest 49In which the protagonist, with a little help, escapes from potential fiery death and works out what to do next.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest, Excrucians2013-12-13 5 
28823665Rags to Riches Quest 10Sunbros get a tanRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-13 4 
28818067For House and Dominion: Home Front 6.5With money comes infighting over generosity or hording. Agreements with the governor means your station is online.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2013-12-14 12 
28837275Rags to Riches Quest 11Sunbros play Hitman: AbsolutionRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-14 4 
28837176Incubator Quest 7In which a young woman fights another incubator. Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2013-12-14 4 
28853609Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 10Rechert and Viss are just as lost as you are about why Yen wanted you to stay away. A gruesome discovery ensues...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Gross2013-12-14 11 
28857074Rags to Riches Quest 12Sunbros live happily ever afterRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-15 5 
28914063Over(Human)Limit Quest 1Asher Smith's world suffers from a "reality check." With the loss of an eye, he awakens with power over the force of the sea.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-17 22 
28922242Incubator Quest 8In which a young woman explains herself and tracks down another Incubator.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2013-12-18 6 
28904281For House and Dominion: Home Front 7We finish sorting out salvage sales to the House and their payment plan then prep for the next operation. One of the recovered Knights challenges us to a duel.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Duel2013-12-18 11 
28959873Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 11Hiding from an enemy that may or may not exist, Anne and her murder of Tagers face the facts....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-19 7 
28950349Succubus Lord Quest Part 54Join us as we set up plans for the Succubi village!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-20 20 
28980969Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 12Prepared for battle, Anne learns what secrets Yen had...and something does come for them. But it isn't what anyone expected...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-20 10 
28991832Over(Human)Limit Quest 1.5Asher meets his savior and finds a drowned out whole foods, the city is in absolute ruins.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-21 14 
28986355Rags to Riches Quest Episode Two - 1Axe Ninja: OriginsRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-22 6 
29001536Incubator Quest 9In which a young woman fights another Incubator, spooks her mother, and lies through her teeth.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2013-12-22 4 
29007010Rags to Riches Quest Episode Two - 2Axe Ninja gets saved by a lady and her spiderRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-22 5 
29009614Over(Human)Limit Quest 2Asher and Reina find their way through a ruinous San Diego, to be greeted by the strange "enlightened ones." He's told to follow the light.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-22 16 
29016964Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 13Something comes through the wards, but it isn't what Anne expected. Someone has it in for her...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-22 9 
29026714Rags to Riches Quest Episode Two - 3Axe-Ninja goes for a jogRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-23 3 
29047237Rags to Riches Quest Episode 2 - 4Axe Ninja and the Goblet of FireRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-24 5 
29083165And I Will Fear No Evil: A Type-Moon CYOA - Canto 1BartolomĂš de la Fuente is young man ordained in the service of the Lord. But he is very far from home now, in Naples. And something terrible has befallen his father.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2013-12-26 15 
29065332Succubus Lord Quest Part 55Join us as we talk to the Ayarian leader then take control of Amanda! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-26 20 
29092590Rags to Riches Quest Episode Two - 5Axe ninja or is he a Mountain God?Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-27 4 
29098922And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA - Verse 2BartolomĂš encounters a vicious creature, and learns what his new role entails. Thy will be done, O Lord.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2013-12-27 10 
29110249Rags to Riches Quest Episode Two - 6Axe ninja and friends face the beastmenRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-28 2 
29117460And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 3BartolomĂš reads a letter from his father, and encounters a suspicious man named Wayne. At the church, he encounters a fellow Executor, and learns his next objective.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2013-12-28 8 
29151898And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 4BartolomĂš is prepared for coming danger, but can he live with the choices he must make?Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2013-12-30 7 
29148954Rags to Riches Quest Episode Two - 7Axe Ninja RisesRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2013-12-30 2 
29158136Over(Human)Limit Quest 3 Friend holds a brief Q&A session for Asher and two others.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-30 12 
29176649Succubus Lord Quest Part 56Join us as we archive early to avoid a troll! Amanda talks to the Miyian Leader! Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2013-12-31 20 
January 2014
29195957And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 5BartolomĂš sets out late at night to slay a vampire and confront a mage. But will he survive long enough to try?Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-01-01 8 
29170115For House and Dominion: Home Front 7After putting up a good fight in the duel you get back to business. Mercenaries, local business and others all want some of your money.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Duel2014-01-02 12 
29236103And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 6BartolomĂš and Wayne enter the lair of Klaus Hind, and struggle to escape his vexing illusions.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-01-03 7 
29296296And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 7BartolomĂš confronts Klaus Hind, and all of his skills are put to the test.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-01-06 12 
29311485Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-third VerseIn which we try to solve a jigsaw puzzle with three different boxes and a Jenga set.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Metaphysics Ignorance Action2014-01-07 22 
29324490Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time Jake gets drunk with friends, makes perfect pancakes, sets a time machine on fire, and kicks some ass in another dimension. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star2014-01-07 24 
29348189And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 8It is time to rest and recover. BartolomĂš spends many days in bed, and learns what transpired as he slept, as well as the extent of his injuries.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-01-08 10 
29360104D&D Alignment: How very Neutral of you.A few guys actually make some gods-damned sense of D&D alignment.DnD, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Planescape, Neutral, Zapp, Brannigan, good, evil, law, chaos, sense, fluff, alignment, explanation, succubus2014-01-08 13 
29392954Monsterhearts Quest 50In which the protagonist begins a rescue mission and avoids becoming snake food.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-01-10 3 
29402841Washed up Villain quest: RedoThe beginning of former arch villain Wilhelm Valentine's quest to get back on the top after he was insulted one to many times, and deals with demons and assholish super heroes Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Washed up Villain quest:Redo, Demons, Superheroes2014-01-10 3 
29346834For House and Dominion: Home Front 9We attempt to conclude our business in South Reach before deployment back to the front lines. Ammo designs pour in as the munitions factory starts up.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-11 11 
29438527Spirit Detective Quest thread 1We meet a reaper, we meet Koenma, we wake upYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, Quest, Yosuke, collective game, cyoa2014-01-12 11 
29434897Incubator Quest 10In which a young woman goes to meet another Incubator.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2014-01-12 2 
29434622Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 2We got nothing done: Part IIRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-12 2 
29464402Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 3Camping tripRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-13 2 
29492385Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 4Blinded by the LightRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-14 2 
29476260Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-Fourth VerseIn which we accidentally the Second Magic.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical I have no fucking Idea what I'm doing2014-01-14 25 
29494509Succubus Lord Quest Part 57Join us as Brooklyn meets and angelic hit squad and learns about magic classes!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-01-15 16 
29514204Monsterhearts Quest 51In which the protagonist is considered extremely useful.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-01-15 2 
29492055For House and Dominion: Home Front 10We take on some side quests first with Sonia then as Beryl, a boarding team leader working for Reynard Salvage Solutions.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-16 11 
29536850And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 9BartolomĂš has a chat with his mother, and goes to the supermarket.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-01-16 10 
29536407Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 5Something finally happened Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-16 3 
29556342Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 6It's not gay if it's feyRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-17 2 
29580620Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 7Sure, why notRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-18 1 
29604418Incubator Quest 11In which a young woman talks to a cult leader.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-01-19 0 
29609731Spirit Detective Quest thread #2 We leave the hospital and hang out with some friends before doing some research on the spirit world and going to meet Koenma to tell him we accept the position of Spirit DetectiveYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, Quest, Yosuke, Kuwabara, detective, collective game, cyoa2014-01-19 8 
29606636Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 2Jake sobers up and takes charge. He then proceeds to get his mind read and teams up with the last Mineva Zabi to find the Universal Charter. A battle ensues and a new map system is tried outGundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi2014-01-19 24 
29604437Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 8Descartes vs The MolemenRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-19 2 
29622461Over(Human)Limit Quest 4Asher is sent back out into the city after a little chat with Friend.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-19 10 
29613544Over(Human)Limit Quest 5Asher kills a banshee and meets his old group then heads back to base.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-19 10 
29635883And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 10BartolomĂš learns the identity of his next potential foe, and begins his training.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-01-20 12 
29628769Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 9Little InfernoRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-20 3 
29662376Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 3Jake sides himself with Neo Zeon. System changes are discussed and suggested and Puru's galore! Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi, Puru2014-01-21 24 
29661631Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3-10Making our way downtownRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-21 2 
29663498Succubus Lord Quest Part 58Join us as we explain our situation to Rebecca about being the son of a Hero Trainer!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-01-21 17 
29673514Build a DragonAnon pops in to conduct a survey presenting combinations of dragon characteristics. /tg/ responds and describe what kinds of dragon they would be. Responses range from small hermit dragons who don't want any trouble to classic red terrors to benevolent mecha-dragons protecting human cities.dragon, dragons, discussion, ideas, survey, 2014-01-22 5 
29735342Monsterhearts Quest 52In which the protagonist discovers another new problem and issues a challenge.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-01-24 2 
29678589For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour 1We put the Wing through training, get a new uniform and deal with our new promotion. We also get to look over some R&D options.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-24 12 
29727844Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3 - 11Let's get down to businessRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-24 1 
29737477Over(Human)Limit Quest 6Asher take a breather and learns more about magic, along with creating his first contract!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-24 10 
29777770Incubator Quest 12In which a young woman manufactures some explosives.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-01-26 0 
29778553Spirit Detective Quest #3You begin your first mission as Spirit Detective in an abandoned warehouse where you fight some demons and find some hostagesYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, spirit detective quest, Quest, Yosuke, Kuwabara, detective, collective game, cyoa2014-01-26 7 
29776017And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 11BartolomĂš encounters a bizarre young girl in the alleys of Naples.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-01-26 7 
29774632Rags to Riches Quest Episode 3-12It's like a corset and some knee high boots, I dunno. The end.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-26 2 
29788990Princess Guard Quest 116There's never enough timePrincess Guard Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-01-26 21 
29859618Over(Human)Limit Quest 8The fight in the Assembly Hall rages on against the Government agents...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-29 10 
29853914Monsterhearts Quest 53In which the protagonist fights a king and meets a queen. Briefly.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-01-29 1 
29826404For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour 2Beryl's sidequest resumes and wraps up. Sonia reaches the front and new business ideas pop up.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-01-30 11 
29904726Monsterhearts Quest 54In which the protagonist recovers from his injuries and plots revenge.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-01-31 2 
February 2014
29945919Incubator Quest 13In which a young woman gets retconned, discusses strategy, and goes on a date.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-02 1 
29948300And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 12When BartolomĂš arrives at the airport, he finds that someone has been waiting for him.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-02-02 8 
29980679Over(Human)Limit Quest 9In the aftermath of Susej's death.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-03 8 
29996343Deep Waters QuestA wisecracking submersible pilot encounters alien horrors deep in the Superatlantic Trench.Collective Game, Deep Waters Quest, MARS, Horror, Underwater, Submarine2014-02-04 11 
29996614For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #33rd and 5th Wings begin their raids behind enemy lines. Priority is put on keeping everyone alive.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-05 11 
30040609And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 13BartolomĂš is in the clutches of a Dead Apostle. Who is this girl, and what connection does she hold to his missing father?Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-02-06 10 
30045112Pantsu Getter Quest - OneshotShun's grandfather makes a deathbed wish: steal the panties of the prettiest girl in town!Pantsu Getter Quest, Collective Game2014-02-06 28 
30099425Super Villain Quest #35The Iron Master is back! Includes Foolz links to threads not archived.Collective Game, system quest, Super Villain Quest2014-02-09 1 
30121627Incubator Quest 14In which a young woman goes on a date but gets called away for other pressing matters.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-10 2 
30132013Over(Human)Limit Quest 10Asher and co take a pounding while heading out of the city, Anons argue about OathsOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-10 10 
30149111And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 14A young girl rescued by BartolomĂš recalls the horrors that drove her to kill her best friend.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-02-11 8 
30161181The Endless TrainOP Describes a setting centered around an infinitely long train that you can never leave, and if you do, almost can never get back on. The discussion within covers development of the setting further.The Archivist, homebrew, setting, surreal, surrealism, horror, train, trains, campaign, campaign setting2014-02-11 18 
30149606Succubus Lord Quest part 59Join us as the fire as the Pride demons begin a crackdown and we free out Dad!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-02-12 15 
30171574Monsterhearts Quest 55In which the protagonist reclaims his soul. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-02-12 2 
30148194For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #4After helping to evacuate a friendly shipyard we head back out for a few more raids.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-12 11 
30190791Super Villain Quest #36The Iron Master confronts and kills Asrael (spoiler warning!)Collective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2014-02-13 1 
30213014Incubator Quest 15In which a young woman practices some things and tries to apologize.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-14 1 
30216019And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 15BartolomĂš's first encounter with a foul man who holds a grudge against him and his mentor...Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-02-14 6 
30255943Incubator Quest 16In which a young woman talks to her girlfriend and hangs out with her best friend.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-16 0 
30258920Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 4Jake located the Universal Charter for Neo Zeon and is contacted by a strange entity known as the "Id" saying it help him and not his friends. They are attacked by the Titans and he is forced to make a choice, will he betray those he helped or stay loyal only to himself? Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Puru, Full Frontal, Mineva, Zabi, Puru2014-02-16 24 
30278419Super Villain Quest #37The Iron Master captures Drs. Span and Dandurand, Kestrel returns.Super Villain Quest, collective game, system quest2014-02-17 1 
30308129Succubus Lord Quest: Part 60Join us as Brooklyn gains her father's freedom and we escape from the Pride Demon raid!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-02-18 14 
30327589Freelance Ghost Quest #1Gamma 4 makes his way off of Tarsonis and seeks refuge on a jungle planet.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-19 14 
30302243For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #5We finally let Daska take her Wing out on her own. A race to find the most salvage is soon kicked off.few more raids. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-02-19 11 
30349942Super Villain Quest #38The Iron Master schemes to defeat Team Blue once and for allCollective Game, Super Villain Quest, system quest2014-02-19 1 
30349650Freelance Ghost Quest #2Where Gamma 4 becomes Artemis, we get ourselves a job and talk to a xenobiologist who offers us her couch to crash on.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-20 11 
30354834And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 16The home of Kayton Abraham is breached. But he has been expecting company.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-02-20 8 
30372380Freelance Ghost Quest #3Where Artemis visits the biodome, and discovers an armoury.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-21 10 
30332000Privateer Quest II #25Percius Aurex embarks upon a short expedition to further explore a planet before embarking upon a raid with other Captains of the wolfpack. A snowstorm leads to an interesting find.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Exploration, Snow, Survival2014-02-21 0 
30391896freelance Ghost Quest #4Artemis got some clothes, had to deal with particularly aggressive foliage to protect his Wraith, and had dinner with the Doctor.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-22 8 
30398867Over(Human)Limit Quest 11Asher dreams of power.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-22 11 
30411401Incubator Quest 17In which a young woman calls her older brother, a comrade-in-arms, and talks about stalkers a lot.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-23 2 
30411564freelance Ghost Quest #5Where artemis gets Lisa a live Stalker specimen, modifies his suit and makes his official entrance into the village of Frontier.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-23 9 
30413981Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 5Jake and pals get whisked off to another dimension, however they end up dragging folks along for the ride. They find themselves in a world ruled by a pink haired tyrant. Will they defeat her? Will they get back home? The story is beginning to come to a close...Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Mara2014-02-23 24 
30442896Over(Human)Limit Quest 12Five hundred and twelve.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-24 11 
30458308Freelance Ghost Quest #6Where Artemis comes clean with Lisa about his past, has a mental call and battle with Primus and commences his expedition of high adventure.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-25 8 
30464534And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 17BartolomĂš does battle with Kayton AbrahamCollective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-02-25 6 
30462839Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4-1Bitter workRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-02-25 2 
30476297Vampire School Survival QuestTabitha the reliable student and her classmates try to survive a Vampire outbreak.Collective Game, Vampire School Survival Quest, Vampire, Vampires, Quest thread, Horror, Survival2014-02-25 9 
30484989Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4-2Night trapRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-02-26 1 
30502899Freelance Ghost Quest #7Where Artemis psionically meets Quartus, and the expedition gets attacked by a pair of stalkers.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-27 8 
30455932For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #6We take part in one of the costliest battles for the Neeran yet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Battle2014-02-27 15 
30509142Over(Human)Limit Quest 13The group hits civilization for some R&R on the way to Vegas.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker2014-02-27 12 
30524456Freelance Ghost Quest #8Artemis arrives at the temple and gets mind-raped/scanned by an ancient Xel'naga device, which also seems to have removed all the effects of the mind wipes.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-28 8 
30523074Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4-3What's in the box?Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-02-28 1 
March 2014
30546493Freelance Ghost Quest #9Where Artemis discovers a breeding chamber, and the expedition gets into a fight while trying to destroy it.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-01 8 
30544810Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4-4Shipwrecked!Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-01 1 
30551716And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 18BartolomĂš explores the home of Kayton Abraham. He encounters something horrible within its depths...Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-03-01 7 
30569292Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 6Weapons are built, preparations are made, and the assult on Terminal HQ begins. Ether Lacus dies, or everyone dies. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus2014-03-02 24 
30565946Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4 - 5We rescue Riley, meet Pearl the undine, and find a fish idol speeder.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-02 1 
30610844Freelance Ghost Quest #10Where Artemis discusses things with Haverdam, socialises, meditates on his ghost conditioning, and interacts with another Xel'Naga device.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-04 8 
30614586Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4-6Chill out, old manRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-04 0 
30639180Over(Human)Limit Quest 14A morning at a Deny's is a poor one for a certain waitress.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-05 11 
30653943Freelance Ghost Quest #11Where artemis tries to get used to the changes he underwent.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-06 6 
30610011 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #7We fight our way clear of the battle, get our section of the fleet back to the lines then count our losses. Rebuilding the Wing begins.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-06 11 
30656703Succubus Lord Quest: Part 61Join us as we meet the Leader of the Aides and the Pamille Church and Leona makes a friend for life.Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-03-06 12 
30674848Freelance Ghost Quest #12Where Artemis returns to Frontier, and spaghetti is narrowly avoided.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-07 8 
30673180Incubator Quest 18In which a young woman deals with a friend's stalker, and picks up a girl.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-07 2 
30673082Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4-7Boy shorts and a cold night's sleepRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-07 0 
30697620Julius Caesar is a Mary Sue/lit/ seemingly decides to take a brief trip to /tg/ and starts funposting about Roman historical figures.lit, Rome, Roman Empire, Mary Sue, Julius Caesar, Augustus, SPQR, imperialism, imperialist, imperial, history, that guy2014-03-08 5 
30690967Rags to Riches Quest 4 - 8Bleach and Pine-SolRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-08 0 
30710476Incubator Quest 19In which a young woman talks on the phone a bunch.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-09 1 
30712960 Gundam AGE Quest: [Side Story] Jake’s Adventures in Time 7Kira Clones. Pink Mobile Suits. The end of an adventure and a sad separation. Jake's adventure comes to an end...Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Collective Game, Time Travel, Side Story, Treasure Star, Kira, Lacus, Evil, Terminal, SEED, Apsalus2014-03-09 24 
30710415Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4 - 9Nat 20 Lockpick ChecksRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-09 0 
30717235And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 19As night falls, BartolomĂš descends into the depths of Abraham's castle.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-03-09 7 
30729189The Night ShiftYou play as a gas station attendant out in Middle-of-Nowhere. You deal with a typical day, interacting with customers and helping out around the Station. As night falls, weird things start to happen. Welcome to the Night Shifthorror, surreal, homebrew, setting, gas station, one shot, brainstorming,2014-03-09 45 
30745096The Night Shift: Second ShiftThe second thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift (also known as the "Graveyard Shift") is discussed, more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and the merits of NPCs and additional tables are debated.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming2014-03-10 20 
30763437The Night Shift: Third ShiftThe third thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed, even more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and a talented Anon continues to crunch things out.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch2014-03-11 11 
30761190Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4 - 10Bunraku aka Can you feel the love tonight?Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-11 1 
30754093What /tg/ does with the drunken sailorWe have discovered a horrifying reality. There are people who have never heard that song and new versions are pitchedSea Shanty, Songs, What Should We Do With The Drunken Sailor, The Drunken fa/tg/uy, Cowardly Guardsman, Muppets Treasure Island2014-03-12 9 
30783978And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 20Our battered priest struggles to find help before he bleeds to death.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-03-12 6 
30786463Agent Venom Quest 49Protagonist change, and /tg/ argues about being proactiveCollective Game, Quest, Peter Parker Quest, Suffering2014-03-12 20 
30799973Freelance Ghost Quest #13Where Artemis recovers the last of his memories, gets to know his psychic powers a bit better, and talks to a psychic cat.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-13 6 
30796508The Night Shift: Fourth ShiftThe fourth thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed, yet more frightening and bizarre happenings are compiled, and a thoughtful discussion of the crunch and fluff take place. Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch, fluff2014-03-13 12 
30807502Subject 23 Quest - Mass EffectWe meet our protagonist, Eric, who has been kidnapped along with his brother and taken to an unknown facility. After finding out his brother died, Eric is forced into a death match with a frail girl, and tortured until he kills her. He meets 90, a psychopathic rapist, and is taught about the facility.Subject 23, Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Grimdark2014-03-13 22 
30802645Succbus Lord Quest Part 62Join us as meet a new Miyian Friend and take the twins on a date!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-03-13 13 
30760992 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #8We deal with Kinetic Kill Vehicle strikes on friendly targets then set out to steal an enemy prototype.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-13 11 
30817437The Night Shift: Fifth ShiftThe fifth thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed. This time the crunch takes a more central role in the discussion as Night Shift World Anon works his magic.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-14 14 
30821351Over(Human)Limit Quest 15Sunday happenings.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-14 11 
30829186Vampire School Survival Quest 2Things get crazier as Tabitha and her friends struggle to survive the Vampire onslaught.Collective Game, Vampire School Survival Quest, Vampire, Vampires, Quest thread, Horror, Survival2014-03-14 10 
30837283Nanoha FORCE Quest 13A stupid devil is helpful... and Tohma finds out that someone waits for him. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Tsundere,2014-03-15 3 
30850278Incubator Quest 20In which a young woman converses with a new friend during a sleepover.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-16 1 
30856377And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 21BartolomĂš meets the Painter.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-03-16 7 
30851488Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4-11Go Go Go, Gadget Springhead!Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-16 1 
30899014And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 22Short part. BartolomĂš is shown a piece of art that seems to depict him.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-03-18 7 
30889424The Night Shift: Sixth ShiftThe sixth thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed. A slow thread, but one where things get done none the less. More new fluff, more new crunch, and one Anon claiming a TV show may be on the way.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-18 11 
30916158Immortal QuestJoshua, a hero of humanity, awakens from betrayal to a whole new world.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-03-19 39 
30942068Over(Human)Limit Quest 16Sunday continues with a battle.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-20 8 
30938303Rags to Riches Quest Episode 4-12No more guns for meRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-20 1 
30894896For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #9We steal a prototype cruiser and nearly get it shot to pieces. Sonia's right arm gets destroyed again and we look over an offer from R&D.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-20 11 
30957931Immortal Quest 2Joshua cleans himself up and learns more about the strange new world he's woken up to.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier, Gabriel2014-03-21 28 
30955605Rags to Riches Quest!The return of the revengeRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-21 3 
30977786Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5 - 2Back 2 da hood. How Annalise got her groove backRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-22 2 
31002593And I Will Fear No Evil: Type-Moon CYOA Verse 23Primate Murder.Collective Game, CYOA, Type Moon, Nasuverse, And I Will Fear No Evil2014-03-23 7 
31005936Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5 - 3Hugs, cake, and dolliesRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-23 3 
31018470Immortal Quest 3A stray follows us out, and we get our hands on a sword.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-03-24 23 
31000979The Night Shift: Seventh ShiftThe seventh thread in which the setting and campaign module of the Night Shift is discussed. Another leisurely thread, in which some of the more mundane happenings of the Station are mulled over, some laughs are had, some playtesting is promised, and TV Anon provides updates.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-24 11 
31066308The Night Shift: Eighth ShiftThe eighth thread in which the setting and game system of the Night Shift is discussed. An IRC channel is set up, new blood is brought in, more fluff if fluffed and more crunch is crunched.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-26 10 
31043321For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #10Short thread. We send ships into a hazard zone and deal with the fallout from a riot.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-03-27 11 
31083766Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-4It's not a harem, it's dramaRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-27 2 
31087098Over(Human)Limit Quest 17An uphill battle continues within the church! Ancient goddesses are stingy, and Lucifer is... A woman?!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-03-27 10 
31100631Immortal Quest 4Airborne Toxins.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-03-27 21 
31098215Incubator Quest 21In which a young woman hangs out with her girlfriend and her girlfriend's older brother.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-28 2 
31105252Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-5Happy birthday, here's a questRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-28 3 
31103676The Night Shift: Ninth ShiftThe ninth thread in which the setting and game system of the Night Shift is discussed. The three oldest NPCs are discussed, new Threats are codified using the Night Shift World format, and questions are raised.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2014-03-29 10 
31126965Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-6Going down the bayouRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-29 26 
31110356Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-Fifth VerseWe talk with Merlin while AC-Guy bleeds.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2014-03-29 13 
31138058Incubator Quest 22In which a young woman gets hit in the head a whole lot.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-29 2 
31140037Freelance Ghost Quest #14Where Artemis lets Murphy start modding the Wraith, finds out Weissdammer is an arms dealer on the side, and breaks into the armoury again.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-30 8 
31145911Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-7Home again, home again, jiggity jigRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-30 6 
31148294Over(Human)Limit Quest 18Fuck-all happens and Dranule falls asleep.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism, Not moe2014-03-30 8 
31165658Immortal Quest 5We meet some people down in the slums.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-03-31 21 
31163583Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-8I've been through the desert on a horse with no nameRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-03-31 3 
31169525Over(Human)Limit Quest 19Donner doesn't like mech flesh and Asher fails at summoning a sandworm to carry us to VegasOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-31 11 
April 2014
31224085Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-9Getting the band back togetherRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-04-03 2 
31226418King of Dragon Pass FinaleAfter much struggle, the saga of clan Fimbulvetr and the Avaltvar tribe comes to a close. Hail to the Kings of Dragon Pass.King of Dragon Pass, Glorantha, KoDP, Rune Quest, /tg/ plays, Heortson, Praise Elusu2014-04-03 5 
31243831Immortal Quest 6Catching up with sis.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-04-04 21 
31242317Monsterhearts Quest 56In which the protagonist receives slightly more backup than he was expecting, and has a polite chat with an enemy of all of reality.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest, Excrucians2014-04-04 4 
31246626Over(Human)Limit Quest 20A desert road is walked, an enemy encountered, and a friend lost.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-04 10 
31299600Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-10Wrenloft comes back from the dead, and challenges Springhead to a cage match at SummerSlamRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-04-07 2 
31327202Succubus Lord Quest Part 63Join us for making our sister Excel meet our Dad!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-04-08 13 
31346456Immortal Quest 7Flashback Arc I commences, Mission Objective : Take back the Compass!Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-04-09 21 
31342854Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-11Wrenloft saves the day, and also some other stuffRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-04-09 1 
31356438Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-sixth verseWe call Caster and Archer, then train projections. THIS ROUTER prevents us from hugging Rider.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2014-04-10 14 
31411759Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-12In dungeons deep, and caverns oldRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-04-12 2 
31420000Freeform thread...and the story of Andrew Jacksonfreeform, mary sue, awesome, andrew jackson, eagles, freedom2014-04-13 5 
31436397Over(Human)Limit Quest 21Helia may not be long for the world and Asherah wants a favor to heal her.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-13 8 
31457092Submersible Witches Quest 41Martian telebots nearly kill us as we storm ashore in search of Natsumi Ogawa and her thought-dead sister, Harumi.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters, SuWQ, SEALs, Frogmen2014-04-14 11 
31484265Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-seventh verseWe meet with Archer, have a serious talk and deal with Zoukon once and for all (probably). Then shit hits the fan once more.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2014-04-15 16 
31491623Immortal Quest 9We venture to the arena, and someone loses their head.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-04-15 21 
31493048Freelance Ghost Quest #15Where Artemis trains more psychics, tries to cook and teaches Lisa a bit about being a psychic.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-04-16 7 
31504335Fate/Stay Again, Verse 58Situation Normal All Fucked UpNasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-Kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again2014-04-16 12 
31513372Succubus familiar for female characterHaving a succubus familiar is perfectly okay if your character is female, right /tg/?succubus familiar, succubus, succubi, familiar, familiars, female character, female characters, yuri, angels and demons, angel, angels, demon, demons, D&D, alignment, anime2014-04-16 5 
31544711Immortal Quest 10Save one demon, meet a worse one.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-04-18 20 
31492284For House and Dominion: Home Front IIThe long awaited return home. We meet our family, see dad for the first time in two years, and deal with all the stuff we couldn't handle while busy at the front.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage2014-04-18 11 
31563074Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-13The leap homeRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-04-19 2 
31582683Freelance Ghost Quest #16Where Artemis meditates, meets the Protoss in Dreamland again, trains his shooting some more and does Diplomancy with Mittens and Haverdam.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-04-20 6 
31587287Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-14There's a bit of a kerfuffle at the wall. Also, cherries.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-04-20 1 
31599299Guardian Visage Quest 1A foul Miasma spawns the monstrous Adrift into the world. Standing against them are Quinn Redmond, an androgynous warrior poet, and the guardian Visage, Magdalene.Collective Game, Visage, Quinn, Magdalene, Easter Ensues 2014-04-21 2 
31606874Submersible Witches Quest 42As we wake from a dream of the past, we find ourselves surrounded by friends...and MacArthur's continued dickishness.strike witches, navy, submarines, WWII, Collective Game, Submersible Witches Quest, SubWQ, Kotters, SuWQ, SEALs, Frogmen2014-04-21 6 
31645147Freelance Ghost Quest #17Where Artemis talks to Murphy about the wraith a bit more, buys a computer, trains Lisa's psionics some more and gets a family visit.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-04-23 7 
31650014Succubus Lord Quest Part 64Join us as we raid a Vampire base!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-04-24 11 
31685036Freelance Ghost Quest #18: Shit is happening edition.Where Artemis confronts Primus.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-04-25 8 
31687301Immortal Quest 11You could cut the sexual tension with a knife, actually that's your lung.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-04-25 20 
31644613For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 2We create a treasure hunt for our sister and friends, chase some ghosts and go on a shipyard tour.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-04-25 11 
31716476Over(Human)Limit Quest 23Previous thread at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/31587826/ Asher returns to Jackie's, preparations are underway for the mission!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-26 10 
31711416Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-15Wrenloft chose all the wrong answersRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-04-26 1 
31737784Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-16Springhead supports harems, especially while Annalise is turned into a thrallRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-04-27 3 
31789290Over(Human)Limit Quest 24A painter is awakened, and a city has an infestation of bad luck.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-29 18 
31807512Immortal Quest 12Victoria fills us in on some memories.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-04-30 14 
31781336For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 3We return from our tour of the House Helios shipyards only to suffer a kidnapping attempt. Our lodge suffers a fire in the process. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-04-30 11 
May 2014
31808787Succubus Lord Quest Part 65Join us as we escape the vampire base and have a chat with a new 'friend'!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-05-01 11 
31870000Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-17Basically nothing happens, but Overdrive joins us and decides to beat up Jason StathamRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-05-03 2 
31827538For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 3.5We attempt to find out who hired the Mercenaries that attempted to abduct us. Some of the ransom money is paid.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Dice2014-05-04 10 
31911707Freelance Ghost Quest #19Where Artemis chases after Primus and has a mental duel.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-05-05 8 
31976628Freelance Ghost Quest #120Where Artemis gets a new suit, has exposition spouted at him and invites Lisa and Murphy to his new battlecruiser.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-05-08 7 
31983078Pokemon Quest #49We get dressed up, play a drinking game, spend quality time training and decide to head to Sandorpissues, and play dress-up with the crew Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Cosplay2014-05-08 22 
32000669Mecha Musume Quest #1Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-09 7 
31956236For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 4We get Bekka back mostly intact and dither over looking up info on the Lagunov clones. Some of the ransom money is recovered.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-10 11 
32042064Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 0 15 years ago, the world died and was reborn in the fires of the Second Impact. Following the cataclysm, the balance of power was altered forever. It brought starvation and death, war and disease. But the disaster also brought the seeds of recovery with the alien material Tiberium. This crystalline compound leeched minerals from the soil, making them easy to extract and harvest. The resulting revolution in materials science spurred technological development, growth and prosperity.TimeDriver, Quest, Collective Game, SRW, Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest2014-05-11 8 
32069011Immortal Quest 13Flashback Arc part 2Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-05-12 10 
32112773Over(Human)Limit Quest 25Asher trains in the desert with the mad Jackie. Their time in Vegas has not gone unnoticed...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-14 9 
32082345For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 5Hunting for Warrel becomes the proverbial needle in a haystack. Archaeology proves informative and we begin planning RSS expansion.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-15 11 
32141485Immortal Quest 14Eat shapeshifters get swole.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-05-16 9 
32142597Mecha Musume Quest #2 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-16 7 
32163947Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-18Wammu, Eshidishi, Kazu, and Monk RossRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-05-17 1 
32180822Ink QuestSuper Criminal Quest, fight with InkCollective Game, Ink Quest, Ink, Super, Criminal, Villain2014-05-18 10 
32180954Immortal Quest 15We get Beelzebub's power back.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-05-18 9 
32183478Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 1 (The Black Technology of Peace) We follow Major Michael Walter, ace mech pilot and veteran of the Tiberium War. Dispatched to the Azadistan hot zone, he led his Arm Slave squad to victory against KPSA guerillas, rescued GDI hostages and retrieved a prototype Personal Trooper. The fight was complicated, however, by the escape of the apparent leader of the terrorist and the emergence of a previously unseen, gigantic mech that should not even have been able to move according to conventional physics.Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest, Collective Game, TimeDriver2014-05-18 6 
32270403Over(Human)Limit Quest 26Asher fights against an old foe!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-22 11 
32287421Mecha Musume Quest #3 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-23 6 
32317651Immortal Quest 16late night micro thread, an artifact is acquired.Collective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-05-24 7 
32310762Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-19Bloody VampiresRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-05-24 1 
32329978Ink Quest 2Super Criminal with the powers of InkInk Quest, Ink, Collective Game, Super, Criminal, Villain2014-05-25 5 
32239357For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 6RSS recovered the badly wrecked Heavy Carrier and negotiations are conducted with the Governor to repair it. Construction of the R&D lab and LST shipyard begin.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-05-25 11 
32395306Monsterhearts Quest 57In which the protagonist kicks the ass of a particularly annoying recurring foe and prepares to interfere in a duel. Also much arguing.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest, Excrucians2014-05-28 2 
32447322Over(Human)Limit Quest 27Asher spends some time with Lucifer... And meets Overwatch.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-30 11 
32442417Vamp x Wolf Quest Part OneWe are Carmilla Von Stoker, Vampire. She is Sophie Caillet, Werewolf.Collective Game, Tsunpire, Wolfu, Yuri2014-05-30 14 
32445261Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 2 (The Black Technology of Peace, part 2) You are MAJOR MICHAEL WALTER, ace mech pilot and veteran of the Tiberium War. Fighting terrorists in Azadistan, you discovered and fended off a seemingly impossibly huge mech that was shielded with a mysterious energy field. Witnessing the mysterious unit brought you to the attention of MITHRIL, a secret organization dedicated to safeguarding and controlling the proliferation and development of dangerous technologies of unknown origin. You and your squad have been brought on board the Mithril airborne command ship, the Cu Chulainn, and introduced to its captain, teenage prodigy Teletha Testarossa. TimeDiver, Collective Game, Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest2014-05-30 4 
32448108Vamp x Wolf Quest Part TwoWe are Carmilla Von Stoker, Vampire. She is Sophie Caillet, Werewolf.Collective Game, Tsunpire, Wolfu, Yuri2014-05-30 15 
32462969Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest: Thread 3 (The Black Technology of Peace, part 3) When we last saw MAJOR MICHAEL WALTER, ace mech pilot and veteran of the Tiberium War, he was being introduced to Melissa Mao and Kurz Weber, pilots of the secret organization Mithril onboard the airborne carrier Cu Chulainn. We now continue with the results of the last vote from the previous thread.Collective Game, TimeDiver, Super Robot Wars /tg/ Quest2014-05-31 3 
32462958Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-20 Turn in your badge and gunRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-05-31 3 
June 2014
32481094Ink Quest 3We hang out with our dad, arguably make a mistake then ally with Doctor Apocalypse.Collective Game, Ink Quest, Ink, Super, Criminal, Villain2014-06-01 2 
32511774Succubus Lord Quest part 66Join us as we have 'fun' times with Mina and go to our study group!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-03 10 
32548786Immortal Quest 17We get trolled an attacked by a sea monsterCollective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-06-04 5 
32551527Monsterhearts Quest 58In which the protagonist saves the world with bullets. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest, Excrucians2014-06-04 1 
32592293Mecha Musume Quest #4 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-06-06 5 
32632487Ink Quest 4Pulled a very, very successful heist with Doctor Apocalypse, and began plans for a lair.Collective Game, Ink Quest, Ink, Super, Criminal, Villain2014-06-08 2 
32633580Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-21North by Northwest (or) The Lion CubRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-06-08 1 
32654105Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-21.5Adventures in babysittingRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-06-08 0 
32671533Succubus Lord Quest part 67Join us as we go out on a date and corrupt an innocent cleric!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-10 8 
32693122Immortal Quest 18we get back in the city, a little lateCollective Game, Immortal Quest, supersoldier2014-06-10 2 
32686631Edgelord Design and Implementation HandbookEdited by Anonymous. /tg/ pressEdge, edgelords, mary sue, sue, sues, oc2014-06-11 2 
32700780Summer Story Quest 1Samantha goes to a new school and meets some crazy people. Summer Story Quest, Collective Game2014-06-11 2 
32713947Freelance Ghost Quest #21Where Artemis introduces Lisa to Quartus, starts work on treating the Omega's crew and an unexpected guest interferesCollective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-06-11 4 
32740152Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 21"Come on Yasuo, get it together" edition. He gets ensnared by a hot fox, literally.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yasuo, Bubbles2014-06-13 15 
32759915Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-22Springhead and I dance aloneRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-06-14 0 
32800538Freelance Ghost Quest #22Where Artemis gathers his allies, plans his moves against Weissdammer and starts the fight.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-06-15 4 
32859581Freelance Ghost Quest #23Where Artemis takes down and captures Weissdammer, deals with some of the conflict's aftermath, and gets a warning from a protoss.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-06-18 7 
32902050Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-23We fight a bunch of nords and promise to knock up our ladiesRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-06-21 0 
32939351Freelance Ghost Quest #24Where Artemis arranges a cover story about Weissdammer, waves off Lisa and Murphy, looks for info about ghost conditioning and spars with Quartus and Sextus.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-06-23 6 
32946268Succubus Lord Quest part 68Join us as Brooklyn has the meeting with the Succubus heads!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-06-24 8 
32981832Monsterhearts Quest 59In which the protagonist recovers some friends and finds that people disappearing is occasionally a good thing.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest, Excrucians2014-06-25 2 
32986783Caveman QuestWe acquire the mythical pelt of the dire bear and then host other humanoids into our humble caveCollective Game, Caveman Quest, Superior Being, 2014-06-25 6 
32940481For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 7R&D personnel are hired and we get salvaging once again. All Salvage must go regardless of bounty hunters, privateers or rival Houses.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-06-26 11 
33027920Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 23Ghostbusters meets The Raid.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Mitsuko, Tengu2014-06-27 13 
33046454Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-24We get the wind knife for GauRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-06-28 1 
July 2014
33130624Monsterhearts Quest 60In which the protagonist meets a friend's family and returns to his own at last.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-07-02 3 
33086513For House and Dominion: Home Front II - 8You help out a rival salvage team in peril, refine the HAG design, send out gifts and combat a salvage eating microbe.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage2014-07-03 10 
33163699Succubus Lord Quest part 69Join us as we deal with the aftermath of the meeting!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-04 6 
33171481Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 24I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a Proton pack, powered by a backpack nuclear reactor and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Kitsune2014-07-04 12 
33206948Freelance Ghost Quest #25Where Artemis finishes the spar, researches protoss a bit and goes off to a science vessel.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-07-05 3 
33212661Succubus Hunter QuestThe Legend of Thade Thundercock and his quest to end the Succubi menace, also fuck bitches get moneyCollective Game, Succubus Hunter Quest, Dire Straits, The Boner2014-07-06 6 
33249865Freelance Ghost Quest #26Where Artemis downloads data while having fun with a small zerg hive.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-07-07 4 
33252932Succubus Lord Quest part 70Join us as we meet Luna and plan to save he leaders!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-09 6 
33277135Monsterhearts Quest 61In which the protagonist gives an explanation and receives the gift of freedom. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-07-09 0 
33275775Kouga: Saint of Mars 10Be born Black Pegasus! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-09 4 
33290015Brouzouf Quest 6Wherein the Hero learns that riding forth against bandits and dragons is stressing business.Brouzouf Quest, Collective Game, White Knighting, Dragon Slaying, Shit Roll Surviving2014-07-10 3 
33226992For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 1Sonia heads to the front to recover data from Versa and the Captain of the Loreto. Intensive training begins as the Wings prepare to return to action.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-10 9 
33291717Space Superstition Stories and WorldbuildingOP requests ideas for scifi urban legends and superstitions, /tg/ delivers with awesome worldbuilding and stories.space, scifi, superstition, urban legend, astronauts, lost cosmonaut,2014-07-10 38 
33319250Kouga: Saint of Mars 11In which Kouga overcomes his fears, punches a Dark God in the face (again) and Eden fails to stall. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Never Give Up,2014-07-11 5 
33320485Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 25After a surprisingly civil conversation with a pair of Oni, the Ghostbusters come up with the best, worst plan ever.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Oni, Mitsuko2014-07-11 12 
33335993Freelance Ghost Quest #27Where Artemis escapes the derelict, unlocks his full psionic potential and picks up Lisa.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-07-11 3 
33339811Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-25We ride with some carrots and become all the avengers at onceRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-07-12 1 
33330332Space Superstition: Stories and Worldbuilding 2A continuation of the first thread, where more scifi urban legends and superstitions are created, the Spacer Saints are invented, and Filking is discussed.space, scifi, superstition, urban legend, astronauts, lost cosmonaut, Spacer, Spacer Saints2014-07-13 16 
33397606Chaos Gods Poll OP tries to correlate personality/relations and the preferred Chaos gods of anonssurvey, statistics, 40k, chaos, science, math, nurgle2014-07-14 1 
33430410Monsterhearts Quest 62In which an old friend returns and the protagonist begins to plan for a party.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-07-16 2 
33431183Kouga: Saint of Mars 12In which Kouga and Eden teach a certain alchemical dragon about Humanity! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, True Human,2014-07-16 2 
33377530For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 2Sonia requests a Heavy Carrier to support an extended harassment mission behind enemy lines. Alliance Command promotes her to the Brevet rank of one-star GeneralCollective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-17 9 
33451186Succubus Lord Quest 71Join us as we prepare for the big fight!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-07-18 7 
33476163Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 26We give lil'Mitsuko the spanking of her unlife.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Mitsuko2014-07-18 12 
33496075Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-26We do nothing, then get caught with someone else's pants downRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-07-19 2 
33515341Freelance Ghost Quest #28Where Artemis decides what to do with Weissdammer and has dinner with Lisa.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-07-20 4 
33541575Kouga: Saint of Mars 14In which Kouga convinces Medea to send him in a horrible mission and talk to a God about the World and how horrible it is. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Gods and Humans,2014-07-21 1 
33590012Kouga: Saint of Mars 15We talk to the Doctor and a certain Spider. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-07-23 1 
33587107Monsterhearts Quest 63In which the protagonist focuses on the important things in life: throwing a party while your parents are away. Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-07-23 0 
33535270For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 3We continue raiding and begin to collect allied forces trapped behind the lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-23 11 
33618606The Witch Paladin — Evolution of a conceptOP brings gifts from the lands of dA. /tg/ does as it's wont to do and makes it actually work.concept fix, armour, the witcher, paladin, witch, mary sue2014-07-24 4 
33657398Kouga: Saint of Mars 17Kouga invites some important people for lunch, and Versa is cute, again. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-26 2 
33654661Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-27We make out with our boos, and Maurice diesRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-07-26 2 
33755072Kouga: Saint of Mars 18In which Love is talked about and Kouga faces his greatest shame. Also, we play guess the Arcana! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-30 1 
33698865For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 4Getting your allies in line and lengthy tech discussions eventually make way for more raiding and salvaging behind the lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-07-31 11 
August 2014
33824359Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-28We get some Ice Artillery, and get down to businessRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-08-02 2 
33871813Succubus Lord Quest 72Join us for the fight against Lord Dio!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life2014-08-04 10 
33917813Monsterhearts Quest 64In which the victory party gets into full swing.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-08-06 1 
33918561Kouga: Saint of Mars 19Kouga is selfish and won't allow Sonia to be selfish herself! Also Eden calls him a nincompoop. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-06 1 
33863275For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 5After surviving an assassination attempt we lead the fleet back to friendly lines to drop off refugees and resupply.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-07 8 
33946433Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E1Overhuman returns! Asher meditates through imprisonment until a new ally(?) releases him!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-07 11 
33969184Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E2The VTOL lands and Asher learns about his new allies, what are their goals? Their aim?Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-08 9 
33968590Kouga: Saint of Mars 20In which Kouga arrives in Paris, meets a true Gentleman and learns that he has a maidenly heart he has to protect from maidens. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-08 1 
33988655Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-29We wrassle for the right to ride or dieRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-08-09 1 
34069388Kouga: Saint of Mars 21The Witch of the Golden Dawn and Kouga meet. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-12 1 
34087607Freelance Ghost Quest #29Where Artemis departs to the High Templar for training, and hangs out with some zealots.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-08-13 3 
340349215 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 6After getting bogged down in last minute preparations the fleet heads out once again, this time targeting the Maelstrom galaxy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-13 7 
34090250Monsterhearts Quest 65In which the protagonist does not have a cup of tea with a dead woman, and everything is fine.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-08-13 1 
34094243Succubus Lord Quest 74Join us as we start policy making for Old TO!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-08-13 6 
34100725Neo Survivor quest 1You awaken in a cryogenic tube, the news feed thats been plugged into your sleeping form tells you its Y2Kx10 shit happens and then more shit happens, its pretty goodNeo Survivor, Quest, First, Robots, Mutants, Mild Humor, Collective Game, Apocalyptic, Pls read, Brain, Agro, 2014-08-13 5 
34118555Kouga: Saint of Mars 21.5In which Kouga doesn't understand delicacy, and pokes something he should have avoided. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Protector of Smiles,2014-08-14 1 
34142069Kouga: Saint of Mars 22Kouga ignores Eden's shadowruns, meets Al again and plans a heist. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-15 1 
34161924rags to riches quest 30Should have read the terms and conditions more closely.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-08-16 2 
34253910Freelance Ghost Quest #30Where Artemis explores a Xel'naga WorldshipCollective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-08-20 4 
34259610Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E3The tradition of gathering around a bonfire...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-20 7 
34258027Salami Sandwich Quest.A salami sandwich quests to save his lover, Miss bologna who has been kidnapped from the kitchen, things take an un expected turn as the dark wizard plans to change all sandwiches as we know it. Action, Adventure, Romance, This story has it all!Comedy, Salami Sandwich, Agro, Brain, Romance, Lewd, Action, Suspense, Drama, Collective Game, Quest, The best fucking thing ever, HotSandwichlove, Funny, Great, 10/10,2014-08-20 8 
34259527Kouga: Saint of Mars 24In which Kouga tries to destroy the world... again, then time and space breaks down. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-08-20 2 
34259195Succubus Lord Quest 75(!)Join us as we defuse a hostage situation!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-08-20 7 
34302752Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 31 The grandsmothers try to find a wife for Daisuke, parents aren't much use and we look like a pedophile as young girls think ghostbusting is wicked cool. Until a foxy witch rescues us just like in the movies. Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Kitsune, Grandmothers,2014-08-22 13 
34328186Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E4New friends go through meditation, some are having issue with it.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-23 7 
34324090Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-31We make a deal, and pay homage to a great heroRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-08-23 1 
34343304Freelance Ghost Quest #31Where artemis makes an ancient terminal explode, resists the temptation to push a button and spars with a zealot.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-08-24 2 
34365063For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 7Our Wing Commanders get into the spirit of looting everything in sight. More allies are found and many more sectors raided.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-08-27 7 
34465595Kouga: Saint of Mars 25Kouga cries, BT tries to fill his soul with light, and an Alchemist of Justice appears! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-08-29 1 
34481885Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Speaking with the Goddess of the Sun; making breakfast; training!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, Amaterasu2014-08-29 13 
34492165Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E5Asher awakens after a frightful injury.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-30 6 
34487592Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-32We begin the final march to the lair of Dordak KhanRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-08-30 1 
34509195Freelance Ghost Quest #32Where Artemis talks to a depressed probe, possesses a protoss, makes a long-distance call to Quartus and prepares to head back to the worldship.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-08-31 4 
34515414Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E6Asher's having a hard time sleeping... Later he spars with Saphira.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-31 7 
34512987Kouga: Saint of Mars 26Kouga talks to a man who smells like ash and fire. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-31 0 
September 2014
34529670Space Superstitions 3Another thread full of sci-fi superstitions and urban legendsspace, spacer, scifi, superstition, urban legend, astronauts, lost cosmonaut,2014-09-01 14 
34536211Kouga: Saint of Mars 27You expected the angels, but it was us, the demons! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-01 2 
34551627Space Superstitions 4A fourth thread is had in which superstitions, myths and ghost stories from the space age future are shared.Space, spacer, SciFi, superstition, urban legends, astronauts, lost cosmonauts2014-09-01 16 
34601341Freelance Ghost Quest #33Where Artemis Wakes up and has to deal with a Hybrid.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-04 4 
34632013Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7Someone died during training, the Old Lady is younger.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-05 8 
34631604Kouga: Saint of Mars 28In which Kouga contemplates burning down Paris... spiritually. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-05 2 
34651268Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7.5Asher trains up a new discovery of his magic, an intruder blatantly intrudes, and it's time for a parade.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-05 7 
34657437Kouga: Saint of Mars 28.5In which Kouga get the alchemist Vivi to join his team! Fight for the sake of Justice you two! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-06 3 
34579948For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 8After another thread of successful raids, even more salvaging, and finding additional allies, Daska and her wing run into severe trouble.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-06 7 
34653389Rags to Riches Quest Episode 5-33Curtain CallRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2014-09-06 1 
34676894It's Always Sunny in FATALdelphiaFATAL and Always Sunny, what more is there to say?It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, FATAL, Funny, Awesome2014-09-08 35 
34724605Freelance Ghost Quest #34Where Artemis gets the AI a body, it calls itself Ed, and we have a pleasant talk with Lisa.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-09 4 
34756635Succubus Lord Quest 76Join us fpr the Celestian invasion!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-09-10 5 
34778930Kouga: Saint of Mars 29Got cut short, be at least Kouga learned about how the world will end. Yay. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-11 0 
34797458Kouga: Saint of Mars 29.5This time 4chan didn't die and Kouga made a friendship speech! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-12 2 
34808644 Random Encounters for Surreal Elevator HorrorIn which anon asks for suggestions for shit to happen while he runs an elevator one-shot similar to that one GMod - Elevator thing.Horror, Surreal2014-09-12 25 
34750338For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 9After saving one of your attack wings from a deadly ambush you go on to make your largest salvage haul of the current war.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-13 9 
34869635Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8Returing from the Parade, Faust has some things to think about. He goes out to do some training and returns to find...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-15 6 
34878166Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8.5Gertrude a monster, Asmodeus a shit.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-15 6 
34909113Freelance Ghost Quest #35Where Artemis battles the High Templar and heads back to the Omega.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-17 3 
34918332Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E9Faust makes a choice for a comradeOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-17 7 
34916929Kouga: Saint of Mars 30In which Kouga talk to Al and Leonard, and confesses everything to the cool gentleman. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-17 1 
34938715Kouga: Saint of Mars 31Kouga meets an eccentric old man, and finally arrives at his target... Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-18 1 
34934256Monsterhearts Quest 66In which the protagonist confronts a vampire and makes devious plans.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Collective Game, Monsterhearts Quest2014-09-18 2 
34912784For House and Dominion: Neeran War 3rd Tour 10After finally leaving the Maelstrom galaxy behind us, we run into some trouble with the Shallan government over salvage reimbursement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-19 7 
35032026Abnormal Academy Quest ep.1Where we meet Alecia a punk girl that totally doesn't want to be a superhero but resigns to her fate anyway. collective game, Abnormal Academy, Abnormal, mutant, superpowers2014-09-22 6 
35052131Kouga: Saint of Mars 32In which this city of light really becomes a city of light. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-23 1 
35066886Freelance Ghost Quest #36Where Artemis hangs out with Ed and spars with Quartus and Sextus againCollective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-24 3 
35090127Kouga: Saint of Mars 32.5Vs. The Man of Ash and Fire! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-25 3 
35088910Monsterhearts Quest 67In which the protagonist makes a new friend with only a little bit of mind control, and considers the benefits of memory alteration vs blackmail.Mortal, Monster, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Monsterhearts Quest 2014-09-25 2 
35102909Joker Quest 108We finally tell Mio the truth the Red World and her role in the game. And the suffering continues as we face our next opponent in the Hyades Tournament - Iron Ogre.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, Suffering2014-09-25 12 
35070123For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 1Helping to train pilots from your House results in washing out two candidates. You return home and begin to look at avenues for political advancement.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-09-26 9 
35137172Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10After speaking with the real Faust, there's time to kill as a week goes by. The end? A fashionable enterprise!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-27 7 
35219320Freelance Ghost Quest #37Where Artemis takes his robotic buddy out for a tour of the ship.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-30 3 
October 2014
35226078Kouga: Saint of Mars 33In which Kouga faces the aftermath of his last battle, and how Silber and Al met. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-01 1 
35253871Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10.5Asher shares some time with his allies before the big event...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-02 7 
35215455Surreal Encounters in Hotel Room/tg/ explores what happens when you lock the PCs in a hotel room and go full 1408 on them. Great for one-shot horror.horror, hotel, surreal2014-10-02 22 
35268740Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E11Asher wraps up in Dorothy's shop, trains, and then... It's time for a showstopper.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-03 6 
35220901For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 2We hang out with family and attend a Ball. Sonia manages to win a duel thanks to the time-honoured tradition of all out attack. Slow thread.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Dice2014-10-03 7 
35268247Kouga: Saint of Mars 33.5Thus the Paris Arc Ends... with one final talk with Beatrice, and thus Japan becomes the next stage.Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-03 1 
35263604Origins Quest: Continued 1A reboot/continuation of Origins, in which Camille and company have a final showdown with the Original of Chance.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-03 1 
35311578Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12The battle for fashion continues!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-05 6 
35324492Origins Quest: Continued 2After defeating the Original of Chance, Camille and company attempt to evade the fallout of their actions.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-06 1 
35367237Freelance Ghost Quest #38Where Artemis cooks with Lisa, has a romantic evening, and goes to war the next morning.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-10-08 3 
35413762Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12.5 (remaster)A thread's redone because the QM has a problem.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-10 7 
35438361Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E13Asher recovers from the fashion show. Continuing on to bigger and better things?Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-11 7 
35368274 For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 3We finally resolve the House Possat issue. But get attacked by raiders on our new planet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-11 12 
35478893Origins Quest: Continued 3Camille investigates the aftermath of her actions and begins planning long-term goals.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-13 1 
35499222Mundane Horror DiscussionIn which /tg/ talks about ways to make ordinary, non-supernatural threats scary.Horror, Wolves, Non-Supernatural, Mundane2014-10-14 3 
35509987Succubus Lord Quest 77Join us as the Greed Demon's drop a bombshell of information at us!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-10-15 7 
35526226For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 4We buy some land, make deals and hunt down pirates. The Neeran are also up to their usual nonsense.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-17 11 
35593742Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E14Wood and Blood.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-18 8 
35637705Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E15Asher is pulled into a pond for a bit of "business" with a nymph in the Otherworld.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-20 8 
35675145Kouga: Saint of Mars 34Kouga and Medea go over Paris... at least he is back home, right? Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-22 0 
35695012Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E16Pondscum a shit. A SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-23 6 
35707386Freelance Ghost Quest #39Where Artemis goes to war.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-10-23 1 
35687091Surreal Horror Ideas: Highways and Byways EditionWhat sorts of bizarre and otherworldly experiences might a hapless group of characters encounter on a cross-country road trip, an unexpected detour or simply on the way to work?Surreal, horror, highways, roads, cars, ghosts, travel, roadtrip, brainstorming, fluff, Australia2014-10-24 8 
35813522Freelance Ghost Quest #40Where Artemis pushes deep into Zerg Territory.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-10-29 3 
35813624For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 5Shore Leave Rescinded. We hunt down raiders behind our lines then set out to conduct front line salvage for the Alliance fleet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-10-31 8 
November 2014
35902074Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E17Asher has a chat with Saph, then goes to see an old friend...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-02 5 
35958596Freelance Ghost Quest #41Where Artemis battles the CerebrateCollective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-11-05 5 
36006513Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E18Asher has a conversation with Camille...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-07 7 
35959412For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 6We help harass the enemy retreat and get down to more salvaging. Business decisions regarding RSS are made and we consider future postings.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-07 11 
36122409Freelance Ghost Quest #42Where Artemis deals with the aftermath of the Cerebrate fight and rejoins his allies.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-11-13 5 
36149524Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E19Asher opens a portal to another world...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-14 5 
36102050For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 7We make preparations for the time skip, conduct a million surveys and get assigned to a new base. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-14 11 
36191100Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E20The portal is open upon one day within the time of Samhain. Through come the fae in a glorious way...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-16 6 
36183575Epic Quest .5A world of super powered assholes, and you're just a physical trainer. Luckily, you're also one of those assholesEpic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-16 6 
36195473Epic Quest 1An Epic destroyed a server farm near you, then blasts off again. After, you check around town for interesting stuff.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-16 7 
36229264Epic Quest 2We go on a road trip. Wacky hijinks ensueEpic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-18 6 
36246673Freelance Ghost Quest #43Where Artemis takes care of his buddy and goes to meet an executor.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-11-18 3 
36314108Over(Human)Limit Quest 21Asher fights against the forces that defy the Fae's foothold on the world as he's hunted by an old friend.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-11-22 6 
36336536Over(Human)Limit Quest 21.5Asher uses a fossil for a ritual. Frightful company makes an appearance.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-11-23 6 
36330052Epic Quest 3Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice creamEpic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-23 7 
36353393Epic Quest 4Zach meets with a recruiter, then is sent to school. He then plays capture the flag.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game 2014-11-18 1 36330052 Epic Quest 3 Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice cream Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-24 6 
36373795Epic Quest 5Finish up the capture the flag game, hang out with some Epics, then we go clubbin'!Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-25 6 
36392138Freelance Ghost Quest #44Where Artemis returns home.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-11-26 4 
36385215Dreamers vs Succubi Setting WorldbuildingAnon starts a thread involving Succubus Catfights. /tg/ proceeds to turn it into a setting vaguely inspired by Psychonauts and Inception and a discussion on the nature of true love, also, historic fiction. Not bad from a thread that started as Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors meets bikini wrestling.succubi, lucid dreaming, setting, worldbuilding, historic fiction, WTF, catfight2014-11-26 5 
36394833Epic Quest 6Brandon wakes up with hoes and a scab. We try to find the source of both.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-26 7 
36414061Epic Quest 7You sink a ship, then go to a party. Completely unrelated to each otherEpic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-27 8 
36428935 Fate/Another Origin Quest 1A fledgling magus is introduced, makes plans, and joins the Fourth Holy Grail War.collective game, nasuverse, fate zero, fate another origin, zero phantasm2014-11-28 3 
36393659For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 8We develop our training regimen for alliance pilots and find ourselves home for the holidays. Movies and research projects are set in place and we decide to pass on heist contract.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-11-28 7 
36447561Epic Quest 8Lost an arm. No big.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-29 8 
36418438Space SuperstitionsExactly what it says on the tin.space, superstitions, folklore2014-11-29 12 
December 2014
36493589Over(Human)Limit Quest 22Zeitgeist fights on through the night until the morning. It's time for a counterattack!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-01 6 
36527285For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 9Learning to duel properly, meeting new people and travelling to Watcher space as part of a diplomatic mission.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-04 7 
36603950Paladin of Joy Quest SummaryA Summary of threads to date.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Summary2014-12-06 20 
36626350Over(Human)Limit Quest 23The Purging of Faerie Chicago begins...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-08 6 
36663956For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 10We tour a Watcher colony world pick up souvenirs then set course for home. Spies begin to cause problems on the return flight.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-12 7 
36744844Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 1)The Spirit of the New Age.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-14 7 
36743632Succubus Lord Quest 78Join us as we see the eyes of the world through Brodin!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-12-14 7 
36764433Crit fail/ Crit success threadFeaturing: TPK via torch and kobold seducing.crit_fail crit_success2014-12-16 8 
36800743For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 11After annoying House Helios we set up a few business contracts, talk Bekka out of enlisting early then set course for Warlord territory.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2014-12-19 9 
36882809DBZ Human Quest #15After recovering in the hospital, Goku and Kaguya set course for Namek, and their training begins with a match that makes it clear who's the strongest of the twoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Goku, Chiaotzu, Korin, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Frieza, Vegeta, Namek, Kaio-Ken, King, Kai, Capsule Corp2014-12-21 14 
36900348Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 2)All things come to an end.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-22 6 
36902382Space Horror Campaign ConceptOP proposes a scifi campaign based off Alien and the Thing. Discussion derails into Dave, the PTSD-suffering AI that isn't a killer no matter how much it seems like one.Campaign, Scifi, Space, Horror, Worldbuilding, AI, Feels, Subverted Expectations2014-12-22 13 
36921319Gunderson Nuts Presents: Succubus Lord Quest 78Join us for this holiday special by Gunderson nuts!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics, buy Gunderson Nuts2014-12-23 5 
37033413 Leviathan Quest 1you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comicsmarvel, Dick Roman, collective game, quest, Arceus Exalted, Supernatural, Leviathan, Black goo, shapeshifter, doppelganger, comic, avengers, mutant2014-12-29 0 
37051951Succubus Lord Quest 80Join us for the aftermath of the Old TO battle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-12-30 5 
January 2015
37067020For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 12We help organise some negotiations, plot out a plan that should help South Reach and try to save &#350;ivan Berwari from himself.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-01-03 7 
37122120Night Shift: Minimum Wage, Maximum Weird. 2015 EditionNight Shift Anon returns with some play test stories and some new event ideas are pitched. Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming2015-01-04 6 
37202137For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 13We chase off raiders, deal with some fallout from Warlords changing sides and rope ourselves into an Alliance Intel Op.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-01-09 7 
37378736Succubus Lord Quest 81Join us as we sort out our after battle prizes!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-01-15 5 
37460964Subterranean Faun Civilization Quest 2We Catalog our gifts from the dwarfs and then pack up, get ready to move on.Collective Game, Faun Quest, Civilzation, Subterranean Performers2015-01-20 0 
37528689Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 01Death and the ClarityCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-01-21 11 
37533837Succubus Lord Quest 82Join us for Matriarch Ishtar's secret!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-01-22 5 
37548383Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 02Japanese ColdCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-01-22 10 
37634597Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 03Soul Society is a great place to live inCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-01-27 11 
37677773Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 04Why it eatsCollective Game, Substitute Shinigami, Bleach2015-01-28 10 
37687843DBZ Human Quest #47Frieza and Kaguya finally settle the scoreCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, King, Cold, Kamehameha, Death, Ball, Supernova2015-01-29 14 
February 2015
37747537Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 05First day in schoolCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-01 7 
37780348DBZ Human Quest #52Nappa and Vegeta fight a grudge match, and Nappa realizes the legendCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Trunks, Super, Gallick, Gun, Kamehameha2015-02-02 13 
37785131DBZ Human Quest #53Kaguya finishes his match with Nappa, and finds his friends training hardCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Vegeta, Kakarot, Super, 2015-02-02 12 
37796101Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 06Clarissa gets embarrassed at martial arts and interrogatedCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-02 6 
37805301DBZ Human Quest #54Kaguya spars with another Super Human, Vegeta makes a promise, and Nappa shows off his transformation to the othersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Earth, Super, Nappa, Vegeta, Icarus, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, Kakarot2015-02-03 12 
37808651DBZ Human Quest #55Super Human vs. Super SaiyanCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Super, Namekian, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Frieza, Piccolo, Kamehameha, Dodon, Ray2015-02-03 13 
37838370Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 03We could be loverscollective game, Substitute Shinigami, Bleach2015-02-04 7 
37858010Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 08Quincy archer hates you (even more than you might think!)Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-05 6 
37884098Young Monster quest EndAnd so it ends, with a whimper. The QM apologizes profusely and writes a distant Epilogue of it all. Warning, very little actual questing is done in this thread, lots of discussion however.Collective Game, Young Monster Quest, The Headmaster, Monster, quest,Demon, Sudden End, World building2015-02-07 2 
37935956DBZ Human Quest #59Kaguya talks to his parents, tries to patch things up with Vegeta, and begins training under Mr. Satan himselfCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Bulma, Yamcha, Doctor, Brief, Satan, Goku, Gohan, Capsule, Corp, Caroni, Parozhki2015-02-09 12 
37949742Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 09The sword is me.Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-09 7 
37974604For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 14We deal with civil unrest and plots on the planet of Surakeh.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-02-13 7 
38038820Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 10Quincy archer really hates you!Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-13 6 
38049057Posthuman Survivor CivA small shuttle of transhuman survivors seeks to rebuild on their own terms after the apocalypse. Eclipse Phase. Collective Game, Posthuman Suvivor Civ, Eclipse Phase2015-02-14 5 
38110830Posthuman Survivor Civilization - 2 We get fueled up, recruit some new engineers, and add some ships to our convoy.Collective Game, Posthuman Survivor Civ, Eclipse Phase2015-02-17 4 
38144901Posthuman Survivor Civilization - 3There's a raid on the Carolina Days, and it goes mostly according to plan. We turtle up and concentrate on GTFOing. Collective Game, Posthuman Survivor Civ, Eclipse Phase2015-02-19 3 
38171821Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 11Quincy archer doesn't hate you anymoreCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-19 7 
38204070Posthuman Survivor Civilization - 4We get ready to (finally) leave Earth for the belt, only to have our fuel hijacked.Collective Game, Posthuman Survivor Civ, Eclipse Phase2015-02-21 3 
38246094Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility2015-02-23 8 
38267075Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 12Your friend isn't feeling so goodCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-02-23 7 
38332191Superheroic Quest 1: Dragons?A maiden captured by a dragon... or just what is going on here?Collective Game, Superheroic Quest, Superhero2015-02-27 0 
March 2015
38421231Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 13Three dead girls and one sick girl try to catch a breakCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-02 5 
38445286 For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 15We deal with fallout from events of previous thread, elections and setting up some construction projects.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-03-06 7 
38522803DBZ Human Quest #92A new day brings a new round of training, and some new ideas on how to do itColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Icarus, Android, Sixteen, Cell, Videl2015-03-07 9 
38537571Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 14Things get kind of weirdCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-08 5 
38518691Suicide Quest Pt 4In which our hero has a nervous breakdown and fights a baphomet type demon.suicide, collective game2015-03-09 3 
38631415Magus Hunter Quest #1: Character CreationWhere Michael Weston is made, backstory is fleshed out and his initiation as a Vindicator Primus is completed.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-12 21 
38607687For House and Dominion: Home Front III - 16We discuss station construction and try to help Mike with his personal life before being recalled to the fleet. Sonia Reynard takes the reins of an Expeditionary Force as a Knight Commander.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-03-13 8 
38674616Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 15Clarissa receives a threatCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-13 5 
38697868Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 16A friend gets attacked, and... Wait, this doesn't seem right...Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-14 6 
38699882Magus Hunter Quest #2We get a team together to take a road tripCollective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-15 17 
38729549Gentlemen, BEHOLD!Dr. Tory Matheus Sinclair, mad scientist extraordinaire, slaughtering rats without a care, accidentally ignites all the air. All of it. R.I.P.Drawfag, collective game, one-shot, mad science, highly contagious fungal explosive flammable inextinguishable super rat poison, Incendispore2015-03-16 7 
38753465Extranatural Consultant QuestA pair of Extranatural Consultants get a case about a series of accidents involving ice sculptors and no cold puns are made.Collective Game, Extranatural Consultant Quest, Modern Fantasy, Mystery, MagicalGrill2015-03-17 7 
38771852Extranatural Consultant Quest 2Interviews are held under disguise and some history is revealed about the suspects in this mystery, a cold pun is finally made.Collective Game, Extranatural Consultant Quest, Modern Fantasy, Mystery, MagicalGrill2015-03-18 6 
38832749Suicide Quest 5MC gets lost and passes pig bridgeSuicide, Collective Game2015-03-21 2 
38829090Magus Hunter Quest #2Where we realise the mansion is haunted, and find a hidden cellar.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-21 14 
38891872Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 17Shopping with MayuriCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-24 6 
38932253Magus Hunter Quest #4Where we make a defence plan, shop a bit and go on our first actual mission.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-26 16 
38967958Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 18Clarissa makes a promiseCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-03-27 5 
38988451Magus Hunter Quest #5Where we wrap things up at the farm, have a serious talk with Milly, find out more about the house and set up the surveillance.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-29 15 
April 2015
39069414Magus Hunter Quest #6Where we build most of the training room, dig up a dolmen, learn about ley lines and find the practically dead remains of an ancient warlord.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-02 13 
39108405Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 19Clarissa kills a Hollow and has a chat with herselfCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-04 7 
39110003Magus Hunter Quest #7Where we finish our training room, find important info about ley lines and magic circles, and hunt down a werewolf.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-04 12 
39130559Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 20Something nice happens for a changeCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-05 7 
39219226Magus Hunter Quest #8Where we say goodbye to Helena, realise a strange phenomena, research it and start building an R&R room.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-09 8 
39258974Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 21A friend unlocks a special powerCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-11 7 
39264141For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 1We deal with the aftermath of the previous battle, trade for torpedoes and shuffle our fleet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-04-11 8 
39279325Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 22Clarissa talks things out with KimikoCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-12 10 
39348480Strelok's Post Apoc Survivor Civ Quest Ch 1In which we come under attack by viscious pyro bandits in power armorCollective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, Survivor2015-04-15 5 
39382587Magus Hunter Quest #9Where we talk to HQ, finish and test the R&R room, have another bad dream and have a guest spar verbally with Milly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-17 10 
39367625Strelok's Post Apoc Survivor Civ Quest Ch 2Burn baby burn! Monster inferno! We get invaded by monsters and zombies, but managed to kick some monster and zombie butt, suffering only awful losses. But we leave on a new day full of opportunity.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, Survivor2015-04-17 1 
39401407Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 23The final dayCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-18 7 
39402882Magus Hunter Quest #10Where we go on patrol, break up a gang fight, meet a detective and find a trader in magical goods.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-18 10 
39422294Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 24The perfect banquetCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-19 12 
39388345Young Justice Quest: Unlimited #25The unexpected final fate of an earth on the eve of Crisis. Collective Game, Young Justice, Super Boy, Hypertime2015-04-20 10 
39507994Magus Hunter Quest #11Where we confront our father alongside Wooster, train and almost finish the shooting range, and call up DCI Nettles.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-23 7 
39493859Strelok's Post Apoc Survivor Civ Quest Ch 3PARTY HARD. Involving monsters, zombies, and a caravan. We make contact with some old friends.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, Survivor2015-04-23 4 
39532597Succubus Lord Quest 783Join us as we drink a Mocha and capture a Sloth demon!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-04-24 5 
39544837Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 25Cutting looseCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-04-25 5 
39563892Magus Hunter Quest #12Where we encounter and deal with a group of drug mystical dealers.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-26 6 
39597403Strelok's Post Apoc Survivor Civ Quest Ch 4explosions. robots. Explosions. lots of resources. Explosions! Turns out the hot tubs make people mad. Also EXPLOSIONS!Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, Survivor2015-04-28 1 
39650477Magus Hunter Quest #13Where we finish the shooting range, analyse ley-lines and get informed of a joined Op organised by the entire Order.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-30 4 
May 2015
39631169For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 2Struggles over slavery issues. We head for a new battle front and help fight off a boarding attempt on the Majestic.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-01 9 
39688637Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 26Kimiko's conclusionCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-02 5 
39728942Magus Hunter Quest #14Where we work on the magic circle some more, get a creepy vision and find out the truth about Milly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-04 4 
39749388Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 27Letting it all outCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-05 6 
39789281Magus Hunter Quest #15Where we train a lot, have a new kind of dream and find something weird about ourselves, brainstorm on rooms to biuld and are informed of Operation Daybreak.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-07 6 
39796313Strelok's Post Apoc Survivor Civ Quest Ch 5Super monster mayhem, three heroes dead, 400 people infected with mad. Welcome to the Post Apoc.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, strelok, Survivor2015-05-07 1 
39807947 Nasuverse Quest #1We play as two guys named Elijah, decide on hobbies, beat up a bully and then discuss cuckoldry.Collective Game, Sins of the Father, Nasuverse, TYPE Moon, What are we?, 2015-05-08 8 
39830456Nasuverse Quest #2Once more, we play as both Elijahs, get some answers from gramps, fix our hand, have our date interrupted and are facing down a rune userCollective Game, Sins of the Father, Nasuverse, TYPE Moon, Mixed-Blood, Teen Drama2015-05-09 5 
39828884 (Quest Thread) Reborn in an RPG S02 Ep30We get a cute salamander girl called Fahima, and reach Pelak, the orc's capital. We also have lewd times with Aritsu and Lyanncollective game, Eldric Lightbringer, Lyann, Mako, Aritsu2015-05-09 6 
39846920Paladin of Joy Quest 66: Tales of the Belt Notchers 1Six succubi accept a mission from a Goddess: Are they bad enough girls to steal an artifact from a crazy lich?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2015-05-09 17 
39847334Surreal Television Quest - Episode 0Character generation, and the introduction to the quest. Also, one of the main character's classmates gets brutally murdered on camera.Surreal Television Quest, Collective Game2015-05-09 2 
39847121Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 28Cracked skyCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-10 5 
39849138Nasuverse Quest #3We play as only one Elijah, duke it out with Jose, info dump on our friends and kiss someoneCollective Game, Sins of the Father, Nasuverse, TYPE Moon, Mixed-Blood, Teen Drama, Kissing, Fight Scene2015-05-10 2 
39909661Surreal Television Quest - Episode 1Allie returns to a normal routine and tries to piece together some clues.Surreal Television Quest, Collective Game2015-05-13 1 
39936537Magus Hunter Quest #16Where we plan our attack and meet up with the two squads under your command.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-14 4 
39937276Nasuverse Quest #4We finally get some answers, but then discover more questions, then we have to deal with some serious family dramaCollective Game, Sins of the Father, Nasuverse, TYPE Moon, Family Drama, Info Dump, Wendigo Problems, Mixed Blood2015-05-14 2 
39941617Succubus Lord Quest 84Join us as we meet Nalika's sister, Pride Demon King Kaj!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-05-14 6 
39987773Paladin of Joy Quest 67: Tales of the Belt Notchers 2Still stuck in the puzzle dungeon, which of our girls will win the battle for the heart? Oh and also there's a Lich to defeat.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2015-05-16 17 
39992381Magus Hunter Quest #17Where Operation Daybreak is a go!Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-17 4 
39986660Surreal Television Quest - Episode 1Allie suddenly gets involved in the first TV episode - in the middle of a desert.Surreal Television Quest, Collective Game2015-05-17 1 
40015994Nasuverse Quest #5We get a chance to talk to Dante, we get to go on a date and we even kiss the girl! Oh and we're getting trained.Collective Game, Sins of the Father, Nasuverse, TYPE Moon, Mixed-Blood, Teen Drama, Kissing2015-05-18 2 
39993664For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 4We play as Sonia's Mom and ground Bekka. Back with the fleet we do some sims and prepared for battle.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-18 7 
40073003Nasuverse Quest #6We talk with Dante, then we spar. Then we find out Toby's been shot and we get ambushed by maybe zombiesCollective Game, Sins of the Father, Nasuverse, TYPE Moon, Mixed-Blood, 2015-05-21 1 
40110014Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 29Menos GrandeCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-23 5 
40127421For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 5Fleet battles and more fleet battles!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-05-25 7 
40155755Nasuverse Quest #7We make our way through Toby's house and fight a Jiangshi. Plus, Grandpa Eli is back. Unfortunately, we lose a close friend.Collective Game, Sins of the Father, Nasuverse, TYPE Moon, Mixed-Blood, Fight Scene, Death 2015-05-25 2 
40199553Superhuman Legacy QuestI commit the sin of char gen and Thomas Cairn is a huge nerd.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2015-05-27 12 
40199253Nasuverse Quest #8We find out Jessie has a secret, go looking for the brinwell agent, learn some stuff and then we talk to JessieCollective Game, Sins of the Father, Nasuverse, TYPE Moon, Mixed-Blood, Teen Drama, Kissing2015-05-27 2 
40216672Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 30Force of natureCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-28 5 
40217090SuperHuman Legacy Quest 2Thomas gets a letter, makes Nanomachines son, pushes himself too hard, and goes to college.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines2015-05-28 11 
40238091Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 31White coats, white liesCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-29 5 
40238173SuperHuman Legacy Quest 3Thomas briefly forgets his name, Stark blesses him with mad charisma, and then he techs up.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-05-29 9 
40238130Just Plane ScaryThe setting: a transatlantic flight. The system: Cthulu Dark. OP's request: strange and scary things that can happen aboard a large aircraft.surreal, horror, cthulu, aircraft, planes, brainstorming, one-shot,2015-05-29 2 
40257565Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 32Mad CircusCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-05-30 3 
40275470Three Word QuestThree is all, all we have. And in three, our story starts. First with one, then with two. Where to next? Not a clue.Collective Game, Three Word Quest, 3WQ, surreal, strange, waifu, /tg/ never changes2015-05-30 21 
40290235Weird West Quest 2Jonathan and his rope heroically battle a whore house owner and a dude with a sword.Collective Game, Western, Supernatural, Rope, Horror2015-05-31 2 
June 2015
40321630Superhuman Legacy Quest 4Thomas makes the mother of all omelettes, pwns a noob in Theoretical Physics, almost blows up a city, and uses the aftermath to design power armor.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Crisis Averted2015-06-02 9 
40276753For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 6After a prolonged battle with retreating Neeran fleets we begin to sort through the salvage.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-02 8 
40386890Superhuman Legacy Quest 5Thomas knows who Mr. Salvos is now, punches a Supervillain in the balls with nanomachines, and experiences awkward nerd love.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Awkward Nerd Love2015-06-04 8 
40386837Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 33A bus drive with a madmanCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-05 3 
40425991Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 34Playing with dollsCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-07 3 
40425342For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 7We sort our fleet and head for our next assignment. A customized ship and select team take off into the latest salvage adventure.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-09 8 
40496965Superhero Quest Spectacular #1rst Issue!Meet Jack O'Connor, better known by his superhero alias FREEDOM EAGLE as he settles into his new home in Emerald City and gets acquainted with the locals, both friendly and otherwise!Collective Game, Superhero Quest.2015-06-10 10 
40514899Superhuman Legacy Quest 6Thomas Cairn gets some answers, sees some shoddy work,creates an AI, rolls so well that I still don't understand, and realizes that he accidentally invented cold fusion.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark, How the fuck bro2015-06-11 8 
40538008Superhuman Legacy Quest 7Thomas meets with the Super Crew, techs up, gets that dosh, and does timeskip.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark,2015-06-12 7 
40540075Superhero Quest Issue #2Jack throws down with The Envoy and learns more of her mission outside Utopia.Collective Game, Superhero Quest2015-06-12 10 
40556696Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 35Spontaneous complexesCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-13 2 
40576122Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 36The swords are mineCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-13 2 
40611887Pokemon Quest #97 Part 2We nickname and train Meloetta, inspect Robin's new eye, and walk her to the surgery roomPokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, surgery, paranoia, cyborg2015-06-15 20 
40575195 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 8We resume running around a station that is not as deserted as we might like it to be. Salvage commences.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-06-15 8 
40601094Superhero Quest Spectacular Issue #3Freedom Eagle and Envoy go shopping, only to be interrupted by the unstoppable ANVIL! Plus; more intrigue in Emerald City's underground!Collective Game, Superhero Quest2015-06-15 8 
40641876Magus Hunter Quest #18Where we meet the Vindex Primus, get debriefed, talk with Edward and see a glimpse of the coming storm.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-17 5 
40660304Superhuman Legacy Quest 8Thomas disarms a criminal, reaches Grandpa's house, and uncovers a secret.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark, Disarming2015-06-18 7 
40678812Superhuman Legacy Quest 9Thomas manages to look cool in front of Supervillains, makes me censor stuff again, and this briefly becomes lists and shit.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-06-18 7 
40684229Heroes Rising Quest #1We meet Simon Saes (pronounced Says) and run faster than nursesSuper Heroes, Heroes Rising, Collective Game2015-06-19 1 
40696594Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 37 + RecapAudience with the king (+ Recap)Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-19 5 
40700237Superhero Quest Issue #4Jack begins to learn more about the underworld of Emerald City and meets both old enemies and new allies of convienience.Collective Game, Superhero Quest2015-06-20 6 
40716278Magus Hunter Quest #19Where you finish work on the security room and deal with Milly in the fallout of her getting drunk.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-21 5 
40723903Pokemon Quest #98We bond with Raistlin, Robin goes for surgery, and we get paranoid!Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, surgery, paranoia, cyborg, alakazam, meditation2015-06-21 20 
40714184For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 9We finish recovering important items and data from the destroyed station. Loot is split, purchases are made, and the best route home is discussed.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey, Marines2015-06-23 11 
40780508Magus Hunter Quest #20Where we buy lots of stuff, train a bit, find the first magic circle, and go on a date.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-24 2 
40779350Superhuman Legacy Quest 10In this spectacular issue, Thomas judo-flips a zombie, finds a mysterious item, meets a real life wizard, and promptly loses the mysterious item.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines2015-06-24 7 
40816856Superhuman Legacy Quest 11Thomas exorcises a spirit, fails at sneaking, oh god why, and Mystery BoxCollective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark, Mystery Box2015-06-26 6 
40820953Lex Luthor In Your Setting/tg/ asks how well Lex Luthor would do in anon's setting of choice, and /tg/ explains why people from capeshit are bullshitvillian, supervillian, Exalted, HFY2015-06-26 1 
40835791Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 38Cloudy dayCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-26 2 
40857324Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 39RegicideCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-06-27 2 
40856748For House and Dominion: Neeran War 4th Tour 10R&D bases are visited, tech is explained and we return home to a hero's welcome. Mostly.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey, Marines2015-06-30 11 
July 2015
40925528Superhuman Legacy Quest 12Thomas Gets loads of money, makes a deal with the QM, and makes tech amazing.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-01 6 
40927165Magus Hunter Quest #21Where we go to the final circle and find Tobias PattersonCollective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-01 3 
40967867(Quest Thread) Reborn in an RPG S03 Ep01We are back with season 3. We help the salamanders go back home and take a dragon subduing quest from the orc's adventurers guild.collective game, Eldric Lightbringer, Lyann, Mako, Aritsu2015-07-03 4 
40986288Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 40The nightly patrolCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-04 2 
40987374(Quest Thread) Reborn in an RPG S03 Ep02We add Tanis to our menagerie. She's a strong independant female dragon that don't need no mancollective game, Eldric Lightbringer, Lyann, Mako, Aritsu2015-07-04 3 
41008852For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 1House Arrest Edition. Players and Sonia both rage against the machine.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey2015-07-07 11 
41120244DBZ Human Quest Super #3Battle with the Ginyu Force?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-10 7 
41115691(Quest Thread) Reborn in an RPG S03 Ep03We walk without rythm, so we don't attract the Lava Wurm, and then kill it. The Salamanders are happy to go home, and give us a legendary ruby as rewardcollective game, Eldric Lightbringer, Lyann, Mako, Aritsu2015-07-10 2 
41134241Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 41Substitute CupidCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-11 2 
41154707Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 42Disappearance trickCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-11 2 
41135900QUEST REBORN IN AN RPG S03 EP04Starting super late today, princess Aritsu shopping, minor lewdcollective game, Eldric Lightbringer, Lyann, Mako, Aritsu2015-07-11 2 
41161795DBZ Human Quest Super #4The Battle with the Ginyu Force comes to an end, and brings more questions than answersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-07-12 7 
41179223Magus Hunter Quest #22Where we deal with political fallout and have a chat with the Arch Magus.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-13 5 
41185562DBZ Human Quest Super #5The second Dragonball is retrieved, and a rematch is fast approachingColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-07-13 6 
41157784For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 2Rioja world building as the city begins its rapid expansion. Over land links connect to the main city.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Survey, Dice, Survey2015-07-14 9 
41226925DBZ Human Quest Super #6Gohan AscendsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-15 7 
41241508Magus Hunter Quest #23Where we deal with a vampire attack and decide on a name for our book.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-16 10 
41229071Raising Awareness/Writefag Training: The SUE Files Anon regales us with a tale of a DM so terrible and a setting so horrid that it beggars beliefThat Guy, That DM, Homebrew setting, Mary Sue, Storytime, DMPC2015-07-16 53 
41260076Superhuman Legacy Quest 13I'm archiving early to stop misarchival, also future stuff.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-16 5 
41260854Quest REBORN IN AN RPG S03 EP05Wehave lunch inthe palace and get to workcollective game, Eldric Lightbringer, Lyann, Mako, Aritsu2015-07-17 3 
41280377Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 43Who am I?Collective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-18 2 
41281451(Quest Thread) Reborn in an RPG S03 Ep06We have our beach party, get swimsuits for everyone, and the QM gets banned for being too lewd with his picturescollective game, Eldric Lightbringer, Lyann, Mako, Aritsu2015-07-18 3 
41301202Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 44Sibling bondingCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-19 3 
41308638DBZ Human Quest Super #7Kaguya and Gohan destroy a planetCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-19 6 
41302679Magus Hunter Quest #24Where we make a lot of phone calls, start making an infirmary and train some more.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-19 6 
41279526Raising Awareness/Writefag Training: The SUE Files Part 2We thought it couldn't get any worse. Holy mother of Cthulthu were we wrong. That Guy, That GM, Homebrew Setting, Mary Sue, DMPC2015-07-20 27 
41353334Reality Abuser Quest 1: Origin storyEmily Smiles' life of staying shut indoors changes when she's unwillingly given reality-warping powers.Collective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain2015-07-21 7 
41354721DBZ Human Quest Super #8Things take a turn for the worse when the gang catches up with RilldoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-07-21 7 
41331748Ancient History: Near EastInformative discussion on the ancient Near East, including Sumerians, Egyptians, etc.near east, history, middle east, sumerian, egyptian, babylon2015-07-21 7 
41355121Raising Awareness/Writefag Training: The SUE Files Part 2SAN checks are made, insanity reigns, but finally, finally, it ends.That Guy, That DM, Homebrew setting, Mary Sue, Storytime, DMPC2015-07-21 26 
41396768Reality Abuser Quest 2: Modifier Issue 1Emily and Moriarty encounter The Ragtags, a group of low rung super villains living in an old train yard. Early ArchiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-07-22 6 
41393039Magus Hunter Quest #25Where we hunt an abyssal, an abyssal hunts us, and we screw up majorly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-23 3 
41326922For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 3Even more world building on Rioja. Our first Heavy Cruiser finishes construction.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-07-23 9 
41413087Superhuman Legacy Quest 14Thomas has his first drink, buys flowers, and here comes the boom.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-24 3 
41431937(Quest Thread) Reborn in an RPG S03 Ep08We enjoy the beach fun, and receive news from Okaba. The trip to Heven is a go!collective game, Eldric Lightbringer, Lyann, Mako, Aritsu2015-07-25 3 
41298468DMPCs do and don'ts/tg/ discusses and regales instances in which DMs used a DMPC or a NPC, in a beneficial and/or engaging way, or as an excuse to play their special snowflake character.BBEG, DMPC, mary sue, NPC, roleplay, storytime, THAT DM2015-07-25 2 
41431234Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 45The closed room vandalism caseCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-25 3 
41438672DBZ Human Quest Super #9Backup is needed to fight RilldoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-25 6 
41454099Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 46Creeping shadowsCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-26 2 
41521626Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 47DecisionCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-28 3 
41522086Superhuman Legacy Quest 15Thomas kneecapitates Boombox, finds a prospective hire, and he's baaaack.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-29 6 
41542546Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 48Ill tempersCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-30 5 
41565577Superhuman Legacy Quest 16Thomas has to meet with Monica for feelings and shit, Then he skips a few years and becomes a fucking boss, then some shit with Grandpa happens.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-30 4 
41582436Devil Summoner: London Quest #1Our protagonist enters a new world and learns a few choice facts about family.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-07-31 15 
41584287Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 49A fuzzy feelingCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-07-31 5 
August 2015
41609050Reality Abuser Quest 3: Modifier Issue 2Emily gets to know her new friend, Amazonia (Marcia Esteban-Wallace) and continues making reality her bitch. Early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-08-02 7 
41608926DBZ Human Quest Super #10Kaguya performs an abortion...I'm just as surprised as you areCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-08-02 7 
41622512Devil Summoner: London Quest #2Our protagonist meets some more survivors and recruits a new servantCollective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-02 5 
41666827Devil Summoner: London Quest #3Our protagonist plans out the attack, but not everything goes to planCollective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-04 5 
41685435Devil Summoner: London Quest #4Everyone is the hero of their own storyCollective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-05 5 
41680792Empyrean: The World-Eatersa thread about cosmic-level capmpaigns ends in a predictably /tg/ way, and with homebrewCosmic, Galactus, Epic Level, Space, All-Consuming Vore Loli, Planet Eating, Empyrean: The World-Eaters, Homebrew2015-08-07 20 
41726401Devil Summoner: London Quest #5Back in the land of the living, our hero plays both sidesCollective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-07 6 
41734689DBZ Human Quest Super #11Another Dragonball is foundCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-08-08 6 
41751553Space Suit QuestWe introduce protagonist Jay Carbon, who loses her pants.Space Suit Quest, Space Suit, Collective Game, Randumb, lewds, magical realm, waifu, faggotry2015-08-09 1 
41767498Devil Summoner: London Quest #6Our protagonist draws her plans as battle loomsCollective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-09 5 
41750491For House and Dominion: Home Front IV - 4Spending time with siblings and watching the pretty light show in orbit. Maybe it's time to outfit your new command ship?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-11 11 
41806562Devil Summoner: London Quest #7Our protagonist makes her escape, but not without some difficultiesCollective Game, Quest, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-11 5 
41808425Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 50The bus stopCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-12 3 
41832677Reality Abuser Quest 4: Modifier Issue 3Something strange is out at sea. Early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-08-13 6 
41826654Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 51Haunted houseCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-13 3 
41866930Devil Summoner: London Quest #8Meeting fairy royalty, solving fairy problemsQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-14 5 
41869639Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 52PreparationsCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-15 3 
41889632Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 53Shattered puzzleCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-16 5 
41907943Devil Summoner: London Quest #9Several discoveries are made, and few of them are pleasantQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-16 5 
41891750For House and Dominion: Civil War 1Jerik-Dremine strikes back against House Erid. We debate the merits of different targets.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-17 11 
41940632DBZ Human Quest Super #12Kaguya gets hitchedCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-08-18 11 
41951401Devil Summoner: London Quest #10A family reunion, training an angel and meeting up with an old friend.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-18 5 
41954276Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 54EnvyCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-19 2 
41972574Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 55MinefieldCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-20 3 
41996458DBZ Human Quest Super #13When things go bad, an old friend brings helpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-08-21 8 
42006676Surfer Ghouls Setting WorldbuildingOP proposes a setting in which a nonhuman intelligent species of "ghouls" appears in the modern world, claiming to be fleeing something. Worldbuilding results.ghouls, ghoul, surfer, beach, colors, neon nightmare, worldbuilding, setting,2015-08-21 18 
42007910Devil Summoner: London Quest #11Questions and answers. Plus, looking a gift horse in the mouthQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-21 5 
42009454Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 56Hanging on a revelationCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-22 3 
42034670Reality Abuser Quest 5: Wonderland issue 1The beginnings of a wonderland? Maybe, but it's certainly the beginning of something? early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-08-23 6 
42028252Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 57Two worlds' secretsCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-23 3 
42020487Surfer Ghouls Setting Worldbuilding 2: The Neon NightmareA second thread discussing the arrival of hippy-surfer-slacker "Ghouls" on Earth, the friendships they make and the secrets they keep about their native culture and the fate of their old home in the Neon Nightmare.ghouls, ghoul, surfer, beach, colors, neon nightmare, worldbuilding, setting,2015-08-23 13 
42046082Devil Summoner: London Quest #12Our protagonist attends Forneus' garage sale and learns of an ArchangelQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-23 6 
42029954For House and Dominion: Civil War 2Starship theft and demolition derby help complete a mission. A Recon team is sent on a dangerous mission without Sonia! Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-08-25 12 
42087271Devil Summoner: London Quest #13Local girl shouts at door and punches a devilQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-26 6 
42145944Devil Summoner: London Quest #14Family reunion 2.0 Also, fairies are jerksQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-29 5 
42148262Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 58The negotiationCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-29 3 
42167269Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 59Talking with KimikoCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-08-30 5 
42190763Devil Summoner: London Quest #15A rude awakening, and delving into a dog eat dog worldQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-08-30 5 
42198266DBZ Human Quest Super #14We are finally done with GTCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-08-31 6 
September 2015
42223723Mongolian Queer Literature and Techno discussionsA mary-sue thread is derailed into talk about Mongolian Queer literature and Mongolian Queer Techno. It is glorious.Mongolian queer literature, mongolian queer techno, mary sue, derailment2015-09-01 15 
42235697Devil Summoner: London Quest #16How to earn some enforced bedrestQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-01 5 
42242244DBZ Human Quest Super #15 Kaguya, Gohan, and Kazuma bounce ideas for a book Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-02 6 
42169423For House and Dominion: Civil War 3Open warfare with House Erid begins. Players try to tackle the Zeus in space.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-02 12 
42255939Reality Abuser Quest 6: Wonderland issue 2After a disastrous reunion with her mother, and the trouncing of a freshly started villain, Emily tries to take a day to enjoy herself. But what will fate have in mind for our godling, dear reader? Buy this issue and find out the shocking truth. Early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-09-02 6 
42257003Post Apoc Bandit Brood Civ QuestThus starts the journey of our Bandits, the Brood, and the Supersoldier in these monster and zombie infested megacity ruins.Collective Game, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandits, Super Soldier, Brood2015-09-04 1 
42288488Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 60Conversation in the darkCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-09-04 4 
42286799Devil Summoner: London Quest #17Cassandra's brief moment in the spotlight, and Amelia descends into the tunnelsQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-04 5 
42308046Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 61See you againCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-09-05 7 
42326914Devil Summoner: London Quest #18A close fought battle with Uriel, and a new start with OberonQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-06 6 
42317263Post Apoc Bandit Brood Civ Quest 3Another day of survival, of growth of the Hive and of Bandits as we gain new powers, new weapons, new challengesCollective Game, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandits, Super Soldier, Brood2015-09-07 1 
42349533Superheroes and the Law If caped and masked superheroes existed, what kind of laws would be passed in regards to them? Super Lawyers and Super Tax Agents ensue.superheroes law2015-09-07 6 
42309693For House and Dominion: Civil War 4Taking the fight into House Erid space. Hit and fade tactics never get old.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-08 11 
42361390DBZ Human Quest Super #16Bachelor Party and Birthday PartyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Somnius, Saiyan2015-09-08 11 
42377645Devil Summoner: London Quest #19Cassandra parts with an old friend and makes a new one.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-08 5 
42388226Awakened Quest #1The protagonist is born, goes sledding, and discovers a tunnel.collective game, clones, sci-fi, subterranean, urban2015-09-09 4 
42404615DBZ Human Quest Super #17Som uses the wrong OP pic, and Buu ruins the partyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-10 8 
42426215DBZ Human Quest Super #18Only one man can stand against Beerus the DestroyerCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-11 8 
42436569Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 62The means to an endCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-09-11 5 
42434227Devil Summoner: London Quest #20Cassandra deals with a pair of highly trustworthy individuals.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-11 5 
42441007Reality Abuser Quest 7: Wonderland issue 3The newest and shiniest member of the team moves into the bunker, and Emily gets an invitation of sorts. Early archiveCollective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-09-11 6 
42473286Devil Summoner: London Quest #21Amelia receives some unwelcome news and sets her sights on a new goalQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-13 5 
42455812For House and Dominion: Civil War 5Hail Sonia Reynard, Baron of Rioja!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-14 12 
42506748Awakening Quest #2We emerge from the tunnels, kill another man, and check our divine mouthpiece.collective game, clones, sci-fi, subterranean, urban, awakening quest2015-09-15 3 
42516490Devil Summoner: London Quest #22Amelia confronts Mot's drama and gives new life to an old friendQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-16 5 
42566606DBZ Human Quest Super #19The Dragonballs are stolenCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-09-18 7 
42579588Substitute Shinigami Quest Thread 63EpilogueCollective Game, Bleach, Substitute Shinigami2015-09-18 6 
42576983Devil Summoner: London Quest #23Sharing secrets, and preparing for the attack on the third cornerstoneQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-18 5 
42581195Awakening Quest #3From dawn til dusk. Also, we're exiles now.collective game, clones, sci-fi, subterranean, urban, awakening quest2015-09-19 2 
42586930DBZ Human Quest Super #20In perhaps the greatest shark jump of this quest, two new gods are bornCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-19 6 
42622406Devil Summoner: London Quest #24The battle for the third cornerstone begins in fullQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-20 5 
42612564For House and Dominion: Civil War 6Diplomats from three of the most powerful Houses each ask us to aid them in their bids for power.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2015-09-22 12 
42669908Reality Abuser Quest 8: Wonderland issue 3This issue, Wonderland and friends begin to run out of cash. Luckily however, Moriarty has a plan to fix this little problem right up, but will anyone else like his idea. Early archive.Collective Game, Reality Abuser Quest, The Headmaster, Reality Warper, Supervillain, Super Villain,2015-09-22 6 
42664965Devil Summoner: London Quest #25The madness of King OberonQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-23 5 
42670749DBZ Human Quest Super #21The Battle of the GodsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan, Somnius2015-09-23 9 
42690424DBZ Human Quest Super #22The party comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-24 7 
42709026DBZ Human Quest Super #23A honeymoon, and a father-son reunionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Somnius, Saiyan2015-09-25 7 
42717635Devil Summoner: London Quest #26It's cold up northQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-26 5 
42756554Devil Summoner: London Quest #27A change in leadership in the land of the FaeQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-09-27 5 
42783141Baker Quest XPastry delivery!quest goes in the subject line, collective game2015-09-29 4 
42785301DBZ Human Quest Super #24Castle explorationCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Sauyan, Super, Quest2015-09-29 7 
42803621DBZ Human Quest Super #25A battle in GingertownCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-09-30 5 
October 2015
42813748Devil Summoner: London Quest #28Finding a New Way to do thingsQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-01 5 
42833034Awakening Quest #4We boot up and shut down early.collective game, clones, sci-fi, subterranean, urban, awakening quest2015-10-01 1 
42836513Supernatural Quest Pat IIn which we are immersed head first into our role as caretaker of Fabletown.Quest, Collective Game, Supernatural Quest2015-10-02 5 
42848729Devil Summoner: London Quest #29Among the dead and into the labyrinth.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-02 5 
42886456Devil Summoner: London Quest #30An eye for an eye. A new protagonist appearsQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-04 5 
42923780Devil Summoner: London Quest #31Our protagonist enjoys some family time and performs surgeryQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-07 5 
42975438Devil Summoner: London Quest #32Playing therapist and performing surgeryQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-10 5 
43014247Devil Summoner: London Quest #33Fighting the last Archangel.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-11 5 
43050119Devil Summoner: London Quest #34Searching for the Fiends and finding far worse thingsQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-13 5 
43103660Devil Summoner: London Quest #35A line is crossed.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-17 5 
43123865Supers Quest 1We pick our hero, gain our powers, and join the dark side.Supers Quest, Collective Game, super powers, villainy2015-10-17 6 
43141010Devil Summoner: London Quest #36Bidding farewell to the fairy kingdom and attacking the final cornerstoneQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-18 5 
43148125DBZ Human Quest Super #26The Cell Games beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-10-19 5 
43136228Loli Survivor Quest 1After a nuclear apocalypse, our protagonist wanders the wasteland seeking to reunite with her parents.Collective Game, Drawquest, Loli Survivor Quest, Yozhman, post-apocalyptic2015-10-19 4 
43128643For House and Dominion: Civil War 7Fleet and army are assembling. We look at Admirals, Generals and Wing Commanders to augment out command staff.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-10-20 13 
43177245Devil Summoner: London Quest #37Leaving the old world behind and entering the TowerQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-21 5 
43184855"Welcome to the Night Shift: Minimum Wage, Maximum Weird." - Abandoned EditionAn anon resurrects a /tg/ favoriteNight Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, supernatural, gas station2015-10-23 32 
43233157Devil Summoner: London Quest #38Finishing the forces of Law once and for allQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-23 5 
43278041Sp'r't Quest #1We gain our Sp'r't and let a random man into our uncle's house.Sp'r't Quest, Collective Game, Spirits, Summoning2015-10-25 1 
43274521Devil Summoner: London Quest #39To build a better world.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-26 7 
43287465Trivia Game Quest #1 Or SomethingOP forgets to put "quest" in the subject line.Collective Game, Quest Goes in the Subject Line2015-10-26 1 
43302401The lich's phylactery is now called...For everyone sick of those undead wizzy bastardsfluff, insults, humor2015-10-27 15 
43301188For House and Dominion: Civil War 8Raiders begin to attack the Run. We get to work building more defenses. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-10-29 12 
43273739Night Shift: Minimum Wage, Maximum WeirdDay Shift are assholes edition: More reminiscing and fleshing out of the setting. Motel, apartment, and other variants discussed and explored. Night Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, supernatural, gas station, motel, Dave2015-10-30 12 
43369400Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #1And the cycle begins anewQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-10-30 5 
November 2015
43371012Loli Survivor Quest 2Lolibaws tries to get out of the cell for a bit but then QM dies. Anon pines for continuation.Collective Game, Drawquest, Loli Survivor Quest, Yozhman, post-apocalyptic2015-11-01 2 
43406859Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #2Learning more about demons and worlds both old and newQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-02 5 
43443780Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #3Mia's adventures through the looking glassQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-04 5 
43499815Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #4After much discussion, Mia returns to the other sideQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-07 5 
43538811Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #5A brief lesson on how to rewrite history.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-08 5 
43578770How Big Is A Dragon?/tg/ definitively finds out once and for all the size of every season in every setting at the same time... In inches.Humor, dragons, size, absurdist humor2015-11-10 11 
43575081Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #6"Remember Mia, this is a sneaking mission..."Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-11 5 
43606357Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 #1Life on the mean streets can be tough in this city. Settle in, anons of tg, for another tale from Mr Rags.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2015-11-13 5 
43622029Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #7The calm before the stormQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-14 5 
43653754Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #8Assassins stalk the nightQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-16 5 
43686875Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #9High Impact Sexual ViolenceQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-17 5 
43722431Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 #2Intruders, and serpents, and subterfuge. Oh, my!Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2015-11-20 3 
43738108Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #10Two explorations and two new recruitsQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-20 5 
43754193Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 #3Denying pure love always ends badlyRags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Praise the Sun2015-11-22 2 
43770447Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #11Gathering intelligence and recruiting an old friendQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-23 5 
43806367Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #12Digging up the past with ElliotQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-24 5 
43776268For House and Dominion: Civil War 9Saving convoys and killing pirates. The House picks up additional territory while preventing a threat to the Run.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-11-25 13 
43826037The /tg/ "Justice" LeagueSuperman comes to /tg/ for help against the forces of evil and /tg/ decides they don't need Superman. Odd god tier heroes emerge and hilarity ensues.DC comics, superman, heroes, fowlweatherfriend, /tg/, Stupidity, Funny, Hilarity, Justice, League, Overpowered bullshit, why is everyone god tier, plz buff superman, too low tier, 2015-11-27 10 
43852496Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #13A simple request. What could go wrong?Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-28 5 
43854337Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 #4We beat Russel to regain our freedom, meet another party and do lewd things with poor Mona.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun 2015-11-28 2 
43872236Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 #4.5After learning more about our new companions and enlisting their help to save Mona, we defeat some hired thugs.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2015-11-29 3 
43888277Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #14The first steps down a dark pathQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-11-29 5 
December 2015
43926486Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #15The thrill of battle!Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-02 5 
43981157Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #16A long overdue rescue and some well-deserved answersQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-05 5 
44000866Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 #5We make a quick murder investigation,find more about Mona's condition, Roland is arrested,and we ally with the true heirs.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2015-12-06 2 
44018151Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #17Taking the first few steps into a new worldQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-07 5 
44056617Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #18Escaping the tunnel network and exploring a new towerQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-08 5 
44107140Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #19Old friends should keep in touchQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-11 5 
44130957Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 #6We steal Maurice's soul from the king's bedroom and after betraying Orthos, Mona recovers her feelings through absorbing the soul.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2015-12-13 3 
44148967Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #20In the domain of a God-KingQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-13 5 
44150985Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 #6.5Memories, pie, and paladins in chains.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2015-12-14 1 
44173628Skirmish Sketch SuperheroesThe Grinch threatens the festive spirit of New Metroville, but handily a handful of c-list superheroes were in the areaCollective Game, Skirmish, Sketch, Superheroes, Hero Builder, art?2015-12-15 5 
44172416Modern Day Magical ItemsIn this thread /tg/ plays a little game, making up paranormal powers and properties for mundane modern day objects. Some are wonderful, some are wicked, but all are pretty weird.Magic items, modern fantasy, brainstorming, surreal2015-12-15 6 
44188629Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #21Escape from the Golden CityQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-16 5 
44244137Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #22Challenging the ArchangelsQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-19 5 
44266029Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 Episode 7: Bravely running awayOur girlfriend dies due to stupid choices and all that's left is getting revenge.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2015-12-20 2 
44269489Skirmish Sketch Superheroes II: Noodle IncidentThe vigilantes visit a noodleshop and finds it less than abandoned. Guns! Explosions! Collateral damage! ROBOTS! Skirmish, collective game, quest, art?, explosions, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-20 5 
44280880Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #23Gathering the wounded and the fallenQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-20 5 
44286799Superhuman Legacy Quest 17I Return and immediately something unexpected happens.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-12-21 6 
44322201Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #24Rest, recuperation and mad scienceQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-22 5 
44346879For House and Dominion: Civil War 10The Houses of the Run begin to assist others in the relay with their piracy problem. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-12-25 11 
44401043Superhuman Legacy Quest 18Thomas managed to make his life much harder, and fails while succeeding.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines2015-12-27 4 
44391210[Skirmish] Sketch Superheroes III: Ground Control to...Opening to a strange underground mine, less explosions more gribbly terrorsSkirmish, collective game, quest, art?, explosions, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-27 3 
44405069Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #25Getting heated and going berserkQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-27 5 
44409107Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 Episode 8: Full Circle We meet again with Esmeralda and Roland, then return to the Forest in a quest for allies. Russel finds us drinking the dragon's blood and asks for our help.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2015-12-28 2 
44427353Superhuman Legacy Quest 19There are so many ups and downs, I don't think I can describe it.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-12-29 6 
44393111For House and Dominion: Civil War 11We throw down the gauntlet with House Nasidum but thread stalls due to computer glitches.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2015-12-29 11 
44442140Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #26The most trustworthy angelQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2015-12-29 5 
44430030 [Skirmish] Sketch Superheroes IV: ICE DefenceDeeper we go into the alien invested mine! ICE proves more incompetent than ever.Skirmish, collective game, quest, art?, superheroes, skirmish sketch2015-12-30 2 
January 2016
44500450Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #27Heading West, and covering new ground.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-02 5 
44533375SuperHuman Legacy Quest 20FUTUUUURECollective Game, SuperHuman Legacy Quest, sorry2016-01-03 3 
44542207Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #28A nice relaxing bit of babysitting.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-03 5 
44546370Rags to Riches Quest 2k16 Episode 9: Big Bad WolfWe discover the truth behind the rangers' return, get Sophia to join us and go back to the city, finally meeting the Raven Queen.Rags to Riches Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Mr Rags, Praise the Sun2016-01-04 2 
44569548SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #1The protagonist wakes up in a strange location, but makes some new friends along the way. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-05 23 
44588977SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #2The protagonist makes his first non-human friend, and has second thoughts about being a medical student.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-06 17 
44604157Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #29Tying up loose ends - and stalling for time.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-07 5 
44609931SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #3In which the protagonist and his friends try to make new allies, have a more than one bad time in the process.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-07 15 
44587789For House and Dominion: Civil War 12After some delays we kick off the new year by finally beginning the fight against House Nasidum.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-07 11 
44642114Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #30Explosions, and their role in the healing process.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-09 5 
44656679SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #4In which the protagonist and his friends kill a ghoul, escape from the hospital and receive a hot welcoming party. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-09 14 
44674319SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #5In which the protagonist wakes up in yet another hospital and receives a full debriefing and explanation. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-10 13 
44686892Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #31Heading North, and taking the bait.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-11 5 
44687770For House and Dominion: Civil War 13Battle of the Magdalena system. Salvage ensues.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, Marines2016-01-12 12 
44719842Gotham Quest Issue #1In which we wake up, fail to CQC, and get shotEail, Collective Game, Gotham, DC, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Powers, Superhero2016-01-12 8 
44728318New Cycle Quest #32The fight against MadaQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-12 5 
44735719SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #6In which the protagonist spends time with his family and takes a late-night call from a friend. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-13 14 
44749260Superhuman Legacy Quest 21This is the real archive, please disregard all others sharing this name.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2016-01-13 5 
44759233SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #7In which our protagonist attends Devil Summoner Bootcamp.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-14 29 
44790010Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #33Returning, as heroes, from the Northern lands.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-15 5 
44835409Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #34Beneath the broken earth once more.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-17 5 
44839188Superhuman Legacy Quest 22Raphael does stuff.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2016-01-17 3 
44847235SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #8In which our protagonist makes new friends and allies at Devil Summoner Bootcamp.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-18 14 
44847586Gotham Quest Issue #2In which we escape from a hospital, CQC fools, sperg out over a gun, and SHOPEail, Collective Game, Gotham, DC, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Powers, Superhero2016-01-18 10 
44874949Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #35A successful experiment.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-19 5 
44863016For House and Dominon Civil War 14WE get to go to a ball. Lat'Tham anyone?Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-19 11 
44909070SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #9In which our protagonist becomes a big damn hero, faces a hard decision, and engages in a show-off contest. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-21 12 
44926085SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #10In which the protagonist learns about the history of the Task Force and the dark side of Demon Fusion.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-22 11 
44937492Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #36An uninvited guest.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-22 5 
44984495Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #37A meeting beneath the full moon.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-24 5 
44989300Superhuman Legacy Quest 23Thomas Cairn encounters an old "friend".Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2016-01-25 4 
44993153SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #11In which our protagonist is given his first objective, leads a fire team, and channels his inner Rambo.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-25 11 
45015915SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #12In which our protagonist handles an explosive situation and meets a special guest character. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-26 11 
45027473Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #38Say hello to a devil, say goodbye to an angel.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-27 5 
45007892For House and Dominon Civil War 15Finishing up the ball with a dance or two before working to divide up the conquered territories.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-01-28 11 
45058207SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #13In which our protagonist is assigned his first official mission, takes a road trip, and rejects a very persuasive recruitment offer. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-28 11 
45087236Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #39Tying up a pair of loose ends.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-01-30 5 
45120443SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #14In which our protagonist goes on a not-date, postulates conspiracy theories, and scopes the site before the big day. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-01-31 11 
February 2016
45132779Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #40Mad science and misdirectionQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-02-01 5 
45174582Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #41The most awkward family reunion yet.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-02-03 5 
45137463For House and Dominon Civil War 16We revisit the Yineput system years later, relive old glories and test out an advanced Gunship Mech.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice, mecha2016-02-03 11 
45205326SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #15In which our protagonist is most certainly not a lady killer. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-04 11 
45199511Superhuman Legacy Quest 24Raphael runs into a cool place and promptly ruins it.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2016-02-04 3 
45221958SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #16In which the protagonist is still most certainly not a lady killer (Continuation of previous thread).Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-05 11 
45231033Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #42The night of the full moon draws to a close.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-02-06 5 
45240354SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #17In which our protagonist prevents the mission title from coming to further fruition.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-06 11 
45252560Magical Girl Noir Quest 302A slightly drunk Magical Girl spends the night in her comatose girlfriend's room.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Suikawari2016-02-06 18 
45318908Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #43The Crawling Chaos risesQuest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-02-10 6 
45282356For House and Dominon Civil War 17Rushing back home we begin planning future defense of our holdings, then watch our subordinates become terrifying raiders in their own rightCollective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-10 11 
45375890Devil Summoner: New Cycle Quest #44The end of a long road.Quest, Collective Game, Devil Summoner London Quest2016-02-13 10 
45387566SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #17.5In which the protagonist is Solid Snake, makes a promise and takes a nap. (Continuation from previous thread)Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-13 11 
45422039For House and Dominon Civil War 18Investment, raiding and loot start things off, followed by planning to thwart a future invasion.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-17 12 
45447950SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 1Annette Turner takes the stage as our protagonist for our 1875 interlude sessions, with 75% Guns and 25% Family Issues. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-17 11 
45525443SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #18In which deductions are had, information received, and Victoria channels her inner speed demon. [Thread cut short due to QM getting ill.]Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-20 11 
45472841BIO-SHIFT: MetamorphosisSetting about suited humans being the oldest aliens in the universe. All of the other aliens wonder why they have so many sub-species.suits, space suits, humans, setting, worldbuilding, world building, aliens2016-02-20 4 
45536738For House and Dominon Civil War 19We continue to monitor our distant raider fleets and work to help Rioja's immigration problems.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-02-23 12 
45605012Fledgling Super QuestYou are Tom Gainer and a van has blown up in your face. Also, you have sound powers now.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-02-24 6 
45625087Fledgling Super Quest 2Tom hides out in the forest, climbs a tree, and is bad at his powers.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-02-25 3 
45637975Fledgling Super Quest .5: How and WhyIn which FSQM explains the setting and the groups and thinking withinFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, Worldbuilding2016-02-26 3 
45637841SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #19In which the protagonist impresses his comrades, defies genre expectations, and makes a startling deduction about the culprit. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-02-26 13 
45685162Fledgling Super Quest 3Tom trains in the woods, gains a hobo beard, and beats up and makes a new friendFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-02-28 5 
45707638Fledgling Super Quest 4Jim catches Tom up to date, plan a raid on a local gang, and Tom decides to be a badassFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-02-29 5 
March 2016
45747271SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #20In which the protagonist makes more connections, spares a life, and enters the home stretch of the case.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-02 13 
45806257SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #21In which the protagonist is young blood, splits the party and gaslights someone’s paranoia. The first case is almost finished!Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-05 11 
45778623Earth is a Magical RealmAnon is educated in the Magical Realm of Earth, hosted by our beloved DM: Mother Nature.nature, learning, magical realm, dolphin suicide, necrophilia, traumatic insemination, CAWWWING IIIIN MY SKIIIIN, fish onaholes, hyenas2016-03-05 22 
45823952Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 4)We were doing yandere-simulators before it was cool.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-06 24 
45825133Fledgling Super Quest 5QM roll poor behind the scenes. Tom and Jim do good and get food before deciding to lawyer up.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM2016-03-06 3 
45865446Suddenly, Superpowers! QuestAnne wakes up with the power to see things! See things better, that is.Collective Game, Superpowers2016-03-08 2 
45865996SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #22In which the protagonist is an Ace Detective and connects all the dots together. Also includes Brady’s Night in the Limelight. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-08 11 
45885051Suddenly, Superpowers! Quest #2Anne makes more money than she's ever known!Collective Game, Superpowers2016-03-09 4 
45907720SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #23In which the protagonist and his friends close the first case by setting two weary souls to rest, with varying permanence. [End of Arc 3]Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-10 15 
45919812Paladin of Joy Quest 81: Tales of the Belt NotchersYou need to steal this thing from this rocky guy and I forgot the rest but Slaad are involved.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2016-03-10 7 
45968406Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 5)When AN ANCIENT EVIL oversleeps...Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-13 22 
45984950German Hollow QuestThis is a shit quest that noone gives a fuck about. Or if you care, in this quest you play as a hollow in WWII GermanyCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow, Survival, WWII2016-03-13 21 
46009050German Hollow Quest 2The newly awakened Hollow experiments with its powers while the Quincy it encountered earlier is shaken by their meeting. Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-03-14 31 
46017191Fledgling Super Quest 6Tom kills time while Jim meets his lawyer and makes some new friends and an old one. Tom becomes a ladies man for a shining moment.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-03-15 2 
46032648German Hollow Quest #3We arrive in Auschwitz and things get out of controllHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-03-15 24 
46034594Paladin of Joy Quest 82: Tales of the Belt NotchersAre you ready to rock?!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2016-03-15 7 
46077971SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #24In which the protagonist gains ethereal insight, recruits a new friend, and gives someone a precious memory. ['Epilogue' to Arc 3]Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-18 13 
46114042German Hollow Quest 4Menos make their appearance, the conquest for the camp beginsHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-03-19 23 
46121538Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 6)Like the notebook. Except instead of sonorizing placidly, you're stabbing bitches in the face. I prefer this.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-20 25 
46210144Fledgling Super Quest 7Shopping happens, and people try to sneak up behind Tom with varying levels of failureFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-03-24 2 
46226448SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 2Annette Turner returns to the stage of 1875 with a ballad of ice and fire. Mostly fire, though. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-03-25 8 
46243566German Hollow Quest 5A shinigami legend is born and a new face shows up. Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-03-25 23 
46265726German Hollow Quest 6A monster is born. And the tale of how a monster was born.Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-03-26 25 
46291900For House and Dominon Civil War 20We set a prisoner exchange in motion, work out our diplomatic policy regarding some aliens and squash an organised crime ring.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-03-31 14 
April 2016
46380621Fledgling Super Quest 8Tom goes on a mission with Cicada Killer, learns about the Husk, scores a date, and plays detective.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-04-01 4 
46399268SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #25In which our protagonist has massive gains, receives another mission, and meets some unusual vendors. [Start of Arc 4]. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-04-02 12 
46421000Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 7)It's just like Jesus says - stabbing is a form of love.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-03 23 
46415313German Hollow Quest 7We learn more about our protege and enjoy a feast.Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-04-03 22 
46434415German Hollow Quest 8The aftermath of the officers death.Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-04-03 23 
46489427Fledgling Super Quest 9Tom finished connecting the dots, makes a reference CK doesn't get, and rushes into a burning buildingFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-04-06 4 
46438779For House and Dominon Civil War 21We don't negotiate with terrorists, but we will try to distract them from killing all our marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-04-07 11 
46531708SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #26In which our protagonist performs demon fusion, takes a road trip, and receives a rude awakening. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-04-08 11 
46558665Demon civThe beginning of the demon civ game, hosted by HexarageDemon Civ, Hexarage, Collective Game, Subterr2016-04-09 1 
46572374Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 8)Katawa Yandere: According to TvTropes, we don't exist!Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-10 39 
46587752German Hollow Quest 10In which we recieve an unexpected encounter.Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest 2016-04-11 21 
46599132Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 1James Case goes to a job interview, doesn't make a friend, and almost gets stabbed.worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game2016-04-11 22 
46612303Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 2James Case earns some money, makes some plans, and goes full Macklemore. Also, Georges Saint Pierre.worms, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game2016-04-12 12 
46640328Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 3James Case chances upon a lead on underground cape fights.worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, James Case, collective game2016-04-13 11 
46680181SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #27In which the protagonist is Mad Max in Kentucky, interrogates a mercenary, and undergoes PTSD.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-04-15 11 
46708411German Hollow Quest 10 (proper)Enter the TwinsHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-04-16 21 
46716962Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 9)Some kids wanted to be the little girl. Some wanted to be Darth Vader. I say: Is it too much to ask for both?Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-17 39 
46736862Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 4James Case goes to a a club and beats people up.worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, James Case, collective game2016-04-18 12 
46733176For House and Dominon Civil War 22House Bonrah makes some suspicious moves giving us an opening to declare war on them.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-04-21 12 
46803220SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #28In which MacKay gets his turn to shine and channels his inner Crusader as our protagonist lies unconscious.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-04-21 13 
46833784German Hollow Quest 11Testing the watersHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-04-22 21 
46855229German Hollow Quest 12Base buildingHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-04-23 23 
46864093Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 10)Don't you wish your girlfriend was psycho. Like. Me?Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-24 31 
46883160Vampire Civ #1post apocalyptic, vampire hunter d style civ thread.Vampire, Civ thread, post apocalyptic, supernatural2016-04-25 4 
46901397Vampire Civ #2Vampire Civ #2 post apocalyptic, vampire hunter d style civ thread.Vampire, Civ thread, post apocalyptic, supernatural2016-04-26 3 
7233Upperdark Kobold Civ QuestKobold refugees from the razed kingdom of Drakka struggle to survive in the caverns of the Upperdark.Civ Quest, Civ, Fantasy, Underdark, Survival, Kobold2016-04-27 3 
46942288Vampire Civ #3post apocalyptic, vampire hunter d style civ thread. The plot thickens! Vampire, Civ thread, post apocalyptic, supernatural2016-04-28 5 
46948039Marvel providing Lawyer Chum Never thought i would see the day that i would want GW to sue someonediscussion, lawsuit, IP, Lawyer, Marvel, Games Workshop, venom,2016-04-28 11 
7829Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 5James Case calls a friend, visits the tailor, and shitposts aggressively.worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game2016-04-28 14 
46969756Fledgling Super Quest 10Early archive. After a break QM discovers an argument. Also Tom investigates an apartment.Fledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-04-29 4 
47000766German Hollow Quest 13Agriculture: Spooky editionHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-04-30 20 
May 2016
47008898Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 11)It just wouldn't be an RPG without save-scumming.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-01 35 
33827Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 6James Case has a bizarre sexual experience, beats up a girl, and stacks paper to the ceiling.worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game2016-05-02 10 
47031191Evilord Quest OneshotA good evil overlord starts his day by connecting with his daughter and grabbing sandwiches. Evilord Quest, Collective Game, Evilord, Supervillain, Drawquest, evil, villainy, drawing,2016-05-02 6 
47023622For House and Dominon Civil War 24In which we chase down a fleeing convoy and divide up more conquered territory.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-05 12 
47098430Superhuman Legacy Quest 25Raphael learns that he has a serious health problem, but s'okay I guess. Also, ending early because no people.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2016-05-05 2 
47114189German Hollow Quest 14In which the crow has a feast after the great battle. Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-05-06 21 
38509Melancholic QuestFacing turmoil at home, Delilah runs away and tries to survive the mean streets without getting violated.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue, homeless, Delilah, blood2016-05-07 30 
51273Fate/Broken Destinies As Frederick Ainsworth, join the Holy Grail War and bring fame to your familyFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-07 6 
47131900German Hollow Quest 15Making Hueco Mundo great againHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-05-07 23 
47134614Be the BEG Chapter 23A family reunitedCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Succubi Pile2016-05-08 4 
71514Digimon World Mystery AdventureYour journey begins as a human sucked into the digital world! But wait, there's a catch! A journey and adventure begins for our protagonCollective Game, D-mon, Digimon World Mystery Adventure, Digimon, adventure, Consume and Evolve, Benevolent MC2016-05-08 5 
47154906Evilord Quest 2It's tutoring time for the young Princess, and Evilord gets to know the elf Teresa.Evilord Quest, Collective Game, Evilord, Supervillain, Drawquest, evil, villainy, drawing, elf, archer, archery, draw, art, 2016-05-09 6 
67044Melancholic Quest 2Delilah, our unfortunate runaway continues to find her place in the world. This is made a little harder by the whole drinking blood thing.streets without getting violated. Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue, homeless, Delilah, blood, depressing2016-05-10 16 
47093356Superhero Worldbuiding #1superhero general thread rolls up a team with Mutants and Masterminds, later spirals into fleshing out a whole worldwide setting.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, capes2016-05-11 4 
47104581Superhero Worldbuiding #2M&M team gets more fleshed out and drawfagged. Anons dive into making Hollywood and Vegas heroes, plus a bit around the world.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-11 4 
47183895Obtuse Currency/tg/ creates a currency system that is deliberately obtuse, confusing, circular, and illogical as possible. money, humor, setting, absurdity, worldbuilding2016-05-12 30 
47137832Superhero Worldbuiding #3Next anons make up Japan with all their different subgenres and UK with Arthurian heroes and Machiavellian villains. worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-12 4 
47063627Superhero Worldbuilding #0the Secret Origin of Cape Worldworldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-12 3 
47162883Superhero Worldbuiding #4German roboticists, Oceania full of villain lairs, some more British Irregulars, and the beginning of Statesmen, 50 heroes 1 for every stateworldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-12 2 
47209003SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #29In which our protagonist meets an Entity, praises MacKay’s initiative and explores the realm of the fae.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-05-13 11 
115691Verdant #1 (Prologue)We be bitchy. Within reason.Verdant, Alteration, Collective Game, Superpowers2016-05-13 0 
47166668For House and Dominon Civil War 25Sonia takes a brief vacation and Surveys return in force.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-13 12 
47180960Superhero World Building #5The Cape World's mythology is expanded with creepy additions such as Florida Man, The Haunter, The Mad Gasser, and George BauchmannWorld Building, Super Hero, Cape, Superhero 2016-05-13 2 
47199970Superhero World Building #6The 50 Statesmen are completed. Interesting features of Cape World USA are discussed such as lake monsters in the Great Lakes.Superhero, Super Hero, Worldbuilding, Cape2016-05-13 3 
98903Melancholic Quest Part 3Delilah molests a friend in an attempt to help, finds new friends in unlikely places, and brings lost friends back in the fold.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-05-13 11 
74785Fate/Broken Destinies (2)We explore Yamaku and have our first fights. More main characters are introduced and we quarrel a bit with Saber.Fate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-13 2 
47249941German Hollow Quest 16Coping with trauma Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-05-14 20 
47256263Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 12)I summon the Red-Eyes Blonde Dragon. In attack mode.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-15 29 
114202Melancholic Quest 4Delilah finds lewd magazines, a secret room full of sardines, and suffering. Almost killing Lawrence, again, she agrees to let him draw her.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-05-15 10 
119739SUDSVENTUREControl three quasi-mobsters attempting to escape a small prison. Crit roll shenanigans occur.SUDSVENTURE, Prison, Crits, Multiple characters, Short,2016-05-16 1 
106207Fate/Broken Destinies (3)We join an alliance of magi to fight against the Masters at the school, and we learn more about the settingFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-16 1 
47292901Shinobi Quest #1We ride through character creation, create the most spoiled ninja princess there ever was, and get team assignmentsCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-17 29 
47309315Shinobi Quest #2This thread, we do a bit of teambuilding, pick our weapons, meet Dad and your totally unassuming butler-teacher. Ohohoho~Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-18 23 
47213603Super Hero Worldbuilding #7The bad guy thread, from the mystical GM to the armored Science Tyrant.Super Hero, Worldbuilding, Cape, Superhero2016-05-18 2 
47227809Super Hero Worldbuilding #8The first bits of the Cape World Cosmology are brainstormed and Australia is written up with magic serpent gods and Kellymen.Cape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding2016-05-19 4 
131868Melancholic Quest 5Delilah becomes drunk and belligerent, initiating a series of poor choices and almost succumbing to the bloodlust. Also, a mystery appears.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-05-19 11 
107056Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 7James skips classworm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game2016-05-20 7 
156503Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 8James gets called out, calls someone, and makes a plan.worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game2016-05-20 7 
47251816Super Hero Worldbuilding #9Mexico and Africa are written up. The cosmology becomes more defined and solid with definitions given to certain terms.Cape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding2016-05-21 3 
47300412For House and Dominon Civil War 26A timeskip to the beginning of 4033 sees the completion of our force buildup. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-21 11 
160280Sin Princess Quest 6A well-earned rest! A hunt for resourcess or allies in the Wyld! An abrupt end and a critical success as well as failure!Sin Princess Quest, Critical Success, Critical Failure, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-05-21 1 
146992Melancholic Quest 6Overcoming her craving, Delilah proceeds to make everyone uncomfortable while Lawrence is a good boy and should not be bullied.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-05-21 12 
47368342German Hollow Quest 17Keikaku Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-05-21 20 
47375019Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 13)You wonder if aliens learn dances like the earthwalk instead of the moonwalk? And it's just stumbling in normal gravity? At KY,we do.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-22 39 
47359854SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #30In which our protagonist settles a disputed territory claim with explosive results. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-05-22 12 
47345774Paranormal Pictograms and Horrific Hobo SignsIn this thread, /tg/ discusses the use of cryptic symbols as plot elements in supernatural horror and makes a game of drawing their own.Symbols, Pictograms, Hobo Signs, Glersee, supernatural, paranormal, horror, brainstorming2016-05-22 16 
123377Fate/Broken Destinies 4Fight with Berserker, Assassin and the theft of our precious music boxFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-22 3 
47391838Shinobi Quest #3In this thread, we initiate a muffin heist, meet our Sensei Ebisu, take our first test as Genin, poke the bear (fox?), and go shopping. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-23 22 
47276284Super Hero Worldbuilding #10/shg/ writes up Canada full of super-political troubles and struggles what do about Koreas. A bit of United Nations superteam and etcetera.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-23 2 
47415244Shinobi Quest #4In this thread, we wax sentimental with our Maid, learn a bit about our father, head to Danzo's secret lair, and burn some chakra paper.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-24 25 
47297029Superhero Worldbuiding #11Spain&Portugal as super-suppliers; political clusterfuck of Brazil; Middle East religious variations; splatter of here and there heroes.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-24 2 
47309996Superhero Worldbuiding #12Fleshing out a couple alien species; some general non-capeworld discussion; fleshing out the original Mn M team.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-24 1 
160852Melancholic Quest 7Interrogating mom, Delilah ends up with more questions than answers and almost gives her grandmother a heart attack. Lawrence is a good boy.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-05-24 7 
141390Fate/Broken Destinies 5This is it, guys! The narrative's arc finale!Fate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-24 1 
47431719Shinobi Quest #5In this thread, we begin our training under Danzo, specifically the Shadow Clone Technique, then go out for a spa trip with Hinata.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-25 22 
177823Capes of Rain City Quest Episode 9We ride in a car, learn secret identities, and make preparations for being ground into sausage.worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, james case, collective game2016-05-25 7 
47390229For House and Dominon Civil War 27The apocalypse draws nearer, but is delayed by IRL issues.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-05-26 12 
47325510Superhero Worldbuiding #13Thread focuses on fleshing out previously started characters.worldbuilding, superheroes, supers, super heroes, capes2016-05-26 1 
171246SundayNight Loser Fight - ROUND 1The first round of the intergalactic game show!SNLF, Sunday Night Loser Fight2016-05-27 2 
47358480Superhero Worldbuilding #14Super Heroes head off to war as WW2 heroes and baddies are discussed with particular attention given to Axis characters.Cape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheros, Super Heros2016-05-27 1 
176466Melancholic Quest 8Mistakes are made, sending Delilah into severe depression. Lawrence goes on mission to make up for his mistakes and get Delilah back.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-05-27 12 
47474880Superhero Quest Issue #1Meet Jack O'Connor, also known as THE PHENOMENAL FREEDOM EAGLE! A routine work day becomes a crisis of epic proportions!Mutants and Masterminds, Superhero Quest2016-05-28 4 
47392590Superhero Worldbuilding #15Cold War supers are discussed along with the Nazi Olympia Project and a team of misfits named The OutliersSuperhero, Super Hero, Worldbuilding, Cape, Capes, Superheros, Super Heros2016-05-28 1 
47487425German Hollow Quest 18ArrancarsHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-05-28 23 
47494701Shinobi Quest #6In this thread, Tsuki and Company go on their first official mission. (And it doesn't involve cats or weeds!) Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-29 24 
47412930Superhero Worldbuilding #16A team of misfit teens called the Outliers is created, a randomizer for 90's characters is discussed.Cape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheroes, Super Heroes2016-05-29 2 
47511689Shinobi Quest #7In this thread, feels. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki, Ebisu2016-05-30 37 
47433165Superhero Worldbuilding #17Recapping on global supers organizations; some WW2 Russia; some more random gens and other assorted conceptsCape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheroes, Super Heroes2016-05-31 1 
189861Melancholic Quest 9Delilah gets better and interacts with people for Christmas, but things take a turn for the disheartening.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-05-31 7 
June 2016
47540346Super Substitute Shinigami Quest #1Enter, The New Substitute Shinigami! The Revival of Sasaki Kojiro!Collective Game, Bleach, Super Substitute Shinigami2016-06-01 4 
47547792Shinobi Quest #8In this thread, post-mission chats with Guy & Lee, Nori & Kushina, Danzo, and Hinata. We also plan release training, and meet smug Neji.Collective Game, Shinobi Quest, Naruto, Tsuki2016-06-01 22 
199536Oh-No Suba! QuestThe protagonist reincarnates in a fantasy world accompanied by a goddess.Collective Game, Oh-No Suba! Quest2016-06-01 4 
47481992Superhero Worldbuilding #18More generalized discussion; also there was an attempt at cape world questrunningCape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheroes, Super Heroes2016-06-01 2 
47557554Super Substitute Shinigami Quest #2Our heroine faces the most diabolical opponent of all: Japanese Middle-School bullying.Collective Game, Bleach, Super Substitute Shinigami Quest, Shinigami2016-06-02 3 
213336Supernatural Butler Quest 1Stanley Morison manages to avoid being eaten by a woman who ends up become his boss at the end. We also get turned into a demon.Supernatural Butler Quest, Stanley Morison, Vampires, Demons, Werewolves2016-06-03 4 
205510Melancholic Quest 10We get chased by a black car, meet Timmy's mom, and find out grandma's disappeared. We attend a dinner theater and meet Mr. Faraway again.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-06-03 7 
47599084Shinobi Quest #9In this thread, we theorize with Hinata, talk about weapons with Tenten, work on our release with Danzo, and meet our new sensei.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-04 22 
211089Oh-no-suba! Part IIA sexually deprived >>(you) and his journey with a goddess through an uninspired and lackluster set of dumb quests and dick jokes.Collective Game, Oh-no-suba!2016-06-04 2 
47613680Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 14)Akira was supposed to be an optional boss in the new DOOM but the fight was pulled for being too violent.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-05 39 
47615666Shinobi Quest #10In this thread, we get poked by Itachi, and initiate timeskip training. Results Guaranteed! Also, we finally develop the Stellar Release.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-05 22 
47611943SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #31In which our protagonist bonds with his squad, exchanges information, and visits a museum.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-06-06 13 
208234Sphess Suit Quest: The Second BummerTim Helium goes on a compensated date with an alien bug princess only to get caught in the middle of an invasion.Space, Suit, Sphess, randumb, Collective Game, Space Suit, Sphess Suit2016-06-07 1 
47652513Fledgling Super Quest 11Things go bad for Tom and they don't get better, despite strong rolls for most of the threadFledgling Super Quest, Collective Game, Superheroes, FSQM, SixWingZombi2016-06-07 1 
47654023Shinobi Quest #11In this thread, Tsuki meets a military dictator, learns about her dad's business practices, and watches Neji's semi-final match against HyCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-07 23 
215369Melancholic Quest 11Returning to the school only to find it abandoned, Delilah winds up high on oxy. She also gets to deal with bleeding and general discomfort.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-06-07 9 
223411Supernatural Butler Quest 2 pt1EXTREMELY EARLY ARCHIVE. Op lets it die, only a few posts were we decide to explore the roof.Supernatural Butler Quest, Stanley Morison, Demons, Quest2016-06-08 2 
47669812Shinobi Quest #12In this thread, Tsuki watches the final two matches of the chunin exams, and buys snacks for the group. Feat. Naruto, Neji and Sai.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-08 22 
222748Oh-no-suba! Part III>>(you) solve a magic maze, Kill some giant ants and capture another, and started your first real dungeon.Collective Game, Oh-no-suba!2016-06-08 1 
223060Stuck in an RPG QuestOur hero gets beat up and gets stuck in VR game of Death!Stuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob 'The Suspense' Pooper2016-06-09 3 
235724Supernatural Butler Quest 2 pt2Stanley meets Hasan the Djinn, tells him his past, goes to dinner, meets a spider and a doll, who he ends up getting in a huge argument withSupernatural Butler Quest, Stanley Morison, Demons, Quest2016-06-09 3 
236512Oh-no-suba! Part IVWe continue making our way in the dungeon, relying on our wits to get through puzzlesCollective Game, Oh-no-suba!, Oh-no-suba! Quest2016-06-10 3 
47723813German Hollow Quest 19Kaizar Soize: Vasto LordeHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-06-11 23 
231365Melancholic Quest 12Delilah goes to the mall and makes an unlikely friend. She also gets a very quick and rude lesson in the female reproductive system.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-06-12 10 
237837Stuck in an RPG 2We Continue to Dorter Magic City and Meet interesting peopleStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-12 3 
47764560Shinobi Quest #13In this thread, we have the ultimate in Daddy/Daughter moments, and have a nice dream. Thread cut short by the evils of Comcast. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-14 25 
243079Melancholic Quest 13Delilah watches the New Year's Eve fireworks with her beau. Lawrence disappears in the morning, only to return bruised and battered.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-06-15 11 
47780329Shinobi Quest #14In this thread, our teams interact before heading off to separate missions. Tsuki gets briefed, and we settle into our campsite. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-15 24 
47602271Superhero Worldbuilding #19Batch of expanded statesmen, general discussion. Cape, Super Hero, Superhero, Worldbuilding, Capes, Superheroes, Super Heroes2016-06-17 2 
47771943Unnaground SettingIn which /tg/ travels to the depths of the unnaground of /k/.Unnaground, /k/, subterranean fiction, underground, tunnels2016-06-18 10 
47836299German Hollow Quest 20Rising tension.Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-06-18 21 
47842975Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 15)E3 refuses to show the KY video game due to 'nightmarishly excessive violence'. So for the time being, we're doing it here.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-19 9 
258284Melancholic Quest 14We tend to Lawrence's injuries and learn that Nancy lied to us about fried eggs. We also do something we regret.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-06-19 6 
47844386Shinobi Quest #15 (Big Money Edition)In this thread, Tsuki and friends come across a village under attack, suffer from nightmares,and hunt brigands while engaging in capitalism!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-19 23 
251048Stuck in an RPG Quest 3Various shenanigans before the Seaball World Cup at Dorter Magic CityStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-19 1 
265867Stuck in an RPG Quest 4We see the World Cup, we gain a master, we lose an armStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-20 1 
247058Type-Moon/Nasuverse Quest [Part 1]A murder mystery in the Type-Moon/Nasuverse setting, styled after Tsukihime/Kara no Kyoukai.Collective Game, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Mr. Dawn2016-06-20 1 
261731Oh-no-suba! Part VWe took a slow day after the dungeon, and had heartfelt moments with Olivia.Collective Game, Oh-no-suba!2016-06-20 1 
47882119Shinobi Quest #16In this thread, maximum ohohos, Tsuki gets backhanded, and the team infiltrates the brigand hole-in-the-wall.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-21 22 
268264The Paladin's Dilemma: A Question of NormalityA paladin dies in the course of his duties, takign with him a terrible menace. He is called from death to continue his duties now...Collective Game, paladin, immortals, ressurection, body snatchers, overwhelming evil, blood2016-06-21 3 
247398Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 3We go to get some food with a maid, meet a weird mutant named Avery, and promptly whoop his ass when he tries to interrogate usSupernatural Butler Quest, YOB OP, Demons2016-06-21 2 
47901790Shinobi Quest #17In this thread, Tsuki, Lee, and Itachi fight the samurai, Yojimbo. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-22 23 
252129Fate: You're The ExtraJoin the Mooncell Grail War as the Cynical and disillusioned Hakuno, the man who loves Mel GibsonCollective Game, Fate, Nasuverse, Fate: You're the Extra2016-06-22 1 
264208Fate: You're The Extra (2)It's really, really full of retards on the MoonCollective Game, Fate, Nasuverse, Fate: You're the Extra2016-06-22 1 
47842322For House and Dominon Civil War 28The enemy arrives. We commence skirmishing actions and preparation for a major battle. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-06-23 13 
274993Melancholic Quest 15Still filled with regret and an imbalance of hormones, we visit dad's grave and later get upset at Lawrence. We do more things we regret.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-06-23 5 
47916886SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest - Interlude 3We return to 1875, and Annette Turner descends into the rabbit hole. Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-06-24 7 
287595Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 4We interrogate Avery, learn about his boss Salvador Rose, and Beatrice announces her plan to retaliate Supernatural Butler Quest, YOB OP, demons, vampires2016-06-24 2 
298562Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 10James Case fights like he never has before. James Case fights like he never has before. End of Season One.worm, supers, capes of rain city quest, James Case, collective game2016-06-25 8 
280227Stuck in an RPG Quest 5We become a cyborg wizardStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper 2016-06-26 1 
47961141Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 16)Nothing is what it seems.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-26 30 
47971426German Hollow Quest 21The Espada and their righteous duty.Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-06-26 22 
282807Oh-no-suba! Part VIWe go to a play/date with Olivia, study astronomy, play UNO and meet with the boss.Collective Game, Oh-no-suba!, Oh-no-suba! Quest2016-06-26 1 
280637Type-Moon/Nasuverse Quest [Part 2]We speak to a collaborator and opposer of the deceased research, and find a possible motive. Collective Game, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Mr. Dawn2016-06-27 2 
47980552Shinobi Quest #18In this thread, Tsuki and friends go to the hot springs, and meet some VERY interesting people. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-27 23 
291467Fate: You're the Extra (3)Your first encounter with the enemy could have gone much better to be honestCollective Game, Fate, Nasuverse, Fate:You're the Extra2016-06-27 1 
277589Fate: You're the Extra (3)The other one marked as (3) is actually 4. I apologize for the inconvenience!Collective Game, Fate, Nasuverse, Fate:You're the Extra2016-06-27 1 
295401Melancholic Quest 16We spend the day as Lawrence and gain new insights into his life. Later we're forced to evacuate from the apartments and hide at Al's clubMelancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-06-28 6 
48000749Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 1]We make our Master, summon our Servant Kiyohime, and get started on recon around the city.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-28 1 
48009386Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 2]We run into an almost inhuman Master in the park, and talk with Tokiomi about two other Masters he's gotten information on. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-28 5 
47955450For House and Dominon Civil War 29The minefield and siege array we've gone to such trouble to acquire are deployed in a pivotal battle.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-06-29 11 
48016867Shinobi Quest #19In this thread, Tsuki and friends return home to give their report- and exchange harsh words with a bitter old man. Also, headpokes. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-29 23 
48026302Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 3]We spy on a strange nun in the Church, stop by the Matou house for a bit, and meet with the strange nun who's unsurprisingly our overseer.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-29 2 
July 2016
48043523Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 4]In which we find a Master's base and a frightening mental interference ability, and get our first death at the hands of an unseen enemy. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-01 1 
309952Melancholic Quest 17We try to make up our mistake to Lawrence with breakfast and spend hours cooped up inside. Later, everything starts falling apart.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-07-01 6 
48067048Shinobi Quest #20In this thread, Tsuki says hi to dad, grills Danzo about Orochimaru and Akatsuki, and declares her intent to win the Chunin Exams! Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-02 23 
48069137Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 5]In which we find out about an assassination attempt on the overseer, and a bounty on Assassin's head for it.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-03 1 
48084133Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 5.1]In which we refuse Xuan's offer, arrive too late to save the Einzberns, and just sort of walk around their now-empty castle.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-03 1 
48089830German Hollow Quest 22Shark WeekHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-07-03 21 
48036492Astartes Legion Creation ThreadOP asks /tg/ what they would do if they were a primarch. Naturally, this evolves into a full-blown alternate 40k universe.Imperium Asunder, Homebrew2016-07-04 3 
48107970German Hollow Quest 23Shark Week: part 2 Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-07-04 23 
327666Deep Sea Submarine Adventure #1A captain of a submarine goes on an adventure. Shit happens.notapaladin, collective game, submarine, deep sea adventure, Moby Dick2016-07-05 2 
48135734Shinobi Quest #21In this thread, fan favorite Team MEGA MILK unites, and Tsuki begins a training montage.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-06 24 
48113536Spacefaring SuperstitionsMore superstitions for you spacers out therespace, superstitions, folklore2016-07-06 13 
325342Melancholic Quest 18Barely escaping Bower's attention, we meet a racist cabbie and stay the night at Mr. Faraway's club. Lawrence bottles up his emotions.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-07-06 6 
48171020Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 6]In which we kidnap Shinji. Yeah. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-09 1 
48207163German Hollow Quest 24Shark Week 4 Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-07-10 23 
48214977Shinobi Quest #22In this thread, Tsuki greets her returning sensei, and embarks with her team into a dangerous new mission into the Land of Wind.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-11 24 
48217177SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #32In which our protagonist finds some clues, stakes out an orphanage, and runs in the nineties.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-07-12 12 
48265221Shinobi Quest #23In this thread, Tsuki and company meet the shinobi working with Lemeza's competitors, watch the sun rise, and start exploring some ruins. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-14 23 
341652Melancholic Quest 19Tracked down by Bower's goons, we're forced to flee. Everything goes pear-shaped and we maim a guy.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-07-14 5 
361728Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 5We get ready to defend the manor, get weapons, help Jesula make some golems, and learn about demons.Supernatural Butler Quest, YOB OP, demons, witches, exposition,2016-07-14 2 
48289452German Hollow Quest 25The end of Shark Week Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-07-15 25 
48244399For House and Dominon Civil War 30House Nasidum invades the Run while our fleets try to wear down their skirmishing forces.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-15 12 
377710Wholesome* Succubus QuestWholesome* Succubus Quest is PURE and WORK-SAFE quest about the adventures of a succubus stuck with jury duty. Collective Game, nanolitre, Wholesome Succubus Quest, Female Protagonist2016-07-17 27 
371356Treasure Hunter Quest Part 1The mage Kane Gerrhu, along with the warrior Scarlett and cleric Claude, descend into Gallows Rock, their first dungeon as treasure hunters.Treasure Hunter Quest, Treasure, Combat-Heavy, Mages2016-07-18 2 
48346020Shinobi Quest #23In this thread, Tsuki and Co. continue exploring the ruins. Grim truths and grisly secrets await in it's depths, along with an old friend. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-19 22 
363955Melancholic Quest 20After holing up at a VFW post, we get scared and lost, and lie to a cop to avoid being taken to the station. A difficult question is posed.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-07-21 5 
48345227For House and Dominon Civil War 31The last enemy Super Heavy in the Relay is disabled and we start planning how to take down the enemy fortress.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-22 9 
360009Cape World Presents: Baron Bizarre in: Hijack on the Infinite Railroad Issue 1Our hero outwits death, meets the Monkey King, scares humanity, and gets some sleep.Collective Game, Cape World, Baron Bizarre, Super Hero, Superhero, Cape, Magic, Cosmic, Questguy2016-07-22 2 
396067You awake in Westeros... Ch.3 - QUESTIn which our QM shoots himself in the foot by revealing that he was also a player all along. Then everyone becomes Velo.Game of Thrones, You awake in Westeros, quest, collective games, QM suicide2016-07-22 5 
393041Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 6The away team leaves to attack rose, we stay behind and defend against an attack from a really fat monster, and learn how to breath fire Supernatural Butler Quest, YOB OB, Demons,2016-07-23 2 
48440682Shinobi Quest #24In this thread, Tsuki and friends stave off the Zetsu hoard, generally roll well, and escape the ruins- the welcoming party sucks, though.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-25 27 
48421016For House and Dominon Civil War 32We perform hit and run with super heavy cruisers. Short Thread.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-07-26 11 
385055Cape World Presents: Baron Bizarre in: Hijack on the Infinite Railroad Issue 2Our hero goes through his morning routine and reconnects a young lady with her unicorn.Collective Game, Cape World, Baron Bizarre, Super Hero, Superhero, Cape, Magic, Cosmic, Questguy2016-07-26 2 
48485603Altered Human QuestA washed up QM decides too run again, it starts with gang violence, murder, and humorous misunderstandings.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers, funny misunderstandings, attempted murder, PRANK GONE WRONG2016-07-27 4 
391501Melancholic Quest 21We chill at Sharron's theater and go spelunking, hearing things we probably shouldn't.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-07-28 6 
48517642Altered Human Quest 2Mike feels out his powers some more and finds that his mysterious assassin is something else.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers, MIND CRUSH2016-07-30 4 
48525283Shinobi Quest #25In this thread, Itachi and Shisui square off, and the horde of Zetsu make their return. &#6050;&#6098;&#6035;&#6016;&#6016;&#6070;&#Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-30 23 
48542064Shinobi Quest #26In this thread, Tsuki interacts with some rabbits, and departs from the Land of Wind. Asian Moot is revealed as the true villain all along. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-31 23 
48551018German Hollow Quest 26The aftermath of the Behemoths rampageHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-07-31 22 
August 2016
48567670German Hollow Quest 27Hard laborHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-08-01 23 
48603061Altered Human Quest 3Mike gets a costume and an upgrade, then runs into trouble.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers,2016-08-04 3 
416740Melancholic Quest 22To keep us safe while the rest of the group relocates, Sam has us hide in a hotel room. Alone.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-08-04 6 
448853Nanosuit Merc QuestMother of all shockers: a raid goes fucking south. We shoot some dudes and get attacked by Flubber's evil cousin. Oh, we also get a nanosuiCollective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-08-07 2 
429833Deep Sea Submarine Adventure #3Labeled it as part 6 in the OP for some reasonnotapaladin, collective game, submarine, deep sea adventure, Moby Dick2016-08-07 6 
436775Civilization Quest Thread (Children of ASSUR)A thread in which horrible luck leads a druidic society to ruin twice in as many days.Children of Assur, Civilization Thread2016-08-08 5 
429635Sudden Superpowers Part 1: SarahWhere we start out being evil female Superman, and end up becoming the most helpful blobgirl ever.Sudden Superpowers, Collective Game, Local OP, Sarah the Friendly BlobGirl2016-08-08 1 
412238DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta)tiny adventurer explore tiny dungeonCollective_Game Succubus Tiny2016-08-08 2 
48687590German Hollow Quest 28The birth of the halfbreed Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-08-08 23 
450337Deep Sea Submarine Adventure #4The adventure ends, not with a bang, but a whimper. Metaphorically, as it literally ended with the captain blown up. notapaladin, collective game, submarine, deep sea adventure, Moby Dick2016-08-09 1 
48698389Shinobi Quest #27In this thread, Tsuki has a long chat with Danzo, and meets Hiruzen Sarutobi. Exam planning begins.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-09 23 
48671418Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 7In which we finish up the meeting and enter an intense sparring session with cat nun.Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Collective Game, Vampire, Questguy, Beating up the superintendent2016-08-10 2 
48673395For House and Dominon Civil War 33We pursue Bonrah ships as they break their blockade then investigate strange activity in the nav hazard. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-08-11 8 
48748011Shinobi Thread #28In this thread, Tsuki and Team hold a strategy conference, Tsuki plays chicken with Shikamaru, and we get SWOLE.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-12 23 
48762624Shinobi Quest #29In this thread, Tsuki sees some of the foreign competition for the exam, discusses her worries with Danzo, then hopefully the Exams start.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-13 22 
48773054German Hollow Quest 29The secret of the Mantis Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-08-13 21 
469409Nanosuit Merc Quest 2We escape a burning building and bitch about heights some more. Also nanosuit powers! All one of them!Collective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-08-14 1 
48783388Shinobi Thread #30In this thread, the Chunin Exams begin! We meet Neji's mystery partner, intimidate Shikamaru, and take a test. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-14 24 
48791574German Hollow Quest 30The Empty WarHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-08-14 21 
48758380For House and Dominon Civil War 34We locate a new nav station constructed by Aries. Players can't decide if we negotiate with terrorists.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-08-16 9 
453583The Children of Assur, Thread Two: Spiteful AjaxThe Exodus of the Assii, and their union with the MazdiiChildren of Assur, Civilization Thread2016-08-16 4 
475708From the Dust, a Tale of a Legionnairea CYOA/Quest set in the Fallout Universe from the perspective of a member of Caesar's LegionFallout, Apocalypse, Caesar's Legion, Survival, From the Dust, Tale of a Legionnaire,2016-08-17 5 
48874838Shinobi Quest #31In this thread, Tsuki and Company go over the aftermath of the 1st round of exams, and enter the Forest of Death for the revamped 2nd round!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-19 24 
48915268German Hollow Quest 31RegicideHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-08-21 20 
48926594Shinobi Quest #32 (Stellar Edition)In this thread, Tsuki meets a Snake. (We also finally drop the Stellar Bomb.)Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-22 32 
470560Melancholic Quest 23Lawrence visits, having an adverse reaction to a drug, and we make him talk. We also meet a sharp P.I. hired by grandma, maybe.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-08-23 5 
503318From the Dust, a Tale of a Legionnaire. Part IIa CYOA/Quest set in the Fallout Universe from the perspective of a member of Caesar's LegionFallout, Apocalypse, Caesar's Legion, Survival, From the Dust, Tale of a Legionnaire, Part II,2016-08-24 2 
48991092Spartan-II Quest: CorynerDamien-032, on his first mission is inserted on his own into Loman's Canyon on the Insurrection heavy planet.Collective Game, Halo, Spartan, Insurrectionist, UNSC, Halo Quest, Spartan Quest, Quest2016-08-26 20 
48994395Shinobi Quest #33In this thread, Tsuki meets a sad rabbit, escapes from the Forest of Death, and smooches a psychopath.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-26 26 
49028966Shinobi Quest #34In this thread, the Prelims of the Third Round begins! Matches 1 - 7, including Tsuki's match with Dosu. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-28 26 
49040424German Hollow Quest 32The final pieces.Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-08-28 21 
49043935Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 9In which we finish our sparring match and catch up with Sibella while our two angel partners not-date.Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Collective Game, Vampire, Questguy, Beating up the superintendent2016-08-31 3 
500815DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN part 2Continuation of WoNN. The group fights its way through more undeads and face off against the cause of the invasiontabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor, succubus 2016-08-31 2 
September 2016
49062423For House and Dominon Civil War 36The Siege Array finally proves its worth. Knight Commander Avun fights for control of her ship, and the battle is joined in full.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-01 12 
49101672Spartan-II Quest: Coryner II Damien-032 infiltrates into the complex proper, Interrogates an Insurrectionist, receives new orders, and plots his next moveCollective Game, Halo, Spartan, Insurrectionist, UNSC, Halo Quest, Spartan Quest, Quest2016-09-02 10 
49122876Shinobi Quest #35In this thread, we resume the Chunin Exams in control of Hinata for her fight against Neji!Prelims end~Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-02 27 
49148522German Hollow Quest 33The next steps. Towards the future.Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-09-03 22 
500759Melancholic Quest 24We stay with John at the VA hospital and reminisce about our family. When John is discharged and Sam doesn't show, we leave to find a guy.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-09-04 5 
49187660For House and Dominon Civil War 37The Mobile Fortress is finally dealt with.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-07 11 
49232347Shinobi Quest #36In this thread, more feels. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-08 25 
49250139Shinobi Quest #37In this thread, Tsuki talks to a Goddess- and makes a choice on her upcoming training. Promise!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-09 24 
506638The Garden of CripplesAfter a mysterious accident, Hisao Nakai wakes up with a strange power: he can see the 'death' of things, and a strange creature haunting The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-09 13 
49263192 Spartan-II Quest: Coryner IIIDamien infiltrates into a secret room of the facility, gathers more intel regarding the Angels assets, and blows the Complex to Kingdom ComeCollective Game, Halo, Spartan, Insurrectionist, UNSC, Halo Quest, Spartan Quest, Quest2016-09-10 10 
515623The Garden of Cripples-2With the help of Professor Mutou, we discover more about the nature of our powers and about the organization known as the Demon HuntersThe Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-10 8 
542340Starborn Quest 7: Don't Call it a ComebackPurps is back and badder than ever. Real life mostly keeps QM away so ended early.Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Grinnsmon, Combat, Boss fight II, Enigma,Medics ,Ressurection, Terminator, Feelings2016-09-10 3 
555009The Deadpan Arroyo Massacre: Part 1You are outnumbered, outgunned, and have limited ammo. Two bullets for every enemy is more than you need.Collective Game, Gunslinger, Dark Tower, Blood, Guns, survival, monsters2016-09-11 8 
522868DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' TaleThird installation of the Diminutive Dungeon Delvers story. This time you play as the Succubus , looking to distract yourself from boredomDDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-11 3 
551196Nanosuit Merc Quest 3We get debriefed by the boss lady herself and learn that our shit is royally fucked up.Collective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-09-11 1 
529132Melancholic Quest 25We talk with John about guilt and our sanguinary disorder. Learning about street rot, we continue our journey with a gimp and a queen.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-09-12 5 
561459German Hollow Quest 34Entering Karakura TownHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-09-12 20 
533397From the Dust, a Tale of a Legionnaire. Part IIIa CYOA/Quest set in the Fallout Universe from the perspective of a member of Caesar's LegionFallout, Apocalypse, Caesar's Legion, Survival, From the Dust, Tale of a Legionnaire, Part III,2016-09-13 1 
561962 Spartan-II Quest: EridanusIn the Aftermath of Operation LIGHTNING STRIKE 032 suffers an intense flashback, beats on ONI operatives, gets reprimanded, FULMEN BeginsCollective Game, Halo, Spartan, Insurrectionist, UNSC, Halo Quest, Spartan Quest, Quest2016-09-13 6 
567971Shinobi Quest #38In this thread, we migrate to /qst/, and have a very serious conversation with Danzo, and see Yoru's true face.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-14 23 
576988Shinobi Quest #39Tsuki finally trains for the final round of the exams.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki, finally2016-09-16 23 
525533The Garden of Cripples-3Hisao starts looking for Kenji, his former classmate, who is also suspected of being a Vampire. The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-16 8 
584129German Hollow Quest 35The impostor Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-09-17 25 
567757For House and Dominon Civil War 381st Thread on /qst/. Recap followed by a short Mech battle on Rioja.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-09-18 8 
586403Spartan-II Quest: OPERATION FULMENFulmen begins as Damien takes out an AA Emplacement, learns about the next set of AAs and the Jammer, Also Veteran ODSTs have terribad luckCollective Game, Halo, Spartan, Insurrectionist, UNSC, Halo Quest, Spartan Quest, Quest2016-09-18 2 
556640DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 2Continuation of DDD:AST where you try to run away from Wi'aboo's lair without getting caught.DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image2016-09-18 1 
562214Melancholic Quest 26Meeting back up with the group, we discover several missing but try for normalcy. We learn about drugs and why John chews.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-09-19 5 
599357Shinobi Quest #40In this thread, the Exam Brackets are released, Tsuki concocts a cunning scheme, buys a business, and develops afterglow. Anons get scared. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-20 23 
555354The Garden of Cripples-4Kenji is dead, and for the first time you have to face your nature. At the same time, school accidents are multiplying. The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-22 6 
591859DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - A succubus' Tale part 3Final part of the Succubus Tale. Time to finish your escape and get to the material plane!DDD, Diminutive Dungeon Delvers, Succubus, cultist, hell, sneaking, image_Quest, image, paladin, rogue, mage, wizard, dating, imp, cute, 2016-09-22 1 
618144German Hollow Quest 36Interdimensional politicsHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-09-24 22 
619369Spartan-II Quest: OPERATION FULMEN IIDamien continues with his mission to relive BRAVO as the rest of the Fulmen operatives deal with their tasksCollective Game, Halo, Spartan, Insurrectionist, UNSC, Halo Quest, Spartan Quest, Quest2016-09-25 1 
612411Shinobi Quest #41 "Fucking Long" EditionIn this thread, Tsuki learns things, talks to people, and the Finals of the Third Round begin. Hinata vs. Lee and Tsuki vs. Nori. Long.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-25 25 
49403764/tg/ talks demons/tg/ discusses a variety of demonsdemon, demons, horror, fantasy, summoning2016-09-25 0 
589584The Garden of Cripples-5It's time. We will rescue our friend and kill the Dead Apostle, no matter what!The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-28 5 
597494Melancholic Quest 27Delilah left at a cliffhanger, Lawrence seizes one of the few jobs he can and is posed with a number of moral quandaries.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-09-29 5 
October 2016
643217Shinobi Quest #42In this thread, Tsuki wakes up in the hospital, talks to family, teases some boys, and watches Hinata fight Gaara. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-01 24 
645934German Hollow Quest 37The month of the Spook: 1 Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-10-01 23 
653401ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 1: OriginA hero (or Villain) Emerges to make their mark of the world! Which path will you take?! Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-10-02 21 
631780For House and Dominon Civil War 40Surveys, salvage, troop movements and trades.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-10-03 9 
642746Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 1: Welcome to SunnyvaleA new QM, Mayor, opens a slice-of-life quest inspired by the farming life-sim Harvest Moon. We meet our protag, Jacky Richmond.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-03 17 
652296Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 9In which we experience the world of Macross, our own fucked up memories, and finally get laid in a real world!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Macross2016-10-05 0 
663863Shinobi Quest #43In this thread, Tsuki Norihime fights Sai Hatake and talks to Nori. (Lots of Art and Wrestling!Holy Grail War talk on the side. A+ Thread)Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-05 23 
670209Shinobi Quest #44In this thread, Tsuki Norihime fights Gaara. The anons make a very important choice that changes the fate of the world. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-07 24 
672169German Hollow Quest 38The month of the Spook 2Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-10-07 22 
666621Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 10In which we fight aliens, almost die, and Jump to Soul Eater.Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-09 2 
680813Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 11In which we explore the world of Soul Eater!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-09 1 
682308ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 2:FamilyEve Sparks is reunited with two of her 777 lost siblings, and is shoved into the real world with them. How will they adapt to Reality? EACollective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-10-09 18 
681893Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 2: Tara the TerrorThe slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. The MC, Jacky, confronts Tara, accepts a challenge, plants some crops, and explores the farm.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-11 10 
662180Being Super In a Megacity Quest 1you made things blow up on a massive scale, suffered employment problems, and finally decided to work with an usual villain.Super Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie 2016-10-11 4 
688819Shinobi Quest #45In this thread, the Konoha Crush begins in earnest. Old Faces, New Faces, and fateful choices. Struggle, Konoha- and grow strong.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-13 23 
662087Melancholic Quest 28John springs a leak and Delilah helps fix it, then sneaks away to get her fix. Tensions get high and more lies are told to the neighbors.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-10-14 2 
699759German Hollow Quest 39The month of the Spook 3Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-10-14 27 
674611Being Super In a Megacity Quest 2We enter the Scar, make THE show, and leave because cool guys don't watch explosions.Super Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie2016-10-17 2 
693714Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 3: Ero and PeacefulThe slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. Barrels, girls, monsters, and ecchi.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-18 8 
694499Being Super In a Megacity Quest 3Boss figures out that when he tells us to go do something, we really do that thing. Also we met a special lady in a wasteland church.Super Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie 2016-10-19 2 
714107Shinobi Quest #46In this thread, Tsuki Norihime and company pay tribute to Home Alone in an effort to repel the Akatsuki from the Norihime Manor. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-20 22 
725776Shinobi Quest #47In this thread, the fight with Deidara and Sasori comes to a close- and Tsuki makes a friend. Perspective change cliffhanger! I'm evil. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-20 21 
687053Cape World Presents: Statesmen, the Superhero team management sim 1In which we begin to build up our center program, play diplomacy with a dragon, and meet the president.Collective Game, Superhero, Super hero, Statesmen, Questguy, Politics, Diplomacy, Dragons, School, Sim2016-10-20 4 
702421SMT Devil Summoner:Task Force 666 Quest #33In which our protagonist has a second 'date', raids a grocery store, and recruits a new DemonCollective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-10-20 7 
697205Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Part 12In which OP takes a few days off, Wolfgang learns to use his powers, and we start a fight with a Witch!Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-21 2 
731903German Hollow Quest 40The month of the Spook 4 Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-10-21 21 
743399ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 3:Hero?What is a hero? Eve's adventures continue, with a new friend. Will her curiosity lead her to a second act of heroism? or simply more dangerCollective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-10-23 14 
710594For House and Dominon Civil War 41Logistics, ship design and our new plasma pistol start things off, followed by giving medals and promotions.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-10-26 7 
721108Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 4: Bad News BearsA bear maiden, a movie night, and a heroic rescue. The slice-of-life farming sim quest continues.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-27 9 
729249Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 13In which we found a weapon partner, kicked a clown's ass, and OP got so furious at the world he had to stop writing for several days.Wolfgang, Sauska, Incognito, Argo, Yui, Sinon, Kirito, Asuna, Lisbith, Nadia, Jumpchain, Soul Eater2016-10-28 1 
759868German Hollow Quest 41The month of the Spook 5Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-10-28 21 
744997Shinobi Quest #48In this (short) thread, we take control of Nori Uzumaki, accompanying Jiraiya in the hunt for Minato in the besieged Konohagakure.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-29 21 
728350Being Super In a Megacity Quest 4 We trained, we fought brood, we talked epically and we partiedSuper Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie2016-10-29 1 
765507ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 4: SawbladeDisguising herself as her genetic mother, Eve "sneaks" into Smiles Inc to try and gather info on Sawblade, an agent of the blackguard! Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-10-29 20 
761644Shinobi Quest #49In this thread, Anons start as Nori, and implement a daring plan.Later they switch to Tsuki, who plays with bugs and talks to a bad Uchiha.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-31 22 
November 2016
761678Being Super in Megacity Quest 5/ENDOf sex and explosionsSuper Heroes, Super Villains, Walking the path of explosions, Genie 2016-11-02 2 
753487Melancholic Quest 30With Delilah suffering an emotional breakdown, we step into Lawrence's shoes and try to calm her. John acts odd.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-11-03 2 
787278German Hollow Quest 42Wrapping things upHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-11-04 21 
49992316Star Trek General - Space Suit Dave EditionThe /stg/ beginning on Thursday, 27 October, 2016Star Trek General, Space Suit Dave, USS Ark Royal2016-11-04 1 
792895Suns, Stars & Sins Quest 1In the distant future of 1999, the planet of New Arizona calls for a new hero...Space, Western, Space Western, Suns Stars & Sins, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-11-05 1 
793771ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 5: Friend/WorkEve gets dragged out of her house by her friend Cyra, who wants to show herCollective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-11-05 16 
50129254There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building...Your PCs have started to realize that the old, rundown apartment building they live in is far stranger and more exciting than they thought.Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2016-11-07 45 
50054951Star Trek General - Where's My Thread Edition/stg/ Star Trek General beginning 01 November 2016.Star Trek General, Space Suit Dave, USS Ark Royal2016-11-08 10 
790153Shinobi Quest #50In this thread, Tsuki and Danzo fight Kisame Hoshigaki, and Tsuki pays a visit to everyone's favorite controversial Moon Goddess. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-08 21 
771315For House and Dominon Civil War 42A GE informant has begun providing us with locations of Aries bases. We head out to investigate.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-11-08 8 
50159577There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building 2: Urban UneaseA second thread is had to discuss the idea of a rundown, old apartment building that is home to both creepy and comfy paranormal happenings.Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2016-11-10 30 
784572Melancholic Quest 31Delilah too despondent for much of anything, Lawrence stays in focus with a trip down memory lane.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-11-12 2 
816275Shinobi Quest #51In this thread, Tsuki leaves Kaguya behind, and has her first true interaction with The Four. Afterwards, she wakes to an ailing Kushina. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-12 21 
818663German Hollow Quest 43Evolution Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-11-12 21 
819181Sons, Stars & Sins Quest 2Simon travels to Fool's Gold Gulch, but meets someone unexpected.Space, Western, Space Western, Suns Stars & Sins, Oneshot, Collective Game 2016-11-12 1 
819883ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 6:Costume ChasePeople are looking/hunting for Eve. Meanwhile she needs to make Cyra her costume and figure out what to do with that Mecha Engine she found.Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-11-12 15 
816933Tribal Chieftain QuestPre;ude to Main Quest. Do some char gen, learn about world and then attend a Council before seeking advice from a sage.Tribal Chieftain Quest, Nomad, Arsheg, Hawk and Sun2016-11-13 3 
828251Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 1Intel Drops the ball and we try to pick it up. Only us and the Japs left standing; let's kill some teenagers!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C455132016-11-15 13 
784960Harvest Moon Quest Sunnyvale, Chapter 5: Ded EditionFarming, Women, and Dungeons! But not at the same time.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-11-17 6 
50184198There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building 3: Urban UneaseA third thread brainstorming ideas for creepy/comfy paranormal occurrences in an old apartment building. Also peeps argue over canonHorror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2016-11-17 24 
832403Shinobi Quest #52In this thread, a wild Neji appears! Tsuki and Kushina take the fight to Kurama, to end the Crush once and for all. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-18 21 
841950German Hollow Quest 44Hybrid ArcHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-11-18 21 
846882Sons, Stars & Sins Quest 3 FinaleSimon deals with the fallout of his actions.Space, Western, Space Western, Suns Stars & Sins, Oneshot, Collective Game2016-11-19 1 
847651ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 7: HuntersHunters are on the prowl for Chimera. And Mimi Meets an Old, Rough Mercenary called Moriarty who has a question or two for her.Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-11-19 14 
840492Black Company Quest #14The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The town is seized, doggos are dominated and we suffer casualties.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Grenn are NOT furries shut up, Casualties of War2016-11-21 28 
50330040Odd Villain MotivationsIn this thread, posters brainstorm some motivations for villains that are odd, unconventional and just plain petty.Brainstorming, petty villainy, BBEG, motivations, funny, insurance fraud2016-11-23 31 
828955Melancholic Quest 32Lawrence opens up to the group, to their surprise. He later lets John rage out, his fear for Delilah's well-being overwhelming him.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-11-23 2 
838201For House and Dominon Civil War 43After a false start we explore a hurriedly abandoned R&D site and manage to make contact with survivors of a long destroyed House.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-11-28 8 
866635Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 1James has some slice of life, then some management sim, then shit hits the fan.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C45513,2016-11-28 6 
871773Black Company Quest #15The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince struggles to cope with his comrades, dead or dastardly.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War2016-11-30 25 
849522SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #34 In which the protagonist receives a queen’s favor, uncovers an ancient truth, and completes the mission given to him and his squad.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2016-11-30 8 
December 2016
880502Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 2Well Chem is... quarantined and probably dead. But in better news, the monster is HYPE.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-01 6 
883029Metahuman Quest #1Our hero gets kidnapped, learns he has super powers, nearly gets brainwashed, saves another from said brainwashing, and has a bar fight.Metahuman Quest, MetHu, Superhero, Collective Game2016-12-02 13 
892548German Hollow Quest 45The end of FacebookHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-12-02 20 
887230Shinobi Quest #53In this thread, Post-Crush happenings. A nice thread, where absolutely nothing bad happens. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-03 21 
843253Harvest Moon Quest Sunnyvale, Chapter 6: Dungeon ContinuedThe slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-12-03 2 
897922ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 8: GIANT ROBOTEve has built a giant robot, and how fucking cool is that?! OH and she's gonna use it to fight black guard to.Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-12-03 15 
892922Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 3This ritual just will not end. Also, the world might be teetering on the apocalypse. But we meet SPOILERS for the first time this quest.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-04 3 
871450Melancholic Quest 33Marilyn falls sick, Mabel offers plot exposition, and a mysterious guy leaves something for Delilah.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-12-05 2 
875861For House and Dominon Civil War 44We visit the remote system of Thule's Prism in search of powerful weapons, then set out to raid Nasidum lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2016-12-07 11 
50545751Sub-Saharan African SettingsOP requests inspiration for a Sub-Saharan African setting and /tg/ obliges with interesting pictures, stories and cultural discussions.Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, History, Folklore, Culture, Inspiration, Setting2016-12-07 10 
901272Worm Quest 1A quest set in the Wormverse. An MC is made, a friend is met, and many 1s are rolledWorm, Quest, Worm Quest, James Puller, Colossus2016-12-07 4 
916851DC Universe QuestIsaac is born, we reveal our water and ice powers and shut down a chain of BlockbustersDC Universe, Comic Books, Collective Game, Superheroes2016-12-09 7 
919007German Hollow Quest 46BountHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-12-09 20 
882076Fleet 8 Quest: Super Robot Wars Q 2A one-shot no longer! We combine ships to form the super-robot Mung and get a taste of what lies beyond our world!Collective Game, Crossover Quest, Fleet 8, Mech, Lovecraft, Boats, Questguy, Super Robot Wars Q, Mecha2016-12-10 1 
892841Supernatural Sheriff #2In which we chase some guy on a horse for a bitCollective Game, Supernatural Sheriff, KudoQM, JUSTICE2016-12-11 1 
913539Shinobi Quest #54In this (short) thread, Tsuki eats breakfast and heads off to the Aburame Clan compound to facilitate an alliance. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-11 20 
923655Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 4With a Dragonslayer on board, we get brutal and go on a rampage. We ocmplete the ritual, but at what cost? Conspiracies abound!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-13 2 
906289Melancholic Quest 34Everyone meets Crockett and Bower's goons track down the Good Hope hideout. Chaos ensues.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-12-13 2 
936845ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 9:Mother?Eve's genetic mother is looking for her, and she's bringing quite a bit of mayhem.Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-12-13 13 
944406German Hollow Quest 47What goes around comes aroundHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-12-16 20 
945172Black Company Quest #17The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We hire a doctor and convince comrades to let bygones be bygones.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War2016-12-17 25 
949682DC Adventure QuestIsaac hits the road for LA, we hit the stops along the way we only stop for the best.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-20 4 
959841Shinobi Quest #55In this thread, Shinobi Quest returns in a blaze of glory! Tsuki and Kogoto discuss the ethics of power, and Tsuki argues with the very godsCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-22 21 
959668What Came Next 2:SlumdogSuka wakes up, flashbacks to the day before which takes up most of the thead, giths a boss then gets her first convert!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Starborn, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Boss Fight, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2016-12-23 2 
968793German Hollow Quest 48ConclusionHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2016-12-23 20 
940308Melancholic Quest 35Escaping Bower's goons, Crockett sacrifices himself after a rookie cop spots Delilah. Lawrence brings Delilah to hide at his parents'.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2016-12-24 2 
974049ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 10: MOTHER ?! Part 2Miss sparks is still chasing after Eve and...wait! she wants to take her home to?! RUN EVE RUN!!Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-12-25 13 
954267Overwatch Quest 1Conflict rises across the globe. Overwatch, the elite international task force, has been disbanded. But the world still needs heroes.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi, Superhero2016-12-27 26 
976678DC Adventure Quest 2Our grand tour across america ends early with some help from Blue Beetle and we reach LA.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-27 2 
989432DC Adventure Quest 3We meet our dad and he tells us how we came to be.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-30 1 
995439ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 11:EveEve attracts alot of unwanted attention, for her at least, after her nigh impossible feat of controlling supernova.Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2016-12-31 12 
January 2017
970352Kaz's Christmas Special Part 1Task force 666 fights to save ChristmasCollective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest, Kaz2017-01-02 5 
979751Overwatch Quest 2Our MC, Overwatch's newest recruit, travels with Tracer to Eichenwalde, Germany, to search for Reinhardt, the last Crusader.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-01-02 20 
1002053DC Adventure Quest 4We take on the role of our father in a flashback to our true origin.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2017-01-02 2 
997152Overwatch Quest 3On the outskirts of Eichenwalde, our hero meets someone strange. Later, they get settled in at Watchpoint Gibraltar.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-01-04 20 
980099 EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 3: Janus' Era of WarmingWe return to Janus just in time to experience a heaping helping of extinction that leaves no more than 22 species alive on the planetCollective Game, evo, evolution, Lunt system, Janus, Sulioaic era, evogame, 2017-01-06 5 
1018437German Hollow Quest 49Visored TroubleHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-01-07 20 
1019677ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 12:Dark Sky InitiativeIt's the first day of Active duty for the dark sky initiative.Eve and friends' new super group is ready for business!Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-01-07 14 
1007040Overwatch Quest 4Seeker and Tracer head to the badlands of Route 66 to recruit the notorious outlaw Jesse McCree.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-01-09 21 
1018938Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3A despondant James returns to the facility as a changed man; a father! We deal with new staff before a tie and real life medical problems.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, New Guy, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-09 4 
1002117Melancholic Quest 36A brief respite, Lawrence stays on edge and sleeps poorly. We try to carry our weight while Del stays inside, hidden from the world.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-01-10 2 
1006007Alchemical Blade Prequel Quest: Mission 13/SLQ: Part 85Join us for a crossover session starring Succubus Lord Quest!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, Exalted, Alchemical Blade Quest, Sci-fi2017-01-10 1 
1022279Overwatch Quest 5Seeker and the growing team of Overwatch agents rush to help the engineer Torbjorn stop a rampaging Titan-class Omnic.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-01-12 20 
1038355German Hollow Quest 50With everything fixed things shall move onHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-01-13 20 
1003777Kaz's Christmas Special Part 2The fight to save Christmas continues and finishes with a revelation.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2017-01-13 2 
1029919Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 2TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-14 2 
1033800Overwatch Quest 6Seeker sets up a movie night at the Watchpoint. Surely nothing will interrupt.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-01-15 20 
1043980Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 3TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-17 4 
1057812Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 4We spend most of the time playing as Valentina and Hunter Squad, but the ritual is moving forward.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-19 2 
1032491Melancholic Quest 37We go out for groceries and reach out to Crockett, then get confronted with old memories. Repeatedly.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-01-20 2 
1066996German Hollow Quest 51MAGA editionCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow, Survival, WWII2017-01-20 20 
1050013Black Company Quest #17The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A traitor is in the ranks, and Prince meets Prince.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War, Mute Flirting2017-01-21 24 
1049974Shinobi Quest #56In this thread, Tsuki Norihime gets a letter from her father, and goes to the moon. Slow Wargle posts an Omake.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-01-21 21 
1034440EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 4: Shadow Over Rienia Life on Reinia continues to evolve and diversify: at least, the majority of it is killed off by a visit from the extinction fairyCollective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Sulioaic era , Lunt system 2017-01-21 2 
1073499ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 13:Ill OmenAn Ill omen blows on the wind, Trouble is coming for Eve Sparks. Big trouble.Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-01-21 12 
1049940Overwatch Quest 7The agents of Overwatch defend the Watchpoint from Talon's incursion. Seeker takes on the enemy leader in a daring solo attack.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-01-22 18 
1078754Shinobi Quest #57In this thread, Tsuki talks to the denizens of the Moon, teases boys, and rolls some cursed dice. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-01-24 20 
1067416Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 5I didn't fall asleep shut up. Oni gets him some whilst the bugs hunt people.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-24 3 
1057054Super Space Quest 2173: Part 1Decided who we were and got kidnapped. Ended up joining them as an engineerCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien2017-01-25 1 
1067955Super Space Quest 2173: Part 2Made our first jump, survived our first job, and got our first shore leave.Collective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien2017-01-25 1 
1075428Overwatch Quest 8Seeker, Mercy, and McCree travel to Hanamura, Japan, searching for the cybernetic ninja Genji Shimada.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-01-25 14 
1085557Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 6The longest ritual ever continues, James begins to feel a little isolation while OP gets sick.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-26 2 
1094911German Hollow Quest 52Family MattersHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-01-27 20 
1081529Super Space Quest 2173: Part 3We spend our time on shore leave doing some interesting thingsCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-01-27 1 
1106542ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 14:CHAOSEve faces down a Reality Abuser. And a few other problemsCollective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-01-29 11 
1077229Multi-Civ Quest #2First thread was not archived here in time: https://boards.4tan.org/qst/thread/1039619/ No more room for description. Fun stuf happens thCiv Quest, Fantasy, Factions, Hardcore Survival, Rare Magic, Butterlord, Quarterly-Seasonal Turns2017-01-31 1 
1095384Super Space Quest: Part 4We finish up our shore leave and begin mission number 2Collective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-01-31 1 
February 2017
1111121Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 7The Part where Star comes back only for life to take him away again.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-02-02 2 
1089316Fight of the Forgotten: Making it Among MonstergirlsIn which we meet our hero and augmented veteran, Wedge "Bobby" Antilles.Monstergirls, Mamono, Supersoldier2017-02-03 4 
1122881German Hollow Quest 53Hollows in Soul SocietyHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-02-03 20 
1111667Super Space Quest 2173: Part 5We continue our second mission and end up in a rutCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-02-03 1 
1108941Overwatch Quest 9Seeker gets in touch with an old flame, delivers a 90% heroic speech, and has his first chance to party with the team.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-02-04 14 
1102116Shinobi Quest #58In this (very short) thread, Tsuki tells a story to some rabbits and signs a contract in blood. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-02-05 20 
1128653Black Company Quest #20he Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We influence Saint, and have our Dragonbluff called by the Vampires.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Capable Runts, Casualties of War, Vampires, Bluds and Crypts2017-02-05 24 
1106119Multi-Civ Quest 3Things start to get magical then OP gets burnt out. New Management happens.Civ Quest, Factions, Hardcore Survival, Butterlord, Seasons2017-02-07 1 
1123672Super Space Quest 2173: Part 6Here we finished the second mission and visited a trade station.Collective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-02-07 1 
1130195Overwatch Quest 10Seeker and friends go to Rio de Janeiro, trying to stop Lucio's anti-Vishkar protest from turning into a riot -- or a massacre. Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-02-09 16 
1139967Super Space Quest: Part 7We are hired into military service. We also hijack a shipCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-02-10 1 
1156494ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 15: Reality Abuse!Reality abuse, and superpowered thugs. And Poor Eve is stuck right in the middle of it all!Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-02-12 11 
51664159Magical Items, Artifacts, and Treasure/tg/ invents and discussed miscellaneous adventurer loot.artifact, treasure, items, loot,2017-02-14 3 
1132732Divine Demoness QuestAsheroth goes through her character generation. Demon, Fantasy, Paladin, Succubus2017-02-14 5 
1149067Super Space Quest 2173: Part 8We learn more about our new ship and come into a new positionCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-02-15 1 
1157950Overwatch Quest 11A wounded Seeker must fight an elite Vishkar operative to protect his team.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-02-16 16 
1133270For House and Dominon Civil War 45We begin raiding the Jerboa dwarf galaxy in support of the House Helios forces there. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-02-16 9 
1169716German Hollow Quest 54Kennys funhouseHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-02-17 20 
1162136Super Space Quest 2173: Part 9We recruit our squad and jump to our next missionCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-02-19 1 
1179559What Came Next 3: Slumdog DeputySukaretto tracks down the mysterious Pervert and is given a lesson on how weak she is, before she learns how strong she is!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Training, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2017-02-20 2 
1174633Super Space Quest 2173: Part 10We conduct another mission, but this time for personal gain and not someone else'sCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-02-23 1 
1162320Melancholic Quest 38Law sells some pills and gets the tape deck fixed. He also breaks the news about Michele to his parents.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-02-23 2 
1198996German Hollow Quest 55The wayward son returnsHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-02-24 21 
1184599For House and Dominon Civil War 46After a slight detour we resume raiding. Short thread.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-02-25 8 
1205323The Balancer Oneshot QuestExorcist Father John Fisher Investigate a strange occurrence plaguing a new family in the neighborhood.Collective Game, SadAnon, Supernatural, Investigation Gameplay2017-02-26 5 
1193577Super Space Quest 2173: Part 11We solve some domestic problems before a much more sinister situation appearsCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-02-27 1 
March 2017
1222683The Third KingdomThe continuation of Balancer Quest. You play as Arien Fisher, adopted son of Father John Fisher, in exploring haunted areasCollective game, Third Kingdom Quest, sadAnon, Supernatural2017-03-03 5 
1229147German Hollow Quest 56Follow up trainingHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-03-04 20 
1209301Super Space Quest 2173: Part 12We crush a riot and secure our reignCollective Game, Super, Space Quest, Aliens, Alien, Super Space Quest2017-03-05 1 
1223871Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 8We complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513, 2017-03-05 2 
1233553ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 16: AlienOh Dear, A Rek'a'dari has come to town! everyone run!Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-03-05 10 
1199873Melancholic Quest 39Lawrence meets with Crockett and it's revealed Bower's depravity knows no bounds. Needing to run soon, he tries getting the cash he's oweMelancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-03-06 2 
1235660Delilah's Birthday Quest-OneshotThe one-year celebratory oneshot quest for Melancholic QuestMelancholic Quest, birthday, aCowboyNamedSue2017-03-07 1 
52021034Urban Unease 5Christ Imprisoned A Maid Inspiring Images of The Living Infomercial. Next thread, more commasHorror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2017-03-08 6 
1202272Overwatch Quest 12Returning from the Rio mission, Seeker must come to terms with his choices and his past.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-03-08 14 
1209743Cloak and Colony Quest 1It begins in a small colony on a world of isles in a pirate's nest of a system, our charisma leads to early wins but causes us some troublePirates, Zealots, Space Colony, Superhero, Gigolo life ain't easy, Ancient Ruins, Tropical Islands, Genie2017-03-09 1 
1236904Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 EpilogueWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-03-09 2 
1251593ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 17: Rek'a'dariIs it possible to stop a Rek'a'dari without a fight?Eve and friends are about to find out, as they confront a rather rowdy and violent aliCollective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-03-10 11 
1251219What Came Next 4: Slumdog Fight ClubSukaretto vs Ishi to the death! Who will win? The dice gods decide!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-03-12 2 
1258972German Hollow Quest 57A hollows domainHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-03-12 20 
1238242Cape and Colony Quest 2After some strangeness we obtain great alien artifacts, so we buy a ship to put them on; and our hero tells his crush how he lost his v-cardPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-03-13 1 
1263983Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Epilogue FINWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C455132017-03-14 2 
1264941PHASE Superhero Quest with Tyler FortuneTyler Fortune learns he may fail his major and be forced to do another year of school, one he can't afford.Super Powers, Superhero, worldbuilding, character, modern, futuristic2017-03-14 1 
1229081Orc Captain Quest/qst/ plays as a promising orc who's a pyromaniac.orc, lotr, succron2017-03-14 3 
1268382SMT Devil Survivor:Spain | Quest #1We wake up after a party to strange happenings. Also a hangover.SMT, DollmakerQM, SMTSpain, Devil Survivor, 2017-03-17 2 
1275923German Hollow Quest 58Devils never cry Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-03-17 20 
1247288For House and Dominon Civil War 47Rescuing a stranded army unit makes us a big enough target to send us running across a galaxy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-03-18 6 
1268567PHASE Superhero Quest #2Tyler gets in over his head. There's no going back from this.PHASE Quest, PHASE, Quest, Superhero, Super powers, character, modern, futuristic, worldbuilding2017-03-18 1 
1260868Overwatch Quest 13The mission in London and a wounded Seeker commands from Gibraltar HQOverwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-03-19 12 
1279251SMT Devil Survivor:Spain | Quest #2We make ourselves comfortable, and find a pair of demons.SMT, DollmakerQM, SMTSpain, Devil Survivor, 2017-03-26 1 
1296967PHASE Superhero Quest #3Tyler uncovers the plot of the Razors gang.PHASE Quest, PHASE, Quest, Superhero, Super powers, character, modern, futuristic, worldbuilding2017-03-27 1 
52362299Middle Eastern Superhero SettingWorldbuilding discussion for a new setting based on middle eastern superheroes. Surprisingly civil and apolitical.middle east, culture, superhero, superheroes, setting, worldbuilding,2017-03-28 15 
1289330Overwatch Quest 14With no urgent mission or global crisis, Seeker chills at the Watchpoint and gets to know some of the other agents.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-03-28 13 
1280639Delilah's Birthday Quest-Oneshot Part TwoSecond part of the MQ one-year anniversary oneshot.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-03-29 2 
52431346The Treasure of Isra AbishalimVarious treasures are detailed within the vaults of the world's richest man Isra Abishalim.worldbuilding, treasure2017-03-31 10 
1319901German Hollow Quest 59TubercolosisHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-03-31 20 
April 2017
1314871Paranoia Quest #1‘There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment.’ You never imagined this meant monsters...QuestMM, Collective Game, Paranoia, Paranoia Quest, Paranormal, Succubus2017-04-01 6 
1312087Overwatch Quest 15Poker night at the Watchpoint.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-04-03 12 
1334487Overwatch Quest 16Anubis unleashes a terror attack in Africa. Seeker responds with the team, but finds himself caught between a robot and a hard place.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-04-06 13 
1315540Delilah's Birthday Quest-Oneshot Part ThreeThird part of the MQ one-year anniversary oneshot.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-04-07 1 
1344961German Hollow Quest 60Old Man Genocide and Lung-Cancer ManCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow, Survival, WWII2017-04-07 20 
1295051Cape and Colony Quest 4Our luck with not being vindictively attacked by monsters is the worst. Fortunately our luck with killing them is not.Pirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-04-08 1 
1348734ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 18: BlackoutBlackguard makes their moveCollective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-04-08 11 
1342897PHASE Superhero Quest #4Tyler decides to get some answers - only to gain more questions.PHASE Quest, PHASE, Quest, Superhero, Super powers, character, modern, futuristic, worldbuilding2017-04-12 1 
1325357Cape and Colony Quest 5Rhys and the guards make their way back to town, only to find the shit is about to hit the fanPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-04-13 1 
1359464UED Supremacy QuestA New Commander in the UED Navy takes his place on the AleksanderUED Supremacy Quest, starcraft, humanity fuck-yeah2017-04-13 1 
1336381For House and Dominon Civil War 48Troop convoy attacks and recovery of salvage caches end our deployment to the Jerboa dwarf galaxy.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-04-13 6 
1365335German Hollow Quest 61SofiaHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-04-14 20 
1333098Closed Umbrella QuestA PI bites off more than he can chew.collective game, Vox, Trick, Supernatural, Modern, Closed Umbrella2017-04-16 2 
1370219Pacific Rim: Resurgence Quest 1We are Zane Jacobs. No we're not, we're Zack Warwick, ex-Ranger. We decide to protect the daughteru and become a Ranger again.Pacific Rim: Resurgence Quest, Pacific Rim, Giant Mechs, Daughteru, Collective Game2017-04-20 3 
1356438Cloak and Colony Quest 5.5We chase after a kidnapper in the rain amidst the embattled colonyPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-04-21 1 
1362832SMT Devil Survivor Spain #3We venture into the Mall, and fight... SomethingSMT, DollmakerQM, SMTSpain, Devil Survivor,2017-04-21 1 
1386433German Hollow Quest 62Hollow relations Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-04-21 20 
1375219UED Supremacy Quest #2The Aleksander arrives in the Korprulu sector and all is not as it seems with a strange machine failure.UED Supremacy Quest, starcraft, humanity fuck-yeah2017-04-25 1 
1404562ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 19: WarBlackguard goes all out. War in the streets. it seems Eve and co have a fight on their hands.Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-04-26 10 
1394442Nightmare PlanetFive teenagers find themselves, along a piece of their school, transported to a strange forest.Nightmare Planet, Sci-Fi, Horror, Teen, Survival, Collective Game2017-04-27 5 
1375557For House and Dominon Civil War 49After a bit more raiding the fleet returns home. Profit and taxes await.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-04-27 6 
1410456German Hollow Quest 63It's high noon (somewhere at least)Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-04-28 20 
1384121Cape and Colony Quest 6We board a pirate option to attempt a rescue mission, but things go horribly wrong; a desperate gambit averts disaster, but not without costPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-04-29 1 
May 2017
1391560SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #35In which our protagonist reflects on the mission, suspects the fey, and prepares to go grave robbing.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2017-05-01 7 
1393730SMT Devil Survivor Spain #4We advance the plot, meet a weird guy in a church, and OP disappears into the night. SMT, DollmakerQM, SMTSpain, Devil Survivor,2017-05-02 2 
1371193Double King Quest IYou are the Double King. You want crowns. But two crowns are not enough to sate your hunger for more crowns. You want ALL of them.Double King Quest, Awesome, Sociopath, surreal2017-05-02 2 
1420996What Came Next 6: The Magnificent 4Let's get down to business - to defeat, the huns did they send me heathens. When I asked, for nuns!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-05-04 2 
1402015Melancholic Quest 40Del deals with some emotional turmoil, and Law is forced to run out to pick up Crockett and a ride through the danger zone ensues.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-05-06 1 
1437146ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 20: Dark SkiesWhen the skies go dark, hope burns like a candle's flame. Former heroes face our heroes.Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-05-07 10 
53056631/tg/ invents original superheroesAs the title suggests, in this thread /tg/ worldbuilds original superheroes. Surprisingly funny. characters, superhero, cape, superpowers, names, plot hooks, worldbuilding,2017-05-08 7 
1411436Cape and Colony Quest 7In which it takes us the entire thread to decide who to recruitPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-05-08 1 
1412575Double King Quest IIYour hunger and lust for crowns leads you on a valiant conquest of exotic lands, but all rulers must fall eventually.Double King Quest, Awesome, Sociopath, surreal2017-05-09 1 
1418012Overwatch Quest 17Seeker gambles on some longshots. Some of them pay off. Others, not so much.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-05-11 12 
1416384For House and Dominon Civil War 50Returning to Rioja for a few months we set to work cleaning out the place.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-05-11 8 
1441183Nightmare Planet 2Vanessa and the other teens learn more about our situation, and set off on a journey to the hills. Kate will protect our smile.Nightmare Planet, Sci-Fi, Horror, Teen, Survival, Collective Game2017-05-11 3 
1450942German Hollow Quest 64EmergenceHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-05-12 20 
1452048[PROTOTYPE]: DeviationJacob Marshal picks up his cousin from the airport, then finds himself of Florida's new redzone. Can he survive?[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight, bodyhorror2017-05-16 4 
1433846Melancholic Quest 41Bower's goons track us down, along with Bower who has completely lost his marbles. Situation escalates and Lawrence gets shot.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-05-17 1 
1463052Overwatch Quest 18On the run from Helix Security, Seeker and Tracer are saved by an unexpected ally.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-05-18 11 
1466842[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation 2Jacob grows stronger, fights off PRIH, and learns to fart needles out of his arm[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight, bodyhorror2017-05-18 3 
1476019German Hollow Quest 65Zanpakuto RebellionHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-05-19 20 
1486817ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 21: Sparks FlyTwo sparks in one body. What could possibly go wrongCollective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-05-22 10 
53376560American NightmareAn unfinished Savage Worlds setting about 50s rockers facing supernatural and alien threats shows potentialWorldbuilding, Setting, Rock And Roll, Supernatural, Horror, Rockabilly2017-05-23 6 
1455868For House and Dominon Civil War 51The nightmare unfolds: Sonia assigned to a desk job at the Ber'helum capital.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-05-25 6 
53428238American Nightmare, Pt 2The setting is expanded upon, with biker gods and O.W. Grant Worldbuilding, Setting, Rock And Roll, Supernatural, Horror, Rockabilly, American Nightmare2017-05-26 4 
1499524German Hollow Quest 66Muramasas planHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-05-26 20 
1470784Melancholic Quest 42Brief thread where Lawrence gets patched up and we get to grandma's place.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-05-27 2 
53361294Urban Unease - Surreal Subway StoriesUrban Unease goes underground, and anons discuss creepy subway happenings.Horror, Subway, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2017-05-28 8 
1438175Cape and Colony Quest 8We hire a manager and at last board our new (to us) AI mining ship, discovering things are... not great therePirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-05-29 1 
1476798Cape and Colony Quest 9The rebellious bot Ahbr and Advanced AI Rel still hate each other, but we got them to stop shooting at each for now at leastPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-05-29 1 
1500742From Ashes to Gold #1A budding doctor Xavier and his friends Peyton and Andrew escape from a dead Chicago and loot up.Survival, Zombie, Action, Collective Game2017-05-31 3 
1488652SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #35.5In which our protagonist pretends to be Sam Winchester, banters with a king, and witnesses Queen Titania's justice.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest2017-05-31 5 
June 2017
1530809German Hollow Quest 67Seireitei on fire Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-06-03 20 
1522882[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation - episode 4Several people die, Madison and Nina start to recover, you see a bit of the past, Alexis give you some intel, and Jacob runs for his life.[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight2017-06-03 2 
1521124From Ashes to Gold #2Xavier gets into the middle of politics, loots a town (kinda), almost blows himself up, and makes a fateful decision. Zombie, Survival, Collective Game, Rolling, Gold2017-06-05 2 
1515028Nightmare Planet 3A twist in the tale is revealed as Vanessa travels to a dark dreamscape and takes hold of an unknown power.Nightmare Planet, Sci-Fi, Horror, Teen, Survival, Collective Game2017-06-05 3 
1538564Gunslinger QuestDermot McCade enters the wasteland and promptly murders bandits, sells scalps and kicks ass. Also a mysterious gun salesman.Gunslinger Quest, cursedQm, Western, Supernatural, Post-Apoc2017-06-07 5 
1535855[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation - episode 5 Prey edition.Powerful enemies are fought, a few new powers are gained, questions are raised, someone gets out of the Redzone, and your chased by a gator.[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight, Alexis, Zombies, Grammar.2017-06-10 1 
1558982German Hollow Quest 68The Kuchikis ShameHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-06-10 20 
1524870For House and Dominon Civil War 52Desk bound odyssey gives way to attacks on the capital and a front line inspection.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-06-11 6 
1558798Saiyan Conqueror Quest 2Karn and company train, get new armor, and go to Krunn. On the way we tease the Meloka and find out about her past, and kill mutants.DBZ, Karn, Tatsu, Meloka, Leyas, SCQ, Space Conqueror Quest, Space Conqueror Quest 2, GrandDragonQM, quest, /qst/,2017-06-12 23 
1549956Super villian quest #1we escape a high securit bus, burn down a gas station, and meet an old man who is not who he seemsVillian,quest,/qst/,Superheroes2017-06-12 3 
1556440From Ashes to Gold #4Xavier eats some breakfast,gets into trouble, and probably diesZombie, Survival, Collective Game, Rolling, Gold2017-06-13 2 
53757201quantum physics, nuclear waste waste disposal and succubiA Magical Realm is derailed into a discussion of thermodynamics, atomic waste disposal and Satan weaponizing the heat death of the universe.derail, succubi, succubus, thermodynamics, heat death, entropy, quantum physics, nuclear waste,2017-06-13 2 
1509013Cape and Colony Quest 10We finish checking out our new ship and return planetside to manage our new hiresPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-06-13 1 
1531267Panzer Commander Quest #22The war begins with a bang, then another, then a clusterfuck.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, Suddenly Tanks2017-06-13 1 
1542679Overwatch Quest 19Keeping it together after our mission in Africa. Looks like this job might be larger that even we expectedOverwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-06-15 12 
1555382Reality Fallacy Quest #1You are Xander Stevenson- and as far as you know, you are the first magic user on Earth. Your abilities? Summoning from fictional worlds.Collective Game, Quest, Blacklight, Urban Fantasy, Reality Fallacy Quest, DBQM, Magic, Summoning2017-06-15 2 
1556814Gunslinger Quest pt 2.We turn in our first major bounty after murdering a fee bounty thieves. Op dies but returns triumphant.Gunslinger Quest, cursedQm, Western, Supernatural, Post-Apoc2017-06-16 2 
1545551Melancholic Quest 43We learn about Del's mom's condition, grandma's, where some of our friends are, and that Del needs more practice in the kitchen.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-06-17 1 
1586803German Hollow Quest 69Calm before the stormHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-06-18 20 
1583306Teen Titans Quest #1Adam is born and escapes villainous custody, running into and joining the Teen Titans.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, Ravager Noooo2017-06-19 16 
1581585Saiyan Conqueror Quest 3Karn and the gang barely save Nappa, hide out and recover, Meloka and Karn get some quality time, and you kill a terminator and get a ship.Saiyan Conqueror Quest 3, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Karn, Meloka, Tatsu, Leyas, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, /qst/, 2017-06-19 30 
1563586For House and Dominon Civil War 53Liberation of House Medel marks the beginning of the campaign in House Nasidum Space.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2017-06-21 11 
53918453A Post-Apocalyptic Journey By RailA group of wanderers rides the last train bound westward in the hopes of finding some bastion of civilization at the end of the line.Post-Apocalyptic, Railroads. Rail Travel, Trains, Supernatural, Worldbuilding, Brainstorming2017-06-22 10 
1582275From Ashes to Gold #5Xavier while in bed rest discovers government secrets, discovers valuable human knowledge, and discovers a new friend. Also, we roll wack.Gold, Collective Game, Survival, Zombies2017-06-23 1 
1591532Nightmare Planet 4The survivors discuss what Vanessa's trip to the nightmare realm could mean, and decide on a campsite.Nightmare Planet, Sci-Fi, Horror, Teen, Survival, Collective Game2017-06-25 3 
1543162Cape and Colony Quest 11We have a big woopsie involving gravity grenadesPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-06-26 1 
1602317Teen Titans Quest #2Adam helps out Harley and Ivy with a problem.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers2017-06-26 11 
1608718Saiyan Conqueror Quest 4After returning to Freeza Station, Tatsu leaves, you get a new teammate, training, then the battle for Planet Vegeta. Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Saiyan Conqueror Quest 4, SCQ, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, Saiyan, Karn, Leyas, Meloka, Tatsu, /qst/, 2017-06-26 26 
1582496Panzer Commander Quest #235th Platoon embarks on a secret mission, that forces them to desert the Archduke's Army.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, Suddenly Tanks2017-06-27 2 
1624503Teen Titans Quest #3Adam meets the new teammate and beats the Black Canary in a spar.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-06-30 7 
July 2017
1629508German Hollow Quest 70The PrincessHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-07-01 20 
1627180Super Symbiote Quest #2TB gets a drawfriend, and Vladimir makes his Uncle proud after taking out the Rhino! Marvel, Symbiote, Super Symbiote Quest, True Believer, Collective Game2017-07-02 5 
1614157Overwatch Quest 20Three years ago, Logan's heist plans are interrupted when Fareeha Amari enters his life, forcing him to test his heart against his resolve.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-07-02 13 
1631351A Man For Tomorrow Quest 01A Kansas Farmboy makes plans for the Future.Collective Game, Superman, superhero, cape2017-07-03 2 
1635732The Last Stand: A Cape Oneshot (maybe more)In a world ruled with an iron fist, the last vestiges of rebellion had one last shot. And failed. Time to go down swining.Collective Game, Superhero, Cape, Raijiin, Gaia, Earth, Regime, Yuri, Lightning, Last Stand, Last, Stand, Doomed, Veteran, Star, Wagon2017-07-05 2 
1620746From Ashes to Gold #6Friendships, Johnny Cash, Windmills and Intensive Negotiations! Xavier Lewis lives a crazy life!Collective Game, Survival, Zombies, Gold, Rolling2017-07-06 2 
1580055Cape and Colony Quest 12We manage to fail our way to victory, saving the town from the gravity anomaly we accidentally causedPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-07-07 1 
1641095Teen Titans Quest #4Adam helps foil a theft and then goes on a lovely date.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-09 6 
54191269Night Shift: Working OvertimeWe join the Attendants at the Gas 'n Go for another Night Shift where we discuss mechanics, inspiration and the future of the Station.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2017-07-09 12 
1621539[PROTOTYPE]: Deviation - episode 7 Cowboy From Hell (unfinished)Jacob survives an ambush by a hunter, then returns back to the safehouse to find the water line needs maintenance, and then QM gets busy.[PROTOTYPE], Deviation, quest, survival, Jacob, Nina, redzone, blacklight, Alexis, Zombies, Grammar, QM interupted.2017-07-10 1 
1649918Saiyan Conqueror Quest 6Karn faces off with Prince Vegeta, then takes over training the young prince. Then the emperor himself arrives, and Karn shows his power. Saiyan Conqueror Quest 6, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, SCQ, Karn, Tatsu, Leyas, Meloka, Tunnip, Nappa, Vegeta, Freeza, Planet Vegeta, /qst/,2017-07-10 23 
1650667What Came Next 7: Brother Who Art Thou?Just a day of teaching, nothing to see here. Why would anyone be concerned?Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-07-11 3 
1650682 The Last Stand: A One Shot No MoreRaijin vs the Regime escalates and continues as we push into the Citadel. How long can he last?Collective Game, Superhero, Cape, Raijiin, Gaia, Earth, Regime, Yuri, Lightning, Last Stand, Last, Stand, Doomed, Veteran, Star, Wagon2017-07-11 3 
1617022Cape and Colony Quest 13We begin the lengthy process of dealing with the aftermath of the gravity anomalyPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-07-13 1 
1655224Overwatch Quest 21Seeker and his team of stealth specialists infiltrate the Lucheng tower in search of booty. What could possibly go wrong?overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-07-14 13 
1669532German Hollow Quest 710Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-07-15 20 
1661490Teen Titans Quest #5Adam, Beast Boy and Terra head to Star City to recruit/rescue M'gann, but they find that the situation is more complicated than you'd expeTeen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-16 5 
1683532Teen Titans Sidequest #1: Quinn QuestThe Big Lewbsoki with boobs and guns. Fargo with capes.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor, sidequest, Quinn Quest2017-07-20 5 
1680585Super Symbiote Quest #3! Internet's back Edition!True gets his internet back, and runs a short thread! We get into a fight with Eugene "Flash" Thompson!Collective Game, Marvel, True Believer, Symbiote, Super Symbiote Quest2017-07-22 1 
1693200German Hollow Quest 72The ToshinHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-07-22 20 
1694129Teen Titans Quest #6Adam finishes off the Brotherhood's attack and pounds a clown.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-23 5 
1693648What Came Next 8: What's Happening Again? PLOTWe meet our brother, he also is kind of intimidating as hell and wants to dismantle everything. But diplomatically.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Zaraki, Bandits, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-07-25 2 
1643778Cape and Colony Quest 14We decide to throw a pirate party, and roll a critical failure to do so. Need I say more?Pirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-07-26 1 
1701618Do Your Best QuestJohnny Ando tries his best to understand what's going on in general.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Collective Game2017-07-28 27 
1708380The Last Stand: One Shot, Two Shot, Three ShotRaijiin continues fighting the regime, coming up against a feared group of superheroines once he fled the family reunion.Collective Game, Superhero, Cape, Raijiin, Gaia, Earth, Regime, Yuri, Lightning, Last Stand, Last, Stand, Doomed, Veteran, Star, Wagon2017-07-29 2 
1694081Alien: Eternal Lie #1The intrepid crew of Melita conducts their survey mission of CS-759 until something strange causes them to deviate.Alien, xenomorph, horror, survival horror, space, in space no one can hear you scream, lovecraft, Eternal Lie, MU-TH-UR 60002017-07-30 6 
1723502German Hollow Quest 73The ForgeHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-07-30 20 
1713520Teen Titans Quest #7Adam tells Raven everything, fights off a big guy, then goes to work.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-07-30 5 
August 2017
1728203Do Your Best Quest #2Johnny clears up a misunderstanding, then the next day fights the school bully using his wits.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-08-03 15 
1674919Cape and Colony Quest 15Pirate party is in underway in the colony and something odd is happening with our ship AIPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-08-04 1 
1747060German Hollow Quest 74Mera Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-08-06 20 
1734163Teen Titans Quest #8Adam goes on an island adventure, gets married and gets divorced in the same day.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-07 5 
1753904Doll Quest Redux - #1Chapter 1.1- Awakening. In a wooden coffin and empty street, all we find... is more questions.Doll Quest Redux, Nechronica, Quest, Collective Game, Dollmaker, Zombies, Apocalypse, Wasteland, Suffering, Mistery, Puzzle2017-08-08 4 
1716788Melancholic Quest 44Delilah gets a physical, learns more about her grandfather, and how to use a handgun.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2017-08-09 1 
1748061Do Your Best Quest #3Johnny has an interesting day at his job and he may or may not made a pact with a supernatural being. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-08-09 11 
1754410What Came Next 9: The Test of Beatrice UkitakeSukaretto tries to beat up an old lady. Then things get weird again.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Lucife, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-08-10 3 
1769568German Hollow Quest 75PreparationsHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-08-13 20 
1760420Teen Titans Quest #9Some cooldown time and a nice date.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-14 5 
1767614Do Your Best Quest #4Johnny plays poker then has his first real supernatural fight. What an action packed episode.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-08-15 13 
1709888Cape and Colony Quest 16Last one, pity since things were going okay for oncePirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-08-17 1 
1777179Doll Quest Redux - #2Stranded in the remains of a supermarket by the flood, our protagonist finds herself running out of options...Doll Quest Redux, Nechronica, Quest, Collective Game, Dollmaker, Zombies, Apocalypse, Wasteland, Suffering, Mistery, Puzzle2017-08-18 3 
1788415German Hollow Quest 76EndHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-08-19 20 
1767357The Last Stand: Wait Didn't We die? Last Stand Gets a sequel! ... until Real life means it has to be shelved for a while.Collective Quest, Star, Wagon, Superhero, Cape, Earth, Regime, Last Stand, Doomed, Naga, Sequel2017-08-19 2 
1751915Nightmare Planet 5We find out who Tyler shot. The survivors suffer their first loss -- or do they?Nightmare Planet, Sci-Fi, Horror, Teen, Survival, Collective Game2017-08-19 3 
1770662Overwatch Quest 22From Africa to India, the emergencies come in thick and fast this edition.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-08-22 12 
1789730Do Your Best Quest #5Johnny cleans the mess he was in, then he talks to people for almost a whole day.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-08-22 11 
1778698Teen Titans Quest #10Well, he tried.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-23 2 
1727834WUNIAFWAR 2Bears are bad news. Jippy is the first player to die. Anne is the first player to fall into a coma and get rescued by another, Cory.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR Quest, Multiplayer RPG, Action-Adventure, Survival, Mystery, Rust, Ramtide QM2017-08-25 1 
1801545What Came Next 10: QM Can't Think of a Title/comfy/What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Zaraki, Bandits, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-08-25 2 
1749600WUNIAFWAR 3 - OP Has Problems EditionPatrick's quarantine fails. Poopfist burns the hospital. Jippy takes Poopfist captive. Anne and Cory leave Canopy.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR, Survival, Mystery, Multiplayer RPG, Action Adventure, Rust, Ramtide QM, Ramtide, 2017-08-27 1 
1784275WUNIAFWAR 4Jippy realizes he's sick. Anne and Cory make a town. Joseph wreaks havoc.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR, Collective Game, Survival, Mystery, Multiplayer RPG, Action Adventure, Rust, Ramtide QM, Ramtide, 2017-08-27 1 
1813317German Hollow Quest 77OpieHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-08-27 20 
1810763Do Your Best Quest #6Johnny develops his relationships. And meets a weird politician.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-08-28 11 
1785570Panzer Commander Quest #27The Battle of Geenam ensues, as the outnumbered Strossvalders launch a surprise attack upon mercenary bandits.Panzer, Tank, Commander, Quest, Armor, War, Collective Game, Suddenly Tanks2017-08-29 2 
1802102Teen Titans Quest #11Someone got Violated©ℹTeen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-08-31 3 
September 2017
1832635German Hollow Quest 78Beginning of the Blood War Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-09-02 20 
1833807Do Your Best Quest #7Johnny fights a tall hobo with superpowers.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-09-04 10 
1845393Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 9.5: Among wolves 2This episode, a crimson cat sows chaos among wolves. Carol and co meet a dangerous and wily foe and his remaining pets. continued from part1Collective Game, ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST, The headmaster, Super Heroes, Super Villains, Ultra, Supernova, Ultra Supernova, Future2017-09-06 8 
1838136Overwatch Quest 23Still recovering from the Kilimanjaro eruption, Seeker delves into a Golden Age vault, and finds something unexpected.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-09-11 10 
1853125Do Your Best Quest #8Johnny gets a few relaxing days until the war begins!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-09-12 10 
1845592Teen Titans Quest #12No time for Snu-Snu.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-14 5 
1874329German Hollow Quest 79Aftermath of the 1st Wandenreich assault Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-09-17 20 
1863207Teen Titans Quest #13Fighting off a demon incursion.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-19 3 
1872203Do Your Best Quest #9Johnny fulfill his promises, then a terrorist attack happens.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-09-20 10 
1878845Konoha Clan Quest [Character Building]A new Konoha Clan with an Iron Release is createdKonoha Clan Quest, Collective Game, Naruto, Tetsu Clan2017-09-20 35 
1898025German Hollow Quest 80CaballeroHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-09-24 20 
1884303Teen Titans Quest #14Cooldown time after that Slade and Violator stuff. Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-09-25 3 
1895284Do Your Best Quest #10Johnny fights terrorism, gets to know his new friend and decides to beat up another bully.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-09-26 10 
October 2017
1908244Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 1.5]Be careful when you fight darkness, or you might become it.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game2017-10-01 26 
1916842One Piece Quest! Character Creation Edition! Endless Ocean starts a One Piece Quest, and O'wiley Keel is made! One Piece, Pirate, Marine, Endless Ocean, OP, Devil Fruit, Treasure2017-10-02 3 
1918789Do Your Best Quest #11Johnny fights common sense and a flameless thug completely alone...! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-10-03 10 
1908158Teen Titans Quest #15Lex Luthor is surprisingly helpful and talkative.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-06 3 
1924161Overwatch Quest 24We meet the new head of security, deal with a tanker taken hostage by Omnic terrorists, and travel to Korea to fight a Titan.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-10-06 11 
1940054German Hollow Quest 81Second Wave - BeginningHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-10-07 20 
1935351Quest without Subject13 strangers awake in a cave filled with smoke, evidence of violence, strange objects, sinister shapes outside, and no memories of anything.Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi,2017-10-08 3 
1935990What Came Next 11: RNG Decided This - I SwearThe party continue down the long lonesome road. When there shined a shiny hot springs... in the middle of the road. Also Memory?What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone,Lucifer, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-10-09 3 
1928920Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 2]Susumu takes on a bet, Taka and Hiki try to get gains, and Sinchu can't get that bug pussNaruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-09 22 
1941378Do Your Best Quest #12Johnny gathers new clues as he slowly recovers from his beating.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-10-10 7 
1934188Teen Titans Quest #16Finishing a shoot, picking up Rose and preparing for the mission.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-12 2 
1965011German Hollow Quest 82When the Devil goes to war all angels weep Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-10-14 21 
1955666Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 3]Taka experiences Youth!, Susumu plans, Sinchu finds out some stuff, and Hiki...Hiki gets bloody.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-15 21 
1955532Teen Titans Quest #17An ace in the sleeve.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-16 5 
1966454Do Your Best Quest #13Johnny fights against a giant deadly monster in a thrilling episode! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-10-17 6 
1957216Quest Subjects I13 strangers awake in a cave with strange objects and no memories of anything. A wounded man goes on a vision quest.Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi, Vision Quest,2017-10-20 3 
1985669Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 4]Hiki finally takes on the Iron Box and faces his god. Also vampires show up.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-22 22 
1997769German Hollow Quest 83Rampage Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-10-22 20 
1983106Teen Titans Quest #18Joker's Wild Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-10-23 2 
55992067Urban Unease 6Mall Edition Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2017-10-23 3 
1994828Do Your Best Quest #14Johnny deals with drama and fame in quick succession!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-10-24 6 
1999669Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 5]Chunin Exams bitch.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-25 21 
1999038Overwatch Quest 25The Battle of Busan continues as Seeker and D.Va team up to infiltrate the adaptive Titan.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-10-26 10 
55979433Night Shift: Halloween EditionEmployee guides are shared and games are planned as we return to the Stop n' Gas this Halloween to discuss a favorite /tg/ homebrew.Night Shift, surreal, horror, fluff, crunch, homebrew, brainstorming, gas station, supernatural2017-10-27 13 
1987910Quest Subjects II13 strangers awake in a cave with strange objects and no memories of anything. Be the Little GirlSubject Quest, Quest Subject, Quest Subjects, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi, Little Girl,2017-10-27 2 
2010588Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 5.5]Autistic Bros fight Snek Pedo, Sinchu gets drunk with a Noble, and Hiki gives out the head pats.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-28 23 
November 2017
2020615Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 6]The Tournament gets underway.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-11-01 22 
2020807Do Your Best Quest #15Johnny goes to the spooky clinic of horrors!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-11-01 5 
2010859Teen Titans Quest #19What a tough crowd.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-11-02 2 
56200296Demon Hunter Halloween 2017 Aftermath/tg/ counts casualties and takes inventory of survivors. It does not look good.halloween, 2017, aftermath, demons, skellingtons, spooky, scary, skeletons, survivors, demon hunters, hunters2017-11-03 3 
2015043Quest Subjects III13 strangers trapped in a cave with strange objects, sinister creatures outside, and no memories of anything. The Nurse burns a witch.Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Quest Subjects, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi,2017-11-03 2 
2036723German Hollow Quest 84The plan Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-11-03 20 
2031650Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 7]Susumu deals with a curious Noble, Sinchu meets his hero, and the twins help their fellow Genin.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-11-05 21 
2028627Shinobi Support Quest 1QM introduces Yoko Yamisaki to her team, sensei, and a certain someone on her first week of being a GeninCollective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-11-05 22 
2040868Do Your Best Quest #16Johnny finds out more information then plays a tense game of poker!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-11-07 7 
2030093Overwatch Quest HalloweenWe skip ahead to October 31st, when Overwatch celebrates the return of their traditional Halloween costume party.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2017-11-08 10 
2050112What Came Next 12: What Came BeforeNothing bad happens as we flashback to a red haired teenager on her first date.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-11-10 2 
2032859Teen Titans Quest #20Not much happenedTeen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2017-11-10 2 
2036438Quest Subjects IVA group of strangers awoke in a strange cave with deadly night creatures outside and no memories of anything. The Wounded Guy wakes up!Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Quest Subjects, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi,2017-11-10 1 
2064403German Hollow Quest 85The Showdown Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-11-12 20 
2062431Do Your Best Quest #17Johnny and crew live moments of tension on the last day of the curfew!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-11-14 5 
2053633Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 8]Change is upon us.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-11-14 20 
2058232Quest Subjects VA group of strangers awoke after an accident in a strange cave with no memories of anything. The final struggle to escape!Subject Quest, Quest Subject, Quest Subjects, Dork West, Fantasy, Scifi,2017-11-16 2 
2066325Merchant Supreme?A prodigial alchemist decides she wants to be a merchant instead, and sets out on a new journeyMerchant Supreme, Merchant, Lynnette Alintine2017-11-18 1 
2061719Support Shinobi Quest 2Yoko Yamisaki goes on a C-rank mission with another team!Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-11-18 21 
2081187Do Your Best Quest #18Johnny deals with his exams and love...!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-11-21 7 
2081819Shinobi Quest #59/The Return!! #1THE BIG RETURN THREAD! After 9 months away, Tsuki Norihime returns to get shit done!Naruto, Collective Game, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-11-22 22 
2077448Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 9]But if X=Y then why did the Genjutsu work?Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-11-25 20 
2102954German Hollow Quest 86The KenpachiHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-11-26 20 
2061142SugarSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #1A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, gothita, kecleon, psyduck, magnezone2017-11-28 2 
2089038SugarSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #2 A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, psyduck, magnezone, ferrothorn, lilypaddle2017-11-28 2 
2099538Do Your Best Quest #19Johnny does a lot of things he should have done before!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-11-28 6 
December 2017
2099700Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 10]Christopher Walken walks in: "This is not over...BEARS!"Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-01 20 
2109027What Came Next 13: A Happy EndingSukaretto fights a tentacle monster while her brother watches.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-12-02 2 
2099661Support Shinobi Quest 3Yoko snitches, sees Orochimaru again, is so excited she hisses in her room for a week, and then reenacts Weekend at Bernie's for an arm.Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-12-03 20 
2107565arSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #3A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, psyduck, magnezone, donut, lilypaddle, shuckle2017-12-03 1 
2117266Suburban Nightmare Quest - 1Ori Tillersik, full time hoodlum, part time dealer has a bad night but makes a new friend Collective Game, Suburban Nightmare Quest, ApothikQM, Modern, Demons, Fluffy Tail2017-12-04 2 
56714893Kamigakari Thread storytimeAnswers and info from a player in Crazy Isekai Storytime, More Misfits in Osaka, Battle with an undead Samurai.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, Mononoke, summoning, mages2017-12-04 5 
2116966Do Your Best Quest #20Johnny finally did it! Love can bloom on the battlefield!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-12-05 12 
2114250Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 11]Taka takes on Dosu, Hiki averts a disaster, Susumu and Tsume "talk", and Sinchu has ramen.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-07 14 
56774869Kamigakari Thread storytimesMisfits in Osaka & Crazy Isekai Storytiming. Slavery, Social Awkwardness, Akira in a Plugsuit! Advice on building and rebuilding characters.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, plugsuit, pdf2017-12-10 4 
2136081German Hollow Quest 87Don't wake the Fear EaterHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2017-12-10 20 
2128723Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 12]Dog girls, Harem battles, and the Suzupocalypse all in one thread.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-13 13 
2149299Fate/Altered Type Thread 1In which we summon a Servant, meet our childhood friends, and see a priest about a war. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2017-12-18 7 
2144959Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 13]The final part of the Chunin Exams begins. There's thrills, cheers, and tears. Your body is not ready.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-19 15 
2151367Do Your Best Quest #21Johnny starts dealing with real threats! Shit is getting dangerous. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2017-12-20 5 
2137589Shinobi Quest #60/The Return!! #2In this thread, NEGOTIATION! The once-vaunted mechanic makes it's return, with two subjects and new rules! Tsuki's silver tongue never dieCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-12-20 15 
2159042Overwatch Gakuen1-Year Anniversary Bonus Episode: Transfer student Logan King begins his first day at his new school in Japan, Overwatch Gakuen.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Highschool, Harem, Romantic Comedy2017-12-22 10 
2146766Support Shinobi Quest 4Yoko goes home, discovers a dark family secret, and deals with its fallout.Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-12-22 13 
2136336Marvel Quest Presents: Vibrant and Intuition Drive Issue#001 Vibrant explores the possibility of salvaged tech and, later, more of the alternate world. ID discovers the internet as an extra superpower.Marvel Quest, FaceripperQM, Superhero, Vibrant, Intuition Drive,2017-12-23 6 
2163272Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 14]The Konoha Krush starts and ends in one thread.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-25 20 
56897286Interesting Original MonstersA collection of ideas for new monsters to add to your games.creatures, monsters, worldbuilding, setting, suicide bomber drop sloths,2017-12-25 4 
2146818SWAT QuestYou Don't Stand A ChanceSWAT, tacticool, supernatural 2017-12-29 5 
January 2018
2151242SMT Devil Summoner - Task Force 666 Quest #36In which our protagonist and his team take some much-needed down time, and prepare for the next missionCollective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2018-01-02 7 
2197895Self-Assisted SuicideQuest #1A young girl named META 1 begins her absurd quest by entering the shadow-like reality of Traversal.SASQ, Self-Assisted SuicideQuest, METAGHOST2018-01-04 1 
57159049Kamigakari Thread storytimesMisfits in Osaka continues. Crazy Isekai Storytiming, a retelling of how it began. Anon speculates on stating things.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Shizune, stats, demons, Su2018-01-05 1 
2205748German Hollow Quest 88Ascension Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-01-06 20 
2181098Suicide Squad Quest #1Former mob enforcer Chris Nelson - aka Rasputin - joins the Suicide Squad.Suicide Squad Quest, Collective Game, AmWall2018-01-06 6 
57282638 PTU storytime pokemon tabletop unitedGM shares a short game they ran. Follow the story of two sisters venturing out into the world to become PokĂ©mon trainers.PokĂ©mon, pokemon, Ruth, PTU, storytime, chikorita, scyther, Kate, Bree, Fey, Gloria, rules, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., forest, battle, survival, map2018-01-07 3 
2182710Fate/Altered Type- Thread the SecondIn which we die. At least twice. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-01-08 4 
2181048Florida Worm QuestIn which we get powers, study them, and intimidate a guyquest, worm, cape, superpowers, florida, clone2018-01-10 1 
2181881Marvel Quest Presents: Vibrant and Intuition Drive Issue#002Vibrant meets the mysterious"Mister" the leader of the alternate world colony. ID encounters another group of criminals.Marvel Quest, FaceripperQM, Superhero, Vibrant, Intuition Drive,2018-01-10 1 
2206647Do Your Best Quest #22Johnny resolves a problem bigger than expected in an action-packed episode!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-01-11 6 
2210495Overwatch Quest 26We introduce our newest agent Dva to the team, then head to Australia where we wind up agreeing to pull a job with the Junkers.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2018-01-12 8 
2223073Pandemic Quest #1An adventure and survival based quest that takes us through a zombie infected America.Pandemic Quest, Collective Game, Survival2018-01-12 1 
2203519Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 15]It's a busy day for the MC's as they deal with adoption, pregnancy, dolls, and pink haired vespa riding babes.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-01-13 20 
2226857Do Your Best Quest #23Johnny deals with the aftermath of an intense battle!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-01-16 5 
2216875Fate/Altered Type- Thread the ThirdIn which we get another truce, and meet a black knight. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-01-16 3 
2200720Panzer Commander Quest #35After some damn near smut, OP remembers that what the quest is supposed to be about and has tanks shoot things.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, terrible romance2018-01-17 5 
2206533Melancholic Quest 45We pay mom a visit, now more lucid, and a nurse insinuates everything's not as it seems.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-01-17 1 
2248489German Hollow Quest 89Like father like sonHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-01-21 20 
2216996Florida Worm Quest #2In which we bond with family and run from villainsFlorida Worm Quest, capes, worm, superpowers, clone2018-01-22 1 
2240705Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 16]The 4 MC's start to head off in new directions, their paths changing for both good and bad. Also holy shit Wendigo's.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-01-25 20 
2245660Do Your Best Quest #24Johnny finds out more, spends some time with his girl, and wins another fight!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-01-26 5 
57591980Weird Little Western TownA brainstorming thread about a weird little western town, built in the shadow of a strange mountain, low on luck and high on mystery.Brainstorming, western, supernatural, paranormal, horror, mystery, plot hooks, worldbuilding2018-01-27 30 
2226432For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 4Talking with space wizard, sneaking around and steal shit once more.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-01-27 5 
February 2018
2270242Do Your Best Quest #25Johnny and the team gain a new member! And then something stupid happens later.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-02-02 5 
2243393Melancholic Quest 46Cammy brings Del back to the range, and withdrawal rears its ugly head again as her birthday comes around.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-02-02 1 
2238527SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #36.5In which a lot of heavy shit happens.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2018-02-02 6 
2243132Panzer Commander Quest #36The Battle of Todesfelsen begins, with a clash at an old quarry turned fort dubbed "The Gash."Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks2018-02-04 2 
2281996German Hollow Quest 90XHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-02-04 20 
2272187Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 17]A deadly meeting with Doc Ironblood brings about both good and bad fortune.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-02-08 12 
2294622Which, Craft, Witch - Part 1Caitrin Foster is a young lady in college. She is a typical student - except for the nighttime dances, spells, and the curse, of course....Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-09 3 
2265010Marvel Quest Presents: Vibrant and Intuition Drive Issue#003aVibrant's conversation speaks with "Mister" the leader of the alternate world colony gets interrupted. Faceripper gets hit with the QM cuMarvel Quest, FaceripperQM, Superhero, Vibrant2018-02-11 2 
2302457Do Your Best Quest #26Johnny finally deals with his friend's problem and he plays an intense game of pool!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-02-15 5 
2314405Which, Craft, WitchSchool and coffee and fairies, not to mention a diamond as big as her thumbnail. A witch's dilemmas.... Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-16 2 
2279403For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 5We venture into the depths of the Sphere.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-02-16 6 
2283950Panzer Commander Quest #37The Battle of Todesfelsen begins, and the Republic's 1st Armor Battalion has their baptism by fire in the midst of a massive dust storm.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks2018-02-18 2 
2336789Which, Craft, Witch - Part 3More campus life, and perhaps a clue or two. Also, people hitting on people.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-02-24 3 
2301981Melancholic Quest 47Del discovers Ace is investigating missing girls. With a surprise party and a pretty cake, Del gets her drink on. Birthday cuddles ensue.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-02-24 1 
2298325Tide of StarsWe try to stop a dangerous group on a space station before the QM stops writingTide of Stars, Quest, Oneshot, Collective Game, Consul2018-02-25 1 
2320639Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 18]The Hinata Retrieval Arc begins. Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-02-25 13 
2341295German Hollow Quest 91DHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-02-25 20 
58175558Occult national security threatsBrainstorming persons of interest for a secret Occult branch of the CIA to deal withWorldbuilding, Supernatural, Modern, CIA2018-02-26 5 
March 2018
2347735Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 19]The Hinata retrieval mission comes to an end, and decisions about the future are decided.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-03-02 11 
2352764Which, Craft, WitchPre-date dates, pixies and fairies, the fateful phone call.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-02 2 
2356252Do Your Best Quest #27Johnny celebrates Nariko Day. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-03-06 5 
2327929For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 6We gain entrance to the Sphere's shielded polar region.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-03-08 5 
2332636Panzer Commander Quest #38The battle in the storm continues, and casualties mount.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, terrible romance2018-03-08 5 
2341672Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum #5Where a witch is born, a woman is mechanized, and Kyoko gets speared.Collective Game, PMMM, Magical Girl, Witch, Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum2018-03-08 2 
2345067Overwatch Quest 27Seeker and Genji begin their infiltration of the complex underneath Junkertown, searching for the secret it holds.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2018-03-09 8 
2377622German Hollow Quest 92The death of the Death DealingHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-03-11 20 
2374595Do Your Best Quest #28Johnny Ando Vs. Rise! Who will win?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-03-14 5 
2388587Which, Craft Witch - Part 5Lynne is once again your sister in witchcraft; meeting werewolf number two; Karen and Lynne meet finally.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-15 2 
2371411Underworld Quest Episode 1Follow a mortal soul as it explores the strange depths of the Underworld and causes shenanigans along the way. Collective Game, quest, demon, ghost, soul, comedy, supernatural 2018-03-16 3 
2385256Overwatch Quest 28The Australian adventure continues as Seeker and friends get out of the frying pan and into the fire.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2018-03-19 8 
2381376Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 19.5]Fun times are had by all.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-03-19 10 
2387194Starborn Quest 47: RessurectionPurps' bad return to life continues, but some old faces return to make it all better.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Purps, School, Academy, Dealer, Crete, Twins, Halfling, Minerva, Sunshine Fist, Angst, Bad Day2018-03-20 1 
2396615Do Your Best Quest #29Johnny chases after the missing flame!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-03-21 5 
2411075Which, Craft, Witch - Part 6A disturbing incident's aftermath; Cats Do Dance; speaking with werewolves.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-23 2 
2370577For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 7In which Sonia and the Caretakers annoy each other in equal measure.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-03-23 5 
2384821SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #37In which our protagonist dons his DEMONICA.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2018-03-28 6 
2415819Do Your Best Quest #30Johnny has the best date of his life!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-03-28 7 
2430220Which, Craft, Witch - Part 6.5Continuing the previous thread, with Cat dancing and Werewolfs.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-03-30 2 
2419239Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 19.8]Fuck DanzoNaruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-03-31 10 
2434153German Hollow Quest 93A battle against miracles Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-03-31 20 
April 2018
2399730Panzer Commander Quest #39Though the enemy seems beaten, the fighting continues inside of Todesfelsen. The Republic 1st Armor Battalion must put a stop to this.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks2018-04-01 5 
2404152Underworld Quest Episode 2Follow this lost soul as he travels the dark depths of the Underworld and meets strange people waiting for him in the shadows Collective Game, quest, demon, ghost, soul, comedy, supernatural 2018-04-02 2 
2402296Melancholic Quest 48Ace brings Del out for some fresh air while getting supplies, a detour turns everything to shit.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-04-03 1 
2435591Do Your Best Quest: Grilled Justice!A sidestory involving Flint Masterson on a quest for a burger.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-04-04 5 
2442415Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread OneZander B. Krupp, loyal friend turned superpowered vigilante, fights crime in a dome city a hundred years into the future.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Parahuman, Superpower, Cape, Chitter2018-04-05 2 
2454830Which, Craft, Witch - Part 7Rituals, school, and secrets.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-07 3 
58889492creatively negligent precursorsWorldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy.worldbuilding, precursors, sufficiently advanced, setting, Autism on a Kardashev Scale, goddammit zeus, REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS, REMOVE QU,2018-04-07 5 
2411724For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 8Time flies...Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-04-07 5 
2460047German Hollow Quest 94The fall of the ValkyrieHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-04-08 21 
2418770Overlord Lair Quest 4 Enlightening OrdealsMinions lacking leadership made good gains. We summoned again with out protection and lacking equipment. Outsiders became mad at our waste.Genie, Overlord, Dungeon, Summoning in the wrong neighborhood2018-04-10 1 
2450509Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread TwoZander sees his neighbor's newborn kittens, thoroughly interrogates a gangster, bargain hunts at a thrift store, and goes grocery shopping.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Parahuman, Superpower, Cape, Chitter2018-04-11 0 
2450892Fate/Altered Type- Thread the FourthIn which a QM's hiatus ends, and we wind up with a houseguest. Or four. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-04-13 1 
2471762Which, Craft, Witch - Part 8Werewolf discussion, dating discussion, and confronting Karen.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, werewolf, pixie, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-13 2 
2452469Underworld Quest Episode 3Follow this lost soul as he explores the ancient depths of Old Hell, uncovers ancient secrets, and makes new friends. Collective Game, quest, demon, ghost, soul, comedy, supernatural 2018-04-16 1 
2475374Do Your Best Quest #31Johnny wins a lot of money for no good reason!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-04-18 2 
2488627Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 20.0]Three years have passed, and KCQ Shippuden finally begins.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-04-20 11 
2449157Melancholic Quest 49We make it home safe, have a nightmare, and meet Brandi chained in the kitchen.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-04-20 2 
2489463Which, Craft, Witch - Part 9Learning new things, coping with old things, stepping out for the first time in a long time now.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-20 4 
2489880German Hollow Quest 95The king of the castle Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-04-20 20 
2457454Panzer Commander Quest #40The Battle for Todesfelsen rages on, and a devastating trap is sprung...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks2018-04-22 2 
2457327For House & Dominion: Eye of the Storm 9With the return home a need for political alliances is realised. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-04-22 5 
2466230Banisher QuestThe Case of The Naked Lady.Detective, Supernatural, Collective Game, Banisher Quest, Gritter2018-04-23 2 
2494179Do Your Best Quest #32Johnny Ando Vs. Flint Masterson! Who will win?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-04-24 1 
2510082Which, Craft, Witch - Part 10Wits craft, witch craft, and wish craft; love and other things that make people stupid; fear of the unknown.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-04-28 3 
2512139Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 21.0]In which Moon fucked up the thread number and everyone laughs. Also we try to save Temari.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-04-29 8 
2481685Fate/Altered Type- Thread the FifthIn which OP makes two posts and disappears into gacha. And we buy time with Taiga. Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game2018-04-29 1 
2515492German Hollow Quest 96Deicide Hollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-04-29 20 
May 2018
2512217Do Your Best Quest #33Osgood takes over and stops jobbing!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-05-02 2 
2496911Underworld Quest Episode 4Join this lost soul as he enters the fiendish bowels of Agony, faces his greatest torture yet, and learns about economic opportunities. Collective Game, quest, demon, ghost, soul, comedy, supernatural 2018-05-04 1 
2530907Which, Craft, Witch - Part 11Dealing with untimely interruptions; Karen's faces; blood of wolves.Collective Game, Which Craft Witch, witch, mystery, magic, sexy, fairy, fae, faerie, pixy, blood, ritual, cute, supernatural, urban fantasy2018-05-05 3 
2501239Banisher Quest 2We finished our job but the danger is not over yetDetective, Supernatural, Collective Game, Banisher Quest, Gritter2018-05-06 2 
2521806Demon Summoner Sidequest=COMPLETED= A village boy gets involved in something far out of his depth. A few new characters get introduced, + LoreNecromancer Detective Quest, Necromancer, Detective, Horror, Adventure, Collective Game, Demon Summoner Sidequest2018-05-08 3 
2524048Overwatch Quest 29A few weeks before our Australian adventure, we defend Lucio from assassination at the final concert of his tour.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2018-05-08 7 
2533465Do Your Best Quest #34Johnny stays bedridden in the new Calamity Clinic.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-05-09 1 
2502876For House & Dominion: Building Better WorldsThe return to Rioja after another lengthy absence. Finding things to be well in hand.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-05-10 5 
2576414German Hollow Quest: The EndThe journeys endHollow, Collective Game, Bleach, Survival, WWII, German Hollow Quest2018-05-19 20 
2577015Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 22.0]The battle with Sasori is over, but now a new danger looms on the horizon...stuff.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-05-19 5 
2576972Do Your Best Quest #35Johnny eats marshmallows, checks the wounded, and wins at a children's card game.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-05-23 1 
2550168For House & Dominion: Building Better WorldsUnsurprisingly, antimatter is dangerous. Politics and preparations. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-05-26 7 
2563745Melancholic Quest 50Grandma guides us to a hidden safe in case we ever need to evacuate, there's also hidden passage under the floorboards with a cold draft.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-05-30 1 
June 2018
2615086Do Your Best Quest #36Johnny meets the mysterious and obnoxious T.T. Neko!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-06-06 1 
2594387 For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 3You select a Knight Commander to lead a fleet against the latest Neeran invasion. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-06-09 6 
2635707Do Your Best Quest #37Johnny leaves the clinic and returns home!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-06-13 1 
2615276Teen Titans Quest #21A half-assed return by ManThor.Teen Titans Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Teen Titans, DC, gravity, super powers, ManThor2018-06-14 0 
2660922Do Your Best Quest #39Johnny and co. prepare for the war!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-06-23 1 
2638980For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 4We come up with a solution for the refugee crisis then head for South Reach to see old friends.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-06-25 5 
2674260Do Your Best Quest #39 (The real one)(#38 was misarchived) Johnny and friends find themselves again in another strange meeting in the other world!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-06-27 2 
July 2018
2660484Melancholic Quest 51With the mystery of the tunnel solved, Delilah is haunted by paranoid thoughts and questions the loyalties of those around her.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-07-02 1 
2668725Florida Worm Quest #3We go to school, make some friends, and talk to villainsFlorida Worm Quest, capes, worm, superpowers, clone2018-07-03 1 
2693078Do Your Best Quest #40Johnny enters the ultimate poker tournament.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-07-04 1 
2680032For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 5Hidden bases, super weapons and secret projects keep Sonia occupied and away from the front lines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-07-10 5 
60776161Carthage-Inspired Punic SettingAn anon comes to /tg/ for assistance on developing his rough sketch of an idea, receives /his/-tier discussion.Carthage, Canaan, Semitic Peoples, Sumer, Mesopotamia, worldbuilding, history2018-07-11 3 
2712021Do Your Best Quest #41Johnny and crew get to know each other to the fullest!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-07-13 1 
2701529Florida Worm Quest #4You con a con and shout at your dadFlorida Worm Quest, capes, worm, superpowers, clone2018-07-16 1 
2720374For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 6After hosting a tournament we deploy our fleet to Shallan space to give the ground troops experience. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-07-26 6 
2764250Do Your Best Quest #42The Anniversary Thread! Johnny's emotional rollercoaster continues!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, anniversary2018-07-31 1 
August 2018
2783389Do Your Best Quest #43Johnny deals with one very traumatized person in this thrilling episode!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-08-07 1 
2755120Street-Level Super Quest #1Anons make an AnCap supervillain and punish NAP violators.Arbitrator, Superpowers, Villain, Collective Game2018-08-07 5 
2764001Melancholic Quest 52Delilah tries to grill everyone at the safe house and the search for more secrets continues.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-08-12 1 
61396161Superhero/Villain ideasOP asks for character ideas for his superhero campaign, /tg/ deliverssuperhero2018-08-14 3 
2785830For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 7Returning from the front we invest in improving the Army and more building up of Rioja. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-08-20 6 
2820017Do Your Best Quest #44Johnny spends a normal day in school, then some bad shit happens.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-08-22 1 
2835180Do Your Best Quest #45Johnny and crew Vs. Icioba! Who will win?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-08-28 1 
61576698100 Strange DimensionsIn which people write about crazy-ass planes of existence. They range from slightly mundane to far-out bizzarity.homebrew, dimension, awesome, surreal2018-08-29 7 
September 2018
2853169Do Your Best Quest #46Johnny finally deals with her hobo's big problem!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-09-04 2 
2835506For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 8We're called to the capital where planning begins for the invasion of the Neeran Empire.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-09-08 5 
2843938Stranger Quest #1A Stranger finds himself involved in something far beyond his paygrade.Stranger Quest, Weird Fantasy, 90s America, Religion, Supernatural, Collective Game2018-09-09 3 
2843366SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 #37.5In which our protagonist meets, greets and defeats the Mother of Spiders, and makes the move on Fitz.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2018-09-10 5 
2851964No One Gets Left Behind Quest #1The MC is left behind and must survive.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-09-11 24 
2872032Do Your Best Quest #47Johnny recruits an unexpected new member to the team! Also love!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-09-11 1 
2871899Oasis Quest[1]Whole lot of sand, not a lot of life.collective game, oasis quest, desert, elf, suspicious tree2018-09-12 1 
61936163Cassette Futurism 4: Spooky 70s and Eerie 80sA fourth thread discussing retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s, including interesting ideas for CF horror games.Surreal, Worldbuilding2018-09-14 4 
2876951Spider-Man of Tokyo Quest, Issue 1A bomb injures Takuya Yamashiro and kills his dad. After a blood transfusion from Peter Parker, Takuya becomes the fabulous Kamen Spider!Marvel, Spider-Man, Tokusatsu, Master Weaver, Collective Game2018-09-14 5 
61966611Dwarven Subraces/CulturesA fantastically comfy and productive thread discussing all the flavors and permutations dwarves can have and some other interesting conceptsDwarf, Worldbuilding, Discussion, Lore, Resource, Dwarven, Subraces2018-09-17 14 
2890117Do Your Best Quest #48Johnny is very sleepy after dealing with something at night.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-09-18 1 
2909557Do Your Best Quest #49Johnny deals with broken girls this whole thread!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-09-25 2 
2885779No One Gets Left Behind Quest #1The MC must continue surviving and pursue a chance at escape.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-09-25 13 
2882854For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 9We visit Terran space on a diplomatic mission to where we've helped start multiple terraforming projects.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-09-27 5 
2907129Paranormal Agent Quest #1We meet our protag, who gets involved with some shady types and goes on a trip to an ice place.Collective Game, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-09-29 2 
2889712Melancholic Quest 53We recall the days surrounding grandpa's death, and Ace poses a troubling 'what if' question, one that could see us separated from Law.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-09-30 1 
October 2018
2927202Paranormal Agent Quest #2We meet interesting creatures and murder them before they can devour us.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-10-06 5 
2947414Do Your Best Quest #50Women will be the death of Johnny at this rate!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-10-10 1 
2941009Spider-Man of Tokyo Quest, Issue 2Our hero's date with Hitomi is interrupted by a kaijin attack. Also, Takuya hides a body.Marvel, Spider-Man, Tokusatsu, Master Weaver, Colle2018-10-12 3 
2926615For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 10With the fleets gone, a Rebellion threatens to tear House Jerik-Dremine apart.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-10-13 5 
62492676Unbreakable TritonsFa/tg/uys make a Guard Reg of kickass mariners40K, Imperial Guard, Wet, Sonic Guns, Submarines, 2018-10-16 6 
2943488No One Gets Left Behind Quest #3The Bog Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-10-17 12 
62528232Unbreakable Tritons #2More writefaggotry for the Unbreakable Tritons.40k, Imperial Guards, /tg/, Unbreakable Tritons, sonic weapons, wetsuit.2018-10-17 0 
2969344Sunday Night Loser Fight Part 1Today is another day.SNLF, Sunday Night Loser Fight2018-10-18 4 
2945212Paranormal Agent Quest #3The Pacific operation ends and we chat to a bunch of people about things.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-10-20 5 
2954744Homefront Hero quest: The Spider Strikes! 1The beginning of a new cape quest set in the world of the webcomic The Power of Stardust.Superhero, Superheroes, The Spider, Collective Game2018-10-22 2 
2969720Do Your Best Quest #51Lise takes over and tries her best! Will it be good enough?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-10-23 3 
2981936Sunday Night Loser Fight Part 2A night on the town.Sunday Night Loser Fight, SNLF2018-10-25 0 
2980772No One Gets Left Behind Quest #4What are you doing in their Swamp?Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-10-29 6 
3004467Do Your Best Quest #52Johnny faces the consequences of his actions yet again!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-10-30 2 
November 2018
3002719A Hollow Quest - 1OP leads us on an adventure through life as a Hollow. Let's hope we don't die.Key, Hollow, Bleach, Biker, Survival, Collective Game, A Hollow Quest. 2018-11-01 2 
62644239The Long ShoreThe sun was replaced, oceans shrank, and now only the strongest and most bizarre can survive in the shallow seabed’s of this new world.Dwarf Fortress, Homebrew, Worldbuilding, Crabs, Elves, Sultanate, Salt Necromancy2018-11-02 23 
3005762Abandoned Quest 1We are abandoned in the woods and left to diefantasy, survival2018-11-03 1 
2985472Paranormal Agent Quest #4We step into the shoes of a big, angry Brit who just wanted a nice pint and some decent company...Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-11-03 5 
3022517Do Your Best Quest #53The group votes on a new leader and Johnny saves another girl!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-11-07 2 
62883008Planet Creation Thread Fireball/tg/ makes a new planet in 40K that spirals into a Marine Chapter on a Sunblasted Prison Mining Colony 40K, Marines, Everything is on Fire in the Summer, Moons, Dark Angels2018-11-07 2 
3017936A Hollow Quest - 2We become a Gillian, and then a Adjucha. Then we meet some stupid Fullbringer brother and hold one hostage. Then we head off to the Arrancar Key, Hollow, Bleach, Biker, Survival, Collective Game, A Hollow Quest.2018-11-08 3 
3024121Modern Teenage Superpower Quest 1Rose discovers her powers through the power of internet. Or does she?Superpower, Modern Setting, SoL, Teenagers, Seraph2018-11-11 2 
3011400For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 11We determine our course for dealing with the revolutionaries. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-11-12 6 
3016070No One Gets Left Behind Quest #5The continuing survival of the MC and the rally with Sergeant Cope.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-11-13 6 
3020018Paranormal Agent Quest #5We get to know our new home and some of its denizens a little better.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-11-17 3 
3053311Do Your Best Quest #54Johnny deals with a bad kitty.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-11-20 2 
3039300Modern Teenage Superpower Quest #2Training powers, Being ambushed, Joining club and now a part time job. A normal student day-to-day happenings.Superpower, Modern Setting, SoL, Teenagers, Seraph2018-11-22 2 
3031276Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum - Neo #1In which the quest is rebooted.Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum, Magical Girl, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Witch2018-11-23 2 
3030757Melancholic Quest 54One messed-up dream later, we spend as much of the day as possible with Lawrence. Quick plans need to be laid to visit mom.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2018-11-23 2 
3029584American Hero Academia Quest #4QM stumbles us through most of the second training exerciseMy Hero Academia, Boku No Hero Academia, Anime, Superhero2018-11-24 6 
3064141Visual Novel Quest!A cute and light-hearted quest about finding love at your new school!Collective Game, cyoa, Visual Novel Quest!, drawfag, meta, horror, grimdark, gore, oneshot, anime2018-11-26 32 
December 2018
3050064No One Gets Left Behind Quest #6Washed up into the Deinos.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-12-02 6 
63332675Paragons and BrotherhoodA patir of Chaos Cults are rolled up that subvert the usual paradigmsSubversive, Khorne, Slaanesh, The Betrayer, Null, Cults2018-12-05 2 
3082189Do Your Best Quest #55Johnny Ando Vs. Amelia Tomah! Who will win?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-12-05 1 
63424390Dionysus Revelers Creation #1/tg/ decides to roll up some renegade marines this time, and precede to make make Greek cannibal hedonist marines.Greek, Cannibal, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Dionysus Revelers.2018-12-09 1 
3096579Do Your Best Quest #56Johnny has enough.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-12-12 1 
63483880Dionysus Revelers Creation #2We flush out the Chapters some more, and find out the Far Hunters have a Titan Legion on their side.Greek, Cannibal, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Dionysus Revelers.2018-12-13 3 
3076082No One Gets Left Behind Quest #7Left behind.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-12-13 6 
3078679Paranormal Agent Quest #6We chat with a few more people and head off to occupied France to hunt a demon.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-12-14 4 
3068777For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 12An interim leader is selected to take the Counts place. The fleets approach the homeworlds.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2018-12-17 5 
3115835Do Your Best Quest #57Johnny experiences fun and tension in the snow.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2018-12-20 1 
3116906A Hollow Quest - 3We get the hostage medical treatment. Make a deal with Tier, and some other stuff happens.Key, KeyQM, Hollow, Bleach, Biker, Survival, Collective Game, A Hollow Quest.2018-12-21 2 
3119042Supernatural Cult Leader Quest 1You are Bread, a socially awkward teenage boy. Your entire cult was eradicated, and now it's up to you to bring it back. Praise T'Kahn.Supernatural, Cult, Cult Leader, SCL, Dreamer, Mind Control, College2018-12-25 4 
3100401American Hero Academia Quest #5The long, grueling training exercise finally comes to an end.American Hero Academa, Boku No Hero Academia, Superheroes, Anime2018-12-29 1 
3109511No One Gets Left Behind Quest #8Saving Joffrey.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2018-12-30 6 
3110580Paranormal Agent Quest #7A lead is followed up on in Southern France. (Thread cut short due to IRL fuckery)Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2018-12-30 2 
January 2019
3137304No One Gets Left Behind Quest #9The Drone, Delta, and the White Feather. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military 2019-01-07 6 
63850296Urban Unease: Image thread editionNew Unease thread based mainly on images reference for the setting style.Urban unease, brainstorming, horror, city, neighborhood, images, Surreal2019-01-08 14 
3133790For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 13The Count is dead, long live the Count!Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-01-08 5 
3155559Do Your Best Quest #58Johnny experiences a hot night.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-01-09 1 
3170833Supernatural and Liminal Response Department Quest #1Michael has to fight a chupacabra, we get introduced to some people, and we get some time off from work.Collective Game, Supernatural and Liminal Response Department Quest, SLRD Quest, Handler2019-01-14 1 
3174138Do Your Best Quest #59Judgment day has started! It's time for Johnny to prove himself!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-01-16 1 
3149140Paranormal Agent Quest #7.5Business in France is concluded with a lot of gunfire and a narrow escape.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-01-16 2 
3191070Do Your Best Quest #60Johnny and crew vs. Kazuchika Storgaard! Who will win?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-01-22 3 
3168999No One Gets Left Behind Quest #10The new guys. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military 2019-01-25 6 
3209326Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #1A male denizen of planet Earth becomes aware of strange things happening around him and meets a strange creatureDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-01-27 26 
3176281For House & Dominion: Building Better Worlds 14Finishing up things on the capital and attending a ball.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-01-29 5 
February 2019
3202811No One Gets Left Behind Quest #10 The slow day and a dream.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-02-04 6 
3226990Do Your Best Quest #61Johnny tries to find strength again after recent events.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-02-06 2 
3237555Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #2With the crisis of the Oozaru averted a new, potentially greater threat emergeshim and meets a strange creature Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-06 22 
3215743Supernatural and Liminal Response Department Quest: Thread 2We have a dream relating to our time in the service, and we enjoy some time at the range.Collective Game, Supernatural and Liminal Response Department Quest, Handler2019-02-07 1 
3204139Paranormal Agent Quest #8Following the aftermath of the escape from France, we kick back and have a chat with the team plus others.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-02-08 2 
3243589A Hollow Quest - 4Hey this is back.Key, KeyQM, Hollow, Bleach, Biker, Survival, Collective Game, A Hollow Quest.2019-02-11 1 
64527192Strange Dimensions 1.5Another attempt at creating 100 unique dimensions, only ending in several bland voids and wastelands with vague descriptions.homebrew, dimension, awesome, surreal2019-02-11 1 
3239261No One Gets Left Behind Quest #12Leadership troubles. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-02-13 6 
3261331Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #3A mysterious letter arrivesDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-14 20 
3256894Sadala Defense Force Quest #1Spicha, a young Saiyan of Universe 6, fights for a spot in the Legendary Sadala Defense ForceCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Z, DBZ, Super, Dragon Ball Super, Sadala2019-02-16 3 
3230369For House & Dominion: CrucibleFinishing things up on Rioja takes longer than expected.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-02-17 5 
3258739Sworn to Valour Quest #7His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions celebrate, sparking a tryst with the foreign Wastelander woman. The Vigil awaits.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Knight is Sworn to Child Support2019-02-18 23 
3268273Do Your Best Quest #62Johnny Ando Vs. Seioubo! Who will win?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-02-20 2 
3282562Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #4The flame of the Super Saiyan is reignited!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-21 20 
64605650Strange Dimensions second threadthe continued exploits and discoveries of the Interdimensional Trading Companyhomebrew, dimension, awesome, surreal2019-02-23 1 
3281240Superpowered Neckbeard QuestDerek, 342 pound neckbeard leaves his mommy's home, stabs a kickboxing cricket man to death, and spontaneously develops superpowers.Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-02-26 14 
3264631Paranormal Agent Quest #9We chat with a Russian about a sensitive topic while an old man meets with an old friend and an adventure begins in a swamp.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-02-27 2 
March 2019
3313764Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #5Enter the Demon Realm!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-03 20 
3274933Melancholic Quest 55Visiting mom, it becomes clear she's not there because she needs to be. We're brought to an old friend of grandpa's for grandma's sake.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2019-03-03 1 
3315383Do Your Best Quest #63Johnny and crew Vs. A bunch of people! Who will Win?!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-03-06 1 
3299177Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode TwoDerek's sad life continuesCollective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-03-10 10 
3294246For House & Dominion: Crucible 2Choosing to cross the Crystal Sea we enter enemy territory.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-03-10 5 
3306385No One Gets Left Behind Quest #13From one leader to another.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-03-10 6 
3333156Do Your Best Quest #64Will Johnny survive the end of the eclipse?! Let's find out!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-03-12 1 
3308076Cloud City - Post Apoc. QuestA young teenager leaves the safety of the hideout after the food ran out, we avoid toxic clouds, monster, raiders and find company.Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity2019-03-14 2 
3350202Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #6The Makai trembles as the fight with the Demon King erupts! Will our hero be ready to face Frost?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-15 15 
3375713Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #7With the diabolical Frost dead Earth has been freed! What new adventures await our hero?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-24 15 
3349530No One Gets Left Behind Quest #14A Quiet Time.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-03-25 6 
3369070Lad in Sengoku IAn ashigaru tries his luck in the Sengoku Jidai. We join the Akita Clan and get in some hot mess.Lad, Sengoku, collective game, Ikeda, Mitsumasa, 2019-03-30 8 
3358095Persons of Interest #1Start to Persons of Interest. The protagonist finds out his abusive father has mind-control abilities. Can he save his little sister?Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-03-31 9 
April 2019
3394830Nanodesu! Quest #1Wherein we start our adventure as Inazuma, alongside Smugzuma and Miyuki!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-02 5 
3389674No One Gets Left Behind Quest #15Guerrilla warfare timeCollective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-04-02 6 
3398438Hikikomori Quest: VCAMDHQWBAAHSONCWGWMFALOQR Interlude A very cool and AWESOME and sick quest about the best character.Hikikomori Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Supernatural, Cool2019-04-02 7 
3365550For House & Dominion: Crucible 3We start hitting targets while crossing enemy territory and start to help the rebels.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-04-03 5 
3394009Do Your Best Quest #65Johnny lets his feelings unfold.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-04-03 2 
3373008Survival of the Weakest2 cute kobolds and their giant egg strike out to make a new nest Survival of the Weakest, Collective Game, Kobolds,2019-04-03 12 
3368295SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #38In which our protagonist deals with interpersonal problems, goes on a deadly picnic, and confronts the voice inside his head.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 6662019-04-04 5 
3406019Nanodesu! Quest #2In which we acquire Ooi and Kitakami, oh and somehow we were able to get advice from two odd Abyssals. Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-07 6 
3390130Persons of Interest #2Chris also needs to deal with the legal consequences of his actions while assuring of his sisters mental well-being and how to move forward.Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-04-07 7 
3382653Heir to Humanity: Last Man AliveCloud City 2, Alexa tries to adapt to this new place while worries about his mother trouble him, a new threat arises in the meantime.Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy2019-04-08 2 
3416431Do Your Best Quest #66Johnny and crew are finally back together!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-04-10 1 
3422301Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #8 With a new arrival Erics life got flipped turned upside down yet again. Can he cope with becoming a boomer?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-04-10 12 
3425209Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 1Down with the Empire! We meet the deserter and rebel Marco Riviera and his team of Imperial deserters.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-04-14 1 
3407625Panzer Commander QuestAfter more than a month time skip, Richter is returned to; aiding a foreign army, riding in a tank, and being beaten up by a tomboy.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, major problems with milk, taking a bite out of crime and thighs2019-04-16 5 
3431072Do Your Best Quest #67Johnny is slowly resolving some issues.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-04-16 1 
3418057For House & Dominion: Crucible 4Having wasted enough time on non-essentials we arrive in the Yang Dwarf Galaxy and set about finding allies.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-04-21 5 
3417325SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #38.5Continuation of the previous thread. A drug-busting operation in the demon world begins, featuring Dante from the "Devil May Cry" series.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 6662019-04-21 5 
3453532Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #9With all of his teammates out of the fight, it is up to Eric to win the Tournament of Destroyers. Will he succeed?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-04-22 24 
3421138Melancholic Quest 56We're posed with grandpa's legacy, much to Camilla's chagrin. Lawrence behaves oddly when we're not around. Ace overestimates his toleraMelancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2019-04-23 1 
3425382Persons of Interest #3In the hospital, Chris spends his time learning more about his abilitiesPersons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-04-23 4 
3449960Do Your Best Quest #68Johnny has a very interesting shower.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-04-25 3 
3435315Nanodesu! Quest #3Wherein we meet some familiar faces, fight some new Abyssals, get to meet two very Zuiun-minded battleships, and bond with our friends!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-04-26 3 
3445775No One Gets Left Behind Quest #17Grey Goo.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-04-29 5 
3466310Do Your Best Quest #69Johnny battles in another intense card game duel!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-04-30 2 
May 2019
3471311Nanodesu! Quest #4Wherein we go for a bit of exercise, talk with our older sister and start exploring the island's interior! (Short Thread)Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-05-03 1 
3479437Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #10After a hard earned victory at the tournament our hero returns to his place of birth for some relaxationDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-05-03 11 
3447493Panzer Commander Quest #47Richter Von Tracht visits the UGZ, and embarks on tasks to ease the suffering of the native Ellowians.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, 2019-05-04 1 
3454059Minion Quest: Thread 1-1General Goomba and his loyal crew set sail to aid Bowser in his latest plot!Super Mario, TRPG, General Goomba2019-05-06 1 
3441738An evening with Lex LuthorThe Call Girl from Metropolis adventures begin with an encounter with Lex Luthor and SupermanCollective Game, Call Girl Quest, DC, Lex Luthor, Superman, Metropolis2019-05-06 2 
3456358For House & Dominion: Crucible 5We begin laying the ground work for future uprisings in the region. They may be needed sooner than planned.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-05-09 5 
3462630Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive IIICloud City 3: Alexa, the last boy, discover new feelings and sensations, visits his old home and discover some things about his pastCollective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy2019-05-12 2 
3473857Paranormal Agent Quest #10An adventure in the swamp comes to a hectic close and Adam starts work on a few social links.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-05-14 1 
3479399No One Gets Left Behind Quest #17Artillery.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-05-17 5 
3487423Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest 1A villain goes undercover as a teacher to deal with a team of incompetent, destructive magical girls while working to build his dream mechaImcompetent Magical Girls Quest, CorruptorQM, Magical Girl, Villain, Robots, Teacher, Superscience2019-05-18 6 
3517215Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #11With the celebrations over it's time our hero returned to the stars! What exciting new adventures await him?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-05-19 11 
3469065Persons of Interest #4Sorting out some more issues, like their father's funeral, Chris gets ready to move to a more permanent residence. Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-05-20 4 
3505648Do Your Best Quest: Beach Grand Prix!Who will win the ULTIMATE competition for supreme BRAGGING RIGHTS?!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, noncanon2019-05-21 5 
3490510Minion Quest: Thread 1-2The threat of the Fury Plague continues!Super Mario, TRPG, General Goomba2019-05-27 1 
3525922Persons of Interest #5Finally moving on, Chris and Cam move in with the Millers in the new city of Tall Oaks.Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-05-31 3 
June 2019
3519322Incompetent Magical Girls Quest 2 Otto schemes his way into owning a mining company, starts an RC car destruction derby, begins work on the mech,& the team shows improvement.Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest, CorruptorQM, Magical Girl, Villain, Robots, Teacher, Superscience2019-06-01 4 
3504058For House & Dominion: Crucible 6With the arrival of reinforcements you begin to strike larger targets and commence liberation of worlds.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-06-01 6 
3507776Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive IVCloud City 4: and attempt at new life and Alexa finds a place in the new world what will the future hold for Alexa, Jess and their friends?Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy2019-06-01 1 
3548878Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #12After the dark temptress Towa revealed herself Eric son of Earth was called to a strange place where he meets a very important personDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-06-02 10 
3509467Survival of the Weakest #2The cute Koblolds meet some more cute KoblodsSurvival of the Weakest, Collective Game, Kobolds2019-06-05 10 
3527249No One Gets Left Behind Quest #18IT GOT OUTCollective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-06-08 5 
3563091Z Quest Episode 0: The CalmLucy Riley and the rest of her family are forced to prepare for a massive storm but find something more insidious.Apocalypse, Horror, Survival, Drama, Z Quest, CoopyQm2019-06-11 10 
3550013Paranormal Agent Quest #11A boy comes to us with a problem regarding a red-haired telepath.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-06-11 3 
3550818Do Your Best Quest: Peaceful TimesA side story involving Ema Oka living her day to day life.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-06-12 7 
3550940Incompetent Magical Girls Quest 3Otto goes on a date, builds some things for Hifumi, deals with some familiar investigators, and starts up a new class project.Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest, CorruptorQM, Magical Girl, Villain, Robots, Teacher, Superscience2019-06-17 4 
3577347Do Your Best Quest #70Johnny cleans up Osgood's fuck-ups for the last time.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-06-18 2 
3540437Melancholic Quest 57Exploring again, Del finds something odd hidden away since grandpa was alive. Ace gets overprotective.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2019-06-18 1 
3587840Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #13With the intentions of Towa figured out Eric and his friends must prepare for what is to come!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-06-20 12 
3550816Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode ThreeDerek continues his one-man crusade on crime, and has a chance encounter with a minor baseball celebrity.Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-06-21 8 
3556080For House & Dominion: Crucible 7Alliance reinforcements arrive and exploration of a builder facility begins.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-06-23 5 
3559553No One Gets Left Behind Quest #19Making Plans. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-06-23 2 
3570096Modern Day Succubus QUEST 1Your summoner is dead and your contract is unfulfilled: You are stuck in the human realm until you can find a way back!Modern Day Succubus Quest, Lewd, Drawquest, Female MC, Collective Game2019-06-26 6 
3595429Do Your Best Quest #71Johnny comes to the rescue!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-06-26 2 
3571317Persons of Interest #6Chris and Cam get to know their new Foster Family a little better.Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist2019-06-30 3 
July 2019
3587324Nanodesu! Quest #5Wherein we finally journey up the hill and meet a certain narcoleptic ship girl.Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-07-01 3 
3579735Z Quest Episode 1: In times like theseLucy Riley and Doug Richards set off to Aurora City High for a rescue mission!Apocalypse, Horror, Survival, Drama, Z Quest, CoopyQm2019-07-02 10 
3589421No One Gets Left Behind Quest #20The White Feather Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-07-02 5 
3600855(Slightly) Incompetent Magical Girl Quest 4Otto heads in to the PTA meeting and finally meets Hifumi’s father. Short thread.Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest, CorruptorQM, Magical Girl, Villain, Robots, Teacher, Superscience2019-07-03 1 
3591867Modern Day Succubus QUEST 2You attend a MTG tournament and get into a cat fight.Modern Day Succubus Quest, Lewd, Modern Day Succubus Quest, Lewd, Drawquest, Female MC, Collective Game, Female MC, Collective Game2019-07-06 4 
3591517Paranormal Agent Quest #12More social links are had and then the team is sent to a spooky lakeside resort.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-07-06 2 
3634445Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #14A tale of Witches and KingsDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-07-07 10 
3602494For House & Dominion: Crucible 8Of Wizards and Caretakers.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-07-11 5 
3607618Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 2Marco Riviera and a couple of his fellow deserters meet rebels from Main Port's cell. A secondary objective is added onto the heist.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-07-11 1 
3619618Melancholic Quest 58Ace plays driving instructor during an errand and brings up mom's sister over lunch. A bout of nostalgia turns sour.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2019-07-15 1 
67213307Stranded at a Sci-Fi Desert Outpostin an abandoned mining station on a desolate desert planet, a stranded crew of spacers must endure a harsh environment and the paranormal.Horror, sci-fi, brainstorming, oneshot, worldbuilding, eldritch entities, paranormal, supernatural, outer space, space ship, space station2019-07-15 24 
3632994Broken Empire QuestThe Emperor is dead. The Empire has fallen into anarchy. The noble turned mercenary captain Ursula von Sternberg begins her journey.Broken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula, FeMC2019-07-16 4 
3655830Do Your Best Quest #72Johnny and crew finally name the team!!!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-07-17 3 
3629683Panzer Commander Quest #50Richter Von Tracht enters UGZ-07, and violence between two sides he has tried to himself between is inevitable.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks,2019-07-19 1 
3672639Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #15After his second journey through Hell, Eric finds himself recuperating at homeDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-07-19 9 
3649797No One Gets Left Behind Quest #21The Fire risesCollective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military 2019-07-24 3 
3648083Persons of Interest #7Shopping adventure ensues, but not without its hickups, and not without your powers being questionedPersons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist, Slice of Life2019-07-25 5 
3658046Broken Empire Quest Thread #2 We move towards a large town and meet new people and recruitsBroken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula2019-07-27 3 
3658499For House & Dominion: Crucible 9With the Krath and Rovinar on side we prepare to breach the core.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-07-29 6 
3669591Super Robot Pilot Thing #10Space cowboy Fester Winchester kills some mecha beasts with his new friend, space cop Jester Frenks.notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-07-30 1 
3669874Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 3A brief thread. Marcus and Crew convince Blake Driscol to head back to their base. Marcus hides his feelings again.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-07-31 1 
3699325Do Your Best Quest #73The 2nd Anniversary Thread! Johnny passes a wonderful time with someone he cares deeply!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-07-31 3 
3697325Hungry QuestEat the world. Become a god. Be an 11 year old girl.Hungry Quest, Rpg, Gods, Supernatural2019-07-31 3 
August 2019
3677155Overwatch Quest Final 1Overwatch faces its darkest hour.Overwatch Quest, Collective Game, Overwatch, Sci-Fi, Superhero2019-08-04 8 
3713266Wannabe Hero QuestFollow Karina Kleins first steps toward becoming a superhero in Metro City.Superhero, Scifi, Investigative, Karina Klein, Specter Streak2019-08-06 10 
3721769Do Your Best Quest #74There is a really big muffin at the end of the thread.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-08-07 2 
3729740Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #16The tournament of Earth draws ever closer. And more things get revealedDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-08-07 11 
3717085GenesisFortunaQM tries a bit of purple prose and is struck by QM bad luck in the form of an illness. An attempt at emulating Sumero-Akkadian epics.Sumer, Abzu, Collective Game, Cut Short, QM Curse, Mythic, Female Protagonist, Sorcery2019-08-09 1 
3694316Welcome to the Strangerhood #1The neighborhood is a little different than you remember. [Green Jacket] gets his feet under him in the new city.Welcome to the Strangerhood, Strangerhood, Collective Game, Quest, Horror, Supernatural2019-08-10 3 
3727251Super Quest - 1We become a superhero celebrate at a bar and capture our first criminal. A fun day all in all.Capeshit, Super Quest, Hero, Powers, Key, KeyQM2019-08-12 0 
3713942Super Robot Pilot Thing #11Jester fucking diesnotapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-08-12 1 
3708432Survival of the Weakest #3a cute Kobold gets a jobSurvival of the Weakest, Collective Game, Kobolds2019-08-15 6 
3704249Broken Empire Quest Thread #3A contract is formed, paid in silver and enforced with steel. Broken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula2019-08-16 4 
3714430For House & Dominion: Crucible 10Shipyard battles on ice.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-08-19 6 
3771536Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #17The Saiyans arrived on Earth!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-08-23 10 
3733443No One Gets Left Behind Quest #22Escape the cave.Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-08-24 1 
3774696Do Your Best Quest #75Johnny manages to get stressed in his free time.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-08-27 2 
3742378Persons of Interest #8Coincidences keep aligning for Chris to get a coupon for a free massage. What's the worst that could happen?Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist, Slice of Life2019-08-27 0 
3747738Paranormal Agent Quest #15The resort operation finally comes to a close.Collective Game, Paranormal Agent Quest, Fantasy, Supernatural2019-08-29 0 
3762556Hungry Quest #2Marina Steel meets another god reincarnate and makes a few new allies.Marina Steel, Hungry Quest, Supernatural, RPG2019-08-30 1 
September 2019
3790214Do Your Best Quest #76Johnny kills it at the karaoke!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-09-04 2 
3747555Super Robot Pilot Thing #12Shenanigans happen as Space Pirate Edward is assailed by voices in his head. notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-09-07 1 
3784723Wannabe Hero Quest #2Specter Streak and the Silver Stars continue their investigation. Specter struggles with her morals. The Silver Stars make their team debut.Specter Streak/Karina Klein, Superhero, Sci-fi, Investigative, Action, Wannabe Hero Quest2019-09-07 4 
3805590Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #18Let the Tournament... BEGINDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-09-09 7 
3768308For House & Dominion: Crucible 11Enhancements, wormholes and a new Neeran threat.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-09-09 6 
68099411/tg/ original superheroes and superpowers/tg/ comes up with an original superhero setting's worth of heroes and villains.superheroes, setting, worldbuilding,2019-09-10 1 
3794357Into the Deadlands Quest #1Leon Amun, a lone Nomad ventures into the dead city in search of fortune. In the town of Scrag, mutants are fought and supplies needed.Deadlands Quest, Leon, Mutants, post apocalyptic, Cyborg, Nomad, wasteland, survival, collective game2019-09-11 1 
3781377Apex Quest Chapter 1Man discovers hatred of beekeepers pt.1Marvel Quest, Superhero, Superpowers2019-09-13 0 
3786219No One Gets Left Behind Quest #23Back to base. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-09-15 2 
3800701Super Robot Pilot Thing #13Edward proves himself to be a much more effective protagonist. Unfortunately Fester is revived.notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-09-22 1 
October 2019
3804130Melancholic Quest 59Del gets an update on grandma and Ace takes issue with her feeling safer with Lawrence. Law has bad trips down memory lane.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2019-10-01 0 
3832315Do Your Best Quest: Peaceful Times #2The continuation of the side story involving Ema Oka living her day to day life.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-10-03 5 
3851082Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #19As the fighting continues the mysteries surrounding it slowly unravel. Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-10-05 10 
3809983For House & Dominion: Crucible 12The Neeran Empire: Why we cant have nice things.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-10-05 5 
3849123Runaway Jedi Quest 1: PrologueJedi Knight Gohl and the Youngling Dove flee the jedi temple and Corsucant after Order 66Starborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan 2019-10-08 4 
3830356No One Gets Left Behind Quest #24Still at base. Collective Game, survive, sci-fi, dinosaurs, military2019-10-11 2 
3879471Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #20Things are heating up as the strongest fighters start clashing!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-10-19 7 
3880815Do Your Best Quest #77Johnny kills it at the Batting Center!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-10-25 1 
3852954Super Robot Pilot Thing #14Fester bumbles his way through the plot as a new enemy group is discovered notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-10-26 0 
3890979Do Your Best Quest #78Johnny goes back to school!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-10-30 1 
69059343Urban Unease: It returns!New urban unease with an attempt to spread into disaster shelters.Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease, images2019-10-30 5 
November 2019
3881876Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Can't Escape From Crossing FateGohl's desperate flight continues. Ace Pilot Iso and Youngling Dove watch on in horror as The Chosen One himself chases the edi survivorsStarborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan2019-11-01 1 
3871720Melancholic Quest 60On his way to his parents, Law's mind constantly races into the past, to the night he ruined everything.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2019-11-02 0 
3877509Demon Slayer #1Byakuren Shimizu, Miko in training, finds herself undergoing the necessary motions that set up the event that forever changes her life.Collective Game, Demon Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba, AU, MJQM 2019-11-03 5 
3893979Nanodesu! Quest #6Wherein we continue off from last time, taking care of Kako a probably narcoleptic ship girl, and bond with Hibiki!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2019-11-03 0 
3905625Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #21Sam and Dominika clash! And the tranquil storm faces the Slayer!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-11-04 6 
3893223Survival of the WeakestA kobold meets a gnome.Survival of the Weakest, Kobold, Collective Game2019-11-11 4 
3914150Do Your Best Quest #79Johnny goes into his first solo operation.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-11-13 1 
3890315Super Robot Pilot Thing #15Fester bumbles his way through the plot some more as OP dies repeatedly notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-11-15 0 
3926767Do Your Best Quest #80Johnny answers a questionnaire!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-11-20 2 
3944498Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #22The Quarterfinals begin! The end of Earth's tournament is nighDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-11-28 5 
3910149For House & Dominion: Crucible 13Out of the frying pan... Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-11-28 5 
December 2019
3947107Do Your Best Quest #81Johnny gives a massage!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2019-12-07 1 
69814013Labyrinthia The Dungeon SuccubusA vast sentient ever-changing dungeon complex, existing purely to draw adventurers into her depths, where if they fall will have their life Succubus, LivingDungeon, Worldbuilding2019-12-08 9 
3925622Super Robot Pilot Thing #15It's almost the end, and Fester is still incredibly cursed by shit rolls.notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2019-12-09 0 
3930705Melancholic Quest 61Saying goodbye to his parents and hoping he'll see them again some day, Lawrence continues on his caper and almost screws the pooch.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2019-12-09 0 
3944718Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Chain Ganggohl and co. land on an outer rim world to purchase supplies for their stay in the wilderness.Starborn QM, Starborn, Star Wars, Runaway, Jedi, Youngling, Corsucant, Smuggler, Undercity, Temple, Clones, Order 66, Noorian, Palliduvan2019-12-10 1 
3946808L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 0We create Bayushi Kiyoko, a young samurai who thinks that she's destined for greatness.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2019-12-15 12 
3941309SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #39In which our protagonist makes unlikely allies, rescues hostages of a trafficking operation, and battles the Daimyo of the Hill of Swords.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2019-12-15 6 
3977075Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #23It's Eric vs Bruce Lee! The living and the undead legends clash! Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-12-18 9 
3951222For House & Dominion: Into the FireThe Neeran Empire meets its end.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2019-12-22 5 
3955938The Fall of a Dwarven FortressIn a besieged Dwarven Fortress, where wheat worths more than gold, try to survive as a civilian and get your family out of here!Dwarf Fortress, Steampunk, Survival, Dwarf, Dwarves, Civil War, Fantasy, fantasy, dwarf, dwarves, Collective Game2019-12-23 2 
3977464L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 1Bayushi Kiyoko faces her gempukku, the rite of passage that all samurai go through.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2019-12-24 12 
January 2020
3992869Do Your Best Quest #82Johnny goes into his second solo operation.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-01-02 1 
3982045Super Robot Pilot Thing #17The final episode. Everything is incredibly cursed both in and out of threadnotapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE 2020-01-06 0 
3988301Grimdark Quest (Mythic RPG) #1Shi ascends to the role of QM and introduces us to a desert world where he's god-king. His style is absolutely hilarious, in a childish wayArt, Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Troll2020-01-07 2 
4002699Do Your Best Quest #83Johnny bombs the Cult's plans!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-01-10 1 
4015260Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #24With the Tournament over, our hero returns to his quiet life... But for how long?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-01-11 6 
3994328L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 2Bayushi Kimiko, now a samurai of the Scorpion Clan, is given her first task.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2020-01-14 13 
4017108Do Your Best Quest #84Johnny deals with the aftermath of his recent mission.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-01-16 1 
4011268Isekai Quest (Mythic RPG) #6The continuation of Shi's grimdark thread. Nothing happens at all.Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG, Slice of Life, Whining2020-01-20 1 
4013663Survival of the Weakest #5The kobolds vs. a wild cat!Survival of the Weakest, Kobold, Collective Game2020-01-21 2 
4004521Panzer Commander Quest #57A drawing of cards, a change in perspective. Richter takes a break for a bit.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Suddenly Tanks2020-01-22 1 
4042757Grimdark Quest (Mythic RPG) #2Shi resets his Grimdark Quest. He quits after only one day, beating Chase as premature quitter.Autism Jesus, Collective Game, FATAL, Isekai, Mythic, RPG2020-01-26 5 
4047600Do Your Best Quest #85Johnny creates the Kingdom of Coziness. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-01-29 0 
70716203Superman versus the EdgelordsIn which Supes and Mr Rogers tag team the edgiesSuperman, Mr. Rogers, Edgelords2020-01-29 0 
4022405Penal Legion Regiment:Pacificus RenovamenYou are a member of a penal regiment, what is there more to say?40k, Warhammer40k, Penal Regiment, Thal-Gal, Segmentum Pacificius, Homebrew, Malak Subsector, Spicy Fruitcake2020-01-30 1 
4059096Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #25Cabba brings dire news which might cost him his life. A new adventure with Hit is about to begin!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-01-31 5 
February 2020
4064542Do Your Best Quest #86Johnny deals with the inner traumas of more people, again!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-02-05 0 
4036973L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 3Bayushi Kimiko upholds the law in the town of Beiden.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2020-02-06 11 
4044501For House & Dominion: AftermathWe begin to deal with the fallout of two decades of war.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2020-02-15 7 
4051370Demon Slayer #1.5Byakuren's wild ride begins with becoming a half-demon and forced right into danger. Collective Game, Demon Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba, AU, MJQM2020-02-17 3 
4061741Titan QuestWe decide what kind of titan we are and get startedcollective game, titan, titans, space, Subroutine2020-02-18 2 
4079444L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 4Bayushi Kimiko investigates the disappearance of Beiden's dead.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2020-02-27 11 
4089792Do Your Best Quest: Irrelevant TimesPlay a myriad of new characters doing their best in their respective sidestories!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-02-28 1 
4109884Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #26With the Dark Sorceress taken care of Eric decides to hang out in the 7th UniverseDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-02-28 5 
March 2020
4070190Melancholic Quest 62Rather than justify his violent mishap to Ace, Law lets Cammy do it while he spends time with Del. Later, torture porn commences.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2020-03-01 2 
4070441Hobo questhomeless man begs for foodOboh, homeless, hobo, survival2020-03-06 1 
71235429Night Shift: Different Night, Same Supernatural ShitThe Attendants assemble for another shift, discussing personal experiences and brainstorming more paranormal happenings at the gas station.Night Shift, Graveyard Shift, surreal, horror, setting, homebrew, world building, brainstorming, crunch, fluff2020-03-08 5 
4126216Do Your Best Quest #87Johnny proves his innocence.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-03-12 1 
4118836Super DC QuestWe become Michael Carmichael, son of a multibillionaire and student of Deathstroke. We head to Star City and begin carving a life.Star,Wagon,DC Quest, DC, Super DC, Super DC Quest, Aether, Michael, Carmichael, Manhunter, Star City2020-03-12 0 
4093122Demon Slayer #2Byakuren embarks the final selection exam and meet some new allies and rivals. Collective Game, Demon Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba, AU, MJQM2020-03-14 1 
4101257Titan Quest #2We manage to ward off the Southvoider, and Subroutine starts laying out Rules before getting interrupted by his computer dying.collective game, titan, titans, space, Subroutine 2020-03-15 0 
4112894L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 5Bayushi Kimiko gets her first taste of Court. Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness 2020-03-21 13 
4149201Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #27After visiting the neighbors our hero has some wacky adventuresDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-03-21 6 
4127949For House & Dominion: Aftermath 2How it's made: SP Torpedo edition.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2020-03-31 5 
4129508Melancholic Quest 63Getting answers out of Alex, Law and Cammy move to grab someone not nearly as easily swayed by physical violence. Cammy isn't coping well.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2020-03-31 0 
April 2020
4158908Mutant!Quest Part #1A mutant fishgirl learns her powers and uncovers a mutant supremacist cultSuperpower, Urban, Sci-Fi, Action, Slice-of-Life, Quest2020-04-02 11 
4151644Super DC Quest 2: The second oneStar City continues to welcome it's newest metahuman. Cinderblock does not welcome us.Star,Wagon,DC Quest, DC, Super DC, Super DC Quest, Aether, Michael, Carmichael, Manhunter, Star City2020-04-02 0 
4161863Do Your Best Quest #88Knightford will try to save the night!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-04-03 2 
4136452The Quarantine of a Harbor City #1In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour an find a curePlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-04-05 4 
4170002Mutant!Quest Part #2While Elise tries her best to mitigate the damage caused by the Crux, FutureLabs continues to close in on the mutants.Superpower, Urban, Sci-fi, Action, Slice-of-Life, Quest2020-04-05 6 
4159371Nanodesu! Quest: Miyuki EditionWherein Miyuki tries to go scouting, gets sent back by Abyssal shenanigans and instead bonds with the people left in the base!Nanodesu! Quest, Kantai Collection, KanColle, CannedCoalQM2020-04-06 0 
4177456Do Your Best Quest #89Johnny starts assembling a team for a big mission!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2020-04-09 1 
4148477Demon Slayer #3Part II of the Final Selection as we come to terms with our inner demon and fuck shit up.Collective Game, Demon Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba, AU, MJQM2020-04-10 1 
4186909Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #27After his adventures in Universe 7 our hero returns homeDcragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-04-10 5 
4168742The Quarantine of a Harbor City #2In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour and find a curePlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-04-14 2 
71958657Nechronica Story Time / BuildsPort Storytime continues, haunted. What music gets you in the zone? Building characters for Support and Hinder. Unofficial classes. Tokens.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, classes, memory, Port, Tachi, Protoca, tower, system, token, tokens, support, builds, advice, music2020-04-18 2 
4173149Melancholic Quest 64With a professional dealing with the interrogation, Law gets to play cop with Palmer and Palmer gets to feel a bit alive again.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2020-04-22 0 
4192433Do Your Best Quest: Dreadful DaysPlay a myriad of characters doing their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to both Peaceful Times and Irrelevant Times!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-04-25 1 
4207482Mutant!Quest Part #03Blink joins the gang, and the trio gains a name.Urban, Superpower, Action, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Siren_QM2020-04-28 6 
May 2020
4195533The Quarantine of a Harbor City #3You befriended a Witch and rescued an Alchemist, the plague has claimed more than a thousand lives already Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-05-01 1 
4231777Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #28Trouble on the home front Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-05-02 5 
4209613Hyper Police Quest #1A man made from origami sets out to capture a dimension-hopping thief.bounty, hunter, urban fantasy, gonzo, surreal2020-05-04 0 
4195167SMT Devil Summoner: Task Force 666 Quest #40In which our protagonist comforts a victim, recruits some new friends, and assaults the stronghold of Jack's Crew.Collective Game, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil Summoner Task Force 666 Quest2020-05-05 5 
4233397Do Your Best Quest #90Johnny visits the Dewitt household.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-05-07 2 
4199069Gum QuestLocal woman turns into piece of gumChewy, Adventure, Gum, Superpower, quest2020-05-08 2 
4245903Do Your Best Quest #91Aurora faces her brother in an emotional encounter!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-05-14 1 
4252203Mutant!Quest Part #04Elise and Bernard head to FutureLabs to scope it out, where they do a little more than just scoping.Superpower, Urban, Quest, Slice-of-Life, Action, Siren_QM2020-05-18 8 
4229753The Quarantine of a Harbor City #4The Plague is spreading, Elves are turning into an occupation force, you rescued your mate's wife from a Militia's concentration camp. Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-05-20 0 
4260859Do Your Best Quest #92Johnny calls a lot of people on the phone.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-05-21 1 
4269476Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #30Hitman rebornDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-05-22 5 
June 2020
4291126WraithWW1 Ghost storyGhost, Supernatural2020-06-04 1 
4272529Do Your Best Quest #93Johnny goes to Dream Hill: The Field of Hopes and Dreams.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-06-05 5 
4264770The Quarantine of a Harbor City #5The Plague is spreading, infected children are rotting alive, horrible religious sacrifice and the Organ Harvester is still active.Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-06-12 0 
4304696Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #31The quarantine has been lifted and Eric is free once moreDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-06-13 5 
4292764Mutant!Quest #05I'm Blink. Hi Blink, I'm Dad. In which we meet up with a grieving CEO and Bernard's backstory is revealed. Superpower, Urban, Slice-of-life, Action, Siren_QM, Mutants, Quest, Drawquest, Well I tried right?2020-06-14 12 
4305350Do Your Best Quest #94Johnny infiltrates the Dark Church.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-06-18 1 
4279159Melancholic Quest 65Exhaustion, pain, and stress sends Law down for the count. With pills and ordered to rest, Jones brings Law back to the compound.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2020-06-23 1 
4314677Do Your Best Quest #95Johnny goes inside a mysterious office. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-06-25 1 
73379914Pooping in the woods In which anons discuss being attacked while pooping and bags of holding full of shit. poop, pooping in the woods, survival, poopinginthewoods, adventuring, bag of holding, shit, campaign ideas2020-06-27 12 
July 2020
4325694Do Your Best Quest #96Johnny explores Floor 10!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-07-02 1 
73530543Creepy MarseilleAnons discuss setting a World of Darkness game in the French city of Marseille. Which is ancient actually. 600 BCE or older.Marseille, Creepy, Creepy Marseille, France, city, WoD, unease, crime, mafia, drugs, weather, culture, supernatural, corruption, geography2020-07-04 3 
4339086Do Your Best Quest #97Johnny starts the heist of the century!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-07-08 2 
4302874The Quarantine of a Harbor City #6After many revelations, romances and political games, you are setting the final stage and prepare for the final dungeon to save th CityPlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-07-11 0 
4316188Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #1When aliens come knocking upon Earth's doorstep, Godzilla is roused into action after witnessing his son's kidnapping.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-07-11 34 
4324253Mutant!Quest #06In which Elise discovers the identity of Pharos and has her first brush with FutureLabs' task force.Siren_QM, Superpower, Action, Slice-of-Life, Urban, Mutants, Quest, Collective Game2020-07-13 8 
4356289Alterac Resurgent Quest 1Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Kingdom of Alterac starts his journey to reclaim and restore Alterac back to its former glory.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2020-07-17 23 
4325194Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #7In an evil town, the party takes a quest to kill a succubus who runs a prostitution ring.Autism Jesus, Isekai, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Weeb2020-07-19 1 
4318971Melancholic Quest 66Bushed, Law sleeps the day away as dreams turn to memories of tracking down Michele. Del tries to do the cooking by the book.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2020-07-22 0 
4363024Do Your Best Quest #98Johnny Ando Vs. Bernardo Ammirati! Who will win?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-07-24 2 
4373105Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #31The twins rush to save their father from the clutches of Dr Lychee Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-07-24 6 
4361214Mutant!Quest #6.5Matt versus the hacker mutantSiren_QM, Collective Game, Superpower, Action, Urban, Mutants, Quest2020-07-27 7 
4363572Skeleton Island 2, part 13Separate storylines n shieet notapaladin, drawquest, super robot pilot thing, mecha, cowboy, communist overlords, quest, collective game, SPAAAAAAACE2020-07-30 0 
4362286Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #8Continuation of the previous thread.Autism Jesus, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Weeb2020-07-30 0 
August 2020
74085209/tg/ makes a Super Highschool 2continuation of last thread, we make more students and start a fight club. character, original content, world building, super2020-08-02 1 
4350362The Quarantine of a Harbor City #7The endPlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Fantasy, Inquisition, Dark Fantasy, fantasy, alchemy, disease, dark fantasy, Collective Game 2020-08-08 1 
4370979Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #2 (Chapter2, Part 1)Godzilla continues his fight against the aliens in his bid to find Junior. In this chapter part he faces off against the powerful Zetton!Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-08-10 23 
4376934Do Your Best Quest #99The 3rd Anniversary Thread! Johnny does a lot of shit or something.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-08-14 17 
4396360Alterac Resurgent Quest 2With the imminent threat from the gnolls is over, Alric speaks to Uther the Lightb, returns a bounty and goes to solve Tarren Mills problemsAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2020-08-18 21 
4405146Z Quest Episode 2: Beauties and BeastsWe are back after a year and continue Lucy's story and do our first perspective shift to her husband! Apocalypse, Horror, Survival, Drama, Z Quest, CoopyQm2020-08-20 3 
4394197North of Nowhere Quest #1Dr. John Kay moves to the far north, severs a mutated arm, experiences mind control, and witnesses the supernatural.Doctor, Supernatural, 19th Century2020-08-24 10 
74556346Weird SuperpowersSome brainstorming is done about unorthodox powers that wouldn't look odd in a Doom Patrol comic.superpowers, signs, chalk, magic, weird, powers, abilities, superhero2020-08-27 3 
4394919Mutant!Quest #07In which we build ourselves a superhero lair, attempt to get along with Pharos, and fight Julia. Siren_QM, Collective Game, Urban, Action, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Superpower, DrawQuest 2020-08-27 7 
4409559Slime QuestYou're a ball of slime. You eat things and get bigger.Slime Quest, Slime, Slime Girl, Gelle, Tatsuo, SLimy2020-08-30 4 
September 2020
4416666Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #9Exploration of Labyrinthia; the quest migrates to tgchan https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/975434.htmlDungeon, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Succubus2020-09-07 3 
4429270Alterac Resurgent Quest 3The bandit problem of Tarren Mill has been solved, but an expedition has been organized by Lord Uther against the gnollsAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2020-09-12 20 
74791451Nechronica: The Long Sequel thread. Story Time / GM system and build adviceEngland/Homburg Storytime: The third killer attacks our trio at home. Arson Cannibalism Heroism. | Talk of Horrors classes & custom content.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Coleo, Melico, Imp, Homburg, England, fire, Suzie, class, builds, mechanics, advice, horrors, system2020-09-17 3 
4413945Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the ApocalypseYou are a the resident animal control officer of a small town in northern Maine. Prepare for the hardships of a nuclear winter.TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2020-09-17 12 
4429764Slime Quest #2You're now a girl of slime. You're a bit more discerning about what you choose to eat.Slime Quest, Slime, Slime Girl, Gelle, Tatsuo, SLimy2020-09-19 0 
4427689Melancholic Quest 67Law gets wined and dined, and put to sleep like a big boy. Del reminisces about a conversation with Ace.Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue2020-09-28 0 
4438577Do Your Best Quest #100Johnny and crew celebrate their accomplishment! Hooray!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-09-30 7 
October 2020
44306032nd US Civil War: Sun Belt CrusadersDuring the chaos of the 2nd American Civil War, a meth cook forms a cult of crusaders to retake America, starting with rural Arizona.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-01 11 
4450315Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #3 (Chapter 2, Part 2)After saving his endangered child Shin from King Ghidorah, Godzilla heads to San Francisco on a rampage. The Humans fight back fiercely.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-10-04 14 
4455735North of Nowhere Quest #2Dr. John Kay has a friendly sleepover, shadows a hunter at work, and consoles his assistant.Doctor, Supernatural, 19th Century2020-10-08 4 
4446865Duke of Darkness QuestGob gets summoned into a secret research facility and tries to escape, among other things.Drawquest, Duke of darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-10-09 6 
4449430KAIJU QUEST 1Waking up from a stirred slumber, Dynasuarus finds himself upon the Devil's Archipelago, the home of monsters.Collective Game, Kaiju, Tokusatsu, Kaiju Quest, Drawquest, Monster2020-10-12 0 
4470276Alterac Resurgent Quest 4The expedition and the fight against the gnolls in DurnholdeAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2020-10-14 20 
4455000Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #2R. Mantle tried to restore order after a nuclear strike, but instead got tortured by the Maine National GuardTrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2020-10-19 5 
4487084Archimedean Submersible Quest : IIn which a naval Officer on half-Pay plays Cards, dines with Alchymists, navigates a Rivalry, and is given a most peculiar Opportunity.Archimedean, Submersible, Submarine, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Infodumps2020-10-19 8 
44738662nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #2The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with unexpected events, meet strange characters, & continue to build up their presence. Features a major battle.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-30 6 
4483117Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #4 (Chapter 2, Part 3)After defeating Amuro Ray and Char Aznable in the Gundam and Zeong, Godzilla confronts Biollante in Los Angeles.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-10-31 13 
November 2020
4486682Duke of Darkness Quest #1.5Gob frees some prisoners, opens a bunch of doors, fights against an 'Alpha' guard and finds the engine roomDrawquest, Duke of Darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-11-10 4 
4504670Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #3In which R. Mantle makes it back to the homestead to find further complicationsTrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2020-11-27 5 
December 2020
45141852nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #3The Crusaders grow in size, develop a patron/client relationship, get a quest, and have a Thanksgiving dinner in a slight breather episode.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-12-05 6 
4527900With Great Power: A Cape Quest #1Meet Eric Miller, a super hero teen on the gritty streets of ChicagoWith Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2020-12-06 57 
4518561For House & Dominion: Aftermath 3Diplomacy with the Kythera. Sonia Reynard will return in For House and Dominion: IncursionCollective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Survey, Salvage, Dice2020-12-06 5 
4532009Duke of Darkness Quest #2Gob gets a power rush and discovers he just basically caused a prison riotDrawquest, Duke of Darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-12-08 4 
4541457Zombie Apocalypse QuestA completely new take on zombies! Take control of 5 playable characters to try to survive and unlock their various endings.Zombie Apocalypse Quest, Zombies, Zombie, ZombieQM, Apocalypse, Survival, Perma-death, Death, Drug, Quest, Death, Switching Characters 2020-12-15 13 
4554084Stoker Quest #1Your first Harvest.Stoker, Surreal, Dystopian, Exploration, Adventure,2020-12-18 18 
4562374With Great Power: A Cape Quest #2As Hotspur continues his fight against the Chicago underworld, he encounters more super powered individualsWith Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2020-12-28 41 
4552369Get Off My Lawn: A Wizard's TaleZod, a muscle wizard of the 5th Caliber, returns to his tower to discover that a pesky village has sprung up around it. get off my lawn, a wizard's tale, wizard, muscle wizard, watdo, hilarity ensues2020-12-30 1 
January 2021
45592722nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #4Two simultaneous missions give a look into two very different parts of Arizona during the war. Features guns, beer, & cow manure!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-01-03 6 
4565789Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #5 (Chapter 3, Part 1)Doctor Serizawa, creator of Destoroyah, becomes associated with the ambitious Metphies and his dark faith. Kiryu battles Angels.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2021-01-08 11 
4576011Salary Man: Whitecollar Vigilante (1st Shift)Sugimoto Daisuke, a 49 year-old salaryman, gets fed up with his tortuous life and decides to become a superhero.Collective Game, Salary Man, Superhero, Japan, Weak protagonist, Male protagonist, QMWalrus2021-01-09 8 
4572305Zombie Apocalypse Quest Thread #2This time, we take control of Sarah in her perilous journey to save her son and the other survivors in the nearby school.Zombie Apocalypse Quest, Zombies, Zombie, ZombieQM, Apocalypse, Survival, Perma-death, Death, Drug, Quest, Switching Characters, Quiz 2021-01-10 6 
4570856Jesus Christ QuestJesus returns from his trials in the desert only to find himself in the strange new world of the 21st century.jesus, christ, pope, vatican, catholic, protestant, muslim, debate, orthodox, constantinople, greece2021-01-13 3 
4579377Stoker Quest #2You receive a mission, and rally your first ally.Stoker, Surreal, Dystopian, Exploration, Adventure2021-01-14 12 
4591798Mutant!Quest #8 In which Elise attempts to take control of her berserker mode, John does a nope, and the Huber conference happens.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest, Now with improved art! 2021-01-19 6 
4596211L5R Chanbara QuestIn which we meet Daisuke, a student of the Hiruma Bushi school and a man with a profound hatred of goblins. Many bandits die.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-01-21 24 
4590540With Great Power: A Cape Quest #3CARNAGE ON THE HIGHWAY. Hotspur and Misfit battle a deadly biker gang on route 1-88, while the mystery of the Chicago Explosion deepens.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-01-24 36 
4609430L5R Chanbara Quest #2In which Daisuke and Sayaka reach the village, then the castle, and things continue to go awry.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-01-26 20 
4591534Grand Grail War QuestBartleby the Archivist joins a new Holy Grail War, summoning Archer. Nasuverse, Holy Grail War, Collective Game, Grand Grail2021-01-28 4 
4583804Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #4In which R. Mantle might have been caught in a serious lie, and has to buy back something stolen from him.TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-01-30 3 
February 2021
45929692nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #5The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with industrial meth production, Indian intrigue, deranged raiders, UFO-Lizardperson-NWO conspiracies, and more!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-02-05 4 
77298086Trench Rats ReduxA new thread is had, discussing the "Trench Rats" specifically and weird WWI ideas generally.Worldbuilding, ratmen, ww1, trenches, brainstorming, supernatural, horror, setting2021-02-06 11 
4592567Another Mutant!QuestEnter Kyle Parris. College student, mutant, part-time super— wait, what?! Sprout QM, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Collective Game, Quest-of-a-quest, Mutant!Quest2021-02-07 4 
4622752L5R Chanbara Quest #3In which Takeshi is a scumbagL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-02-10 15 
4600316Do Your Best Quest: Love Scramble!Johnny's mom sends him on a very important quest!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best, noncanon2021-02-12 24 
4619780With Great Power: A Cape Quest #4Ambushed on the rooftops of Chicago, Hotspur battles the deadly HOUNDMASTER. Meanwhile, Eric's relationship with Kay grows deeper.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-02-13 35 
4601479Zombie Apocalypse Quest Thread #3On to Larry's shipborne adventure, fighting zombies, fire and people's stupidity at the same time.Zombie Apocalypse Quest, Zombies, Zombie, ZombieQM, Apocalypse, Survival, Perma-death, Death, Drug, Quest, Death, Switching Characters 2021-02-13 1 
4613249Salary Man: Whitecollar Vigilante (2nd Shift)Salary Man enforces justice at a metal concert, gets assaulted, and engages in mock romance.Collective Game, Salary Man, Superhero, Japan, Weak protagonist, Male protagonist, QMWalrus2021-02-17 5 
4625309L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 5.5Bayushi Kimiko welcomes the Lion Clan to Beiden.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2021-02-26 10 
March 2021
4629759The Grand Grail Thread 2: Impossible DreamsBartleby acquires new power as he and Marisa recover from the results of the fight with Lore Caster. Nasuverse, Holy Grail War, Collective Game, Grand Grail2021-03-02 0 
4628417 Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #5In which R. Mantle enjoys some success in the boardroom, his Greenly expedition is green lit, and his idea for his group name is accepted. TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-03-04 3 
4685909Do Your Best Quest #101Johnny goes to school! Woah!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-03-11 5 
4642424Stoker Quest #3The Hunt for The Duke.Stoker, Surreal, Dystopian, Exploration, Adventure,2021-03-11 12 
46390602nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #6The unexpected death, burial, and resurrection of the Sun Belt Crusaders.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-03-13 3 
4646341L5R Chanbara Quest #4O-Tora and Daisuke cross bladesL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-03-15 11 
4693687Do Your Best Quest #102Johnny meets his fan club!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-03-17 5 
4665322With Great Power: A Cape Quest #5THANKSGIVING EDITION. Between crimefighting and personal drama, Eric needs a break. Why not a family reunion in Indiana?With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-03-19 25 
4655953Salary Man: Whitecollar Vigilante (3rd Shift) Salary Man goes on a deito, meets a formidable opponent in Uyeda Raiden, and prepares for a major job as Salary Man.Collective Game, Salary Man, Superhero, Japan, Weak protagonist, Male protagonist, QMWalrus 2021-03-19 2 
78144460demobilizing veteran cyborg supersoldiersOnce the war is over, what happens to the cybernetically augmented veterans?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, supersoldier, robocop, six million dollar man, cyborg, transhuman, posthuman, storytime, writefag,2021-03-22 0 
4703970Do Your Best Quest #103Johnny helps a Sandwich!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-03-24 5 
4689350Last Few Fae - Guarding Innocence Pierre, a teddy bear, defends his human from the bogeyman. He explores the City looking for ways to kill it while a war rages in plain sidrawquest,supernatural,surreal,urban fantasy,last few fae,2021-03-25 6 
4714376Do Your Best Quest #104Johnny continues helping a Sandwich!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-03-31 5 
April 2021
4671316L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 5.75Bayushi Kimiko investigates a murder in the castle. Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness 2021-04-01 7 
4682416Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #6In which the Greenly Expedition goes all to Hell, and the QM gets banned on /tv/ TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-04-05 1 
4736815Do Your Best Quest #105Johnny discovers Terrorist A's tragic past.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-04-13 6 
4706757With Great Power Quest #6Secrets unravel as Hotspur plunges into the darkness surrounding Chicago, with horrifying consequences.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-04-15 26 
4735931Last few fae - #2 Guarding InnocencePierre, a teddy bear, defends his human from the bogeyman. He has his final confrontation and the quest ends.drawquest,supernatural,surreal,urban fantasy,last few fae,2021-04-17 5 
4699480L5R Chanbara Quest #5In which everything goes tits up, Daisuke beheads his way to the top, skewers a Takeshi, and force feeds Miho some healthy greens.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-04-19 5 
4708520Dragon Doing Dragonly Deeds QuestA young dragon hatches from its egg and must survive in the wilderness. dragon doing dragonly deeds, dragonop, survival, dragon, arguing, so much arguing, OP vanishes2021-04-20 1 
4754842Do Your Best Quest #106Johnny has fun with 2 redheads!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-04-22 7 
4757808My Brother's MachineA man arrives at his dead brother's apartment to find a strange, polaroid-spewing machine.Collective Game, My Brother's Machine, One-Shot, Drawquest, Surreal2021-04-24 4 
May 2021
4728809Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #2GBDNATE, madscience, monstergirls, genderbender, psychicLeo Moreau infiltrates a middle school in the disguise of an exchange student! Complications ensue...2021-05-03 1 
4782971Do Your Best Quest #107Johnny goes inside a bubble. No, not Scarlet.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-05-05 7 
4755171With Great Power: A Cape Quest #7THE NEW YEARS DAY WAR. Carnage on the docks of Chicago as Hotspur's enemies converge. Meanwhile: 808s and Heartbreaks.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-05-08 24 
4779637Multiplayer Kek's Isekai (Mythic RPG) #10The exploration of Labyrinthia continues. This time, AI Dungeon is used as co-QM tool.AI Dungeon, Dungeon, Isekai, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Succubus2021-05-09 1 
4746257L5R Chanbara Quest #6In which one story ends, and another begins. The second-last chapter of the first arc.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-05-11 2 
4797533Do Your Best Quest #108Johnny steals a sandwich from an orphanage.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-05-12 8 
4814683Do Your Best Quest #109Johnny cooks food for starving girls!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-05-20 7 
4829420Do Your Best Quest #110Johnny bullies Matilda for the entire thread.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-05-28 5 
4829762L5R Chanbara Quest #7The epilogue of the first storyL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-05-31 0 
June 2021
4785317Salary Man: Whitecollar Vigilante (4th Shift) Salary Man confronts Uyeda Raiden, engages in battle at the shrine, and visits some coworkers.Collective Game, Salary Man, Superhero, Japan, Weak protagonist, Male protagonist, QMWalrus2021-06-02 1 
4797128The Last Sunhawk #1Warlock cripple "Lynestra Dawnstrider" the Last Sunhawk arrives in Alterac, enjoys Alteraci hospitality, and joins The Shadow Council elitCollective Game, Quest, The Last Sunhawk Quest, WoW, World of Warcraft, Female Protagonist, Blood Elves, Sunhawk, Alterac, SunhawkQM2021-06-05 12 
4818800With Great Power: A Cape Quest #8KIDNAPPED! Hotspur races against time to rescue Ayesha from the deadly HOUNDMASTER. Meanwhile, Eric makes new friends and meets new enemies.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-06-06 23 
4855538Do Your Best Quest #111Johnny wears a paper bag because he's ugly.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-06-08 8 
4812638Summoner Assassin QuestJakim Massem-Hasserchmitt runs a honest business of killing people for money with summoned beastsSummoner Assassin Quest, demons, fantasy, Collective Game, male protagonist, first person2021-06-09 1 
4800592Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #7In which the Second Greenly Expedition is outfitted and departs, to immediately run into resistance on the road. TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-06-10 1 
79669577Snowcrawlers, and surviving on the ice fieldsOP is reminded of an old thread and polar vehicles are posted and life in the cold is discussed with additional discussion of game mechanicsfluff, cozy, winter, snow, crawler, snowcrawler, worldbuilding, supernatural, paranormal, creepy2021-06-13 15 
4868485Do Your Best Quest #112Johnny spends time with some Tomatoes!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-06-17 8 
79773892Cozy Icecrawler apocalypseOP posts to discuss actual mechanics that could be done in such a cozy and creepy ice land.fluff, cozy, winter, snow, crawler, snowcrawler, worldbuilding, supernatural, paranormal, creepy, pdf2021-06-18 11 
4879901Do Your Best Quest #113Johnny steals a cookie from a cookie factory.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-06-24 7 
July 2021
80022374Cozy Icecrawler apocalypse 2OP talks about some mechanics and cooking is discussed a bit more.fluff, cozy, winter, snow, crawler, snowcrawler, worldbuilding, supernatural, paranormal, creepy, pdf2021-07-01 7 
4862429With Great Power: A Cape Quest #9THE RED WIZARD RISES! Meanwhile, tensions between Chicago and the para-folk community come to a boil, with Eric caught in the crossfire.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-07-02 23 
4868199Alterac Resurgent Quest 5Solving problems at home and leaving back to Durnholde at request of Lord Blackmoore to visit one of his gladiator tournaments.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-07-02 20 
4866235The Last Sunhawk #2Lynestra ponders the allegiance of Church, has a hilarious misunderstand, and tries to make friends.Collective Game, Quest, The Last Sunhawk Quest, WoW, World of Warcraft, Female Protagonist, Blood Elves, Sunhawk, Alterac, SunhawkQM2021-07-14 11 
4902820Do Your Best Quest #114Johnny witnesses the tomato reunion he has worked so much for!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-07-14 17 
4911798Pokemon Trainer Quest #1Your adventure begins with towels, character establishment, a tomboy and of course, pokemon.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Starting out, Creek, SuperBusy2021-07-17 12 
4872449Hobo Supervillain Quest 1 4872449 We are a homeless guy with poeersOboh, hobo, supers, powers, homeless2021-07-20 0 
4887482Godzilla: Hyper Invasion #6 (Chapter 3, Part 2)Godzilla is whisked away into the Monster prison of Zagres and her Dada servants, but Jet Jaguar comes to the rescue.Godzilla, Hyper Invasion, Kaiju, Monsters, Tokusatsu, Drawquest, Collective Game2021-07-21 2 
4880169Collapsing: A Quest to Survive the Apocalypse #8In which the Second Greenly Expedition meets with resistance. Shorter Thread.TrashQM, Survival, Apocalypse, Retro Futurism, Cold War2021-07-26 0 
48821932nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #7The "second season's" first thread, featuring action packed combat, big-brain discussion, intrigue, a coup, a new faction, & also sufferi2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders, Second Season2021-07-27 3 
4927439Immortal Meatbag Part 0A not-so-super hero fights lots of lizards, meets an old friend. Collective Game, Superheroes, Cyberpunk, Body Horror2021-07-27 2 
4905857PANOPTICON QUESTJack Ryan(no relation) makes a career move from shitposting to rampantly out of control government surveillance.Panopticon Quest, AllSeeingQM, Surveillance, Glowing in the Dark2021-07-30 9 
August 2021
4907855With Great Power: A Cape Quest #10With friends in peril and the city gripped by paranoia, Hotspur struggles to carry the fire.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-08-03 25 
80648267Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVERFrom the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight!Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Airplane, Douglas, Pirate, Treasure Hunt, Kraken, Sp1r1t2021-08-06 2 
4901855Stoker Quest #4A vision, cleanup and meeting with the Foreman.Stoker, Surreal, Dystopian, Exploration, Adventure2021-08-08 4 
4951530Summer 2000 AD Vidya QuestYou try to find your Gameboy ColorℱSummer, Vidya, PKMN2021-08-12 3 
4915470Alterac Resurgent Quest 6After having made a deal with Blackmoore, Alric did some scouting and fought bandits. With spring came business opportunities.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-08-16 16 
4932572Do Your Best Quest #115The 4th Anniversary Thread! Johnny acts like a complete idiot the entire thread.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-08-20 13 
4913774Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #1You are Richard Gardener, and your wife Vicky isn’t having an affair. An affair would be easier to solve, for one thing
Collective Game, Superheroes, Supervillains, Paranoia, Conspiracies, Loving Wife, Pompous Psychic Terrorist Grandpa, Cool Ninja Bro2021-08-21 9 
4917859Mutant!Quest #09In which we rescue a healer mutant, the M-Guard gains a probationary member, and we try to incite a gang war before everything goes to shit.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2021-08-23 7 
4953135Pokemon Trainer Quest #2You found shelter from a storm, got stitched up, bonded with Fie, made friends with wild pokemon, caught a bunch and more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, SuperBusy2021-08-26 10 
September 2021
4929317The Last Sunhawk #3Lynestra fights a Death Knight, dreams of her past, and has a anachronistic skype call with a grumpy undead.Collective Game, Quest, The Last Sunhawk Quest, WoW, World of Warcraft, Female Protagonist, Blood Elves, Sunhawk, Alterac, SunhawkQM2021-09-03 10 
4944490With Great Power: A Cape Quest #11THE BURNING DEAD! Hotspur and the Red Wizard fight for their lives! Meanwhile, Eric realizes his true feelings, if only they were simpleWith Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-09-05 23 
4983221Do Your Best Quest #116Johnny loses his cheese. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-09-09 6 
49355652nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #8A breather episode focusing on introducing new faces, gaining influence, and setting up for conflicts to come. Features salary negotiations!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-09-11 2 
4994319Do Your Best Quest #117Johnny tragically loses his minion.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-09-16 7 
4957209HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management QuestYou're an amnesiac administrator tasked with running one of P-Company's latest facilities. Only coffee is keeping you sane.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Please don't sue me HeartQM, Coffee Addiction 2021-09-21 25 
4963026Alterac Resurgent Quest 7You left for a diplomatic tour of Dalaran, Hillsbrad and Southshore. During it you met with Jaina and solved Hillsbrads problems.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-09-23 14 
4953445Age of Strife and Loathing Quest, a +25k CivIn the Age of Strife, Supreme Commander Aleksandr Kerensky tries to keep the government alive amid Warlords and dealing with the Apocalypse.Collective Game, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, 40k, +25k, Age of Strife, Terran Republic, Civ, Supreme Comander, Aleksandr Kerensky, Great Quest2021-09-27 0 
5002304Do Your Best Quest #118Johnny somehow bullies Scarlet through time and space.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-09-30 7 
October 2021
4960755PANOPTICON QUEST 2Jack Ryan gets his ass beat, gets reconstructive surgery, saves his coworker's and superior's asses in a trial, and heads off to boot campPanopticon Quest, AllSeeingQM, Surveillance, Glowing in the Dark, Great Quest2021-10-01 2 
4974369Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #2You are Richard Gardener and finally you have gained the promotion. Nothing like a family reunion to celebrate, right ? Collective Game, Superheroes, Supervillains, Paranoia, Loving Husband, Loving Wife, Cool Ninja Bro, Cool watch Grandpa2021-10-06 3 
4991982Pokemon Trainer Quest #2You played Seven Minutes in Heaven, made it to Newport, had a run in with Team Green, met Holly and challenged the Bug GymPokemon Quest, Towel, Concussion, Team Green, SuperBusy2021-10-07 8 
4997936With Great Power: A Cape Quest #12THE COUNCIL OF CRIME MEETS, FIREWATCH STRIKES! It all leads to this, an explosive assault on Chicago's underworld!With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-10-26 22 
5022990Do Your Best Quest #119Johnny pokes someone with a stick for one hour and a half.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-10-28 6 
November 2021
4992051The Last Sunhawk #4Lynestra encourages the duke, makes a scene with a drunk priest, loses a bet and starts an investigation.Collective Game, Quest, The Last Sunhawk Quest, WoW, World of Warcraft, Female Protagonist, Blood Elves, Sunhawk, Alterac, SunhawkQM2021-11-01 7 
49924432nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #9A fierce fight in Phoenix followed by a country doctor distributing charity (i.e. meth) to the poor and needy (i.e. junkies) of Maricopa!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-11-05 4 
5009747Alterac Resurgent Quest 8In which Alric scouted and trekked through the Strahnbrad Hills, saved a warlock and then fought off a raiding party of Blackrock Orcs.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-11-12 14 
5047778Surreal GMod QuestMan wakes up in a supernatural world. Drawquest using GMod props and ragdolls.Quest, Gmod, Surreal, Dreamlike, Liminal, Hook, Horror2021-11-13 0 
5043610Do Your Best Quest #120Johnny eats cheese!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-11-17 7 
December 2021
5066610Do Your Best Quest #121Johnny becomes a master detective. Eat shit, Richard.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-12-01 8 
5040101Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 4You refused to Battle Mike, met back up with Fie's friends, made it to Lake Clarity, had a strange dream, met Latias and beat up Team Green Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Team Green, SuperBusy2021-12-02 4 
5055607Trapped in a sitcomEd wakes up in a sitcom, he investigate how to get out before the "Producer" makes a puppet out of him. supernatural,surreal2021-12-04 2 
5075031Do Your Best Quest #122Johnny shows a dog plushy to someone. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-12-16 5 
5049040The Last Sunhawk #5Lynestra discovers a betrayal and a secret, almost loses to an imp, begins her mystery solving, and tries to make a new friend.Collective Game, Quest, The Last Sunhawk Quest, WoW, World of Warcraft, Female Protagonist, Blood Elves, Sunhawk, Alterac, SunhawkQM2021-12-21 7 
5062162Alterac Resurgent Quest 9Your trip to Stormwind has begun and you have met with a plenty interesting characters like King Varian, Edwin VanCleef and Calia Menethil. Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2021-12-21 14 
5090717Do Your Best Quest #123Johnny steals a body.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-12-24 5 
50478712nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #10Scouting south of Maricopa as the Messenger playing peacemaker. Brace for gallant charges, eccentric elders, a red sickle's specter, & more2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-12-24 2 
January 2022
82656869what risk is acceptable in exchange for superpowers?There's a drug that either gives you superpowers or kills you. What'd be the ratio of death versus success before people stopped using it?superpower, superpowers, superhero, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, M&M, worldbuilding, setting,2022-01-01 0 
5090845D&D Dragon Quest You are a dragon, your kind is famous for their power and hunted for their wealth. Let us see what adventures await you from egg to ancient Sunnest, Sun who as landed, Sun's Landing, Gold Dragon, Dungeons&Dragon, Collective Game, Civ-like quest, Kobolds2022-01-04 4 
5074815Dwarf Druids Survival CIVYou and 30 other Dwarves have just been banished from EmeraldHall the old mountain fortress city where you lived all your life. Your crime? Dwarfs, Civ, Fantasy, Collective Game, D&D, Druids, Survival 2022-01-04 1 
5078009Beneath The Pale Moon #1In Which /qst/ makes a character, chooses the church, and fights some NecromancersWarden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-01-07 5 
5082606Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 5You started hiking around Lake Clarity, battled Team Green against, handed evidence to the police after lunch and did some fishing. Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Team Green, Fishing, SuperBusy2022-01-09 5 
5086723Batquesy Issue #1: "I shall become a Bat!"Billionaire Orphan Bruce Wayne creates a dark persona to wage war on crime in Gotham City.Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game2022-01-17 6 
5106705Do Your Best Quest: The Dreadfully Irrelevant TimesPlay a myriad of characters doing their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to all DYBQ sidestory related content!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-01-20 6 
5105510Mutant!Quest #10In which Elise and co. pull off a sick, GTA-style heist! Antics ensue!Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-01-23 10 
February 2022
50965882nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #11The rogues' gallery grows as the fated POZ-Maricopa face off takes a turn for the strange. Comes with limited edition Advent box art!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-02-10 4 
5115099With Great Power: A Cape Quest #13Hotspur is back! Three months after taking down the Council of Crime, the Patriots strike! Can Eric protect the fledgling para-community?With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2022-02-14 24 
5114740Alterac Resurgent Quest 10As Alric finishes his business in Stormwind, he has to deal with Thrall's escape from Durnholde Keep and everything that means.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-02-14 12 
5128896Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 6You woke up on an island, caught a Feebas, made a shelter, had a dream-battle with Mike, met Henry and discussed adopting a legendaryPokemon Quest, Towel, Concussion, Survival, SuperBusy2022-02-19 4 
5118694The Last Sunhawk #6Lynestra leaves her new dwarf friend, mulls over her findings in Mercer's diary, makes an enemy of a piece of jewelry, goes to get help.Collective Game, Quest, The Last Sunhawk Quest, WoW, World of Warcraft, Female Protagonist, Blood Elves, Sunhawk, Alterac, SunhawkQM2022-02-21 5 
5114302Beneath The Pale Moon #2Joshua Braun sets up shop in France, begins some research into spells, and investigates the heretical Magnus Jean d'Hoc.Warden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-02-23 2 
March 2022
5152822Do Your Best Quest: The Dreadfully Irrelevant Times #2Ema and Kobashi do their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to all DYBQ sidestory related content!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-03-17 10 
5164482With Great Power: A Cape Quest #14Investigating the Guardians summer camp, Eric discovers deep secrets and confronts an old foeWith Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2022-03-18 23 
51592702nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #12A quieter episode with preparations before anticipated action.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-03-27 3 
April 2022
5209573Do Your Best Quest #124Johnny goes on a blind date.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-04-06 5 
5167732Alterac Resurgent Quest 11With the business in Durnholde done, Alric has to deal with the Alliance and the news that are coming from Strahnbrad Hills.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-04-06 13 
5185864Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 7You cleared out a camp for the night, played truth or dare, bonded with Holly and decided to push for Silveridge Town the next morning.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, SuperBusy2022-04-11 6 
5180270Batquest Issue #2: "Warriors of the Darkness"From a man turned bat-monster, to mind-reading apes in France, Batman's war on crime continues.Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game2022-04-17 7 
5185361The Last Sunhawk #7Lynestra gets to know Falconcrest, has a heart to heart with Church while perhaps revealing too much, and finally reveals her borrowed booksCollective Game, Quest, The Last Sunhawk Quest, WoW, World of Warcraft, Female Protagonist, Blood Elves, Sunhawk, Alterac, SunhawkQM2022-04-18 7 
5232514Do Your Best Quest #125Johnny decides to take the food industry by storm. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-04-21 5 
5195170Beneath The Pale Moon #3In which Joshua finishes up his preparations and heads out to engage the rogue magusWarden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-04-21 2 
5194190Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest!A low-tier, water-themed rogue starts his supervillainous journeySuperhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM2022-04-25 17 
5211274Body Horror Quest, 51st VeinShu arranges a cosmic phone call to contact God, watches a rocket launch with the family, and engages in emotional therapy for a friend.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Apocalypse Amalgams, Lore bombs, calling God, rocket launch, surprisingly wholesome2022-04-28 7 
May 2022
5240903Do Your Best Quest #126 Johnny does his best to manage his Food Cart!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-05-04 5 
5208752Suiwuld evo game thread 1evolving creatures on a collapsed alien civilization with a sea of highly processed nutrient fluids. Collective game, Evogame, Evolution, evo, suiwuld2022-05-10 0 
5223197Alterac Resurgent Quest 12In which Alric finishes scouting Strahnbrad Hills, deals with Syndicate agent and prepares for the invasion of the hills. Also Capital City!Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-05-15 13 
5235409Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 8Short-ish Thread. Your Mystery Egg hatched into a Riolu, you made it to a pokemon center out of the rain, met an old friend and more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Rain, Mystery Egg, SuperBusy2022-05-17 4 
5260378Do Your Best Quest #127Johnny doesn't make a deal with the devil. (Wait, isn't this how the quest started?)collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-05-19 5 
5232631Batquest Issue #2.1: Batman International Batman and Nightwing find and unlikely ally and uncover the mystery behind who is arming the French Supervillains.Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest2022-05-28 7 
June 2022
5286906Do Your Best Quest #128Johnny has a restful and peaceful moment. (Short Thread)collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-06-02 5 
5282760Incel Dating Sim (Mythic RPG)Beto Fupa, an incel, looks for love on the /soc/ board of 4chan.Autism Jesus, Collective, incel, RPG, satire, Weeb, Wux2022-06-04 10 
5245924The Last Sunhawk #8Lynestra seeks wisdom from a seer named Sayge, (yes, really) buys poison, has a super meta convo with Jarad, the quest sadly goes on hiatus.Collective Game, Quest, The Last Sunhawk Quest, WoW, World of Warcraft, Female Protagonist, Blood Elves, Sunhawk, Alterac, SunhawkQM2022-06-06 5 
5249472Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 2)Our brave and elegant super thief discovers a new power and escapes prisonSuperhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM2022-06-11 8 
5269197Alterac Resurgent Quest 13Alric continues his visit to Capital City, meets with the Alteracis and takes his first steps in the complex road of romanceAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-06-14 13 
5294135Do Your Best Quest #129Johnny learns about past, present, and future Calamities.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-06-15 2 
84877180Why doesn't the modern surveillance state immediately unmask the secret identities of all superheroes?The modern equivalent of Local Lordposting turns into a serious discussion on vigilantism and the state monopoly of force.superheroes, cyberpunk, local lord2022-06-18 1 
5299205Guild of Calamitous intentA short game about the advance of a guild of a guild of supervillains making dastardly devices.collective game, Supervillains2022-06-26 0 
5288055Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 9You trained a bunch, caught Rufflet, Rufflet evolved and you reached Silveridge Town.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Champion, Training, Silveridge Town, SuperBusy2022-06-27 2 
5309771Do Your Best Quest #130Johnny equips a Tomato, and Philonune gets a follower.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-06-29 3 
July 2022
5305728Alterac Resurgent Quest 14You returned to Dawnholme and launched your invasion of Strahnbrad Hills. You fought bandits, while Eligius managed to spot an enemy warlockAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-07-14 14 
5307214Mutant!Quest #11In which Elise hides some mutants, takes a trip to the land of dreams, and uncovers another sinister plot.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-07-18 7 
85350538Wizard ChessAnon stops taking his meds and invents a board game using super gluesuper glue, schizo, board game, chess, playing cards, armies2022-07-21 7 
5327517Do Your Best Quest #131Johnny goes to the beach. Yes, it's the beach episode at long last! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-07-26 3 
5308399Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 3)Fresh out of prison, the Dick Man builds his crew and begins plotting the heist that will finally make his reputation.Superhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM2022-07-27 5 
August 2022
5326578Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 10You cleaned the museum, trained, saw off Jean's group with a party, spent time with Fie and trained more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Silveridge Town, Training, BBQ, SuperBusy2022-08-01 2 
5358844Do Your Best Quest #132The 5th Anniversary Thread! Johnny makes good use of his reconquered castle!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-08-10 2 
5333328Kobolt Klan Adoption 6Local knight meets some of the archmage's people and has a small touch of drama as a result. Addendum: squire goes bald and freaks out.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Werewolves, Sci-fi Fantasy, Paracelsus, magic is lead poisoning2022-08-14 8 
5346371Mutant!Quest #12In which some best-laid-plans are set into motion, and the extraction for Conduit begins!Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest2022-08-15 8 
5340842Alterac Resurgent Quest 15The Invasion of Strahnbrad Hills continues. Alric handles logistics, hears about very bad news, fights gnolls and meets with the BarovsAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-08-20 14 
September 2022
5380111Do Your Best Quest #133Johnny quacks.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-09-02 3 
5365691Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 11You battled Darren, Mike and talked with Mike about Team Green. You also resupplied and prepared to head for Saltcoast City.Pokemon Quest, Towel, 2nd Gym, Rival, SuperBusy2022-09-06 4 
5359398Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 4))A regrettably short episode of the drawquest, in which our heroes walk from floor 2 to floor 1, before QM disappears into the netherSuperhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM2022-09-07 4 
5399928Do Your Best Quest #134Johnny locks a duck in the bathroom. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-09-22 7 
5379347Capsule delivery Quest #1We create our protagonist, pick some fights, make some friends do as gomu does. We also accidentaly steal a top secret project.Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Capsule Delivery Quest, Collective Game.2022-09-27 7 
5415595Do Your Best Quest #135Johnny watches: Oliver Watts Vs. Jesse. Who will win?! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-09-29 1 
5383948Alterac Resurgent Quest 16Alric talks with Barovs, handles the invasion of Strahnbrad Hills and acquires his first vassal before the winter arrives.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-09-30 11 
October 2022
5385188The Dogbusters' March/Kuroinu GirlfriendA troll OP turns into an Ogre named Mouse and his men trying to find a way to fix the corruption that fills the world of an erogeCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2022-10-08 24 
5428600Do Your Best Quest #136Johnny watches: Fiora Kobashi Vs. Galactic Calamity. Who will win?! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-10-13 2 
5402611Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 12You camped the night at a camp ground, cleaned up after Team Green, went on a nighttime bushwalk made it to Saltcoast and fought Team Green.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Team Green, SuperBusy2022-10-23 2 
November 2022
5441149Do Your Best Quest #137Johnny watches the Finals of the Esperanza Invitational Tournament! Also, he meets with his Cheese Goddess again.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-11-02 5 
5402550Second Youth QuestA centenarian archwizard discovers the formula for immortality after saving the kingdom, but it greatly changes his body. Anonymous QM, Incomplete, Wizard, ArchWizard, Immortality, Fantasy, Loli, Demon, Succubus2022-11-06 1 
5424174Capsule Delivery Quest #2We guide our protagonist in the ways of laying low, lucha, and love. We also make a friendly rival of Bulma Briefs and get a sweet jacket.Dragonball, Dragon Ball, Capsule Delivery Quest, Collective Game2022-11-16 6 
5453339Do Your Best Quest #138Johnny kicks a rock.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-11-17 5 
5427123The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 2Mouse the Ogre and his motley crew make progress on their quest to uncorrupt their world, through research, violence and friendship.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2022-11-25 21 
5470195Do Your Best Quest #139Johnny gets acknowledged. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-11-26 5 
5426197Alterac Resurgent Quest 17In which Alric visits Dalaran, retrieves a new armour, learns secrets of the city and starts to walk a new path in his life.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2022-11-28 13 
December 2022
5426219Kobolt Klan Adoption 8The gang meets up with a really big lizard and climb down a mountain.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu2022-12-01 8 
5448278Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 6A draconic agent of dark deities deigns meddle in the affairs of drow. Through subversion, coercion, warfare, waltzing, and even... Love?!ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, subterfuge, race-mixing, big butts, big egos, true love2022-12-01 5 
5449165Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 13Short-ish thread. You helped out at Fie's gym, found Sage a stick, went to the beach and met Ian, a member of the Arnet Elite Four.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Team Green, SuperBusy2022-12-13 3 
5484744Do Your Best Quest #140Johnny manages to stay awake during a History lesson.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-12-15 5 
5448110The Game of GamesMitch arrives at his late uncle's home the day before his university's orientation and wakes up to an unpleasant surprise.collective game, horror, slice-of-life, short, male protagonist, survival2022-12-16 0 
5500784Do Your Best Quest #141Johnny does someone a favor.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-12-24 5 
January 2023
5478252The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 3Mouse's party reaches the Cathedral Fortress and finds its majesty and safety to be deceptively fragileCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-01-01 22 
5482107Alterac Resurgent Quest 18Alric continues his visit to Durnholde and is caught in a blizzard. Marriage issues, rumours and life threatening situations!Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-01-05 10 
5481886Kobolt Klan Adoption 9 Reynauld chills in the city for a bit and then decides to head to fantasy england.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Wa$ifu2023-01-06 8 
5499822The Game of Games: 2nd HandOur battle concludes, and secrets are uncovered.collective game, horror, slice-of-life, short, male protagonist, survival, finished, complete2023-01-11 0 
5500040Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 14Short-ish thread. Emma tries to dig up info on your relationships and then teaches you about pokemon trainingPokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Beach, SuperBusy2023-01-13 3 
5523115Do Your Best Quest #142Johnny watches a duck type on a keyboard.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-01-20 5 
5533615Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #3It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun visits Von Braun to fulfill a promise to his childhood friend Elena.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, surprise gift, Elena2023-01-26 15 
5502106Transgirl Transfer Student QuestOne QM starts a quest about a sickly boy crushing on a new transfer student. Another QM turns it into a supernatural tale of terror.Tzeentch, Not Tzeentch, transgirl, slice of life, student, romance, supernatural, adopted quest2023-01-28 1 
5502453Batquest Issue #3: The Man Who Laughs Part IReturning from adventures in Europe, Batman and Nightwing face a wave of mutated criminals and a new Clown Prince of Crime.Batquest, Action/Adventure, DC Comics, Crime Thriller, Crime Drama, Sci-Fi, Superhero2023-01-28 3 
February 2023
5541008Do Your Best Quest #143Johnny accepts a ride from a very trustworthy gentleman.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-02-02 2 
5520797Alterac Resurgent Quest 19The dangerous activities continue in Durnholde as Alric has to navigate through some dangerous waters.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-02-02 10 
87563268Magical Girl Games Anon watches Madoka and wants to run a Magical Girl themed campaign. Arguments, memes, and weebs arguing over stupid things.Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-04 22 
5517237Beneath the Moaning MountainA group of adventurers seek to plunder the depths of a cursed, haunted mountain.Fantasy, Quest, Drawquest, Horror, Dice, Dungeon, Treasure Focused, Dungeon Crawler2023-02-10 4 
5522225The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 4In which Mouse talks to some people, eats some sweets, makes a goddess cry and sets out to search for a missing courier.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-02-11 22 
5523772Martin's School For Superhumanity Quest 1A reticent power-copying superhuman finds new meaning and purpose at Martin's School. We outsmart bullies, learn judo, and play pinball.MS Quest, Martin's Quest, Superhero, School, Capeworld2023-02-16 14 
5525825Verminsaga, First Coil (Part 1/2)Beneath a destitute farmstead a small serpent is born. Over the following hours, it feeds and grows stronger.Quest, Collective Game, Non-human, Survival2023-02-17 5 
87612096Magical Girl Games 2: Electric Boogaloo A second thread about weebs talking about Magical Girl themed campaigns. More arguing ensues. Will there be a part 3?Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-19 22 
5540809Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 15You went to the Barrier Islands to find Holly a psychic teacher, had some bad injury luck, beat Team Green and did Plot.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Barrier Islands, Team Green, SuperBusy2023-02-20 3 
5558544Do Your Best Quest #144Johnny leaves the Bubble.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-02-23 6 
5537756Kobolt Klan Adoption 10 Turns out there was a bit of trouble actually reaching Oileana, and a ship arc startedKobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu2023-02-26 8 
March 2023
5548812Batquest Issue #4: The Man Who Laughs, Part II The epic conclusion to the Batman's first conflict with The JokerBatman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest2023-03-04 7 
5590304Do Your Best Quest #145Johnny is out of the Bubble. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-03-10 6 
5574482Martin's School Quest 2Izzy takes a trip to the land of Dragons to meet Monster's dad, then goes to dine with the dead.MS Quest, Martin's Quest, Superhero, School, Capeworld2023-03-16 12 
5578821Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 16You headed to Frigoris Forest to hide from Team Green, set traps, got a mystery call and more.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Barrier Islands, Team Green, SuperBusy2023-03-16 6 
5572533The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 5In which Mouse and his friends visit a basement and clear out some trash in search of something precious.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-03-18 21 
5576391Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 9An Antipaladin finally faces the knight who killed his mother... But discovers there is more than meets the eye to this foe, and this city.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, gore, vore, demons, more, princess, romance, surprisingly little rape2023-03-19 7 
5597650Do Your Best Quest #146Johnny goes to the graveyard and meets shitty people.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2023-03-24 5 
April 2023
5584052Rise of the Awakened #4Ursus and "Simon" join the party, the party becomes extraordinarily wealthy, a gunstore is looted, some player drama occurs, the party shoCollective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Maggie, Ursus, "Simon", Plato, Lanesboro2023-04-01 5 
5588947PMD QUEST #1You wake up as a PokĂ©mon in the PokĂ©mon world, and soon befriend a Buneary! Antics and dungeon-delving soon ensues!PMD QUEST, PMD, PokĂ©mon, PokĂ©mon quest, Pokemon, Pokemon quest, Isekai, Mystery Dungeon, Suezite, /qst/2023-04-05 4 
5616614Do Your Best Quest #147Johnny Ando Vs. Gerard Luther. Who will win?!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2023-04-06 5 
5589124 Batquest: The Man Who Laughs: Final Update & AnnotationsThe epic conclusion to Batman's showdown with the Joker and annotations for Issue 1Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest, Annotations, The Hypercrisis Bro2023-04-11 2 
5589826Kobolt Klan Adoption 11The Klan arrives in fantasy england, fight off some fellas, and then they go get drunk.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, cute family stuff2023-04-13 18 
5632027Do Your Best Quest #148Johnny bakes a cake. Vivi dies.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2023-04-14 12 
5638348Do Your Best Quest #149Johnny learns about the devastating effects of a well-made cake.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-04-22 22 
5610047Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #2After two fucking months the story continues. A new meguca is born, our girls find what the Magical Relay is and start flimsy alliances. Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, SEAnannigans is DEAD, no Wooly Mammoth, being Emma is suffering2023-04-25 10 
5614557Martin's School Quest 3In which we finish hanging out with pirates, visit a superhero coffee shop, and go on hiatus.MS Quest, Martin's Quest, Superhero, School, Capeworld2023-04-27 11 
5615542Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 16You dealt with Team Green, found Holly a teacher and returned the Bell Tongue to Slowking.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Barrier Islands, Team Green, SuperBusy2023-04-27 3 
5602287Kingdom Hearts Otherverse: /qst/ EditionEglwyswrw (Egg) the Black Mage goes on a quest with his buddy Bronadon and Oswald the lucky rabbit to save the universe from the Darkness.Kingdom Hearts, Eglwyswrw, Egg, Bronadon, Oswald, Hectictude, World A supremacy2023-04-27 1 
May 2023
5616254The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 6In which Mouse goes to a party, meets some people and gets the gang together for a research sessionCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-05-04 21 
5626225Rise of the Awakened #5Shopping, logistics&dragons, and finances are finally put in order, the truth about Lanesboro is revealed, the party fights an owlbear.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Maggie, Ursus, Plato, Lanesboro, Combat again finally, logistics&dragons2023-05-10 5 
5652730Do Your Best Quest #150Johnny forms a band (of idiots)!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-05-13 7 
5635719Batquest Annotations Part 3Annotations for the Kobra arc of Batquest conclude. Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest, Annotations, The Hypercrisis Bro2023-05-16 2 
5668924PMD QUEST #2 [incomplete]PMD QUEST continues with Indie and Erna having an honest conversation about Indie's human origins. Then OP ends up having to abandon ship.PMD QUEST, PMD, PokĂ©mon, PokĂ©mon quest, Pokemon, Pokemon quest, Isekai, Mystery Dungeon, Suezite, /qst/2023-05-29 1 
June 2023
5650178Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 11The Antipladin weds his blushing bride... Then reveals he's a monster, kills her brother, kidnaps her, and introduces her to his girlfriendReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, love, marriage, villainy, assassination, subterfuge, subterraneans2023-06-01 8 
5670201Do Your Best Quest #151Johnny Ando Vs. Rooke Knightly! Who will win?!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-06-01 5 
5647403Alterac Resurgent Quest 20Alric's dealings and attempts to find the assassin in Durnholde Keep continue and he does have several successes in things unrelated to thaAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-06-08 10 
5655239Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 17You made friends with a flock of Wingull, convinced a Wattrel to meet Gareth, battled Mike and made it back to Saltcoast.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Camping, Wingull, SuperBusy2023-06-13 3 
5655500The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 7In which Mouse does some research and attends a ceremonyCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-06-15 20 
5680259Do Your Best Quest #152Johnny watches: Nariko Edamura vs. Tonu! Who will win?!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-06-16 2 
5653429Draugr QuestA jarl's undead attendant gets a second chance at an adventurous life when he's called upon to collect a stolen ringFantasy, Norse mythology, undead, witchcraft, subterfuge, honor2023-06-17 1 
5690989Do Your Best Quest #153Johnny escapes piss town.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-06-22 5 
5680436Hajimete no HitozumaA young salaryman uncovers a shocking secret which ties his estranged father and new bride, and must decide what to do with this informationAbandoned Quest, Adopted Quest, Cuckoldry, Family Drama, Oneshot, Suprisingly Wholesome, Japanese Culture2023-06-24 12 
5656104Kobolt Klan Adoption 12The gang continues travelling through fantasy england and pick up a new freak of nature.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, cute family stuff2023-06-26 8 
5664976Rise of the Awakened #6The party beats the owlbears, get blown up, narrowly survives, get kidnapped and robbed, escape, and accidentally warcrime their kidnappers.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Potato, Ord, Horny Deer, Accidental Warcrimes, Prison Break, Q Wolf Cult2023-06-29 5 
July 2023
5696348Do Your Best Quest #154Johnny makes some big plans!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-07-06 5 
5671876Archimedean Quest #3In which a noble Lady finds herself in strange vessels, kisses a man and learn the true nature of Alchymysts.Archimedean, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Airships, The Great Game, Secret Despatches, Submersible, Submarine, Geber2023-07-10 10 
5699236Nightlife QuestA Quest about hunger, youth, and the dark. May your thirst be sated.AlucardQM, urban fantasy, supernatural, modern, vampires?2023-07-12 1 
5708011Do Your Best Quest #155Johnny finally finds out what happened in that fucking Stadium! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-07-16 7 
5702690Kengan Omicron Quest #1The beginning of Billy's journey.Colective Game, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-07-16 9 
5683621Alterac Resurgent Quest 21Alric's adventure in Durnholde comes close. He deals with politics, relationship foes, gets his moustache burned off. The usual stuff.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-07-18 6 
5689343The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 8In which Mouse and his crew help thwart a mercenary coup and Mouse sets out to take control of his dreams...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-07-27 20 
August 2023
5692091Pokemon Trainer Quest 18You relaxed after the Barrier Islands events, trained, Rusty began to shed, battled and got burned.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Training, Battle, SuperBusy2023-08-01 3 
5685111Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #3/Ritalinda/ have fun at the tightrope, /Erimena/ see the face of god, Helen suffers from success and Emma... you know the rest.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Lumina Canima, being Emma is suffering, Hush, yuri, hardcore yuri desuwa2023-08-02 8 
5688740Life or Circuits #1A post apocalyptic world in which we follow our robotic Tactician protagonist. But then the QM gets sick.Post Apocalyptic, Techie, Life or Circuits, Tactician, Mechanimancer, Specialist, Grunt, Bruiser, Robots, Survival, Drawquest2023-08-05 2 
5720123Do Your Best Quest #156The 6th Anniversary Thread! Johnny uses the forbidden technique...collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural2023-08-10 10 
5703153Rise of the Awakened #7Kinny zaps a mob, the cultists kill some heretics, Mog gets his sword back, finds a slime, has a tantrum, Ursus wins a duel. qst on hiatus.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Adler, Harold, Deer Paladin Bros, Quest Hiatus, d-d-d-duel, Long-ass arc2023-08-15 5 
5735750Do Your Best Quest #157Johnny enters the Bradford Memorial Poker Tournament!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-08-26 6 
5715687Alterac Resurgent Quest 22Alric's stay in Southshore came to an end. There was an important meeting, new closer alliance was forged and step by step spring arrivesAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-08-31 5 
September 2023
5715265Kobolt Klan Adoption 13 The gang travels through a forest and meet up with some big spider. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Fae2023-09-02 8 
5718998Hunter Quest #1A former US Army scout turned exorcist hunts occult monsters in the 1850's American wilderness.Supernatural, Occult, Western, Horror2023-09-04 9 
5730276Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 19You meditated with Gareth, trained with Queenie, wore yourself out and chased ghosts and wild pokemon around the gym.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, 'Dungeon', SuperBusy2023-09-13 3 
5729935The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 9in which Mouse the ogre accrues some out of body experienceCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-09-14 20 
5752900Do Your Best Quest #158Johnny becomes Poker Champion!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-09-17 5 
5732922Kengan Omicron #2Billy starts training with Mokichi and discover clues to his mom's assassination.Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-09-22 6 
October 2023
5767014Do Your Best Quest #159Johnny meets his greatest fan girl.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-10-01 5 
5749767Lovers of The Sun: IYOU are a Lover of The Sun. Do Heroism, and maybe someday you too will feel Her embrace!Lovers of The Sun, LoTS, quest, SunQM, knights, medieval, fantasy, drawquest, lighthearted2023-10-05 1 
5754561Alterac Resurgent Quest 23Alric ends up dealing with relationship drama, gets stuck in a cabin due to a storm and handles a lot of small thingsAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-10-08 5 
5782175The CollectiveIn the fictional totalitarian country of the Republic of Talus, The Collective rules supreme, watching everything. Totalitarian quest, Apocalyptic survival, Alternate History2023-10-09 0 
5780580Do Your Best Quest #160Johnny recalls a rat.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-10-13 6 
5767757Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 20You beat a Gengar, got some well-earned sleep, found out Fie's Dad is coming to visit and started a battle against Emma.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Gym, SuperBusy2023-10-13 3 
5769154The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 10In which some consequences of Mouse's bold actions are revealed.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-10-15 20 
5766435Hunter Quest #2A former US Army scout turned exorcist hunts occult monsters in the 1850's American wilderness.Supernatural, Occult, Western, Horror2023-10-15 7 
5766917Buried DerelictA girl gets trapped in an abandoned ancient facility with a nasty mutant infestation, and must survive and escape.Buried Derelict, Survival, Drawquest2023-10-17 6 
5773888Kengan Omicron #3Billy defeats one of the assassins and leave him alive after getting more info on the case and now he's heading to the Kengan exam fight. Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-10-24 3 
5774217Rise of the Awakened #8The gang beat the deer, recover their gear minus their guns, confront history in a museum town, experiment with polymorph rings, and relax.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Back from hiatus, Yawn chain, R&R, Downtime, Worldbuilding, Quest2023-10-24 4 
57747542023 AD: After AmericaElaine Rosewood ventures out into a post-nuclear North Virginia in search of a cure for the plague.dskQM, 2023 AD: After America, Post-Apocalypse, Survival, Quest2023-10-25 8 
5795968Do Your Best Quest #161Johnny uncovers a plot. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-10-28 5 
5792391Mystic Harvest 2We have our shopping delivered by a cute patch-face girl and we start clearing more of the farming field.Mystic Harvest, SysQm, Farming, Cozy, Fantasy, Supernatural2023-10-29 4 
5776609Moth Agent QuestFollow the adventures of a humanoid mothman that works for a company dealing with supernatural shenanigans. You also have a cute pet.Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, supernatural, USA, Gunslinger, anomaly, pet2023-10-31 7 
5772094Kobolt Klan Adoption 14In which Reynauld fights a spider and gets poisoned, also there's a transhumanist debate.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Transhumanism2023-10-31 6 
November 2023
5785474Wild Wild QwestCypher System Powered Quest Inspired by film & show of same name. Arc 1. Dodge City Rumble.Collective game, fanfic, western, scifi, supernatural2023-11-07 2 
5825719The Collective - #3Totalitarian society in the Republic of Talus. Alternate History, fictional country, survival quest2023-11-10 0 
58127352023 AD: After America 2Elaine and Rudy get closer, arrive at Hubcap, and meet the Samaritans.dskQM, 2023 AD: After America, Post-Apocalypse, Survival, Quest2023-11-12 4 
5780952Meatwars Quest #1Zanasai, an agent of a once great empire goes on a seemingly routine mission to destroy a cultmeatwars, sci-fi, body horror, post-apocalyptic, survival2023-11-13 1 
5818257Do Your Best Quest #162Johnny makes unforgettable memories.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-11-18 5 
5789162Alterac Resurgent Quest 24Alric handles business with Dark Irons, has a serious incident that throws all the plans sideways, but at least his studies progressAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-11-18 5 
5796874The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 11In which Mouse the ogre and his team depart from the Cathedral City and embark on a journey to confront the heart of darkness...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-11-24 20 
5798203Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 21You finished battling Emma, met Fie's dad and headed on out again.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Defeat, SuperBusy2023-11-26 3 
5836724Do Your Best Quest #163Johnny finishes recalling a rat.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-11-29 11 
5832322Fate Catastrophe/Superposition10 Years after the Fuyuki Grail War came to an end, Marshall Vrilizadre is chosen by the Grail and summons his Servant. AvengerFate, Type-Moon, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Servants, Grail War2023-11-29 0 
December 2023
5806023Rise of the Awakened #9The gang chat a lot the whole thread, steals a lute, finds a love letter, sells their wares to rabbits, relaxes with some vidya and alcohol.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Velveteen and Frou Frou Tribes, R&R, Downtime, Quest2023-12-01 2 
5802604Buried Derelict 2Hemya raids a mutant camp and OP declares an indefinite hiatus.Buried Derelict, Survival, Drawquest2023-12-04 5 
5806381The False-Woman: A Warhammer 40k Quest #1You are a tankborn: a customized person made to serve the highborn. Yet, you are imperfect.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2023-12-06 18 
5811050Vampire the Dark Ages: Athens By NightKalina of Damascus is initiated into as a NeonateVampire the Dark Ages, Athens By Night, World of Darkness, WoD, Crassus, Tzimisce, Byzantium, Constantinople2023-12-14 7 
5850813Do Your Best Quest #164Johnny loses his pigtails. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-12-15 6 
5826377Concrete Stratosphere Quest #1In a futuristic crime-filled dystopia, an average unremarkable guy decides to put on a mask and do something about it.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Dystopian, Collective Game, Capeshit, Superhero, Detective,2023-12-18 3 
5824773Kengan Omicron #4Billy win his fight and passes the Kengan exam. Now he's heading to another one of the assassins looking for answers. Ref QM, Ref, Colective Game, Martial Arts, Kengan Omicron Quest, Kengan Omicron, Kengan Asura, Kengan Omega2023-12-18 3 
5851424UnteralterbootYou're Herr Kaleun, captain of the ceremonial u-boat with a crew consisting of little girls for the purpose of kriegsmarine propaganda. ESL_QM, ESL, WW2, Kriegsmarine, Cute and Funny, Submarine, Naval Warfare, Romance, Captain2023-12-23 6 
5859064Fate Catastrophe/Superposition #2After a heart to heart with Avenger, Marshall finds out he is to head off to Russia. Meeting the competiton before his plane crashesFate, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Grail War, Servants, Hassan of 1,000 IP Addresses2023-12-23 0 
5836536Alterac Resurgent Quest 25The spring finally arrives and Alric does a lot of decisions regarding the future of Alterac. Also Black Gold.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2023-12-24 5 
5850592The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 12In which Mouse and co.'s journey into the heart of darkness is punctuated with violence and enlightenment.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2023-12-29 16 
January 2024
5873414Do Your Best Quest #165Johnny tells the truth to a Pod Baby.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-01-06 6 
5851983Batquest Issue IV Part I: Batquest/SuperquestBatman juggles the rise of a new serial killer and the arrival of Superman in GothamBatman, Superman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest, The Hypercrisis Bro2024-01-12 5 
5851704Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 22You made camp on the way back to Silveridge, dreamed, trained and started a battle with a bug catcher.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Butt, Battle, SuperBusy2024-01-17 2 
5884291Do Your Best Quest #166Johnny calls for a Smug-Off.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-01-19 5 
5854953Rise of the Awakened #10The party continue to party for the rest of the night while learning lore, gaining dosh, and finding out about a new quest.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Rabbit Tribes, R&R, Party, Downtime, Quest2024-01-20 2 
5857674The False-Woman #2: A Warhammer 40k QuestThe tankborn begins to develop a sense of purpose, crossing the depths of the hive, but also hearing a calling.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-01-22 16 
5883654Fantasy PeregrinationA boy with a prosthetic arm and heart for adventure seeks treasure (but ends early due to the QM Curse).Collective Game, Peregrination, adventure, fantasy, treasure2024-01-26 1 
February 2024
5898037Do Your Best Quest #167Johnny wins someone's daughter in a card gamecollective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-02-01 6 
5881442Alterac Resurgent Quest 26The stay in Tarren Mill continues as the army marches into Strahnbrad Hills. Excitement! Assassins!Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-02-06 5 
5914519Do Your Best Quest #168Johnny deals with thirsty girls for an entire thread.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-02-16 5 
5891913Batquest Issue #4, Part II: Batquest/Superquest Batman faces Task Force X with unforseen allies while Nightwing and Poison Ivy fight The Religion of CrimeBatman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest, The Hypercrisis Bro2024-02-27 4 
5929126Do Your Best Quest #169Johnny fails to have a normal date.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-02-27 5 
5895197The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 13In which Mouse and his companions conclude a brief violent detour on the road to their ultimate goalCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-02-28 11 
March 2024
5896046Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 23You battled two boys, made it back to Silveridge, trained some of your team, met back up with Jean and her group and battled a Hex Maniac.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Silveridge, Battle, SuperBusy2024-03-02 3 
5900197Rise of the Awakened #11The party finally enter the Canis Lupin, insult the border patrol guard, and go into hiding for a bit until they come up with a plan.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Quest, Canis Lupin, Poco the Muscle Cat, in hiding2024-03-07 2 
5899265The False-Woman #3: A Warhammer 40k QuestThe calling matures, and the tankborn hears the whispers of the machine.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-03-09 10 
5908203"Super" "Villain" QuestThe beginning misadventures of Carrie, an aspiring supervillain with elastic body superpowers, and a general incompetence towards villainy.Collective game, quest, supers, superhero, villain, supervillain, Stretch Goals 2024-03-17 11 
5953028Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Chocolat Noir Son Gohan has been injured, and as the Inspector on this case, you have to get the dirty details from one Son Peppa. Good luck!Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-03-21 2 
5924398Alterac Resurgent Quest 27Alric's stay in Tarren Mill comes to an end, he learns to handle fire and Stonemason's finally arrive to Dawnholme.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-03-25 3 
April 2024
5941709Do Your Best Quest #170You know, on second thought, maybe this should've been 169...collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-04-05 20 
5942488The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 14In which a judgment is passed and Mouse with his companions continue on their journey into the heart of darknessCollective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-04-05 6 
5939841Batquest Issue #4, Part III: Batquest/Superquest Batman and Superman collide as the Riddler's plan enters the endgame. Will the heroes stand as friends, or foes?!Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Superman, The Hypercrisis Bro, Batquest2024-04-11 2 
5945155Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 24You beat the Hex Maniac, Volta evolved,beat a guy hitting on Martha, had dinner, agreed on where to head next and Martha joined the party.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Silveridge Town, SuperBusy2024-04-14 3 
5971498Do Your Best Quest #171Johnny has a ball.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-04-19 12 
5944238"Super" "Villain" Quest 2The continuing misadventures of Carrie, a new supervillain with an elastic body. Wherein a bank is robbed, and a secret society is found.Collective game, quest, supers, superhero, villain, supervillain, Stretch Goals2024-04-22 7 
5947474The False-Woman #4: A Warhammer 40k QuestA change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-04-23 10 
5949105Rise of the Awakened #12A new human thaws, a soul put to rest, spiders slain, a will told, info gathered, and horrors unveiled. The Canis Lupin arc truly begins.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Arsene, Jessica, Gawain, Kuma, Canis Lupin, Intrigue, Horror's back, Ques2024-04-23 2 
May 2024
5991914Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Blanc QuestInspecter Momiji is getting closer to the truth, but will Son Peppa let her find it? Will they crack the case, or crack to pieces? Find out.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-05-02 3 
5960681Alterac Resurgent Quest 28Alric deals with Stonemasons, meets with someone familiar and fights a terrible enemy.Alterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-05-07 3 
5977562The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 15In which Mouse and his company draw nearer to the end of their journey. A bold step into the dark is taken...Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-05-16 6 
5988713Do Your Best Quest: Relevant TimesPlay a myriad of characters doing something relevant in their respective sidestories! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-05-18 5 
5976805Batquest Weekly Issue #4 Part IV: Batquest/Superquest Finale Part 1Batman, Superman and a surprise ally start the final battle against RiddlerBatman, Superman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest2024-05-22 2 
5981694Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 25You headed back to Saltcoast, battled a farmer, Queenie evolved and spent the night with Fie.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Battle, Queenie, SuperBusy2024-05-22 4 
5974637"Super" "Villain" Quest 3The continuing misadventures of Carrie, a new supervillain with an elastic body. Wherein a nice vacation results in trouble.Collective game, quest, supers, superhero, villain, supervillain, Stretch Goals2024-05-22 2 
6009662Do Your Best Quest #172Johnny meets Carol's family.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-05-25 5 
5981619RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 1Shelly Suzume, a Huntress from Haven Academy, starts her journey after getting out of her early retirement.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-05-25 1 
6002748 Alola Quest #1Poor Amon Sus homeless kid gets a chance at a better life after winning a contest and a trip to Alola. Hijinks and dropped Spaghetti happenPokemon Ultra Sun/Moon, Pokemon, roleplaying, Alternate Universe, 2024-05-31 0 
June 2024
5984806The False-Woman #5: A Warhammer 40k QuestYou're not entirely sure why you're here, in this place of worship. The fact that this bothers you at all is more troubling than anything.False Woman, 40k, Mystery, Survival2024-06-02 6 
5990341Rise of the Awakened #13The party kills squids, capture Kuma, squid explodes before interrogation, the party sics Sunny on Gawain, Superman is met, a spy is caught.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Sunny, Kuma, Cephalopods, Superman, Retard Raccoon, Canis Lupin, Quest2024-06-06 2 
6023261Do Your Best Quest #173Johnny goes on an adventure with hobos!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-06-08 5 
6015083The Demon King's General Proposes to the Hero #2We prepare for our date with the demon king's top general!Demon, Romance, Demon Wrangler, Fantasy, Comedy, Elf, Bard, Succubus2024-06-10 10 
6030890Do Your Best Quest #174Johnny discovers the dark secrets behind his apartment's walls.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-06-15 5 
5999763Alterac Resurgent Quest 29Alric deals with the aftermath of previous fighting, makes Tari a happy girl and battles kobolds and ogresAlterac Resurgent Quest, Warcraft, Medieval, Fantasy, MedivhQM, Collective Game2024-06-15 2 
6037279UPYRPRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land, But what was lost lingers in the blood. quest, collective game, horror, vampire, LA, noir, guns, urban gothic, romance, drama, occult, supernatural, beach, dystopia, collapse2024-06-16 1 
6012263Silver Knight Quest You play as Argia Candente, a cursed trainee Knight with silvery hair, fighting to show your valour and free your family.Silver Knight Quest, Argia Candente, Sunseeker QM, Fantasy, Paladins, Knights, Medieval, Worldbuilding Galore2024-06-26 8 
6017725The Dogbusters' March / Kuroinu Girlfriend 16In which Mouse and his company finally reach the heart of darkness, the confrontation draws imminent.Collective Game, Kuroinu, Monster Protagonist, Usurper2024-06-29 3 
July 2024
6016690RWBY Quest: "Tales of a Sparrow" Part 2You discovered more about your past, being officialy branded 'dead' by Haven Academy, even when you're alive.Collective Game, RWBY, Missval, Shelly Suzume, RWBY Quest2024-07-01 0 
6047993Do Your Best Quest #175Johnny continues having adventures against his will.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-07-04 3 
6022379Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 26You stocked up on supplies, beat down a couple of Team Green robbers, perused an adult store, set out for Redmont Town and caught a Mudkip.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Team Green, Mudkip, SuperBusy2024-07-05 2 
6037271Loving a SuperheroJay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, stumbles upon a criminal conspiracy tied to the CCPDC, Superman Family, Justice League of China, LGBT, Adopted Quest2024-07-06 2 
6053240Do Your Best Quest #176Johnny has a bachelor party.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-07-14 5 
6058783Do Your Best Quest #177Johnny gets married (not really.)collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-07-19 4 
6052846Loving A Superhero: Part 2Jay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, returns from overseas and grapples with horror beneath Metropolis' own streetsDC, Superman Family, Justice League of China, CCP, LGBT, Judaism, Jewish Tunnels, Adopted Quest2024-07-21 0 
6063050Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat PĂȘche QuestWill Peppa be able to weather the storm of the QM's OCs coming her way, or will they all reap the whirlwind?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Not Kato, bullying, self-harm, grooming, drug use, violence, suicidal ideation, rape2024-07-21 1 
6027314Rise of the Awakened #14Ursus hunts info, meets Sage, question a raccoon-squid, question and kidnap Gawain, rescue Bobby, uncover a lizard plot, Ursus vs Lincoln.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Jessica, Gawain, Bobby, Lincoln, Sage, Canis Lupin, Intrigue, Quest2024-07-23 0 
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