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 Koishi Komeiji, the Closed Eyes of Love, magical girl Templar of Nibenay, subconscious-manipulating psion extraordinaire, reporting in!
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Koishi Komeiji, the Closed Eyes of Love, level 9 Kalashtar, Psion Build: Telepathic Psion Discipline Focus: Shaper Focus Kalashtar: Bluff, Diplomacy, Stealth Bonus Background: Arcane Agent (+2 to Stealth)
FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 12, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 20.
STARTING ABILITY SCORES Str 12, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16.
AC: 23 Fort: 19 Reflex: 23 Will: 25 HP: 56 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 14
TRAINED SKILLS Bluff +18, Diplomacy +18, Endurance +15, Insight +10, Perception +12, Stealth +16
UNTRAINED SKILLS Acrobatics +5, Arcana +9, Athletics +5, Dungeoneering +5, Heal +5, History +9, Intimidate +9, Nature +5, Religion +9, Streetwise +9, Thievery +5
FEATS Psion: Ritual Caster Level 1: Vistani Heritage Level 2: Bardic Dilettante Level 4: Bardic Ritualist Level 6: Unarmored Agility Level 8: Superior Implement Training (Crystal orb) Feat User Choice: Improved Defenses Feat User Choice: Implement Expertise (Orb) Feat User Choice: Weapon Expertise (Unarmed) Feat User Choice: Implement Expertise (Staff) Feat User Choice: Implement Focus (Orb) Feat User Choice: Implement Focus (Staff) Feat User Choice: Weapon Focus (Staff) Feat User Choice: Weapon Focus (Unarmed) Feat User Choice: Melee Training (Charisma) |