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03/21/10(Sun)15:35 No.8705960 File1269200153.jpg-(38 KB, 303x625, four freedoms 1995.jpg)
 Four Freedoms Plaza is at the corner of 42nd St. and Madison Ave. Troy, Dana, Adelina, and Jacob whine visiting "some boring science lab", instead wanting to shop and experience New York. Nevertheless, Mr. Drake escorts them all to their destination. There, they check in at the front desk, and are sent up to the 81st floor.
When the car gets to the 81st floor, the doors slide open and a robot stands waiting on the other side.
"Hello, friends. Please follow me." It gestures down the hallway, waiting for the mutants to step out and follow. It will answer most questions the kids have (Knowledge: Four Freedoms Plaza +12, Knowledge: Fantastic Four +12).
On the walk down the hall, Bobby cocks his head and halts for a second. If any of the kids notice (notice check), they can stop and ask him what's up:
"Hmm? Oh, I don't know.. I just thought I saw something, but... Oh, well, let's not get left behind," gesturing at the robot and the other students that are almost out of sight around a corner.
They are led to a pair of large metal sliding doors that swoosh open into a large, brightly-lit laboratory, where Tor meets his sweetie, and Bobby meets with Dr. Richards. Reed tells Bobby that they're almost finished with this set of tests, so (the flatscan) will be free for the rest of the day. It's fine if they stick around in the lab.
If any of the mutants are curious, Reed will tell them what the unfathomable machines are. The bulk of the room is taken up by a trans-dimensional spectrograph, but there is also a neutrino containment matrix, a kinetic converter, and several other "auxiliary" machines that extend to other floors or are redundant lab equipment present on every floor. |