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!Q7t.srvWZ6 03/18/12(Sun)17:59 No.18371433 File: 1332107941.jpg-(387 KB, 800x630, 146th-War-Room.jpg)
Howard flips his phone shut, and looks to the Captain. "Alright, Warrants have been issues, and a couple of detectives and a handful of plain-clothes are on their way to Anna's apartment now. If we're lucky, she'll still be taking a nap, and we can wrap this right quick."
Professor Ellsworth shakes her head. "I'm still surprised Anna would go to such extreme measures. It doesn't sound like her. She's driven, yes, but self-destructive? I wouldn't have guessed." "Yeah, well," You say, a little dryly, "She didn't seemed about as happy with you as with me, and she's tried to *kill* me a couple times." Ellsworth frowns. "We've never been close, especially since her father died, but we've been civil for a number of years now. Until everyone lost track of her over a week ago, we talked regularly." Anya raises her hand and waves it back and forth a little.
"I think I know the answer to this one." She faces in your general direction. "You said she'd been at least talking with It for a while right? Well, y'know that little voice in your head that tells you the nasty things? Imagine if it was actually malicious, and not just your own self-doubts." Blackstone looks over at Anya. "You're suggesting It's been egging her on to get her deeper in debt?" She nods. He frowns. "Well, that would be consistent." The Captain speaks. "So, its compromised her. It starts out mutually beneficial, then when she feels like she's in over her head, she gets in deep, and can't pay her way out?" Blackstone shakes his head. "On the contrary, she *can* pay her way out, by attempting to destroy the world as we know it." Right, that part. |