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02/28/11(Mon)23:06 No.14081874 File1298952403.png-(642 KB, 718x822, 1d4681c35140751de613b87e33d5d8(...).png)
 >>14080789 >>14080971 Satori the satori begins with Might 2, Finesse 2, Resolve 2, Will 8, Charm 2, Cunning 8. Read Feelings and Read Thoughts both use Cunning, so she wants that high to be a good satori, and Telepathy (which Read Feelings and Read Thoughts require) has a prerequisite of Will 8 anyway. As a side effect, she has extremely high attack rolls and initiative, so she's a glass cannon who hits hard and fast... not exactly iconic for a satori youkai, is it? Yet that's what satori are encouraged and more or less expected to have...
Rin the kasha (hell cat) spent her points a different way. She has Might 4, Finesse 4, Resolve 4, Will 4, Charm 4, Cunning 4.
Now let's say that in the long term, they both want to have Might 4, Finesse 4, Resolve 4, Will 8, Charm 4, Cunning 8.
To get that, Satori has to spend (3 + 4) x 4, or 28, Fandom Points. Poor Rin has to blow (5 + 6 + 7 + 8) x 2, or 52, Fandom Points. Satori gets 24 more FP than Rin in the long run just because of how she arranged her starting stats.
I don't think that's right. Do you?
>>14080968 That doesn't bother me too much. This game uses Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Nature, Spirit, Illusion, and Enchantment. Japanese elements use Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Void. Void can work as Spirit in a way.
Patchouli's Wood and Metal can just be specific applications of the spells here.
But what really bothers me about the spells is the arbitrary stat requirements, which are all Will and Resolve. They're totally unnecessary. |